01x08 - Grand Finale

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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01x08 - Grand Finale

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously on

"Rupaul's drag race"...

- Don't put words in

My mouth, girl.

You're the one

Complaining, not me.

- She is just playing

The game.

- They think I'm a bitch

Or something. f*ck 'em.

- If one of you has to go,

Who should it be?

- Shannel.

- She would be my

Biggest competition.

- You're goin' down.

- So we are down

To two queens.

Shannel, rebecca,

The time has come...

For you to lip sync

For your life.

- ♪ And I'm gonna play this ♪

♪ I'm gonna play this ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Take the shackles

Off my feet... ♪

- Rebecca,

Chante, you stay.

Shannel, sashay away.

And tonight...

- We're going to be in

Rupaul's new music video.

- That has to be

Sassy, bitchy.

One, bam!

- ♪ If they want to be me,

Oh, I am the fantasy ♪

- Where's rebecca glasscock?

Is she coming?

- You never, ever

Rush a queen.

It's f*ckin' bullshit.

- I've made my decision.

You are the winner of

"Rupaul's drag race."

- The winner of "rupaul's

Drag race" will receive

A feature photo spread in

"Paper" magazine, a portrait

Taken by renowned photographer

Greg gorman for the la eyeworks

Legendary designer

Eyewear campaign,

A headline spot on

The absolut pride tour

Across the usa,

Plus a cash prize of $20,000,

Courtesy of absolut vodka

And mac cosmetics.

And may the best woman win.

- ♪ Rupaul drag queen,

Start your engines ♪

♪ Rupaul drag queen,

May the best woman win ♪

♪ Rupaul drag queen,

Start your engines ♪

♪ Rupaul drag queen ♪

♪ May the last woman,

Last woman win ♪

- [Laughs]


- Hello, people.

- Hello,

Hello, hello, hello.

- All right.

- That's a lotta space.

- Shannel left her wig.

- Hmm...

Only three of us left.

Final row.

I could win this,

And I wanna win

This very bad.

- Have you ever been bottom two?

- I never was bottom two.

- Oh, really, it

Doesn't make you better.

- Nobody said

Anything about that.

- I have proven to

Be consistent during

The whole competition.

I made it this far, and

I'm gonna keep fighting

'Til the end.

- Don't think because you have

Not been bottom two it means

You're that fierce, 'cause...

The game is so on.

It's goin' to be

A battle right now.

And I'm thinking, ok,

Will they want somebody

Who is the very, very

Punk, edgy, just high drag,

Boy drag, androgyny?

Will they want, uh,

Somebody who is very girly,

Very kind of barbie like?

Still young,

Ready to be molded,

Or will they want somebody

Who is from a different

Cultural background?

I mean, I am so

Confident with who I am

And what I do,

And my personality.

I believe I'm the true

Heir to rupaul.

And so my mind is set to win.

- All right, bitch! Work!

- Last girl standing is

The one that's gonna win

This challenge.

I've made it this far.

I've come all the way from

Florida to california,

And they're looking

For the next drag superstar.

So why would I go home?


- Hey, racers.

Mirror, mirror on the wall,

Who's the greatest music video

Diva of them all?

If you guess madonna, you're

Immediately eliminated from

This competition!

- Beyonce.

- Guess again.

- Cher!

- Guess again.

- Grace jones.

- Guess again!

- Rupaul.

- That's right.

So get ready for the music

That will make the bourgeoisie

And the rebel come together.

- Ha ha ha!

- You're fired, loca. Fired.

- Hello, hello, hello.

- Ah.

- Work it!

- Hi, girls.

- First time.

- Surprise.

I would not have

Recognized any of you.

- Not one bit.

It's amazing.

We're here because rupaul

Is preparing for your

Final challenge.

- In his career, ru has shared

The screen with music icons

Like elton john

And diana ross.

And today, it's going

To be your turn.

- For your final challenge,

You will be performing

With rupaul as he sh**t his

Music video for his fierce

New single:

"Cover girl...put the

Bass in your walk."

- Ah!

- We're going to be in

Rupaul's new music video.

So we're gonna be all over

On mtv and it's

Gonna be awesome.

- You're going to work with

Choreographer ryan heffington

To learn your moves.

- Next, you get to write

And perform

A solo featured piece

With the rapper cazwell.

- Oh, my god.

- I know.

- Finally, you'll sh**t the

Video with director mike ruiz.

So for the last time, girls...

Don't f*ck it up!

- Whoo!

- Whoo!

- Hello!

- Hi, ladies.

- Hi, my name

Is ryan heffington,

And I'm a professional


Today you're gonna be

Learning choreography.

There's a section where

You should be in sync.

So when it needs to be

Perfect, it should be perfect.

Let your character shine and

Go for it and work the camera.

If you had bass in your

Walk, you'd be walkin'

Like this, yeah?

That has to be sassy, bitchy.

One, bam!

It has to be

Little bit dirtier.

You work the camera.

Work the camera.

- Can I have those?

I love those shoes.

- Are you ready to do it?

- Yes! Let's do it.

- Let's dance.

Click, click, click.

Hah, hah.

There's a bit of a

Pause after 3?

Dunh, dunh, dunh.

Dunh, dunh, dunh.

Dunh, dunh, bam.

- Ryan didn't

Waste any time.

He was very hard and very

Sharp on the choreography.

- Unh, dunh, hah!

- Ryan turned it out.

I mean, the dance

Routine was fierce,

Fierce, fierce,

Fierce, fierce.

- You should look like

Chorus girls, where

Everyone's the same,

But you should also be

The star of the video.

So live here.

From the top.

- I'm not a good dancer,

But I'm a good dance faker.

- 1, 2!

Hup! Chasse.

Head roll, one!

And hah! Hah! Hah! Hah!

So, one thing you don't wanna do

In improv is do this.

Yeah? You need to nail it.

I think it was, more

Challenging for rebecca.

I love this sensuous

Side of you,

But when you hit accents,

Hit accents.

- Ok.

- Don't hold back.

- Ok.

- Especially at the end.

Bam, bam, bam, bam!

- I'm still learning that.

- Yeah. Let's get it.

And a pop, pop, pop,

Pop, pop, pop!

- But should we go

Like this and then open,

Or should we just...

- Ok, we don't have time to

Go over it and over it

And over it, yeah?

- Oh, ok.

- Here we go!

Hup, hup, hup, hup!


Get those eyes up.

- Work that camera,

Work that camera.

I know you're thinkin'.

I know you're thinkin'.

Just work.

So that very last

Part, it's improv.

That's where we should

See your character.

Let's do one at a time.

Hup, hup, hah! Hah!

What is great about nina

Is that she owns it.

And it's really her

Own taste and flair

To what I've given her,

Which is great.

Hah, hah, hah!

Bebe was great.

It was more of a playful

Experience for her, rather than

Super challenging and hard.

- So, we haven't danced

For, like, ever,

So it just felt like being

In a nightclub and just

Doing your thing, so.

- Seemed like she didn't

Have to concentrate as hard

As the other ladies.

She just has it in her.

Hup, hup, hah!


- Work it, bitch!

- Ok, rebecca,

Nail it.

Hup, hup, hup, hup!




- I did not do my best,

But I'm not gonna give up

'Til I cross that finish line.

Regardless of what happens,

There is no way

That I'm gonna stop.

- Rebecca, stop looking down.

Nail those accents at the end.

Boom. That's it.

Then you're on set.

You're in hair and makeup.

You're gonna k*ll it.

- I got it.

And it's all in my mind,

So hopefully I'll remember it.

- Killin' it.

- Thank you so much.

- Yeah, you're welcome.

- Part of the whole

Challenge, while we're

Learning choreography

And we're rapping and recording

And doing this and that,

Ru wants to sit down

With each of us and have

Lunch as well.

- Hi.

- Hello, nina.

- Mother.

- Come around here, darling.

Good to see you.

- Oh, my god.

- Sit down.

- So good to see you, too.

- I just wanted to have a

Little lunch with you and eat

Some of my favorite things.

- Ha! Little tic tacs.

I love it.

- I've already had too many.

There's a real sweetness

That comes from you

That has been surprising

From everyone, because

Your look is so severe, y'know?

Has there ever been

A really, really difficult,

Sort of dark period for you?

In your career?

- The most difficult time in my

Career was when my mom died.

I took a break from

Performing and

Rethink what I really wanted

To do with my life.

And after two years,

I realized that she would

Have want me to keep on going.

It was very emotional,

Because my father always knew,

But it was a subject that he

Would never speak about it.

And when I decided to

Come back, we had this big

Celebration in puerto rico,

And my sister surprise me,

Bringing my father.

- And he saw you perform?

- On my opening night.

I said,

Like, after this, I can go.

- You are a legendary queen,

And I cannot tell you how

Happy I am to have you here.

- Thank you, mother.

- Thank you, baby.

- All this time that we've been

Here in this competition,

We have been under her care.

But we didn't have that

Opportunity to cross words

With her and go into

Our more personal lives.

And it was amazing.

- That's a good child.

Ha ha!

- Yes. Thank you so much.

- Later.

[Music playing]

- I get to go to meet

Cazwell to do my rap.

- ♪ I seen beyonce at

Burger king ♪

♪ She ordered two cheeseburgers

With onion rings ♪

♪ She got a chocolate shake

And a side of fries... ♪

So you have your rap written

Out and everything?

- Yes.

- Ok.

So let me just hear you do

This without the music.

- Ok, cool. Hold up.

- Here's one.

[Clears throat]

- ♪ Let me tell you somep'n,

Girl, from the

Voice of experience ♪

♪ You wanna fix that walk

If you wanna look fierce ♪

♪ I know a simple and effective

Way to better it all ♪

♪ You gotta put some bass

If you wanna do the walk ♪

♪ Uh-huh ♪

♪ Bass, honey ♪

♪ Glasscock for

Your nerves, mama ♪

- Ok, you have

Homegirl did not bring

All of her lines.

She's supposed to bring 8 bars,

And she came with 4.

- I'm going to have to

Pull something out of the hat

And literally outta nowhere,

Write down 4 more bars.

There's just not enough

Time, but I'm just gonna

Put it on paper,

Sing it into the mic,

And just make it happen.

Ok, I'm gonna

Bang this out now.

I'm gonna bang it out.

I'm gonna bang it out.

- Ready?

- Yeah.

♪ Now, let me tell you

Somep'n, girl, from the

Voice of experience ♪

♪ You wanna fix your walk

If you wanna look fierce ♪

♪ I know a simple and effective

Way to better it all ♪

♪ You gotta put some bass

If you wanna do the walk ♪

Could I do that again?

- Sure.

- Yeah,

'Cause I f*cked it up.

- I was just

Kinda like, all right.

Well, I'll just chill here.

You tell me when you got it.

I hope we don't go over time,

Or else you won't have

Time to record it, y'know?

[Music playing]

Ok, you missed it.

- Let's go back.

- Go back.

How are we on time?

- 5 Minutes.

- Ok.

[Music playing]

Let's do it again.

I decided to be very ambitious

And do speed rapping.

What the hell was I thinking?

I mean, like, literally,

I might have just thrown

The noose over my neck.

♪ I know a simple and effective

Way to better it all ♪

♪ You gotta put some bass

If you wanna do the walk ♪

♪ I'm the glasscock

[Unintelligible] ♪

♪ The time is now to bump it up

With your bass and powder ♪

♪ Keep the shade aside ♪

- All right,

We got what we got.

- Ok.

- If she came prepared, then

We would've had time to

Record it perfectly,

And she didn't

Come prepared, unfortunately.

And I just had to settle for

Whatever it was that she had.

- Ladies who lunch.

Hello, darling.

Have you thought about

What you're gonna do

After the show?

- I believe so much

In community outreach.

Cameroon has its own problems,

Y'know, when it comes

To hiv/aids,

When it comes to poverty.

There are no, like,

Medications and stuffs, and...

People just die in

Front of you, y'know,

[Voice breaking]

And, you know, kinda

Crying out for help.

And it's hard.

It's very hard.


- I can only imagine

How hard hit cameroon and

All the area has been.

- You just have to

Live every day and

Just hope for the better,

That someday you can

Contribute in your own way to

Make things better for people.

- And that's why you're so

Special, because you get to

Pass this message on.

- That will be a

Beautiful day when it...

- It would really be.

Now, eat your tic tac,

And we will celebrate.

- Ha ha ha!

- Cheers. To cameroon.

- To cameroon.

To me, this was, like,

One of the greatest


To be able to be with a

Legend, and be able to see

Them from a different

Point of view.

- ♪ C'mon lady, do your pick ♪

♪ Do the cat-what as we speak ♪

- Wait, wait.

I did not understand

That word at all.

So it...♪ Do the catwalk

As we speak ♪

- Yeah.

- Ok, so do that again.

- ♪ Do the catwalk as we sp... ♪

Ok. Well, ♪ do the

Catwalk as we speak ♪

- Ok. This is

Gonna be a problem.

Nina, her

Accent was pretty spicy.

I didn't know if we

Were gonna pull it off.

What you're gonna

Have to do

Is, like, really,

Really pronunciate.

I'm not offendin' you, right?

- No! Of course not.

I'm here to learn.

- All right. Ok, ok, ok. Ok.

So let's start

From the beginning.

- ♪ Do the catwalk as... ♪


I struggle a little bit with my

Rap because my accent was

Like, really strong.

- But give me everything

That you've got, and, like,

All the energy

That you have, so...

[Music playing]

♪ Move your body,

Move your body ♪

♪ C'mon, ru, now

Shake that body ♪

♪ Work that runway one more

Time and let them see you

Blow our minds ♪

♪ Do the catwalk as we speak ♪

♪ C'mon lady, do your pick ♪

♪ Cover, cover, magazine ♪

♪ Lip gloss, eyelash,

Do your thing ♪

- Up high. Good job.

- I've never rapped

Before in my life,

But it was so much fun.

- Hey, girl!

- Hey, honey.

How are you?

I went ahead and

Ordered without you.

- [Laughs]

- Hope you don't mind.

- Not at all.

- A lotta people would say

You're the youngest one here.

A lot of the girls have

More experience than you

And that you're

In over your head.

What do you say to that?

- Well, y'know,

I might've encountered a

Little bit a shade from

The other girls in

This competition.

- Oh, really?

- Yeah, absolutely.

However, that's not something

That I'm not used to.

- A lotta times I'll ask

Myself, well, what was my

Contribution to making the

Situation the way it is?

What do you think

You've done to

Alienate the girls?

- I think maybe keeping to

Myself might've been misread

As, "oh, y'know,

She's standoffish"

Or, y'know, "she's

Tryin' to throw shade,"

But it's just

That's the way I am.

- Thank you for

Having lunch with me.

- Oh,

You're welcome.

Thank you for having ...

- Maybe we'll have to

Do something else.

I couldn't eat another bite.

Thank you rebecca.

- You're welcome.

Thank you.

- Darling.

- All right. We got

Half an hour.

Let's bang this out.

Ok, can you read this to me

Like you're gonna be rappin' it?

- ♪ Face, face, face ♪

♪ I give face ♪

♪ Beauty face ♪

♪ You can take, it's ok ♪

♪ Watch my body go insane ♪

- So what you've really gotta

Do is make sure that people

Understand every

Word that you say.

- I was a little bit

Frustrated, because

I do not rap.

- ♪ Hard, hard, hard ♪

♪ Give it hard,

Beauty hard ♪

- I didn't know if I was goin'

To do a good job at it.

- All right, hit me like

You're on the runway.

Just, like, how you would

Say it if you were, like,

On the runway.

You ready?

All right.

- ♪ Face, face, face,

I give face ♪

♪ Beauty face ♪

♪ You can take, it's ok,

Watch my body go insane ♪

♪ If you ever feel the need

That you wanna be free ♪

♪ Come right now

And walk the beats ♪

- You're a

Fierce bitch, man.

I'm scared a-you.

Bebe was,

Like, pretty professional,

And she was,

Like, y'know, really willing

To change, and she was really

Willing to give it everything

That she had.

- I wanna go a little dramatic.

♪ Face, face, face ♪

- Yeah, give it

Everything that you've

Got, but there's some words

I wanna do doubles on.

- ♪ Face, face, face,

I give face ♪

♪ Beauty face ♪

♪ You can take, it's ok,

Watch my body go insane ♪

- All right.

Let's do that again.

I want some more

Strength on the face.

Every time you do it...

Every time you do a face,

I just want you to, like,

Stamp your foot down,

Like, ♪ face, face, face,

Beauty face ♪

And they'll be able to feel

That when it goes through.

- I was excited.

- I fed from his energy,

Because when I talked to him,

He gave me that assurance

That, y'know what?

You can do this.

Yay, cazwell!

- All right.

- We are going to be

A part of the video with

Rupaul and, y'know,

This is it.

This is

The big moment.

- ♪ They wanna be me ♪

♪ I am the fantasy ♪

♪ Oh, girl ♪

♪ Put the bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe ♪

♪ Let your whole body talk ♪

♪ Cover girl, put the bass

In your walk... ♪

- Rupaul is an icon.

And bein' able to

Be with her,

It's incredible.

- ♪ And what? ♪

- All right.

So here we go with

The choreography.

- Mike ruiz was

Directin' the video,

And we worked with

Him in our first challenge.

So it was

Good because we had

A good connection.

- Roll playback.

- ♪ Put the bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe,

Let your whole body talk ♪

♪ Walk ♪

♪ Now walk ♪

♪ Walk ♪

♪ Now walk ♪

- ♪ And what? ♪

- ♪ Walk ♪

♪ Now walk ♪

♪ Walk ♪

♪ Now walk ♪

- ♪ And what? ♪

♪ Walk ♪

♪ Walk ♪

- Bebe's energy is amazing.

She's incredible in front a

The camera, and she really

Understands her body and

Moves well in a fluid motion

In front of the camera.

- ♪ Go down the runway ♪

♪ Another payday ♪

- Nina flowers nailed

The choreography.

She's just

An amazing performer.

- ♪ And when they see me ♪

♪ They wanna be me ♪

♪ I am the fantasy ♪

- And cut! Ok, that

Was great. Got it.

Rebecca is beautiful

In front of the camera

And aesthetically is probably

The realest of the three.

Let me just

See how it looks.

And it looks fierce!

Ok, roll playback.

- ♪ Go, girl,

Put the bass in your walk ♪

- Spin those dreads around!


Work it!



And it's sexy.

Like, rub your boobs!

Oh, yeah!

It's gorgeous!

Yes! Arms, everything!

Now just go crazy!

- ♪ And what? ♪


Ok. Movin' on.

- Bebe. Hi darlin'.

- How are you?

- I'm good. How are you?

- Good.

I was excited.

I didn't know if I was going to

Do a good job at it,

But I was excited

That I even got

A chance to do it.

- Ok, and we'll roll playback.

You're on the runway.

Work it, girl!

Work the runway!

Not so crazy, though.

Like, sexier.

A little happier!


But not crazy happy!


- ♪ ...down the runway ♪

♪ Another payday ♪

♪ Cover of magazines ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

- Yes, yes, yes!

Ok, now go nuts!


Close your eyes.

- ♪ And what? ♪

- Ok, got it! Beautiful.

- Ugh.

Anyone next?

Anyone ready?


Rebecca glasscock?

Is she coming?

- It's f*ckin' bullshit.

- Is she on her way?


Waiting for rebecca.

Where's rebecca?

- Today is just a

Funky day for me.

I'm not ready.

- I'm not happy with my makeup

Or my look or my hair.

And just everything's a mess.

- Well, since somebody's ready,

Let's get some more.

- I know, extra time.

It's my weak link. Ok?

- It came down to whatever.

I can't do anything else.

Y'know, I'm just gonna

Have to do it with

Crappity makeup and just

Crazy-ass hair, so...

[Music playing]

- And cut!


That was great.


- Hello.

- What took so long?

We're waitin' for you.

You know your, like, your

Hairline's showing, right?

Is that ok?

- No. I didn't have

Enough time to,

Really fix my hair,

'Cause they were like,

Hurry up, hurry up!

So I'm like, agh!

- It's really showing a lot.

- Do you wanna take

A second to ...

- Yes, please.

- To fix it? Ok, um...

Ok, rebecca has to go

And fix her hair.

Why don't both of you

Come in?

- Yay!

- It's the showdown

Of the b*tches.

And roll playback.

Y'know, I don't

Think you can aspire to really

Great heights


If you can't pull it together

Better than that.

- You never, ever

Rush a queen.

- How can I present

Myself confidently in front

Of a camera when, y'know,

I feel like something's wrong?

It's f*ckin' bullshit.

- More wriggle!

You guys are fighting now.

It's a pretend fight!

Strangle each other.


I'm gonna cut you!

♪ Walkin', now walk walk ♪

♪ Walk, now walkin' ♪

♪ Walkin' that walk walk ♪

♪ Walkin' that ♪

- We were all rushed

For this music video.

I was rushed.

I wasn't really together

The way I wanted to be.

But y'know what?

I made sure all the little

Details that I know people can

Look at was together.

- Come in between 'em.

Ok, closer!

Get in tighter, nina!

Get in tighter.

- ♪ And what? ♪

- Agh!

- Gorgeous! Ok.

- Whoo!

- Agh!

- That was beautiful.

Ms. Glasscock!

You're up, sister.

Ok, and here we go.

Roll playback.

No, just you're giving

Fashion to the camera.


♪ ...down the runway ♪

♪ Another payday ♪

Get that hair

Off your lip!

Get the hair off your lip.

If you don't know the lyrics,

Don't move your mouth.

Ok, you're walking.

Walk on, walk, walk!

Pick your feet up! Walk.

Like, actually

Walk on the mark.

Ok, walk, walk!

Like, right now

You're doing this.

It looks weird.

Like, imagine walking in

A straight line.


Just very frustrated today,

Very exasperated

With the whole process.

- Usually I have

A little bit more time

To do my makeup and hair,

But I'm just so

Unhappy with everything.

- Ok, come on.

You're comin'...

You're walking

Down the runway.

You're working it

Down the runway.

And then do a 360, and you

Snap back to the camera.

Yeah, laugh! Laugh!

Ha ha ha!

Yes! And keep walking!

Shake your head around,

And you're laughing!

Come on, it's fun!

You're at the party!

Yes! Bring your hands up!

Do it! Beautiful.

It looks ...

Yes, yeah, yeah.

All the arms!

- ♪ And what? ♪

- Woohoo! Gorgeous.


That was great.

- Rebecca acting vulnerable in

Front of the judges, as if she

Is still finding rebecca,

It's a little bit

Frustrating to me.

It's an act.

I don't wanna say,

Rebecca, you are a bitch.

No, I do not wanna say that.

But guess what?

Rebecca may win this because

She's probably what

The judges want.

When you think of how much

Praise she had throughout all

Of the challenges.

Oh, my god, you are beautiful.

Yes, you can work

On this, but you're lovely.

You're that.

You're beauty, beauty, beauty,

Beauty, beauty, beauty,

Beauty, beauty, beauty,

Beauty, beauty, beauty.

That gets you thinking...

Ok, what's happening here?

- Here we are, girls.

- Hello, girls.

- On our last day.

- Hello, doll.

How are you, ms. Glasscock?

- Ai, loca.

- When I got here,

I was a little bit frustrated.

The tension of being

There and not knowing

What's gonna happen

Is incredible, and

I wanna win this really bad.

- Agh.

Yet another 5 lovely hours

In heels.

It's been an

Incredible journey,

But it's been really long.

- You guys already know what

You're gonna wear today?

- I think I'm going

To wear a dress.

I'll still have to figure out

Which dress that would be.

- Ai, loca. Work.

I can't even call you

By your name no more.


- You're gonna go back

To minneapolis calling

Everyone loca.

- Loca. That's the new word.



Loca, loca, loca.

Hi, loca.

Nina. What's the

Meaning of loca?

- Well,

The meaning of the word loco

Or loca means crazy.

- Oh, crazy.

- But in the gay latin

Community, loca means queen.

- Oh, ok.

- Or if some straight guy

Screams at you,

"Look at that loca"

[Speaking spanish]

He's saying it in

A mean way, so he means,

"Oh, look at that q*eer."

- Ok.

- But if a friend of you tells

You, like, loca, it's...

It's, like, girl.

- Ok.

- Like, saying girl.

- Loca. Loca, loca.


- I wonder what the other

Girls are doing now.

- Sleeping.

- It was victoria,

Tammie, akashia, jade,

Ongina, shannel.

- Loca, you know what?

That's one thing, I never

Learn everybody's real name.

- Within the drag world,

We don't really

Call each other by

Our guy names.

Whether we're in

Or outta drag,

She's always gonna be nina.

Bebe's gonna be bebe.

I'm gonna be rebecca.

- Now I hear that

Rebecca is javier.

- Yeah.

- And what's yours, bebe?

- My name is

Ne-ah mah-sha ku-di-nah

- Oh,

Loca, that's a beautiful name.

- Loca, what is yours?

- Jorge.

- Huh?

- Jorge. As in george.

- Oh,

Your name is george?

- Jorge, jorge, jorge.

- Huh?

- Ai, loca! Psssh.

- Even though we're...

After today, we're going

Separate ways, I don't think

This is the last time we're

Gonna be doing this together.

And, like ...

- Obviously I was comin' to

Compete to win, but then you

Come and then you find

People that you get along

With so well.

Y'know, and you just

Build that friendship.

- I hope that we really

Keep in touch

And we get to work

Together again.

- Yes, you will,

And that's the truth. You will.

- Right, rebecca?

- Nope.

- No?

- No.

I think in order to win this

Competition, I have to stay

Focused on the prize.

I can't let things like

Friendships get in the way.

I came here to win.

- Ha ha ha!

♪ Cover girl ♪

♪ Put the bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe,

Let your whole body talk ♪

♪ Walk, now walk ♪

♪ Walk, now walk ♪

♪ And what? ♪

- Well, this is it.

The final lap.

The grand finale of

"Rupaul's drag race."

As always, I'd like to say

Hello to my fabulous judges,

Fashion journalist

Merle ginsberg

And to my pal santino.

Tonight, we will crown

America's next drag superstar.

And because nobody knows

These girls better than we do,

There will be no guest judges.

Merle, santino, are you ready?

- Ready.

- Ready.

- Gentlemen,

Start your engines.

And may the best woman win!

- Nina flowers is

Ready to be the next drag

Queen superstar.

- Ah,

Nina flowers has gone

Back to her roots.

Oh, look.

- And the train is

On the side seam.

- I've never seen anybody

- I've never seen that either.

This is a first.

- Chic.

- Oh, wow!

- Dress is made for walking.

- Yes it is.

I want one in every color.

Rebecca. Our resident

Barbie doll.


- We call her bubblegums,

'Cause she like to pop a lot.

- And she's applying her

Runway technique that

She learned a few weeks back.

- Compared to these other

Girls, rebecca is still a baby

In drag experience,

And I've improved so quickly,

Maybe even quicker than

Most drag queens would have.

- Teen model.

- I'm already there,

But it's gonna be better.

- When I first walked into

The competition, I told myself

That I was going to

Stay true to myself.

And that has taken me all the

Way up to the final three.

- She saved the best for last.

No, she saved

The best for now.

- Yeah, she did.

Wow, wow, wow.

- Is she throwin' shade,

Or is that just her eyelashes?

Sell the garment, honey.


I love that color combination.

- Look at that train.

- Mm hm.

- I am here to be the

Next drag queen superstar.

I really am.

- Welcome, dolls,

And congratulations again

For making it to the finals.

One of you is about to

Become one lucky lady.

Since all three of you did

Such a fabulous job, each

Of you will appear

In the final video

As my special costars,

But the winner of rupaul's

Drag race gets an

Extra-special bonus.

Your rap solo will be featured

On my single, "cover girl...put

The bass in your walk."

The winner of "rupaul's

Drag race" will also receive

A gift certificate

Worth $2,500

From luma diamond consultants

And a selection of designer

Sunglasses from la eyeworks.

And she will receive $5,000

Worth of mac makeup.

Bebe, you're up first.

- I love this dress.

And, now, tell us a little bit

About your experience

Making the video.

- Y'know, I thought I was

Going to be very nervous,

Seeing all the green

Screen and everything,

But it was a wonderful


- Let's take a look at

Your rap part in the song.

- ♪ Face, face, face,

I give face ♪

♪ Beauty face ♪

♪ You can take, it's ok ♪

♪ Watch my body go insane ♪

- ♪ Walk, now walk ♪

♪ Walk, now walk ♪

- [Laughs]

- Word!

- Fabulous.

- I love that.

- Your overall performance,

The way you were

Intensely looking into the

Camera, I'm blown away.

- The lyrics are really good.

That voice with your voice

Works really well.

- Bebe,

You are a moving piece of art.

Madame cameroon, you

May join the others.

- Thank you.

- Up next, miss nina flowers.

How do you feel today?

- It's been a great journey,

And this last challenge was

The most fun and outrageous.

- Let's take a look.

- Awesome.

♪ Move your body,

Move your body ♪

♪ C'mon, ru, now

Shake that body ♪

♪ Work that runway one more

Time, and let them see you ♪

♪ Blow our minds ♪

- ♪ Go down the runway ♪

♪ Another payday ♪

♪ Cover of magazines ♪

- That was fabulous.

- ♪ The words you chose, very,

Like, "sat", "cat", "hat" ♪

So it had a dated quality

About it that didn't really

Encapsulate just

Everything that you are.

- Your personality is

Just really lovely.

You're kind of quiet

And unassuming.

And approachable.

But the moment you step onto

That stage, girl, you pummel

This motherfuckin' runway.

And of all the girls in

"Rupaul's drag race," you're

The only one who's never had

To lip sync for her life.

Quite an accomplishment.

Congratulations, nina.

You may join the

Other girls

And work that runway.

- Yes.

- Rebecca glasscock.

Please join us down here!


How are you doing?

- So, I'm not havin'

A good hair day.

And I just said,

Y'know what? Whatever.


- What happened on

The set?

Somebody told me that you

Were late to the set

And the director was

Waiting for you?

- Uh,

[Clears throat]

Well, I ended up starting

A little bit late.

It was just, like,

A funky day, so...

- I just expect my girls to

Show up 100 percent when we're

Working, y'know?

Y'know, we've gone to bat for

You in this competition time

After time.

And you told me yesterday

That the other girls have come

For you for some reason.

Do you think that it's

This kind of behavior that

Alienates you from

The other girls?

- I think maybe it's

Just 'cause they're

A little bit older.


Oh, my god! Did I just...

I didn't mean to call you old.

Agh! Sorry.

- Aside from that, let's

Take a look and see

What happened.

- ♪ Now let me tell you

Somep'n girl, from

The voice of experience ♪

♪ You wanna fix that walk

If you wanna look fierce ♪

♪ I know a simple and effective

Way to better it all ♪

♪ You gotta put some bass if

You wanna do the walk ♪

- ♪ Go down the runway ♪

♪ Another payday ♪

♪ Cover of magazines ♪

- Ha ha ha!


- You drew my eye, and you

Were the focus of that moment,

But the choreography...

You were a little y'know,

You were a little weak.

- I think the

Rap's really good,

But the other girls gave

So much great movement and

Attitude and individuality.

And you were kind of

Working on the face.

Like, you're still focused

In that face thing.

And I think that's a

Problem in this venue.

- Is there anything else

You might wanna say?

- For all those queens,

Y'know, who're throwin' shade,

Suck on that, b*tches.

- Ha ha ha!

- Thank you, rebecca, you

May join the other ladies.


- We've seen your music

Video performances

And we've evaluated your

Experience here

On the "drag race".

Now, while you all wait in

The interior illusions lounge,

The judges and I

Will deliberate.

Let's talk about bebe first.

- Think she's given us

Drag superstar realness.

I think she's an "it" girl.

- When I see bebe, I

Don't see a man in a wig.

I see a graceful,

Beautiful creature.

- There's not a whole lotta

Negative I have to

Say about bebe.

- And do we think

That bebe delivers?

Has she brought it to

The main stage?

- Well, I mean,

If you compare her

To nina, then no.

She doesn't bring it

As much as nina.

- All right. Nina.

Another one.

She popped in

That music video.

Any negative things about her?

- I mean, quite possibly,

She might let

Her lack of commanding

The english language hold

Her back somewhat.

- The only thing negative

I could say is that a lot

Of the outfits

Are very similar.

Bebe changed a little more.

- Yeah.

- We saw more sides.

- Yeah.

Well, nina has working for

Her her personality.

And whatever obstacles

She faces with

The language barrier,

She overcomes it with

Her genuine sweetness.

And she's got a real sense of

What her body can do, and what

She can get away with.

- She does, and she has

A real eye for detail.

- Let's move on, and

Let's talk about rebecca.

I have to admit, I get

Mesmerized by her beauty.

- She is beautiful.

- Do you think we've let

Her off the hook too much

Because of it?

- Yes.

- Yes?

- If you're putting her in

A context of nina and bebe,

She ain't cuttin' it. Sorry.

- It's tough 'cause I'm riding

This line as well between

Bebe and nina.

I mean,

Rebecca's kind of out

Of the conversation

At this point for me.

- Who knows what's

Gonna happen?

We think we runnin' things,

But you just never know.

- What, is akashia

Coming back?

- Akashia, come

On out, girl.


Let's bring back the girls.

This is it, girls.

I don't need to tell you

What a tough decision

This has been.

Rebecca, you have brought

So much to this competition.

Your time will come,

But it's not your time yet.

You are not the

Next drag superstar

And you may leave the stage.

- Thank you, guys.

It's been a wild,

Crazy ride.

And just the experience

Of a lifetime.

- Before me are two

Beautiful queens.

Tonight, my two best girls

Are going to lip sync my new

Single, "cover girl...put

The bass in your walk."

This is your very last chance

To impress me and walk away

With the prize.

- The time has come for you

To lip sync for your life.

Good luck, and for

The last time, girls...

Don't f*ck it up.

- I love you.

- I love you, too.

[Song intro playing]

- ♪ Stroll down the runway ♪

- ♪ Another payday ♪

♪ Cover of magazines ♪

♪ Box office sweetie,

An oscar nominee ♪

♪ Now watch me snatch trophies ♪

♪ Cover girl,

Put the bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe let

Your whole body talk ♪

♪ Cover girl! Put the bass

In your walk ♪

♪ Head-to-toe,

Let your whole body talk ♪

♪ Walk and now walk ♪

♪ Walk and now walk ♪

♪ Cover girl,

Put the bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe,

Let your whole body talk ♪

♪ Cover girl,

Put the bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe,

Let your whole body talk ♪

♪ Walk, now walk ♪

♪ Walk, now walk ♪

♪ Walk, now walk ♪

♪ Walk, now walk ♪

♪ And what? ♪

- Ha ha ha!

- God! That was fabulous.

- Wow! Oh, my goodness.

That was incredible.

Both of you.

And...i've made my decision.

The winner of "rupaul's

Drag race," the next drag


Is bebe.

- [Screams]

- Congratulations, baby.



Congratulations, sweetheart.

Come on, stand up.


Ai, loca.

Please come on.

Stand up. Let me ...

- I love you.

- You deserve it, baby.

Come on.

Stand up.

Work it.

- Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.

- You deserve it, baby.

- Nina flowers.

- Congratulations.

- Yes.

- I wanna thank you from

The bottom of my heart.

You have made this competition

So much better by being

A part of it.

Take my love and my

Admiration with you

Wherever you go.

- Thank you so much for

This wonderful experience.

I didn't won the prizes,

But I won other things.

I won great experience.

I won great friends.

I'm going home a winner.

- I don't want to cry.


I just want to say thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you all so much.

Thank you.

- Bebe,

This is your moment.

I pass the reins on

To you, my dear.

It'll be your job to spread

The love, the message,

The beauty of being the

Next drag superstar.

- Right now I'm

Overwhelmed because

I can't believe that it

Finally happened,


A dream that you've been

Dreaming all the

Time coming to life.

- My queen, remember, if

You can't love yourself,

How are you gonna

Love somebody else?

Now walk.

[Song intro playing]

♪ Cover girl,

Put the bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe,

Let your whole body talk ♪

♪ Walk, now walk ♪

- Whoo!


- All right. That's a wrap.
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