02x05 - Here Comes the Bride

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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02x05 - Here Comes the Bride

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously on

RuPaul's Drag Race...

This week you'll be doing your

best celebrity impersonations.

- I do a really good Pink.

Rock and roll, baby.

- I like playing

hide the cucumber.

- [laughs]

- The only thing Beyoncé's done

funny is fall.

- I almost just jumped

out this chair at your ass.

- Tatianna, congratulations,

you're the winner

of this challenge.

- Thank you so much.

- Morgan, Sonique,

you're up for elimination.

- ♪ Two of hearts ♪

♪ Two hearts that beat as one ♪

- Your lip-synch was one of

the tightest we've ever seen.

Sonique, sashay away.

And tonight...

I expect a "dragstravaganza."

The dolls go

from blushing brides...

- I'm getting married, y'all.

- To dragzillas.

[record scratches]

- Tyra's a complete bitch.

- Shut the f*ck up,

or I'll make you shut up.

- Oh!

- With extra-special

guest judges

fashion photographer

Mathu Andersen

and club diva Martha Wash.

The winner of

RuPaul's Drag Race

will receive a lifetime supply

of NYX Cosmetics

and be the face

of nyxcosmetics.com,

an exclusive

one-year P.R. contract

with the leading LGBT firm

Project Publicity,

be featured in L.A. Eyeworks'

legendary designer eyewear


and headline Logo's

Drag Race Tour

featuring exceptional

Absolut drinks,

and a cash prize of $25,000.

And may the best woman win!

[alarm beeps]

- Meow.

Oh, Sonique.

- Sonique was one of the new

friends that I really enjoyed.

It was tough

going up against her.

But at the end of the day,

this is a competition,

and I'm out for blood.

- Who's gonna take it off?

- I will.

- Oh.

- It'll be satisfying.

I am happy that Sonique's gone.

She just always had

a negative comment.

- So do it.

Clean my mirror.


- I won, and she got sent home.

So I really just wanted

to take in the moment

and feel satisfied

wiping her message away.

- Congratulations.

- Thank you.

- You should be proud

of yourself.

- A lot of people

don't believe in Tatianna,

and she proved to everybody

that you don't know anything


[alarm sounds]

- Ooh, girl!

You got shemail.

Hey, dolls, to prove to me

that you're the next

drag superstar,

you're gonna need to make

a real commitment...

one that could last a lifetime,

or at least until the next

best thing comes along.

Pull yourself together

and you could

have your cake and eat it too.

'cause when it comes

to RuPaul's Drag Race,

honey, we've only just begun.


Hello, hello, hello.

- Hello.

all: Hi!

- Congratulations

for making it this far.

It's getting fierce up in here.

For today's mini-challenge,

we're gonna have ourselves

a little wrap party.

Now, each week

on the main stage,

you turn out one dazzling outfit

after another.

I want you to apply that same

creative genius

to these plain white boxes.

To "queenify" your box,

you need to use

the gift wrap we've provided

plus pieces from your own drag


and something that belongs to

one of your fellow queens.

You have 30 minutes

to complete this challenge.

And when I return, I'll decide

who has the prettiest box.

I'll see you in a few, okay.

- Juju?

- Yes, honey?

- Can I borrow your bird?

- Yeah.

I decide that I want this box

to just be a golden box.

Tyra looks over and she makes

a little comment and she's like,

"Oh, she's using the same

wrapping paper."

- The other queens

are copying my style

because the critique I get from

the judges is usually good.

Maybe I'm inspiring them.

Like, maybe they want to

be like me.

- Hey, Juju, think I could use

a piece of your jewelry?

- Go ahead, baby.

- Thank you.

- Can I borrow

some of your glitter?

- Go ahead, girl.

- Don't sprinkle

all my glitter around

like you did with the shoe,


- All right, ladies.

Time's up.

Ladies, I'm here

to inspect your boxes.

Can I hold your box?

The card on it says, "To Ru,

from America's sweetheart,


I love it.

- I chose the pink

because offstage

I'm a little more delicate,

a little feminine.

- Oh, really?

- Yeah.

- Really?

- Yeah, girl.

- Wow, there's a lot going on

here, Morgan.

- Yes, there is.

It's, you know, loud and fuzzy

and furry and colorful.

- Edgar Allan Poe

would be so proud of you.

- It's dark and sparkly

like RuPaul.

- [laughing]

Pandora Boxx.

- I like the pink and the blue.

It kind of says, "He?


I don't know what she is."

- Uh-huh, uh-huh.

Jessica Wild.

- Yes.

- Ooh, she's got a hot package,

all right.

So who is this a picture of?

- This is Gladys, my mom.

- Oh, really?

Oh, this is your mother?

- Yes, she is my gift

and my heart at the same time.

- Did you borrow something

from someone else?

- I took her scent,

and I sprayed the box.

- So you have the only

scented box?

- Of course.

- Oh.

- The colors are signature Tati.

I borrowed a stone from Juju.

Thank you.

And it has different dimensions

'cause there's different sides

to me.

- Thank you very much.

- Thank you.

- All right.

All right, ladies,

I've inspected your boxes.

But I need to pick just one.

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

- Caw-caw, caw-caw.

- What?

- Caw-caw.

- Who?

- Caw-caw.

- This box is dark-sided.


I choose this one.

I want this one.

I'm going to embrace

my dark side, Raven.

Raven, you are the winner

of this challenge.

And now for the good part.

You may open your boxes.

Go ahead, open them up.

So far I've asked you to wrap

your boxes

using something old,

something new,

something borrowed,

and now this envelope.

Something blue.

- "RuPaul cordially invites you

to the wedding

of David and Raven.

Ceremony to take place tomorrow,

main stage."

- That's right, you are invited

to your very own wedding.

Yes, my dears, you'll be both

the bride and the groom.

In addition to customizing your

own fabulous,

dragged-out wedding dress,

you will pull together

your best male drag

using tuxedos provided

by Selix Formalwear.

Later, you'll pose

for a wedding portrait

courtesy of Polite in Public,

which we'll show

on the main stage.

And here come

the wedding dresses.

Wow, look at that.

So, Raven, since you won the


you get first dibs

from all these wonderful

wedding dresses,

courtesy of RK Bridal.

Plus you get to choose the order

that the other girls

choose their dresses.

- Remember who helped you win,


- Remember that Raven hat,


So ♪ go, Raven ♪

♪ Go, Raven ♪

♪ Pick a gown out ♪

♪ Pick a dress out ♪

♪ It's your wedding ♪

Have you been married before?

- Never.

- Are you sure

that's the one you want?

Okay, who gets to choose next?

- I'm thinking it's me.

'Cause I'm like, girl,

I helped this bitch win. Mm.

- I'm gonna go with Morgan.

- All right.

- I'm sure everyone knew,

she's gonna pick Morgan first.

And I did.

So what?

Get over it.


- I'm like, girl, that was

a mistake on your part.

- All right, Raven,

who goes next?

- Juju.

- Oh, my god, I'm so excited.

- [laughing]

- I'm getting married, y'all.

- Sahara.

Mrs. Wild.

- All these names

were being called.

I'm like, I'm gonna be last.

Obviously, I'm gonna be last.

Raven is jealous of anyone

that has talent.

- Ms. Sanchez.

- Ha ha!

- I like a challenge,

so I'm gonna go with

the ugly one.

- Pandy bear.

- And that leaves Tatianna.

Ladies, do you promise to have

charisma, uniqueness, nerve,

and talent

till death do you part?

all: I do.

- Then so be it.

I expect a "dragstravaganza."

Help yourself

to the fixin's bar.

Gentlemen, start your engines.

And may the best woman win!

[shrieks] Oh, dear!

[rock music]

♪ ♪

- Tyra pushes

the wedding dress cart

in front of the fabric cart.

- Dear!

- Girl, you are so damn shady.

- Ah.

- Tyra pushed the rolling rack

in front of

the rest of the girls.

So Tatianna

pushed the rolling rack

on top of the girls.

- Ow.

- Miss honey,

that's dangerous, darling.

- Cutthroat queens.

Not so cute.

- Get out of my mirror, bitch.

- Sorry.

- The challenge basically is

marrying yourself...

bringing the feminine

and the masculine qualities


to make one amazing wedding.

- Tatianna?

- Yeah?

- You were chosen last.

I don't think it was personal,


I should have been chosen first,


- First?

- 'Cause I helped her win that

f*cking challenge,

don't you think?

- In all honesty, yeah.

- But it's okay.

No hard feelings, diva.

It's all right. It's all right.

Every time Raven

gets to choose something

and every time Morgan gets to

choose something,

it's, "I pick Raven.

I pick Morgan."

Like, I'm surprised we don't

have a name for them yet.



Hey, Morvens.

- Is it corseted in?

- Douche bags.

- [belches]

Our wedding day.

- I think that the competition

is threatened by us.

I'm sure that

they're looking at us like,

"These b*tches

might do a thing or two."

- Raven and I

are helping each other,

but we're still

gunning for the same prize

and we'll do whatever it takes

to win it.

- It's so funny no one

chose the dress that I wanted.

- Which dress?

- The one I got.

I got the ugliest dress,

and my first thing I did

was to go and cut it,

make it shorter.

And then less than,

like, 30 minutes later,

everyone is cutting

their dresses.

Sahara's dress

looks the same way,

and then Jessica's dress

looks the same way

and Morgan dress seems to be

going the same way also.

And it's just like, "Oh, my god,

you guys, be creative.

Be your own selves.

Be unique."

- Hello, brides.

all: Hey, Ru!

- Just checking in.

Now, you know, every bride

wants to look her best

on her wedding day,

so I brought in a pro.

Makeup artist extraordinaire

Mathu Andersen.

Say hi to Mathu.

- Oh, thank you. Thank you.

- Mathu has worked on some of

the biggest divas in the world

like Beyoncé Knowles,

Janet Jackson,

and of course, me.

He's here today to give you

some valuable makeup tips.

Listen and learn, ladies.

Tyra Sanchez.

Mathu here is gonna give you

some tips.

- I don't have a lot of notes

for you.

With a face like yours...

so beautiful.

It'd be so easy to take you to

completely unclockable.

I just want it to look

a little moister.

A little dewiness

just along the highlights.

Some of the other girls do it.

- I think it's because

the other girls' face get oily.

My face doesn't get oily

in drag.

- I do have oily skin.

I'm 30 years old

and I still look f*ckin' 22.

'Cause I have oily f*ckin' skin.

- Hello, darling.

- Wow. Look it here.

- You know what you're doing.

You know the shapes

you're going for.

The whole thing just needs to be

finessed and smoothed out.

And it is...sometimes it gets

a little bit magic marker.

I recommend always building

all your contouring

into the base.

- This challenge

is gonna be tough,

because I have a point to prove.

That point is I don't deserve to

be in the bottom two again.

- Hey, Pandora.

- Hey.

- Wow. Look at this.

I barely recognize this.

- Yeah, you said

you didn't want "off the rack,"

so I'm going way off the rack.

- Smart girl.

- You're super cute.

I think you could be

really beautiful.

Think Goldie Hawn, really.

Like...'cause see, she has, like,

a simple eye.

Lashy, softer, bigger

and really plump,

'cause you've got great eyes.

Play with that.

- Hi, Jessica.

Wow. Look at this.

- My wedding is going to be

an extravaganza.

- I love an extravaganza.

- Sometimes your face

worries me.

This is a problem.

Your highlights are so bright

here and here and here

that it looks as though

you have stubble.

Maybe it's about

putting the dark under

and then highlighting the jaw,

and really, there needs to be

a lot more blending.

- All right.

- Hi, Sahara.

- Hi, Ru.

- So tell me about your dress.

- I'm gonna cut it up

and make it shorter

and add some volume

to the bottom.

- Now that will go underneath?

- Yes.

- And you have enough fabric

here to support that?

- Uh, yes.

- And you're gonna pad?

- And I'm gonna pad, yeah.

- You've got

a lot of work to do.

- I do. I do.

- Yeah.

- You're so young in person.

- Ooh.

- She's a little old-looking.

Looking at your face now

and it doesn't have

the closed-in thing

that Sahara gets.

This thing always scares me

and this...

- How do I fix that?

- Try a little...something

that's just a little brighter

along there.

- All right.

- Thank you.

- Well, hello, Tati.

- Hello.

- Your makeup's

all over the shop.

It's all over the place,

and sometimes it's beautiful

and sometimes it's like,

"What the hell is she doing?"

But you're so beautiful,

and you don't have to be

overly draggy.

And there's girls

who have made a career

on being that beautiful.

Just depends on what kind of

girl you want to be.

But don't rest on those laurels.

- No, definitely not.

- Thank you, Tatianna.

- Thank you.

- Juju.

- Hi, Ru.

- Wow.

I see jewels for Juju.

What do you call this color?

- Tawny sunset.

- Tawny sunset.

I love that.

- I'd like to see Jujubee's

version of natural makeup.

I use the Mariah Carey


And I don't want it

to be natural,

but I want to believe

that it's natural.

I want supernatural.

- Okay.

- That's your challenge.

- I will do it.

- Raven.

- Hello, hello.

- You won the mini challenge,

so you got to pick

your dress first.

- Yes.

- Are you happy with it?

- Yeah, I took

the whole thing up.

I started up here by pinning it

and hand sewing.

- So let's talk makeup.

- I would like

to see you introduce

a smidgen of color

into your makeup.

I can see that it's like, "Oh,

this person really knows their

way around their face."

But you could warm this up and

same with your jawline contour.

- Okay.

- Ladies!

Mathu and I will see you

tomorrow on the main stage.

And our extra-special

guest judge

will be one of

my musical heroes...

the legendary Martha Wash.


- I'm so excited about

Martha Wash being a guest judge.

I have listened

to her music forever,

and I love her voice.

- Don't f*ck it up.

See ya.

Come on, Mathu.

- Today we're sh**ting

our male half of the photo,

our groom side.

And then tomorrow

we're taking the bride.

We're gonna meld them together.

I'm excited to see

how it's going to look.

- There is slight anxiousness

because I'm not

the most masculine guy.

I never grow a beard.

I don't grow a mustache.

- You know, growing up,

I would sit there on the counter

and watch my mom do her makeup.

You know, I didn't really

watch my dad shave.

I was more interested in

the lipstick and eye shadow.

- You know, doing drag on top

of being gay, you know, at 14,

it was kind of an escape.

Like, I get to be someone else.

I get to be as feminine as I

want to be and then I don't get

pointed out for it...

um, or made fun of for it,

because a lot of people, you

know, didn't know I was a boy.

So this is gonna be just

completely different.

- When I did my makeup as a guy,

I knew I was the first one

in the mirror,

and so I went ahead

and I drew the facial hair on.

Then I look over and then

Sahara's drawing on

the facial hair,

then Pandora's drawing on

the facial hair

and Tatianna comes

and draws on the facial hair.

And it was pissing me off

because this is my hard work and

you're, like, stealing my idea.

So I'm hoping I go on the stage

first tomorrow.

That way, everyone that comes

behind me will look like,

"Oh, I got that from Tyra."

- Hello.

- Hi.

- Morgan.

- My name is Joe.

Nice to meet you.

- It's a pleasure.

- So we're gonna be creating an

illusion here today.

- Story of my life.

- Just imagine that there's

another person next to you.

Look right here.

One, two, three.

Yeah, big motion.

Yeah, that's great.

- My groom is a punk rocker.

He just probably

rolled out of bed

and threw on a leather jacket

and a tie

and came to the chapel.

- One, two, three.

- I do feel comfortable having

to perform as a male, but I have

a little more confidence when

I'm in drag.

I feel a lot more glamorous,

a lot more pretty.

- There's been such a focus on

the girl, the girl, the girl,

that when it was time to be a

boy, I was so stressed that I

was like, "Oh, my god,

it's time to be a boy."

So I had to just push that aside

for a second

and consider the direction

that I want to go.

- One, two, three.

[chuckles] Excellent.


- I am smiling in my picture

because if I have

the opportunity

of being married

with Jessica Wild,

I am going to be happy.

- Two, three.


Very nice.


Let's do one just for fun.

Two, three.


What inspired your choice

in outfit?

- Well, he is a police officer.

- A little smile.

- I'm really feeling

like a drag king.

Like, I'm not feeling

like a guy.

I'm feeling like I am a girl

dressing up like a guy.

- And you're gonna look

right here.

Two, three.

[chuckles] Excellent.

- How does everybody feel

about marriage?

Who's getting married?

Who's not?

- I'm not getting married.

- Why?

- 'Cause I'm a bitter bitch.

- Well, with that attitude,


- I wanna marry my husband.

- You wanna marry your husband?


- I call him my husband.

I am in a relationship,

I do have a boyfriend.

I would love to marry him

one day.

Gay marriage is a human right.

It's our right to be equal.

It's not a, you know, luxury

to have gay marriage.

It's a need and it's a right.

But I tell you this much,


gay people not being allowed

to marry,

to me, is a kick in the ass.

- ♪ I feel like ♪

♪ A ray of light ♪

- Do you think Tyra singing

could be, you know, deemed...

- Huh?

- Huh?

- Huh?

- I'm saying

do you think your singing

could be deemed

attempted m*rder?

- I'm offended.

[singing indistinctly, off-key]

- I totally wanna get married.

- [continues singing]

- If you had a gay wedding,

do you think your family

would be supportive?

- There's the religion thing.

- They're Christian?

- Yeah, my mom's a minister.

I don't know, because she seems

to be more accepting,

and you know, loving.

I think she'd come.

This is who I am,

and this is the way

I'm going to live my life.

And I've come to terms with it.

And my mom doesn't quite

understand it

but is working towards accepting

and, I guess,

loving that part of me as well.

- ♪ All the time ♪

- Would your family

come to your wedding, Tatianna?

- Oh, I don't know.


I really, honestly,

wouldn't even...

- ♪ Ah, ah ♪

♪ Ah ♪

[continues singing indistinctly]

- This bitch...

is pissing me off.

- ♪ Oh ♪

I'm just in my own world.

Honestly, I wasn't paying


to any of the other girls.

♪ Whoo ah ♪

♪ La ♪

♪ Ah ooh ♪

- It was really loud.

It was sounding really


She was trying to annoy

everyone around her.

She really is singing that song

over and over again,

just to get to

me, this f*cking bitch.

- [singing off-key]

- She's so self-absorbed.

She's rude.

- ♪ Ah ♪

- I finally was just, like,

I've had enough.

- ♪ Ah ah ah ah ♪

- Shut the f*ck up!

I told her, "No one wants to

hear your mouth.

Why are you such a bitch?"

- I put the earphones back in,

and I went back to singing.

She didn't ask politely.

♪ I'll never fall again ♪

And I just went on,

continued my dress

and continued to do

what I needed to do

to win the competition.

♪ Fly ♪

- Good morning.

- Good morning.

- Good morning.

- I think Tyra is a complete

and utter bitch.

Everyone's getting sick of her.

She has way too much

of a diva attitude.

It's not cute.

- So what do you guys think

is gonna happen today?

- Um, I don't know

what's gonna happen today.

- What would you like to happen?

- I would like to happen

what everyone wants to happen.

- I want that bitch to go home.

- Why don't you go ahead and

just speak your mind, my dear?

- I'm just annoyed

with people's attitudes.

- I guess it really shows

how people really are, you know?

- Exactly.

- And I don't feel as though

the next drag superstar

is going to be a little bitch.

- Don't talk about me

like I'm not in the room.

Say it to me.

- All I can say is...

whatever, pig.

- [laughing]

- Yesterday

we did the groom photo,

and today we're doing

the bride photo.

♪ Ah ♪

- I don't feel anything today.

This is not my regular makeup.

- Yeah.

- I'm scared.

- Santino is going to

rip in half...Sahara.

I think that Sahara will be

lip-synching for her life.

- I think Sahara's dress

is a little funny.

But she's going for

a Swan Lake look,

so that's working in her favor.

And she's going to be en pointe,

which is a tough call.

And hopefully

it pays off for her.

- No, I'm going to walk down the


like a fairy princess.

- Tyra needs all this help,

and she's just being ignored.

- Oh, f*ck this shit, man.

- I haven't seen her help me

with anything.

I haven't seen her help

anybody else with anything.

- Ah!

- Stupid bitch.

Do you know sometimes

when you meet people,

and you think

they're great people

until they open

their f*cking mouths?

Keep burning yourself, bitch.

If she screams one more time

with that hot glue,

I'm gonna just,

like, pull my eyes out.

I mean, why would you hot glue

things to your f*cking skin?

- Ah!

[Mendelssohn's Wedding March]

♪ ♪

- [laughing]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Hey, guys.

Well, hello, Santino.

- How you doing, Ru?

- Merle,

you look lovely tonight.

- Hoping that I actually

could be the bride.

- [laughing]

- Now, Mathu...

- I love your hair.

- You do?

- I do.

- [laughing]

- It's divine.

- And Martha Wash.

I'm so happy you're here.

- I'm glad to be here too.

And you look fabulous, darling.

- Thank you.

This week, the ladies

were creating their vision

of the perfect bride and groom.

Are you ready

to see how they did?

all: Uh-huh.

- Gentlemen...

start your engines.

And may the best woman win!

Sahara, wow.

- Hold me closer, tiny dancer.

- Swan Lake.

- I've dreamed about having

a Swan Lake wedding

ever since I was young.

- Married in a tutu.

- It's tutu much.

- Morgan McMichaels.

November Rain.

She's serving a little

Pam Anderson there too.

- I start off like I'm bridal,

and then I start

throwing some sass into it,

and you know,

it's supermodel-esque.

- I'd like to sit on her


- That's the Lacroix...

- Lacroix, the pouf.


- More cushion for the pushin'.

- Tyra Sanchez, the other Tyra.


- I feel great.

My dress looks amazing.

- It's daddy's little girl.

He's paying for everything.


She's been hitched, look!

- My dress looked amazing.

I felt like a cupcake.

I felt very cute.

- Look at that nice little line

of bow detail.

- Paris gets married.

- It is very Paris, isn't it?

Paris Hilton.

Jessica Wild...

- My darling,

you do take a hint or two.

- She did your makeup.

- Makeup's a lot better.

- It's my wedding.

And the makeup

helped me with the total look.

- Look at our daughter!

Our little girl's all grown up.


Look at that keyhole

by her no-no hole.

- I liked my dress; then

I hated it at the same time.

But I was still proud of myself

that I did something with it.

- She's a voluptuous bride.

The implants took.

- Yes, they did.

Pandora Boxx,

oh, wow, look at that.

- Very romantic.

- I wanted to come across

as a very pretty bride

that's very excited

to get married,

and just very demure.

- Very innocent eyes.

- Oh, she did the thing

with the makeup too!

- I'm well pleased.

Like a gorgeous endive salad,

crisp and delicious.

- [gasps]

Is this our Jujubee?

- The gown fits very nicely.

- I want them to see the full


so I'm going to go slowly.

And I'm going to be

very elegant.

And I want you to see

every single angle.

- Look at the back.

Oh, that's beautiful.

- Now instead of

a pearl necklace,

she went for the pearl

down the back.

Oh, yes.

Hello, my blushing brides.

It's time to unveil

your wedding portraits.



What a cute couple.

- I hope you didn't sign

that prenup.

- Honey, he's rich.

- In the picture,

she's not really into the groom.

But I think somehow it works.

- Even though

there's a man in that picture,

it's still sort of

all about her.

- She's a man-eater.

- [laughing]

Thank you, Jujubee.

- Thank you.

- Jessica Wild.

Oh, my goodness!

You've got yourself a hot one,


- They really

make a cute couple.

- They really are cute.

- The dress I like

except for the piece on the top.

- She's wearing her veil

on her shoulder.

- I could see that you love to

go for the big

and the layers and the ruffles,

but I want it to go away.

I just want to see you.

- Pandora Boxx.

You seem a little tentative.

- I'm scared

of my first marriage.

It was either the option of

going to jail

or getting married.

- Oh, I see.

- Just doesn't do anything

for me.

- Really?

- No.

Marriage, going to jail.

Maybe I'd do the time

for a while.

- [laughs]

- There's a lot of backstory

that I can read

into this picture.

Adds a lot of comedy to it.

- I'm kind of having an organza

orgasm over this dress.

- Oh, really cool.

- I love organza.

- Can we get a napkin over here?

- [laughs]

- Tyra Sanchez, the other Tyra.

Is that R. Kelly?

And she looks like Donna Summer

in that picture right there.

- You look like a porcelain doll

with the makeup.

- Thank you.

- I love it.

- Huge bouquet, Tyra.

- The huge bouquet is because

it comes from

my last husband's funeral.

- Oh, okay.

- I love how big

your bouquet is.

I love the whole shape

and silhouette of your dress.

You were this close

to being bridezilla,

but you are perfection.

- What blows me away is that

you added this little...lace?

- I hot-glued it to my leg

along with these to my arm.

- You're gonna have to

take a flame torch

to get that off of


- You're like an old-school

drag queen,

but fresh and new to us.

- Thank you.

- Hi, Tatianna.

- Hello.

- Ooh. He's hot.

He's gorgeous.

Thug love, baby.

- You're really fortunate

to have immunity this week

because I hate this dress.

- The face is so k*ller that

you want the clothes

to live up to it.

- Mathu, is this a "xana-do"

or a "xana-don't"?

- It's a xana-don't.

- Sahara Davenport.

- I remember being a little boy

who dreams

of a fairy-tale wedding,

like Swan Lake

or something very ethereal.

- I thought the presentation

was fabulous.

I loved it.

Dress I'm not so sure about.

- When you're not en pointe,

it's not a good look.

It looks a little crafty

and homemade,

and the fit is off.

- Raven.

Oh, how cute.

He looks older than...

- He's 36.

- He's 36 and you're 16?

- Going on 16.

- Ooh!

- Oh, I see.

- [laughing]

- What...okay,

then you're jailbait.

- She's jailbait.

- She's jailbait.

- She's jailbait.

- Love that.

Love your turquoise accents,

love the bows.

You have the most expensive

looking dress up here.

- It's kind of like this fluffy,

girly, flirty dress,

but she's still packing a wallop


- It's under the skirt.

- Yes!

[all laugh]

- Morgan McMichaels.

She's a punk dude.

- I'm not sure

about the punk look.

- It's neither here nor there

for me.

I'm not crazy for it.

- It's more of a costume versus

a wedding gown.

I'm just not loving the shape


- You know, white pumps

are the sign of a true hooker.

And I love you for that.

Tonight's gonna be more

difficult than I thought.

And I need your help.

What are the judges not seeing

on the main stage

that we need to know?


- Um, I don't think

that you're seeing

that Tyra's a complete bitch.

- That was frank.

- Thank you.

She has this diva attitude,

like I am America's sweetheart.

But she's not.

- I completely agree

with what Tatianna says.

I don't think that the face

that you see of Tyra

is what we're seeing backstage.

Everyone asked Tyra to be quiet

and not sing obnoxiously loud

for an hour.

- ♪ Aah, ooh-ooh ♪

- I asked her to stop nicely.

And she was like, "okay."

And then I walk across the room,

and it's like lah, lah,


- ♪ La ♪

- She was almost saying,

"Shut the f*ck up,

or I'll make you shut up."

It, like, really,

really pissed me off,

'cause she talks so much shit

about so many people

but won't say it to their face.

- You really

shouldn't play the victim.

It doesn't suit you.

You don't do it well.

- I was not doing that to make

anyone upset

or, like, make anyone unfocused.

- Bullshit.

- Then maybe next time

I will sing,

and maybe she'll get

another horrible dress

like she has on now.

- Tyra, do you think this really

has to do with the music

or something else?

- They're testing me.

- Mm-hmm.

- And it's like, kind of

pissing me off.

Morgan, do you think

I'm a bitch?

- No, I think you have a goal.

- Raven, do you think

I'm a bitch?

- No.

Sahara, do you think

I'm a bitch?

- I think sometimes

you're selfish.

- I think you need manners,


- Just because I...

when you give me a compliment

I don't give you one back

doesn't mean

I don't have manners.

- Girl, I know I'm gorgeous.

You don't need to tell me

anything, miss thing.

Just get yourself some manners

so you won't look

so damn stupid.

- [laughs]

- We're gonna move beyond this.

I think this is

another challenge

that we will all

have to overcome.

And we'll have to take it

into account.

Just promise me

we will be queens.

Now, while you wait in

the Interior Illusions Lounge,

the judges and I

will deliberate.

You may leave the stage.

Let's start with Jujubee.

- I'm a huge Jujubee fan.

She comes out here,

she works the runway,

her style choices are always

very nudge-nudge, wink-wink.

It's charming.

- I think the dress

drowned her out a little bit.

You know, there was a lot

going on.

- I told Jujubee last week

to turn up the fire.

And I'm not sure

if she's turned it up

to full capacity.

Jessica Wild.

Now, I liked the dress because

it actually works for her.

- I didn't like the top part.

- The fan thing? Yeah.

- It was very quinceanera.

I think her style is pretty bad.

- Mathu, she did take your

pointers with the makeup.

- And I am well impressed that

she did do it.

She didn't have the heavy brow.

- Right.

- And she took her bang away.

- That's right.

- Pandora Boxx.

Now, Martha,

you did not like her dress.

- It didn't do a thing for her.

She just dissolved

into that dress.

- She went for a whole other

persona, this kind of...

- She took a chance.

- Bridal realness.

I thought it was a full show.

- My problem with

Miss Pandora Boxx all along

is it's like, um, blah.

Like all of her fashion


It's not even like, "they're

hideous; they're horrible"

as it's like, "Eh;

there you are."

- Miss Tyra "boom boom" Sanchez.

She's a showgirl.

She's the one your eyes go to.

- I was blown away.

- For Tyra, the biggest problem

is what?

- All the girls hate her.

- I think

she's a great performer.

I don't feel

a lot of warmth from her.

- Her attitude sucks.

And if it was up to me,

I'd vote her off right now.

- Tatianna.

If she did not have

immunity this week,

she would be in the bottom two.

- Hello.

- Yes.

- Tatianna gets the beautiful

thing a lot.

- Yeah.

- But she gets the ugly dress

thing a lot too.

She gets the ugly dress thing

a lot.

She's gotten that

more than once.

- Sahara.

Did not like her dress.

- Skimpy tutu.

- It wasn't enough tulle.

I mean, for drag,

you have to exaggerate things.

- Sahara was a little dry.

- Yeah, she was a little dry.


I loved Raven's outfit.

- She was the other standout.

- She was the other standout.

Love the bows.

- I was loving her Elle bride

blue shoe.

- Morgan McMichaels.

I have to say

I did not like her dress.

- A pouf skirt

is kind of hard to pull off.

- She never does

serious fashion.

She always does costume.

- Did Morgan improve her makeup?

- She's still doing

her signature Morgan look,

but it didn't look magic marker

this time.

- [claps]


I've made my decision.

Bring the girls back.


As we witnessed here tonight,

tensions are running high.

I will not tolerate problems

between my girls.

We are all in this together.

Now, based on the wedding


and your presentation

on the main stage tonight,

I've made some decisions.


Today in that dress,

you owned everything.

You're safe.

- Thank you.

- Jessica.

Mucho escandalo.

You are safe.

Tyra Sanchez.

This week, you raised the bar

on this competition.


Please do not

lower its standards.

- I'm scared that Ru is going

to look at me and say,

"Tyra Sanchez,

you are in the bottom two."

- Tyra Sanchez.

Congratulations, you're

the winner of this challenge.

- Thank you.

- In addition to receiving

immunity next week,

you've won a five-night

villa vacation

at the Hyatt Palm Springs.

Thank you, Tyra, you may join

the other girls.

- Thank you.

[Mendelssohn's Wedding March]

♪ ♪

I'm just in tears.

I was, like, boo-hoo crying.


I thought that I was going home.

- Tatianna.

Based on the judges' feedback,

your bride would have been left

at the altar.

But you have immunity this week.

You're still in the race.

- Thank you.

- Sahara Davenport.

Your presentation

was very Swan Lake.

Unfortunately, that story

does not have a happy ending.

I'm sorry,

you're up for elimination.

Pandora Boxx.

You're safe.

- Thank you.

- Raven.

You're safe.

- Thank you.

I should have won

that f*ckin' challenge.

Everyone in that f*ckin' room

will agree with me.

- Morgan McMichaels.

- [laughs]

- Why are you laughing?

- I always laugh.

It's a nervous thing, I think.

- I'm sorry, my dear,

but you are up for elimination.

Two queens stand before me.

Prior to tonight,

you were asked to prepare

a lip-sync performance

to Carry On

by the one and only Martha Wash.

Now, this song means

a great deal to me

because when my mother,

who had suffered

from a long bout with cancer

finally passed away,

I was listening to this song


It has a lyric...

mama said, never give up.

And I've used it as my anthem.

I want each of you girls

to know that,

even through adversity or death,

love and energy lives forever.


This is your final chance

to impress me

and save yourself

from elimination.

The time has come

for you to lip-synch...

for your life.

Good luck,

and don't f*ck it up.

- ♪ I stand alone ♪

♪ In the eye of the storm ♪

♪ Pressures all around ♪

♪ Mama used to say ♪

♪ Never ♪

♪ No ♪

♪ Never let your spirit bend ♪

♪ Never ♪

♪ Never give in to the end ♪

♪ I'll carry on ♪

♪ When the valley's deep ♪

♪ I'll be strong ♪

♪ I stand alone ♪

♪ In the eye of the storm ♪

♪ Pressures all around ♪

♪ Tryin' to wear me down ♪

♪ But it's all right ♪

♪ I won't give up the fight ♪

♪ I said, "Lord, lift me up" ♪

♪ Let me rise above ♪

♪ I'll never ♪

♪ Nobody's gonna

take my pride ♪

♪ I won't stop ♪

♪ I will not be denied ♪

♪ I'll carry on ♪

♪ When the valley's deep ♪

♪ I said I'll never ♪

♪ Nobody's gonna

take my pride ♪

♪ I won't stop ♪

♪ I will not be denied ♪

♪ I'll carry on ♪

♪ I'll never sleep ♪

♪ Till the new day dawns ♪

♪ When the valley is deep ♪


- Ladies.

I have made my decision.

Sahara Davenport.

Shante, you stay.

- Yes.

If I have to, I'll take each of

these b*tches down one by one.

Morgan McMichaels.

- Yes.

- Take strength in the words

of Martha's song.

A new day will dawn.

Carry on.


sashay away.

- Thank you.


- I couldn't even look.

When she was walking off,

I would not look at her.

I would not look up.

- Hello, mom.

I'm coming home.

I didn't serve it the way the

judges wanted me to serve it.

I'm not bitter, I'm not crazy.

I haven't cared what people

thought about me

the whole time I've been here.

I'm not gonna start now.

I care about

what I think about me.

And if I'm happy with me, then

that's good enough, right?

- To all my dolls.

We'll see you next week.

And remember...

If you can't love yourself,

how in the hell are you gonna

love somebody else?

Can I get an amen in here?

all: Amen.

- Let the music play.

[RuPaul's Jealous Of My Boogie


♪ ♪
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