03x01 - Casting Extravaganza

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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03x01 - Casting Extravaganza

Post by bunniefuu »

- Tonight on RuPaul's Drag Race

casting extravaganza,

you'll meet this season's

k*ller cast of competitors.

- I can't wait to serve y'all

little girls.

- And we'll take a sneak peek

at the top 12 queens'

audition tapes.

- I really, really like to be


- Plus unforgettable footage

of some of the ladyboys

who didn't quite make the cut.

- I'm keeping my baby.

- Can I get an "amen"?

- Heer neer.

- And just when you thought

it was safe to go outside...


Drag Race's first ever

open casting call.

- I will sleep with anybody

if it helps me get the part.

- [gasps]

Get ready for an hour

of amazing transformations...

- [giggles]

- Outrageous fashions...

- Do you know how many Muppets

I had to k*ll?

- And more lip-syncing for

your life than ever before.

- Top that, J.Lo.

- All this and some sexy

pit crew auditions

not suitable for work...

unless you work for me.

So take off your pants,

and let's dance.

RuPaul's Drag Race casting

extravaganza starts now.

- [screams]

- ♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

- ♪ Gentlemen,

start your engines ♪

- ♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

- ♪ May the best woman win ♪

- ♪ R-R-RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

- ♪ Gentlemen,

start your engines ♪

- ♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

- ♪ May the best woman,

best woman win ♪

- Greetings, race fans.

Welcome to the starting line

of RuPaul's Drag Race

season three.

Months before the competition


we scour the nation

to bring together the best

drag divas in America.

Get ready to gag on the gaggle

of glamour girls I've gathered

for this go-around.

But before I reveal

this season's top 12 queens,

let's take a look at some of

the home videos sent in

from the thousands of hopefuls

who dream of becoming America's

next drag superstar.

- ♪ Yes, my name's Alaska ♪

And that's just like

the state ♪

- My name is Miss Kiki,

a.k.a. Antonio Forte.

- Hi, RuPaul.

I'm Jacqueline.

- I am Misty Eyes.

- My name is Yekaterina

Petrovna Zamolodchikova,

but please just call me Katya.

- ♪ Everyone thinks

Sarah Palin ♪

When they hear my name ♪

- I'm Dax ExclamationPoint.

I come to you now in a look

that I'm calling...I'm calling

Seth Nando Barbie.

- I am Vivika Westwood Mugler.

Right now, we're in the middle

of the Bronx,

in the middle of the projects,

in the middle of the night.

- ♪ I think Palin's great ♪

Just kidding, I'm a Democrat ♪

- My character is very unique,

because I'm kind of bipolar.

- Miss La Fierce is ferocious.


Arr. Rowr.


- This is Sushi Vega,

the fiercest, baddest bitch

performer in Texas.

And if anybody has anything

to say about it,

they can speak to my mother.

- Hello, RuPaul's Drag Race.

My name is Andrew Levitt.

I grew up in Canton, Ohio,

which is the Pro Football

Hall of Fame capital.

Then I moved...

- I am the fierce diva

that is going to end up

ruling this country.

- I'm in my car.

That just tells you I'm ready

for the race, doesn't it?

- I'm gonna stop you right now

and tell you that if you do not

cast me, this show's gonna suck.

- Ru, you need somebody

interesting on your show.

- So get me on the show,

heer neer.

- Please pick me.


- All of my dreams have come

true except for one thing!

I need to be

on RuPaul's Drag Race!

- I deserve a shot

on RuPaul's Drag Race because...

I can sing, oh ♪

- And if you give me that call,

I can be on my way in a jiffy,

because...well, right now,

I'm bumming, but, you know...

- I really want to be on TV.

- Mami, yo tengo esta

en RuPaul's Drag Race.

You have to cast me, mami!

- And if you don't get me on

the show, you better believe

I'm gonna be right here sending

another video tomorrow.

- ♪ Alaska, Alaska ♪

'Cause she wants to be friends

with you ♪


- And so choose me

for RuPaul's Drag Race

season three.

Because let me tell you

about a drag race.

This bitch knows how to run.

Can I get an "amen"?

- Amen.

- Amen. Holla.

- Amen.

- Is that it?

Did we get it?


- Those queens ain't too proud

to beg,

and I applaud them for their

shameless self-promotion.

Oh, did I mention my book,

Workin' It!

RuPaul's Guide

to Life, Liberty,

and the Pursuit of Style,

is available on Amazon?

I didn't think so.


Now, speaking of selling


these next two queens

sold me on the fact

that they were the best

of the best.

So let me introduce the first

queen chosen to compete

in this season

of RuPaul's Drag Race.

From New York City,

Manila Luzon.

- Hi, my name's Karl with a K,

not a C.

Hi. I'm Manila.

The thing that I have

that you haven't seen

on your show yet

is that I'm Asian

and I'm taller than 5'2".

I'm Filipino.

Well, my mother's Filipino.

My dad's white.

So I'm a mix.

The Philippines

is the birthplace

of the prison Thriller video

and famous for the former

first lady Imelda Marcos.

- My favorite song to perform,

I think, of all times is Vogue.

I actually like

performing it better

as just, like me

and, like, picking out

fashionable clothes

and voguing.

My category is face.

- I have a famous boyfriend.

He's on TV.

You guys might know him

by the name Sahara Davenport.

both: Hi!

- Hey, there, it's me, Sahara,

wishing my baby girl, Manila,

all the best of luck.

And you guys better pick her.

- Looks like Manila's

gonna be a thriller.

The next queen to be competing

this season

is from the Garden State,

New Jersey's own Carmen Carrera.

- Yo, what's up?

This is me, Chris.

And I want to audition

for RuPaul's Drag Race.

Carmen Carrera is this, like,

fly-ass, glamorous girl.

She just has no worries.

I really, really like to be


and just make costumes

out of unordinary things.

The animal-print pasties

with the mohawk,

that's, like, really Carmen.

Like, Carmen likes to be

really naked.

This is my drag closet.

Couple of sexy things,

skirt that I made.


My shoes.

I got married last year.

Me and my husband were

extremely happy about that.

He has a four-year-old daughter,

so I'm kind of, like,


I'm going to give you guys

a little runway,

stop some traffic.

Doing drag and performing

is important to me

on a personal level,

because it helps me grow

as an individual

and as an artist.

[RuPaul's Jealous Of My Boogie]

I can perform for people

and have them take something

from my show,

whether it's happiness

or whether it's inspiration.

I really appreciate your time,

and I hope to hear back soon,

all right?


[clicks tongue]

- Like a prayer, this Jersey

girl will take you there.

Now, this might surprise you,

but many of the queens

that auditioned

are still in the closet.

It's true.

Of course, they're just in there

playing with dresses and wigs

and pantyhose.

And lucky for you, they invited

us in to take a look.

- I'm gonna show you my closet.

Take a look.

- This is my closet.

I'm gonna take you on a tour.

I have named it

The Interior Illusions Lounge.

- I spend a lot of money

on drag to look cheap, honey,

and I don't need any other bitch

to take it from me.

So, yes, it's a double lock,

as you can see.

- I'm about to show you

Joaya's fierce closet.

So here it is.

This is pretty much her closet.

- Drag closet, drag closet.

Come on. Let's go.

Everything that I have...

my house is so small

that I have to hide it

under the house.

- This is my special closet.

It's my freezer.

- Some people say garage.

I say closet.

- There she is.

- I don't wear

- I wear this to all

the appropriate events,

like family functions, dinners.

- Oh, and listen to it.

[dress rustling]

Merry Christmas.

- Everybody should have

at least one good


- I go from different looks.

You know, sometimes I'm demure.

Sometimes I'm classy.

Most of the time, I'm whorey.

- This is my closet in all

its...oh, we have bras.

Am I supposed to show this?

- Little bit of cheetah,

leopard, and my zebra.

But one thing you'll never find

on me is beaver.

- I have developed

quite an affinity

for gluing shit

to other shit.

- And then this is my

Space Girl Goes Green.

She, you know...

she a little scandalous.

- This is my alien space queen


I hope you like it.

I am a natural green hair.

- This right here

is a lovely feather boa

made out of...

scented trash bags.

- And right here is where I make

my own theatrical rhinestone


- Those are some true

fashion plates.

The first time a man puts on

a wig, some makeup,

and a pair of heels,

and prances out that door

is the ultimate act of courage.

Many of our hopefuls told us

about their first time in drag.

- When I first started

doing drag,

I looked like a five-cent

prost*tute clown.

- I started, you know,

a zesty mess in a dirty dress,

like everybody.

You know, my best girlfriend

would do my makeup,

and I'd put on a flat wig

and clothes from the body shop,

and I thought I was real.

And I thought, "Oh, my god,

it's just like prom

but every night."

- I started doing drag,

actually, on Halloween.

And if you would have asked me

back then

if I was gonna be a full-out

drag queen,

my answer definitely

would have been no.

- I was kind of a mess,

you know.

I was walking around.

I was, like...I had that wig on,

and I was roll around,

"Ho ho ho ho."

- I decided I was gonna dress up

as Liza Minnelli

just for one time, and I'm never

gonna do it again.

Shockingly enough,

I had so much fun,

from that point forward,

I knew that I was going to

become the drag queen

that I am today.

- I started doing drag

in Lincoln, Nebraska.

There was a competition

for people who had never

did drag before.

And all my friends were like,

"You should do it."

I'm, like, "I'm not

a drag queen," you know.

So I came in, did that

competition, and won

and beat, like, nine girls.

Like, they say

that I was the girl

that came bucking at the gate.

Like, it was just my calling.

- I used to photograph

drag queens in L.A.

for about a year and a half.

I was just like, "You know what?

"I'm tired of taking pictures

of drag queens.

"I'm going to turn the camera

and the spotlight onto me,

and I'm going

to make it happen."

I started off in this one

little bar in the Castro.

I called all my friends.

I was like, "b*tches, you guys

better be there.

"And even if I suck,

I don't give a shit;

"your asses are gonna scream

like you had just seen Madonna

poop on herself."

- When I was in college,

I was dating a man

who said he'd never sleep

with me again

if he ever saw me in drag.

This devastated me.

But I was answering

to a higher power

the night I picked up the flyer

for Chi Chi Larue's

fishbowl contest.

And you know what?

I walked away

with that fishbowl trophy

and a cash prize.

- Those queens have nerve.

And it do take nerve.

Now, here are two queens who

are ready to let you have it.

A professional makeup artist

who's worked with

some very big names.

Meet Raja.

- My drag character

or my drag name is Raja.

I'll be 36.

I'm a makeup artist,

and I'm a female impersonator.

I'm gonna sound

really f*cking old,

but I started really young,

and I've been doing this

for about 20 years now.

As soon as I came out

of the closet, I was like,

"I'm gonna be

a fierce f*cking bitch."

So my brows were tweezed.

My hair grew.

I kept my weight

at a certain weight.

I wanted to be a supermodel.

That's all I wanted to be.

I've always known

in the back of my mind

that there's something better

about me than everybody else.

I think I have

a different insight

and an understanding of

the world.

Raja is a jet-setting,

avant-garde supermodel.

She's a little boisterous,

but at the same time,

she's very classy.

We're about to explore

my closet.

Definitely have to be thin.

No fat girls allowed.


So this is one of the pieces

that I made.

Not bad, right?

Sometimes I go have coffee

in the morning down the street

and I go down through

West Hollywood,

go to the thrift shop

in this gown.

I've been watching Drag Race,

and I'm frankly disappointed

at the collection that these...

men are wearing.

They don't have shit

like this.

I watch them, and they're just

walking around

in their, you know,

home sewing machine, like,

cheap Lycra nonsense.

And, frankly,

I don't understand it,

and I think it's irresponsible,

and I think they need

to get it together.

I'm a makeup artist.

That's what I do.

And I work with a ton of


This is my friend Adam Lambert.

So what do you think about me,

like, trying to become

the next top drag queen?

- You are the top drag queen.

- Oh!

- Those b*tches

better look out.

- There you go.

Enough said.

- You're going to kick

their ass.

- Sorry about that.

- Not only is Raja

the prettiest queen;

she's also the most creative

and resourceful

and [speaking indistinctly].

- To me, drag is an art form

and it's a visual art.

And so the more visual it is,

the more powerful it is

and the more important it is.

- This drag veteran

is ready for the race.

You go, mama.

Here's a diva supreme

who comes to Drag Race

with a daunting reputation.

From the Buckeye State,

meet India Farrah.

- My name is Shane Richardson.

I started drag

at a very young age,

at the age of 12, actually.

And my brother,

whom is also gay,

was currently in a relationship

with a drag queen

in my hometown,

who got me started in drag

and gave me the drag name

India Farrah.

Oh, hello.

When did you get here?

No, it's not Kris Kardashian.

It's me, India Farrah.

I started performing

at the age of 14.

There's been some hardships

that I've had to face.

A lot of people actually tried

to bring me down

when I was younger,

because I started so young.

And luckily, with the support of

my family and close friends,

it was a battle that I overcame.

This is my closet,

and I want you to come in

and take a look with me.

This right here is a new wig

that I just created, actually,

and it weighs about 20 pounds.

This is a little fabric boa

that I made.

Makeup, lashes.

I like to keep stock of stuff.

One of my top hats for Rihanna.

This right here

is my galaxy costume,

and I absolutely love it.

[fast-paced music]

Why is drag an important part

of my life?

I would have to say since I was

homeschooled since second grade

by my parents,

that drag allowed me

to be more social and outgoing.

So I think, honestly, drag

helped me out a lot.

And I think that's why I click

to it so much.

- ♪ Don't be jealous

of my boogie ♪

Don't be jealous ♪

♪ of my boogie ♪

You can say that you are not,

but I always see you lookin' ♪

- You have seen

my audition video

for RuPaul's Drag Race

season three.

I hope to be seeing you

at the starting line soon.

Can I get an "amen"?

- This dancing queen is gonna

bring the heat to the runway.

You know, my ladyboys aren't

the only ones who have to prove

they've got the right stuff.

I put potential pit crew


through their paces too.

And trust me; it was grueling.

- My name is Patrick Cronen.

I'm 27.

I did swing for eight years,

but primarily dancing

in the mirror

is how I occupy

my spare time these days.

- I would have to say

I like my stomach the best,

'cause I put the most work

on that.

- I played football for the

University of South Dakota

for five years.

I'm an actor/model, and I can't

dance worth shit.

- I sew, I paint,

and I do an amazing one-handed

hand stand

while humping the wall.


- I'm a musical theater actor

and dancer.

I'm the biggest p*ssy

you will ever meet.

I cry at everything.

I got a nice butt.

It's big.


- I'm very confident.

I have some Tom Cruise moves.

You need to get ready, actually.

- I do cry at movies.

I'm very emotional.

And I think I'm a good dancer.

Yeah, got a great ass, so...


- I'm a ex-go-go dancer.

My favorite part of my body is

my ding-dong.

[elephant trumpets]

- I'm actually not a dancer

at all.

- So the one thing you probably

would not know about me

is that I can be very buff.

I can look like I'm really

cut up and really ready to go.

But I can also get really skinny

very quickly.

- I have in my blood

the mighty DNA of God.

So I have his blessing.

I can do it all.

both: We are from Russia.

- My age is 21.

- And I'm 18.

Sometimes we dance

in the shower.

- My name is Alien Hanson.

I'm the world's best dancer.

[cymbal crashes]

My career goals are to be famous

and to be a household name

on everybody's TV screen.

- The economy's turned terrible,

as we all well know,

and I turned to male escorting

to put bread on the table,

to feed my family,

and keep the women happy.

I was a Playboy model,

Penthouse model for years.

- Yeah, I'm probably a little

too short to be a model.

- You know, everyone sees

my chest,

and it just drowns

everything out, so...

See a little bit of that?


- My name is Shawn.

I'm 31 years old.

I work in outdoor advertising.

My favorite part about my body,

I guess, would be my midsection.


- My favorite aspect of my body

would have to be my abs.

- I love my chest.

That's all.

Other people always comment

on my ass, though.

- Hi, my name is Jason Carter.

I'm 29.

I am a dancer/radio jockey/


That's what I do for a living.

What I like best about my body

is my abs.

- Do you see how I suffer

to bring you this show?

You can thank you me later.

Actually, you can thank me now,

because the season three

pit crew is here.

Say hello, boys.

both: Hello, boys.

- This season, we received

a lot of submissions

from plus-sized ladies.

Let me just say,

the bigger the cushion,

the better the...drag queen.

- I'm really freakin' annoyed

with all the big girls

that have been

on RuPaul's Drag Race.

A big girl can't make it past

the first or second episode.

- I'm 6'7" flat-footed,

I wear size 17 shoe.

And I dance like I'm little.


- Initially,

when I first started drag,

I was always too big

or I was always a booger

or I was not feminine enough

or not this enough

or not that enough.

- My butt goes up and down

on the scale and everything.

But a girl doesn't have to pad.

- You know, I was always

the fat kid,

and drag just gave me confidence

to be ballsy, brash,

kind of like a Mae West.

- I make fun of myself.

I don't want to make fun

of other people.

Yeah, I'm a bigger guy.

I'm a bigger drag queen,

a bigger girl.

But I have a lot of fun.

- Unfortunately, those zaftig

queens didn't make the cut.

But here are two delicious dames

who did.

This next queen

will not be ignored.

Joining the competition,

it's my pleasure to introduce

Mimi Imfurst.

- Hey, everybody,

it's Mimi Imfurst,

the hardest-working bitch

in show business,

and I'm the fat bitch

you're looking for.

You need to put a fat bitch

on the show

who's gonna tell it

like it is.

You need to put a fat bitch

on the show like me,

who's gonna deliver,

'cause I'm sick and tired

of messy fat girls

misrepresenting the big girls.

Honey, I'm gonna come in.

I'm gonna squash

the competition.

I don't care

if you're skinny or fat.

I know how to win.

I'm gorgeous, I'm glamorous,

and I'm semi-Ret*rded,

and that is the advantage

that I need to take over

and be America's next

drag superstar.

All my drag is big

and glamorous and super campy

and smart.

And most importantly, I'm a

fierce m*therf*cking lip-syncer.

This is my fabulous closet.

As you can see, there are wigs

and dresses.

Lots of ruffles and sequins

and feathers.

Do you know how many Muppets

I had to k*ll to make this?

I didn't make this one,

but I have Asian slaves

in Thailand who did.

- ♪ Hey, deejay, love the way ♪

I lose my inhibitions

when you spin ♪

- What I love about doing drag

is that it's empowering,

is that it allows you to be

anything that you want to be,

that you can take

what you were born with from God

and transform it

into whatever you can dream.

- We'll see if Mimi has

what it takes to finish first.

Bow down for our next queen.

From Back Swamp, North Carolina,

Miss Stacy Layne Matthews.

- Hello?

Oh, what's up, RuPaul?

It's me, Ron Jones.

Give me a second.

I'll be right out.

I'm gonna show you a little

glimpse into my life.

My drag persona

is Stacy Matthews.

She's vivacious.

She's large and in charge.

So being a big girl,

don't let anybody ever tell you

that you cannot do the things

that small girls can do,

because I've done it all.

I would say

my life as a drag queen

has been the most fabulous thing

I've ever experienced.

I've been doing drag now

for about nine years.

Being a plus-sized queen,

it's not always easy

to have the confidence

that you need,

especially living where I live.

I am from the deep South.

This is my closet.

I want to show you a few things

that I've been working on.

Here are some of my shoes

that I do wear.

We've got this...flower gown.

You see that fringe, girl?

- ♪ Hey, deejay, love the way ♪

I lose my inhibitions

when you spin ♪

And I don't care

if people stare ♪

I'd rather boogie

than try to fit in ♪

- Being in the Bible Belt,

people around here

look down on people like us,

because they don't

understand it.

So I do not feel upset or angry

at those people.

It's my job as a queen to

show them that we're people too

and we deserve respect.

- This country queen is busting

out of Back Swamp

and coming for the crown.

Let's hear from some of

the other hopefuls

to find out what inspired them

to do drag.

It's a little package

I like to call

"everything you wanted to know

about being a ladyboy

but were afraid to ask."

- This is my calling, and this

is what I'm supposed to do.

- I could have never anticipated

all the people

that I would meet

or the places that I would

travel to.

- In my charity work,

I've raised almost $200,000.

- Doing drag, to me, means

escaping the everyday life.

- Drag enables me to be

a supersonic version

of who I am on the inside.

- I don't want to be a woman.

I just want to dress up

and have fun.

- Drag, for me, gives me that

courage and that fearlessness.

- You can wrap people

around your little finger,

and they can't say a word.

- For me, drag is like therapy.

And so I don't have to pay

a therapist.

- Drag, for me, was an art form

that I can actually hide

all of my feelings behind,

from all the name callings

or just the word "f*gg*t"

in general.

- I am not a gay man.

I'm a straight man

that performs in drag

for entertainment.

- When I was 19, my mother

kicked me out of the house.

By doing drag, I was able to

eat, to dress myself,

to go out shopping.

- I have two younger sisters.

They saw me perform

for the first time,

one of the best things that's

happened to me when performing,

because I really love


- I've done everything.

I've worked in Lower Manhattan,

the financial district,

for six months.

I've sold sunglasses

at the mall.

I've even been a contestant

on Showtime at the Apollo.

But nothing comes close

to the satisfaction that I get

from doing drag.

- A drag queen

is a true artist,

and her body is the canvas.

As many queens showed

in their audition tapes,

their face painting is nothing

short of a masterpiece.

Eat your heart out,



- I put some Elmer's glue stick

over my eyebrows.

And I'm just gonna give you

a very pretty fishy lady face.

Aren't I gorgeous?

Don't you want to do me?


- First of all, it takes me

a good shower.

You must wash that ass

before you get in drag.

- I always do my makeup.

Normally, I take a good hour,

like, on my face.

And I'll put on

a really cute outfit.

When I walk into the bar,

I'm ready to perform.

- Now I'd like to show you

what it takes to become Versace.

So undergarments are an

extremely important accessory

for a drag queen.

I like to take in my waist

even further

with a cincher like this one.

And this is not my real ass,

but I did pay for it.

- This is what it takes to

transform into Jackie

along with a...with a nice big

roll of duct tape,

and we're all good.

And some couch cushion.

'cause you know

I'm a white girl,

so I got to put the curve in it.

- Can I get a "amen" up in here?

- Speaking of stunning


the next two queens

competing this season

are masters of illusion.

First this high-energy queen

could give the Energizer bunny

a run for her money.

From the isle of Puerto Rico,

Miss Yara Sofia.

- I'm Gaby, a.k.a. Yara Sofia.

I'm from Puerto Rico.

I was born and raised here

in this beautiful island.

My character's name come

from a girl that I have

in high school.

She had beautiful legs.

So everybody told me

that I have beautiful legs,

and that's why I'm Yara Sofia.

When I look in the mirror,

I wasn't boy.

I was a girl,

'cause I love being a girl.

Now we're gonna talk fashion.

I have too many looks.

This one is a remake

from Alexander McQueen.

I could never forget the shoes.

What Yara Sofia loves to wear,

the animal print,

'cause I love animals.

I'm a fierce bitch.

- ♪ Don't be jealous

of my boogie ♪

Don't be jealous

of my boogie ♪

You can say that you are not,

but I always see you lookin' ♪

- I want to compete

in this fabulous race,

RuPaul's Drag Race.

So here I am.

This is the time.

The third time is the time,

'cause after Jessica Wild,

the Puerto Rican girl

will win this race,

this competition.

It's for us.

So be prepared and watch me.

- Will Yara's edgy style

get her to the finish line?


This next queen impressed me

with her professionalism,

not to mention she put the "hot"

in Hotlanta.

It's my pleasure to introduce


- Hi, my name is Brian Trapp,

also known as Phoenix.

Hi, RuPaul's Drag Race.

Phoenix here

in Atlanta, Georgia.

I started drag, like,

ten years ago.

I kind of started doing these

little, like, amateur contests

and started winning.

And I kind of just got pushed

into the scene, and here I am.

The biggest hardship

is the boys.

The boys are crazy with it.

Like this year alone, I've had

this happen several times.

I'll have a guy, like,

all into me as Brian,

and then they figure out

what I do,

and it just completely changes.

It, like...

and it drives me insane.

I just look at me doing drag

as more of another way

for me to be creative

and be an artist.

I don't really consider myself

just a normal drag queen.

I look at myself as more like

an entertainer.

- ♪ Hey, deejay, love the way ♪

I lose my inhibitions

when you spin ♪

- I've pretty much been

a full-time entertainer,

and now I work six days a week.

I have one day off a week.

But I'm ready to do

something different,

and I really think,

from what I've seen

with RuPaul's Drag Race,

it gives you a larger scale

to work with.


- Rising from the ashes,

Phoenix is ready

to burn it down.

Now, that's my kind of queen.

For the very first time,

we held open auditions

on Hollywood Boulevard.

[people cheering]

Drag Race judge Santino Rice

joined me,

and we got to meet

some very colorful characters.

- Let me get in on your shot,


I'm sorry, girl.

- Let me in there!

- Security?

- My name is Delta Work.

I'm from Norwalk, California.

And I'm here to try out

for RuPaul's Drag Race

season three.

I'm so excited.

I put my tape together

the day before the deadline.

I rushed it.

I was ready to go.

The waiting's over, and I'm

ready to take it to the top.

- You ain't gonna do nothing.

- You shady cow.

- My name is Venus D-Lite.

I'm 26 years old.

I'm from Los Angeles,


I think what sets me apart

from all the other drag queens

is that I'm unique,

I'm professional,

and I like to get

the shit done.

- Hello, world.

It's me.

It's Terlene.

I'm America's next

drag superstar,

'cause I have the f*cking gall,

the talent, the nerve.

- I'm America's next drag


because I am a superstar.

- I'll cut some b*tches

if I have to.

I'll do whatever I have to do.

- I'm not worried at all

about the competition.

Bring it on.

I've dealt with a lot

of shady queens.

I'm ready, RuPaul.

- Where would you put this

if you were me?

- Tell us

about your drag persona.

- My name

is Miss Mona Lot-Moore.

- I'm Miss Barbie Q.

- I'm Allusia.

- Mercedes Electra,

the Hollywood icon.

- I bet you are.

- My name is Detox.

I'm pretty much, like, a mix

between Jem and the Holograms

on crack

and Patrick Nagel.

- Oh, well,

that's all you need.

- Whoo!

All right!



Bring it on, baby!

Bring it home to mama.

- I feel like a fake

Barbie right now, to be honest,

the way I'm talking.

Do I sound like a Barbie to you?

"Yes, hello.

How are you?"

- [chuckles]

- I'm Christina Boss.

I'm 16.

Okay, I'm 27.


- Vickie Bouffant.

I'm 37.

And, bitch, I am from Chicago!


- Hi, I'm Wendy Watch

from Wetumka, Oklahoma,

and I'm 42 years old.

- Mona can go from gowns

and, like, glamour

to solicitation

on the streets.

[record scratch]

- Are you Lady Deuce?

- Yes, I am.

- How'd you get the name

Lady Deuce?

- One of my really, really best


her name is Lady Deuce.

Kind of, like, a tribute to her.

- You have a best friend

whose name is Lady Deuce?

- Yes.

- And you decided, "I think

I want to use that name too."

Did you try Claire Voyant?

What about Sarah Tonen?

- No.

- Tara Misu?

- Tiramisu?

- Yeah.

- Isn't that, like, a soup

or something?

[cymbal crash]

- Hi, good morning.

- Hello.

How gorgeous you are.

- Thank you.

My name is Delta.

I'm 34 years old.

And I'm from the city of


I've been doing drag

for over ten years.

- Do they tip

in southern California?

- On a good night, yeah.

I hate showing up to,

like, Ross,

and paying all ones, but...

- Do you cross-dress for less?

- I cross-dress for more,

'cause I got more to cover.

- Okay.

- A lot of the "big girls"

that do shows,

it's always a comedy.

I do comedic things.

I do things that are serious.

Hopefully, overall, the thing

that runs through it all

is just entertainment.

- Awesome.

What unique skills do you have?

- I can stick my tongue

behind my uvula.

- I've been tap-dancing

for the last ten ye...

last ten...

[gasps] 20 years.

- I can sing live.

I've been classically trained.

Amazing grace ♪

I need a drink ♪

- ♪ That saved

a wretch like me ♪

- Hmm, well, my physical talent

right now is a little tucked.

- I can, uh, make a dinner

for 40 on $1.95.

- Oh!

Oh! Ah!



- [laughs]

- I can get spots

out of anything.

- I can do this.

[crickets chirping]

- Jiminy Christmas.

- Yeah.


Well, hello there.

What as surpris...look at that.

- Oh, do you live?

- Oh, Mary McFadden,

eat your heart out.

- Oh, yes.

- I love it.

- Now, this is just day wear,


You got to see my evening wear,


- You're Venus D-Lite?

- I'm Venus D-Lite.

- Now, you look like

a country queen.

- It's a little Cyndi Lauper


- Just a little bit.

I'm giving, like, Cyndi Lauper,

Judy Jetson.

- Who do you pattern yourself


- Madonna, Grace Jones,

Barbra Streisand.

Madonna just shocked people,

and that's me as a performer.

- How long have you been


- Almost ten years, and I'm 26.

- Oh, my goodness.

- Wow.

- Jailbait queen. Brilliant.

- Thank you.

- I tell you what.

Let's take a look

at your lip-sync prowess.

Are you ready?

- Yes.

- Okay.

- Can I turn around?

- Yes, ma'am.

- [clears throat]

- ♪ No no no, no no no ♪

- Is this new?

- Yeah, it's new.

- [laughs]

It's the new new.

- Is this KISS FM?

- ♪ Hey, deejay, love the way ♪

I lose my inhibitions

when you spin ♪

And I don't care

if people stare ♪

I'd rather boogie

than try to fit in ♪

Turn it up,

let them scrutinize ♪

- ♪ I know you're watching ♪

- ♪ Way up, 'cause the night

is mine ♪

- I know you're watching.

- ♪ Turn it up,

let me scandalize ♪

- ♪ I know you're watching ♪

- ♪ Yeah, up

under flashing lights ♪

- ♪ No, no, don't be... ♪

Oh, my goodness!

Don't hurt nobody, now.

You say that you are not,

but I always see you lookin' ♪

Don't be jealous

of my boogie ♪

Don't be jealous

of my boogie ♪

Oh, okay.


- ♪ Always see you lookin' ♪

Don't be jealous

of my boogie ♪

Don't be jealous

of my boogie ♪

You can say that you are not,

but I always see you lookin' ♪

- Gorgeous.

- [laughs]

Thank you guys so much.

- Thank you so much.

- Thank you, baby.

- Thank you, Allusia.

And we'll see.

- All right.

Mwah. Bye.

- Well, thank you so much,


- Thank you.

- Thank you,

and I will sleep with anybody

if it helps me get the part.

Just putting that out there.

- Thank you.

- Well, Mercedes Electra,

thank you very much.

- Thank you.

- And that boa is amazing.


- It's like the embodiment

of being gay.

- Now, would you wear a boa

like that?

Well, I got to tell you,

you know,

I'm so impressed with you.

I think that you are...you're

what we're looking for.

And, Venus, you're coming

to Drag Race.

- [squeals]

Oh, my god!

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.

- [laughs]

- Thank you.

- Don't f*ck it up.

- This is the best thing that's

ever happened to my life.

I'm so excited.

This is just...oh, my god.

I finally won my Academy Award.



- You know,

you are so unspookable.

- Am I?

- Yes.

- Okay.

- Well, condragulations, Delta.

You're in.

- Really?

So in the running, like there's

one more step, or...

- No, you're in, girl.

- [screams]

Oh, my god!

I just got on RuPaul's Drag Race

season three!

I'm excited.

I'm ready.

Let's do it.

Start the race.

sh**t the g*n.

- All right, darling.

- Buh-bye. Thank you.

- Bye. Awesome.

All right, Santino, I think we

got some really gorgeous gals.

- The world is going to gag.

- The world will be gagging.

Let's go.

- Let's get out of here.

- Every drag queen knows

that there's one thing

that can never be too tight:

her lip-sync.

Because one day, her very life

may depend upon it.

- ♪ Hey, deejay, love the way ♪

I lose my inhibitions

when you spin ♪

And I don't care

if people stare ♪

I'd rather boogie

than try to fit in ♪

Turn it up,

let them scandalize ♪

- ♪ I know you're watching ♪

- ♪ Yeah, up

under flashing lights ♪

- ♪ No, don't be ♪

- ♪ Don't be jealous

of my boogie ♪

Don't be jealous

of my boogie ♪

You can say that you are not,

but I always see you lookin' ♪

No no no, no no no ♪

No no, no no ♪

Don't, don't ♪

♪ ♪

- Some of those lip-syncers

were pretty tight.

But, unfortunately, none of them

made the final cut.

My advice to those girls is to

keep working on your game,

because persistence pays off,

as proven by this next queen,

who applied not once, not twice,

but three times

before being invited to compete.

Please meet a girl who won't

take no for an answer,

Alexis Mateo.

- Hi, everybody.

My name is Alexis Mateo

from St. Pete, Florida.

I'm 30 years old.

I always bring something

to the table

completely different

and completely fresh.

And I'm original

from Puerto Rico,

and I come from a broken family.

I grew up

always trying to be accepted

and always trying to be

part of something.

When I was 12 years old,

I realized that all my dreams

were set in the performing life.

This is Alexis Mateo,

the little character

that I create inside my room

after that fabulous first

drag show that I saw.

It's the only thing

that I have of my own,

that nobody can steal from me.

When I'm with other drag queens,

I do have a very strong

point of view that I defend

and that I make myself be heard

and be respected.

Let me see.

What else can I show you?

This, I started

with a long dress,

and I just kind of cut it.

I use Mardi Gras beads sewn.

It's completely turned

into a giant ball gown.

I love the 3D effect

of the flowers.

- ♪ Don't be jealous

of my boogie ♪

Don't be jealous

of my boogie ♪

You can say that you are not,

but I always see you lookin' ♪

Don't be jealous

of my boogie ♪

- Alexis Mateo means to me


I love Alexis Mateo

because of that,

and, of course,

I love Alexis Mateo

'cause he can disguise

as everybody

and just be himself.

♪ ♪

- This pageant queen

has her eyes on the prize.

And last but not least,

this breathtaking beauty

is from Atlanta,

and we call this queen Mariah.

- I am Mariah, and I reside now

locally in Atlanta, Georgia.

Mariah, she's an eclectic

bundle of inspiration

from everybody.

My style,

especially professionally,

is pretty much

just to go in there,

do what you have to do

without a whole bunch

of unnecessary extra.

Well, I don't perform


That's not, like,

my form of income.

I don't do it for a living.

I actually compete

in the ballroom circuit.

And so it's pretty much kind of

a sudden-death version

of a pageant.

You have about 30 to 45 seconds

to prove yourself.

I'm bringing my "A" game,

so y'all girls better have your

lashes, your wigs,

and your fish grease,

because this one's

gonna be good.

Okay, so I'm officially out of

the closet,

ponytails and all.

This is the magic room.

This is, like,

all my human hair wigs.

This is where I keep them,

'cause they're so delicate.

They're so easy to tangle.

If you don't condition

and shampoo them

like you would your real hair,

oh, guess what.

This is where I keep

all my drag,

my feathers and hair

and shoes and things.

Actually made these myself.

I can't wait to serve y'all

little girls.

- ♪ Hey, deejay, love the way ♪

I lose my inhibitions

when you spin ♪

And I don't care

if people stare ♪

I'd rather boogie

than try to fit in ♪

- Life is a drag,

and it's fabulous.

I mean, I'm really actually

couldn't see myself

doing anything else.

It's been an ongoing process

of meeting new people,

learning new things.

To me, my whole life...

it's an adventure.

Just enjoy it.

Don't take anything serious.

Except for your hair.

- Mariah is bringing ballroom

heat and serving realness.

So there you have it,

the 12 top queens competing

this season

for the title of America's next

drag superstar,

the best of the best.

Manila Luzon.

Carmen Carrera.

Venus D-Lite.

Delta Work.


India Farrah.

Stacy Layne Matthews.

Mimi Imfurst.


Yara Sofia.

Alexis Mateo.

And Mariah.

Now, as fun as their audition

tapes were to watch,

let me tell you,

you ain't seen nothing yet.

These gentlemen are about to

start their engines.

And spoiler alert:

the best woman wins.

So buckle up for safety,

and I'll see you

at RuPaul's Drag Race

season three.
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