01x02 - Episode 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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01x02 - Episode 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Announcer: Warning: The
following program contains love,

lust, and swimsuits the size of
a pirate's eye patch.

Previously on "love island," the
doors opened to the "love

island" villa here in Fiji.

Five gorgeous single girls


I'm so excited for you the
meet these guys.

Do you want to meet them?


Announcer: Closely followed
by five handson hunks looking

for love.



Announcer: To create our
first matches.

You still keeping up?


Then to shake things up, new
islander Kyra joined the party

and good to know each guy before
deciding which one to steal.

I like her already.

Tonight, the network insists we
actually show you Kyra's


The boy I want to couple up
with is...

Announcer: The suspense is
k*lling me!

Matt: We're back at the
villa, and that poor girl has

been standing there for 24 hours
in heels.

But now single girl Kyra is
finally ready to use her power

and steal the man of her choice.

Her decision will break up one
of our couples.

Zac and Elizabeth, Michael and
Alexandra, Weston and Mallory,

yamen and Alana, cashel and

♪ Who is that coming down the
road ♪

Which boy will she choose?

What attracted me to this boy
was I think he's truly himself,

and he doesn't care what other
people think.

♪ I'll be a miracle ♪
so the boy I want to couple up


♪ Get out of my dreams ♪


. cashel.

Actually a really good choice.

He's a great guy.

Arielle: Caro, you're
single now.

At the end of the week, all
islanders will take part in a


The islander not picked will be
done on the island.



Cashel and Kyra, you're going
on a date.

Please get ready the leave the
villa immediately.

# instadate, #newconnections.

Oh, my god.

It's like I get it.

It's okay.

Honestly, if anything I'm

I was with the fun guy.

Me and cashel were just getting

I thawing everyone knew we were
all of these other -- we were

the only couple really kicking
it on.

She had to choose my man.

Just so ridiculous.

I was sitting there stressed

Did you expect that?

Listen, I was joking.

Can I tell you guys something.

I was joking with her about

I was there.

She never mentioned his name.

I was joking with her.

I said, ha, ha, blah, blah,
blah, never talked to me about


For me that's shady.

Maybe he doesn't like her.

I don't want him back.

He's the thing.

I don't want him back.

Dang, like that?

I could tell, he wanted her
to pick him.

Couldn't even talk to me about

I full on kissed him.

Yesterday we were cuddling all

You can't just make someone feel
special and then want someone

else to pick you.

Geez, we got some sizzling
tea tonight.

The teapot is [whistling]
it's okay.

It's okay.

It's day two.

That's the teapot.

The tea's ready.

That's the teapot.

Caro, she came out of there
out of recoupling like blazing.

I'm like, oh, it's going down.

It's going spicy.

Announcer: Anticipation and
it is Nell la are in the air as

Kyra and cashel go on their very
first date.

There you are, madam.

Thank you very money.

Oh, this is so pretty.

Do you know how to pop a bottle?

I know how the pop a bottle.

We'll do this.


Farch -- fan similar here you

Get the big bubbles.


To the loveliliest date on "love

I'm here for that.


So how are you feeling?

I'm so happy, Kyra.

I'm stoked
you are?

I was so nervous.

It definitely was you, one of
the guys I was looking at and

probably the least amount of
time I had, you know.

I think when I first got, there
I wasn't looking you way because

I thought that there wasn't an
opening I guess.

Where is your head?

Because you guys were so...

Seemed so...

Me and caro, we just like
super clicked.

She's like, do you think there
could be something here, or do

you think we're just going to be

I'm like, it wasn't --
Arielle: It was too soon

it wasn't like with you.

I just saw you and I was like, I
want to talk to you.

I was like, you make me a little

You make me a little nervous,

My face hurts a little bit
from smiling so much.

I feel so giddy.

That's how I'm feeling.

That's great.

Giggle away.

Announcer: From my favorite
restaurant, casa de one table,

to the villa where newly single
caro is already moving on.

Oh, wait, hold on.

What's the opposite of moving

I am tripping?

I don't want the look crazy?


I think she should have talked
to you first.

It's nothing wrong with her
picking him.

No, no.

It is also shady on his part.

It's not totally her.

Yes, no, it's both of them.

Like he should have told you
when we were talking about it.


You can't just consider my
feelings for one second?

It's like, you see I like this
guy and I told you.


I don't want to be bitter, I
don't want to be like, oh, I'm

not talking to you, whatever,
but I want to let them know,

don't do this to people, that's
not okay.

I thought something was going to
form, which leads me to ask, is

it okay if I talk to Michael?

Yes, you know I'm okay with

But I don't want to go up to
Michael, just because I'm

single, I want to be with you.

It's not like that.

Who cares.

I expressed to him, I want to
get to know you.

So caro obviously think
Michael is hot, because he is.

He's so hot.

It's obvious lay weird
situation, but I don't know.

I don't know.

I can't predict the future.

Announcer: Well, I can, and
the future is bleak for the poor

production assistant who has to
blow out all of those candles.

Did you think I was going the
choose you?

I was hoping.

But what did you think I was
going to do?

Were you like, I have this in
the bag, I'm good?

No, no.


I saw you talk with yamen for
a while.

You took a swim with yamen.

He reminds me of a lot of
guys back at home, but I didn't

get that feeling.

And with Weston, I was very
attracted to him and his

personality, but I just think we
had nothing in common.


So then I talked to you, and
to have that attraction right

off the ballot and all that
stuff, it just was like...

Click, click.

Click, click.

And then I had those little
feelings, and then you did your

do, y laugh, and I was soaltd.

It was the laugh?

Funny is good.

I'm happy I don't sleep alone

Thanks for a wonderful date.




You going in?

I'm going in.

What do you think?

All right.

That's all you're getting.

That's all you're getting for

No we can go.

I had to, I had to.

I had to.

That was cool.

That was great.

That was cool.

♪ Lavender kisses on a hot
summer night

♪ Hollywood in the moonlight ♪

Announcer: After losing
cashel to Kyra, caro has

successfully completed the
grieving process and has her

eyes on a new man, Alexandra's
man, Michael.


I am talking to you because
obviously like you were the

other guy that I was interested
in, and I knew you knew that.

I made it pretty obvious.

So I know it would be weird if I
went to bed and didn't talk to


Now I'm single.


So I wanted to talk to you.

So have you even mentioned
anything to Alexandra?

Yeah, she knew this all

Like I'm telling you, everybody
knows everything that I'm about

to do.

We really haven't even gotten
chance to chitchat, but, you

know, like it was between y'all
two, and if I could turn it

back, I feel like I might have
picked you, but at the same

time, I haven't really been
giving her a chance.

You're really chill.

You're super bubbly and you got
a lot of energy.

I want to get to know you more.

Thank you.

I appreciate that.

Honestly, I'm completely

So we'll definitely play it out.

Do you like cuddling?

You do?

I'm like the biggest cuddler

Can I hug you?

You're funny.


Cute and funny.

Caro, I think she's beautiful.

She's got a beautiful face,
beautiful body, and that's

generally what I go for, but
there's still just something I

feel like, you know, I get the
impression like she's kind of,

you know, a flirt.

She likes to be a flirt.

Announcer: Kyra and cashel
are back from their date and

taking the walk of no shame.

I'm going to see you.

All right.

This should be fun.

Good time, good times.


What's going on?


What's up?

How is everyone doing?

How was the date?

I was so nervous to come
back, especially with caro.

I feel for that situation.

If I was in that situation, I'd
be super, super mad.

I'm like so happy, though,

It's all right.

It's all right.


I'm glad.

I've never had a date like that
in my life, girl.

It was candlelight, a kiss.

You did?


It's so awkward.

We were at a table, but like we
were sitting closer together and


And he went in for it toward the


I think tongue happened a
little bit.

Just a little bit.

What did I miss?

Have you and Zac been --
I'm definitely into him.

I'm nervous about it.

Definitely if you're nervous
about it.

I don't want to be.

I'm trying to keep my cool.

Were you not expecting that?

Not at all.

That's why it's weird.

Announcer: While Kyra is
excited about her date, cashel

seeks a ruling on caro's
feelings from the two villa


Nice shirts, guys.

How was the drama?

Was it?

What happened?

What happened?

She let it out, dude.


I mean, like as soon as y'all

How are you feeling?

Honestly, that was like the
classiest date I've ever been


They had all the tiki torches.

Is it boula?

It was very boula.

It was binacca, bro.

It was really fun.

I don't know.

I'm kind of vibing on this.

Yeah, man, it was cool.

So you feel more content with

I feel more content.

Did you kiss?


Yeah, we did
a good smooch?


Like a proper one?

It was like --
just tongues out.

It wasn't like that.

She's a classy lady.

I'm very intrigued by Kyra.

I'm hoping for more of those
kisses, you know what I mean?


Caro, can we talk?

Of course.




Where do you want to go, girl?

Let's go right here.

Right here.

I was in such a weird


And one talk can change so

Yeah, that's true.

So let me just tell from my side
of the story, this was not

communicated to me at all, and I
was like, oh, she didn't talk to


I made it clear and I was
joking, we were all joking about


I didn't think this was
literally going the happen.

You didn't talk to me about it.

I just want communication.

From me hearing this from girls
and all that stuff, it doesn't

feel good.

I'm like, why is it that I need
to puzzle things together.

It's you.

It was your decision.

I told you, though, they was
going to pull him aside.

When did you tell me that?

I told you literally every
single girl.

No, no, okay, I knew you were
going to get to know everybody,

but I didn't know he was an
option that you were interested


For me it feels like, come on,
just face it, we were in the


There was an opportunity for you
to speak it, and it's okay.

It's fine.

There's no hard feelings, but in
the future, if there is an

opportunity, just speak it.

It doesn't hurt.

It's just for another girl,
because you don't know how I

feel in that situation.

I thought there was that

I didn't realize that you wanted

And, yeah, next time I for sure,
especially between the two of

us, other girls, they were more
open, I just need to say I

wanted that initial

So I get it.

I get that.

I think that you're so pretty.

You're hot.

Come on.

Come on.

All right.

Give me a hug.

Good luck.

Thank you.

Want to go hang?

I think that caro right now
hates my guts honestly.

I would hate my guts, too.

It's never nice having a guy
that you like, you know, walk

off with another girl on a date.

But she seems super chill.

I think that she just needed to
talk to him and they need to

have a conversation and that's
none of my business.

Announcer: Michael has
decided to make a very bold move

and talk to the girl he's
actually coupled up with,




So what's up?

Where is your head at?

I feel like we don't connect,
you know?


I don't know
but it's like we haven't

really had a chance at the same

I'm kind of just chilling.

Like it's hard.

It really is.

I guess we'll just kind of go
with the flow and feel it out.

If things start developing,
we'll head that way, and if it

doesn't, we'll, you know, if
someone other dude comes in,

clearly do your thing.

Yeah, yeah, obviously, and
you're so cool, it's not like,

oh, my god, you're not cool.

So let's just go with the


No, I'm totally down with that.

Bring it in.

Oh, my god.


I wanted to die.

It was terrible.

It was so awkward.

And I... oh, yeah, no.

It's so much better now.

I feel like we can freely just
have fun and it's not... there's

no pressure.

Hi, caro.

Can we talk?

Can we talk tomorrow?


I think it would be better.

No, you're right.

You're right.

You're right.

You're right.

Now was today?

It was fun.

It was fundira.

It was fun.

How it is back here?

It's okay.

You got to do what you got to

I had to follow my gut.

Exactly what you got to do.

And he's awesome.

I love him.

I've never met anybody like him.

I haven't either.

That's why I'm so intrigued.

He's hilarious.


He's getting some heat right
now, definitely some heat.

♪ But I've been having dreams
about other strange men

♪ and I know how it seems
but I'm thinking about them

♪ I want to keep the peace
baby won't you please

♪ sleep with me in my room

♪ me in my room
oh ♪

♪ take a holiday
I hope I can afford you

♪ an apology
I've been a bad girl

♪ I want diamonds and pearls
I'll melt your heart like butter

♪ because I've been having

dreams about other strange men
♪ I want the keep the peace

get along with them ♪
♪ me in my room

Me in my room ♪

Announcer: It's a new day
in the ville lark and, oh, a


Caro is preparing to do some
yoga where she can get the head

space she needs to plot her

Namaste, caro, namaste right out
of it.

♪ Every little thing is going to
be all right ♪

Yesterday was a heavy day.

It's so beautiful outside right

There's no clouds.

It's really nice.

I want to focus on me before I
talk to anyone today.

♪ Everything is going to be all

♪ rise up this morning
smile with the rising sun

♪ free little bird ♪
it sounds like it's sunny


I love hear birds chirping.

♪ Every little thing
is going to be all right ♪

Hello, little birdies.

How y'all feeling about your

Alana is cool, bro.

I rather it start off as a
friendship level than like on

the caro and cashel level.

Where it's like... I'd rather it
be like we really know each

other, and it kind of just
starts growing and growing and


Cashel, what about you, bro?

I'm feeling her.

Now I got to worry about blowing
it, you know what I mean?

Caro was affectionate, like bam,

And Kyra is cool, man.

She's like on the level.

What's up with you and caro

I feel like now she's turned
her laser focus to me.

You are in the crosshairs.

It hasn't been like a cross

She's like, okay, now that's
done and now she's here.

One at a time.

If that's what it is, she's
going the attach herself to you,

like be on your back.

I find myself more attracted to
caro than also dark but I think

caro is more feisty and spicy
and sassy.

I don't know if I can handle
that sass.

She might be a little too

So it's complete door wide open.

So where you at?

I'm going to keep getting to
know her.

She seems like the type that
likes to play the push-away


She plays hard to get.

I've got on the know her.

I'm the one engaging in

She is not really asking too
many questions.

Once she dud.

She would never pull me aside
because she's shy and nervous.

So I'm going to keep going with
it and see if there is something


What's your mindset, Zac?

I don't know.

Honestly --
young blood in love.

I've been vibing with
Elizabeth really well.

She hasn't given me any weird
red flags at all.

I wish she was a snug her,
because the first night her foot

would cross over, but she would
retract it back.

I'm like, if your foot moves
over, I said it doesn't matter.

She said, "I have ice cold

I said, put them under my feet.

I'll warm them up for you.

At the end of the night, I want
to be smooching.

Make it happen, captain.

Announcer: Caro still can't
get over losing cashel to Kyra.

Can someone please get her the
soundtrack to "frozen" because

she has to let it go.

I really did believe we had a

It was just vibing.

I feel like maybe in the future
I do get to know him, would it

be dumb for me considering it?

If you did, I would
completely understand.

That's the thing.

You like somebody, you like

You can't stop that.



It sucks, because I don't
have anyone in here that I

actually am vibing with.

There is not that excitement I
had with cashel.

I know it's been a day, and I
think people think I'm so silly

for overreacting.

It's just --

It is?

Hey, hey, hey, relax.

Walk away.



Announcer: Fiji is known
for its beautiful beaches and

its ridiculous international
roaming charge, but I'm not

paying for it.


You ready?

Islanders, let's find out who

came with the most baggage as
your dirty little secrets will

be revealed in today's game.



I'm excited for the game.

The game is going to be so fun.

I love dirty secrets.

Announcer: Oh, slow motion
runningment it must be time for

the islanders' first game.

I hope they don't get there
before I've had time to meet my

contractual obligation to
explain how this game works.

The girls and the boys are going
head to head in a game that

could be the title of my memoir,
"excess baggage."

We have ten suitcases each
containing a saucy secret about

one of our islanders.

One at a time the two cases will
come down a chute on the a

baggage carousel landing in a
section assigned to one of our


The best part is there really
isn't a prize for winning.

It's just a real Ty TV mechanism
designed to reveal the

islanders' deepest and dirtiest

I'm nervous.

I'm nervous.

Oh, there's a wallet and some

Announcer: Whichever girl
opens the suitcase must try to

match the secret to its rightful

Which islander has never
spent more than $60 on a date.

Matt: She gets to identify
the boy she thinks the secret

belongs to with a kiss.

Oh, man.

And the person is Weston.


Hold on.


That's a lot of money.

All along I've been saying I
don't like a guy who is frugal.

All along that's been my
number-one thing.

Oh, god.

What is it?

What is this?


Which islander left a girl in
his bed to go and sleep with his



That's savage.

I know it's not you.

Another one.


You know, hooking up or
whatever, I was not vibing it.

I wasn't feeling it.

She was like a dead fish.

I had to get out of this

So I told her I would be right
back and I never came back.

I did not see that coming.

He seems like such a great guy.

It's almost too good to be true.

And then there's just like...

That's really mean.

And sad.

It was bad.

Bad on my part.

I hope he did this years ago.

I really hope this wasn't like
last year.

Which islander flew across
the country to impress a girl?

Oh, I hope I got this right.


All right.

Which islander threw up in their

I was like, I'm going to go
kiss my man.

Look at that smile.

Your teeth hurt?

Oh, no.


Which islander asked a girl
to marry them after only knowing

them for a few weeks.

Oh, god.

I definitely didn't know that
caro was going to go in for the

full makeout.

The never-ending kiss from

It was weird.

That was kind of weird.


I really just went with my

Because it was like, there was
so much emotion from the last


I was like, let me just kiss him
and see like how it feels for


It is cashel.

That kiss was worth it.

I think that's cute.

Cashel I think does jump the

He has a lot of emotions.

He's been such an amazing guy.

And I'm liking him more and

So --
I saw you did it, so I'm

like, I'm going to do it, too.

It's all good, girl.

Announcer: At the end of
that round, the girls scored a

monumental two points out of

It's like they don't even know
those guys they just met


Let's hope the boys do better.

Which islander made friends
with a girl to get with her


Come on, baby.

Definitely weird to watch.

Zac kissed Alexandra.

I haven't done that yet.

Which islander spent the
night at vin diesel's house.




Nothing happened with vin

My friend has been friends with
him for a really long time.

And he invited us over to go
party and he slept over in his

guest house.

We didn't kiss.

We didn't do anything.

We talked, for maybe like 20

Not even a long time.

Which islander's mother found
a list of all the guys she had

slept with?

Here we go.

I did kiss Mallory.

She's got nice lips.

Soft, suck you lent.

The worst part is when she
opened it, she started going,

one, two, three, four, and it
kept going.

Let's see, which islander
took three people's virginities?

Yamen, he kissed me, and I
really liked it.

I'm attracted to him
I don't know what that kiss did

to me.

I don't know what that kiss did
to me.

I feel like he's giving me hints
he likes me.

The islander is caro.

Oh, yeah.

Announcer: The girls and
boys each only got two points,

so they equally won, or lost,
depending on your perspective.

So which one was most
surprising for you?

Definitely him, like having a
girl at his house and then



That's so bad.

It was the dead fish thing.

I don't know if he knows, but
I was in a scenario that someone

snuck out and they slept with
their old girl.

If he says this happened last
year, I'm going to be like, how

much growing did you do in the
last year.

What were you doing?

Do you think you're going to
talk to him about it?

Oh, 100%.

Basically like me and that
girl were like chatting, and...

Which one?

The girl who I left in my

Like I had been friends with
that girl for a while, and like

I... we hung out.

I never like made a move or
anything, but I don't know, we

just got flirty through texts
and stuff.

So when she came over, like, we
had like a couple drinks and

stuff, and like we started like
making out and I'm really not

into this.

I didn't know how to explain
that to her.

Like I'm just not into this.

Because I didn't want to make
her feel bad.

We like... we had sex for
like two seconds.

I ended up leaving her in my
room and I never wanted to be

like that type of guy, be like

So that was just really a --
that was like the worst thing I

ever have ever done honestly.

It sucks to hear that because
I've been in a similar


My gut feeling.

It's something that happened.

Like I'm honest and open about
it, and it's something that I

learned from.


I'm not going to do that

It just sounds so immature
and --

I don't disagree with you.

That's definitely immature.

Hopefully this isn't something
that keeps us from moving

forward or progressing forward.

I really hope it doesn't.

That would suck.

But, yeah, it's a bummer.

You know what I meant to tell

During the time when that whole
thing happened, that was

actually lick a really bad time
in my life, and that just puts

me in a bad light.

And I thought like me and you,
like I just feel like

conversation with you just comes
really easily, and I think

like... I think me and you vibe
pretty well.

I agree.

I totally do.

I feel like I wasn't expecting

I was a little shocked.

I didn't know what to expect.

I'm excited that you're here
for sure, I'm not interested in

anybody else.

I definitely want to keep
getting to know you better.

I'm excited for that.

I'm not really interested in
anybody else either.

I'll be honest with you.


I don't know.

I just like you the best.

I think you're like the cutest
girl out of everyone, too.

Thank you.

I feel like when me and
Elizabeth had the conversation

and how she felt about it, I
think that was more showed that

she is actually pretty
interested in me and she was

like, well, you know, I was
taken away we, that because if

she wasn't into me, she probably
wouldn't even care at the end of

the day.

Announcer: That's the first
time Zac smoothed something over

without using moisturizer.

Anywho, it's time to get ready
for a big night in.

Can I use some of them?

You can use it any time.

How do I put it in?

Oh, hell yeah,.

Oh, my god.


Announcer: What better way
the break the night in than to

play a game of spin the

We ran out of bottles.

I want to know the funniest
thing that you've said to a girl

during sex.


There's things that you would
never say, but it just flows.

In an aussie accent.

I feel like penis should be
the word used because it's


What's the craziest thing
you've ever said in bed?

I had someone smack me really
hard, and they were like


Why not take the game we
played today, mix it around and

get to know each other a it will
-- a little bit.

That kiss was cute.

I liked it.

I was just drop your hand a
little bit lower.

It's okay.

Like on the butt, bud.

Out of all the girls here,
who would you sleep with?

Pretty good.

Michael told me he was
interested in me.

I thought that was really cute,
because I like guys that are


So okay.

I was being flirty and I put my
hands on his leg.

I'm all about that.

My hair looks like I got

New York it doesn't.

Yeah, it does.

I like your whole outfit

I think you look great.

Thank you.

And it's like really fun

It's fun.

It's spunky.

I mean, that sounded coming out
out -- I want the say this.

Aim the funniest person.

If anyone tries to pop out and
scare me, I can't go to haunted

houses or like I am just also
super gullible.

Can you ride rides?

Yeah, I can do roller

Not the ones that do this,

I don't like those, but I
force myself to get on, and I

hate it so much.

I hate the feeling.

It's like my face.

And I just hate that ride, but I
just go on it, because I don't


I like to forchur myself.

-- t*rture myself.

They wait for so long.

You don't know when they're
going to drop you.

I hate that.


I don't know.

It's funny.

♪ I get through it all
I let my guard down

♪ and then you pull the rug
I was scared and used to being

♪ loved
♪ I was scared

I was scared because you used to
be someone I loved ♪

I was scared because you used to
be someone I loved ♪

Announcer: We're about to
turn up the heat in the villa as

we welcome two new boys to "love

I'm Dylan.

I'm 25.

I'm from "love island," and I'm
a fitness and lacrosse coach.

My perfect girl is someone I can
laugh with constantly.

I'm ready the find the girl of
my dreams.

My name is Cormac.

I'm living in New York City.

If I went to college, I'd have a
degree in women.

I don't think they know what's

I'm going to turn some heads.

I'm here on "love island."

I'm ready to love.

Announcer: You can take

Which two girls do you think
should go on a date with Cormac

and Dylan.

The only way to be get solved is
the "love island" app, Alana,

Kyra, Mallory, Elizabeth, or

This is all happening right now.

What you choose will be shown in
tomorrow night's episode.

Voting is free via the "love
island" app on ios and android


Voting closes at 9:30 eastern,
8:30 central and 9:30 pacific

time tonight.

Announcer: Tomorrow night,
that's literally like 23 hours

from now, we find out which of
our girls you voted to go on

dates with two new boys who are
joining the villa.


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