01x04 - Episode 4

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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01x04 - Episode 4

Post by bunniefuu »

The following contains love
lost and only 3% body fat.

Previously on "love island!,"
relationships were formed --


I got a text!

And you voted for new boys
dilan and korman to date.

Tonight, the boys get their

And Arielle's back for tonight's
epic recoupling.

And the girls have all the

hi, how are you?

You all right?

Hi, you look good.

Thank you.

Good to see you.

T some treats here, got
some champagne.

Yeah, thank you.

This is so cute.

I love this setup.


How are you?


What was the word in the
villa when we got the text.

Were you surprised?

I was very surprised.


I was sitting on the couch
going, like, oh, who were you

kind of looking at, whatever.

And I was just trying to -- they
asked you were you interested,

and I was positioning myself,
like a friend to give advice.

So I was, like, really shocked.

We hit it off easy like
friends, but that's happened in

the past with me before with
girls, I have been friends with

them and then it blossoms.

Yeah, of course.

So that's how it kind of
felt, which you could be


So that's why I chose you.

What was everyone's reaction
when you got the text because,

honestly, I don't think everyone
was --

it was definitely a reaction.

Don't think everyone would
have thought I would have picked

you because --
they thought I was joking

when I said I got a text.

They said good one.

No, I said I lakes got a text.

Oh, my gosh.

Were you surprised I texted

Yeah, kind of.



Is this I thought we had a
good talk earlier and stuff so I

was flattered, but I was really

Because I was close to Alexandra
in the house so I thought this

would be interesting.

Can I ask why you picked me?


I'm just keep an open mind.

You were, like, hilarious.



And, you know, I just want to
get to know you better.

Nothing more than that.

Yeah, cool.

I'd like to get you out of
the villa a little bit.

Thank you so much.

See what's going on.

It's nice to get out.

Back at the villa, Alexandra
and caro return and check in

with seven millennials on a
rented couch.

Hey, girl!


What's going on?

Did they leave?



What's up?

So cute!

What's up?

You start, I'll second.

We have a double date-ish.


And we had, like, wine and

It was good.

He's like really cool.

Okay, so he's a very funny
guy, like me and him were just

laugh ago lot, like super fun,
like, we were laughing like a

lot, but I could not imagine me
like being together with him.

What was his type of

You know the guys that go,
ah, ah, like --

( laughter )
I'm sorry!

Caro just got back from a
date, and she immediately said

she just was not feeling

That's a positive for me.

How do you feel?

About the date?

About, like, Elizabeth and

I don't like it, but, you know,
from what she's told me and I

like believe her like she did
that with both guys, but I think

like cormack is a very assertive
guy, confident, so he's

definitely going to sh**t his
shot, you know what I mean?

Yeah, for sure.

But, yeah, I don't know.

I think I likely know where
Elizabeth's head's at, so --

I think she really likes you.

Know where Elizabeth's
head's at and, like, I'm not

worried in that fact, but I
think it's, like, to the point

now where, like, you know, I
like Elizabeth, so another guy,

like, taking her out on a date
kind of, like, I don't know

gives me the pity stomach
feeling, doesn't feel too good.

I feel like he's probably
into Alexandra.

Alexandra seems into it.

I can tell a girl how she
turns up.

Mallory's type, says she goes to
Vegas all the time, I know you

aren't liking bro.

Mallory likes the guys who
are kind of hard to get.

She likes that guy.

She wants a guy who's going
to come to her, drop some cash,

take her out and make all the

She kind of likes a smoother
cat, like, I don't know, not a


At the end of the day, I'm
pretty smooth.

As time goes on, you, like,
I -- like, I --

I'm putting out some vibes
here and there.

Me and Mallory are friends,
we have been getting to know

each other.

Wiive, like, let's be friends
and see if it goes somewhere.

O a little less quiet on the
western front, nice candle.

Your move, dilan.

You want to dig into this
cake or not.


I'll dig in.

Don't have to be shy.

Should we feed each other?

You have to eat the brownie.

No, you eat it.

I'm going to put it like this.


Kay, now you have to do it
to me.

I'm scared.

Oh, my gosh.

That was good.

I never like a big romantic
guy but this is probably the

most romantic date.

You're one of the first girls
that approached me when I came

to the villa and you're really
sweet and I did appreciate that.

I don't know, you're super easy
going and super easy to talk to,

so, like, that's what I'm
looking for in a girl.

Yeah, I know I will have
explaining to do when I get back

to the villa.

I think that's what we're here

I've said that to the girls
giving them advice when they ask

me, you know, you can't not look
into something because you like

someone else, whatnot.

How do you feel being coupled
up with Zac and then coming on a

date with a guy you just met for
the first time?

Honestly, I feel a little
uncomfortable, but I feel it

would be stupid not to give
someone a chance to have a

conversation and see if there's
anything there.

I've known you for, like, four
days or --

I know.

While cormack and dilan
return from their dates, Weston

is opening up and not just his

I'm getting to know her but I
feel like there's this pressure

to hold hands, kiss.

I don't know how Mallory is
doing, but I feel like with

y'all being close and y'all hit
it off, I feel like Mallory's

probably not going to step on
toes with you because --

I know, but I don't want her
to, like -- I don't want her to

hold back, like, you know I love

But if you have a connection,
tell her.

I went on a date with someone
and my friend went on a date

with someone.

Whoever had the stronger
connection at the end of the

day, I would speak up on that.

Hey, guys!

( Cheering )
There are probably two girls

I am attracted to.

Kyra and Elizabeth are the two
girls I'm I attracted to.

Elizabeth has a connection with

At least I tried.

It's still early dames they're
only just starting off as well.

So you never know.



Today was a day and a half.

What are, you scared I'm
going to change?


I don't know.

Great chat, Elizabeth.

After one date with the
irishman, she's dub-lin down on

her love for Zac.

Meanwhile, caro continues to
play the field.

She's, like -- caro is, like,
a kingpin.

It is very telling of her

I feel like caro may just be
trying to, like, have all the

guys want her, maybe, like,
scheme a little bit.

Just she has a lot of

Yeah, yeah.

So she's safe, you know.

If that don't work, then I'm
going to sh**t for this.

If that doesn't work, I'm going
to sh**t for that.

Yeah, trying to plant a seed
here and there.

I'm in a -- the situation I'm
in, it's not good, and the girl

that I'm having the situation
with, you just don't know what's

going on in that girl's head.

How do you like Dillon?

I don't know.

I like him.

I think he's cool.

Awkward, girl.

But I also like friends in
the house and I want to respect

what she has going.

Everyone getting to know each

Yeah, that's honestly what it

As long as no one's
territorial, I feel like.

You know I love it.

Like, you're my girl.

The day when I got the text,
I was, like --

no, I was sitting -- no, I
just need to tell you, I was

sitting with him and I was,
like, she's literally like one

of my best friends, and he's
like, I love her.

So you guys are the same person.

If you fight with her, I fight
with her.

To Dillon texted Mallory and
said he wanted to go on a date

with her.

Obviously, in the back of your
mind, like anyone, you would be,

like, that's my best friend


Oh, god, what if we both like


He's really cool.


I think it's easy to talk to

Yeah, I agree.

So now what?

I don't know, dude.

Think he's cool.

Like, I would like to talk with
him and hang out with him more,

but I want to talk with him and
see where he's hanging out.

You can both, like, talk to

Who knows, he might suck.

I'm not, like, worried about

So --
I don't know, I think we

should both just, like,
whatever, talk to him and see

how it is and we'll come to that
bridge when we have to cross it.


Getting real Brandy and
Monica vibes.

What ship are we going, bro?

I had fun.

Oh, this trap.

Don't get those nipples.

It hurts really bad.

I've done it before.

Are you serious?


Who did that?

You did that?

He did that to you?

Just now?


Supposed to be, like, a nice

Oh, it's so funny!

Hello, operator --
( Laughter )

Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me.

You can't recouple with the
bird, Michael.


Tattoo chest took hairy heart
chest girl on a date last night.

Time to talk it out.

I just want to talk to you
because, obviously, I didn't get

a chance to talk to you last
night because I know you are

coupled with Elizabeth.

So, like, me picking her, were
you a bit surprised?

Not, like, sort of, like, in
a sense, but Elizabeth's, like,

a very attractive girl, like --
that's, like, with car o I

was attracted to her and
Elizabeth is so outgoing and

nice, so I wanted to pick
Elizabeth, but being on a date

with her, I felt like I don't
think she wants to be on a date

with me.

So that's cool for you, bro.

We're good.

If I was in your position, you
know, you've got to follow your

gut and your heart because
you're trying to have the most

enjoyable time possible.

But it's cool.

I appreciate that man.


Last night when Elizabeth
came back after going on a date

and everything, I think it just
solidified that me and her do,

like, really have a really deep

How are you feeling?

I don't know how I'm feeling.

( Laughter )
Like I don't know.

Such a long day yesterday.

Two dates on the first day.

Both my dates went pretty
well, I think.

It was a in your opinion natural

Literally non-stop laughing.

Mallory seemed hilarious.

She has this great dry humor
that I find hysterical.

So tell me about yours, man.

Caro, like, the date went
pretty well.

Yeah, I think she likes me.

I think she does.

I would be surprised if she

But again, I know there are more
eyes on her as well, so it's

definitely going to be


I'm definitely going to,
like, pursue that with her.

I think so.

What happened with Liz?

She seemed really genuine.

I wasn't going to pick her
because Zac had a good

connection, but I felt like, if
I don't -- if I'm ever going to

go on a date with her, it's last

But I did tell her I'm attracted
to her.

I talk about it like this is
a job, but I have been doing

this since I was 16, so I have
ten years' experience in

handling, like, dealing with
situations with girls, like, I'm

always confident.

I'm going to be confident if it
doesn't or does go my way, so

whatever happens happens, but,
yeah, I'm always confident.

Confidence, a new fragrance
from the house of cormack.

I want to try to get to know

What do you think I should talk
to him about?

I want to try to, like, get to
know him.

I'm thinking some things
don't gotta be, like, what's

your family -- you can really
just chat.

So I'm going to try to, like,
bond with him today.

So I decided, eh, eh, eh, eh,
dress up real cued because you

know I'm still single so I have
to dress like I'm single because

I still have to, you know, find
myself a man.

Do I look fancy?

You look elegant, you know,
like whenever the first morning

like whenever we had spoke in
the bathroom and you made it

clear that I kind of want to get
to know you.

Maybe you should tell cashel
just to let him know.

I saw you click after the
conversation, and I thought they

hit it off, let me take a step
back, so that's what I did.


Like a little ping-pong ball.

( Laughter )
I don't think so.

High five.

If you like high fives.

I like high fives, they're fun.

Your laugh reminds me of,
like, a dad laugh.

Like -- like eh-eh-eh --
I think it's mutual between


There might be something there
and there might not be anything


So we're just going to ride the
same train, maybe if that

continues to happen, who knows
what could happen.

Coming up.

It's time to sort the men
from the boys.

( Cheers and applause )
Cashel is nuts about Kyra.

I hope she's not alarmic to

Oh, it's cashel!

I'm struggling to not be all
over you all the time.

I see how you operate, and I
like watching you operate

because I kind of feel, like,
physically pulled towards you,

like magnetically.

You know that feeling?


That's how I feel.

Lt with you
that first conversation, and

that freaked me out.

I know, I couldn't believe

I feel like that right now.

I feel like it's, like, crazy.


It's so cute with cash now.

We're super drawn to each other.

The more I get to know him, the
more I like him.

I'm so happy with where things
are going.

I don't want to see nobody
not get a good shot.

I think all the girls vie for us
at some point in time.

I'm on the up today.

I'm trying to think positive

I'm thinking things are much
better than they were yesterday.

It's about a mind-set.

It's about who the girls


I got a text!

I got a text!

( Cheering )
I got a text!


Let's', let's see.

Islanders, it's time to find the
sexiest in today's game.

Going commando #protect your

( Laughter )
I don't know, going command o. I

don't know, we're going to see.

It's going to gelt interesting!

Going commando means, like,
butt naked, but I'm excited.

Let's do it.

frolicking in slow-mo?

No, it's not another bay watch

It is our newest game, going

In today's game, the boys will
battle across a sexy boot camp

which I'm pretty sure is not a

Boys, one at a time you will
complete the commando course and

we will decide who is the
sexiest sergeant.

It's time to sort the men from
the boys!

( Cheering )
Here's how it works.

The boys must sexily navigate
the obstacles in the sexiest way

as possible armed with sexy
squirt g*ns and sexy balloons

the girls will try to derail the
sexy train.

The winner will be the boy who
maintains his sexy the most.

Got it?

That makes one of us.

In the end, the girls will
decide which boy is the sexiest

on the b*ttlefield.

( Cheers and applause )
I'm going to be real.

I don't think it was very sexy.

( Cheering )
My dude cash was freaking

weird, as per usual.

Love you, boy.

( Cheers and applause )
I just can't resist that boy


I'm trying to fight it, but I'm
just, like, I'm going with the


( Cheering )
I thought I got off to a good


I was feeling I was in a good

Pain got into my eyes and I
could barely see.

I've just got to get through
this nice and safely.

( Cheering )
( Laughter )

Cormack game for a full muah,
muah kiss.

( Cheering )
I think yamen looked sexy.

( Cheering )
He looked really good,

especially when he was going up.

I was, like, oh, okay.

I'll be right there.

( Cheering )

The girls were going nuts
with the paint.

I was getting knocked out out
there, man.

( Cheering )
All right, so I'm not reading

into anything too much.

All I can say is I liked the
kiss and I hope to get another


I want to smack him in the

I am three for four on cross

I am three or four.

I was, like, aiming for there
the whole time.

Get ready to get sweaty
because I'm about to penetrate

this course like a machete.

( Cheering )
Michael put himself out there

so we were so proud.

( Cheering )
He torqued like I never saw a

guy torque before.

I don't know how I didn't
hurt myself.

Something came over me and I got
possess bid the stripper gods or


( Laughter )
That was very impressive.

I mean, his butt cheeks jiggled
at different times.

I'm dying.

I got nervous before he went.

I thought, oh, no, this is going
to be weird to watch.

( Cheering )
All the paint just, like,

went everywhere.

I was just, like, that's so fun.

I'm not a very sexy guy, so I

probably look like a fool, but
that's all right.

Dillon was more of, like, a
goof ball.

There it is!


( Cheering )
A lot of bumping and


That's the only move the dudes
knew how to do was this pelvic


Lay it on, lay it on!

( Cheering )
Dillon kissed me, and I was

nervous because I thought he
would maybe kiss Mallory, so,

like, I was happy that you
kissed me.

It was cute.

You guys are all super sexy
but we do have to choose just

one winner, so the decision was
pretty easy.

We think that Michael --
( Cheering )

( Applause )
Tonight I think I'm going to

have myself a couple of victory
drinks with the boys to

celebrate how awesome we were,
how great we look, all our

moves, maybe reenact stuff and
get the girls riled up.

They probably will lift me up
and carry me around the villa

like Michael, Michael, Michael!

Easy band of brothers, you made
voice over man proud.

Caro is finding it hard to
camouflage her intentions.

You will want to talk to

Is it okay if I talk to yamen
today and have a conversation

with him?


Because that's the only other
guy I was kind of interested in

because I never got to talk to
him likely.

I did once and it was casual
when people were around.

But I'm not going to be, like,

No, no, no, no, no.

Because I'm trying my best to
put myself out there to try to

find -- literally, like, there's

No, I completely understand.

I took caro on a date, so
that was the voting.

I probably would have picked her

I'm attracted to her, like, and
I think she's -- I think it's

the same with her.

She's cute, bro.

Caro is cute, bro.

I was thinking about Mallory.

She's hot, like, blonde hair.

Not normally my type, but she is

But, I don't know, I don't think
there would be any, like --

, like, connection.

You, I think it would be very

On Mallory?


I just got that.

Like, based off one day.

For sure.

Some guys will be friends for a
little while and a couple of

months plater there's an

It's funny how it, like, works
out with some girls.

And can be, like --
this whole conversation was

good until you farted.

I can smell it through the

As night falls on the villa, the
islanders get ride to shower.


I love this show.

time for the second text of

tonight's episode.

Surely no one will question

Oh, is that real?

My god!

I actually got a text!

Come up!

I got a text!

Okay, guys, islanders, tonight,
there will be recoupling.

The girls will choose and the
boy not picked to be in a couple

will be dumped from the island.


, wow...

#get picked or get packing,
#girl power!




This is going to be fun.


Everybody's silent.

The girls' choice.

So we're all happy, of course,
that it's in our hands, but, at

the same time, there's
definitely a weird vibe in the

villa that's starting to happen.

Could be a quick -- quick
stint on our own for us,


But we'll find out tonight.

You're good.

I wasn't expecting that.

But I am a confident guy.

It's up to you who goes home.

What are you going to do?

I don't know!


Oh, no!

It's up to me.


It was, like, the worst
timing for me to get this text

because I felt like I haven't
connected with anyone in the

villa, and now I have to choose
without even knowing, like, who

and what.

Like, I'm so confused now.

I don't want to be in a
position to send somebody home.

What are you going to do?

With the impending recoupling
looming, caro is still keeping

her options open.

I am pretty interested in you
of more than, like, friends.


You know, and I don't even
know if you, like, would want to

couple with me and, like, how
you stand on things.

I don't feel like we've
really even had enough time to,

like, really get to know eachout
like that.

So right now, like, you're like
a question Mark.

Yeah, this was my shot to
show I was interested in you.

Yeah, I mean, I appreciate

So you're liking Alexandra,

I don't how I'm feeling,

I thought my date with Alexandra
went really well.

We definitely talked and, like,
very naturally.

I would think that she would be
coupling with me, but then,

like, I have no clue.

It goes so many different ways
right now.

I should have talked to you
more today.

Yeah, got to known me.


So that's my fault for not
talking to you.

So sorry for that.

But am I still wanting to pursue
something with you?

A hundred percent.

I still don't know where my
head is at with things.

That's all right.

Oh, my god.

Like, we're friends.

It would be nice if we could
work with each other till

somebody comes in here that we
like, you know.


But also my thing is just, like,
there's a new girl going to come

here, and then you go to that
new girl and then --

and then you don't know.

It's the same with him, too.

It's the same.

I have no idea.

Like, I really don't know.

And also you don't know if
I'm going to click with that


You have no idea.


I mean, we really don't.

It's your decision.

You've got to do what you've got
to do.

Yeah, yeah.

It sucks to be put in this

Everyone has at least, like,
this connection or bond they're

willing to work with but I
haven't been able to connect

with any guy yet.

I am not sure of who I want to
couple up with.

I am not sure of who I want to
couple up with.

Let's get a photo here.


hi, islanders!



Can everybody please gather at
the fire pit?

Oh, my god!

Oh, my god!

So, islanders, you know why
I'm here.

It's time for the first

So this time around, the girls
will be choosing which guy they

want to be with.

This is where you're going to
decide whether you want to stay

in the couple you're in or
switch it up.

And as you can see, we have six
girls and seven guys.

So that will mean that one of
the guys will be dumped from the

villa tonight.

So this is how it works.

Ladies, I'm going to ask you to
stand up one at a time and tell

me which boy you would like to
couple up with.

So, Kyra, please stand up and
give your reasons why you would

like to couple up with a
particular boy.

I want to couple up with this
boy because, even though it was

a rocky start, I really enjoyed
to get to know him while being

in the villa.

He really makes me feel like I
can be myself and I feel so

comfortable with him.

He's such a weirdo, but I think
that's the reason that I like

him so much, and I'm excited to
see what happens in the future.

So the boy that I want to couple
up with is cashel.


Okay, cashel.

( Applause )
Go join Kyra.

Elizabeth, please stand up and
tell us why you would like to

couple up with a particular boy.

I would like to couple up
with this boy because he's

goofy, so undeniably himself,
always making me laugh.

I think we have a really great
connection, and I can't wait to

keep getting to know him more.

The boy I would like to couple
up with is Zac.

( Applause )
Okay, Zac, you can go join

Elizabeth on the bench.

Alana, please stand up and tell
us who you would like to be

coupled up with.

I would like to couple up
with this boy because he's

himself, he's very honest.

I feel like I can learn a lot
from him, and I don't think

there's anyone else I would want
to be laid up in my bonnet and

my glasses with.


I hear that.

I hear that.

The boy I'd like to couple up
with is yamen.

( Applause )


Mallory, you're next.

Please stand up and tell us who
you would like to couple up


I would like to couple up
with this boy because his

personality is electric.

From day one he's had everybody

I'm really happy with the
friendship we've built.

He's brought such a spark to
this vila, and I know it

wouldn't be the same without

I'm a sucker for cowboys.


( Applause )

Weston, please go join

So we have four couples and
three boys left.

Two new boys, cormack and
Dillon, and Michael.

So how you guys feeling?

More nervous than I thought
it was going to be.


I'm just anxious.


Michael?'m just going with the f
so, Alexandra, it's your


Please stand up and tell us
which boy you would like to

couple up with.

So I would like to couple up
with this boy just because he's

really cute.

The moment I met him, he made me
laugh infectiously.

I have been laughing since the
small time that we've had

together, and I'm just really
looking forward to getting to

know him more.

So the boy I would like to
couple up with is --



( Applause )
Please join Alexandra.

( Applause )
Please join Alexandra.

So, Michael and cormack, you
are the last boys standing, so

whoever caro doesn't choose will
be leaving the villa tonight.

So, caro, you have a very big
decision to make.

Please stand up and tell us
which boy you would like to

couple up with.

The boy I would like to
couple up with is --

I would like to couple up
with this boy because he makes

me feel like there's a
possibility that I can be myself

and that I could have a good

the boy I would like to couple

with is --


( Applause )

( Applause )

So, Michael, as all of the
girls are coupled up, that means

your time on love island is


But you have 30 minutes to pack
your suitcase and say your


The rest of you, I'll see you


It's all good, man.


I feel so bad!

T's okay.

Can't even look at him in
the face right now.

I'm sorry.


T's all good.

'M so sorry.

Good luck, girl.

I'm so sorry.

Going to get to packing.

Say bye.

I'm so sad.

Like I literally just felt like
I'd lost one of my best friends.

I know it's crazy because we've
only seen each other for a week,

but you really get to know
somebody when he's all you get

to talk to and I've had his back
and he's had mine as well.

Oh, this sucks, dude.

Man, it gets real in here fast.

It gets real in here real fast.

Like Michael has to go home.


( Applause )
Love you!

Be good!

He looks good when he walks,

( Laughter )
I was upset that I didn't get

more time in the villa to meet
somebody else, but, you know,

now I'm looking forward to going
back, seeing my dogs.

I know they miss me, and I'm
just going to keep my heart


Coming on date day nine, çó ge
ready for more love, more

island, more scandals, more
audience voting, more games, and

more islanders.
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