01x09 - Episode 9

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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01x09 - Episode 9

Post by bunniefuu »

lust, and a disclaimer.

Previously on "love island," we
said good-bye to Mallory and


You have 30 minutes to pack
your suitcases and say your


Announcer: And hello to new
boy Winston.


Announcer: Who wasted no
time getting to know the girls.

He's one of those guys that's
so well put together.

Opposites attract.

Announcer: Tonight cracks
start to form.

He just does something where
I just see him more as a friend.

Announcer: A game gets

And Arielle Arielle pays the isl
surprise visit with the result

of your votes.

Arielle: Hi, islanders.

Sorry to drop in unannounced.

Sorry to drop in unannounced.

Announcer: Last night the
islanders' heart rates

skyrocketed when they performed
raunchy dances for the opposite

sex to test their compatibility
with some interesting results.

Elizabeth came out of her shell
and then set the shell on fire.

Who has been a bad, bad, bad,

And caro took first place with
the old bad cop-bad cop routine.

Have you been a bad, bad boy?

Winston, Dylan, the girls who
raise your heart rate the most

was caro.

Announcer: But the weiner
of Cormac's heart was Alexandra,

dressed as a hot dog.

He likes what he likes.

Cormac, the girl who raised
your heart rate the most was



Announcer: In the
aftermath, caro was interested

in whether Cormac's interest
lies in Alexandra or hot dogs.


Alexandra makes your heart rate

It doesn't make any sense.

I think you scared people.

Was I scary?


Are you sure?

I was talking to the girls, and
I'm starting to really like you.


That's good.

I'm not joking.

This is not a joke.

I know it's not a joke.

I'm not here for a joke.

My feelings is not a joke.

Like I'm starting to like you.

Now it's like, oh, my god, I

Ly care if you do anything.

You know, I will get upset.

♪ Can't we just talk.

Can't we just talk ♪
like this for me is a really big

deal, and you're taking it as if
it's in the a big deal.

It is.

I just opened up to you, and
you're acting like, expect it.

Like what the hell?

Announcer: Does he still
have to pee?

I'm in this place where I
like Cormac.

I want to invest my energy and
time and pursue things with him.

I don't know.

I don't feel like he's ready to
invest all his energy in getting

to know me, but that could be
out of my own insecurities that

I'm just thinking that.

♪ Never felt like this before ♪
what's up, bro?

What was up with you and caro?

Like she said she's oh, yeah,
I really like you.

I have feelings for you.

I said, all right.

I really don't know.

I thought I was good at.

This but the fact that caro
tells me she really likes me

now, it's like, oh, I don't

It's hard.

I'm in two minds here, like I'm
having fun with her, but I at

the end of the day, I don't
think she's the girl that I'm

looking for.


This what I'm used.

To I'm used to guys liking me
and making me want to like them.

I like that safety feeling, like
when you know a guy is all into

you and he's really invested.

That's when I allow myself to
open up.

Once I feel that, my intuition
is telling me he's not really

invested in me and doesn't
really like me like I like him.


I don't know.

Should I back away before he
hurts me.

I wouldn't back away, but if
you're not a place where he's

the one, maybe be open to
conversations with Winston.

Who knows, maybe Cormac will be
like, oh, Cormac is just a

little too comfortable, because
you're pouring out your heart,

he could be trueó2t when he's
saying I feel this way, but he's

not making you feel that he real
lie likes you

he should be pulling you aside.

So maybe giving attention to
Winston and him seeing, oh, it

shouldn't be so comfortable.

I should show her I truly like
her and need to go for it.

And if he doesn't, that's a
sign, too.

Announcer: While caro con
finds in her chamber maids,

inside Zac is still surprised
that Elizabeth, the shy girl who

agreed to be on a reality show,
is more outgoing than he


So what did you think about
the game?

It was fun.



I didn't want to be too raunchy,
but I wanted to still be like



I was not expecting that from

Are you mad that I did that?



It's just for fun.

did I surprise you?


You didn't think I would do


No, I did not
I think Zac died when he saw

that I did that.

I don't think he thought I had
that in me.

I feel like each and every
day I just get more and more

from you.

I definitely feel like I'm
letting you in more and more.


In my side there was a little
thought process going on like,

let's spend the day about you.


You know, just to try to get
to know you and all that stuff.

I appreciate it.

So I feel like maybe that's fun,
like when you were dancing,

there was a little tension.

Should I look at him or should I
not look at him.

I tried to make eye contact
with you.

I think we did something --
I knew you would probably

laugh, but you didn't.

Okay, cameraman Tom, zoom in
on the neon.

♪ All my life
I pray for someone like you

♪ yes, I pray that you do love
me too

♪ all my life
I pray for someone like you ♪

There you go.

Why is it weird.





A little make-up session.

We're both on the exact same

Awkward kiss.

Was it not good?


Announcer: You know, this
is actually stock footage.

Now, back to our villa in Fiji.

♪ Don't be afraid to catch me ♪
announcer: Yes, welcome

back to "love island," where
yamen pulled up a floral print

beanbag and is telling the boys
how things between him and

christen are going smoothly.

Last night christen and I had
a little intimate makeout

session, which was pretty tasty.

Announcer: Christen, the
floor is yours.

And I need to talk to yamen
about our awkward kiss.

Awkward kiss?

When was the awkward kiss
last night.

Oh, New York was it not good?

Wait, what was awkward?

In bed?

Just kidding.

It was fine.

We're cracking up about when we
were kids and then like, what?

He just goes in for it, and you
know you're trying to get in the

rhythm, but I was like are you
up here, are you down here.

And then I pulled away.

Oh, no.

Like I feel like a lot of
people notice a big difference

in how you're just walking

So I guess that really shows I'm
like hella happy with her 100%.

I'm having a blast.

If I went in, this is nice.

As each day goes by, I
definitely feel like I'm at the

point where I just want to focus
on christen.

We're both like on the exact
same wavelength, and that's


Announcer: Thanks, Danny
zucko, but it may not be the

summer loving you think it is.

I wanted to be like, hold on.

We're going to do this.


I think I made it awkward.

And then he's like, y'all need
to relax, because it was like...

I don't know.

I don't know what to do with

He chose a lip each time.

He went down here and then he
went up here.

That's supposed to be in the


I was trying to figure it out.

Do I go this way?

It was a very premature kiss.

But we tried it.

I think I'm going to have to
teach him a little.

Do you think he knows you
felt a little awkward.

I mean, I could not hide it.

I was like, so this is so crazy.

Announcer: Meanwhile, back
with the hat, hat, and bandanna


Obviously you guys know that
I totally feel... I'm way about


But the pacing difference is not
necessarily getting to me.

It's just like I'm like, I'm
starting to think about it more.

Like I want a girl who will tell
me everything and feel

comfortable like that.

Like we are as good as friends
as we are romantic partners.

That's what I want.


That's all I want.

I think my feelings just keep
growing stronger and stronger.

I really like Elizabeth.

I could honestly see her being
my girlfriend, dude.

To be honest.


The "g" word.

The "g" word.

That's dope, dude.

How would you do it?

Would you get on one knee?

Ha, ha, will you be my

I can see Zac doing that.

I don't remember the last
time I asked a girl to be my


I don't think I ever asked a
girl to be my girlfriend.

I love that question.

It's cute, dog.

They love it.

Hey, do you want to be my

I feel like a lot of people
don't say that anymore.

I feel like a lot of people
don't say that anymore.

Where is your head at?


Being in a couple with me?

I feel stuck.

There's nobody else I can make a
connection with...

Shut up.

That's mean.

Stop it.

I don't know what to do.

You know, I've spent every day
with Elizabeth.

We've gotten to know each other.

I just figured out the other day
that I like really like

Elizabeth, and I want her to be
like my by my side all the time.

I'm really happy to be in a
couple with you.

How do you feel like about
new people coming in here?

Like new girls?

Girls or guys, yeah?

It's not going to affect me



When I'm with a girl, I like
her, then I'm like committed to

her, you know?


I feel like me and you have
built a pretty good connection


So, you know, like, I would
never just like throw that away.


It wouldn't be good.

I like you a lot.

I like you a lot, too.

I might have to step things


I could really see you being
my girlfriend.


He said today I could see you
being my girlfriend.

I'm like, okay, so what does
that mean?

I don't want the poke at him.

I'm just going to let him be.

He's not someone thrushes

I don't want him to.

I was going to ask you if you
had like a random thing that I

didn't know about you yet.

A random thing?

Yeah, like a fun thing.

I'm a big procrastinator.

You are?

Yeah, really bad.

I feel like you would not be.

New York I'm terrible.

I'm not a procrastinator.

I'm a last-minute guy.



Is that what happened with
the kiss?


Yeah, the kiss, I procrastinated

Announcer: I'm a
procrastinator, too, Zac.

I put off writing this whole
transition, but I did get around

to send.

I don't know.

I've got a text.

Oh, my god, yay.

All right.

Girl, what does your text

Is everyone here?

Islanders, it's time for a
little lunch on the go.

Today's game, fast food,
# mouthtomouth, #mealsonwheels.

I am not... you are not spitting
anything into my mouth.

The amount of food we eat,
this sounds right on par.

We'll be terrible at this.

We'll see how it goes.

Maybe we'll get real close and
just kind of -- I have a big


That's a lot of food.

I can carry a lot.

Announcer: Coming up...

Announcer: No, it's not a
chapstick commercial.

It's the islanders running to
our newest game.

Today's game is called "fast

These fine specimens will enjoy
a delicious five-course meal of

the food the rest of us consume
on daily basis -- French fry, a

fully loaded hot dog, a creamy
strawberry milkshake, a slice of

apple pie, and a banana split
for two.

It's the cherry on top,
literally, as couples the

islanders have the move all
their food from one end of the

course to the other using only
their mouths.


Announcer: The couple that
transfers the most food fastest

will win.

And this just in, Weston's a
little under the weather so

won't be playing the game.

Instead single boy Winston will
be Katrina's partner for today.

Like a loving mother bird
feeding her young, the islanders

will kindly transfer mouthfuls
to each other starting with the

first course of French -- Fijian

I've never had someone spit
food into my mouth before.

I'm happy to be the first.

The ketchup is so disgusting.

It is mushy.

It was in his mouth.

announcer: We're only just

getting started.

Next up, hot dogs.

he's got beer hanging out of

his mouth.

Then I was trying to tell her
to just take the whole thing and

transfer it, but she was taking
bites out of it as it was

hanging out of my mouth.

It was so gross.

I didn't know I signed up for
stuff like this.

I thought I was coming in here,
"love island."

I didn't think we would test my
fears of continue mints.

It was a nightmare that came

announcer: Now wash those
hot dogs down.

Queue my second favorite
milkshake-themed song.

♪ My milkshake brings all the
boys to the yard ♪

Oh, hell no.

We were first place until I
wanted to transfer the milkshake

into her mouth.

I'm sorry.

That's disgusting.

I could puke right now.

That was so disgusting. C
I'm sorry.

I can't.

Announcer: I miss innocent
games with paintballs and


So I have milkshake in my
butt right now.

Letting it out of my mouth
into her mouth was really


It felt like a warm lugie.

We didn't know each other
that well prior to this.

We do now.

I guess some
announcer: Now a slice of

apple pie just like mama used to
make, and she fed it to me the

same way.

I don't know how to do this.

Put it in your mouth, go.

I'm ride or do.

I'm going to do it, go full
force all day every day.

But will I have nightmares
tonight, yes.

Announcer: And to finish it
off, a banana spit -- I mean


Emmy voters, you're welcome.

I scooped the ice cream
sundae and put it in my mouth,

and the bananas just went all
the way down my throat.

When I got the banana split,
it wasn't cold.

It was warm.

That was the most disgusting
thing I've ever done in my life.

I have never hated anything

You just like the way I look.

Just love me.

It was so bad.

Just embrace it.

Announcer: Time to find out
who won -- I mean, who regretted

this the least.

The couple that transferred
the most food the fast eswas

cashel and Kyra.

Number one.

Number one, baby!

Number one.

Announcer: Congratulation,
cashel and Kyra, and I can tell

you the leftovers were

♪ Dream on ♪
the taste of sweet victory.

Good job, Kyra!

You know, I had a good talk
with Kyra last night.

Because everyone is coupled up
is happy.

Kyra is not.

But everyone else seems happy.

Here's the deal.

Today Weston has been gone,
Katrina is awesome.

She's really cool.

Obviously I'm way more into


You should go up there and be
like, help me pick out a shirt

for tonight.

Elizabeth became my wing

She's like, you need to spend
some time with Katrina, go talk

to her.

Trippy situation.

I know.

Super trippy.

Like can I join you guys?

Everybody is sleeping.

Hop in here, dog.

You cleaning up shakes?

You must be real bored, bro.

Just passing the time, bro.

Cashel is cleaning sunglasses
for an hour and a half and all I

want to do is just get some
one-on-one time.

I'm going to go down and get
some more sun.

I don't know when it's going to
come back out again.

Second attempt, thankfully she
takes a lot of time to get


So I had another shot.

What's going on?

Christen is in there now.

Now I have to act like I was
using the bathroom or something

or eating a yogurt.

She didn't care.

It's cool.

No big deal.

Katrina, let's go chat.



Oh, okay.


I finally get the chance to
sit down and talk to Katrina one

on one.

♪ I'm a bad guy ♪
so how do you feel?

How's things?

I'm tired.

Do you feel weird after me
having spit in your mouth all


I mean, I want to say weird.

Because it was a game, you know.

For me it was all fun.

For me it was hella fun.

How do you feel?

It's weird because I'm odd
man out.

I don't know.

With Weston gone today.

It was kind of like... where is
your head at.

I don't know him totally yet.

It's literally been two days.

I'm just going with it.

I'm not going the lie.

I feel like I don't miss the

I want you to be honest.

For sure, I will.

I respect that.

But it was fun doing that with

It was past.

It was fun.

I feel like even though it
was a conversation thing to get

closer, er feel more comfortable
with you.

For sure.

Because we did that.

There's no going back.

So it feels good that I got
to know you more.

For sure.

I would tell you what to do,
but I don't know.

Great timing for that, man.

Announcer: Now Kyra opens
up about her cash problem.

There are moments like last
night, I was literally so turned

on and so into it and here for
it, and I couldn't wait to

cuddle up to him in bed, and
then he just does something

where I just see him more as a
friend sometimes, and it's like,

even today in the challenge,
there was a certain thing where

it's that kid in class where, I
want the laugh with him, he's so

funny, but it's more like a

Like I don't want to jump on you
right now.

I don't want to say t
cash, because he's cash.

He's so sweet.

And I wish it was something...

Like I wish he was doing
something bad, but he's just

being himself, and it's just
messed up that him being himself

and me being myself maybe isn't
working out.

I'm in a little bit of a
situation where like cash where

I don't know.

You don't know if he's the
one for you.

All he talks about is us in
the outside world.

You don't like that?

That's an issue I don't
necessarily like.

It's frustrating because I wish
he was doing something that was

actually bad.

It's fine that he's a free dude
and likes to live a very chill


I need more of that in my life.

But it's just like -- it just
stresses me out sometimes

because of my past.

Growing up as a kid, my parents
were like hippies, the same vibe

as cash at the end of the day.

You do what you want and you do
what you feel and you don't

think about the consequences.

But I should tell you one
confession, and I don't want to

talk about that, but there is a
person I do have a crush on



I have a crush on him.

But I'm not -- I didn't tell
anyone this because it's like,

what's the point.

What's the point?

He's my buddy.


Do you know what's so weird?

I've gone there too sometimes.

I know, I have too.

Oh, my god, what?

Because he's so funny.

There is something about him
where I have gone the deepest

with anyone in this house.


He's just so comfortabling.

That's why when she came in
here, Katrina, I was the most

not whatever, but like I hope
you know that he's a great guy

and that I'll come for you.

Yeah, we were all like -- I
feel so protective over him

because he's such a catch.

Elizabeth spit the food
everywhere but back on the


Yo, it was disgusting.

It was so gross.

I feel like but for the guys
it wasn't as bad.

Announcer: And there's more
bad news on the way.

You had to spit milkshake
into someone's mouth.

♪ Gladiator

♪ gladiator
giant slayer

♪ bone shaker
dominator ♪

They put a jolt.

Arielle: Hi, islanders.

Hi, what's up?

Arielle: Sorry to drop in

♪ Gladiator
gladiator ♪

Announcer: We're back on
"love island," and it's tense in

the villa as Arielle has just

Arielle: So the public have
been watching you, and last

night they voted for who they
think is the most compatible


The bottom two couples risk
being dumped from the island


Oh, god.

You never know which way it's
going to go.

Winston, as you're not in a
couple, you're immune from this


Thank you.

Arielle: Can I have you all
stand up, please.

Winston, you can actually stay.

This is so stressful.

I'm so nervous.

Arielle: Soily now reveal
the top four couples who were

voted most compatible and who
are safe and will stay on the


So in no particular order, the
first couple safe is

Alexandra and Dylan.

Please take a seat.

The next couple staying is

Katrina and Weston.

You guys can take a seat.


And the third couple safe is

Elizabeth and Zac.


You can take a seat.

Condition -- congrats, guys.

Arielle: So christen and
yamen, Kyra and cashel, caro and

Cormac, only one more couple is

The fourth and final couple safe
and remaining on the island is

Kyra and cashel.

You guys can take a seat.

You guys can take a seat.

Christen and yamen, caro and
Cormac, the public think that

you are the least compatible

And you are now vulnerable.

Please come and join me.

The public aren't feeling you
guys as couples.

So two of you will be leaving
the island now.

But that decision isn't down to
the public.

That decision is down to your
fellow islanders.


I know this is really hard, but
you will now decide which person

from each couple gets to stay on
chance to find love with

somebody else.

The person you don't choose will
be dumped from the island


In a moment, I'm going to ask
you which person you want to

save from each couple and
explain the reason for your


So caro and Cormac, christen and
yamen, please head to the


I'm going to give you a moment
to talk this over as a group.

I'm going to throw up.

It's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay.



Consistent is a sweetheart, but
I feel like grahammen is in here

for the right reasons.

Caro has put her heart on the

She's put herself in a position
where she wants to find


I couldn't disagree, because
I feel like caro has been flirty

with everyone in here.


I cried.

She's flirting around.

She can't decide.

They have to choose.

I know.


I think that yamen, I think
that was a very game thing.

I think he never was interested
in Alana.

It was more of a game for him.

This sucks.

I'm not going to lie.

I really like you two.

Yamen was only focused on
Alana until christen showed him


If christen didn't show him
attention, he would not have

done that.

I don't think Cormac or caro
will find love in here, so I

don't care who you pick.

All right, guys.

Time is up.

Have you guys made your


Arielle: All right, guys.

Caro, Cormac, christen, yamen,
you can come back over.

Between caro and Cormac, please
tell me who you are saving and

giving another chance for love.

We want to save this person
because the second that they've

gotten to this island, they have
truly been themselves.

They have put themselves fully
out there, and we all genuinely

believe that they have come here
for love and really want to find


The person that we want to save

♪ Have you got the goods ♪

Arielle: Between caro and
Cormac, please tell me who you

are saving and giving another
chance for love.

We want the save this person
because the second that they've

got on the this island, they
have truly been themselves.

They have put themselves fully
out there, and we all genuinely

believe that they have come here
for love and really want to find


The person that we want to save

♪ So have you got the goods
been wondering if you're heart

♪ is still open
and if so I want to know

♪ what time it shuts ♪
caro, baby.

Thank you so much, guys.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

Thank you.


Arielle: Okay, caro, you've
been given another chance at


Thank you, guys.

I'm just speechless.

Thank you so much.

I appreciate it so much.

Arielle: Cormac, I'm so

That's okay.

Arielle: So out of christen
and yamen, who will you be

saving and giving another chance
at love?

We want to save this person
because we feel that this person

has shown Patience and
perseverance in their

relationships on this island.

We want to give this person the
chance to find love, because we

know that they are here for that
exact reason.

So the person we want to0@


Arielle: Well then,
grahammen, you can take a seat.

I'm sorry, christen.

Thank, guys.

We feel pretty heartbroken
about that.

Arielle: So caro and yamen,
you are now both single.

Christen and Cormac, your time
on "love island" is now over.

You have 30 minutes to pack your
bags and say your good-byes.

I'm so sorry.

That's okay.

I'm ready to go.

I love you guys.

It's not fair.

You made a good decision.

I feel like we didn't get a
chance rally.

I'm sad to leave you, but I
think you deserve this more than


You know what you want.

I'm still trying to figure that


It's not lit.

Honestly, I really do like
you a lot.

I really do.

I haven't liked someone that
much that fast in I don't know

how long.

And, I mean, we can explore this
and still try to get to know you


I was not expecting that.

I fell like I was so looking
forward to spending more time

with you and... I'm mad that I
came here to find a real

connection and I thought we were
having a good chance at that.

This sucks.

♪ Feeling my way through the
darkness ♪

Cormac is hilarious.

Love the guy.

I can't wait the see him when I
get out of here.

And he's just a character that
I've never met before.

I finally found that
connection here, you know, this

is amazing, and then, boom, out
of nowhere, it's going to end at

that moment.

♪ Wake me up when things are

♪ when I'm wiser and I'm older

Love you guys.

Yamen had a great connection,
so it's hard.

Because you come in here hoping
to find, that and I definitely

think I did.

That's all that matters.

I'm leaving with great
friendships and just one of the

best experiences of my life.

Announcer: Coming up, I'll
tell you about the event that

rocks the villa next week.

Announcer: Next week, the
love liner will be cruising into

"love island."

On Monday a bunch of hot new
singles will be coming ashore

who will ship in and who will
ship out?

You don't want to miss this
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