01x01 - Episode 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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01x01 - Episode 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Brace you're, america.

Get ready for love, lust, and
some very tiny swimsuits.

♪ Baby.

My heart is full of love ♪
welcome to "love island" and

An unforgettable summer love
here in fiji.

That's our host arielle, I think
she's running late.

We'll get back the her later.

This is your captain

Please prepare the cabin for
landing on "love island."

Over the next four weeks,
sexy singles will get into this

Tropical haven.

They've packed more abs than
shirts and are all here with one

Goal -- to find love.

And you're in control.

Voting on all sorts of decisions
that impact the show in


How modern.

♪ Baby
ultimately you'll decide which

Couple wins the $100,000 prize.

Chaperoning our love birds is
the elegant, sophisticated and

Classy arielle vandenberg.

Shake it off, babe.

Are you ready?

Arielle: I'm so ready for

Here come the islanders.

This is the "love island"

Villa, a home away from home for
our group of gorgeous singles.

The villa will overflow with
flirting, romance, and a lot of

Throw pillows.

And what happens during the day
in fiji will hit your screen

That very same night.

So let's get on with it.

It's time to meet the girls.

♪ Are you ready for love
are you ready for love ♪


I'm here!

♪ Are you ready for love
oh, my god.

I'm alexandra.

Mine is caro.

So nice to meet you.

Oh, my god.

No, no, no.

I don't know where to start.

Oh, my god.

This is so beautiful.

Oh, my god.

everything is like, wow.

My name is caro.

I'm 21.

I live in los angeles and I'm
marketing student.

I would describe myself as



And humble.

That's a bonus.

I recently just started loving
my hair, so I'm really trying to

Own it.

That would be my number-one best

I love dating apps.

It's like you can manage all the

Going the "love island" is like
a real-life dating app.

Like, I really am ready to meet
someone that I want to spend my

Life with.

I am a great girlfriend with the
right guy, and I'm just trying

To find the person that has as
much love as I do.




To us finding men.

Not falling for losers.

No losers.

And let's have the best
summer of our lives.

Yes, girl.

The craziest journey, the
craziest journey.

Let's go!

I'm alexandra.

I'm 26.

I'm originally from

I now live in los angeles.

I'm a beauty publicist in
beverly hills.

The men in los angeles, they
drive cars they can't afford,

And their 65 and they think they
can pick up women that are 20 to

And that's why I'm in fiji
loving -- looking for love.

I'm totally looking for a guy
that's my boyfriend and my best


I'm a puppy.

I need attention.

I like the wake up and nuzzle
and be like, hi.

Girl code is one of the most
important things to me.

If I make a huge connection with
a girl code in the villa, I'm

Never going to step on her toes.

My last boyfriend cheated on me,
and I just haven't been ready to

Open up to someone and kind of
give my all.

I think I'm ready to find a guy
that has a great personality and

Get to know them and not just go
for the looks.

Find me man, please.

Wait, this is a shower.

Oh, my gosh.

This is a shower.

This is instagram worthy.

Hi, guys.

Oh, my gosh.

Are you so excited?

I'm mallory.

Mallory, hi.

I'm alex.

Hi, alex, nice the meet you.

I'm caro.

You're a bombshell.


Oh, my god.

Are you so excited?

I can't wait to meet the



Oh, my gosh.

Hi, guys.

My name is mallory.

I'm 26.

I'm from portland, oregon.

I'm an,ty analyst for a
sportsware company.

♪ Everybody has their own
special color and they work it

Like a star ♪
my dating history is a little


I'll go on a couple dates and
they'll be really good.

I'll feel like I have a
connection, then the guy just


I don't think I give off a crazy

I'm in the like, date me, you

I think I'm kind of cool.

Kind of.

So the good thing with "love
island" is the guys can't go

From me.

There's inwhere to hide.

I will find you.

I am very ready for love.

My time is ticking.

I don't want the look old in my
wedding pictures.

Literally on my instagram, I
have photos of my wedding dress,

The venue, the rings, kids names
are picked out.

Mallory, jr., Has a ring to it.

I have it all planned out.

I just need a guy.

So what's your type in
I like someone who is

Artistic and creative.

I like graphic design, and

I like guys that are

If they like me, they will let
me know.

I love funny people.

They have to make me laugh.

♪ People say my name

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.

I'm alana.

I'm alana.

I'm 21.

I'm a student from connecticut.

If you like good vibes, you'll
like me.

I think my personality is a good

And if you're going to make it
physical, I got a nice butt.

I really do.

♪ I don't need know fairytale
fun fact, I have never ever had

A boyfriend.

I've been in six relationships.

It just never works out.

I don't know how to flirt, but I
feel like if you end things with

A suggestive question, it makes
it more sexy.

Are those khaki?


Like who wears khaki?

Are those flip-flops?


Like I've seen a flip-flop.

Oh, man.

I need to be in a solid,
committed relation she --


I'm tired soft situationships.

I'm going to let jesus take the

Let's see how this turns out.

I love your hair.

Oh, thank you.

I love it.

Thank you so much.

Hi, guys.

How are you?

Oh, my gosh.

I'm so nervous.

Don't be.


Elizabeth, hi.

Can I say something?

I'm elizabeth.

I'm 24.

I live in new york, an I work in

I'm definitely a good
girlfriend, but I'm very

Dramatic, but whenever I get the
stomach flu, I will lay on the

Floor in the bathroom and call
my family to come say good-bye

To me.

I'm like, I'm passing, come say

I have been in love before once.

I dated a guy, and a couple
years later I found out he was

Cheating on me.

So maybe I am a little more
reserved now when it comes to

Trusting people or opening up to
finding love.

But I think it's also been
enough time that I would be

Ready to put myself out there

I don't like facial hair.

If I saw a guy with facial hair,
I would be like, oh, you're so


I'm into you, but would you
shave your beard and your


What if he said no?

He would have to.

Do you model?

I do.

I wouldn't have guessed.

Now that the girls have had
seven seconds to really get to

Know each other, let's meet our
host, arielle.

Arielle: hi, ladies.


Arielle: who's ready for a
summer of love.

We are.

how exciting is this?

It's so exciting.

I feel like I'm with all my

Arielle: hi, guys.

How are you
arielle: how is everybody

Doing today?




Arielle: you guys in the
mood for love?


Arielle: you've come to the
right place for romance.

The sun is shining.

We're at a beautiful villa in

Pretty soon you will have some
gorgeous guys to share it with.

But before you meet them, I need
the hot goss.

Kerri: , -- caro, what are
you looking for on the island?

I want a guy with genuine
intentionings, who wants to

Settle down, who doesn't just
want a short-term relationship.

Arielle: I like that.

Mallory, what kind of man are
you looking for?

I like man who is creative
and artistic.

I'm not into guys who are super
macho or really into numbers.

Arielle: you want a little
band guy or something?


Arielle: john mayer guy?


Arielle: that's my

Send him my way.

Arielle: elizabeth?

I have a defined type.

Arielle: like what?

Tall, skinny
arielle: alexandra?

Tall, genuine, funny.

Arielle: alana, how long
are you been single?

Drum roll, please.

All my life.



I have never been in a
relationship before.

I'm coming here the change that.

I don't like that.

Arielle: I mean, well,
you're going to have your first

Boyfriend in like five minutes.

I'm so excited for you to meet
these guys.

Do you want to meet them?



Arielle: okay.

Let's go.

Come on down.

Oh, my gosh.

Arielle: okay.

This it is, you guys.

This is the moment we've all
been waiting for.

I've been waiting for it.

I bet you have been waiting for

You're about to couple-up for
the first time.

What that means is you have to
pair up with one of the boys.

Oh, my gosh, I have goosebumps.

One by one, the lucky guys will
interthe villa and choose one of


Before we do, step forward if
you're attracted to them.

You have the power to influence
their decision.

If you like them, you better
step forward because they might

Get snatched up.

We'll meet the first boy.

Oh, my god, I can't hardly stand

Here we go.

Say hello to cashel.

It's like a lady gaga set.

I'm cashel.

I'm 28.

I'm from sacramento, california.

And I play the drums.

There's definitely some layers
to me.

I like to be super duper out
there, but I luke alone time.

I like the talk about silly
stuff, but I also like to talk

About philosophy.

I guess I'm a walking

I like girls that are confident.

I don't think picky is the right
word, but I think energies have

To match, and I just haven't
found my matching energy.

I've been in love where you feel
this bubbly feeling, like


That's what I'm looking for.

I've never done a dating app.

I'm trying the find someone the
organic way, and the villa could

Be a very cool situation for
that, you know what I mean?

Let's do it.




Arielle: how are you
feeling today?

I'm good.

This is cool.

You guys are all so beautiful.

This is cool.

This is like a dream.

Arielle: so cashel, "love
island" is all about finding

Your perfect match.

It all starts right here with a
decision about who you want to

Couple-up with.

Who is going to be the chip to
your dip?

Who is going to be the barbie to
your ken?

Choose wisely, young
grasshopper, because your

Decision could affect your fate
on the island.

If you end up single, your place
in the villa is at risk.

And you could end up being

All right.

So before you make your

I'm going to make it easier on
you, and I'm going to find out

Who is attracted to you.


Arielle: so ladies, if
cashel is your type, please step


Welcome back the "love
island" where our first-ever

Coupling up is under way.

Oh, love, the big question is
which ladies will step forward

For cashel?

Arielle: all right.

So before you make your
decision, I'm going the make it

A little bit easier on you, an
I'm going the find out who is

Attracted to you.


Arielle: so, lady, if
cashel is your type, please step


Tough luck.

Arielle: they're shy.

First boy out.

Alexandra, why didn't you step

He looks like my

Arielle: fair.

Can't argue with that.

Arielle: and caro, what
about you?

You're very handsome, but a
bit too shy for me.

Arielle: he doesn't look
that shy.

Elizabeth, what about you?

He's so cute, but I don't
like facial hair.

Arielle: so no one stepped
forward, that's okay.

Because it is actually your

Who would you like to couple up


Well, the girl I would like to
couple up with is this girl in

The orange right here.

Arielle: caro.

Caro, go meet cashel.

Hi, caro.

I'm cashel.

Nice to meet you.

What's up?

Arielle: so, cashel, what
made you pick caro?

Because she thinks I'm shy.

I want to prove you wrong.

Arielle: and caro, how do
you feel?

I'm flattered that he chose
me, and let's see.

Let's see.

Arielle: welk you guys look
beautiful together.

We have our first "love island"
couple, cashel and caro.


Have fun.

Arielle: all right, ladies.

This is just the beginning.

Shall we get the next boy?

Say hello to yamen
hello, hello, hello.

Oh, we give hugs.

Arielle: you can give hugs.


I'm yamen.

I'm 24 years old from los
angeles, and I do real estate.

I'm smart.

I think I'm smart.

I'm compassionate, kind,

I'm a good guy.

What's going to draw a woman to
me is how they're going to meet

My smile, pi personality.

My genuineity.xd
is that a word?

That's a word, isn't it?

It is now.

I love a girl to be able to
cook, because I love to cook.

My mother also loves to cook.

She sets a very high standard
for a lot of young ladies for


My ideal girl, she has a great

She could be anything, green,
orange hair, purple legs.

It's all about the personality.

Yeah, I'm for sure looking for

You get that whoa feeling.

It's like whoa, whoa.

That's when you know.


Arielle: yamen, so we
already have one gorgeous


But we have four single ladies.

You can couple up with any of
these girls, even if they're

Already in a couple.

I'm like...

Arielle:çó and caro, even
though you're coupled up with

Cashel, you can still step

So if yamen is your time, please
step forward.




Arielle: all right.

Well, alana, why did you step

He's so cute.

Oh, my gosh.

Thank you, thank you, thank

Arielle: yamen, this is all
your decision.

You can couple up with any of
these girls, even if they're in

A couple.

Who would you like to couple up

Couple up with is alana.

Arielle:ñi yamen, please show
me alana.

Nice to meet you.

Nice the meet you, too.

Arielle: alana russia you
happy you got your guy?



Arielle: that's awesome.

We now have two "love island"
couples, cashel and caro and

Yamen and alana.

Alexandra, mallory, elizabeth,
you haven't stepped forward yet.

What are you waiting for?

I can feel a vibe.

Mallory, what are you waiting

John mayer.

John mayer.

Arielle: all right, well,
let's see if this next boy fits

The bill.

Here's zac.

What's up?


Arielle: hello.

How is everybody doing?

We're good.

How are you?

I'm good.

Arielle: welcome to "love

My name is zac.

I am 22 years old.

I'm from chicago.

I work at a grocery store.

If a girl comes into the grocery
store, I'll make it a point to

Actually go over there.

Maybe I'll give her a blue steel
face or just like... I live with

My sisters and my mom.

We're a tight knit family.

If I meet a girl and I like her
and I bring her home, she has

The pass all the sisters.

I don't do social media dating
too much.

I like the meet girls

Girls' biggest misconception of
me is that I'm a player, but I

Want to mesh with somebody and
really feel that connection.

Arielle: so tell me, what


I'm looking for a girl who is
like bubbly, genuine,

Sweet hearted.

Arielle: we have three
single girls.

You can also choose any of the
girls that are coupled up.

I'm going to ask the girls to
please step forward if zac is

Your type.

Oh, we got a girl over there.

Caro, is zach your type?


He has gorgeous eyes, I can see
it from here.

He has seductive eyes.

Those come-to-me eyes.

Arielle: cashel, how you

Hey, you can't compete with
come-to-me eyes, man.



Fair enough.

Arielle: so mallory, this
is first time you stepped


What's up?

I like the hair.

I like the tattoo.

Got a good tan.

Arielle: and elizabeth?

You seem really nice.

Arielle: and alexandra, why
did you step forward?

I knew you were going to ask
me for?

I don't know.

I'm waiting for my man the walk

Arielle: confident.

I like that.

Zac, you can pick any of the
five girls.

So who would you like the couple
up with.

Announcer: before the
break, three girls stepped

Forward for zac, but which one
has caught his dreamy eyes?

Arielle: all right, zac,
you can pick any of the five


So who would you like to couple
up with?

The girl that I would like to
couple up with is I think

Elizabeth is lovely.

Arielle: elizabeth.


Nice the meet you.

Arielle: what made you
choose elizabeth?

I think she has really
beautiful eyes.

Arielle: so mallory, this
is the first time you stepped


You didn't get picked.

You okay?

I'm good.

Arielle: caro, you stepped

Cashel, you happy the take her


I'm good.

Arielle: we have our third
"love island" couple, zac and



arielle: so we have three

Happy couples and two lovely
single girls still looking for a


Could this be the one?

Let's hope.

Well, let me introintroduce you.

♪ I got the horses in the back

I'm weston.

I'm 25.

I live in dallas, texas.

I forgot what I was going to


What am I doing?


I'm weston.

I'm 25.

I live in dallas, texas, an I'm
a photographer.

My roots are boots.

I'm born and raised in the

I am a real cowboy.

Double denim is the only thing.

I'm the best boyfriend you could
ever ask for.

I open up every door.

I never let a girl pay.

I can build anything, fix
anything, which is a good


When I was 20 years old, I built
my house from the ground up.

Two things I do, I do pick-up
lines and jokes.

What did the pants say to the

What's up, britches?

I would love a real girl, down
to earth, knows what she wants.

There's nothing more attractive.

I'm just a cowboy trying the
find my angel on an island.

Arielle: you look ready for
a summer of love.

Let's do it.

Amaka: welcome to "love

Look at these gorgeous ladies.

How are y'all
arielle: what are you

Looking for in a girl?

A beautiful heart.

There are obviously a lot of
beautiful people here, but heart

Will win me over
arielle: we have three

Couples and two gorgeous single

But you can choose to couple up
with any of the girls.

So lady, please step forward if
weston is your type.

In deal.

Hey, you're not the only one,

Arielle: no?

Mallory, why didn't you step

I like darker hair, but I do
like your southern accent.

Arielle: alexandra?

I love a southern boy, but
I'm holding out.

Arielle: that's okay.

You get to choose any of the
girl, even if they didn't step


I have the power.

All righty.

Arielle: who are you going
to go for?

I'm going to couple up with
miss pink, pink bathing suit.


Arielle: mallory.

Thank you.


How are you?

I'm a hugger.

Oh, hug.

I'm weston, nice to meet you.

Arielle: so we have our
fourth couple, weston and



How's it going, guys.

How are you all.

This is so fun.

So we have one single girl
waiting for her night in shining


Is it the next guy?

If not, that's awkward.

Ladies, please welcome michael.

How are you?

What's up?

Arielle: hi.

How are you.


Arielle: hello.

Welcome to "love island."

What's up?

I'm michael.

I'm 29.

I'm from miami, and I'm a model.

I do wake up looking like this,
minus the shirt and the pants.

I think being this good looking
is a gift and a curse, because

People make assumptions and
judge you, like I'm probably

This dude that's just into
himself, but that's not me.

I love all animals.

My dogs are awesome.

They're two little fat french
bulldog, kate and sawyer.

They're cute little bunnies.

They are my life, my heart.

So if you don't like dogs, it's
not going to work.

I'm vegan by choice, and I would
love you to be vegan with me,

But it's not like that's a set
thing that I have to have.

My perfect girl, I definitely
look for nice bootie and nice


Definitely looking for love.

That's why I'm here.

I'm trying to find that one.

Arielle: why did you come
to "love island"?

To find someone special

Arielle: yeah.

All right.

All right.

So standing in front of you are
four couples.

And one smoking hot single,

But the good news for you is you
can choose any of the girls,

Even if they're coupled up.

But before you do, let's find
out if any of them are

Interested in you.

Ladies, if you're feeling
michael, please step forward.

Oh, all the things are

Alexandra, this is the first
time you've stepped forward for



Arielle: you're feeling it.

I got a good vibe, yeah.

Arielle: awesome.


Yes, confident.

He seems mature.

I like that.

Arielle: how you doing,

I see that.

I see this guy.

Arielle: weston, how you

Hey, he's a good-looking guy.

So are you.

Everybody here is beautiful.

You're like those doctors on
those shows.

I'm good, but okay.

I like that.

Arielle: michael, it's all
up to you.

Don't forget, you can choose any
girl you want.

Who would you like to couple up

I'm going to couple up with

Arielle: alexandra.

Go meet alexandra.

Nice to meet you.

Arielle: so we have five
couples, michael and alexandra,

Cashel and caro, weston and
mallory, yamen and alana, zach

And elizabeth.

I wish you all luck as the
choices you've made could decide

How long you stay in the villa.

I'm so jealous.

You'll now spend time getting to
know each other, playing games

Together, living together, and
even sharing a bed together.

But this is "love island."

So you never know who will come
through that door or from that


So on that note, please welcome

Announcer: welcome back the
"love island," where the

Producers have politely demanded
I remind you which islanders

Have coupled up so far.

There's michael and alexandra,
cashel and caro, weston and

Mallory, yamen and alana, zac
and elizabeth, but as our

Islanders are about to learn,
there's always a twist.

Arielle: this is "love
island," so you never know who

Is going to come through that
door or from that beach.

Please welcome kyra.

Hey, I'm kyra.

I'm 22 years old.

I'm originally from harlem, new
york city.

I sing and play guitar.

I can be very sexy, very
flirtatious, a little bit of a


I don't really have a type.

I kind of go for whatever I'm
into at that time, but I do get

The guy a lot.

If a dude is not going to dance
with me, I'm like, how are we

Going to have any fun?

How are you going to lose
yourself in the moment?

I fall fast and I fall hard.

You'll know how I feel the
second I get to know you, for


I'm feeling really, really good.

I'm excited to get in.

I'm going to turn the fun up.

If I see someone I like, at the
end of the day, I'll go for it

And I'll give it my best shot.

It's "love island."

♪ When you're ready
come and get it ♪

You have to go for what you

Arielle: hi, kyra.


Arielle: kyra, you're a
little late to the party, as all

The boys have been coupled up.

I know.

I know.

I see that.

arielle: but in the next 24

Hours, you will get to choose
one of these boys to couple up

With, leaving one of the girls
single and vulnerable.

Girls, you're looking a built

Alexandra, what's going through
your mind?

That she's stunning and

Nope, no.

Thank you.

Arielle: caro, what do you

You're super cute.

You're so bubbly.

I hope you do find a guy.

Thank you.

I love your hair, girl.

It's beautiful.

Arielle: yamen, what do you

Batheling suit is nice.

She seems very cool, very fun.

Thank you.

I'm happy.

It's a long journey, or whatever
this is

Arielle: zac, how are you

I'm feeling good.

I think she's lovely.

I think she came in with high

We'll see.

Arielle: what are you
looking for in a boy?

I like a dude honestly that
stands up for what he's into.

I don't like the norm or trying
to be something you're not.

If you're something special or
you neeblg, I'm super here for


Arielle: I love it.

We're all late weird on the
inside sometimes.

Arielle: don't even get me

I'm so weird.

I'm such a weirdo.

It comes out.


Arielle: it's good.

Weird is good.

Good, good.

Arielle: so I'll heave you
guys to start your life changing

Summer together.

There will be romantic dates,
villa party, islanders coming

And going all as you search for

And don't forget, america is
watching literally in real-time.

And they will be voting for
their favorite couple.

That winning couple could win

[Cheering and applause]
let's go!

Arielle: well, bye for now,
and kyra, enjoy the single life.

Thank you.



Did you just copy my bye.



Yes, you did.


What do we do now?


Hi, beautiful.

Announcer: now the
islanders begin to form real

Relationships among all those
fake flowers.

The females are perfect.

The setting is perfect.

Honestly, this is a paradise.


What was his name?


I'm going to call him cashew.

How do you start to it?

You can call him cash.

I don't think he's my type at

The fact that I can't say his
name, maybe it's a sign from the

Universe that it's not meant to

But, you know what?

I usually don't know how to
pronounce -- see, I can't even

Say "pronounce."

Pronounce things, so it's okay.

What do you think about your

He's really nice.

He's not my type, but he's nice
and he's easy to talk.

To he's outgoing.

I can be quiet.

If I got a shy guy...

I'm telling you, michael is
so gorgeous.

I only stepped forward for
michael, but all the guys

Honestly are so hot.

We don't know them yet, so it's
hard to figure out who you

Actually click with.

It was kind of just, who do you
think is hot l

We could easily model.

I work at a grocery store.

You should model, dude.

You got the dark hair, the blue

Three girls stepped forward
for me, which was exciting.

Definitely I guess an ego boost.

Elizabeth is the girl I probably
would have picked if she stepped

Forward or not.

Are you satisfied?

I'm happy.

I chose alana because something
in her eyes seemed very


I like confident women.

She seemed like she had a nice

I like michael.

I feel like if my hunch is
right, I think we're going to

Get on very well.

I think he has good taste in

I think kara is b-a-d bad.

I'm way into it, dude.

Attraction, but othere's so
much more after it.

Hold up.

We have to talk about miss kyra.

She has a great body, but her
personality was awesome from

What I saw.

They're all freakin' cute.

I was surprised.

I was so scared that I would see
nobody, but now your two guy,

Just because there is definitely
something I feel like cool about


Zac and yamen are definitely
catching my eye.

It's so tough, because I don't
want to step on another girl's


We're all out there, like mesh,
and getting along.

So in 24 hours, I'm going to
have to choose someone.


You have really nice eyes.

Thank you.

Rolling up to all of these
beautiful women, everyone is

Looking on point.

Nobody stepped forward.

I was like, well, I'm just going
to go with the securitiest girl.

And that was you.


I was like, she's got this
great hair.

Do you like my hair, or do
you think I was cute, or do you

Just like my hair.

Do you just want to be coupled
up with my hair?

No, it's nice, though.

And you stepped out for other
guy, but I'm cool with that.

I'm sorry.

Don't be sorry.

I felt like you were a bit
too shy.

I feel mean saying that.

But I'm honest.

Give it to me straight.

I am attracted to michael.

Let's be real.

Who isn't attracted to michael.

And zac.

You're so handsome, and your
personality makes you more


Oh, thanks.

So I am super excited to get
to know you.

We're going to have a lot of

Yes, and it's okay for me to
go around and talk to --

Dude, I'm going to do the
same thing.



I want to know everybody in

Like you and me are like right

I can feel it.

We a team.

I know.

I know.

We the cs.


What up.

I nailed it.

Me and caro are having so much

She's super funny.

We're right on the same

Check it out.

Oh, that's a nice breeze.

This is sweet.

That feels good.

This is so --
this is the life right here.

That's so cool.

I want to go in the pool.

With the ocean view.


Can't see the ocean now.

Not right now.


I'm hoping we get some stars,

I'm ready for a drink

Dance party.

Me too.

What's your signature dance

New york I don't know.

I get real low.

You get real low?

I like that.

If your thighs aren't burning,
you know.

That's why you have those

I'm more like a hips girl.

You got to work those hips.

Do they lie?


Matt: it's time far party.

What are you about the wear?

I'm going to wet the curls to
make them pop more.

My hair is naturally dark,
but I do dye it.

It's like at the lower level.

I picked out your outfit.


Are you guys picking each


That's cute.

The finding love.

[Cheering and applause]
anybody want one?

[Cheering and applause]
anybody want one?

How are you feeling?

I'm okay.

It's like I go through waves of
being okay.

Then I'm like...

I can't believe in 24 hours,
that's like so no time.

I know.

It's like I feel like I can't
make any step that someone is

Not going to be like... I don't
want to play with people's

Emotions and stuff.

You know?

You didn't put your whole
life on hold to come out here

And look for something and not
try it.

If somebody doesn't understand
that, then it's on them.

It's reading vibes.

Some people seem already so
sign, sealed, delivered.

It's day one.

Everyone is so nice.

It's always the first night,
everyone is on good behavior.

I'm worried.

I feel like it's the calm before
the storm.

It's the first day and I feel
like that.

I definitely just have to go for
what I want, and I do have my

Eye on someone for sure.

So I just have to do what's
right for me.

Announcer: welcome back the
"love island," where it started

Raining during the commercial
break, but thankfully that's not

Dampening yamen and alana's

Why are you single?

What's going on?

Why ain't you got any little
main boyfriends, alana, alana.


I have never been in a
relationship before.

I like, never, like...


Is you've never had a boyfriend?


I'm not going the lie.

That surprises me.

Not having had a boyfriend, it's
not like woo, it's more like,


I've only ever been in two

How were those?

First one I was 17.

I was young.

I didn't know what I was doing.

My next relationship, I got my
heart broken.

I feel like I'm finally at that
point where I'm like, okay.

All right.

Bring it on.

I'm excited.

I'm going to continue to work on
my situation with yamen, and

Then he's going to become my
main man.

We're going to run, get in
the pool.

Do you want a piggyback.


Do you want the wear my hat?


You ready?

Yeah, one, two, three... Oh,
go, cowboy.

You're my horse.

I have to ask, what does this

Oh, no, is this really stupid?

It doesn't -- when I got it,
it originally just didn't have a


Like I just really liked the
three bands around the arm.

I saw somebody have it around
their wrist, but if it was to

Signify something, it would
represent my three sisters.

Oh, okay.

That's cute.

You've been solo for a while,


I have not gone out with
anyone in a year.

Me too

I haven't even had sexual

Me either.

Straight up.

It's been so long.

I don't know what the touch
of man feels like.

People look at me, they're
like, shut up.

I did it to myself.

You want someone you can
actually talk.

have an actual connection.


Chemistry, passion.



I like him, but it's a weird

It's friendship but with the

I feel like we're going to have
a little cuddle.

It's harder because me and him,
it's so fun.

You have fire.

You're just laughing

But it feels like I know him.


So who are you thinking?

So far I'm definitely most
attracted to yamen.


He's sexy.

And then weston.

He's got such a great

I don't know what's going on
with kyra.

She said she likes yamen and she
also said weston.

It makes me nervous, because I
don't want someone to steal the

Person I'm talking.

To I'm a little scared.

Are you good if I pulled
weston to talk?

Do whatever you want.

Weston, can I talk to you for
a minute?

Cool, cool, cool.

We have to get wet probably.

That's not going to be fun.

I wanted to pull you aside,

What's up?

Out of everyone here, you're
definitely a good personality

How are you feeling?

I'm good.

I just kind of want to go for
what I'm seeing, too.

I know that everyone is coupled
up, but --

What are you feeling?

I'm feeling you for sure.


Yeah, just dancing tonight
and you're just straight up


I am.

I'm real.

Kyra is a sweet girl.

She's very forward, which I

It takes a lot of nerve,
especially when we're coupled up

With people.

You're not my normal type at

No boots, no country boots.

What's your type?

City dudes, definitely more

Never in my life have I dated a
boy from the country with the

Accent and all that stuff.

We have so many difference, but
I think that's what attracts me

To him.

I got a whole lot of sass.



Can you handle that?

We'll see.

I feel very scared.

Why do you feel scared?

I honestly think that she's
going the pick weston.


She likes yamen, zac, an

She did say that.

Oh, my god, weston just
expressed, weston.

I know.

We have to now be like,
secure your man.



What's up, dude?

Are you ready for bed?

No, I'm going to somehower.

Don't look at my hair.

I love brushing teeth people.

Because it's like something very
intimate about brushing your


You know what I mean.

We about the look nerdy as
hell sleeping right now.

You guys look like you're
married already.

You're in your robe.

I have a robe.

In way.

Night, everyone.

Oh, my god.

It's really dark.

Matt: take control of the
"love island" villa and have

Your say with the "love island"

Get the hottest goss and play
along during the show with

Exclusive content.

Join the "love island" community
and take part in polls and


And most importantly, you have
the chance to really stir things

Up by voting on dates, dumping,
and ultimately who will be

America's favorite couple.

Download the app and couple up
on "love island."

Announcer: it's a new day
in paradise, and our sleeping

Beauties are getting their
beauty sleep.

The couples are zach and
elizabeth, mallory and weston,

Alexandria -- alexandra and
michael, yamen and caro and

Kyra, who is dreaming of the man
she'll steal in tonight's

Coupling ceremony.

Let's wake them up.

Hit the lights!

Oh, no.

Oh, my god.

How are you, kyra?

I'm good.

How are you?

You look very nice.

Thank you.

Are you rocking daisy dukes?

I'm going to wait for the sun to
come out.

We got to talk later.

I felt like when you came in, I
felt like we had the same


I feel like we have a lot in

We do.

We need to talk later.

Yeah, just pull me aside.

I will.

Sounds good.

Oh, my god, did you guys talk
all night while you were in bed?

We were spooning and it was
so like... His breath was like

Right here.

You know when you talk right

It's either really freaky.

I was like, oh, my god.

I haven't felt male energy in so
long, they was like, oh, my god.

What are you doing to me.

He's so cute.

He's so cute.

What's up?

I'm nervous for today.

I'm making that decision.

So where is your head at?

What are you thinking?

So I think weston definitely.

I would never go for a country
boy, never in my life.

How fun will he be to get to

I think you'll look cute.

There's something.

You know, it was like strict
strictly -- well, then there's

Yamen, who is super cute.

He's is cute.

I get along with him.

He feels like a I go back at

So I don't clearly know yet.

I do just want the watch from

Announcer: weston and zac
are already so close they're

Wearing each other's hats.

Let's hear what they're saying
about kyra down in the brodeo.

What about you and kyra?

She pulled me aside.

She was honest.

She was comfortable in her own
skin, which is so attractive,

Her personality.

It took a lot of nerve to drag
me to a private spot and tuke to

Me and tell me how she feels.

I respect that.

I liked her pegsality.

I think I'm getting to know

But personality-wise, I think
I'm probably more into kyra, but

I'm going to figure out what's

I'm not putting all my marbles
in one box.

Matt: before kyra decides
whether she wants yamen in her

Future, she opens up about her

It's is hard to find someone.

So hard.

To actually date.

It's hard.

I wish I started dating before
moving out.

How long was your
relationship before that?

Two years and I was with a

Don't run away.

All right.

Sit back down.

You don't have to act crazy like

You don't have to act crazy.

Why do you have to make it a big

You slide that in.

What I can't I slide that in?

Literally left field.

You weren't expecting that?

Hey, I'm talking to you.

I'm talking to you.

I'm sharing my business.

My bad.

I was -- whoa?

Yeah, yeah.

So when was your last

I don't know.

Maybe like two and a half, three
years ago, something like that.

You're super chill.

There's definitely the flirts
around the house that are

Already --
yeah, there are some flirts

Around the house?


But you seem very...

I'm just trying to see, for
me, it's like that personality.


I is can just sit and talk all

We're good.

We're good.

You know.

I agree with that.

I was literally up there talking
to elizabeth, and you were down


I was like, hmm.

Then you came out in your little
shorts and I was like, hmm.

Oh, no, no, no.

You had it going on.

I appreciate it, but no,
you're lying.

You never know.

I guess you never know.

There are so many cute guys
here, and already I'm seeing the

Personalities that I'm super
attracted to.

Fiji is my sand boston, and I am
ready to play.

♪ Let me take a ride on a star

Announcer: with kyra's
decision loom, caro and her

Sunglasses coach the girls on
keeping their men.


So michael said --
one bed.

One bed.

Not like this.


This is so close.

I love it.

So you know, you should do
this, too.

You talk to weston and you
should talk to yamen about


What does that have to do
with anything?

My thing is he decides who he

But maybe kyra will pick
whoever, but this they want to

Be with her really?

Just see where their head is at?

Because what happens if they do
pick your guy and you talk to

Him after the fact.

I'll talk to him.

Just be like, what are your
thawngts about her.

How you doing?

How are you feeling?

Are you nervous?

I'm so nervous.

How are you going the make
the decision?

I have a couple ideas of what
I'm going to do.

A couple.

I don't know.

You're scaring us.

I'm totally kidding.

That's okay.

Plot twist, plot twist.

Who do you have a connection

There's probably like three


Who's the other one?

I'm not saying.

I don't have any ideas.

How about you guys?

Like I'm really starting to
like him.

Like I really am.

I'm just like -- the whole
attraction is just there toward


And it's like -- like I don't
want to put all my eggs in one

Basket, but right now it feels
like I did, like I am, I will.

Want to step outside with me
real quick?


Kyra and I said, hey let's
chat later.

When did she say that to you?

I don't know, before we all
came out outside.

Can I be honest?

The -- I feel like it's

Me and him, like we made a
deal that we're going to have

The exuncation open.

He can flirt with everybody.

I can flirt with everybody.

It's all cool, as long as we
talk about it, you know?

I wanted to tell you.

Everything else just happened

I'm sorry.

What would you do if she
picked you?

I don't know.

Can you not sleep in the same
bed as her.

We haven't even talked.

I don't want you to go with

She can't have you.

We cool?

I'm sorry.

Oh, my god.

I ended up kissing him.

I kissed him.

I foal like I'm actually liking
him, hane is so weird.

I don't know if I should like
make it lying, okay, like we're

Not going to see other people,
but I don't think we should,

Because this is day two.

So where is your head at?

I don't know.

Yeah, I'm catching these vibes.


You have a good poker face.

I can't really read you.


I'm locking in my vibe.

Well, I just want to say,
you're really cute.

You make me shy.

But I kind of like that.

If I don't get that little bit
of fluttery nerve, it's not a

Good sign.

There's definitely a flutter.

A little flutter.

A little flutter going on.

Cash brought it up that he
was feeling those flutters.

That's hard nor a girl.

I didn't come here to play it on
the safe side.

I can go with a guy I feel
comfortable with.

I can go with a guy that I'm
sexually attracted to, or I can

Go with a guy that's probably
the riskiest decision and might

Make some people very unhappy.



Girl, I need to talk to you.


Yeah, okay, so how was it
with cashel?

He didn't tell me anything, and
I'm disappointed in that, so I

Want the hear from you.

I want you to tell me an
answer, but I have no clue what

I want to do, you know?

I'm coupled up with him.

I feel like if you are
considering him, I feel like you

Need to talk to me or just tell
me what's happening.

Well, you know for sure I
said three boys.

And he was one of them.

But you didn't tell me that.

I didn't know you told him.

My goal today was to talk to
everyone, because of the

Situation tonight.

Announcer: coming up --
kyra, the time has come for

You to choose which boy you want
to couple up with.

So right now I feel like me
and cashel are in like a good

Place, but I'm feeling really
uneasy about this coupling, and

I don't know what to expect.

I'm shaking in my boots
because I feel the decision I'm

Going to make is probably the
most risky one.

I didn't come to play it on the
safe side.

I have to follow my gut.

I'm actually really curious
to see what's going to end up


My gut was telling me she was
going to choose between weston

And yamen.

People came in here a little
nervous and not wanting to step

On anybody's toes.

But this is "love island."

At the end of the day you got to
follow your heart.

There's lots of different
types of ships, ships that pass

In the night, ships that float,
but the best kinds of ships are


So I'm very pleased to make
everybody's acquaintance and

Start all these friendships.

I have a text.

Kyra, the time has come for you
to choose which boy you want to

Couple up with.

All islanders must now gather at
the fire pit.



My heart just started thumping.

I am nervous.

My head is all over the place.

I just don't know what's going
to happen.

I'm not going to be bored at the
recoupling, because there is

Definitely going to be some

I don't know why I'm getting

I didn't think this whole kyra
recoupling thing was going to

Affect me that much.

It's very overwhelming.

Kyra, it's decision time.

Please reveal which boy you have
chosen to couple up with.


♪ Yeah
raise hell

♪ Somebody got to raise a little
hell ♪

So it's been super hard being
the last girl to come to the

Island and to have to make this

But I feel like any girl in my
situation would just have to

Kind of follow what she's

We all came here for a reason,
so I just want to follow my gut.

What attracted me to this boy
was the fact that I think he's

Truly himself and he doesn't
care what other people think.

I think being unique and being
bold is super cool and super

Attractive to me.

♪ Somebody got to raise a little
hell ♪

It makes me feel like I can be
myself, let my walls down, which

Kind of takes some time.

♪ Raise hell
drop them balls

♪ Raise hell
I feel comfortable with him.

I kind of just want to see where
the journey goes with him.

♪ Oh, hell, yeah
somebody got to raise hell

♪ Somebody got to
got to raise a little hell

♪ Hell
so the boy I want to couple up

With is...

Matt: tomorrow night on
"love island"...

So the boy that I want to
couple up with is...

Matt: you didn't think
you'd find out that easily, did


I feel like it took a lot of
people off guard.
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