01x03 - Episode 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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01x03 - Episode 3

Post by bunniefuu »

Announcer: warning: get
ready for love, will -- lust and

If most attractive unemployed
people you've ever seen.

Sexy singles coupled up.

Kyra stole cashel from caro,
leaving her single and ready to


You knew that.

Announcer: and love was on
everyone's lips.

♪ Somebody going to kiss my bod

Announcer: tonight... Two
new arrivals give the islanders

An early wake-up call.


Announcer: and we find out
which two girls you chose to go

On a date with the new boys.

♪ Break bread with the enemy

Last night in the "love island"

Villa, the islanders realized
what show they were on and

Lobbed lips in a game of spin
the pineapple -- copyright.

Alana went in for the k*ll.



and zac and elizabeth shared a

Passionate kiss.

Then he held her as tightly as
she held her water bottle.

Thirsty girl.

Can I tell you something?


I've wanted to kisss you so

I am a terrible, terrible

What do you mean in
I just never know when the

Right moment is.

I'm so bad at it.

So me and zac had our first

And it was nice, but we were
sitting up there for so long.


I haven't seen y'all in like
three hours.

We're married.

We had two kids.

You're 75 now.


We were talking.

I just was like waiting for it
to happen.

Do it.


That caught my right off

Oh, the makeout down there.


That caught me off guard.

It's not my ideal first kiss.

I feel like she was trying the
mark her territory with that


I don't know.

So where I'm at with alana right

It's all based off the vibes I'm
giving off, like if I'm not

Being super affectionate, you
know, like I'm not there yet.

You call me off guard.

I was like, oh.

I was like, where did that come

I didn't know -- I didn't
tongue you.

I didn't tongue you.


I might have wanted to.

You didn't.

I didn't.

Oh, okay.

But also, I don't know, like
I don't know where your head is.

Are you feeling...

I'm definitely -- if I wasn't
interested in you, I'm not

Leading people on.

Like that's not what I'm up to.

Don't do that.

Like everything for me is kind
of like, especially right now,

Very friendship vibe, which I'm
perfectly cool.

With a lot of time with me I
feel like that grows into


I can see it growing into that.

For me I just don't know if I
have that like spark yet.


Like oh.



I don't know.

I like the fact that instead
of it being like, I don't know

How the act, like I don't know
how the feel, I like they e-mail


I get what you're saying.

I respect you.

Saying that.

No, you don't.

You know what I mean?

You're good.

You're good.

I don't -- I don't feel like
she's being led on, but I feel

Like I don't know.

I don't know.

I don't know.


All right.

So what's up?

I missed your kiss.

Yeah, you missed that.

So how did it go?

How was your talk with him?

It put a lot in pen
I don't want to experience what

I've experienced in the past.

So I'm going to take it more
control over my dating life and

Have fun.

I want to kiss you, so I'm going
to kiss you.

You know what?

There's a possibility that this
junk can blow up in my face, but

You know what, at least I can
say I had a moment where I had a

Lot of fun with somebody and it
was cute and it was nice.

♪ Twinkle, twinkle, little star
how I wonder what you are

♪ Up above the world so high
like a diamond in the sky

♪ When...
Can I ask you a question?

Just out of curiosity, but
hypothetically, would we date?

Just out of curiosity, but
hypothetically, would we date?

Captioning funded by cbs
♪ twinkle, twinkle, little star

How I wonder what you are ♪
announcer: it's a new day

In fiji, and just when I was
finally learning everyone's

Name, two new boys show up.

Not that I'm complaining.

My name is cormac, I'm 26.

I'm living in new york city.

I'm coming into villa bringing
my irish charm with me.

I'm single because I haven't
found that right girl, which is

Crazy, because I'm always
surrounded by beautiful women.

The type of girl I go for is
someone outgoing, someone who

Can keep up with me with that
bubbly personality.

I really like that.

I'm dylan.

I'm 25.

I'm from long island.

I'm a fitness and lacrosse

My perfect girl is athletic and
someone who doesn't take

Themselves seriously.

I have a secret w*apon.

Once my hips start going, you
can only hope to contain them.

I'm pumped to enter the ville
lark and I'm ready to find the

Girl of my dreams.

♪ Believer
believer ♪

Paradise, right?

Are you kidding me?

Look at this.




Yeah, man.

Are you kidding me?

That's cool.

It's extra bright today.

If one of the guys come out,
we'll be like, hey.

Wake 'em up.

Yo, yo.

Guys, there are two new dudes
sitting right out there at the

Pool right now.

Swear to god.

Oh, my god.

We got to go out there.

I'm scared.

That's a good question.

There are two boys out there.

Announcer: well, look what
the frat dragged in, two new

Boys are in the villa, and no
one is more excited to get

Acquainted than --
yo, yo.


What's up, man?


How are you?


Good morning.


I'm mallory.

Nice the meet you.



I'm mallory.

Nice to meet you.

There's two new boys.

And they're so hot.

How are you?

But a little heads up would
have been nice.

I'm disappointed we didn't look
that cute.



Nice the meet you.

I'm dylan.


Shall we wash our face

I want to put on make-up.

Oh, they're coming.

If new boys arrived.

They're both super cute.

I like the one, dylan I think is
his name.

He's really cute.

Like, oh, my god.

Like, what.

So how do you ladies feel
about the new gentleman?

Maybe we can have a girl's

I didn't know they were going
to come.

I'm sorry.

It's all good.

Do your thing.

Announcer: while the girls
are excited about the two new

Packages that just arrived, the
boys head outside and size them


You're good.




Where are you from?

I'm from ireland, row.




I'm looking for that girl
that I can have that connection

With, but at the same time, I
need someone that like doesn't

Take themselves too seriously.

Where are you from again?

What are you doing out there?

I'm a lacrosse coach and a
group fitness trainer.

So there's one girl that's


You're all coupled up.

I'll be sliding in, though.

Because right now technically
I'm coupled up with alexandra,

But we had came to like an
understanding, and an agreement,

Both of us, that we're not
really clicking.


I have been kind of talking to

So that's going ding, ding,

But now you all boys come in
here and put a little

Competition, so I have to step
my game up.

The new arrivals are super
nice dudes.

Last thing I expected to see
this morning.

Cormac has light eye, the
accent, he's in shape.

So it's a little bit of some
competition, but your boy here

Still feels confident in

And what he can do.

So we're going to see how that

Announcer: and your boy
here thinks you should never do

That voice again.


Blond girl?


That's cool.

These two are like "love
island" couple.

This is the fourth day,


So you've been with a girl
three days?

We were.

So you felt instant


Was your girl elizabeth?


Blond blue eyes, she's cute.

And caro.

Those are the first two that
caught my eye.

I feel a little bit
vulnerable just because if

Cormac picks caro, not
necessarily meaning that she's

Going to be into that, but it
does give him the upper hand to

Separate that, and then it makes
things a lot more complicated

Wati what I've been trying to

Well, I mean, alexandra is
definitely someone who I was

Attracted to right away.

And then liz, elizabeth also,
but yeah, they're all pretty


Of course I knew they were
going to find elizabeth


I'm in the trying to be all

I'm pretty confident where I
stand, and I think I know pretty

Much where her head is at.

With new male cormac in the
habitat, the girls compete for

His attention with an alluring
courtship display.


Announcer: the bar is low.


That's a cartwheel, right?

You got a destiny's child
look to you.

Which one?


Beyonceeé, kelly?

They're all beautiful.


The whole crew.

Alana, she just has that...

She look like a model, very tal,
nice smile, really nice body.

Announcer: yamen, weston,
and zac show how completely

Unfazed hey are by the new
competition by immediately

Working out.

How you feeling?

About them?

Elizabeth, elizabeth,

Well, dude, I just had enough
talk with elizabeth now, like I

Know where she's at and I know
how she feels.

Like I know what her ideal type
is, too.

These guys would have to be like
goofier than me and talk a lot

More than me.

I think you're good on that
one then.


I mean, they're going to have to
bring the juice, you know?

Announcer: meanwhile,
irishman cormac chats up caro

Because he still hasn't found
what he's looking for.

What's your type?

Because there's me, like I'm
dark hair?

Like honestly, ever since I
came into this ville lark I

Didn't feel like I have a type.

I have a question, are you very
high maintenance kind of guy?

Not really.

I high look like that --
you look so perfect.

I was saying, he looks like ken
barbie doll, like you look so --

An irish version of the ken

No, I'm not.

It will take me ten minutes
what was your first

Impression of me?

You were first girl I was
attracted to.


I think I was drawn to you
because your style.

That's what I go for.

You seem you would be easy to
get along with.

I am easy to get along.

I know.

We're having so much fun.

In my head I'm probably
attracted to you the most, but

There's six girls here, so I do
want to get to know everyone.

Caro seems like she's an
incredible body.

I'm definitely drawn to that,
but really nice smile.

She seems very bubbly.

So she seems like she would be
easy to get on with.

That's my initial attraction.

But I wanted to let you know

All right.

I'm going to work out.

Are you?

You going to watch me.

I just want to say that it was

Nice chat.

Good chat.

Definitely, yeah.

Definitely attracted to all
of -- is that... Can I be

Attracted to all of them?

Announcer: after only two
commercial breaks, I'm on my

Third pint of ice cream.

I love not being on camera.

Now, let's check in with the new
boys, cormac and dylan, as they

Have a bro chat about all the
chicks they just met.

Want the have a little chat?

How do you feel?

I mean, the girls seem pretty
cool, man.

I think everyone was
welcoming, like from talking to

Everyone here so far.

Who would you be attracted to?

Alexandra and caro.

She's really cool.

She seems really outgoing.

Personality-wise, she seems
super outgoing.

If you had to pick right now?

Caro and I'd say elizabeth.

And she's cool.

But I think who am I more
attracted to, it's definitely



Good night, bro.

Good chat.

Your man.

You think they're threatened
by us?

I don't know.

I'm threatened by you.

What up, brother?

How's it going?

You guys having a little
strategy session?

We're just talking it out.

Definitely the new guys'
presence makes some of the o.g.

Boy vulnerable in terms of their
spot on the island, because now

Our ratio is 7-6 boys to girls.

So from what I can gather, a boy
is going home soon.

You got ideas on the female

Well, you know what?

We've seen you with mo make-up
on, which I think is great,

Because sometimes when you meet
a girl who is dolled up and

She's like in her nines like,
and then you see them without

Make-up and you're like, ugh.

who is that?

So I'm saying to him, I'm
definitely attracted to all the

Girls here.

I know.

They're all really pretty.

They are.

The overall is we're all here
to try to find a connection and

Stuff, and zac and elizabeth
totally have.

And it's kind of like on the bro
tip, you know, we've all just

Been like, that's kind of off

But also, you ask zac about,
that you ask any of us, no one

Is going to be like, yo, stay in
your lane.

I'm happy about the fact that
if I had to choose one girl

Right now, I have no clue.

It just seems like you got a
good head on your shoulders, so

You're coming in with the right
attitude for sure.

I'm going to cheer everyone

That's what you got to do,

I would never have expected
to wake up to you guys.

I think guys should be

It all depends on if the guys
like the girls that they're


Because I'm the new piece of
meat, even though I don't like

That phrase, but I am.

How was first day for you?

It's good.

It was a really good group of

How are you liking your

I'm happy.

I've been getting to know zac,
and he's super nice and fun.

Are you still open to trying
to meet other people, or are you


I like to be open about the
experience, but I've met him,

And we've had a lot of really
great conversation, and I feel

Like things have been
progressing nicely.

That's awesome.

I just wanted to talk to you.

For sure.

How do you feel, though?

I'm completely open minded
about it.


Like as a couple people I
think are awesome.

So who else?

What's going on with alex?


I love her.

Who is she coupled up with?


But she does not like him.

She's made it so clear.

They don't mesh well.

You have to be my in.

I got you.

Dylan is not my type period.

Looks-wise, he's a good looking

If I met him out, I would think
he's really good looking, he's

Got a great personality, but I
would say, come meet my friend.

I'd say, there's a hot guy, like
go talk to him.

I think he's a catch, but not
for me.

I still think I should know
cuss on michael and innocently

Flirt with people.

Want to go far chat?



Announcer: allow me to
summarize the next scene for

You -- like, like, like, like,
like, like, like.

Before meeting everyone, that
girl is like awesome.

I don't want to show my hand too

No, yeah.

I know.

I was like, oh, he'scuted.

Oh, yeah, sweet.

Athletic, cute like liam

I wish.

Are you kidding me?

You kind of look like him.

That would be so sick, but

Yeah, I would take that as a

He's so cute.

He's really goofy, which I like.

And he's easy to talk to, which
is... Like I love going to


That's sick.

I'm like a super competitive

I'm so competitive.

Are you?

Like I don't know, I just
like to challenge myself.

Like I just ran marathon last

How like what was the

It's 26.2 miles.

Pretty nuts.

Oh, my god.

I love the fact that
alexandra's personality is


She doesn't have to be all
serious all the time.

Do you like your job?

Oh, god.

What's your type?

If I feel like I'm getting
along with someone, that's what

I'm attracted.

To you could be the most
beautiful girl in the world, but

If it's pulling teeth to have a
conversation, I don't care about


Like if you're really trying to
like find "love" and a real

Connection, that means I got to
spend the rest of my life with


You better be cool.


Everything we have talked
about, it wasn't like pulling


We had a very natural

And we were laughing most of the

So that is like exactly what I'm
looking for.

Which I'm stoked about.

And I'm happy that she's unhappy
in her couple, which is a little

Weird to say.

Are you attracted to either
one of them?

I like him.



The second that he walked in,
she was like...

He's cute.

The other guy, he looks like
someone is going to come and

Ruin your life.

My dream scenario is that a
guy walks in and has interest in

Me and we talk and hit it off.

That's my dream scenario.

I don't think it's too much to
ask for.

Can I talk to kyra?

Yes,o you have her.

How are you?

No shoes on.

The new yorkers here.

I know.

New yorkers.

How are you?

I'm good.

I'm good.

How do you feel about the
villa so far?

It was stressful for me.

You're with cashel.

I am digging him right now,
and we have so much in common.


Good dad joke.

That's why I'm sussing out
what's happening.

Because on my own, I'm here to
be myself, not to do what

Everyone else.

Are you here the find love
and find someone?

Why not?

You know?

Is that okay.


That's why we're all here.

That's why we're all here.

Nice talk.

Nice talk.v

The first girl I walked into
was alex.


She's one of my best friends in
the house.

Who are you interested in?

I don't know.

You can't keep it real with

I have a type.

Who is your type?

I like guys who are creative
and artistic.

I don't like guys who are type

I like guys who are type b and
more mellow, because I'm more


More mellow, but do you like
musicians and stuff like that?

Yeah, like john mayer is my
perfect man.


I love him, and guys who are
super smart, I'm super into guys

Who are super smart.

He's literally a creative genius
and he's so hot.

Announcer: hear that, john
may center if you would like the

Chance to split $100,000 minus
taxes with mallory, the villa is


General mayer?

He's so cute.

Have you listened to how he
talks and how he presents


I haven't.

I can't even lie about it.

I have never even thought about


I know, I don't know.

Announcer: mallory,
exciting news.

Just heard back from john mayer,
and he is very interested... In

Me in the calling him ever

Meanwhile, the o.g. Boys show us
what 30 ambassador in -- abs in

A bed look like.

What is that?

I feel like you boys

Ultimately got the best

He said "my girl."

You hear that?

That's my girl.

I said, hey, how do you feel
about her?

She's like, I like it a lot.

I was like, you know, where's
your head at with the new guys

Coming in?

But my whole concern is what if
a dude does choose to recouple

With her?

At first alexandra maybe?

Alexandra likes dylan.

I know cormac said he was
digging libs and caro.


It adds to the game and the

I'm about that adventurous crazy

Dude, she's straight up hard
to follow.


Last night her body language,
she was all over me.

And in our talk, she's over,
there really like you, thank you

For opening up, touchy, touchy.

So her body language was yes,
yes, yes, so I'm following that.

But today a completely different

Now I have no idea what to do.

Cormac, he jumped straight in
with mallory, alexandra, libs

And kyra.

He just popped himself right
down in from the of all of them,

Laid on out.

And he did his thing.

Dylan strikes me as the type
that he's more the dream boat

Type, like I feel like girls
come to him.

Bro, honestly, if someone
picks my girl, I'm going to pick


The girl I would like to couple
up with is weston.

Is it me or is everyone
afraid to be honest?

I think people are so scared
of stepping on people's toes,

Because after the first
recoupling, everyone was like,

This is my person.

But it was -- everyone was
worried to offend someone.

And these girls are trying the
look out for each other, which

Is nice.

You can at least take that away
from that.

Maybe they're nervous because
you guys are new.

I think they need to warm-up.

It's probably that.

Did you have any good chats
today with anybody?

Yes and no like.

It was more like I didn't talk
to you alone because I got your

Personality straight away when
we were talking over there.

Some of these guys aren't
very bold.

You two are a little bit bolder
some be bold and ask girls, I

Want to talk to you.

Let's go have a chat.

Do that.

Get 'em a drink?

Yeah, literally.

It's kind of like very
friendly with elizabeth, but at

The same time it's very easy

She doesn't take herself too

I like that.

Again, it's first day.

I'm not -- I can get to know
everyone just by this

I want them to get to know
you, too.

If I have to step on someone's
toes, to couple up with someone

I want to, I'll do that.

Announcer: honestly, I only
understood half of that, but I

Do speak fluent caro, and I know
she's looking for man.

So how are you liking it?


Want some?

I wanted to get to know you a
little more.

How are you liking it?

I'm liking it.

Everything is going okay.


I'm kind of just seeing who
I'm vibing with.

I'm the single one.

Are you worried about that?

I'm not worried.

Now there are more guys than

I wasn't worried, it's just that
I do want to find someone I can

Connect with and I'm trying to
find that connection, and it's

Like, okay, so I have been
trying it with michael yesterday

And today, and it's like we
don't have anything to talk


And it's like just boring.


It's more of a physical

But I'm happy you guys walked

I like how you're


You tell it how it is.


So me and dylan had such a nice

We got to know each other.

It just was very like natural.

We didn't try to force a
conversation, and we were just


I genuinely felt like we had a
really good conversation.

And that we were liking each

Are you always happy and nice
or what?



Are you nervous?


I don't know.

I'm a little nervous.

Are you?

Kind of cute.




I like that.

Well, I do think you're really


I appreciate it.

I think you're beautifulful.


You have sick eyes.

Oh, my god.

I'm just admiring you.

You look uncomfortable.

I'm sorry.

I'm not uncomfortable.


Announcer: america, last
night you voted for which two

Girls will go on dates with the
new boys, and I'm finally ready

To give you the results.

And twitter, please forgive
dylan for how he's acted to say

This in three, two, one...

I got a text.

No, you didn't.

I got a text.

Dylan, america has been voting
and has decided to send you on a

Date with alexandra.

Please get ready to leave the



Let's do this thing.

I'm going on a date.

I'm so excited.

I've never been on date before,
so this is going to be


Hey, I got a text.

I don't know if you heard,
he's got a text.

Cormac, america has been
voting, and they have decided to

Send you on a date with caro.

Please get ready to leave the
villa, #datenight,




How long do we have?

I don't know.

I need to do my make-up.

Me too.

♪ This love is electric.

Way up above the clouds
♪ I'm floating

Right now
♪ I'm getting ready for date

♪ loving feeling

That good feeling
♪ like there's no ceiling

You like it?


That looks good.


So exciting.

I'm going on a date.

I'm going on a date.

I'm so happy.


Bye, everybody.

Be back by 9:00.

Okay, mom.

Announcer: america, we
tallied your votes, and the

Dates you wanted to see are
dylan and alexandra and cormac

And caro.

So if tonight doesn't go well,
it's all your fault.

He's so cute.

That's cool.

This will probably be my most
romantic date.

I know.

It's our first date, right?

I know.

Welcome to the villa.

Yeah, cheers.


Exciting though, right.

Really romantic, and it's funny,
because I'm not a big romantic


You're not?


I want a romantic guy.

I can be, but this is wow.

It sets the right vibe.

When I came into the ville
lark you were first girl they

Was attracted to

Thank you for your flattery.

So when I got the text,
that's good.

I can tell you're super down to

You're really up far good time.

That's me, as well new york a

When america voted, I'm like,


Obviously america voted me to be
on a date with you, but if you

Had the choice?

If I had the choice,
honestly, just from the get go,

It felt like we were naturally
hitting it off.

Not even to be nice, I
definitely probably would have

Picked you.

Definitely probably.

I definitely would have picked

Definitely probably, you're
real sure.

I'm really sure, definitely

But I was so pumped.

When we were talking, everything
was natural.

I just knew the way you talked
is exactly the way I talk, which

Is awesome, like you say "dude,"
and I say that.

So I hope you are happy with

I don't know.

How did you feel?

I was so excited.

When you read the text out, I
was like, what?

I didn't know if you were
pumped just to leave the villa.

No, no, I was so excited.

I was like, finally, there's a
guy that I can talk to and

Obviously I was like, yeah, it
was a good conversation that we


Before I came, did you have
your eyes set on anyone?

Yes, so --
you can tell me.

In the beginning I was
coupled up with cashel.

I was going with a vibe.

And then he decided to go with
kyra that.

Took me by surprise.

It was like day the work and I
was like, oh, my god, he broke

My heart.

It was so dumb.

At least you're seeing a
funny side of it.

I think I was pms-ing.

I don't know what happened.

Oh, my god.


So I have been having this
little thing with michael.

Because he was showing interest
in me, so I was excited to get

To know him, but like he's so

Our conversations are boring.

This feels like it's easy,
like when we're talking, it's

Easy conversation.

It's in the really forced.

It flows.

Yeah, yeah.

I'm in a strange position.

I don't feel like playing with
caro is even good.

But also I feel like alexandra
and this other dude actually

Might have something to go at,
you know?

I think you should just have
fun with caro.

If you were in her position as
the single one, you'd be curious

Just to talk to everyone, kind
of keep the cards open, too.

That is true.

You think she might have
something with dylan, though?

I don't know.

They were talking all day today.


Man, you know, if they don't
want a cool, nice, compassionate

Good-looking fell lark suit
yourself, man?

You know what I'm saying?

There's plenty of females out
there that would love to give

Mae chance.


So I know you're living in
san diego.

San diego is my favorite place.

It's just sick down there, the
people are so chill.

There's just always things to
do, and there are over 200

Breweries, so everyone is just
drinking beer all the time.

I didn't know we were going
to go on a date.

I'm happy.

If I had to pick someone to go
on a date.


It would have been.

It worked out well.

Are you happy with this date.

Are you --
I'm happy you're wearing


You're representing ireland.

I wore green for you.

You have really nice eyes.

They're green.

They match your dress, so it
works out well, is thank you.

You're welcome.

Instantly, you were first
girl I saw.

I was like, wow, that girl has
some pearly whites on her.

Big smile, I was like, huge for

I don't know why, it makes me

Your smile is infectious.

Wow, what a word.

What a word.

Coming in, I didn't think I
would actually connect or get

Along with someone so well so

I think it's pretty obvious.


You make me smile.

♪ You make me smile
cheers to america voting for

Us to be on our first date.


I feel flattered.

Hopefully not our last one.

Okay some you like me.

You like this.

This is good.

I got a text.


I got a text.

Dylan, you date with
alexandra is over, but your

Night is not.

You can date a girl of your

Please send a text to invite



Please send a text to invice

Keeping your options open.


Oh, you got a text.

Somebody just got a text.

I got a text.

What does it say?

Hey, mallory, I was hoping to
get to know you better?

Would you like to go on a date
with me, from dylan.

I told you.

I'm nervous about the
situation it's going to be in

With alexandra.

I mow her date probably went
really well.

Do I wear this outfit.

Yes, you look beyond and your
ass looks amazing.

I'm looking at it right now.

I'm going on a date with

Also, alexandra went on her date
because america voted and I'm

Going because he picked me.


This is juicy.

You get to pick someone.

I have all the control here.

Well, I hope I'll be the
funner date.




I got a text.

Elizabeth has a text, guys.

Are you going on a date?

Are you going on a date?

Are you going on a date?

Uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh.

What kind of text?

Hey, elizabeth, I'd love for
you to join me on a date

Tonight, cormac.



This is really happening.

I thought it would be someone

It's going to be a little

Announcer: tomorrow night,
which is the night after

Tonight --
I wasn't expecting this.

I don't know.

I never like a big romantic
guy, but this is probably the

Most romantic date.

Oh yeah,.


Good, good.

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