01x18 - Episode 18

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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01x18 - Episode 18

Post by bunniefuu »

Announcer: warning, the
following program contains love,

Will u.s., And sexy democracy.

Previously on "love island"...


Announcer: a shocking

Kelsey flew the coop.

I choose to remove myself
from the island.

Oh, my gosh.

♪ Boom, crack.

The sound of my heart
♪ the beat goes on and on and on

Announcer: and caro and ray

Took things to the next level.

Tonight, zac and elizabeth start
to crack.

Don look at me like this is
my fault.

Announcer: weston's biggest
pickle yet.

You trick all these girls
into liking you and you leave

Them as soon as you like
something more.

That is a total lie.

Announcer: plus no one is
safe when your votes change the

Villa for good.

Announcer: it's the
opposite of daytime in the "love

Island" villa.

The islanders are laying low and
weston dressed like a teenager

Who is angry at his parents
shares his love of dance with

New partner emily.

You ready to dance yet?

Yeah, we can dance.

I want to dance
what kind of dancing?

I don't know.

I am beyond happy.

I haven't felt like this in a
long time.

And words can't even express how
I feel.

One, two, three, four.

They say a day in here is a
week in the real world, and,

Like, that's true.

If you think about it, if you go
on a date with somebody, it's

Like how long, three hours


You multiply that, 24 with
somebody is like 4 divided by

Three is ten.

Announcer: wrong, wrong,
wrong, wrong, wrong.


How about 30?

No, for real.

I don't think you know about it.

Yeah, 8.

So one day in here is like going
on 8 dates with somebody.

Announcer: I promise, there
will be no more math tonight.

Meanwhile, with emily choosing
weston, kyra wonders where she

Fits in to the equation.

Obviously like when emily
came in here, I was super

Attracted to her.

She's super my type when I go
for girls.

She reminds me a lot of my
ex-girlfriend honest limp I

Guess I was too scared to go
forward in that way with her

Because she was so unsure.

And then she was also interested
in weston.

An you were interested in --
he brought it up to me not

Even five nights ago saying that
was a big mistake for him not

Going further with me, like that
he did have feelings.

Then I started to go there in my

It felt so genuine.

I think I put myself out there.

But I don't think weston knows
what he wants at the end of the


I don't know.

I don't know.

My feelings for weston, I can't
just switch feelings off, so

Obviously I still have feelings,
but at this point I don't know

What to trust when it comes out
of weston's mouth.

I told you how I feel.

I feel like you are such a
wonderful woman that deserves

Someone so much better than

He is so flip-floppy.

He has in freakin' clue what he
wants from mallory to katrina,

Katrina to kelsey, kelsey emily
and you.

And you in the mix of all of I
I love him as a friend, but

Romantically, absolutely not.

I think he'd break my heart
at the end of the day.

And you deserve so money more
than that.

Obviously I don't think
weston handled anything well,

And this is no shade toward him
in like a friendship way, it's

Just him an relationships need a
lot of work.

♪ It feels like rain
hello, girl.

♪ Cause I can't call you the

♪ Cause I can't call you the

♪ And tomorrow comes
and tomorrow comes

♪ And tomorrow comes

♪ And tomorrow comes

I got a text!

Today you will be cooking
lunch for the whole villa, but

First it's time to head to the
market to buy the ingredients.

Please get ready to leave the
villa immediately.




I am so excited.


To hit the market.

Pick up some groceries.

♪ The boys got to cook
the boys got to cook

♪ The boys got to cook
announcer: as the boys go

Food shopping at a local market,
the girls have the utmost faith

In them screwing it up.

So who do you think the boys
are going to buy?

I'm scared they're going to
buy shady stuff

What if they buy a bunch of
random ingredients.

No, I feel like since zac
worked at a grocery store, he'll

Know not to do that.

♪ Oh, sometimes, yeah
all right, all right.

All right.

What are we making?

We're making stir-fry,
chicken stir-fry.

This is what we're doing.

I'll get the pineapple and

Oh, my bad.

Get two.

Here we go.

This is a solid one, though.

Fresh nanas.

Boula boula.


Announcer: with the boys
away, the girls get a little zen

And have joined a cult.

Oh, I'm being told they're
actually having a spa day.

Oh, my god.

This is my dream.

Like right in front of the
ocean, you guys.

We're blessed.

Spa day!


Everything looks so nice.

It's so fun and relaxing.

I felt good.

All right, girls.

How are we feeling?


Caro's like...

So tell me, when you first
entered in here, did you know it

Was going to be weston?

Like from literally watching
the first episode, I had like a

Thing for weston, and like I
think things are moving so

Quickly because we bond.

I am rally happy with him.

I'm really excited to see where
things go.

I think that the relationship is
great, but what do you guys


He rally connects with

It could be very yen uni, but I
don't think it's as special as

It may seem, because it happened
to so many multiple girls.

It's scary, for me as a
girlfriend telling you, I would

Be scared.

Weston would be a I go that I
would be scared to have my

Friend be together with, because
you never know.


This situation has been so
awkward for me, because

Literally like several days ago
weston approached me and was

Like, that was such a regret of
us not going there in the

Beginning and coupling up, like
where is your head at, how do

You think we would be together
oh, this is some tea.

He did the same thing to me
where he would really open up

And make me feel so comfortable,
and that's really hard for me,

And he would tell me all the
time, I have never told this to


But the night that you got here,
he was literally like, I'll

Always have a crush on you, and
I was like, yeah, okay, cool, I

Do have feelings for you, too.

Even that freakin' day of
recoupling he opened up the

Conversation about me and him
again and where my head was at.

You need to be come pollutely
transparent and like he has

Hasn't been with you, he hasn't
been with you.

It's so wishy-washy.

So then it makes me question him
a little bit as a person.

I just think he needs to step up
and own his decisions.

How can you have such strong
feelings for different girls

Day it's like... That's kind of

Messed up.

I'm so sorry that everything
just came out here, but I'm

Actually glad it did.

I like honestly were I knew
this before the recoupling,

Because I kind of feel so stupid

He picked the wrong person to
mess with I think.

Announcer: oh, I knew it
would pay off if we strapped a

Camera to that bird.

This is "love island" where the
boys are returning from the

Market and will now cook for the

We've got fire insurance, right?

Oh, all right.



We got to wake up.

Everybody up.

Everybody up.

A little spa day.

I want the talk to you later.

Nice outfit.

It look like leopard print but
on closer inspection I can't

Help but the wonder if it's

How was the store.

Oh, it was so great.

What did you get?


We breakthrough back some
necklaces, some turtleneck

Laces, they got bedazzled
rhinestone things.

I got you a fish.

Oh, thank you.

I'm confused right now just
because I thought weston was so

Genuine and I thought I had
nothing to worry about and I

Don't know what the believe and
what to think.

I walked up here to kiss her
and she's like, I need to talk

To you later.


I think she definitely had a
talk with kyra and they may have

Something, don't know, or kyra
said something and now she's

Questioning something.

Bitch, give it to me.

Oh, you got a different one.

That made me feel special.

It's upsetting because I
really, really liked weston,

Actually really liked him, an
you feel special, and then I

Think a lot of girls have
special with weston, and then

Something switches and it's
like, oh.

I guess not.

He can't be out here playing
every girl that comes in here

That actually wants the find

I'm telling you, he's going
to go, how have I played every


No, no.

You think I can't back him

I'm going to be a lawyer for a

He's literally going down.

Let's all make sure nobody
kills anyone.

We are making a little bit of

We're also doing shrimp, steak,
and chicken shis kebabs.

What do you think about this?

Good look or what?

Great, fantastic.

I think men become more
attractive when I see them in

The kitchen.

Put some of these on the

On the grill?

Oh, lord have mercy.

Aren't these ready?

No, you have to put them on
the grill, bro.

Kind of chaotic in the
kitchen right now.

We're on a time crunch trying to
get everything together for

These ladies.

This is the cutest thing

We are the luckiest women on
planet earth.

Announcer: first up the
boys serve an exotic fruit

Platter, which is incidentally
an old nickname of mine.

Shish kebab with some shrimp,

Oh, wow.



It's really good.

Good job.

it's so good.

I guess you took the lead.

Who knew how to make


So you did this?


Great job.

Cameraman tom, closer,
closer, there's the rage.

Cameraman tom, closer,
closer, there's the rage.

After lunch it's not just the
guys cooking that left a bitter

Taste in emily's mouth.

Should I do it right now?

Do what you think is best.

E-mail confused right now
because I thought that weston

Was so genuine and I thought I
had nothing to worry about, and

In the end, the truth always
comes out.

How are you feeling?

What's up?

So like, you know, obviously
today we had a girl's day and we

Got to talk about a lot of

First of all, we were all
sitting there talking about what

Our relationships are, where we
stand and stuff, and I told

Everybody that I was really
happy and excited to be with you

And how things I thought were
going really well, and then I

Was like, so what coyou guys
think, and it was like every

Single girl in the villa is like
, basically said, like I

Would never want one of my
friends to be with him.

And I just really am kind of

I don't think you're as genuine
of a person as you say you are,

And like hon top of that, I'm
finding out that you've within

This whole entire time telling
kyra that you're interested in

I'm hearing my name.

Me an kyra have been friends,
and I've told her what if how

Many time, what if we were to

Yeah, I'm curious.

We've opened up to each other
like super friend-wise, right.

But it hasn't just been

And this whole time I thought it

And when I see you chatting
every two second, I'm just like,

Oh, they're bffs.

No, we are.

You're saying you're
interested in her.

If emily doesn't pick me, I want
to be with you.

False, false.

Is he lying about me?

I understand how it looks,

Kelsey is great.

I'm not denying, that but the
thing that pushed me away from

Kelsey is your personality is
who I see myself out here with.

Didn't you say that about

No, we had a stronger

Katrina told me to pursue

That's another thing that's
brought up.

I'm not making any decisions is
basically what you're doing.

I'm not doing anything wrong
because I'm not making any


And you're going around tricking
all these girls into liking you

And then just leaving them as
soon as you find something new

That you like more.

That's not what I would
normally do in the real world.

But that's what you said you
did in the read world.

No, that is what I did in the
real world.

I was a player in my younger

Every guy in here has been a

They're showing a different
side and you're not

How am I not.

Every guy is a what?

A player.

Things I have done with you I
have not done with literally any

Girl in here
you've jumped literally like

Thee times
no, I have not.

Kelsey, you, and katrina.

Literally no matter what
happens after this situation, I

Feel stupid and I look stupid.

She's giving it to him.

Good for her.

She's not backing down.

If I was in this for the
wrong reason, I wouldn't have

Pursued you.

I wouldn't have take than risk.

I would have been comfortable...

But you didn't make any risk.

I totally -- the girls have
been making the decisions for


I understand it's not the
best feeling, but I know that

I -- I can't believe... I like
am obsessed with you.

Like I hope you really brief
that, like I'm being straight up

With you.

Whatever is bothering you, I
would love to communicate and I

Literally --ly go talk to every
one of these girls and tell them

How I feel about you
he's saying everything I knew

He would say.

Of course.

I want the make things work
with you, and I'm going to do

That, okay in

I don't know.


I don't know.

I don't care.


Weston just --
he was just getting chewed


Well, I want to talk to you
all if you all don't mind, is

That okay?

Obviously there's been some
situations today.

So I'm just going to be flat out
and you all know how I feel,

Announcer: after facing
emily's cross-examination,

Weston now faces a jury of his

Obviously there's been some
situations today, but I need to

Get this off my chest, because I
seriously care about the girl.


And I know you all don't
believe that, and that hurts,

Because you know I know you've
all seen things or heard things.

So I'm just going to be platt
flat out.

I think it really sucks how you
all feel about me.

It's tough.

But I took a risk in my heart,
and I definitely have pushed

Kelsey aside, but it was for the
right reasons.

I haven't felt like this in a
long time, and I know you don't

Have to believe me.

And I feel like a lot of things
have been twisted around a

Little bit and like you all tell
me how you all feel toward me so

I can try to explain those
things and show you all that I

Want to be with this girl and
see myself in the outside world

With this girl.

So kyra, what are you thinking?

What do you think I'm not
genuine or not myself or what is


You're asking me?

I'm going to ask everybody.

I feel like everybody threw me
under the bus.

I'd like to explain it.

It doesn't matter what we
think at the end of the day.

She asked us what our thoughts
were on you.

And no one skewed anything.

Everyone just said what our
experiences have been.


And the thing is just because
I feel like we saw the patterns,

The reason why we gave her that
advice is because it's been a

Pattern going on.

But then again, we all were
telling her, this could be

Totally genuine, but if you're
asking us, this is like what we

Think, because of what we saw it

I like her so much at the end
of the day.

I don't that you don't like

I don't doubt any of that.

I personally think that you
don't know what you want in a


We're not trying to interfere,
like at all.

At all.

We obviously want you to be

We want you to be with the best

She just asked, so we were just

I appreciate y'all being
honest, but that's 100%, I

Respect that, but I don't think
you know how I feel toward her.

So that's why I wanted to come
over here and express how much I

Do care about her and I don't
care who walks in this door.

The reason why I think it's
so easy for you to say these

Things is this is the end of the

You could have easily said this
about kelsey and --

But I didn't
but it felt like that's how

You felt.

Honestly, always when we heard
feedback, oh, she's amazing.

This is how it felt, so I'm
really happy if you are together

In the outside world and I will
hang out with you guys, but do I

Believe what you're saying?

No, I don't.

I feel like it's not genuine and
you're saying this because it's

The end of the experience.


I understand that.

Sorry that I made you all feel
that way.

These girls have had their backs
since they've been in here and

I've been so genuine to all
these girls and now they pretty

Much s*ab me in the back.

I do feel bad, but I have to
be honest, but for me words are

Just words.

He's played it safe every
single time, he's jumped every

Single time, and I didn't even
bring myself up because it's not

Even necessary at this point.

Literally every girl he's been
with he has manipulated and she

Has caught feelings and he's
then just turned around and

Manipulated his way out of it.

I don't want to comment on this.

This is between you and emily.

To ask me my opinion and then to
come at me, don't you dare that.

Pissed me off.

You don't mess with people's

You have a choice at the end of
the day.

Announcer: amen, kyra.

I'm sure cashel, eric, and the
other guy agree.

She the man.

Come on with your boy.

It's over, dude.

What do you mean it's over?



I got a text!

I got a text.

I got a text.

Who that?



A text, a text.

A text, a text, a text.

I got a text, a text.

A text, a text, a text.

I got a text, text, text.

All right.

I'm nervous.

Real quick, real quick, all
the girls just through me under

The table.

All the girls are like don't
ever date weston pretty much.

Straight up.

So that's pretty much done.

They all threw me under the bus.

They don't know how I feel about

So they toll her not ever date
me, which sucks.

Come on down.

I love then joy, guys.

You got a text.

All right.

Islanders, it's time the find
out how viewers rate you as


#Couplegoals #poles apart.

#What apart?




Announcer: #polesapart.

What's this issue all about?

She went and asked all the
girls how they feel about me.

They're all like, don't ever
date weston.

It wasn't even like that.

Y'all know.

She's like, you went from girl
to girl and led them on.

I'm like, yo, kyra, you did is
the same thing in the ray came

Many here.

They think if another girl comes
in here, I'm just going to ditch

Emily and go to the next one.

But dude, I told her last night,
I said, yo, if you came in here

Earlier, no question, I wouldn't
have cared who walked through

The door.

She didn't want to hear any
of this.

No, she don't want the hear

It's pretty shady.

At the end of the day, I've been
so genuine to these girls and

Had their back and now I feel
like they haven't had mine.

So it's pathetic honestly.

Announcer: it's time far
game I like the call poles


It's time to play poles

Announcer: yes, yamen, I
just said that.

Now you, my little lamb, have
been busy on our app voting on

Top exsuch as --
top three most-intelligent


Definitely not dylan and alex.


Announcer: our islanders
must raise themselves on the

Podium in first, second, and
third place according to how

They think you voted.

So this is locked in.

Are you ready to see what
america really thinks?


Third place, yamen and aissata.

Second place, dylan and

And in first place... Dylan and
I have received ourselves.

America finally doesn't think
we're idiots.

Top three hot couples in the

Are you guys ready to see who
is the hottest couple in the


In third place, ray and caro.

Second place, dylan and alex.

And in first place zac and

Yamen and I are the hottest
couple in the villa.

America, you know nothing.

Top three boring couples.

Zac and elizabeth.

Yeah, kyra and jered.

You're not boring at all.

The three boring couples are, in
third place, zac and elizabeth.

We're getting better.

We're not first for boring, but
we're third for boring.

Second most boring couple,
jered and kyra.

We're not first.


Themost boring couple in th
villa, yamen and aissata.

Me in boring?

That's crazy.

Announcer: oh, this good
top three couples most likely

To cheat.

You're up there.

I have never cheated in my
entire life.

Third place, yamen and

Second place, jered and kyra.

And in first place, we have
weston and emily.

He says he's never cheated on
a girl before.

Top three couples most likely
to backstab another couple.

Become s*ab another couple.

I'm not going on one.

Third place, yamen and

Second place, jered and kyra.



And in first place we have
weston and emily.


The game definitely came at a
bad time for weston and emily,

Just for america to kind of say
some things that were some of

The things that we were saying
in the house because it wasn't a

Good time for all of that to
happen, you know?

Announcer: we're back on
what is now no love lost island.

Weston feels betrayed by the
girls and, well, your votes in

Today's game.

I hope everyone's happy.

I'm going home, bro.

I'm over it.

You know, like I've ben genuine
to everybody.

At the end of the day, I feel
like I've been backstabbed, you


I'm done.

Well, at least just hang out
with us, you know.

Dude, it is what it is.

I'm not about to sit here and
say someone can call me and say

I'm fake, bro.

That's mind blowing to me, after
I've been here for those girls

Night and day for them to call
me a sketch back and pretty much

s*ab me in the back.

I'm over it, bro.

My character is one thing I
don't mess up on.

And I'm the realest person I
feel like in here.

At the end of the day, you can
take a punch to the face, but

You can't take a knife out of
your back.

You can't take a knife out of
your back.

Should we go talk to the

But I don't understand what
you all talked about, because at

This point you ruined their

No, I would not say that at

They don't have anything now.

Don't look at me like this
our fault.

New york we're not looking at

There were other things, too,
like he would say a lot of the

Same sentences, I mean...

That's like your perspective.

How did this all start?

But what started this?

She asked.

She was like, what do you think
of weston?

And everyone went in a circle
and said what they thought, and

It was like a lot.

Not one person ever said that
weston's a bad person or any of

That either.

They just were like bummed about
this way that he treated other


I mean, and her just not even
knowing about any of the kyra

Stuff, like it just was...

The kyra stuff was never a

It was all these little
things added up and blew up.

I don't know, you really hurt
it's in the a you guys thing.

All the girls came at him.

What do you mean?

You guys can't deny that
we're saying the end result

Is we all have a friend whose
feelings are very hurt.

So do we.

He feels like -- he feels
like the girl just basically

Backstabbed him.

I don't know what message you
portrayed in that way the make

Him feel that way, but that's
how you made him feel.

But I think if you guys were
there for the conversation, you

Would feel a lot different.

I think the whole
conversation was uncalled for

Because there were multiple
women in the villa that have

Done a lot.

I don't take back what I

I stand by what I said.

If you really this care about
the individual at the end of the

Day and you feel he's been hurt,
you either decide to fix that or

You don't care.

Yeah, weston's feelings are
hurt right now, but so are

Emilys, so are kelseys and
katrinas and mallorys.

We get that you're bro, but
we're allowed to --

He's not the only person
hurting from these things, and

The way he went acted it, he
apologized for the way he went

About it because he said he knew
that was wrong.

This is making me feel like
this is some pity party for


It's beyond.

All our point was that his
feelings are very hurt.

It definitely made me feel
like I was between a rock and

Hard place.

It just sucks that things have
happened the way they happened.

But you just have to learn from
them and grow.

Can you imagine how katrina
feels, how kelsey feels?

All right, but that's like
saying can you imagine how

Cashel feels.

I told cashel up front.

Come on, man.

I told cashel up front.

Let's not point fingers about
how girls feel and n and out of

Here, like this was to find the
strongest connection and people

Got hurt in the process.

That's just part of it.

That's what happens.

I agree with that.

I really haven't said anything,
but I agree with that.

The point of coming in is to
find the best connection.

I can make a point?


I don't think we're passing
judgment at all.

None of us have said that weston
is a bad person, not one,

Literally not one.

That's already been made

But I'm just saying.

You don't have to reiterate.

The problem is --
it's the way he handled it.

It was immature and it wasn't

It is each way.

He's handled each situation.

When you're hurting a girl,
like kelsey, you're not letting

Her know the situation, and
you're telling her that you're

Happy with her, you're in a
couple with her, I'm not

Interested in getting to know
someone else, and then leaving

The next day and just not
speaking to her, not explaining

Any of the situation, and just
like letting it go.

Until she's packing her bags
to come upstairs and say

Something, that's not cool.

And it's like back up.

To put it bluntly, sorry.

Well, I hope everybody sleeps
well tonight.

Do you want the talk for a

Yeah, what's up?


Well, you don't know what's
going to happen, so don't --

If people don't think I'm
genuine at the end of the day,

Why have I been here and so
awesome to these people.

I feel luke I got backstabbed on
someone that I actually care

About, an now...

So if you care about it,
maybe you should fight for it

Instead of saying, if this is
what people think about me, I'm

Going home.

I don't know who you're trying
the prove something to if it's

Me or to america, but it's
like --

It has nothing to do with the

I could careless was that poll

What is it vz to do with?

I'm not going to be fake to
someone because they've been

Fake to me since forever now.

Nobody has been fake to you.

After this conversation.

What did they say to you?

You didn't tell me what

They think I'm fake and they
think I'm in the a genuine


I am not those things.

And I'm not about to sit here
with people that think that.

I'm not doing it.

I came in here for the right

And, yeah, I wish you came in
two weeks or a week in.

So I would have met you, but at
this point, every girl in here

Thinks I'm just a sleaze ball
that's not genuine and thinks

I'm this fake guy.

I don't think you've been
fake since you've been in here,

I think that what happens
literally two days ago made them

Think a certain way about you.

They think that you had such a
strong connection with so many

Different girl, it's like, how
can we know that this is

Actually a strong connection,
because the last two strong

Connections that you had, they
weren't strong connections.

So it's like, hard to figure out
when you say things if you mean

Them or not, because you've said
them before, and you haven't

Meant them.

And I don't think that removing
yourself from the situation and

Just giving up is a really good
way to show them that you're


I know you're the girl, 100%.

But with what people are saying
about me, it doesn't add up to

Who I actually am.

I'm not about to sit there and
have someone say I'm fake or not


You don't have to, but I
don't think you should just go


What am I doing here if they
think I'm here for the wrong


Are you here for them?

The guys know exactly who I

That's all you need to worry

You know you're genuine.

And I know that you're genuine,
even though I am confused

Because of everything that's
going on, I still really this

Care about you and edon't want
you to feel like you're not

Wanted here, because I want you

I just don't feel welcome.

Which really sucks.

I feel bad.

I don't want you to feel like

Announcer: she's back.

Oh, my god.

Announcer: it's "love

Tensions are rising.

Everyone is tense, but luckily
arielle will soon be here the

Make it more tense-er.

Of you within here this whole
time for kyra and she's going to

Sit here like everything is okay
and smile?

♪ Screaming like a lion making
no sound ♪

That's what my good friends
do at home.

I'm so sorry, and then they
throw the same pity party.

♪ Rise up
oh, my god.

Arielle: hello, islanders.

It's me again.

Can I have you all at the fire
pit, please.

♪ Rise up and face your fears
arielle is the best-looking

Reaper of bad news I've ever

She swoops in and everybody's
happy the see her, but, you

Know, she drops bombs.

Arielle: so it's the final
week and you are the last

Islanders standing.

The public have been voting for
their favorite couple.

Unfortunately, one couple will
be dumped from the island


Can I have you all stand up?

I am now going to reveal which
islanders are safe and will

Continue their journey on "love

The first couple safe is dylan
and alexandra.

Congratulation, guys, you can
take a seat.

And the next couple staying in
the villa is ray and caro.

Congratulations, guys.

Take a seat.

And the third couple safe is zac
and elizabeth.

And the third couple safe is zac
and elizabeth.

Congratulations, guys.


So that means yamen and aissata,
emily and weston, and kyra and

Jered, you are all at risk.

So the fourth couple definitely
staying on the island is kyra

And jered.

Congratulations, guys.


You can take a seat.

So aissata and yamen, emily
and weston, one couple is going

Home tonight.

♪ Do you have a feeling in your

♪ Like someone's there behind
you in the dark

♪ How are you feeling, aissata
and yamen?

It seems like I'm always at
risk for something up in here,

But, you know, however it goes,
I have appreciated my time here.

I have appreciated my time with
aissata, getting to know her, of

Course, you know.

I'm definitely liking her a lot.

Yeah, I mean, I feel the same
way as he do.

I've made connections with all
of you guys, and I can't wait to

Turn up with you guys outside of
the villa.

♪ You find yourself in a fight
for survival ♪

Arielle: and how are you
guys feeling, emily and weston?

I came here with an open mind
and an open heart and I stayed

True to myself, and I made
decisions that I felt were right

For me.

And I'm proud of myself for
doing so.

Whatever happens happens.

You know, I came here, got to
know some amazing people.

I feel like I did leave my heart
on my chest, and I feel like I

Was... I feel like fi?ally I
have that strong connection that

I've been wanting for a long
time and I have happiness that I

Never thought I'd have.

I didn't expect to find somebody
that I could really see myself

With out of the villa.

♪ You fight yourself in a fight
for survival ♪

So no matter what happens, guys,
I hope the best for everyone.

Arielle: so I have the

♪ A fight for survival
the couple that received the

Fewest votes from the public...

♪ You find yourself have a fight
for survival ♪

And whose time on "love island"
is now over is...

♪ In a fight for survival
announcer: next a look at

What's to come.

Announcer: tomorrow night
we find out who you voted off

The island.

Plus, nothing can prepare the
islanders for what is coming


Get ready for babies.

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