02x08 - Episode 8

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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02x08 - Episode 8

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on
"Love Island"...

- ♪ Watch me now
- Fear.

MacKenzie, she real hot right now.

She's mad.

...led to tears.

For him to do that today I was just like,

There's a point I'm not going to
be such a push-over... and a

dramatic recoupling.

I would like to couple up with Caleb.


With an emotional
double elimination.

Jeremiah and James, say your good-byes.

new girl Lauren enters the villa.

Oh, wow.

Lauren is definitely the hottest
girl that's walked through the villa.

That's ridiculous.

I mean, she's stunning.

I think you're her type.

And we find out who
you voted to be her date.

Dude, Tre.

Season 02 Episode 08

♪ I don't understand playing by
the same hand. ♪

♪ How find something new.

♪ I can't work it out what it's all about,
I won't live my life

♪ through you. ♪

Last night,
like a mountain climber during a

midnight crisis,
emotions were high,

after a recoupling saw two

O.G. Boys, James and Jeremiah,
dumped from the island.

I will miss you.

I hope you all find love, man.

♪ This ain't what I signed up to ♪

Saying good-bye to two friends and half the
"J" names in the villa left

Carrington understandably upset.

I really didn't expect to feel so bad.

I figured he would go but
I just... seeing it is different,

- you know.
- Yeah.

I didn't think I would
be that close with him, either,

after such a short amount of time.

Good-byes aren't easy to me.

My parents are military.

The only thing I can relate
this to is when you're a kid,

you meet a kid,
and you become best friends,

and you hang out every
day and you do everything together.

And then that kid's
parents get sent overseas.

And then the next day I'm going to wake up,
and they're not

going to be there, you know.

That's kind of how things have gone for me.

I just want to check on you,
because I know that was a hard

- loss for you.
- Yeah.

As was everyone, but,
obviously, I'm very invested in

you, and I want to make sure you're okay.

Yeah, thank you.
I'm fine.

I'm always fine.

But it's okay if you're not fine.

Sometimes or any time.

Seeing Carrington emotional tonight
has definitely helped me

see another side of him.

I've seen multiple other sides,
but I've never seen the open and

vulnerable and emotional side of him.

So it's really nice to see
that he does have that, and that is


I'll let you know.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.

- But, yeah, I'm good.
- Cool.

Get up, baby.
Give me a hug and a kiss.

During the recoupling,
Moira chose Calvin

over her partner James.

She reminisces with friends enjoying
some of the finest wine

served in the finest plastic.

Oh, yeah, you're the new couple.


- Can I be honest with you guys?
- Yes.

When I said good-bye to James it was,
like, the end of, like,

end of such a... such a situation.

A roller coaster.

Yeah, such a roller coaster.

Did you feel like a weightlifter.

You guys saw me in the beginning.

And now, I don't know,
I feel like I have more, like, space to

breathe, to, like,
breathe into a new relationship.

You know,
James and I started off so strong.

And just didn't finish off strong.

And to basically have to send him home was,
like, the hardest

thing ever.

How was your first recoupling?

He had some sweet things today.

I was like,
"I hope I know who she's talking about."

I'm so glad you liked it.

I really have appreciated your
openness to see, hey, you

is this... is there a connection mere?

Is it better than the connection I had?

That was the toughest part.

Super sad that our friend James.


I moved so fast with James that
I thought, like, everything

could be great.

And it kind of blew up in my face.

And I'm a little more reserved this
time because I want to make

sure that we are going
through this on a slower pace.

Like, you just let me know in terms of,
like, where your

- head's at.
- Uh-huh.

I feel like Moira and
indefinitely see eye to eye on a

lot of things.

I want to make sure that we
do things the right way, the way

that she feels comfortable with,
and make sure that we're... we're

in... synchronization on the
right track moving forward.

Like you said before, taking it day by day.

- Yeah.
- Day by day.

I'd love to take
this day by day with you.

Rachel chose new

boy Caleb or Jeremiah,
who left behind 12 good friends and a

high-quality waterproof mic pack.

I'm excited to be in here coupled up.

You know,
it was a stressful couple of days.

Yeah, yeah.

As long as we're open
and continue to communicate, I think

both of us are going to be just fine.

I'm really looking forward
to just kind of letting our guard

down and having some fun,
and seeing where the future takes

- us.
- Damn.

I'm going to get makeup
on your shirt.

But you're gonna have to... all good.

Okay. It's okay.

It's worth that hug.

With a touching speech,
Justine decoupled with

her little tre of sunshine.

- How you feel about tonight?
- I was so nervous.

Did you like my speech?

When I heard you say all of that,
it just kind of turned everything around.

Like, I was smiling.

Like, I was happy, okay.

I was happy, Justine.

You made me happy.

- Yeah?
- Yes, you did.

And, obviously, I was kind of sad
because I knew Jeremiah was

going to be leaving,
but in a night full of, like, events and,

like, some sad stuff,
you were the highlight of my night.

- For real.
- Really?

You made me feel good, Justine.

And I don't want to mess this up.

Give me a hug.

- I appreciate it.
- Oh!

Are you...

- Just give me a hug.
- Okay.

Can you give
my three kisses.


♪ I yes myself... in the dark ♪

She's still looking for
Carrington, and he's still not here.

What is that man doing?

He's just, like,
really with his feelings this evening.

Are you a mask sleeper or
you can fall asleep, you're used to

it now?

Uhm, I could go both ways.

I've done a little bit of both.

What about you?

I never have been the
eyebrow kind of person.

No, I haven't.


You're in trouble, Carrington.


Because you miss a lot.

What did I miss?

Your girl's been missing a lot.

They're looking at photos of you.

♪ ..On and on and on ♪

♪ ..Feel it on and on. ♪

♪ On and on and on >>

As drawn breaks over the disinfected
rooftop paradise, the sleeping islanders

have no idea
what's coming their way.

She's hot.

She's British.

And you better believe
she walks in slow motion.

♪ Time for me to take it
on the bus ride down.

♪ I'm gonna fake it
now when you put down.

I'm Lauren.

I'm from Oxford in England,
Andi live in L.A.

Usually when I walk into a
room I do kind of feel a lot of eyes

on me.

My take on girl code is
that it definitely exists.

I would never take one of my friends' man.

But the one guy in the
villa that I find to be the most

attractive right now is Johnny.

And we can be, like, a great power couple.

So if I have to hurt
somebody's feelings to do that, like, I

want to think about my feelings, too.

♪ What's wrong with being confident?

♪ Now I'm letting go. ♪

♪ I make my own choice I run the show ♪

There's a girl outside!

♪ Confident

The across from Seesars
islanders have a package

from across the pond
waiting for them on the sun bed.

There's a girl outside!

Lauren is one hot crumpet.

Wait, too easy.

Doesn't look like she'll end up sconely.

She's hot and British
and probably going to cause some




Hi, Johnny.

- How are you?
- I'm good, how are you.

- I'm Rachel.
- I'm Lauren.

Nice to meet you.

I'm Lauren.

You look amazing!

New girl in the villa.

She's so freaking hot.

Like, we literally all woke
up looking crusty as hell.

You look hell-a-good.

- You smell good!
- Thank you.

- You're welcome!
- Thank you.

I'm so excited to be here.

I'm, like, trying to take it all in.

It's gorgeous.

Your accent!

I'm British, yeah.

She's British.

Hi, I'm Caleb.

I'm Lauren, nice to meet you.


I'm going to follow you guys, I guess.

Being out of quarantine feels amazing.

And then everybody is,
like, so good looking.

So, its nice.

And to be free, to be able to,
like, touch and be with people


I forgot what it was like in the old times.

Hi, guys!


It's so cute in here.

I can't get over your accent.

- It's amazing.
- Thank you.

So, of course, who you feeling?

Honestly, I really don't know.

Literally from the moment I saw her,
I was like Connor is

not her type.

There is no way that would happen.

Connor and I made it official.

Oh, you did?

- Yeah, so we're boyfriend-girlfriend.
- Congratulations.

- Thank you.
- That was fast.

Connor, buckle up.

I think you're her type.

I think she's coming for you.

She looks really good.

She has a body, too.

Would you entertain
her if she came to you.

If she was like the initiator,
I think so.


Lauren look Verizon attractive.

Her look right now I think
would be a look that a lot of guys

here would go for, including me.

I'm kind of scared to talk to her.

She's a beautiful girl.

Her British accent, you know,
is really attractive.

Yeah, we have to show her around, though.



I'm excited.

you want to let us show you around?

Yes, I do.

Let's go.


Look at these bodies!

I'm just excited.

I don't know what to expect,
but I'm kind of feeling like Johnny

seems like he's pretty cool,
trying to be helpful.

Carrington is hot.

And I like him, too.

He's, like, a little bit reserved,
but I have to feel it


I can make coffee or somebody can
make me coffee, because I

don't know how to do it.

If I can see the machine,
I'll figure it out.

The siren in thew ambulance,
called by the other


Where are you from?

I'm from Oxford.

How old are you?


A lot of you guys are babies.

Is age a problem for
you dating younger guys?

No, I usually date younger guys,
to my detriment.

To your detriment.

Maybe it will be a blessing this time.


How do you feel
about potentially stealing somebody.

I don't think I have a choice.

You have to steal someone, right.

You have to do what you have to do.


I don't know everybody for sure.

I haven't seen much of you, but,
carrington, I was like, I don't

know if I could trust you.

Yeah, so I feel like Connor
and Mackenzie seem like they're very



But, yeah,
you guys just made it official.



It's not completely there yet.

Wait, did she say that to you?

You poor boy.


have you told MacKenzie that you're not

official, because she
officially thinks you're official.

I feel like I am...
Oh, my god!

I don't know, so, I also... it was,
like, a playful thing.

I do feel like I have these feelings
toward her right now.

I haven't officially made
a special way of asking her yet.

- But I do feel like...
- Okay, all right, all right,


Things just got spicy
with Lauren coming into the villa.

And, honestly,
I feel like Mackenzie should be the most

concerned if Lauren shows
any kind of interest in Connor.

Lauren is definitely the hottest girl
who has walked through the


Oh, wow, man.

This is... interesting.

And it's going to get
even more interesting once

we reveal which boys Americavoted
for Lauren to go on a date


We're going to go work out.

All right.
It was nice to meet everybody.

Nice to meet you, too.

I just pour it straight in?


MacKenzie and

Connor hold a conference
to discuss the various matters of

the day.

Item one: Lauren.

Item 2: Actually,
I doubt they'll get around to item 2.

So what do you think of her?

- I think she's cool.
- Yeah.

I'm not, like,
I don't feel, like, intimidated.

I think she's beautiful and
I think she's amazing but I'm not,

like, threatened.

Sure. Yeah.

Did you have a chat with heart all?

Like, we're all kind of
just around here talking, talking

with her.

I didn't say a whole lot.

But, yeah, so she was kind
of just giving us, like the rundown

of what she thought of each of us stuff.

What did she say?

She said,
"I know you and Mackenzie are love birds,


She said that?

Yes. And shy said what you said,
Andi said we were official and I

wanted to make it official for you.

If I I was one of the girls,
the one who should be the most

worried right now is Mackenzie.

I would be overly concerned
if I was MacKenzie right now.

She just came in and
changed the whole vibe of the villa.

♪ Loosen up my button, babe

saying what you're gonna do Tome ♪

Don't try too hard.

Uhm, oh, my god, the new girl's body,
are you kidding me?

What the hell!

Yes, Lauren.

- ♪ Did you see
- Did you see it?

That's ridiculous.

♪ I don't think you know loosen
up my buttons, baby ♪

They make them different in the U.K.

We're here to take
risks not play it safe.

That would be a
horrible feeling being in the girls'

shoes right now.

I don't know why,
but Theo.J. Is hitting the spot.

The fact that they just
made it official last night.

I don't know about that.
They didn't.

She made it official last night.

If that was me, bro,
after everything we saw last night,

I would be like, excuse me.

God bless you.
God bless you.

Enjoy your workout, boys.

We'll be watching!

How did that go?

I told her what I Laurent,
that I'm, like, it was,

like we are there.

I did want to make it more,
like, special and official with


And she was like... it was smooth.

It was cool.

I am bamboozled right now.

Your reaction said everything, bro.

You're not in a relationship with her.

You're keeping your options open.

When someone asks you,
"do you have a girlfriend?"

You say yes.

You don't hesitate.

I think my loyalty
to Mackenzie kind of outweighs

like, me, making the first move.

So, like, Lauren hasn't done that yet.

And I think once she selects
one of you guys, that will kind of

put closure to it.

If she comes up to you to get to
know Connor, are you going to

be talking about MacKenzie
and your relationship or are you

going to be talking about
Connor and Lauren and the possibilities

that could take hold?

A lot of the dudes walking around here,
you know, looking

really confident in
their relationship are about to be

tested for the first time.

And I've got my popcorn ready.

I can't wait to see what happens.

If I'm being completely honest,
I am very open to

getting to know her.


Welcome back.

Here we have new girl
Lauren having a convo withn Connor.

She's trying to, but Mackenzie is so chill,
it's difficult to


It's all happening, guys.

Are you so excited?

- I am pretty excited
- I know sometimes it can get,

at least for me,
kind of exhausting feeling like you have

to go 100% and talk about
your feelings and talk about your

- emotions to every single person.
- I know.

Don't feel you have to rush things.

Because... >> I don't want to feel rushed.


You might, like,
make a rash decision before you actually

have fully comprehended

- how you feel towards things.
- Right.

This is not my style to come
in and be like, "how do you feel

about me?"I don't know.

Let me learn you first and see how you are.

Lauren is a girl who is very confident.

You can tell that just by looking at her.

I mean, I'm not threatened whatsoever.

I wouldn't be threatened... I mean,
she's stunning but I'm not

the type to be like, "I'm so nervous."

Not at all.

It's almost like your position right now.

You're the first person to
come in here and not... and not go on

a date with someone
because you picked them.

Oh, good point, babe.

Your position is almost,
like, this is what dating is


Connor, it's impossible
to even get within six feet of him

without, like, MacKenzie being,
like, wrapping her arms around

him or something.

So I'm like, dude,
I'm just trying to get to know here.

It's not that serious.

Try to do your best,
as hard as it is, to not be guarded,

first with the girls.

I mean, I know it's new and,
like, everything, but, no, I

don't guarded.
I feel like everybody is nice.

It will all come and fall into place.

Come on over, Lauren.

Come on over and chat.

I'm already burning from,
like, 10 minutes over there.

How was breakfast?

- It was good.
- Yeah?

Does anyone want to
go in theater in a little?

I think we're all going to go swimming.

- We usually do.
- Do you want to talk?

Yeah, we can go talk.

Let's go.

I don't know where it's not
too hot that you won't burn.

Up here?

I figure you're going
to start pulling people.

Yeah, I want to pull you.

I'm not sure upon.

I can't put my figure on you yet.

So who... I'm going to drop
a b*mb on you... who physically

attracts you the most
because you have to get to know

everyone's personality?

I don't know.

I haven't figured you out yet.

You'll have plenty of time.

I'm open to talking to you.


I wouldn't feel weird about pulling me,
or especially


If only you heard the talks we all have.

Nobody here is really like this.

That's what everybody
has been kind of saying to me.

They're like,
it's not... nothing is as it seems.

Nobody really knows how
anybody's really feeling, their


Who knows?

Okay, the convo is lasting way too long.

Like, what are they even talking about?

I have no idea.

This is a long time.

How are you feeling?


You don't need to be nervous.

- Oh, my god, I can feel like...
- Don't cry.

Don't cry.

No, you're good.

You're too fire right now.

You are too fire.

Girl, I promise you you're good.

We're all in the same boat here.

She said she wants to get to know Johnny.

No, I know that.

Regardless of the fact,
like, know how this works.

It's just not a good feeling.


I think you're good, though.

I think he's so into you.

They are until they aren't.



You could be big game plan.

I feel like you you've got
a couple of layers in there that

you're holding on to that
I think are in there somewhere

that I'd like to see.

As we talk more,
I think I'll definitely open up a little

it's pretty cool to see
Lauren is way down to earth.

She's very realistic,
which olive when people are realistic.

I think we need some
more people who are real.

And Lauren, obviously, is super hot.


It was nice talking to you.

It was nice talking to you, too.

I think it's good.

I think you're already
opening up a little bit more.

Opening up a little bit more.

I think you have more side to you.

And I can see that in you, too.

I see... I can kind of pick up,
like, a vibe that we're a little


I don't know if that's a
good thing or if that's a problem.

Kierstan is worried
that Lauren might steal

carrington from her.

Let's see what she has to
say about the current British


Honestly, it was a convoy...

- Convo...
- I know.

I was like are they on a damn date.

It wasn't anything
bad at all.

- It was just like gettingy...
- Getting to know her?

Getting to know me.

I didn't ask her too many questions.

I wasn't sure.

I was kind of losing my mind.

But that's just how I am.

I get in my head about everything,
and I just implode.

No, it's all right.

Like, last week, I... I mean samething.

When you get pulled,
obviously, I'm in my head, too.

But at the end of the day,
you just have to trust who you're

talking to.

That's why I keep saying don't
stress the things you

can't control.

But, I mean,
I suck at taking my own advice.

Nothing... noth nothing's change from that.

I'm glad you told me that.

I'm losing my mind.
That's how I do.

I don't, like, express things outside.

I just kind of implode.

Sully was just like,
I can fee lit radiating off you.

"I have never seen you like this.

I said, "I don't get like this."

I mean, I lost it.

You don't need to be sad.

Everything... everything is the same.

- Nothing to worry about?
- Yeah.

I just I don't know.

I've never felt this way before.

I think the reason
it's upsetting me so much is just

back to my past.

I've been cheated on,
and for everyone to be, like, seem so


I feel like everything's going to go great.

She's just feeling everyone out,
and it's just going to be so

embarrassing if... it's like, wow,
one conversation to keep

everything open.

I went on two dates,
and all could do was talk about him.

All I could do was think about him.

Oh, I can't even get into this.

♪ It's not over yet it's only begun ♪

It is what it is.

I can't control it.
Can't change it.

Just hope for the best.

- ♪ Can't be undone
- Give me a hug. I need it.

♪ It's not over yet it's only begun ♪

Welcome back to

"Love Island," where,
much like a small country with natural

resources and a weak military,
Carrington has quickly fallen

under British influence.

I told Kierstan me
and you're very happy.

But I told her she's allowed to talk to me.

She's allowed to get to know me,
just like people got to know


We're all good.

She comes off like she's
going to have a freak-out.

I'm not here to just have
a villa girlfriend and then


I want someone that I can
take into my life after this.

So, right now,
I'm not sure if that's Kierstan.

I'm physically more attracted to Lauren,
for sure.

And I think the conversation we had,
one conversation, was so

much more interesting than
the ones I've had with Kierstan.

You need to listen to yourself.

Because, like, what I'm hearing is
if you stay with Kierstan

you're playing it safe.


This girl is mature.

I really do like Kierstan,
but I'm tired of just pushing

people away and not getting
to know them because what if my

perfect match is somebody else?

You never know.

Just when the girls feel
the power switch it's very dramatic.

Like, it's very obvious, bro.


And it's very unattractive to me.

And all the guys are trying
to do is make the girls feel more



Poor Kierstan.


Behave yourself!

He's already starting.

You just have to instigate,
just a little bit.

She asked a question earlier.

I need a tissue again.

And she was like,
"do you guys think there's anyone who

kind of wishes
they were with someone else?"

And I was like, "girl..."

Out of respect I have for... I'm
not going to go and pursue


You're not going to pursue anything?


If she comes and pulls me and we talk,
then I'll talk to her,


But I'm not going out
of my way to do anything.

That's beautiful, tre.

I like the position I'm in right now.

It's very good.

And I feel like I owe
some respect to Justine.

We're finally starting to get closer.

Oh, man.

Uhm, so, I just wanted
to grab you because I know that,

like, we are taking everything at
our own pace and, like,

taking everything slow.

But I feel like at this point,
at our pace, like, I don't know

if it's, slow now, like,
waiting for something,

like, real to spark.

You know?

But how do you feel?


I mean, I'm going at your pace.


I know.

I'm not saying that
there's nothing there with you.

I'm the type of person who,
like, I fall in love very

quickly and very fast,
which is why... which is why I also had to

have this conversation with
Tre because my feelings don't

normally move this slow.

Everyone deserves to find somebody in here,
so I just want

the best for Tre.

With Lauren coming in here,
I wan't you to, like, take full

advantage of her being here.

Got you.

I like Justine.

I definitely do.

And I feel like we will
be going for the long run.

And then for her to hit me
with this curve ball today, it felt

like a slap in the face.

Why do you want to get all close now?

I just want to be honest.

I'm about to get into the pool.

Are you going to invite
me into the pool with you?

I don't know if you
want to get your hair wet.

As Tre makes
a cool tray-sit ion into the pool,

I'm make a cool transition
into this... promotion for our

gorgeous sponsors, Seesars.

After a segue like,
that I ha veto cool off with the garden of

the gods pool oacyis at Seesarspalace.

They have pools... seven of them!

The aquatic adventures are endless.

I hope he's wearing sunblock.


Splish splash.

- ♪ I sold my soul sot devil
- New Brit islander

Lauren is exploring the various guy
lands getting a feel for who

she would like to emotionally colonize.

But it's America that will choose
the guy she goes on her

first official date with.

I feel excited to be in here.

I'm just, like, trying to get
to know everybody, like, one on one

on a real level.

Like, everyone's hot, so.

Some people, they came inhere,
and on the second day were

like, this is the person I want to be with.

Yeah, how is that possible?

- I have no problem with...
- Connor and MacKenzie?

Yeah, Connor and MacKenzie.

Even us, we're pretty strong,
and we have a lot in common and

we're both realistic in the sense,
if someone comes in here,

we're not going to shut ourselves
off like MacKenzie has

- kind of like...
- Right, she's been like, no,

this is it, and she's kind
of made the choice for both of

them, I think.

I won't be taken just by good looks.

When you first walked in,
I was like really attractive with what

you have going on.

And then you were like,
"her personality sucks."

No, I'm saying I need to get to
know your personality for you

to be someone I would be willing to
give up what I have going on.

Exactly, no, definitely.

The conversation with Johnny was,
like, smooth, and, like,

flirty and cute, and not too much.

And very honest.

So I think he's definitely
open to getting to know me.

I don't want to see that
go down the drain just for

something, like,
initial sexual attraction, and physical

- attraction.
- So you're attracted to me?


Johnny's got game.

Too bad tre is about to intercept in five,
four, three,

two, one.

My bad to interrupt
all your conversations.

Can I pull you for a second?

Justine threw the curveball at
me basically telling me I

should explore my options,
specifically with Lauren, so it

changed my thought process immediately.

So what's something I
wouldn't guess about you.

I was born dead.

Wait, what?

Yes, I was born with the umbilical
cord wrapped around my

neck so I was, like, dead.

You're a blessing in guys.

You say I know all
these things and I don't know.

I guess I'm here to remind you.

Thank you.

If Lauren does show interest in me,
then it will be kind of

hard to stay with Justine.

At the end of the day,
I just want to be happy.

Like, I just want to be wanted.

I just want to be happy.

What was your first impression of me?

Game player.

It was like oh, my god.

Like, how many girls is this
boy going to try to kiss, for god's

- sake.
- It was only two.

It felt like 200.

He was a lot different
than I thought he would be.

I saw a different side of him
I didn't think I was going to see.

After each
getting some alone time with the

alluring lady from the land
of the union Jack, the guys form a

Jack union and talk, feelings, bro.

It's funny, people who
have talked to her are like, what do

- you think of her?
- "I'm sexually attracted to her,

physically attracted to her.

It definitely made me
feel some kind of way when I first

saw her this morning.

I would be interested in giving her a shot.

You know what?

There are things about
her I could see myself liking.

I am physically attracted to her more.

I think we all are.

I think that if any of us
out of the six of us should be

pursuing this girl, is you,
because we're all attracted to

her, sure.

But looking for someone
that could potentially be, you know,

a romantic connection, you need that, bro.

Johnny is
maybe almost semi-certain his head

kind of won't be totally turned by Lauren.

He seeks to reassure Cely,
starting by admitting he's

physically attracted to
the beguiling British beauty.

I was physically attracted to her,
but that's not enough to

leave you or to even consider leaving you.

I just eye just don't want that.

You know, even if she pulls
me on a date or something, like,

yeah, she's cool, or whatever.

She's definitely easy to talk to.

But she's not you.

You're so cute.

I'm just saying, like,
don't worry about any of that.


Cely is a real confident girl.

She's not intimidated,
and if she she's not showing it.

And I think that's very attractive for me.

I'm going to take a shower,
And I'll see you later tonight.

Thanks, Johnny boo.

Give me a kiss.

♪ You think you found the
one I've known you far too long.

♪ And I know the smile isn't real ♪

I feel you look like Cleopatra.

So hot.

Does anybody here that
the hope the night ends with them

getting a kiss with Lauren?

♪ Something's going to go down tonight ♪

Do you think so?
Everybody keeps saying that.

Everybody is like,
something's happening.

Something's happening."

Ei I feel it.

You do.

Oh, yeah.

If you had just one,
what kind of kiss are you going to

give her?

I would be like...


Thank you, all for being so

lovely and welcoming to
my first night in the villa.

I'm happy to be here,
and happy to get to know everybody.

That was good!


I got a text!

Drop the mic!


What are you doing!

It's America, not me.

He's not going anywhere.

Do they hate me?

Why on earth would they vote
for somebody in a happy relationship

to go on a date with somebody?

To have to imagine Connor on
a date with somebody else is just

a terrible feeling.

- I just can't even...
- I got another text!


I'm going to go with...

♪ This is my battle cry

Lauren is going on

a date with Connor,
and now she must choose two other guys to

date as well.

Uhm... I'm going to go with...

Johnny and Carrington.

Obviously, cCarrington
being picked is not a good feeling.

But it's also not a surprise.

I'm not worried.

I'm irreplaceable.

Have fun!

It's not your fault.

Do I just go that way?

I'm nervous even to follow.

Oh, my god.

This girl is going to slit my throat.

I mean, her boy is locked in
situation that I pity him for.

Like, for it to not even be my choice,
and for tears and

everything to be happening, is frightening.

You have nothing to worry about.

All that matters right now
is that I'm here with you right


- I will always be here...
- I don't want you to go.


I don't want you to go.

Come here.

Come here.

Babe, it's just... it's just a date.

We're just going to sit and talk!

Do you want a second?

No, it's okay.

You guys have to leave.

You have nothing to worry about.

I think I'm going to throw up.

I'll be back soon, okay?

I'm going to be sick.

Are you ready to go?

- I'm sorry, yeah.
- This is like...

So MacKenzie did not react

very well to this situation.

But it is a kind of a
sense of relief to escape.

I will definitely go into this night with,
you know, an

absolutely open mind.

I've never been on a date.

Haven't you?

No, this is my first date.

This is your first date.

And you've got tears?

As Connor and
Lauren head out for their date,

MacKenzie emerges to explain
why she's feeling so red, white, and


♪ I don't want to know who we are

♪ without each other.

- ♪ It's just too hard
- MacKenzie, are you okay?

No, I'm not okay!

Talk to me.

Talk to me.

I honestly would have
been less upset if she had just

picked him.

But the fact we've been in
a relationship since day one, and

America would vote for him
to go with her.

Like, do they hate me that much?

I spent so much time feeling like
I was never enough for


And I just feel like...

America is trying to say that I'm
not good enough for Connor.

♪ I don't know to know what it's like ♪

Don't take it like as America hates you.

Wanting to see him on a
date with another girl when we're

falling in love?

Isn't what you're supposed to do?


Isn't that what people want.

- We're literally doing that.
- Give me a hug.

Give me a hug.

I can't promise it.

I don't want to be here anymore.


Don't talk like that.

I thought I was such a good person.

You are a good person.

Why would America do this to me?

Why would they take my boyfriend?

He's not going anywhere, MacKenzie.

Why would they even want him to?

Why would they vote for that?


♪ Can't live without you

Thursday night,

who's going to make a
move on new girl Lauren?

Lauren's definitely
the hottest girl that's walked into

the villa.

I'm looking for somebody
fun and outgoing and honest.

Check, check, check.

So when you did walk into
the villa this morning, you were

exactly what I was looking for.

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