02x16 - Episode 16

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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02x16 - Episode 16

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on love island.

Girl girl girl you going to set
me on fire.

Isn't it so nice to just like.

Know that we're going to be
all right?


Can I get a little close?

Can I put my leg here?

Can you just like touch a

Oh man, you're k*lling me.

One night of passion.

Left him racked with guilt.

I think cely is.

If he does come back in with
a new girl, like I really would

Be like devastated.

Tonight I'm so attracted to
him, the love games heat up.

I mean things have been crazy.

With the vegas bachelor party.

You are not tied down to three
week old marriages, you know?

I definitely don't want to leave
casa amor, this is my new home.

All islanders must pair up
and share a passionate kiss.

Last night the villa and casa
amr competed in a head-to-head

Challenge, literally.

And since the villa beat casa
amor in the raunchy race, the

Villa has won a big party

And cely can't tell you guys how
happy she is right now.

I can't tell you how happy I
am right now.

I hear it in your voice.

I know.

Put your piggies in.

So I am feeling... We won.

I know.

We won, we beat the guysk we
beat the new girls.

Hell ya.

All of it, yeah.

That is pretty solid.

Going with the party coming up,
how are you feeling with the

Women here?

Things have changed.

For sure for me things have

The two top for me are
definitely not people that I

Thought were going to be top for
me, justine and moira.

It looked like moira was
picking you for like her, pick

Your islanders and I feel like
you were kind of picking justine

A little bit.

In my head, I don't know.

I felt like.

A great problem to have.

I feel like I got to kiss the
two people that I did want to

Talk to in here.

Just kind of like see what it

And that was mike and aaron.

I got to say, aaron's kiss was a
little bit better.

It was good.

It is... He got, he has nice full

I have a question for you.

Yeah, go ahead.

The recoupling was tonight.

Oh yeah.

Would you recoup with jalen?

I don't know.

I men this is crazy.

I am happy for you but I'm like
whoa, like how much has changed,

Do you know what I mean?

Let's face it, you guys, we're
struggling right before this.


So if anything this is just

Yesterday I walked in and ma
kens que probably wasn't even in

My top three.

I just didn't see there being
anything there but kind of

Getting to know her and her
expressing I want to get to know

You, putting herself out there.

Body language, sure.

So it is like, I would be a
fool not to pursue it because

She is a beautiful girl.

The only thing I battle is like
you know, is it worth the time

Because you know I could sit
there and have a great

Conversation with her but how
much is she thinking about


If I don't open myself up,
you have seen, I guess I didn't

Realize how different I was
acting when I was with connor,

This is how I am.

I haven't seen this side before.

In is so like, this is
a... Are you just chill, lake are

You just part of the group.

This is how I am in real life.

This is more me than what was
happening with connor t is a

Complete difference, mackenzie
than what I was introduced to

Like you are a little more fun
to me casa amor has brought a

Different side out of mackenzie
with this new group of guys, she

Is letting down her guard, she
is not so serious.

She just wants to have fun.

I definitely prefer this casa
amor mackenzie versus the villa

Connor mackenzie.

Do you want to get ready for


I need some water.

Back at kationa amor calvin
battles his underpants as the

Others prep for a night on the
town and by town we mean other

Parts of casa amor.

Trying to get some makeouts

Even though we lost today we
had a wild.

Those are cute but those make
your butt look good.

I'm excited.

What about moira bro, are you
completely over that.


For had reason.

She is not putting interest
back, the main reason.

Do you think carrington will
want the blond or brunette.

I think he will want someone
like you and miss you when he

Comes back.

And I will be like I'm friends
with this guy and that's it.


Warm champagne, plastic
flutes, oh they're ready for

Their victory party at exclusive
vegas night spot club astroturf.

Cheers to being the men that
you can bring home to your


Oh my god.

Leopard print mackenzie still
coupled up with p*ssy kalt

Connor but lion cat jalen is on
the prowl.

Can he p upurr-swayed this
leopard to change her spots.

What did you think of today.

I think it was awesome.

I was looking forward to kition
you and to kiss you.

You were playing it koom I
was not sure if he wanted to.

I was like I don't know if he is
into it.

I didn't feel like it was a
game, I felt like there was

Intent, I enjoyed kissing you.

I did too.

I definitely loved everything
I learned about you today, but I

Definitely do want to understand
what you are thinking, right,

Like where you stand and.

I think I really like you a lot.

Like or as much as I could with
how little we've talked.

And I see a lot of promise

I will be honest because connor
is such a good person, I could

Tell that things, that there
were some things that I was

Struggling with.


That we weren't alaining with.

And I was hoping I could move
past them.

But then it is hard now that I
met somebody that I'm like okay,

We do have these things in
common, st like, it such a

Different relationship.


From what I have with him.

Connor is such a sweet boy.

He's so kind and so caring.

And I just felt instantly
comfortable around him from day


But with jalen it is a different
kind of feeling.

Like I'm so attracted to imhad.
And on top of that, I'm also

Just so intrigued by him.

I'm paying attention to how I
am around you versus how I am

Around him.

You seem to be having the
time of yr life.

I'm having a great time.

Time of my life is maybe a
little bit of an exaggeration.

I will exaggerate then.

Mackenzie surprised me.

Right off the bat, just being
around each other, I'm able to

Be 100 percent myself.

I don't have to feel like I'm
trying to put on a show of any

Kind to get her attention or
impress her.

I really like being around her.

I am with you, communication
is everything for me.

I love that.

Moira's coupled up with
calvin but much like the extra a

In his name, aaron is being very

I'm just going to come out
with t I'm really digging you.

I really am.

And I really like what kind of
person you are.


But yeah, like I really want
to make it known that I really

Do, I really do like you.

We had an amazing chat, the
grilled cheese was also pretty



But yeah, I know it has been
a short time.


And I really feel like we
made a decision and I feel like

When we're around each other, we
make each other smile and stuff.

So I am really hoping to see
where this goes.

I am so happy you said that.

Because like out of all the guys
here you definitely caught my


And you just seem like so real
and you are the person that I

Want to get to know here too.

There is something about
aaron that is just so


I think he is just so carefully
and it just definitely makes me

Like feel good inside when I
talk to him.

And st the exact medicine that I
need right now to take my mind

Off like the circumstances.

And is he doing a dang good job
at it.

I wanted to ask you this,
just I don't, I'm not sure who

Slept in your bed last night.


But I would love if you would
have me.

Oh my god.

If you would.

I will try and make that happen.



Cheesier to that.

Casa amor didn't get a party
and they are not even trying any


They are playing dare or dare.

The guys are going to dare
the girls and girls dare the


They no someone's truth is
nowhere near as exciting as

Their salivea.

Johnny, you have to lick my
girl mercades from her knee all

The way up to her lips.

And really give us a show.

Okay, caleb, you have to give
faith a very sensual lap dance.

Let's go.

It's vegas, baby.

Oh man.

We want to you pick the girl
of your choice, take her around

The corner and do whatever you
want to her.

As long a there is.


Around the corner?

I don't want to leave casa
hammer, this is my new home,

Everybody here is kissing

We are not tied down to these
three week old marriages.

I'm staying here.

I love this place.

The cromwell is going to hate
us when they get their

Electricity bill.

Kierstan is singling and

She and de'andre are both from
the south, maybe the sweeties

Will bond over some sweet tea.

I want to know like what
brought you here.

I mean cuz that's always a good
ting to know.

Obviously to find someone
that I can take out of here, you

Know, ass alike everyone else,
like I reached the point of

Success in baseball, now now
it's like, okay, have I so much

More to offer to the world in

And then in a significant other,
I see myself as that 20 year, 30

Year marriage guy, you know.

Like the dad that cuts the

Stop it.

Yeah, I do.

Because that is what I grew up

And I mean your southern culture
as well.

You foe, so do you see yourself
like being that one day, like

Being that mom.

For sure I do see myself
having a family, not sure when,

I want to be like cheer mom and

But yeah.

I got you.

Justine is coupled up with
tall drink of water caleb but he

Is down at casa amor and nowhere
near tall enough to see her with

New guy mike.

I don't know if you know,
we're not all like this.


We're different around all
you guys.

Different energy comes out.

You bring up a different vibe
in all of us.

I was not expecting it but I'm
so glad y'all are here.

We were kind of able to just
bring you out of that shell,

Take you out of your mind a
little bit.

We needed that a lot.

But no, and I definitely felt a
vibe with you, because number

One are you so damn smooth for

I'm not even kidding.

I will go to a club, if there is
a guy who has rhythm, that is an

Immediate attraction for me.

And are you not a... Afraid.

You put yourself out there, so I
love that.

But I want to know a little bit
more about you, like what is

Your family dynamic.

Because I'm huge on family.


I get it, I could tell that.

Right now it's eye momma.

My momma.

That is my rock.

She works so hard, make sure I
always had everything I wanted.

She made sure I grew up, the man
that I am ultimately right now.

I feel like for me I vibe
with you so heavy.

As soon as I got that first
interaction, I was like she has

That quiet confidence, you know
what I mean, just queen.

You can tell when you get up.

Thank you.

You do your thing, you walk,
like it is really, it is really


You are so sweet.

I think if I were to recouple
with somebody, if caleb was not

In the picture, it would
definitely be either aaron or


I had amazing conversations with
both of them.

But there is just so much more
there with caleb right now.

And I just don't know why.

But I am so almost certain that
caleb is going to walk in here

With somebody else.

Thanks so much for the

Thank you.

Are you so sweet.

Are you gorgeous.

I love talking to you.

Looks like the game of dare
or dare has turned into let's

Make the pool guy really earn it
this week.

At the most unexpected moment it
is finally time for carrington

To speak his deepest truth so I
talked to laurel I basically

Said I'm pretty much interested
in you, I know you are

Interested in johnny but.

I didn't come in here even
with my eyes on johnny so I want

To talk to you.


Can't keep my eyes to myself
is I can't keep pie hands to


Can't keep my hands to myself.

I hope everyone's brushing
their teeth.

Now mackenzie and jalen head
to the kissing nook, I'm

Confident they're just
interested in the nook aspect

And not the kissing.

How will you doing.

I'm doing good.



Yeah, always.

You are a ray of sunshine.

I try to be.

Have you always been like this?


Like your whole life?

I always try to brighten up
any room I walk into.

Anything can I do to make other
people smile.

Your smile does that for sure.

Does it?

Yeah, and I think you smile
with your whole face.

My whole face.

No one ever said that to you.

No way.

Yeah, they say I have a big

You scrunch up your nose and
you scwint your eyes a bit, you

Smile with your whole face.

I guess that is a good thing,


Mi pretty good.

I think coming in here was a
little unexpected for me.

I didn't exactly know what to
make of this experience being



But I definitely have warmed
up to enjoying my time here

While I have it.

Even thinking about like

We have been through a lot,
mackenzie and i.

But I do care about her.

And I want to continue to see
where it goes with her.


So I am very much loyal to her.

I hope that, you know, she feels
the same towards me.

I'm still thinking about our

Our kiss, earlier.


Lime chomping at the bit for

I want to kiss you.

I will keep you waitin.

I want to kiss you outside of
a game.

I am excited for it.



Good, good.

I am excited for it, of
course I am.

I think if will be fun.

What a wild place.



You turned my world in here
upside down.

Good, good.

I know that what you and
mackenzie v obviously it is

Something that is real.

Because you guys have been like
connected from the start.

It is like mackenzie something
that you really want to pursue?

I just want to tell you for
sure, go full force for it.

Just don't let anyone, even me,
don't let any of us get into

Your ear about it.

Because at the end of the day
you obviously know what you

Really want.

Can I give you a hug right now.


That was so sweet of you to
say that, honestly.

It's very good though with
the precuddle, like the cuddle

At the beginning.

And then like tonight and then
be like bye.


So I get a kiss tonight?

If you want.

Can I get one now.

Do you want to.

> I would love to.

> I would love to.

After making out in the bathroom
with mercades carrington gets

Classy and only lets one sneaker
touch the bed.

I, yeah, I do want to get to
know you.


And obviously I'm with laurel

But I kind of want to know where
your head is at with everything.

I came in here and I felt
something with johnny.

But I also saw johnny as not
fair to me, to stay with johnny

Because he just keeps to be
mentioning cely.

I'm like, and I know that you
are single.


That is a plus for me.

I I mean are you very

You're someone that I'm like,
you know, I'm like ooh.

You have game for a girl, you
got game, straight up.

Wait, for real?

Oh yeah, I noticed. We have
all been saying, you've got


I don't know about all that.

I am feeling laurel.

I think she is beautiful but
mercades expressed feelings

Toward me and I have to make
sure I choose the right one.

So I am a great girlfriend.

I definitely cater to my man.

I don't sleep around, yes, I
have a big personality, yes I

Put myself out there, but this
is very private.

And I pick and choose on who I
want that with.

I would definitely want you to
know when I'm like involved with

Someone, like, I'm a.

I I am trying to do
something, I'm trying to like,

I'm trying to do something over

And this is it right here.

And this is it right here.

Back at the villa it's mairk
pajama time.

Cute guys, the thing is I
want to so badly just because of

Their vibes and their energy.

And like I don't want to stop
hanging out with them am I want

Them around longer but if I did
it wouldn't be romantic.

And the thing with that is it is
just hard.

Because I feel like there's a
high probability that caleb will

Come in here with somebody else.

I'm going to be 100 percent
real stlrk a very high

Probability that that will

I don't see it happening and

I don't they why you don't
see it.

I don't, I don't.

Why though.

Because caleb is very, very

And he has shown so much with
you that I don't think he would

Get carried away by two days of
just a pretty face.

And I feel like he's very of the
same as johnny in that sense.


So where they are not going
to just let some new boobs and


Of course, but.

But look at me.

I just really don't think if you
explain to him that you were

Saving one of those guys for a
friendship that he would be up

Set, he is a really cool guy.

I don't know about that,
because I know if jn pre were to

Walk through with another girlt
and he is like I saved her just

To be friendsk I would still be

I just want to be honest.

And open like we agreed to from
the beginning.

Because that is who I am.

Like carrington on vesesly
showed me something tonight.

He definitely said that he
wanted to get to know me.

But what are you feeling.

All right, so what I have
with cely is very important to


I know you don't like me to
bring it up but that is just


Do you see it going yongd
casa amor.

I have the intention of going
back with her.

Let me ask you this.

This is so hard, you know.

I don't want to be a second.

Like no, if you are about cely,

Like bye, I'm moving on.

What do you want to do.

I need to explore other
people, you know.

While mercades veers back and
forth between johnny and


Carrington puts the pedal to the
metal with laurel.



I just... I don't know.

Yeah, I don't know there was
a whole lot of action.

I don't even know if they can
put that on tv.

Oh sher, spoiler alert, we
can put it on tv.

Sounds like we might be playing
musical beds tonight.

Musical beds so whose bed are
y'all trying to sleep in?


Can I sleep with you?

I guess.


What up?

There is your bed mate right
there, buddy.

Oh, is it?


Come on over.

It's time for bed.

We are the bed bandits.

Just like musical beds tonight.

Good night kierstan, I love you.

Good night, I love you too.

Forget the villa rooftop,
we're back on ground level at

Casa amor.

Ben I look at him I just... He
locks eyes with you and makes

You feel like you're the only
person in the room.

But the way that he does it with
you, I am so excited for you.

It's going to be a great day.

We don't know how much time we
have together.

And we have to go out there and
make the most out of it.

And you fellas have to get after

I think one of the kisses hit
me hard or something.

You guys, what did you think my
game plan should be if johnny

Comes back with a new woman.

Yeah, how would you react to
something like that.

I know how I am.

I would like to play it off
where I'm like oh, I know he did

What is best for him.

And I know that is what is best
for him but at that point there

Is snog left to talk about
because he said it all with his


And I'm very much the person to
be like it's good, you're good,

Go do your thing.

Did you guys cuddle.

We didn't do anything.

And do I want to pull him for a
walk or... I do want to pull him

For a lot more comates today,
supercool, love him.

Like do I do want to see if
there is something that could be


But yeah.

Things are heating up between
moira and aaron.

Probably because they're sitting
next to a fire pit in 190 degree


What's up, hottie.

Oh, what's up.

How are you doing?


How did you sleep last night,

Yeah, oh my god.

Even your point how we barely
moved the sheets, that is how

Well we slept.



But I mean I feel like we
haven't really gotten a chance

To really get to know each
other, you know.

With that being said.

With that being said where do
you see yourself in the next

Bletle let's say ten years.

I think I would want to have
a few kids.

I am the same, I would
ideally like two, a boy and a

Girl, that would be awesome.

So where are we moving after
what are we doing?


We have four kids.

Do you like dogs, do you like

I love dogs.

You know what dogs I really
like, they are hilarious the way

They walk is corgis.

Don't play with me.

They are my favorite dog.

Corgis are hilarious.

I would say aaron is mawking
me question you know, where I am

At with calvin.

He's so good looking.

He's so carefree.

They're so different to me but
also they both have such great


I definitely want to get to know
aaron better.

I feel like we should hang
out a lot more today.

Yeah, we got... Let's just
hang out all day.

I love it.

Aaron, you want to chat

Of course.

Dock and double a rated
company aaron korp is on the


Now kierstan may want to invest.

Nice to finally get to talk
to you.

It is not that I wasn't
excited to have y'all here, it

Was me just having to process
something that I just had gone


So I wanted to get to talk to
you am I was just in a funker.

And I need to snap out of it.

But you are very attractive.

Thank you.

So I'm like okay.

Right back at you.

And you're sweet.

You have a beautiful smile.

I love teeth.

That is one of my things.

You have a great smile too, I
am like body, k*ller, smile,


Nice lips too.

Thank you.

Now I'm very physically
attracted to you but

Also... Aaron seems like a great

He's very attractive.

He's also talking to moira but
decided to be around him today

And watch him and look at him.

It is my first conversation
with you.

So my options and my perceptions
are completely open.


Now I'm getting a little hot.

That pool looks nice, I will
tell you.

Oh my god, I know.

At casa amor calvin's goes
rogue prompting a thought for

The guy's actual partners.

Do y'all think that they are
approaching their situation

Differently than we have here in
casa amor.

I didn't but the more I think
about it, yes.

If you are pretty sure are you
not going to be with one of

These girls, I would stop the
shenanigans, because it is just

Going to be hard to have that
talk when you go back.

Obviously I had wild outk hi a
good time, I willingly put my

Relationship with cely in

I was kind of trying to tell
myself to continue on with that

Mentality, like okay, I need to
get to know these girls.

But then I kind of realized that
I was playing myself.

I know there was no way that
this girl could change my mind

About the way I feel about cely.

When I go back to the villa, I
have full intention of telling

Cely every last thing I did
here, hoping that she can

Understand what I have with cely
is rare.

And this experience for me has
given me nothing but clarity and

Reassurance that I only want to
be with cely.

It would break my heart, you
know, seeing her with someone

Else because of everything we've
been through.

But I am just ready to move back
at this point

I want to see your boobs
shaking, your ass quaking in

That pool in a few minutes.

Thanks mackenzie
boobing... Teu truly the kok a

Dodle do that america needed.

I know we were talking all of
us this morning and I don't

Know, you mentioned like you
wanted to get to know aaron too.

I mean it's still very early.

I have no idea what is going to


How was y'all conversation.

I don't want to sugar coat t
I am kind of... Right now.

That's what I want to hear,
there is no reason to fight over


I think that is why I didn't
tell you is because I wouldn't

Want you to stop.

But that doesn't need to be
awkward or anything.

Not at all.

Yeah, because like I care
about you more than I care about

A guy that I just met.

I would rather her have the
full aaron and go all in with

This guy and just see what he is
about than for me to try to

Insert myself.

So no hard feelings towards
like anything you end up


Very mature, ladies.

I'm glad we got it all out

The only way we can lose is if
we don't stick together.

All united, the future is
female, but the future is also

Pool party so don't burn your
bikinis yet.

And now popular love island
hot podcast between two bros

Starring calvin and caleb
talking chicks.

Pool party, you can't live
with them, kant live without


So you already know what I am
go to ask.

Of course, bro.

I kissed with faith.

The waterfall kiss.

It was nice.

It looked betser than it was,

Why is that?

It just wasn't... It wasn't it
for me.

So is calvin out on faith?

I think calvin is out on
faith at the moment, where is

Your head.

I know you had your eyes more on

It's trough, bro, because
whenever we, our time here is

Over, it is going to only been a
few days.

And you know the thing is, only
had a few days with justine.

Justine and I have the
healthiest foundation for a

Relationship in the villa.

Obviously there are guys in
the villa right now, so I can't

Help but wonder a little bit
about what justine is up to.

But with that being said, she is
a wonderful woman and she

Deserves to have a great time.

I want her open to getting to
know other people.

And hopefully she still wants to
be with me.

And she will keep it real.

The potential with justine, I
just feel like we're clicking,


Like we're having fun an I feel
like we're really rocking it.

Ir don't want to mess with that.

I feel like we are literally
only going up.

I feel like with moira we get
along really well but in terms

Of having things in common and
still kind of talking a little

Bit about sher, I think there is
a couple of things in common.

So I do want to have a
conversation, like hey, what's

Going on.

Just letting you know that.

No, i, 10,000 percent should
talk to her.

I'm not really... I'm not messing
with that.

I appreciate it, bro.


Good luck, we'll chat.


At the villa jalen consults
kierstan who is having a tough

Time with the back and forth of
it all.

It is like obviously coming
in here I found something.

I don't want to get... I'm so
over this.

It's all right.

This is so frustrating.

You want to be here, I want to
be present, and when am... What

Do you feel like are you getting
emotional about.

Coming in here I just didn't
really have expectations.

But I did not fore see all of
this craziness.


And you know, with casa amor
I figured okay, five new guys,

There's bound to be something.

And then it was all kind of
friend vibes.

And I was open to figuring
things out but at the same time

I am not just someone that can
force something.

But you and mackenzie are
literally absolutely perfect.

And then I was interested in
aaron but that was like one

Conversation and then I was like
no, moira is all in with this

Guy so I am like I love you more
as a friend than pursuing

Something like that.

Who is the one person you
think you can make the distance


If you think carrington because
you have been coupled up for so


I think it was just major
physical attraction.

I wanted to be up all on him.

I was excited to go to bed with
him and cuddle with him.

I'm not getting that vibe with
anyone else.

Do you think he will bring
someone back.


What if he doesn't.

If he doesn't I would love to
try it out again but task's not

Going to happen.

What if you didn't bring anyone?

Like do you think that would
show him something maybe.

I don't know.

I just don't want to take the
opportunity away from anyone.

Why am I like this.

You're fine.

I am fine then freak out.

Express your emotions but you
have to make sure at the end of

The day do what is best for you.

Don't be selfless in these
situations, make sure you put

Your first because that is why
are you here.

What can I say about that, I
guess the only thing I can say

Is words on this script here
that tell me it's time to talk

About caesar's.

The high roller observation
wheel was in a previous promo

But this time we're using... The
same incredible view now way


Same world highest wheel now
with vitamin d.

Can I see my car from up here.

You can't do that at night.

Take that sistine chapel, we
page underwater and after

Consulting with kal en, calvin
is getting to know sher.

Yeah, what's going on, sher.

Getting used to this
craziness, how about you?

Same, just enjoying is every
moment as it is presented to me.

My situation in the villa has
been challenged by coming to

Casa amor.

Up until this point I do think I
have been a little bit

Comfortable with moira.

But I haven't really sat back
and asked the hard questions.

And so these girls, these girls
are asking the hard questions.

I feel like you hold back.

There is a lot that people I
don't really know.

Some people you can see, you can
just look at them and you know

Exactly who you are.

And you can be right.

And then a lot of other
times,... I'm actually the same


I feel like a lot of people
when they see me they think

Something completely different.

They always expect me to be like
this crazy superficial, classic,

Wild like partying, I mean
listen, don't get me wrong, can

I get wild but I don't really
like attention like that, if it

Makes sense.

I'm not an attention seeker at
all, and when people

Overcompliment me I'm like.

I'm about to but in terms of
like when you walk in, it's like

That was probably... I was like
when all y'all walked in I was



You have got a very unique look.

You don't look like every girl.

I think out of everyone in
the villa I was not expecting


I think he was the last person I
was expecting to kind of pull me

Aside and chat.

And I'm very happy he did.

You need to show good old calvin
more to the world.

Or maybe you just need someone
that is actually going to bring

It out.

Sorry not sorry.

A match just sliek her sher
and calvin seem to be but

Meanwhile connor is still
pledging allegiance to mackenzie

Even though johnny, carrington
and america think nope?

That trying to keep it real
with you because I'm concerned.

And america voted you and
mackenzie were least compatible.

The way that mackenzie reacted,
stood out to me.

She was very concerned about
what america thought.

And I am just concerned that she
may be taking into account the

Outside perspective too.

Bro, it will be devastating for
all of us to see you walk back

In there single and tben her be
with somebody.

And if that is the case.

Multiple times, I would
literally call her a hypocrite

To her face if she did that.

I can't control what is going
on right now back there.

But I am all in on mackenzie.


I am ready to accept whatever
destiny has for me.

Mackenzie is such a mature
and witty girl.

I never thought I would find
someone like her coming into

This experience.

...misses his mommy and I miss
mackenzie so much too.

And can't wait to be back in bed
together as one big happy family

Vega... Vegas.

Got to love it.

I love this, I hope it's like
this for ever.

I got a text.

Carrington, you're going on a
dated please select one new

Islander to join you and get
ready to leave casa amor hashtag

Keep calm and carrington on.

Tonight time for me to figure
out where I stand with mercades.

I'm up in the air right now.

I will choose.

Tomorrow night, as the
recoupling looms, the pressure


Who will stick and who will
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