02x25 - Episode 25

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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02x25 - Episode 25

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Previously on love island.

First date, let's go.

I actually enjoyed everything.

The relationships.

I just need to know whether I
need to be concerned.

No, huh-uh.

You will be bobbing and
weaving social media punches.

What he said was not even
half of what really happened.

What am I missing, how much
is okay to put up with.

Laurel is going to realize
carrington is as deep as a


Will we be boyfriend and

No, tonight.

I'm questioning so much.

I told you the truth.
With the recoupling


Doubt is in the air.

I don't want to let this go
but I feel like have I to I'm

Here when are you ready to talk.

♪ Yep, it's still the same time
it was when we left to days ago

Because it takes time to
mentally prepare for this scene.

Cely has no way to carry
johnny's excuses any more.

I want to hear your thoughts
right now.

I'm fired up, I am feeling a
whole lot.

For new information to come out
after the fact is not a good


And it's like how do I trust
someone when you omitted stuff

From the beginning.

That you did that, that is like
kind of lying already in and of


And now I know you're going to
ask me to trust you about

Whatever happened under the

It feels like there is a level
of manipulation now looking back

At everything, and looking at
the way that you worded it,

Looking at the way that you
preface casa amor saying it is

Nothing, baby, it is nothing.

You also said it is nothing that
you didn't do, really, cuz that

Was a whole lot that I didn't

And for me to still feel like I
did something wrong after going

On a date with benny is just
like, are you kidding me?

Are you kidding me, johnny.

It makes me feel like are you
trying to cover your own ass.

Mi not covering my own ass.

Can I just finish.

I'm sorry, I am getting
ramped up too, but you have to


Don't tell me have I to
understand anything right now.

Like I'm the one.

I'm not trying to put
anything on you cely, I really

Understand that you are the one
in the bad situation, I get


I get that.

I am at fault for this.

I am the root of the problem.

Do you want me to say it ten
times fast.

Mi the root of the problem, I am
the one.

I get that, johnny, what I am
telling du.

Did you want me to go into
detail about how I kissed her

And how I cuddled her?

Is that what you be whatted me
to do in that moment.

I told you the truth.

It is just, that is not like
the point, johnny.

What is the point?

What did I leave out.

I just explained it.

The whole cover thing, like
if you feel that comfortable

Making out with her above the
covers, in front of everyone, in

Plain sight, you pull covers,
for what, to make out more.

Nothing more went on
underneath those covers.

But I can't make a defense.

Because I understand where you
are coming from.

The way that you have been
acting for the past few days,

The guilt, is like well, what
more happened.



And it is just like...


Like I'm questioning so much.

There's things that I can't
do to get you to make this

Decision to trust me again.

And that sucks so bad.

Because I was honest.

I am telling you the truth.

So do you see how this is
exhausting for me.

Do you see how st exhausting
for me as well.


I'm exhausted, yeah, well I'm

It's all my fault.

How many times do you want me to
say that, it is my fault,

Everything that is happening
right now, all the problems we

Have is rooted in what I did.

I just don't know where to go
from here.

I'm being asked to trust you and
it's like, how can I trust you.

And the fact that you keep
saying is all I can do is be

Honest, I'm sorry but that is
not enough.

As much as that hurt, it's not

Honestly, like.

I'm at a crossroads.

And I am being asked to trust

And it is like, how can I trust

I don't want to let this go but
I'm getting to the point where I

Feel like I have to.

Listen, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
for putting you in this


Whenever you feel like you want
to talk to me you can, and I

Will be here.

I will be here.

She's saying that she doesn't
know how she's going to learn to

Trust me again and that she's
been... She doesn't deserve to be

In this position, which she

The reality of the situation is,
bro, I did what I did.


I came back and I was honest
to her.

My con vow with johnny
literally went nowhere.

St just a lot of he said, she

It was like a...

She is so thrown right now
that it is actually ridiculous.

And why would you lie about
something you already are caught

For, if the world has seen it
cuz you did own it, that is the

Point where it just doesn't make
sense to me.

I guess she has her emotions am
I'm not going to give you

Advice, let her deal with them,
never bring it up.

We are in the position now
where he made no progress, she

Is so livid right now.

Allow yourself to have your
feelings, for real.

Keep defending it, just allow
yourself to feel and express it.

Thank you.

As cely considers with benny,
connor considers choosing moira

Over ex-mackenzie sand is second
guessing every second.

Real quick, and just let you
know, you know, exactly where my

Head is at right now.


Having just been friends and
coming in here for so long and

Experiencing getting coupled up
and being very open to seeing if

That could become more than just


I have, I think, come to a
point where I do just want to be


Like do you know why that is.

I very much thought I would
be with mackenzie for the entire



I was wholly willing and
ready to give her a second


It was just unexpected in seeing
her leave.

I want you to know that this was
in no way your fault.

This was my actions.

And you don't have to tell me to
you know, where you are at right


I'm trying to work on how I
feel more than what the other

Person feels.

That being said, just going to
try and move forward.

I mean like to have you here and
like look me in the eyes as a

Best friend and tell me it's
okay, it's really all can I ask

For right now.

For right now.

♪ You've been the sweetest part
of my life.


I don't even know how to move.

It's like.

You're under the microscope
right now.

That's what I am saying.

Why is he being so quiet, is he
guilty, why is he acting so

Normal, is he guilty?

I'm struggling.

But I know you're not ready
to give up on him.

Honestly, I just don't know
where to go from here bns say

Less, do yourself a favor.

He is thinking about you.

An another tweet america saw
sparks between laurel and

Calvin, moira stokes the fire.

I loved that tweet but and

I can't get over that.



I just feel like your
personalities might click more,


I did come in having an
interest in calvin and also I

Don't want to cut my experience
short and cut myself off by not

Exploring other options.

Is there someone here that
you can grow with on the outside

So I think these questions are
honestly only valid.


♪ Don't say what you are about

♪ Don't say what you are about

To say.

♪ Look back before you leave.

♪ And be sure before you close

♪ Before you lose.

♪ Before you.

♪ Baby think twice.

Welcome back to love island
where it may be a new day but

Old dramas loom large.

It takes all the sanitizer in
vegas to wipe this slate a clean

♪ Would we crash and burn like
every time before.

♪ I will tell you all my

♪ Wrap my arms around my

♪ To see only ever after.


Right now waking up, I don't
really know how to go about

Interacting with cely because I
just want to give h.e.r. Space.

Oh god.

She has some decisions to
make and I just want to make

That as easy for her as I can.

How was the... Last night,
still the same?


I'm not pressing her.


I'm just not, it is the point
where if are you to listen, it

Is obviously an uphill battle
for me.

For sure.

Calvin and kierstan have
less... Tham performing a arts in

High school, so he tries to heat
him up to 375 calvin, that is a

Hot people chemistry joke.

Hello ladies.

Laurel can I please chat.

Yeah, sure.

America has spoken.

> Ha ha.

Enjoy your chat you two.

Make sure you.

Thank you cely, thank you, cely.

How are you feeling about the
whole challenge and everything.

I feel like the one thing
that bothered me most is the

Shallow comment towards him,
like laurel realized how... The

Puddle or whatever because I
feel like in my own mind, will

We ever be deeper and stuff like
that because if he doesn't feel

Like he can open up to me, then
what are we doing.

At the same time I feel like
what we have is real and

Authentic and it was... It came
naturally so, I don't know.

I'm just kind of all in my head
about the depth of what we could

Have, I guess.

I did hear something.

What did you hear.

I did hear when you came in
you were interested in getting

To know me.

Yeah, like watching you from
the outside, you seem so genuine

And real and down to earth and
that is kind of how I am.

And that is where you are super
contrast against carrington in

The fact that I thought he was
like superarrogant.

No, I'm not talking to him.

I wanted to ask you, what are
kind of the things that you look

For in a relationship.

Definitely like loyalty,

Cuz I cannot stand feeling like
I am the one putting all the

Effort into a conversation and
getting nowhere.

What about yours?

Someone that is kind to
people in general, that is a

Huge, huge thing for me.

I'm the same way too.

I don't know, you seem pretty
mean, laurel.

Do I seem mean, I am not
mean, only to you.

I feel like I am open to
getting to know calvin.

We connect on a lot more than
carrington and I do.

But carrington and I have that
affectionate and romantic side

To our relationship.

So it is just like two different

And it is just like what do you
want more, honestly.

So I don't know.

Yeah, I'm down, with the
chat, cheesier to that.

Appreciate it.

Cely is wearing shades
indoors and hiding under the

Covers which johnny interprets
as a clear invitation to talk.

Hey, just wanted to let you
know that I am here when are you

Ready to talk and I'm not trying
to come up in anyway.

I'm just trying to give you your
space right now.


That's all.

Just letting let me know
when are you ready.

Would you like to go for a chat.

Yeah, of course.

Little chitchat.

Incredibly suck after being
friend zoned by connor, moira

Developed a sudden interest in
bennett, totally unrelated

Event, what a coincidence.

How are you feeling with

After yesterday it has been
pretty rough.

You know I thought him and ma
kenzie were done done but to

Find out that he just wants to
be friends because he can't get

Over her yet, I was like, I
don't want to be a part of this

Situation any more.

Was it kind of like a b*mb
dropped on you when he said


I did.

I thought that when he picked me
for recoupling I was like just

Thinking to myself, like maybe
we could one day.


But then he just like I can't
cuz of mackenzie.

And I totally get that, but I
wasn't aware of that.

So that is definitely what made
me upset.

And I cried a a lot.


How do you feel like with me
and the other guys coming in.

When you guys came in I
definitely wanted to get to know

You more.

How are you with kierstan.

We're good.

She is still going stuff with
caring tob.

She still has that physical
attraction, obviously.

But I think there is still
emotional stuff going on there.


With him.

I was also very attracted to

Wow, thank you.

No, of course.

It is good to talk to you and
getting to know you.

I see potential in both
kierstan and moira.

Kierstan is my number one
choice, I am hoping it works out

With her, she also makes it seem
more up in the air, moira seems

Pretty open after everything
that happened with connor, she

Seemed to be happy to be talking
with me, there was smiling, it

Flowed really well, it was
smooth, I would definitely like

To see where this could lead I'm
really glad you pulled me.

The more I talk to you the more
I feel at home here which is



Oh my god.

E my god!

I got a text!

Girls, get ready to leave the
villa and get your french on,

Hashtag girl talk hashtag no boy
as laked.


House amor number two.

I'm triggered.

I'm triggered.

Let's go get ready.


We look so good.

The ladies are go to go talk
about them.

They should be a little more

I'm going to walk out there
right now, and be like hi


You evil, evil girl.

Ladies who brunch, no boys
allowed, baby.

Bye boys.

All right ladies, have fun.

They come right by you

♪ Ain't out there swift like

This all I hear is this.


Welcome back to love island.

The future is female and so is
today's girl's only brunch.


Look at this, this is so cute.


It isn't a either way stop us
mid morning for them.

Cheers you guys, to our first
brunch date.

Happy to leave the villa and
the boys behind.

We needed that.

Oh my god, this is so nice.


You guys, have I to say, I'm
so happy to get away and just

Like not see johnny stomping

We haven't talked today at
all, obviously so this is really

Nice to have my girl chat with
you guys because I feel like I'm

In a good place now in terms of
what I have to do and the

Conversation I have to have with
him, at the end of the day have

I to do what is best with for me
and I would do myself a

Disservice if I do anything less
than what I want.

What do you think is going on
with the girls.

I bets they're enjoying sime
mimosas, especially after the

Last challenge, I feel like you
are definitely a topic of the

Conversation over there.

Don't let him get away with
too many.

Put your foot down and just be
like that wasn't okay.

Like you need to put in work to
gain my trust back.

Girl, you got that backbone,
let me see it.

And I will say like
yesterday, I was damn proud of


Hell ya.

I feel like I found my voice

You were so sphrong.

I'm happy I had you guys, I
don't think I would have ever

Been able to do any of that
without your guy's guidance so I

Love y'all so much.

We love you.

But enough about me, you guys.

Where are you guys at.

Like what is going on?

Well, calvin pulled me for a
chat today.

Oh really.


So I think it was like based
off of the comments yesterday.

The said something like
romantic vibe or something.

But it was pretty well, like
we were able to connect on

Things like on a deeper level
than carrington and I do.

Which is kind of strange to me.

We have a lot in common.

My head is kind of scrambled

I think if you do have mixed
emotions about it, that is a

Sign that you should take the
time to get to know calvin

Because you never know what
could come from it.

I would highly doubt... I if
calvin was seeing her I would

Literally turn my flag on.

> I think sthe is interested in

I didn't, I couldn't see that.

Anybody here eyeing calvin.

He swooped her off her feet,
she never really got her chance,

Her love island opportunity.


Our relationship right now is
very... Surface level.

But we are super new, so that
makes it hard to get super deep

With him and things like that.

I don't want to make him feel
pressure that he has to open up

To me, I think you shared a
similar experience, that you

Told me he is hard to get to

He is very reserved, I was
not lying, very reserved.

I would like to thank the
love island gods for this girl

Time cuz we needed it.

You are stronger now, thanks
to tears.

Cheers to girl's time.

No boys allowed.

Cameraman tom, be a lamb and
take us back to the cromwell

With the drone sh*ts.

Flawless, dog.

We're back!

Was' up, what's up?

Can we just talk about the
male strippers that that we saw?

The booty in our faces.

How was it, what did y'all do.

We went to the neon museum.

It was so dope.

Did you miss us at all.

We missed you the whole time,
we kept talking about you.

Girl's day was so very, very,
very, very much needed.

It was just nice to get away,
have girl chat.

I did miss caleb just a little
bit of time away was nice.

Glad you had fun.

Howe are you.


I haven't really like thought
about what I wanted to say, like

It really is hard for me to be
vulnerable an to really voice

How I feel and you need to know
that like when I'm speaking to

You, the eye rolls, the smirks,
all that stuff, that can't


You know how hard it is for me
to like even tell you how I'm


And the fact that you didn't let
me have that, that is where I

Was like, what the hell.

I forget that you are 22 because
are you so mature but like I

Need to you do better.

Yeah, and a hundred percent,
I hear you.

And it's like then it is a
question is do I want to put

Myself through that.

I don't want you feeling like

You know, I want into today
knowing I have to change, I have

To be more of a listener.

I can't be so defensive.

We have a lot going for us.

She is so important to me.

She brings a lot to the table.

I don't want to jeopardize our
relationship ever again.

I am still upset.

That doesn't just go away.

And I'm not going to tell you
that things are okay if they're

Not okay, because I'm not okay,
you need to do better and work

Hard because I have been put
through too much.

I understand.

Cesars villa, as mother said,
primping ain't easy but america

Is watching and so is the
islander u love.

Do you guys think I'm next to


Moira negative thoughts stay
on the inside.

You're going to make out with

Get your lipstick ready.

I got to makeout with someone

I throw my hands up in the air.

♪ I throw my hands up in the


Cheers to another night in
the villa with you guys, it is

Lot of fun so far and I hope the
fun keeps on going with all of



A sweet gave laurel some
doubts about carrington but now

He's stepping in to give her
even more.

What is laurel's favorite color.

What is laurel's color of her

They are brunette.

Dark, darker eyes.

Reveal laurel, reveal your
eye color.

They're green.


They're green.

Er in's like my, like hazel.

No, they're not, they're green.

How old is laurel.

She is my age, 23.

No, I'm not.

Yes, you are, oh wait, 22.

Are you 22.

How many siblings and what

You have suks and you got.



No, I don't.

They're all girls besides
one, one is a boy.

I have three sisters and two

Barely off.

How many do I have?

You have a sister and a
brother and your dad's name is

Jose and your mom's name is

And your favorite color is
spoarts, you have 23 years old,

You have brown eyes.

I'm so invested in carrington
but at the sawm time I feel like

I've been through so many rups
in the past that have affected

Me and I can recognize these
signs from past relationships

That I am seeing in him right
now that almost make me a little

Bit nervous for our future.

How are you and carrington?

Did y'all have a good day?

We had a good day but I still
haven't tacked to him about

Trying to make it clear that I
am going to get to know calvin.

Are you going to get to know
calvin on a deeper level.

I don't know what to do.

I don't know.

No, cuz after like talking to
all the girls, I don't want to

Sell myself short.

We can talk about a lot of
deeper things that carrington

And I don't really connect on.

But if I am going to continue to
talk to him and still pursue

Things with carrington, should I
say something to carrington.

You know how he is, he is just
going to flip out.

I feel like if you lay
everything on the table, there

Is no way you can come back and
be like well here's this.

And did you this.


You don't have that much time

I came here for a reason.

I want to leave here with
somebody and if carrington is

Not feeling the same way, then
what's the point.

What is the point?

Like wounded seals, johnny
and cely are on the rocks.

Cely... Sorry, cely checks in
with single boy benny and

Despite the white linen pants,
johnny is still threatened by


How are you feeling?

I'm good.

How are you?

I'm good, you know.

I really wanted to talk to you
though, I wanted to see how you

Are doing.

It is pretty crazy, I feel like.

It's been like an emotional few
days for me.

For sure.

But honestly I just want to
say I'm sorry because I feel

Like mine and johnny's drama has
been the fokal point of the


And it's just not fun for me to
know that like everybody in here

Had to suffer from that.

You know what I mean, so I want
to apologize for that.

Don't apologize for it you
didn't do anything wrong.


You know, so there is nothing
to apologize for.

I mean whatever is happening is
not because of you.


I feel that.

How are you?

I mean I thought I was good.

Johnny, nothing bad's going
to happen.

This has been stressful.

Beyond compare to be real.

Any time I see my girl talking
to another guy, of course my

First reaction is to get some
what protective.

I can't imagine anything
being more ever a test than this


It's just luke really, really

Like being put in a position
like where I was at and then

With you walking in, obviously
we had an amazing first date.

For sure.

Literally I enjoyed every
second of that.

No, for sure, likewise.

It was so, so good.

And being aware of all that you
are as a man.


It just gives me clarity.


You know what I mean.

Every time I talk to benee there
is a part of me that is thinking

About is me continuing with
johnny is the right decision and

Think being benny in other ways.

Because he has done nothing
but just be outstanding.

I appreciate realness.

I told you on the first date I'm
a genuine dude, a real dude.

I know you are.

At the end of the day, be
real to me, be transparent and

We're good.

Like I said.

I mean here for you.

I support you a thousand persz.

And that's the energy that I
got from you right away.


And that is what attracted me
to you so much, do you know what

I mean.

Yeah, for sure.

Give me a hug.

You already know.

I'm taking a moment.

♪ I'm just a little confused.




I mean well I know how I feel
about him.

I just, I know that we need to
have a conversation tomorrow.


A hard conversation.


Are you interested in talking
at all or did you want to pursue


I want to get to know him but
not pursue him like in that way.

But you do want to get to
know him.

Don't get mad at me, I'm just

I was really caught off guard
with the conversation.

I wasn't really ready to have
that, I wanted to sleep on it

And have time to think.

Oh no more I love you.

♪ It's too easy.

Blame it on the world.

♪ Tell me before it's too late.

♪ No more I love you.

Welcome back to love island.

New boy noah left the villa last
night but it's a new day which

Means new drama.

And old drama.

Basically there's lots of drama


Good morning, islanders.

Let's get it people, wakey
wakey eggs and bacy.

Good morning, buddy.

Moira vin diesel or johnny.

Vin diesel.

Not knowing johnny is the
first recoupling.

If I didn't know you guys
were and I knew who vin diesel


If vin diesel was a normal
person and you saw him on the

Street next to me, who are you

Vun diesel.

This chat really puts the pas
thetic in hypothetical.

I think it needs a little send.

I got a text!

Who got a text, you got a text,
who, who got a text, you you got

A text.

Shout out, vin diesel.

Shout out vin diesel.

Islanders, tonight there will
be a recoupling.

The ilgos have the power and the
boys not picked will be dumped

From the villa, hashtag work for
t hashtag dueces.

Playing games.

I would just like to talk and
see what is going on.


Iemg's sure there is a lot
going on.


You know I had a chat and I feel
like, you know, our chat and our

Conversation, like allowed me to
realize that I am able to have

Deeper conversations with people
and maybe that their

Relationship with carrington and
i, what we have lacks in that


That I know that conversation
opened the door for me to think

About things.

I think you are a great girl.

I think that we had some good

I do look forward to having more
conversations with you.


And he did tell me like
because last night he was

Getting frustrated.

So he was kind of like talking
at me and not really allowing me

To say my peace.

And we got in a little argument
about it and I am to get up

Because I was getting emotional.

So I left.

That is kind of where we are at
right know.

I hear you.

So I do feel like you are a
great guy and you are so easy to

Talk to, and that is what makes
if so hard, because you have a

Lot of deptd to you as a person.

And that is what I am looking

I am a strong believer that the
grass grows where you water it.

So that is... I think that is why
it screwed with my mind.

Good deal.

I was kind of nervous reading
it, to be honest.

I think that we have had
great chats and things have

Progressed a little bit.

But I mean going into this it is
just, yeah, I mean I usually

Take the day.

I am so frustrated because I
came to love island for a

Genuine connection with someone
but I realized that it is hard

For me to go deep with someone
and open up.

And tonight at the recoupling I
am going to pick the best fit

For me to push myself and make
myself open up.

Depending on what you decide
to do tonight, I want you to

Feel comfortable, like a new
decision moving forward.

Yeah, of course.

I just want to make sure you
ask me whatever you want to ask

Me for tonight.

I don't think I really have
any questions that would sway a

Decision or anything.

I think it is just us having
more conversations.

For sure.

With the recoupling imminent,
connor is a drift in the gulf of


So he swings to moira, the
potential life preserver he

Friend zoned.



What is going on, connor?

Nothing much.

Figuring out about today,
leading into tonight.

Did you want to talk about that?

Yeah, I'm down, I'm down to
stay here.


I think at least after tonight
there will be one couple that is

Based off of a friendship.

I just wanted to see what you
are thinking right now.

I'm kind of really up in the
air at the moment.

And all of you guys deserve to
be here.

And I really do love all of you
guys within thank you for being

Honest and transparent because
we have always been that way

With each other.

And I do understand how, you
know, difficult this decision

May be.

Now calvin makes his pitch
for the safe harbor of the one

He friend gloined, also moira.

Now are you doing?

I am a decision to make tonight.

You do.

I honestly have no idea but
like where is your head at?

Basically I'm just looking
for the right person, the right

Opportunity to really continue
to build that connection with.

But I do feel like obviously the
longest connection connection I

Have had here is you.

I'm still riding the positive
train but I'm in a very good

Space mentally and emotionally.

And I am ready to find someone
and continue to connect.

It sowjs like... Sounds like
if you had more time you would

Definitely be utilizing it and
you wouldn't be shutting people


100 Percent.

Oh man, they are such great

So it's not going to be easy.

Well, that gave me a lot to
think about.

It's recoupling night at the
villa and the ladies have to

Pick the islander of their

Who will stay and who will go.

I'm done with the dringing
I'm done with the smoking, I'm

Done with the play, I'm done
with the joking, I'm done with

The ladiesk I'm done with the

♪ Just saying.

I'm so nervous thousand.

Tonight's decision is going
it to be one of my hardest


I have amazing guys in front
of me who deserve th world,

Without deserve to find love

I want to just do my best at
picking the person I think

Deserves it the most.

I'm really not that great
under pressure.

I'm scared about this.

I'm feeling like whatever
happens, I'm okay with.

It's been a crazy couple of

The first day was definitely a
nutty day.

Yeah, hope snree the cards
fall in our favor, you know?

I have put all of myself out

I'm not ready to go home.

I don't know.

It's going to be a weird night.

You will see how it goes.

Are you feeling love?

I'm feeling very overwhelmed.



I'm right there with you.

This is my last hura.


How do you feel.

I feel like we've had a very
eventsful past 24 hours.

In a good way n a bad way.

In a good way and bad way.

So I mean pick who you want
tonight but I definitely think

That we are solid as can bement
we have had great days.

We had one bad day, one bad

And honestly it was luke an hour
and then I fell asleep.

Oh my gosh.

You don't even care.

I care.

Tonight was supposed to be
like an easy decision for me.

But I just feel like the past 24
hours have made it super hard.

Carrington and I have been
having our issues and you know,

I have also been having
conversations with calvin.

So I don't know.

I guess my head is kind of all
over the place.

Do what your heart says.

Take the better option and all
will be well.

Everything will work out for

Well, just say... We'll just
see then.


Right now with tonight
emotions are high, the ball is

In her court as far as whether
she wants to choose me or not.

She's got to make a decision.

Knowing how amazing benny is,
knowing what I went through with


I wish I knew what is the right
thing to do is.

I just don't.

And it sucks.

Ain't no mountain high.

♪ Ain't no valley low.

♪ Any no river wide enough baby.

♪ If you need me call me.

♪ No matter where you are.

♪ No matter how far.

♪ I would like to couple up with
this boy because he's not only

Been the reason for all the
highs and all my best moments in

Here but he's also been the
reason why I can actually look

Back on the lows and actually
appreciate thenl because they

Have made having him now even
more worth it.

And I think that at this moment
in time I can genuinely say that

I have 100% found the john
legend to my chrissy teigen.

So with that being said, the boy
I want to couple up with is

So with that being said, the boy
I want to couple up with is


♪ There aipt no mountain high

♪ Ain't no river low enough.

♪ Ain't no river wide enough.

♪ To keep me from choosing you.


I would like to couple up
with this boy because...

♪ Cuz baby there ain't no
mountain high enough.

♪ Ain't no river wide enough.


Tomorrow night, the thrilling

This is the hardest decision
I've had to make here in the


And it is two islanders out,
two new girls in.
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