02x04 - Episode 4

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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02x04 - Episode 4

Post by bunniefuu »

I need you here in my life [/i]

[narrator] Previously on[/i] Love Island…

Romance in the villa blossomed…

I'm growing to be so fond of him.

…as couples made their move.

It's just, like,
all around eleven out of ten.

It's just-- it's so good.

You know. [laughs]

I've been cheesing all day.

Oh, getting down to it.

-But one boy…
-There it is.[/i]

He knows what he's doing.

…was stuck in the middle.

[Tre] Justine or Kaitlynn?

This is tough.
You know, it's really tough.

Tonight, new Islanders…

You are so cute.

-Lay it on me.
-…cause a stir.[/i]

-I'm about to step on some toes.

And as the first recoupling looms…

Somebody's gonna go home tonight.

…the pressure builds.

My gut's telling me I'm getting chosen.

But then again,
you absolutely have no idea.

I gotta pick whoever
I feel like is best for me.

The girl I want to couple up with is…

This is too much. [sighs]

[theme music playing]

[narrator] It's another scorcher in Vegas.[/i]

But our hotties
aren't feeling too hot at all

because we sent a digital raven
with a parchment

declaring there will be
a recoupling under tonight's moon.

The girl left single will be sent home
with all 73 of her bikinis.

Boo to the hoo.

If I'm trying to predict
the future tonight,

the reasons you give
for why you're picking the girl

will be because
of the talks you had today.

-You know?

I'm kinda nervous for those.

Jeremiah is currently
coupled up with Justine.

But he's moved on with Rachel.

Tre had been showing interest in Justine

until Kaitlynn flaunted
her 24-carat sapphires his way

in a game of Truth
or "Let's Play Tonsil Hockey."

Get it together.

Now, Justine is worried, so sits down
to figure out where she stands.

Tre? When they were reading the texts,
like, he made no eye contact.

I feel, like, the fact
that he's potentially,

he's going to potentially hurt someone,

I think is, like, weighing heavy on him.

-'Cause like he is a really good guy.

And he, I think that is
what's messing with his head.

And if I'm being completely honest,

I feel like he was leaning towards you.

And I think he still is.

But I think he wants to give
Kaitlynn a fair chance

because she has…

I feel bad that she just hasn't had…

-The easiest time.
-…the easiest time in here.

[sighs] I'm stressing out after that text.

As soon as he read it,
my heart just started…


…going so fast.

I'm, like, so nervous.

'Cause, obviously, Kaitlynn and I
are the only, like, not coupled up,

single people in here at the moment.

And I think it's all
in Tre's hands at this point.

But, like, my heart is going so fast.

Because, like, I know I have
a connection with Tre at this point.

But he has like a really strong
physical attraction to Kaitlynn.

And I know they've, like,
shared a kiss and everything.

So, you just never know in here.


I would definitely still do
what you're normally doing.

Maybe be extra aggressive today

as far as, like, making the time to chat.

Um, but I wouldn't feel like it's
anything that you did at all.

Okay, yeah. All right.

-You should feel good about it.
-Thanks, Mom.

-Of course. Oh, I'm here for you.
-Love you.

[narrator] Tre deals with the weight[/i]
of choosing between two girls,[/i]

by dealing with the weight of two girls.

You think you'll be able to lift this
with a girl on each side?

[Johnny] Hell no. I mean, not me.

I think I could, honestly.

With a girl on each side, I think I could.

So, wait, say that's a girl,
130 pounds on each side.

-It would be hard to balance.

I mean, it'll just be hard for them
to balance. You wanna try it?

[Tre] Hey, come here.
Help us with something.

-Come here.
-What's up? Hold on.

-They got some of their weights.

-Me and Johnny need y'all for our set.
-[Cely] Are we sitting on them?

Yeah. Just trust me.

-Wait, I don't know.
-He'll do it.

This ass is fat, boy. [laughs]

-How am I gonna…
-You'll see.

Well, we have to get on at the same time.

-I'm holding it down.

-Oh, you're just gonna pick me up? Okay.

The battery pack.

[Tre] Make sure you hold 'em in place.

-Ready? Three, two, one.
-Oh, my God, oh, my God.


-Oh, my God.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

-What you got?
-No way. Oh, my God.

Yes, sir! Yes, sir!

[Tre] One side was heavier than
the other one, though.

-Is that me?
-You got one more? Go!

-One side was heavier than the other one.
-Yeah, I know.

[narrator] If you think carrying[/i]
the weight of two women is impressive,[/i]

you've never been to my Sunday book club.

If you're not gonna read
Introduction To Sanding,[/i]

why even come, Lorraine, Ginelle,
Lorie, Tracy and Dana?

Was it a fun ride? Put the quarter in.

-I was scared.
-[James] Here's the quarter.

It's okay, though.
If something were to happen,

it would be like death by hot girls.

So, it's not like
the worst thing in the world.

-Hell no, it's not.
-We'll remember it.

[narrator] Like a super-rich friend[/i]
who doesn't understand[/i]

why you can't go
to spring break in the Bahamas,

Cely can't fathom the toll
of the recoupling

because everything
is so perfect with Johnny.

Like, what is different about Johnny?

It's like before,
I feel like, in my relationships,

it was just so much conflict
because I was doing

more of the opposites attract thing,
you know?

-Now Johnny can kind of meet you.
-Johnny… yes!

And I've never had that
to where we could both be, like,

complete goofballs and just…
you know what I mean?

Just be silly and crazy together.
Like, I've never had that.

Usually, it's me, just, like,
high energy, ready to go.

And my man sitting back,
letting me do my thing.

Like, what's she doing now?

Yeah, literally.
And that's what I've liked.

But it always brings conflict.
Because they're just like,

"Whoa, okay, you need to chill." Like…

-Bring it down a notch.

Meanwhile, Johnny's
running ahead, like, "Catch up!"

Yeah, and I'm, like, "Oh, my God!"

-Trying to match your energy.
-Yeah, I've literally met my match.

And it's been like
the greatest thing ever.

-That's cool for you.
-You're so cute.

[narrator] Cute! And it gets cuter.[/i]

Johnny is now putting his feelings
into an R&B song.

R&B, meaning either Rhythm and Blues
or Really and Bad.

Hmm. This is dope.

I wanna sing it one more time.

[clears throat] One, two, three, go.

[both] ♪ Love Island, baby[/i]
Won't you meet me by the pool [/i]

Love Island, never thought[/i]
I'd be here finding you [/i]

I'm trying to get wet[/i]
Talking about swimming [/i]

When you with me[/i]
There's no better feeling, no [/i]

I'm here when you need[/i]
Whenever you need [/i]

I'll hold you tight [/i]

When you kiss me[/i]
It just feels so right [/i]

When you kiss me[/i]
It just feels so right [/i]

[whoops and laughs]

[narrator] And after that song,[/i]

Love Island would like to sincerely[/i]
apologize to any dogs watching.[/i]

But that's like, what, ten seconds?

[laughs] It's okay, it's okay.

'Cause it's a short song. Okay.

-It's short and sweet.
-Little jingle, yeah?

-I just wanna sing it one more time.
-[clears throat]

Now, James connects with connectee Moira
over their connection

while playing splish-splash.

Do you feel good? I feel real good.

But I know it's still early whatever, but…
I mean, I do care for you a lot.

Right now I'm, like, here for you.

-You know?

Yeah, I know, same.

If you can get to know someone
mentally and emotionally,

it feels a lot better.

And you feel a lot more comfortable
by being with them.

And I do think James
is moving a little too fast.

I would like to slow things down
with him for sure.

Didn't you say you didn't
move slow in real life?

Like the whole being intimate part
makes you anxious?

So, sex is, like, a big part for you?

I mean, not really, but if I really
like someone I show that side of me.

I feel like if it was in the real world,
we would have been intimate.

Yeah, I think it's just
still too soon for me.

But you still wanna get there, right?

I don't know.

I am pretty fast.
I can go, you know, pedal to the metal.

But if she wants to hang out a little bit,
I can-- I'll pump my brakes.

We're still learning about each other

and I don't wanna scare her away.

I also don't wanna feel pressured.

That's-- Like that gives me anxiety.

And you, you feeling…

Yeah, if you're feeling pressured,
you wouldn't be having a good time.

-I want you to feel comfortable.

Well, that makes me feel really good
and I'm glad you know now.

Like how I feel.

'Cause, like,
I just wanted to be real with you.

-Yeah, I know.
-You know?

So hot.

Oh, good, how'd that go?

[Mackenzie] Mm-hmm.


I still feel like it's
so early, though. Like…

So early.

Yeah, like, he couldn't, you know, wait?

Ugh. That's unfortunate.

So, what do you think, then?
Like, what do you think right now?


Like, does it ever bother you
that sometimes you feel like,

when you have these conversations,
you're not getting much resolution?

Like, you know?

[sighs] It's…

He also needs to hear you as well.
And where you stand.

-It can't just be, like, it's on you now.

Oh, yeah, and don't even
feel that, for sure.

You should never feel that way at all.

Moira and James are definitely
on different pages.

I think that James is already
at the end of the book.

Um, and Moira is just
in the opening chapters.

-[Jeremiah] We got a big night tonight.
-[Rachel] I know.

Do you know what you're gonna do?

I know what I'm gonna do.
Of course, I know what I'm gonna do, yeah.

Just coming in, looking pretty.

So, technically, I am still single.

I have an idea of how things are gonna go.

But you never really know
going into a recoupling ceremony.




[Rachel] Exactly.

[Jeremiah] So, my gut's telling me
he may go with Kaitlynn.

Mm. That's a tough one, you know.
Ooh, that's tough.

[narrator reading]

The recoupling we've been promoting
since episode one!

It's gonna get real tonight.
Like, somebody gonna go home tonight.

[narrator] Welcome back to [/i]Love Island.

Still not an island,

but the across the street
from Caesars Palace edition.

Oh, I just sprayed that in my hair.

The recoupling is around the corner,

and, like a toddler playdate
that leads to a broken vase,

someone is being sent home.

Where's this boy at?

Go get your man, girl.

-There you are.

[exhales] How are you?

-Good. Stressed.
-Yeah, uh…

So, like, how would you feel
if we're coupled up?

I would feel so ecstatic.

I'd be devastated if, like,

the moment I started to have
a connection with somebody,

if I went home, you know?

And we didn't, like,
start on the best terms.

But then I think when we had
our first conversation,

I don't know about you,
but you shocked me.

I was, like,
"Okay he's really down to earth."

I feel like our genuine
connection is just there.

You know what I mean?

Whatever direction it goes, whatever,

whether it's you or Kaitlynn,
it would be a decision

that I feel like
will be better for the long run.

-You know what I'm saying?
-Yeah, mm-hmm.

So, I obviously will wanna be
with somebody who

there will be a potential that
we could go really, really far.

Of course, yeah.
Like, I feel the same way.

You know? 'Cause I'm like,

I would definitely be excited
to couple up with you.

But then you never know what happens
and you're moving forward.

And I'm hoping
that I can trust you too, you know?

I'll say if I do go with you,
then you wouldn't have to worry,

like, about,
things getting weird too fast.

Yeah? Do you mean that?

-Yes. Yeah. Yeah.

That's how they say it in New York.
That us.

-That us.
-That us.

That us, huh? Yeah.

-Thank you for the talk.

Any time.

I don't wanna sh**t myself
in the foot or speak too soon.

But I feel like Tre's head
is where my head's at.

I think we're kind of on the same page.

But I still don't wanna say it's 100%

because you really don't know.

But I'm hoping that
he's smart enough to realize that

our connection's a little bit stronger

than his attraction to Kaitlynn.

[laughs] I don't know.

So, how would you feel
if I was to couple up with you?

Would you be cool with that?

Yes. Of course. What do you mean?

I mean, I have really,
really good conversations with you.

-And it's obviously, like…

…I could look at you all day.

-I mean look at you. You know it.
-Thank you.

And look at those smiles.
And those eyelashes.

[laughs] "Eyelashes."

You have the prettiest eyelashes
in the world.

I think if me and you were to couple up,

I would want to at least try
and get to that point with you.


If we couple up together,
I'm not gonna not get to know Tre.

Like I said, I also feel like,
you know, I can't be like,

"Oh, this is what this will lead to."

Or, "Oh, this is what
this will not lead to."

Like, we can't think that far. Yet.

But my biggest thing is okay, like,

"Yeah, me and Kaitlynn are coupled up.

And we're sharing a bed tonight."

And then the next night, who knows?

Like, two guys come in and then,
"Oh, there goes Kaitlynn." Out.

I'd be like, "Damn, I just really left
myself really vulnerable for this girl."

This is the thing, let me stop you there
and be very honest with you.

Do I know what's going to happen
in the future? No, I don't.

If other people come in here,
are we going to get to know them? Yes.

I assume that if you and Justine
are coupled up together,

will each of you get to know other people?

Yes. So, it's kind of
the same situation with that.

You know, maybe we will end up,

'cause you are interested in me
and I love that.

But I can always promise you
that I will be loyal to you.

-That's all I could ask for.

All right, thank you.

Give me a hug.

I really want Tre to pick me
because I absolutely adore him.

I think he's a great person

and I would love to continue
getting to know him.

We would have tons of fun together.

We would have so much fun
with challenges. Like…

[sighs] Yeah.

So, I just really hope I'm picked.


Did you know that on the pavement in Vegas
you can crack an egg and it will cook?

-Are you serious?

I didn't know that.

I've never tried it,
but that's what I've heard.

-I might have to try it, then.

[narrator] Uh, feels like[/i]
a salmonella risk, Chef Kaitlynn.[/i]

Well, that just made things
ten times harder.

I've been waiting to talk to you, dawg.

I had to talk to the voice in my head,

trying to tell myself, you know,
who I thought you'd pick.

-Who you think?
-It's hard, bro.

Like, I know you're cool with both of 'em

so, you gotta make a decision
based off of if someone comes in

that shows that girl that you pick
a little bit of attention,

if they're gonna jump ship
'cause they're getting attention.

-Who you think would do that first?

I think so, for sure.
That's more of a trustful thing.

It's like, all right,
if I got Justine behind me and I fall,

I feel like Justine
will honestly catch me.

Even if somebody did come in,
like it would still be a fair chance.

And she's really cool.

But I feel like Kaitlynn has been,
like, the outsider, so, maybe,

if me and Kaitlynn
do get a chance to talk more,

and we spend more time
in the bed together.

And then maybe I've been not…

Yeah, not really giving her a chance
to open up.

What I don't want to happen,

you got Justine and Jeremiah in bed.
They sharing a bed.

But that's all they're doing,
just sharing a bed.

So, you wanna share a bed
with someone you can cuddle with?


Well, bro, so what you think,
as far as more time with her?

Kaitlynn, you're gonna get in bed
and you'll be "I wanna touch you."

You know what I'm saying?
"I wanna kiss you some more."

But more than that, I don't see it.

-Do you?
-I don't know.

I don't know, bro.

It ain't no guarantee with each one.

Yeah, exactly.

It puts me in a tough place because
I'm dealing with two amazing girls.

I'm not gonna lie, me and Kaitlynn's
conversation was good.

And it just makes things
really, really hard.

Got some things to do.

Looking good, babe.

-Tonight's the night for both of us.
-Oh, yeah.

I'm getting nervous.

Why are you nervous?
Just for what James is gonna say?

Yeah, I'm getting like, yeah.

-Like, butterflies?
-Yeah, yes.

[Justine] My head is all over the place.

Like, I definitely have bubble guts
tonight because I'm so nervous.

This is too much.

I wanna feel confident
in what Tre is gonna decide tonight.

But I really don't know.


I just don't want to get too nervous.

Well my gut's telling me
to just stay calm.

I feel as though I'm getting chosen,

but then again,
you absolutely have no idea.

She's guiding your way in too late [/i]

Like you're hard into fashion [/i]

Baby, you're made for the spotlight [/i]

[Jeremiah] It's gonna get real.
Somebody gonna go home tonight.

One of us is gonna break up, break up [/i]

One of us is gonna break up, break up [/i]

Pretty sure it isn't you [/i]

I don't want to lose your magic [/i]

[narrator] Tonight,[/i]
it's the very first recoupling.[/i]

Each boy will choose the girl
they want to couple up with.

Well, it's up to me[/i]
I've been in too deep [/i]

[narrator] But the one girl left single[/i]
will leave the villa tonight.[/i]

I don't wanna wait forever [/i]

I throw my hands up[/i]
But I won't surrender [/i]

The first boy to make his pick is Connor,

who's currently coupled up with Mackenzie.

I want to couple up with this girl
because she is completely selfless,

she puts everybody else's needs
and wants before her own

and she makes me feel
comfortable enough to know

that I don't have to be anyone else
but myself when I'm with her.

She makes me feel warm inside
and that everything is easy

and I don't have to overthink everything

that's going on with her.

I know there's no other teddy bear
I want to tuck into bed each night

other than this girl.

[softly] Oh, God… My God.

So, the girl I want to couple up with is…


I know who I am and who I used to be [/i]

I want everything[/i]
I want everything that's coming to me [/i]

I feel alive like I'm supposed to be[/i]
It was meant to be [/i]

It's all coming to me [/i]

I would like to couple up
with this girl because…

over the past couple of days,

she's made me realize
how much alike we really are.

She makes me wanna be a better man,
not only for myself, but for her.

This girl is beautiful.

Every time she smiles, I smile.
Every time she laughs, I laugh.

And every time I'm not around her,
I run around the villa,

just trying to find her
so we can have another conversation.

So, the girl I would like
to couple up with is…


It's all coming to me[/i]
It's all coming to me [/i]

It's all coming to me [/i]

It's all coming to me [/i]

It's all coming to me[/i]
It's all coming to me [/i]

It's all coming to me [/i]

[clears throat]

I would like to couple up with this girl

because she is gorgeous,
confident and motivated

in every aspect of her life.

She's kind of opened up
a lot of soft spots,

which I didn't think I had.

She is just the full package.

I mean, she's beautiful,
she's smart, she's funny,

and there's really no other girl
I'd honestly wanna talk to.

So, I'm just excited to pick her
and see what the future holds for us

'cause it's definitely something good.

So, the girl I wanna couple up with is…


You’re the fever that bleeds into me [/i]

Should have known better[/i]
but I'm lost in the fantasy [/i]

Holy hell, that was nerve-racking.

My sweet addiction[/i]
That you got me through [/i]

Nothing feels like the weight[/i]
It should do [/i]

Screwed up and dazzling[/i]
All at the same time [/i]

I wanna couple up with this girl because…

from the first moment I met her,

I felt like we had an instant connection.

She's so easy to talk to
and we have so much in common.

She's beautiful, brilliant,
and she's funny.

I find myself wanting to be
around her all the time.

And every moment with her
is a moment well spent.

And I can't wait to see
where this journey takes us.

So, the girl I would like
to couple up with is…

Rachel. Come here, girl.

[cheering and clapping]

That was really good, yeah.

You're the fever that bleeds into me [/i]

Should have known better[/i]
But I'm lost in the fantasy [/i]

I wanna couple up with this girl
because she's so pretty, so fun,

so loving, so caring already.

The first time I saw her,
I just couldn't get enough of her.

I wanna keep talking to her

and just getting to know
more and more of you.

And I hope you can get to be open with me

and then we'll take our time.

But I'm excited to see where this can go.

The girl I wanna couple up with is…



I wanna lie back[/i]
On your silver speed twin[/i]

Eight miles high in a vintage dream[/i] ♪

You're the fever that bleeds into me [/i]

Should have known better[/i]
But I'm lost in the fantasy [/i]

[Justine] I'm gonna be sick.

[Tre] You both look amazing.

-Thank you.

I want to couple up
with this girl because…

she's beautiful.

And I know that we didn't have
as many conversations, but…

I don't open up to people often.

I feel like if I open up,

I leave myself vulnerable and…

the conversations
that we did have each time,

I left with something.


the girl I want to couple up with is…

I wanna lie back[/i]
On a silver sweet dream[/i]

Eight miles high[/i]
And I'm lost in the fantasy [/i]

Standing still above the ground [/i]

[narrator] Back at our first recoupling,[/i]

Tre must now choose which girl
he wants to couple up with.

Will it be Justine or Kaitlynn?

I want to couple up
with this girl because…

she's beautiful.

And I know that we didn't have
as many conversations, but…

I don't open up to people often.

I feel like if I open up,

I leave myself vulnerable.

The conversations
that we did have each time,

I left with something.

[suspenseful music playing]


the girl I want to couple up with is…


Summer warm in a winter storm [/i]

That's what you make me feel like [/i]

You're so cute.

Heart in my hands[/i]
Like it's the last time [/i]

[mouthing] I love you.

This isn't awkward at all.

[cell phone chimes]

I've got a text.


Oh, don't cry. It's fine.



[Kaitlynn] Don't cry.

[Mackenzie] I will miss her a lot.

I think that she really impacted
all of us girls.

And I wanted her to find someone in here,

and it breaks my heart
that she had to go this soon.

I'm just a blubbering baby, don't mind me.

-I'm sorry, Kaitlynn.
-No, you're fine.

You did what you had to do.

It'll be okay.

Oh, my God.

I was really happy, but at the same time,

like, that's my girl,
I came in here with her.

And I still just was like,
I felt for her so hard.

Because I don't wanna go, go, go… [/i]

-Love you.
-Bye! Love you.


I really learned to be optimistic

and get to know people a little bit more,

because, I don't know,
I could be surprised.

[narrator] Jeez, neon heart,[/i]
you're heartless.[/i]

After a busy night spent destroying
the hopes and dreams of Kaitlynn,

Tre winds down
with a little one-on-one time

with new partner Justine.

-How are you feeling?
-Really good.

[both giggle]

Now I don't have to sneak over there
and be like…

I know. I'm glad.

I'm glad that you--
I'm glad that you'll be in my bed now.


So happy that that's over,

and I'm even happier that
I'm finally coupled up with Tre

because I think
we've both kind of wanted it

for the past couple of days now.

So I'm so happy. And his speech…

I was like, wow, where did this come from?

I feel like me and you
connect better than me and her did.

Mm-hmm. I think so, too.

-Oh, yeah?


-Happy with who you're with right now?
-Yeah, I'm not even thinking about it.


-I'm happy, too.
-Yeah, same.

I'm excited about a lot of things.

I think we're, at this point,
pretty well suited for each other.

And so I can't wait to see
how that grows even more.

Don't have any interest
in getting to know anyone.

[cell phone chimes]

-Who got a text?
-Somebody got a text?


[Kierstan] I got a text!


[narrator] An epic recoupling,[/i]
two new boys,[/i]

and it's Friday?

Oh, I gotta rest.

[cell phone chimes]

-I got a text.
-[Carrington] Bro, I literally said--


[Cely] Oh, my God.

[Kierstan] Oh, I'm speechless.
Two new boys.

That's definitely gonna
shake some things up,

-and just see how the whole villa reacts.
-Oh, yes.

-No, we're going somewhere else.
-[Kierstan] I mean, I'm ready.

-I'm actually shaking.
-Shaking! I know.

I have to put makeup on and see someone?

-Like, I'm actually gonna pass out.
-Oh, my God.

I worked so hard for her to like me.

I can't wait until this dude,
what he says.

How would you feel if she entertained him?

I would just literally change my game
into a whole other realm.

-It would be a slap in the face.
-Would you look at her different?

Yeah, 100%.

Because everything she would say
to me would be a lie.

The initial idea of it kinda irked me
with that nervous feeling you get

before you go on a roller coaster
or something bad's about to happen.

But from day one, since I met her,

I've literally poured everything
I've got into her.

And she's gonna throw all that out
over some dude for a day,

or whatever…
Like, no, I hope that doesn't happen.

-Are you a little bit excited?
-[Moira] I'm freaking out.

I also am like, why did he pick me? But…

-Because you're hot.
-I mean, is that a real question?

[Kierstan] This is unreal.

I feel like the date we had was so good,

that if she had a b*mb-ass date, I don't--

I still have the advantage.

We're still in bed together, we…

-I have plenty of time.
-The first time tonight.

And I think we know
what's gonna happen, so…

I think that's real, too,
'cause y'all just freshly got together.

She's very excited to be with me,

but I think it's kind of also
she's gonna be scared

to talk to me about it.
It's gonna be a little awkward.

[Carrington] I'm not happy.
It's our first night as a couple.

I just know Kierstan's so into me.

She's gonna give him a bit of time,
but probably shoo him off soon.

-We get to drink.
-Holy crap.

Carrington, get your ass over here.

-[Moira] Don't be nervous.
-[James] Don't be nervous?

-Little nervous.
-[Moira] Mm-mm.

He's gonna be our best friend
in the villa.

Good. He can take Kaitlynn's spot.

We're sleeping together tonight,
so, it's gonna be fun.

We're gonna have fun.

Have fun.

-Oh, I'm nervous! I have…

-What if we're doing something crazy?
-I know.

Or maybe we're just even
sitting down and just having a chat.

But, I mean, it's Vegas.
Anything can happen.

[both shouting] Bring on the boys!

I'm Caleb, I'm 24 years old,
originally from Oklahoma City.

With all confidence, I really feel
like I am the full package.

I'm fun, I'm playful,
I have this geeky side.

But I look good, too. [laughs]

I've been looking for a place to hide [/i]

Got the devil running by my side [/i]

I'm Calvin, I'm 25 years old,
I'm from Houston, Texas,

and I just left my job
as a bug spray salesman.

We're running inside the maze[/i]
But it's time to play a different game [/i]

So, I'd rate myself
a nine or ten out of ten.

I've got the looks, abs, the smile,

I've got the personality.

If you're coming my way,
you better be hungry,

'cause I'm a full six-course meal, baby.

[narrator] Move over, Paris.[/i]
Vegas is the new romance capital,[/i]

and our Eiffel Tower
is way newer than yours.

New Islanders Caleb and Calvin
are gonna see if they can charm

Moira and Kierstan over white wine
and a cha-- charcuterie board.


-I'm Caleb.
-I'm Kierstan.

-But you already knew that.
-Yeah, for sure.

Oh, my God, this is crazy.

I did not expect to be
on another date already.

I've seen you on TV.

-You're k*lling it. You're beautiful.

-Are you excited?
-I'm excited to be here.

I'm glad that you picked me.

-I'm more than excited.
-You're definitely…

You're definitely shaking some stuff up.
Quick, let me tell you what's happened.

Tonight was a recoupling.

-So, Carrington…
-We're not…

-Not worried about that.
-Don't you wanna know?


-Oh, my God.
-That's in the past.

We're tonight now. We're moving forward.

-I love the confidence.
-We're looking forwards, not past.

Oh, my God, I need a drink after that.

-I do too, honestly.
-Wow. I love the confidence.

Oh, my God, you got me a little hot.

-Where are you from?
-I'm from Houston, Texas.

-So, Houston, yeah.

I'm living currently in Utah.

So the mid area there. But…

-How old are you?
-I am 25 years old.

-How about yourself?
-I'm 28.

-Have you ever dated older?

I have, actually. I was about to say,

I need to age like you.
Oh, my… Like fine wine.

Oh, my goodness, you're not that old.

-No, I've dated older, and it's…

I'm sorry.

I am very, very, very, very happy
with him.

But this is Love Island,[/i] and you
have to keep your options open.

I'm about to step on some toes.

-For sure.
-Yeah, you are.

Oh, my God they are
losing their minds right now.

-Oh, they're…
-I don't care, honestly.

You are very confident. No, I like it.

I'm gonna be cool,
we're gonna be kicking it.

I'm just saying, you're going to k*ll it.

-We're gonna k*ll it.

I know you got… Yeah, yeah, yeah.

-That's where I'm coming from.

I should be more uncomfortable,
'cause I've known my girl

-way less than you've known yours.

Honestly, man,
I think Moira is way into you.

But I'm still nervous, at the same time,

-because you really don't know.
-I'ma be nice, cozy, friendly

on the outside, because that's who I am.

-But I want my girl, right?

If it comes down to me or him,
the wolf's gonna come out.

100%. That's where I'm at.
And I kind of show it a little more, but…

It should be all right.
Depends on how long they're gone.

I've known mine for less,
and I'm pretty comfortable.

-You should be very comfortable.
-Yeah, I-- I am.

-So, Moira.

What's the situation looking like
with James at the moment?

So, James and I have already discussed

and talked that our heads won't turn

for newer people in the villa.


Gosh, I am not good at this,
'cause you are so cute.

I-- Lay it on me. It's all good.

And, you know, all I wanna do
is be honest with myself.

And I would love
to get to know you better.

Like, I'll just have my eye,
like, slightly on you.

Hey, there's so many girls in the villa,

but I did choose you as my first date.

I really, honestly… Yeah.

If that connection was stronger,
in your opinion…

-…is that something you'd be open to?

Yes, it would be something I'd be open to.

Oh, love triangles.

Hey. Just cut out the middle man.

I mean, I'm just saying I would love
to get to know you further.

-You have a big personality.

And you need a grown man.

-There with you.
-To handle it? Yeah.

I did say that he doesn't
have anything to worry about,

-but I am very invested in that.

I didn't wanna… Honestly, I respect that.

I don't wanna talk about that.

-Oh, my God. Okay, okay.
-We have plenty of time to chat.

-[cell phone chimes]
-I just got a text.

I'm hoping that it says, "You have
another hour to spend on your date."

Oh, all right.

-[cell phone chimes]

I got a text.

What does it say?



-[Kierstan] Damn.
-[continues reading]


Oh, my God.

-Oh, my goodness.


[cell phone chimes]

I got a text.


All right.


-[all shouting]
-Oh, my God, no!

Oh, my God!

-Lord, have mercy.

That was so disrespectful.
That was so disrespectful.

[Rachel] Honestly, tonight was a lot.

I was really excited to just recouple,

chill, call it a night.

And now I'm going on a date.

[cell phone chimes]

I got a text!

No, you didn't.

No, you didn't, you liar.


[all] Oh!

Wait, what? She's going on two dates?

Oh, my God! "No need to wait up!"

She's going on two dates?

Of course, the day that we're matched up.


At this point, bring it on,
I'm just gonna be like, you know what…

Have fun wasting your time,
'cause she's coming back home to me.

-Excuse me.
-Yeah, what's up?

Is there any way I can steal you away?

He just declared w*r, bro.

[narrator reading]

All's fair…

Have fun wasting your time,
'cause she's coming back home to me.

…in love and w*r.

-Calvin is my type.
-Just stay cool.

Is this gonna be your new friend?
You're gonna like both of us?

Are you gonna stop being
all lovey-dovey?

[closing theme music playing]
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