04x06 - Episode 6

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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04x06 - Episode 6

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Love Island USA.

Good morning.

- A new arrival,
-Oh, my God.

- Damn.
- Shook up the villa.

- I'm Deb.
- Tyler. Nice to meet you.

- Tyler. Nice to meet you.
- He's so hot.

He's extremely attractive.

Damn. That guy is sexy.

You're very attractive too.

And one boy...

- He ranks me as his number one.
- Got caught.

You told her
she's your number one.

So now you are saying
you are coupling with her?

- I am.
- All right.

That's all I need to know.

Bye Jesse. I'm over it.


one boy's head turns...

Sydney's in the back of my mind.

Like, I want to
get to know her more.

While another plays the field.

I'm really, really
physically attracted to you.


And the first
recoupling sends one girl home.

And for the first
time this season,

you get to vote
and directly influence

what goes down in the villa.

Val has just busted
Jesse for playing her and Deb.

It's like the old saying:

two birds in the hand is worth
a bullocking in the tree house?

I think that's how it goes.


- Are you good?
- Yeah, I am.

I just feel like
I was being like lied to.

- Oh, really?
- Yeah.

Like, he's literally
just coasting.

- That is what it is.
- Then he's like,

"Val, I'm interest in you."
Da dadadada.

And I'm like okay,
we're coupling right now

what-who would you pick?

He was like,
No, I will pick you.

He already told me that,

- Mmhmm.
- And I'm not asking him,

like, I'm applying pressure.

So, I'm like if we were
coupling tonight, then what?

And now he's on the spot.

Right now he's like,
I guess, I'll pick Deb then.

I'm like, okay, so why
the f*ck did you not say that?

He is like, well, I wanted
to get to know you more.

- Yeah.
- So, it's kind of like, dude,

why are you
f*cking leading me on then?

- Yeah.
- You know what I mean?

And it's like, if he wants to
be with both of us,

then you can have him.
I don't want no part in that.

And if he feels like he has like
got much like, f*cking,

like shit going on
to f*cking have both of us,

it doesn't
f*cking work that way.

- Just be straight up.
- Right.

You know, I like real.
That's what I'm here for.

I'm real as f*ck.
Don't f*cking lie to me.

- Mmhmm.
- I deserve way better than that.

- Yeah.
- To be honest with you.

I feel like he was literally
making me waste my time.

On to bigger and better things.
I'll tell you what.

And Tyler is looking
too damn good.

I'll tell you that for sure.

Well, I mean, I guess I'll just,
like, figure it out, but...

- You go do it.
- I love ya.

- I'm here for you know.
- You're good. You're good.

I did feel bad
for Val because she, like,

felt a little
led on and lied to.

So, it's like nobody
wants to be in that position.

I feel like he maybe
could have handled

the situation
a little bit better.

- Hello.
- Hi.

Hi. How are you?

- I'm good.
- Yeah.

Been a little stressful night.

I swear it has.
It has.

How are you feeling now?
Are you-

I feel like a,
you know, very relieved now.

Well, that's good.

Because I told her
if there was a recoupling.

And I had to choose.
I would choose Deb.

And she just walked off.

- Drama.
- Yeah. Yeah.

I like how you get along with

other people and everybody
f*cking loves you.


Since day one, you know,

I feel like me and you have
grown so much, and, you know,

I feel like every day

I tend to find myself
liking you more and more.

And, you know, I find
myself just falling for you.

And, you know, things kind
of went sideways a little bit.

I was very worried that I was,
you know,

going to,
you know, eventually lose you.

Because, like, I was trying to
show more attention to Valerie,

but, you know,
things didn't work out.

You know?
And I'm glad-

It's good that you had that
time to, like, figure that out.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
At that time I saw that text.

And I still want you
to have your time

to figure everything out
as well, you know?

Yeah, but you're still
at my top, but...

- Ooh!
- Wasn't gonna to tell you that.

- Get you all excited.
- Oh, it's a lot.

Ah shit. Okay.

Hopefully it stays that way.
I like it for it to be that way,

you know, we can-

we really can make this
thing happen, you know?

- You're so pretty.
- Oh, thank you.

Deb's always been my number
one since I walked in the villa.

I couldn't keep
my eyes off of her.

And I just got lost in her eyes.

And just knowing that I have
someone, you know, that I like.

And you know, she likes me, too.
You know, it's dope.

I love where we're headed.

Jesse finally decided kind
of who he wants to go for more.

And he picked me.

This is what I wanted,
and I'm very happy.

Someone just stole my cupcake.

Tyler, have you seen my cupcake?

Sydney, have you see my cupcake?

And where's my
favourite pink mug?


Oh, I just wanted to
hear about you and Tyler.

Yours and Tyler's conversation.

It went really good.

Okay. Explain.

We just chatted
about everything.

He was just like,
he's very attractive to me.

That's so good to hear.

I know you know
how to play it too.

Just be very like

Yeah, that's funny.

So be selfish with him tomorrow

and be like a hog.
Or pig.

I came here to find someone
that will meet my standards,

and that will make
me feel great about myself.

And Tyler is just definitely
checking a lot of the boxes.

He definitely has
me in a happy place,

but I do know
he's a hot commodity.

But you know,
I want to be with hot commodity

because if he... if he's not,

that means I'm doing
something wrong.

You know what the trick is?

Come on strong,
ghost a little bit.

I need you so much.

I need you so much.

Looks like
Val got her sights set on

Thor's stunt double, Tyler.

If I know women and I don't,

I think it's safe
to say Val will never

mentioned Jesse's
name ever again.

- I spoke to Jesse.
- Mmhmm.

He's been telling me the same
things he's been telling Deb.


And that just puts you
in such a shitty situation.

I mean, I already
told him to f*ck off.

- Really?
- Yeah. Because dude,

- I don't wanna be part of that.
- Yeah.

- And nobody should.
- That's what I'm saying.

Number one,
I just want to say I'm sorry

you had to go through that,
like nobody should.

And you are such a awesome
girl from like the little bit

that we've talked and
everything from this morning.

Like you're a catch.
You really are awesome

and like even just getting to
know you right now a little bit,

where your head's at.
I think you seem

like just real genuine, real-

You don't put up with BS.

- I don't.
- Which, I love.

- I don't.
- You know your worth.

You know what you
want out of life.

I mean, your kiss?
Good God.

Tyler, you were definitely on
my top like, for the kisses too.


That is so torturous to watch.

- That hurt so bad.
- I did not enjoy

joining you for that.

What I love after a very good,
long, successful day,

getting in the bed afterwards.

Yeah. I'm going to
do it in bed tonight.

You feel a bit robbed by Jesse?

I'm like tomorrow are you
gonna wake up and want me?

And then the next, is he gonna
wake up and want her?

It makes no sense.

I've recently become
passionate about flossing.

It kind a feel good, right?

You have a really pretty smile.

Thank you.
I really appreciate it.

Dude. Oh, my God.

Sereniti likes him.

To another day of survival.

- Hey, throw me a kiss.
- About what.

- Timmy just do it, bro.
- I can't throw that far.

Good night.

- Good night. Sweet dreams.
- Buenos nochas.

back to Love Island, USA.

Last night, three bears
walked into the Villa

and found Goldilocks
in their bed.

But once daddy bear got
a look at Tyler's biceps,

they left him to it.


Dude, I had a freak out,

I overheated.
And then, Oh, my God.

It's so hot. Poor Felipe,
he has to take care of my ass.

I heard a ton of
smooching last night.

- Oh, we kissed.
- Cute.

I can't wait to be
kissing with someone.

It's hard to keep
on muscle mass in here.

- And yeah, that is true.
- Not for you, shut up.

- You still gain muscle.
- You just ate cereal

with a pound of sugar.

Wake up leaner.

I love your beach butt.

- How is your chat with Tyler?
- I think it was really good.

It was surprising.

how was your chat with him?

We had an amazing chat.

I'm happy for you.

It was more than just,
like, humor.

I think that's why I enjoyed it.

I definitely got my eye right
now on Val and Sereniti, like,

those conversations were just,
like, so enjoyable for all.

And, like, it just felt natural.

I kissed Andy in
the bed last night.

Do you feel like you're,
like, into Andy?

Yeah, I feel like I'm into him.

It's just it takes
me a time just to, like,

let my guard down
and be more vulnerable.

- What about you, Andy?
- I feel like her and I,

it's been a pretty surface
level relationship so far.

With Mady, I don't
know what it is right now,

but maybe I'm just
waiting to see that

next spark there with us.

He was like kissing my,
like, body a little bit.

- I was like, oh.
- Yeah, that's hot.

I also think, like, if I do get
a chance to take someone, like,

out one on one,
I could, like, choose Andy

just because I still
don't know much about him.

That way I could know,
like, okay,

- you know?
- I think you should.

- How you doing with Timmy?
- We are doing well.

Have you guys kissed in bed yet?

- Yeah.
- Aww.

- Yeah.
- That's really good.

- It's a baby chicken nuggy.
- Yeah.

I'm feeling great about Timmy.
Oh, my day.

I'm going to always keep
smiling when I say his name.

f*cking selfie bastard, me.

But it just berries-

- Blueberries.
- Blue berries.

Oh, I had five pints
of blueberries for breakfast.

Now my shorts are
feeling very tight and

I'm having difficulty
sitting down.

Oh, sorry, Isaiah.
You were saying something.

Blueberries make
your balls bigger.

What did you say?

It's my favourite fruit now.

When I look good,
it's blueberries.

Yes, see. If you want big balls,

Looks fate and stuff like...

But if you have like the
personality, like a tree, like

where the heck is that

- going to go? Yeah.
- Oh, my... Oh, my God.

- I got a text.
- Oh, my god.

Tyler today you'll
be going on dates.

Please choose the first girl and
get ready to leave the villa.


Val, would you like to
come on the first date with me?

- I would love to.
- Sounds good.

You're going on a date.
You're going on a date.

You're going on a date.

You're going on a date.

You're going on a date.

I'll start getting ready,
I guess.

- I mean, I'm damn near ready.
- I know, me too.

- Tyler!!
- Hey.

Big date energy, baby.
Oh, come on.

I have this dress.
You know, it's girly,

- but still kind of cute.
- Think summery and beachy.

He picked me as his first girl.

It just felt right.
Val... Val was just like,

you know, no brainer.
You call me Val.

- Yeah, bro.
- Yeah.

- You're talking a lot today.
- Yeah.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

I'm super excited to get to know
the girls some more

and just having a good time.

Ready, pretty lady?

- Oh, my god.
- I'm ready.

- I so excited for you guys.
- Thank you.

- Thank you.
- You look amazing.

Thank you. So do you.



- Bye guys.
- Bye.

We will see you
when you come back.

For the perfect romantic date,

you just can't beat America's
outstanding natural beauty.

Or, as his friends
call him, Tyler.

It's so cute.

Well, thank you for
coming on this date with me.

- I appreciate it.
- Thank you for asking me.

You were the first one
that came up to me when I...

When I answered the villa.

I definitely want
to make sure that, like

you felt,
like, welcomed, you know. Like-

- you had a good time and stuff.
- Yeah, I appreciate it.

When you came in, I was like,
oh, my God, okay, he's hot.

And just like,
if I'm interested in someone,

I kind of just put
all my energy into that.

So, what's kind of, like,
your perfect relationship?

I definitely want, like,
somebody that's spontaneous

and I can just
do random stuff with.

I'm like, big on... I like doing
stuff that, like, nobody does.

Like, it's new, like,

- untainted everything.
- Yeah.

Like, we got this 70's
bar back home that we go.

- That is really cool.
- Oh, it's so fun.

End game is I want
to travel with somebody,

set my life up,
find like who I want to be with.

I don't want to be BS'd around.

My parents, they've
been married for 28 years.

So that's definitely

- a good example that I've seen.
- Okay.

It helped me just kind
of figure out like what I want.

For fitness here.
Come on, champ.

That's one, talk me very nicely.

That's two, you like how we see.
Come on.

Three. Come on.
You got two. You got two.

That's tough right here.

Oh, boom.

Bada bing.

- How many?
- That's ten on your head.

On top of you, boy.

- Shit.
- My God.

- All right, sit.
- Hold up.

I love watching
you guys work out.

I'm making such a mess.

I feel like you were
exactly like what I needed.

I just like having someone that,
like, I can talk to.

My problem's always been, like,

I just can't find someone that's
on that mental aspect with me.

I definitely want to,
like, find someone that, like,

I connect with so much that,
like, I know...

Like, even if,
like, something were to happen,

it's somebody that I can
work with through stuff with,

you know what I mean?
Not just somebody

that's just going to,
like, give up.

That's the biggest thing

is you just got to find
someone that's worth it.

- Yeah. Literally worth it.
- Yeah.

-And then once you do that-
-That's true.

I mean,
just keep on going with it.

Don't forget, all of
this is happening in real time.

You can join in
on the Love Island fun

and even control
the action in the villa

by voting for your
favorite couple.

Decide who you want
to see go on dates and more.

Just download the
Love Island USA app

and watch new episodes
at 9 p.m. Eastern,

6 p.m. Pacific, only on Peacock.

back to Love Island, USA.

Deb was actually
once interviewed

for a job at an owl sanctuary.

It was going well
until they said,

Have you got any
questions for us?

Do you think birds are real?

Sometimes I think they're little
robots from the government.

And that's why they sit
on power lines to recharge.


Hi! How was it?

- Wassup?
- Ow.

- You got juice for us?
- Hello. Hello.

- It was really cute, honestly.
- Was it on the beach?

Yeah, it was right on a beach.

It was like a little picnic.

Honestly, it was very relaxing,
I would say.

Was there any smooching?

- No, we didn't, actually.
- Really?

I was hoping that he would.

If he had went for it,
I would have gone for it.

But he did say my kiss
was damn near perfect.

So, I'm surprised he
didn't want another one.

Yeah, you're like,
you don't want another one?

I did connect with him
on like on a mental level.

I feel like I can really talk
to him about serious matters.


Oh, my God.

I got a text.

Oh, I'm about to pass out.
Give me a second.

time for you to get ready.

- Your toes are gonna get dirty...
- Huh?

Your toes are gonna
get dirty I'll tell you that.

That's okay. I can get
dirty anyway.

I'm so excited.

Oh, Lord,
I don't know what to wear.

You can borrow anything of mine.

I don't have anything.

What do you think of this?

That's cute. And I have

- wedges for that.
- Yeah, I know.

I love my friends.
Thank you so much.

Well, your girl's
going out on a date.

I got exactly what
I was hoping for.

I'm really excited to head out
and get to chit chat with my...

My good old guy,
Tyler, with his fine ass.

Let's see how this goes.

You're going on a date.
And you're gonna make out.

What? You're going on and
date and you're gonna make out.

- What?
- She's going on that date.

And she's gonna make out.

The best case scenario
would be like,

I don't know, we make out.

You're gonna do great.

- Dat ass.
- You look great.

Don't be scared.

Sydney and Andy
having a chat in a cozy nook,

lovingly decorated with
cushions, pillows and the piece?

De resistance,
a couple of staples.

They were my idea.

Everyone's like,
How you feeling about Mady?

I'm like, Oh, gosh.

-So, I'm like she super-
-Is she really that proper?

Like, all the time?

Seems like it. Like,
I'd like to just see more of,

like, a goofy,
fun side of her that she jokes.

I feel like with her,
like, again,

she checks a lot of my boxes,

but like it feels just
a little forced right now.

Like everything?

Not everything, but like
with you, though, it's like,

okay, not like this is easy,
it's fun, it's-

Talking to Sydney, it definitely
feels pretty natural with her,

which is something that
has really drawn me to her.

I am happy with Isiah.
Like I'm not even going to lie.

- Mmhmm.
- Like I do like him.

I do see potential.
I also see potential in you.

Andy and Isiah are
both hot in different ways.

Andy just... I mean, he looks
like Mr. USA like come on.

Fine, fine specimen.

I feel like I do want to kind of
explore Andy a little bit more.

At the same time, I don't wanna
ruin a good thing with Isaiah.

It's not expecting
to feel like this.

Like it's a hard situation here,
you know what I'm saying?

Sereniti is heading for her date

with the boy of
everyone's dreams.

Tyler, studying for a Ph.D.,
looks like Brad Pitt.

He's basically Grad Fitt.

- Hi.
- What's going on?

- How are you?
- Good. How are you?

- Good.
- This is cute.

I'm going to keep my shoes on.

Do we want a cheers something?

- Cheers to the first date.
- The first date.

Oh, that's good.

I'm happy you pulled
me for that chat yesterday.

Because I was not expecting
her to have this personality.

- Yeah.
- Like you just when went

I'm the shit. Just a little bit.

Yeah. Like I saved the best
for last for this date.

- I'm so glad.
- Like, I swear I got to end it-

On a high note.

Yeah. Oh, yes, absolutely.

I usually go up to the guys
that I that I'm interested in

just because the guys
that come up to me

are the ones that
have nothing to lose.

- Yeah.
- Always like the weird one

or the old ones,
and I'm like, damn.

Who knows if I'll find love?

But like, if that happens,
like, what a f*cking story.



Hmm. I don't know...
I don't know what time it is.

- Fellas.
- How you feeling, brother?

- Good.
- So good, man.

I need some advice
from you guys.

- Yeah, man.
- Both of you been

in similar situations
of debating between two girls.

- Yeah.
- See, you know,

so obviously there's Mady,

and we have a really good thing
going right now.

But Sydney, like,
she's in the back of my mind.

Like, I want to get to
know her more

because I feel
like something could be there.

- Like, I don't know for sure.
- Okay.

At what point do
you think it's like,

hey, I put myself out
there more and I kind of

express that and see
if this is something.

Because at some point,
we get too far down the road.

Trust your gut,
man, honestly, because

you can end up losing
every option you have

if you wait too long, you know.

If things were to
progress to Sydney,

it's obviously going
to be stepping on some toes.

But I know that to be able to

look out for myself
in my best interest,

that's just the
name of the game here.

At the end of the day, man,
you got to think about that.

You just can't forget
about yourself.

- Mmhmm.
- Trying to please others.

I'm done.

What are you thinking about?

- Our future?
- Yeah.

Like I think once you
can see yourself like doing

like your everyday
activities and

- stuff with the person.
- Yeah.

That's when you are like,
oh shit, it might be real.

Actually might be kind of cute.

- Yeah, right.
- I was super happy

when I saw you come in.
The girls were like,

We should all just, like,

pounce on Tyler to
make the boys jealous.

And I'm sitting here like, here
like can I just pounce on Tyler.

I was like,
I know I'm physically,

really, really attracted to you.

- Likewise.
- It is kinda scary.

I don't really like...

You know,
I'm like a hopeless romantic.

Like, I definitely think that

I can have what I'm looking for

without having to do
it the traditional route.

I mean, I want to have kids
when I'm married,

but I don't have to
have kids right away.

No. I can wait.

Now I definitely
looking like for...

Like whatever comes
natural and stuff.

Like you get that feeling
and you don't have to force it.

It's hard to put it into words,
but you know, like

- once, you know, like, you know.
- Yeah.

I definitely want to
keep getting to know you more.

Talking to you... it definitely
puts a smile on my face.


Coming up.

Islanders, tonight
there will be a recoupling.

The boys will choose

and the girl not
picked to be in a couple

- will be dumped from the island.
- Yup.

- Oh, shit.
- That just made it oh, so real.

back to Love Island, USA.

Tyler is back from his dates.

But who does our thrift
shop Tarzan like best?

- Sereniti?
- Or Val?

-We're back.

You look so hot.

Thank you.

Check my stylist.

They look sexy.


How was the date, brother.

Amazing. Yes, sir.

The dates were pretty
different from each other.

Man, I came here to hopefully,
you know,

find a connection, find somebody
I can walk out of here with.

I'm definitely not going
to leave here with any regrets

or leaving anything
on the table.

So, definitely have my
work cut out for me today.

- Oh, my God, bother.
- You got be exhausted.

The mouth has never
been so dry in my life.

I'm, like, smiling, my lips
are sticking to my teeth, bro.

It was cool and all.
It went pretty smooth.

I went with Val first.

We connected on like that
mental wave and everything.

Like, kind of what I expected.

It was good conversation.
Like, we were laughing and stuff

and all the Sereniti
was just like-

- Was it that good?
- Yeah.

Oh, wow.


- How was it?
- It was really cute.

We talked about a lot of things,

and I think I was hoping
you weren't choosing Val,

I want it to be the last one.

But he's like I'm just saving
the best for last.

- Oh, yeah.
- How cute.

Tyler ate his cheese hard the
whole time, it was really funny.

It was really cute.

- Do you feel spark?
- Yeah.

It sounds like a very natural.

- It is.
- Yeah.

And like, that was the thing
with Sereniti, bro. It was like,

okay, this is an option.

Now I'm definitely thinking
about her a little bit more.

I'm glad you had
a good ass time.

I appreciate that.
Appreciate that.

Kind of figured out
where you lining up?


It's going to be
a good night too, man.

I hypnotized Mady and Deb,
so whenever they hear a text,

they instantly think
they've been dropped

into an ice cold bath.


I got a text.


Islanders. Tonight,
there will be a recoupling.

The boys will choose
who they want to couple up

with and the girl not
picked to be in a couple

will be dumped from the island.


- Yup.
- Oh, shit.

- Shit.
- Uh oh.

- This is not fun.
- Okay.

God not bless America.

That just made it all so real.

Someone's really going
home tonight, girl.

It got real quick.

Coming up.

This was an extremely
difficult decision.

But the girl I would
like to couple up with is...

Welcome back to Love Island USA.

With the Recoupling looming,

the islanders are getting
ready for a big dumping.

The way I get ready
for a big dumping

is a strong cup of coffee,

newspaper and a scented candle.

Because I am married.

Would this go good
with the black jeans?

Damn bro, you got
a lot of pressure on you.

Low key.

Tyler has to be nervous,
are you joking?

Do you know what?
There are two great guys

out there that both want me, so-

And the whole situation with
Sydney and Andy is not really,

like, too stressful to me,
you know what I'm saying?

I've definitely manned
up on how I feel towards Sydney.

I really don't think there's
shit that can break that.

- Syd?
- Yeah.

- Can we chat?
- I would love to.

You are f*cking looking
good as can be in those pajamas.

-I was like-

Yes. And then you
walked by in this fit.

I'm like,

- What in the world?
- Dude, I know.

I was like, I think
I want to pop off tonight.

Yeah. And you f*cking
popped off and more.

Thank you.
You look really good, too.

When I saw you,
I was like, Damn.

- I know. I appreciate you.
- Sexy beach boy.

Today has been
super hard for me.

- Really?
- I've been back and forth.

- I'm like, I'm happy with Mady.
- Yeah.

Like I'm perfectly happy
content getting to know her.

I feel a lot better
when I'm with you,

-even though it's been-
-I love to hear that.

Even though it's been just
like getting to know each other.

But, like,
I just feel like it's...

It's more of a feeling thing of,
I like this.

I do, like, really enjoy
getting to know you as well.

And I just feel like

I haven't gotten the
chance to really, like,

chill out with you,
you know? Like-

- Yeah.
- Spend one on one time together.

I am happy in my
couple right now, but

- I also do really like you too.
- Yeah.

There's a lot of
emotions and feelings

that are kind of weighing
through this decision.

And it's... it's a lot to handle.

Me and Isiah,
as we're good right now.

I mean, it's something
I'm struggling with right now

because I do care.
I'm worried about

choosing Sydney
and then just completely ruining

a blossoming relationship
I have with Mady right now.

I still don't know.

A lot more difficult
than I was expecting.

- It's a hard situation, I swear.
- I know.

And I'm so,
like, torn right now.

It's okay. You should always
trust your gut, you know?

After my date with him,
it was just really amazing.

So, like,
I hope that that's enough.

I mean, at the end of the day,
the ball is in your court.

So, you have to do you know,
what feels good for you.

f*cking let's cheers to f*cking-


Being stressed.
But also, I don't know,

maybe some really great
things on the horizon.

- That's all I'll say there.
- Cheers.

Eye contact.

I don't know. There is something
about you, I'm telling you.

There's just something about you
that I'm...

- My hair.
- You think that is what it is?

Oh, my gosh.
But tonight, is...

Is going to be so interesting.

The time
has come for the boys to

couple up
with the girl of their choice.

The one girl not
picked will couple up

with a cab driver
back to the airport.

First up to pick is Timmy,

who is currently
coupled up with Zeta.

I would like to couple
up with this girl because

she's someone who caught
my eye immediately.

Being that she's a beautiful,
elegant woman.

I feel like there's
a comfortable,

safe place where
we can grow together.

So, the girl I would
like to couple up with is...


Thank you.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

Next up is Felipe, who
is in a couple with Sereniti.

I would like to keep
up with this girl because

I had time to know her more.

I really like it. Her
personality you know, it's good.

So, I feel that
connection with her.

So, the girl I would
like to couple up with is...


Now it is Jesse's turn.

Right now,
who is coupled up with Val.

I would like to couple
up with this girl because

even though we
had a rocky start,

I feel like it made us stronger.

I find myself falling
more and more for this girl.

I love seeing her smile.

This decision became easy for me

when I started
to follow my heart.

So, the girl I would
like to couple up with is...

Debby Deb.

Next up is Andy,
who's in a couple with Mady.

I would like to couple
up with this girl because

she has pleasantly surprised
me in many different ways.

Getting to know
her more and more.

This was an extremely
difficult decision.

But she's beyond beautiful.

Every conversation I have with
her, leaves me wanting more.

How confident

and spontaneous she is.

So, the girl I'd like
to couple up with is...

So, the girl I'd
like to come up with is...


Now that Andy
has stolen Isaiah's girl,

it's time for Isaiah to pick.

The good people are always
been getting done dirty.

I expect the unexpected
every f*cking day of my life,

to be honest with you.

I take it with a grain of salt,
and I'm definitely looking

forward to what's to come
with this beautiful woman.

So, the girl I would
like to couple up with is...


And finally,
we're down to two girls.

Who will Tyler choose?

I would like to couple
up with this girl because

since the first
day I came in here,

I felt we had a connection.

And I can definitely see myself

expanding upon this
connection further.

I think this girl brings
out a side of me that

I usually keep pretty reserved.

I'm constantly
smiling and laughing.

This was an extremely
difficult decision.

But when it came down
to thinking with my heart,

this is the decision
that felt right to me.

So, the girl I would
like to couple up with is...


Got a text.

Val, you are now single
and dumped from the island.

- I'm sorry.
- It's okay.

- I'm sorry if I lead you on.
- It's okay.

I seriously feel
like it's my fault.

- It's okay.
- It is my fault and I'm sorry.

It's okay.
I'm so happy for you.

You know, it just
sucks to see her go home.

And, you know, I just feel like

I had a big part
to play in that.

And, you know, she trusted
me to a couple up with.

And, you know,
forced her to leave the villa.


Oh. I need help packing.

I'm professional
as Zeta would say.

You know, it's, say, profession.

Val and I really did
get along really well.

I obviously had my differences
with her in the sense of,

like, she trying to steal
my man and all that shit.

But I respect someone who's
blunt and knows what they want,

and that's exactly what she is.

Men grab a suitcase.

- I wish you the best.
- I love you.

- Bye.
- Bye.

But just like sad, that
the experience ends this soon.

I'm leaving with friendships,
a lot of growth.

I feel like a new woman

and I'm just excited
to take everything

that I learned
through this experience

into the outside world.

I'm still looking for the one.
I'm single so boys,

don't be scared
to slide in my DMs.

Next time,
the recoupling rocks the villa.

Bro code, Bro.

You're one of my f*cking homies.

Am I though? Cause, like,
if I was your homie,

you would have told
me about this shit.

I do want you to know,
like, at the end of the day,

I deserve to be
someone's first choice.

So romantically,
the bridge is burnt.

And a new pair of beauties...

Enter paradise.

My name is Chaz. I'm 21,
and I'm a student athlete.

I'm Bria. I'm 24.

I'm so freakin' ready.
I was ready, like, yesterday.

Going into the villa with
my sister is kind of surreal.

This isn't really an experience

that you get to
experience with a sibling,

but we're so ready
to get into this villa

and potentially find love.


Now's your chance to vote to
directly influence the action.

Download the Love Island
USA app and vote for

which boy should
Bria take on a date?

And which girl should
Chaz take on a date?

Voting is open for
two and a half hours,

starting at 10 p.m.
Eastern, 7 p.m. pacific

on July the 24th, 2022.

Voting open to US residents
18 years or older.

Terms and conditions apply.
Data rates may apply.
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