04x26 - Episode 26

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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04x26 - Episode 26

Post by bunniefuu »

on "Love Island USA."

There were commitments.

I don't want to be with someone
who makes me second choice.

Sydney, my options are closed.
I'm all for you.

I just spoke to Chanse.

I basically just let her know
that my eyes would be on you.

I'm happy.

I can see you in my life,
outside the villa.

- Really?
- 100%.

And there were complications.

I... Like, I feel a vibe
between us.

But, like,
it could just be a friend vibe.

- Yeah.
- But I'm trying to figure out,

like, if there is the potential

for, like,
an intimate thing between us.

For sure.

And a new boy arrives.

You got room for one more?


So, who all is coupled up
with who right now?

- I'm coupled up with Bella.
- Bella.

All's fair...

So, what's up Chazz?

Phoebe, what's up?

In love and w*r.

Can I... can I kiss you?


And your votes...

The couples
with the fewest votes,

risk being dumped
from the island tonight.

Are revealed.

to "Love Island USA."

Kat and Sydney have
just received shocking news.

Not that we are running
low on foundation, not that bad.

It is that they are now single.

But their fortunes
might be about to change.


- Yeah.
- Oh, yes.

Let's go, baby.

That's crazy.

I literally thought
I was going home.

But it was
very nice having Isaiah

sit there watching the f*cking
disaster that he created.

And I just hope it was
k*lling him the entire time.

I hope it hurt like hell,
watching me out there.

I'm Joel, I'm 28 years old

from North Hampton,

I'm a welder and fabricator,

so it could mean that
I'm good with my hands.

What I am looking
to bring into the villa

is a new level
of confidence and maturity

that not a lot of
these women have seen.

I'm ready to find love,
and I'm ready to meet

the one I'm going to be with
for the rest of my life.

And why not find that
on Love Island.

- Y'all got room for one more?
- Joel, what's up, baby?

What's up, baby?

- What's up, baby?
- Looking good.

Appreciate it.
Appreciate it.

Joel is the best present
we could have ever asked for.

He's a good looking dude.

This is just what
the doctor ordered, honestly.


- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

I'm Sydney.

- How you doing?
- Good, how are you?

- Pretty well. Hey.
- You have pretty eyes.

Thank you.

Obviously, you know,
Joel seeing the situation

that I put myself in,

he's going to have his chats
with Sydney regardless.

So, the more the merrier, bro.

But you ain't 'Zay.
You know what I'm saying?

- How you doing?
- Nice to meet you, bro.

- Nice to meet you.
- Hi, Joel. How are you?

- Joel.
- I'm Bella. So nice to meet you.

- How you doing?
- Doing well. Doing well.

- Good. Yeah?
- Glad to be here. Yeah.

Good. Aw.


He's definitely yummy for sure.

And kinda my type.

I definitely go for
a lot of dark features.

And you know,
I do like the light eyes.

Chef's kiss.

- Welcome home.
- Thank you. Appreciate it.

- I'm Phoebe.
- Joel. Nice to meet you.

You too.

Joel came in
with a lot of energy,

which I definitely like.

On paper,
he probably would be my type.

Like physicality wise.

- Welcome.
- Thank you. Thank you.

So, I'm definitely interested in
getting to know him, for sure.

And so what are you
looking for in here?

I'm looking to find
my forever woman.

- Are you?
- You know? Yeah, I'm...

- Is it time?
- Yeah, it's time.

I've been through a lot.

I've been through
a lot of heartbreak.

And it's been
a really tough road.

But, you know, I'm finally in,
like, a really good mental place

and I've... I've got my house.

- And I'm ready to settle down.
- You've got a house?

- Yeah.
- Ooh.

Yeah, I live in Massachusetts.

My shop is, like,
five minutes from my house.

Then, I'm working on slowly
saving up a bunch of money

to eventually build a gym.

That's my dream.

- That's your passion?
- Yeah.

Yeah, I'm a competitive
body builder.

- So, I compete...
- Really?

Yeah, I compete
in men's physique.

This guys a stud, yo.

Yes. So, Joel.

I was like, "Okay, dark hair.

"Okay, tattoos."

So, yeah, like, I would say
I am attracted to him.

He is... he is attractive.

He is an attractive man.

What's your type on paper, bro?

On paper, fun sized, fit.


Fun size and fit is...
Is my go to.

- Watch out, Nadjha.
- I like very athletic women.

Women who really enjoy
working out.

She doesn't work out that much.

She doesn't work out that way.

I'm mentally ready
for a relationship again.

And knowing that
when I'm in, I'm all in.


Appreciate it. Appreciate it.

When's the pool party?
What are we doing next?

- Let's go.
- Let's get the wine.

The girls want to
vote on who thinks Joel's fit.

But these Muppets
haven't downloaded

the "Love Island USA" app.

So they are going to
have to go old school.

Wait, I have to ask.

On a show of hands,

who thinks Joel is beautiful?

I mean he's hot, yeah, for sure.

- Yeah, he's beautiful.
- Yeah, he's hot as f*ck.

So who all is coupled up
with who right now?

- I'm coupled up with Phoebe.
- You and Phoebe.

- Obviously, you and Zeta.
- Zeta, yeah.

- I'm coupled up with Courtney.
- Courtney.

- I'm coupled up with Bella.
- Bella.

- I'm coupled up with Chanse.
- Chanse.

- Deb.
- I don't know

who you are interested in
and shit but shit, 'ey,

just feel like,
we all are going to, you know,

welcome you
to a certain extent and shit.

Just make sure, you know,
stay on your Ps and Qs.

That's all I got to say.

Will do, man.
I appreciate you.

Phoebe's free, bro.
Phoebe's free, bro.

Sydney's mine, bro.

- I just can't, bro.
- Bro, your head

is all over the place.

Our b*tches are still here,
so cheers to that.

Chazz is with Bella

but he's been flirting
with her BFF, Phoebe.

This could get very messy.

Luckily, Chazz has got his
emergency roll of paper towels.

How's your night going?
We can chill and talk right now.

We didn't get to talk,
like, at all today.

I was saying,
like, I don't know,

I feel like a shift in,
like, energy a little bit.

I don't know, I feel
something's, like, not...

- right how it was.
- Yeah.

I just wanna know, like,

- how you're...
- I mean, I'm kinda exploring it

- with, like, Phoebe.
- Yeah. Yeah.

Like, I'm just kinda
getting to know her.

At the same time, you know,
I still have feelings for you.

You know, that's why
I brought you here.

- There's... there no shift...
- Okay. Good. Good. Good.

I was like...

I was like, "What did I miss?"

I wasn't expecting to,
like, come in here

and be put in a position
where it's like,

now Phoebe wants to,
you know, get to know me.

Because she's not with Isaiah.

Like I had no idea

Phoebe had any type
of attraction to me at all.

- But it seems like she does.
- Yeah, she does.

So, we are just
having conversations.

Getting to know each other
and shit like that.

- Mm. Yeah.
- So.

At the end of the day,

I don't want to be
treated as, like, an option

because that's not what I am.

I'm familiar with
all the shapes but it's like,

I don't want to be
in a f*cking triangle.

All I ask is if, like,
there is a shift in feelings

and, like, you are, like,
f*cking vibing with this one,

like, more than Bella,
just let me know.

Just so I'm not looking,
like, stupid.

All right.

Welder Joel
wants to flirt with Nadjha.

Nadjha, give him a chance.

Joel is 28

and you should always
respect your Welders.

Nadjha, you wanna talk
for a bit?

- Oh, my gosh. Me?
- Yeah, you.

Yes. Of, course.

Nobody touch those.
I'll finish them in a second.

Fair enough.
How's your night going?

Oh, my gosh.
So, good. It's been good.

- How have you been?
- I've been good.

Coming into here, like, were you

initially, like, attracted to,
like, certain people?

I mean, like I knew
I really wanted to talk to you.

- Oh, really. Me? Really?
- Yes. Absolutely.

I think you are
very, very beautiful

and I just want to
a chance to get to know you.

- Thank you.
- Your smile is electric.

Thank you.

- But yeah...
- I'm blushing.

That makes...
That makes me feel good.

I really appreciate you saying

that I was one of the people
you wanted to talk to.

- It means so much.
- Of course.

Like, that makes me so happy.

I do want to go ahead
and let you know,

me and Jeff are,
like, in a couple.

I'm really starting to be at,
like, a really good place.

- Okay.
- With that being said,

I would so love
to get to talk to you more.

- Yes.
- And just experience things.

I do have something with Jeff.

Obviously, I have, like,

genuinely started
developing feelings for him.

But you know, like,
Joel is attractive.

I think everything he said,
it was just sweet.

And, like,
light hearted and funny.

And... yeah.
I was cheesing hard.

I 100% want to respect
your relationship with him.

- Sure.
- I don't want to, like,

push where there
isn't room to push, so...

- Just let me know.
- No, I really respect you

saying that,
that's really awesome.

I think
she's absolutely gorgeous.

She is my type of woman.

I hope that I'm able to
get her to open up a bit more.

And see where it goes.

Just really excited
to talk to everyone,

- and get to see what's what.
- Yeah.

There's no stopping Phoebe.

She sees Bella's guy, Chazz,
she makes her latest move.

She sees my roll
of white duct tape,

she makes her latest outfit.

So, what's up, Chazz?

What's up?

Not much, Phoebe.
What's up with you?

Ah. Not much.

I need to know,
like, what you're feeling.

To be honest.

Look, the position
that I am in is hard.

Because I'm trying to be
respectful to Bella,

but I was, like,
surprised to find out

that you definitely

were physically attracted
to me as well.

You know, I'm definitely
happy about that shit.

You are a cool ass person.

You're ambitions.
You're spontaneous.

- Keep going.
- What is there

- not to like about you.
- Keep going.

You're beautiful as f*ck.

You know, you're not afraid
to be yourself.

Connecting with Phoebe
was not on my expectations list.

It just happened.

I'm living
in the moment with her.

Just being able
to lay there with her,

I felt really
comfortable and safe.

It just felt like
the right time for us

to finally explore
that intimate side between us.

It wasn't just like a peck.

It definitely was a little,
you know, make out sesh.


Welcome back
to "Love Island USA."

To win back Sydney,

Isaiah's offered
to wear matching outfits.

He sorted the pants just fine

but finding a top
was impossible.

Sydney has already plucked

the only albino emu
in Los Angeles.

You feel better?

That I'm still here, yeah.

I told you everything
was going to be okay.

f*cking knew it.

I didn't know it, but I knew it.

Not because of you, yeah.

You know, I'm really happy
you are still here.

You are definitely the...
Easily the finest girl

dressed up tonight for sure.

- Really?
- Oh, yeah.

I'm feeling
incredible blessed and happy

that Sydney is still here.

It was just a blessing
or a big reality check,

kinda saying
"Don't f*ck up."

So, I definitely
have to apply that pressure

and show her
how much I do care for her.

I just realized what I f*cking

was losing.

And there is nothing
compared to you.


What am I doing?

Look, I don't know
what you were doing, really.

- But I do, now.
- Like, I'm too bad for that.

I guess only time will heal.

All right.

- No, I can't tell you enough.
- Too good for that.

I can't tell you enough
how sorry I am.

For putting you
in that position.

I, in my heart, feel better,
I feel secure with him.

It's just shitty because he
still put me in this situation.

And I'm never
going to forget that.

Like, I don't want to hear

how much he thinks
he f*cked up again.

I'm over the words.
I just need the actions.

So, we will just
have to see what happens.

Shit's hard to hear that
you were cuddling all night.

I know.

And you don't deserve
to be put in that position.

But like I'm saying,
I went the full extent to try

and be open with someone else
and I brought her back

and I still have
this much feelings for you.

It is just crazy.

- How's that crazy?
- Cause I'm not like this

with anybody else, Sydney.

Not even close.

That's crazy.

That's crazy.

I know what I want
and it's right here.

I've been saying it a lot,
sh**ting the shits.


f*ck. Do you guys
want sandwiches?

I made a grilled cheese earlier.

I'm a nice guy, but f*ck

I'm happy you didn't
want these sandwiches.

Phoebe is about to deliver

some shocking news to Bella.

Not "I just ate
the last slice of margarita",

it's not that bad.

It's that Chazz kissed her

and didn't let Bella know.

What's up, baby?

So, we kissed.

- Oh, you did.
- Mmhmm.

What happened?

We were just, like,
talking there for mad long

and we kissed.

There's definitely a connection.


- What's good?
- How's it going?

Let's go talk.

Let's go... let's go talk.

Like I already know
what you are going to tell me.

- I already know.
- Do you?

- I already told her.
- I already found out.

- I already know, yeah.
- She's my best friend.

Yeah. I was about to come out
and tell her right now.

I appreciate her for
pulling me aside and telling me,

and them exploring
the connection

but also
I have, like, my guard up.

Because like I said,
I'm not looking like

Bobo the fool up in here,
absolutely not.

Finding out
that Chazz kissed Phoebe

left Bella
feeling sick to the stomach.

So, Joel's got
a message for her.

Get welder soon.

- Ah. Man. Well.
- Well.

So where are you from
in Massachusetts?

I'm from Massachusetts,
Western Mass.

- Okay.
- Mass Hall for life.

- Okay. Okay.
- Yeah. Born and raised there.

Just bought
my grandmother's old house.

- Oh, that's sweet.
- Yeah.

- That's nice.
- So I got my forever home there.

It's actually the house
that my dad grew up in.

- Wow, oh I love that.
- Yeah.

So there's a lot of
family ties there.

I'm dating for marriage now.

I'm not looking to just
fool around anymore, you know?

I really want to find someone
and settle down.

I am, like, young.

But I am, like, dating to marry.

- Absolutely.
- I don't want to like...

I don't like jumping around
from people to people.

Like, I genuinely want somebody,
like, to have,

like to bring around my family.

Like to be with for
a really, really long time.

Like I always say, I want
a best friend and a lover.

Those are all really,
really great things.

That's really great to hear.

Bella out of left field,
pulled me aside.

And we had really,
really good conversation.

She kind of blew me away.

She was just
super easy to talk to.

So, I'm excited to get to
explore that a little bit more.

- What sign are you?
- Taurus.

Shut up.

- That's my best sign.
- Fine, I won't talk anymore.

Sealed. When's your birthday?

- May 3rd.
- May 3rd? Okay.

- Mine's June 25th. I'm a cancer.
- Okay.

Cancer and Taurus,
that's like good.

- Is it?
- Yeah.

- All right.
- You are an earth sign.

You are very,
like, down to earth.

I show a lot of emotion.
I wear my heart on my sleeve.

- Same. I do too.
- I'm a hopeless romantic.

- So, you know I'm all in.
- Same. Yeah.

I feel really good
about the conversation

and the energy
between me and Joel.

I'm not going to get
too excited yet.

I got too excited over
the connection me and Chazz had

and look where that's
f*cking going right now.

But, yeah, I definitely feel
good at the possible connection

that Joel and me could have,
for sure.

Kat, are you sleeping
with Jared in the day bed?

- Yeah.
- With Jared I'm like,

"Ah, I can't get enough."

I really want to see

what Chazz is going to
do in the next...

- I do too.
- Day or two.

- The math ain't mathing.
- The math is not mathing.

How's your first night?

- Good.
- How you feeling?

Feeling great!

You know, I really,
really like you.

You know, I really,
really like you.

- Do you?
- Yes.

- Unexpected. Am I?
- Yeah.

- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.

Last night, welder Joel made

an impressive entrance.

It was a rod iron gate,

with a steel based plate
and copper and lace.

It's absolutely lovely.

But the guy ain't cheap.

Look at Zeta making
half of the bed.

Morning, Phoebe. How are you?


How did you sleep?

Pretty awful, but that's okay.

My mind was just racing
the entire night, so...

- So, you told Bella?
- Told her what, bro?

- About Phoebe.
- Yes, bro.

And she don't care?

Now it's exciting
because Joel's new.

Yo, I think he's hot.

How was your and Joel's cuddle?

Looks like
you were hitting it off.

It was, like, going really well.

But I'm not going to, like,
get too excited about it.

Oh, but you're with Chazz.

I kind of was just like
not that into it.

Like when I got into bed...

'cause Phoebe pulled me aside
and, like, told me.

- Yeah, I kissed him last night.
- Yes.

How was it?

It was good.

Did you feel sparks?

I think so. Yeah.

- Damn.
- It was really good.


There was a lot of things
that Isaiah didn't give me

that Phoebe deserves.

So, now I'm going for Chazz
because I do see things in him

that are compatible
with what I need in a guy.

Okay. Slightly embarrassing.

There has been
a mix up with the scripts

and Timmy's
wound up with Bella's.

Hopefully no one notices.

I do, you know, want to
give my all to Bella.

I'm Bella.
Tell me how you feel about me.

All right, Bella.

After having
that kiss with Phoebe.

That kind of ruled things out
for me and Phoebe.

And, you know,
I really want to continue

to go on this journey with you.

And you know, I have been...

You feel like
you're the man or something?

You're feeling real nice,
aren't you?

Hey man,
I can't complain about it.

Seriously, what do you feel?

Okay, Bella.

I really want to lock in on you,

give you my full attention.

And see where things
can go because, you know,

I really do like you.

I have been talking
to multiple women

and, you know,
I did come to the conclusion

where, like, you are the one.

I'm feeling Bella
more than Phoebe right now

just because, you know,
I definitely do have

more of a physical
attraction to Bella.

You really kinda swept me
off my feet last night.

- Oh, really?
- We had really, really,

really amazing conversation
last night.

It was super easy,
and it flowed.

So, I just want to
keep talking to you more.

- Yeah. I'm glad you pulled me.
- Yeah. Yeah.

I definitely have feelings
for Chazz, but, yeah.

You definitely caught my eye
for sure, when you walked in.

I was like, "He's cute."

But you are, like, my type.
I love, like, dark features.

- Yeah. Yeah.
- Your eyes are really pretty.

I definitely do have
a strong attraction to Joel.

Here on Love Island,
we are here to explore options

and connections
and see, you know,

who is meant to be with who.

So, I'm open to seeing

where that possible
connection could go.

- You're beautiful.
- Thank you. I appreciate it.

No, you are really good looking,
I will say.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.

Yeah, Bella has taken
some hits for you, bro.

I'm just being real.

Potentially you might have

Bella's understanding.

I don't think
any more juggling...

conversations and shit.

- Will do you justice, bro.
- Yeah.

Would you be okay if you just
locked it in with Bella?

I'd be more than okay. Yeah.

Can I... can I kiss you?


So, I shouldn't
entertain female...

- At all.
- At all.

Bro, but you see
how she be pulling me...

You ever heard
of the Garden Of Eden?

- Yeah.
- Luring him in for the fruit.

- Yes, bro.
- It happened before, bro.

I definitely
have had my fair share

of getting to know these women

and figure out
where my head is at

in terms of who I'm feeling.

But it's kind of time
that I had a talk with Bella,

and let her know that
I want to lock in with her

and give her my all.

Coming up.

- Ah, f*ck.
- Pie face.



Welcome back
to "Love Island USA."

Bella is talking to Chanse.

I love Chanse.

But she never finishes her...

Um, um...

What are you...
What's like your...

No, you didn't.

So, no one really knows.

I'm like, "Oh f*ck.
Like, I have to tell Chazz."

Oh, my god.

I got a text.

Oh, no.

Oh, my God!

You can't be serious.

It's time for Snog, Marry, Pie.

Where the Islanders reveal who
they want to Snog, Marry or Pie.

I'd avoid
eating the pies today, guys.

Sydney polished off
all the cream,

so we're just using
my shaving foam.

Anyway, Timmy's up first.

He loves having power, don't he?

I'm gonna snog this girl

because I know my girl
going to enjoy this.


Low risk, high reward.

That's my girl.

And if anyone
is going to be kissing him,

I'd rather it be her
than someone else.

So, yeah.
I was very okay with that.

I’m gonna marry this girl
because she helped me see

what I haven’t saw before.


She made me feel
what I never felt before.


I planted a seed

and it spouted more.


He’s just
one of a kind, ain’t he?

Baby Z...

will you marry me?


I will Timmy Tim.

And I love
when he calls me Baby Z.

It’s just...
My mum calls me that.

I’mma pie this girl because...

I get it, she had to
make a decision, right?

But it just kind of
rub me the wrong way

‘cause I know my boy
and what he stand for.

Pie face!


You know,
my boys have my back, man.

They see, I was really
going through with it

and seeing her
with another guy at Casa Amor.

Well, the cream
actually tasted pretty good.

Next to go is Chad.

I’mma snog this girl
because she’s got some drip.


That’s hot.

This person
shows some wifey shit.

She kisses me a lot.
I like that.

- Will you marry me?
- Yes.


I’m always for the boys.
Got to be.

Oh my God!

Chad wasn’t even
in Casa Amor with the boys.

I helped Courtney
convince her to bring you here

so you should be
thanking me, Chad.

- Sorry, but...
- Bless you!

I got whipped cream in my nose.

Up next is Jesse.

I feel like this girl

she has every quality
I look for in a woman.

Deborah Carol Chubb...

you giving me a Chubb.

Now, would you do me the honors

of letting me marry you today?

- Yes.
- Thank you.

It’s Jeff’s turn
to Snog, Marry, Pie.

This girl I’mma snug today...


- Snug! Snog!
- Snog!

Uh, snu... snug, snog,
is all the same shit, bro.

I think this girl
is a beautiful woman.

She my yin and yang.

- Oh!
- Ooh!

Will you f*cking marry me?



Jared is up next.

I want my feline dime.

So Kat, will you be mine?


I came to Love Island

to just find a connection.

And I did.

And don’t f*ck
with my boy Jesse.

Whatever, happy to be pied
as long as I can kiss Jesse.

She doesn’t deserve
all those pies, man.

I wish I could have
taken them for her.

Next is Chazz.

Ooh! This one’s gonna be juicy.

I would like to snog this girl

simply because
she’s very beautiful.

This one was easy to decide.

I definitely have
strong feelings for this girl.

Beautiful Bella,
baby, will you be mine?

- Yay!
- Ooh!

I don’t...
I didn’t understand that.

It was a full ass opportunity
for him to like kiss me

and he kinda like
f*cked that one up.

Isaiah is up next.

Marriage is
a serious thing y’all.

The girl
I would like to marry...

is someone unique.

She definitely
makes me feel some type of way.

She makes me smile.

Time stops.

- Sydney.
- Oh!

- Will you marry me?
- Yeah.

- Oh!
- That’s sweet.

If Isaiah proposed to me
right now in the real world,

I would have said no

because of everything
that’s happened.

But I did
really like his speech.

It was... it was cute.
It made me smile.

- Oh!
- Yes.

So cute.

Last up for the guys is Joel.

You know, I’ve only been
here a short while...

and these guys
probably don’t know this,

but I can’t freestyle.

So, I’m not even gonna try.

But this girl,

she’s beautiful...

and she had
my eye from the jump.


Joel’s a good kisser.

New boy's got some moves
so, you know,

I might have to
go in for another one.

Am I that girl?

Now the girl I want to marry,

the conversations
have been endless.

The voice of an angel

and we had our first kiss today.


Miss Bella...

will you marry me?

Holy shit!

I definitely do have
a strong attraction to Joel.

Things get messy,
things get saucy so...


Oh f*ck, man.

So f*cking not cool at all.

Hey, this is a moment
where I gotta teach Joel

how the f*ck shit goes in here.

Welcome back
to “Love Island USA.”

If you’re just joining us,

the Islanders are playing
Snog, Marry and Pie.

It’s the girls’ turn now

and Deb is
first up to the plate.

I would
mostly like to pie this boy

because he hurt my best friend!

Deb, oh yay!

Isaiah just got pie
after pie, after pie

and he deserved it.

Hopefully this slaps him
in the face and, you know,

he’s like, “You know what,
I can do a little bit better.

"Why not?”

I... I will take

a Three-peat
to the face for you.

Who is the clown now?

Oh, shit!

I mean,
I was definitely expecting

to get some pies to the face.

A man’s gotta get some shit

for how... how he treated
his girl for sure.

I’m excited to do this one.

I thought
I was gonna get a chance

and some well-deserved
revenge up in here.

I saw the pie from Chanse
coming from a mile away.

I get it.

I pied her for real
so she pied me.

Tastes good?

It’s time for Kat

to Snog, Marry and Pie.

We came in together.

I could really see us

leaving together as well.


So Jared...

will you marry me?

- Of course.
- Oh, yeah!

It’s time for the Kat
to serve up some cream.

So I would like to pie this guy.

He’s telling one girl one thing

and telling another girl
the same one thing.


You have experienced
that my intentions were pure

when you came in

and I tried to show that to you.

It just wasn’t enough for you

so guess we can
agree to disagree.

Phoebe is next to go.

I wanna snog this boy

because I like looking at him.

So I want you to get
on the ground on your back.


I do feel something
brewing between Phoebe and Chad.


And Courtney can, "That’s hot,"
it all she wants

but I will be looking.

I know we just met
but you’re f*cking hot.

So Joel,

would you do me the honor
and marry me?

I’d be honored.


I would like to pie this boy

because I don’t like
being played.


Nadjha’s next.

Me and this guy
have had her ups and downs.

- So Jeff...
- What’s up?

- Will you marry me?
- Of course, baby.

That’s my baby, man.

She definitely
do something to me, bro.

I just hope
she feel the same way.

You feel me? So.


I just wanna give
a huge shout out

to all six of my best friends
for pieing Isaiah in the face.

That warmed my heart

each and every time
one of them pied him.

I have it on repeat in my mind.

Now it’s Bella’s turn.

I love the way he kisses.

It felt really good earlier

so I’d love to do it again.


So that’s really good
connection with this boy and...

I felt the connection
growing, you know?

But apparently
my other girlfriends

felt the connection
growing as well.

- Ooh!
- f*ck that shit!

And girls talk.

Sydney’s the last girl to go.

After becoming recently single

I’ve learned
what I want out a man.

This man could be a great mentor

for some of the other Islanders
in this villa...

and he treats
his girl with respect

even when she’s not around.

So Jesse, will you marry me?


There we go.

Before Casa Amor,

I felt really good

in my relationship
with this Islander...

but it turns out

I may have been
inhaling bullshit.

Not only did this boy...

make me look
like a f*cking clown...

but baby,
you really let me down.

After today, we can start
to bury the hatchet,

although he won’t
truly be out of the doghouse

until we’re back
coupled together

because I’m still
single as f*ck.

Like damn!

If one episode isn’t enough,

you need “Previously On,"

the official
“Love Island USA” podcast

with Matthew Hoffman.

It drops literally,

like literally, literally
right after every show.

Watch the show
and listen to the podcast.

Show, podcast.
Got it? Good.

Overflowing with hot tea
from dumped Islanders,

former Islanders and muchos,
muchos special guests.

Drop it
like it’s hot because it is,

every night
on all podcast platforms.

Welcome back
to “Love Island USA”.

The Islanders are getting ready
for another big night

and Isaiah’s not getting
outta the shower anytime soon.

That man has whipped cream
lodged in places

even his mother couldn’t love.

Like I do have
like an attraction to Joel.

So I’m like, just like, f*ck!

Bro, I think there’s something
gonna happen tonight for sure.

You sure?

Hell yeah.

They say all is fair
in love and w*r,

to the stories we have,
whether they be sweet dreams

or beautiful nightmares.

Bella wants a word with Chazz.

Well, she better
get her move on,

he’s a very busy man.

After his
9:00 PM flirt with Chanse,

he’s got Phoebe scheduled in
for a snog at 10 past.

How are you feeling
after the challenge?

I’m feeling...
I’m feeling all right.

You know, it was, uh,
it was a surprise to hear

about the kiss they all shared.

Yeah. I wanted to tell you
and be honest and upfront

that I, you know,
obviously do feel,

uh, a connection with Joel.

- Uh-huh.
- Um, and I’m definitely

willing to explore that
more with him...

- Uh-huh.
- Um, and that’s what

I just told him.

Obviously like
with us, like I did,

you know, feel like
a really strong connection,

but for me,
it’s something with Joel

I feel like a bit...

more with.

I feel like it’s more like
genuine and authentic for me.

Um, and yeah,

I just wanna...
I wanted to just tell you that.

Yeah. I mean, it’s all good.

I don’t really have
any ill will towards you.

- Hmm. Thank you.
- So, yeah.

I’m glad you don’t hate my guts.

- Not at all.
- I'm glad you don't.

That's the last thing
I would ever, ever want.

I felt a little betrayed,

but I knew
the situation I was in

was a little sticky
so happy for her and all.

But, you know,
I didn’t even see that coming.

Someone call the fire brigade.

There’s a Kat stuck up a tree...

house talking to Jared.

Ops! Sorry.
Now I’ve overreacted.

Yeah, I do care about you.

I care about you.

I feel very happy so...

You know, I... I came in here
to... to find the connection.

I didn’t really expect
anything at all.

I’m happy that I did.

I know, you were
right in front of me, you know?

Well, like we said, you know,
things happen for a reason.

- Yeah.
- You know, one way or another...

things fall in line
where they’re supposed to be.

I think
we’re kind of pushing, you know,

barriers between
the both of us and I, you know,

really wanna see where things go
and let this, uh,

flower blossom
between Kat and I.

Jared, he’s such a great guy.

He is such a good heart
and he’s f*cking sexy.

I’m just happy
that I finally found

like the start of what I...

could possibly
turn into something,

you know, even greater.

There’s another girl
heading for the villa.

Chazz will be happy.

His diary is already chocker.

Don’t worry Chazz, this lady
is strictly here on business.

All hail
the queen of Love Island,

Sarah Hyland.

- Oh!
- Hello, Islanders.

- Oh shit!
- No!

- Oh no!
- What the hell?

Can you all please
join me at the fire pit?

It’s not good. It’s not good.

Well, Islanders, I am sure

you’re all wondering
why I’m here.

America has been voting
for their favorite couple.

The couples you are in now

reflect the choices
you have made

since Casa Amor began.

The couples
with the fewest votes

risk being dumped
from the island tonight.

Sydney, Joel and Kat,

as you were single,

you were not
included in the vote...

and you are therefore safe.


Can all of the couples
stand up, please?


I am now going to reveal

the top four couples

who are safe
and will continue their stay

on Love Island.

In no particular order.

The first couple safe is...

Phoebe and Isaiah.

The next couple
staying in the villa is...

Zeta and Timmy.

Congratulations, you two.

The third couple safe is...

Nadjha and Jeff.

That’s right!

Congratulations, you two.


The fourth couple
saved by America is...

Deb and Jesse.

Can we make out now?

I know. I’ve been watching.

Bella and Chazz,

Chanse and Jared

and Courtney and Chad,

please come and join me.

Chanse and Jared.

Courtney and Chad.

Bella and Chazz.

You have received the fewest
votes from the public.

Only one more couple is safe.

The other two couples...

will leave the villa...


- Wow!
- Uh!

Chanse and Jared.

Courtney and Chad.

Bella and Chazz.

You have received the fewest
votes from the public.

Only one more couple is safe.

The other two couples
will leave the villa...


The final couple
saved by America

and staying in the villa is...

Courtney and Chad.

You can go and sit down.

I wish I had been the one.

So Bella and Chazz...

and Chanse and Jared,

you have received
the fewest votes

and your time
on Love Island is over.

Oh God!

And I’m very happy
to have met you

and Phoebe like, so thank you.


I don’t know
if this is a good time,

but I think
we all know on that note...

I won’t be staying here.


Kitty Kat.


I found what I came here for.

Well, Bella and Chazz,
Chanse and Jared,

thank you so much.

Kat, thank you so much.

It is time to say your goodbyes.

And the rest of you,
I will see you very soon.

Goodbye. Bye guys.

Tomorrow night...

guess who's...

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