05x36 - Episode 36

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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05x36 - Episode 36

Post by bunniefuu »

[pop song playing]

This season had heartbreak, romance,

and Soul Ties was...

Crazy. Crazy. Crazy.


[Taylor S] Yeah! Yeah!

...it's time to celebrate love in every way.

Suck it!

[narrator] Islander love.

BFF love.

[Hannah W] Stay on the ground.

[narrator] Sweet love.

-[Matia] What are you in charge of?
-Making her happy.

[narrator] Out there love.

Oh, is that something dirty?

-[narrator] Stinky love.

I just burped.

[narrator] Fiji love.

[Leonardo] Fiji!

♪ Get ready for the sun ♪

[narrator] We're setting off a love b*mb.

-See? This is what we're not gonna do.

What we're not gonna do is fart!

[narrator] Love is all you need.

So grab the love of your life

and get ready to say
those three little words.

Un. Seen. Bits.

♪ Dance all night ♪

[pop song fades out]

Hey, that was good. That was really good.

[theme song playing]

Welcome to the season finale
of Love Island USA Unseen Bits.

[pop music playing]

Two bombshells have entered the villa,

and this duo are mother and daughter.

So this is Mommy, and this is Baby.

And everyone always thinks
that's very funny for some reason,

but I don't know what's funny about that.

They're a gift from my mom.
They come with me everywhere.

I've had them hidden in my closet here.

I don't bring them out
because I don't trust these people.

Oh, my, oh, my... Oh, my... Leo!

The boys are the worst babysitters
I've ever seen in my life.

-[Kassy gasps]

Oh, damn!

[Carmen] I swear to God.


Where's the baby... Oh, my!

Take the baby out of the blender!

[Bergie, Zay chuckling]

She's in a f*cking blender.

-[Carmen] Where's Kenzo?
-[Matia] Kenzo, you need to rescue.

-[Kenzo] I'll go get him.
-[Kassy] He's, like, chilling.

[Kassy] Your dad ranking
just went down three points!

I was gonna make a protein shake
right now anyway, so...

Kenzo just...

Carmen, if you're watching this back,
look away now.

[men groan]

-[gasps] Carmen!
-[Carmen] Who did that?

Who did it? Someone grab it.

I don't know why
none of y'all aren't diving in after it.

-[Kassy] It's drowning!
-[Carmen] Go grab it!

We need some rice! We need some rice!

[Kassy] You have to bring it back to life.

[Hannah W] CPR!

[narrator] I don't think this was
the blow job Zay was hoping for

when he entered the villa.

Is she gonna make it?

[Marco] It's the way you squeezed out
half the water. [laughing]

-Oh, f*ck. Come on!
-Is she okay?

[Hannah W] Oh, my God.

She was so young.

[dramatic music playing]

-[Kassy] Yay!
-[women cheer]

Uncle Zay stepped up and saved Baby
when we needed him most.

And for that, Zay gets a gold star
and the parenting award.

[Hannah W] Good job, Zay.

All the rest of y'all suck.

[Kassy] The baby has PTSD.

Kenzo left the babies fully unattended.

He was nowhere in sight
while Baby was in the pool.

Where have you been?

-Where have you been?
-I was taking a nap.

The baby is drying off in the gym now
'cause they threw it in the pool!

It's all right. It wasn't mine anyways.

[Kassy] Damn!

I knew he didn't wanna be a step-daddy.

It's a little too chubby to be mine.

[Kassy] Damn!


-The bakery is closed.
-Good thing it's recoupling tonight.


[Carmen] Yeah. I get the choice.

[others laughing]

[Kassy] Good one. Good one.

[narrator] Mommy and Daddy
aren't fighting. We're talking, Baby.

We still love each other.

The final bombshell this series
flew across the pond

from the Love Island UK villa.

Wait, stop!

-Oh, you're handsome!
-Nice meeting you.

[narrator] We saw his first dates
with Kassy and Imani,

but not these exclusive bits.

As you started in here,
I was... I was still in the UK villa, so...

That's crazy! How do you...

How do you think about the villa?

It's so nice, too. You'll love it.

-Oh, yeah. We haven't done the cheers yet.
-Okay. You... You wanna start us off?

-Go on. Hold on. Let me think.

-I'm trying to think...
-Think, think.

I'm trying to think what to say.
Hold on, let me think. Hold on.

-Cheers to Kassy's new adventure.
-Whoo. I like it.

-Oh, shit. f*ck.
-It's cool.

Good. How's your time been?
Who are you coupled up with?

I ended up coupling up with...

What's his name? Oh, there it is. Kyle.

No, he's, um, he's cool,
but it just doesn't work.

It said Scott,
and the first person I thought was you.

-Isn't that crazy? Like, Love Island UK.

I was like, "That's that guy
from the Love Island UK."

-Was I one of your favorites?

-Was I?
-Of course. Yeah, yeah.

Once I'm comfortable, that's when,
like, the goofiness really pops out,

and I'm just able to, like...

-Wait. So this isn't the goofiness now?

-It gets worse? Okay.
-No. I'm... I'm a little nutty.

I'm in trouble here.
I'm joking. I'm joking.

Oh, don't run now.

We're already here.

My hair's already starting to... poof up.

It looks nice though.
Don't worry. It looks nice.

-Are you good at eye contact?

-I don't mind it.

-Do you want a staring contest?

-I blinked already.
-You've gone already. You've gone already.

-You're a Capricorn.
-Capricorn. Yeah.

Capricorns usually get along
or they hate each other.

-Yeah. I-I think we'll get along.
-I think so too.

[narrator] It also turns out Capricorns
share a love of... Johnnie.

Of our 11,000 crew,

10,000 are insect stunt performers
we hire to keep Islanders on their toes.

This season,
they've gone above and beyond.


-Do you hear it?
-Yes, I hear it.

-[Hannah W] f*ck. These bugs, girl.
-[Carmen] I...

You know, these little-ass bugs
in f*cking Fiji out here, man.

[Destiny] Yeah, yeah.

Get it away from me.

-What? What?
-Just a little buggy.

["In the Hall of the Mountain King"

f*ck that bug.

-Like, it's okay to explore it...
-There's a spider on that wall.

-A fly just got in my mouth.

-I really...
-Where is it?

-f*ck. Sorry.
-What is it?

A f*cking bug went in my ear.


-It's on you!
-And it's hard 'cause it's like I want...

-f*ck! f*ck! f*ck!

-Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
-k*ll it, k*ll it!

-Oh, my gosh! I'm being att*cked!
-Get it off! Get it off!

Oh, my God.

-[women gasp]

You did not just grab that.

I will f*ck that thing up.

Oh, my God!

-Where is it?
-Oh, shit.

Where is it?


[Jonah] I got it.

-Ow! That was not where it was!

The flies are going crazy.

[Marco] Whoa! Shit!

-[Johnnie] It was just a tiny little bug.
-It didn't look tiny.

[narrator] Great showreel for the bugs.

In fact, one of them's now
on Real House Spiders of Fiji

where she ate her husband,
so is now single.

[upbeat music playing]

Unseen Bits viewers sent the Internet
into complete overdrive last week about...

the curse of Soul Ties!

You go up there with somebody
that you wanna have a Soul Tie with,

but you come back down,
and it's all chaos.

It's like a curse.

["Trick or Treat" playing]

-Soul Ties is crazy.

Soul Ties is crazy.

[Kay Kay] Soul Ties is crazy.

Soul Ties is crazy!

f*ck Soul Ties!

[narrator] And across every corner
of Planet Earth,

over an actual gazillion keyboard warriors
went wild on social media.

[English accent] "One is most peeved
to see Soul Ties is cursed

by the Lord of Darkness.

It put me right off my Earl Grey tea."

Devil emoji, devil emoji,
cup of tea emoji.

[Southern accent] "I had my first kiss
near Soul Ties 30 years ago,

I've had rectal gas ever since.


Kiss emoji, kiss emoji, kiss emoji.

[normal voice] "Is Soul Ties really crazy?

Give viewers more evidence
to prove the curse."

Flame emoji, devil emoji.

-[Kassy] You wanna go chat? [chuckkles]

-Are we really?
-Yeah. You wanna go chat?

[narrator] Okay. Here's more proof
the Soul Ties curse

is the relationship terminator.

Curse-ta la vista, baby!

-Where are we going?
-Soul Ties.

I've never chatted up here!

You're taking my Soul Ties virginity!

Soul Ties is crazy!

[Taylor S] Soul Ties is crazy!

-Y'all just mad.

[boys chattering]

[Kassy] I think you're beautiful.

I kept looking at you.

I kept wanting to talk to you.

I'm very, very, very open
to explore that with you

and go take it a little bit further
than just being like,

"Hey, Kassy, how are you?"

-Flirting in the kitchen.
-Me too. Yeah.

So, yeah, I'm actually very serious.

-Okay, yeah, me too.

-Can I kiss you then?

♪ They put a spell on me ♪

[narrator] Girls, no! Relationships
that start in Soul Ties are doomed!

♪ Trick or treat ♪

♪ They put a spell on me ♪

Why are the boys losing their shit?

[Zay] What is going on, bro?

-Soul Ties is crazy.
-Why did I...

-Soul Ties is crazy!
-Soul Ties is crazy!

♪ Trick or treat ♪

♪ They put a spell on me ♪

f*cking Soul Ties!

Soul Ties is crazy!

[Kyle] Soul Ties is f*cking crazy!

Soul Ties is crazy!

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, trick or treat ♪

[narrator] But can Kassy and Johnnie
defy the odds

and avoid the curse of Soul Ties?

At the end of the day, I can't deny
where my heart is taking me. [sighs]

So, the person that I would like
to couple up with is...


[narrator] The curse is real,

proving once again
that what happens in Soul Ties

never stays in Soul Ties.

Soul Ties.

Time for reporter Hannah's
piece on the bombshell

from the land of Scotts. Not Scotland.

England. Well, originally, Wales.
We don't have time to get into this.

Hey, guys. It's me, Hannah.

I'm back with another Love Island Live
with our newest bombshell.

Some of y'all might recognize
this man right here.

This is Scott.

Also known from this most recent season
of Love Island UK Season 10.

-So, you're 22.

-From Wales.

What do you do for work?

I was a professional soccer player.


He's catching on to the terms.

You all call football soccer.
That's a no-no.

-Yeah. I get it.

We kick a ball with our foot.

That's our football.

Your football,
you throw an egg with your hand.

It should be "hand-egg."

Okay, that was a good segueway
to my next question.


What are some, like,
American quirks that you've noticed?

-You've only been here a day.
-What I have noticed?

Yeah. Like about us,
or any weird words that we say.

Have you ever heard of the term [bleep]?

Oh, is that something dirty?

[narrator] But what the actual bleep
did she say?

Find out what shocked Scott
on the spot right after this.

["You Look So Good" playing]

♪ Everybody wants you now ♪

[narrator] Welcome back to
Love Island USA Unseen Bits,

the hilarious sideshow
that will give you fun girlie things.

[Kassy] Girl power!

[narrator] Some yucky boy things.

But I can't wait
to actually do that... [burps] f*ck.

[narrator] And some yucky girl things too.

There's flies in the oven.

[narrator] Plug your nose and get ready
for more Love Island USA Unseen Bits.

-How long ago did you make that?
-It had to have been three days ago.

Oh, my God!

♪ Too bad, so good ♪

["You Look So Good" fades out]

[pop song playing]

[record scratches]

["Rule Britannia" playing]

Before the break,
Love Island Live news anchor Hannah

was getting to know Scott a little better.

Have you ever heard of the term [bleep]?

Oh, is that something dirty?

[narrator] But what the bleep did she say?

Have you ever heard
of the term "double-fisting"?

Oh, is that something dirty?

For us Americans,

okay, double-fisting is when we have
two cups in our hand or two drinks.

We're double-fisting it.

Like, what's double-fisting
mean for y'all?

It means a woman would be very, very wild...

-...if she was getting double-fisted.

If she was getting double-fisted?

I don't know if I wanna know
what that means.

-You don't. You don't.
-Look at the laughter on this guy's face!

-You really don't wanna know.

You don't wanna know what it means.

Okay. So that's a thing in the UK.
I'm gonna have to Google that one.

-Okay. There you go.

He's here in Fiji with us, baby.

-I'm here!
-All right. Okay.

-Nice chatting to you, Scott.
-Nice meeting you all.

-Nice speaking to you all.

Wait. But really,
what does double-fisting mean?

Double-fist is...

-Like, explain [bleep].
-Yeah. That... That and the [bleep].


Oh, that's painful.

[narrator] Uh...

I just Googled it.

Don't Google it.

["Rule Britannia" fades out]

♪ Here's to a good night ♪

In this next unseen bit,
Kassy and Destiny chat by the fire.

[imitates Kassy]
"Because Destiny is destiny."

[narrator] Wait a second.
That's not Destiny. That's Leo!

His impression is spot on.

Destiny! He knows how to be you.

He just gave up.

He was you.
For a second, I was like... [gasps]

-Leo, do it.
-I wasn't doing shit.

-He's not gonna do it.

-He's scared now.
-You wanna see it?

-[Kyle] Do it!
-[Destiny] Do it, Leo.

I was like, "Listen. First of all...

Why... Why are you breathing? Stop."

[Destiny laughs]

"Because Destiny is destiny.

Did I say you can laugh?

Now wait, 'cause it's my turn."

-[Destiny chuckling]

"As I was saying..."

[Destiny] Y'all got me down pat together.

-[Leo] Now go.
-[Kassy] Okay, okay.



-[Kyle] That's a good start.
-"Real bad."

"Real bad." Oh, shit!

[Kassy] Wait, wait, wait.
I'm not done. I'm not done.


"Girl, it's giving sabotage.
Sabotage, girl.

-Sabotage. They're doing..."
-It's the leg kick.

-"They're doing this to me!"
-[Destiny] It's the leg kick I do.

-Uh. Ah... [scoffs] Mmm.

-[Destiny laughing]
-That laugh is everything.

"Him moving to her is crazy.


That was actually valid. That was valid.

That was encore. That was a good one.

-You've been practicing that?
-Has she been practicing?

Bro, she's been doing
this shit in the mirror!

-[Destiny] She do. She do.
-[Kassy] Real Bad.

She really startin' to talk like me, Leo.
Watch the stuff she say.

-"Soul Ties is crazy!"
-That's Kay Kay.

I know, but she says it too.

I started the "is crazy" thing.

Like, I would say "is crazy"
to everything after.

-That's crazy.
-It's crazy.

[narrator] What a coincidence!

An ex-girlfriend of mine
used to say "is crazy"

every time after saying my name.

["Let's Start the Show" playing]

♪ Kingdom's come and I'm on the floor ♪

[narrator] The sexy moves
of the Hearts on Fire challenge

aren't easy to perfect.

As the girls discovered,
it can take minutes of tireless practice.

-Here, let's practice our walk.
-Should we practice our walk?

-The walk has to be, like, fierce, right?
-Sexy, girl.

That walk up to the fire pit
is so important

because your mind has to be locked in.

You kind of have to get into character.

So, I'm gonna give 'em what they want.

-Less arms.
-Yeah, look. Less arms.

[Carmen] Arms need to be, like, flowy.

That was... That's even better! Yes.

Either let the arms flow next to you
or, like, even at your sides, just like...

Even at my side.

Oh, if you don't know, do try this one.
I keep my hands here. Yeah.

-This is the sexiest little...
-Oh, yeah.

"I don't give a f*ck.
I'm coming for you, Lil."

Yeah. Where it's like the...

Yeah, like, "You know what I came to do."

-Yes! Give it to him.

But it needs to be like, "Yeah! Yeah!"

[Destiny] I can't take it!

She's so stupid! [laughs] What is...

I won't be able to take myself seriously.
I'm gonna be...

[Destiny] Hey.

That's how we gotta turn the corner.
You gotta turn the corner...

-"You know what I came to do!

Wait. Maybe if they laugh,
their heart will still be pumping."

-[all laugh]
-[Imani] I want mine to be funny.

-Oh, yeah.
-I can do some moves now.

Let me see 'cause I'm...
I'm goofy too, girl.

I got a shit... Look, I gotta get...
I'm clumsy. I don't wanna fall.

♪ It's so enticing, I keep it exciting ♪

[narrator] You could have the sex appeal
of a cat falling into a bath,

and slow-mo would make it look hot.

♪ I'm a tiger on the prowl ♪

♪ I'm wanted and I want it now ♪

♪ I'm motivated, I'm fixated ♪

♪ I go big or go home, never basic ♪

♪ Ain't nobody like me
Ain't nobody like me ♪

♪ Ain't nobody like me, no ♪

[narrator] Here are some unseen missteps
that happened in real time,

or as we call it, "schmo motion."

I'm here, boys. I'm not here to play.

Whoever needs CPR,
I'm about to get the heart rates up.

♪ Ain't nobody like me
Ain't nobody like me ♪

♪ Ain't nobody like me ♪

[electronic music playing]

-[Johnnie] Oh.

That's okay, b*tch! Keep walking!

We'll be back to this one. We'll be back.

[groans] Oh, f*ck!

[Hannah W] Oh, Lord.

Oh, my goodness. I tripped!

[narrator] Now for more
eye-popping, heart-stopping,

pants-dropping bits you didn't see.

You are a bad boy, Marco.

Hey, hey, hey.

[girls cheering]

-[Destiny] Yes, Imani.

[Taylor S] There you go!

What... What's she bringing out?
The hammer? The wrench?

-Oh, the saw. The saw.

[Carmen] What's she gonna do?
What's she gonna do with the saw?




-[Hannah W] Got you, baby.
-[Carmen] Oh, Lord.

-Hey, whoa.

-[Zay] I dropped something.
-[Carmen] Not the fire.

I don't know what he's gonna do with it.

Oh, I dropped it.

[Taylor S] Okay.
It's okay! Just keep going!

-[Marco] Yeah, Zay!
-[boys cheering]

[narrator] Hey, there.
Is your heart racing?

Well, you better go catch it.

Sorry. Let's race to the next unseen bit.

[electronic music fades out]

["Fine For You" playing]

♪ Looking so fine for you ♪

[narrator] This week,
the girls got makeover tips

from the makeup artist
who did The Smurfs movie.


-[Carmen] I'm a blue person.
-I'm a blue woman.

-Kassy, get out here and take a selfie.
-Kassy! Kassy, get out here!

[narrator] Now, something happened next.
But what?

I guess I'm asking, what happened next?

Find out after the break.

["Fine For You" fades out]

This fortune cookie is telling me
it's Love Island USA Unseen Bits.

[electronic music playing]

I'm a blue woman.

-Kassy, get out here and take a selfie.
-Kassy! Kassy, get out here!

[narrator] Before the break,
Kassy's face was covered in blue goo,

and she was heading to the balcony.

So let's see what happened next.

-Kassy, get out here and take a selfie.
-Kassy! Kassy, get out here!

[Imani] Get out of here.

Pfft... [laughing]


[slowed down] Damn!

-[blows raspberry, laughs]
-Kassy! Are you okay?

[Hannah W laughing] Kassy! Kassy!

[Hannah W] Are you okay?

[Johnnie] Kassy...

Kassy... [laughing]

-[Johnnie] Did you run into the wall?
-[Imani] Oh, my goodness!

-[Hannah W] Stay on the ground.
-[Carmen] Are you okay?

[Hannah W] I wanna make sure
you don't got a concussion.

-I'm good. Look at my face.
-[Hannah W] Are you sure?

When we reach the medic...

I'm good, guys.

I mean, look at me, look at me.

[narrator] I believe the official score
is glass door one, Kassy's face nil.

[Carmen] We're keeping these open.

[narrator] In this unseen bit,

Bergie confesses to Taylor
that he's fallen in love.

Not with her.

I fell in love
with this little bug I found.

I... I didn't know how I was
gonna tell you about it,

but his name's Kermit.

He doesn't like this frog, though.

He's scared of this other frog
in the villa.

Oh, well, Kermit's my competition...

I don't know.
Maybe I'll kiss him and he's a princess.

-But he's a he.

So, you're gay?

Not... Not if it's a princess. Like...

But it's a he.

But it'll become a princess.

-Where is this going?
-I don't know.

The clouds make me feel like
I'm in heaven.

Like, I'm Herkeles right now.

-You're "Her... Hercules."


Why do you say "Herkeles"?

Because it's Herkeles.

You're saying it wrong, Bergie.

-How am I saying it?

-It's not "Herkeles."


Where are you getting "erk"?


You're missing the "U"!

Where's the U? The pronunciation of the U.
You're not U-ing!

-Say it again.

Hercules. Herkeles.

[Taylor S] Hercules.

[Bergie] Ah, shit.

[Taylor S] I think this place
is making us delusional.

Why is this the funniest thing?

I don't know.

Oh, God.

[narrator] People getting words wrong
makes me laugh every time.


I hate to admit it,
but this season's couples have been very...

I can't say it.

They've been very... I can't.

Come on, Iain. Do it like a Band-Aid.

Very cute.

["Love You Crazy" playing]

♪ You make me feel alive ♪

I think you're done.

Mmm... [kisses]

I just burped.

Ready? I'll hold them.

♪ Diving with my eyes closed ♪

♪ I'm free falling, just let go ♪

Whoa, get away, get away, get away.

-See, this is what we're not gonna do.

What we're not gonna do
is fart while I'm shaving your back!

-Come on, come back.
-I quit. No.

-Does that cloud look like...

It kind of looks like a heart.

-Like a... Like an actual heart.

-No, it doesn't.
-She's a queen.

-She fed me like a king.
-I fed you like a king.

♪ You make me wanna love crazy ♪

♪ Like driving with my eyes closed ♪

Don't be... Don't be mean. Don't be mean.

I do not just pop anybody's pimples.

Marco's very special.

Ow, ow, ow.

Oh, my goodness. He's such a baby.

[mock crying] I'm gonna cry.


♪ I can't let go of you ♪

Ay ay ay.

Oh, shit. Oh, no.

♪ There's fireworks in your eyes ♪

I came here to give you the Magic Marco.

Every time I'm in Soul Ties with Hannah,
we're getting it on.

No, that is not true.

We are not getting it on. He's lying.

But we did have our first chat up here.

-And our first kiss.
-And we had our first kiss up here.

Who's a pretty boy?

♪ You make me wanna love crazy ♪

♪ Like diving with my eyes closed ♪

We made a song for y'all.

[Kassy] Oh, my goodness, how sweet.

♪ Marco and Leo, Hannah and Kassy ♪

♪ I wanna see her
But she stays away from me ♪

[Marco, Leo]
♪Hannah, you make me so happy ♪

♪ We kiss you good night ♪

[Hannah W] Aw, good job, you guys.

If you do the laundry, I'll do the dishes.

Deal. I'll take that.

Hey, that was good. That was really good.

How cute!

-[Taylor S] I'm happy.
-[Bergie] Me too.

[narrator] Me too!

♪ You make me love you crazy ♪

♪ Crazy, crazy ♪

[electronic music playing]

This is Love Island USA Unseen...

Shut the f*ck up.

[narrator, whispering]
Sorry, I forgot. This is the ASMR bit.

ASMR is the tingly feeling you get
from hearing certain sounds.

[whooshing noises]

[whispering] My name's Kassy,
and I'm doing ASMR for you.

[narrator speaking normally]
Hang on, Kassy, this is my ASMR bit!

I should take up
an ASMR career after this.

[narrator, whispering]
Relax, Kenzo, with ASMR from Carmen.

-[whispering] Listen to this.

[drumming fingers]

[narrator] Or relax like Kenzo
with ASMR from Bergie.

[steam whistling]

[whistling stops]

[steam whistling]

[whistling stops]

[narrator] Incredibly, if you played
that milk frothing scene really fast,

it makes the Love Island theme tune.

["Better Together" playing]

♪ Don't you know
we're just better together ♪

While most couples at this stage

are sneaking away for some alone time,

some couples just...

Do you wanna make chocolate chip pancakes?

-Sure, why not?

Yep. Let's do it.

[Taylor S] All right. We need powder.

-I'll grab that.

-Yeah. Mix.
-Do it.

I'll grab the chocolate chips too.

Chocolate chips in the pan.

Do you ever put whipped cream
on your pancakes?

-Oh, all the time. Or, like, grapes.
-Okay, yeah.

I love making grapes.

Grapes on your pancake?

No, no, no, no.
You know what grapes are? Right?

Am I saying that right?
Is it grape? Grapes?

The French thing.
Like, the little thin pancake.

-Crepes. He's saying crepes.

He means crepes.

That's what I meant to say, "crepes."

I love making crepes.

-That we have to make together.
-Yeah, we have to.

-I agree.
-Crepes are amazing.

How do you do this, Bergie?
How do you turn on the oven?

It's the stove.

Spoon me.

-[Taylor S chuckles]

-It's not going...

No, don't use that spoon.

[Matia] Who's in charge of what?

I'm... I'm in charge of this.

I'm... I'm calling the pancake sh*ts.

What are you in charge of?

-Making her happy.

-We're making... Yeah.

-Happy wife, happy life.
-[Bergie] Yeah.

No, you're good. You're good.
It's... It's on a low setting.

-That's pretty good.
-Yeah, that was really good.

-That was a good flip.
-Flick of the wrist.

I'll cut your pancakes for you.

Thank you.

King treatment, Bergie.

King treatment. She's a queen.

The special ingredient
that no one else does

in their pancakes or anything they make,

they forget to add
one really important ingredient.


You gotta add love.

I'd have to give this pancake a solid...



Look, you're a solid nine,
but I'm the one you need.


Oh, yeah. You're my ten.

-For you.
-Thank you.

♪ Don't you know
we're just better together ♪

Things between Bergie and Taylor

just keep getting batter and batter.

Unseen Bits finale, baby.

I cannot get fired!

["Better Together" fades out]

[narrator] Which competition
is bigger than the World Series?

It's that battle that will
have you saying, "What World Cup?"

It's Beach Hut Battle! Let's go.

We're back for another
Love Island Beach Hut Battle.

It's the final Beach Hut Battle.

Let's do this.

You know we back.

Yeah, Beach Hut Battle.

[narrator] The boys are leading
the overall series battle 2-1.

If the girls win this battle,
we'll be forced to go into a tiebreaker.

Boys, you're going down.

Down. And we did good last time.
We work good together.

Me and Marco will go to the f*cking...

to the death to win the challenge.
So, you know.

[narrator] This week,
we're testing the Islanders' knowledge

of Love Island Season 5 trivia.

The team with
the most correct answers wins.

To be honest, every day is a blur.
I don't even remember yesterday.

So, I think we're... I think we're behind
the eight ball on this one.

I don't know if I'm that good at trivia,
but let's give it a try. Yeah.

[narrator] Representing the girls,
we have Kassy and Hannah,

and representing the boys,
we have Leonardo and Marco.

Let's get started.

-What the f*ck?

Let's count 'em. Let's count 'em.
Okay. How many? Okay.

"Soul Ties is crazy." "Breathe."

-Um, "Thirst trap."
-Yep. "Wish you were here."

The one right before
you walk into the room.

"This could be the place."

Then the ones in the room. There's...

-The one by the fire pit.
-The blue one?

There's one on the wall that says "Yeah."

Yeah. And then there's one more
in the room.

I think.

Let's be safe. Let's say 20.
Let's just round it.

-Oh, shit. Okay.

-Twenty. Let's round that shit.


-Fifteen. Yeah.
-A soft fifteen. We got ten at least.

[narrator] Not even close.

The correct answer is 36.


-We are f*cking way off.

This light bill's gotta be crazy.

[narrator] Yes, Hannah,
the electricity bill is crazy.

Final question for the win.

-Do you wanna say it together?

One, two, three.


-Our queen.
-Yeah. We miss you.

-Our ER Queen.
-Miss you already.

-She was so funny.
-Yeah, we remember.



He didn't get dumped.

He got dumped and came back.
Yeah. It's gonna be a trick question.


[sniggers] I hope.

[slapping thighs]

[narrator] The correct answer is Bergie.

-Oh, shit!

-Let's f*cking go!
-Oh, let's go!

What the hell?

-We're stupid.
-I wasn't here.

[narrator] Yes, boys. That's correct.

You know we back.

[narrator] The final score of 3-1.

The boys are crowned champions
of Beach Hut Battle.

Ah, shit.

-We ain't too good at this.

Hopefully they just don't flex on us.

Oh, they're gonna brag.

Sorry, girls. Maybe next time.
Just kidding.

There's not a f*cking next time.
Boys rule.

[narrator] If Beach Hut Battle
has got you on the ropes,

the unseen bits after the break
will deliver the knockout.

Back after this.

["Got That Thang!" playing]

[narrator] Welcome back to
Love Island USA Unseen Bits.

It's time for the final episode
of Love Island Live

with Hannah and Marco.

[Marco] Do you want a pretty...
Let's get to the pool.

-Yeah, like that. That's perfect.

-Should I be in the sun or no?
-No. No sun.

-Three, two, go.

[pop song playing]

Hey, everyone. It's me, Hannah.

I'm back again
with another Love Island Live.

You guys, this is our last one
of Season 5.

We're in the finals now.

I have my sexy cameraman with me again.

Say hi, babe.

-What's up, guys? It's Marco.
-[chuckles] Okay.

And today, on today's episode,
our final episode,

we're giving out class superlatives
to my fellow finalists, okay?

So let's go hear from them right now
and give out these awards.

Come on.

All right, we have over here
Leo and Kassy.

Congratulations. You won an award.

And Kassy, you got an award, girl.

-Kassy won the Biggest Flirt award, baby.
-[Leo cheers]

She's got the banter!

What can I say?

-Kassy got game. We can't even...
-Kassy got hella game.

Kassy can flirt. So talk to the people.

You know what?
I just... Oh, I just smacked my teeth.

I just... I'm a little flirt here and there.

I'm just friendly,
a little extra friendly sometimes.

Hey, now.

And it's not my fault
that it's reciprocated by everybody.

-Ain't nothing wrong...
-You know? Like...

Everybody wants a little piece of Kassy.

-What can I say?

But I'm a committed girl.

-Oh, yeah?
-I'm a lover girl. So, no more flirting.

-We're lifers.
-We'd love to see it.

-We don't belong to the streets anymore.
-Yep. I'm a loyal girl now.

-[Hannah W] Okay.
-[Marco] Okay, okay.

We love it.
Well, congratulations, you guys.

-Thank you!
-Go celebrate.


Next, I'm giving out two more awards.

Let's go.

You are winners of our Love Island Live
Season 5 Superlatives.

-Let's go!

There we go.
We have a new addition, Taylor.

Taylor, you won
the Life of the Party award!

Yeah! Go, life of the party!

Taylor is a great time.
Taylor, what do you wanna tell your fans?

I wanna tell my fans that,
you know, never give up.

It will always get better. Okay?

[Hannah W] 100%, baby. 100%.

We love to see it.
Taylor's the life of the party.

-Okay? Go celebrate, okay?
-We're gonna celebrate.

-We'll leave you to it.
-[Taylor S] Yay!

Okay. I have one more award.
I might as well do it now.

Last award, you guys,
is the Class Clown award,

and it's only fitting
that it goes to my man,


-[all cheer]
-[Bergie] Yay, Marco!

-Talk to the people, babe.
-Hey, how are ya doin'?

-No, no, no, no.

This is a great award.

It was a high school award
I actually did earn, was the class clown.

I'm always being my goofy, silly self.

You know, I'm always letting my nuts drag
wherever I go.

Sorry. I didn't mean to say that.

I'm always letting, you know,
my energy come out.

I'm always being myself. I'm being crazy.

I'm being Marco you guys all love.

To my fans, thank you for accepting,
you know, my goofiness.

I love this award,
and I can't wait to keep being the clown.

-[Taylor S] Yeah!

All right, you guys,
this was our last Love Island Live.

I'm so grateful to my people here.

I'm grateful to my fellow Islanders.

And thank you so much for watching me
walk around with a wooden spoon

and just talk about dumbass stuff.


[narrator] For my class superlative,

I was voted "Most likely to narrate
an American dating show."

It seemed weird at the time.

[pop song playing]

[narrator] Love Island, the edgiest
island-based show on Earth.

But what really happens
in the empty bedroom

when the lights go on
and it's the middle of the day?

Put your shades on
for a special daytime edition

of Islanders After Dark.


at Noon.

It's Carmen and Kenzo.

[heavy breathing]



[narrator] He's just helping to put
her swimsuit bottoms back on,

so nothing to see here.


[Carmen sniggering]

[narrator] While they take
a well-earned nap,

who's this?


Okay. They won't care.

[narrator] Why are Hannah and Marco
sneaking into Johnnie and Leo's bed?

-[Hannah W] Is this disrespectful?
-No, I don't give a f*ck.

-It's Leo. He don't care.
-Yeah, he doesn't care.

[narrator] They're testing the bed
to make sure it's comfy.

Yawn. Nothing to see here.


Now they're testing their own bed.

Very un-steamy.

Nothing to see here.

[music fades out]

Hey, Imani got a text.

-[Carmen] Hmm?
-Imani got a text. We gotta get out there.

[Hannah] Okay.

-Hannah, let's go.
-I'm coming.

She's coming.

-No pun intended.
-Shut up, Marco.

[narrator] My apologies
if this put you all to sleep.

Nothing sexy happens during the day.

Let's keep this segment
after dark only from now on.

More unseen bits after the break.

[electronic music playing]

[narrator] Welcome back to the grand
finale of Love Island USA Unseen Bits.

Cue the cheesy game show music.

It's time for...

Beach Hut Blitz.

This week we asked the Islanders,
"What grosses you out?"

I find so many things gross.

Um, I hate hair. It can be my hair.

If I see it balled up,
like, after my shower,

I have to get rid of hair.
I hate seeing any hair.

I hate when people put, like...

Take chewing gum out of their mouth
and then put it on a surface,

save it for later, and then eat something,
and then put it back in their mouth.

That's so unsanitary. Why?

The spit challenge was pretty gross.


I... I did not wanna do that one.

Luckily, you know, I only... I went first,
and I still thought it was pretty gross.

The Grinch. I hate it.
I-I literally can't look at it.

I can't watch the movie.
I... It's so scary.

Like... [groans]
...I can't even think about the... [groans]

It's disgusting.

When someone's chewing in my ear.
Hate that.

It's so disgusting.

If I can hear you smacking on your gum
from a mile away,

I'm just like, "Ugh, stop it!"

Oh, my God. Body odor.


If I smell somebody with body odor,
I will run a million miles away.

I hate when people
just don't wear socks at the airport.

Because, think about it,

we're gonna have to be
barefoot for a minute,

going through airport security.

Having to walk barefoot around,

having your toes out too,

with all those people around you.


A lot of bumps in one place.



Mm-mmm. Mm-mmm.

Thinking about it, I'm just, like... [gags]

Men who wear flip-flops grosses me out.

Your dogs don't need to be
in a thong flip-flop.

I would say the thing
that grosses me out the most

is probably really bad breath.

I can't stand bad breath.

Holes. Um, I think it's called tryphobia.

When you see a bunch of holes,
like in a honeycomb,

ugh, it makes my skin crawl.
I get... The hairs on my arms raise.

It's just... I think it's so gross.

And pigeons as well, you know?
They... I don't like pigeons.

Um, oh, eating with your mouth open.

Ugh, I hate that. It's such a turnoff.

When a guy chases a ping-pong ball.

I don't know why the f*ck they would need
to chase a ping-pong ball.

There's no way someone
should be running after a ping-pong ball.

I think that's absolutely disgusting.


I'm like, "Oh, my gosh, close your mouth."

The number one thing that grosses me out

is when people, like, scoop something
and, like, put it in their mouth,

whether that's a spoon, fork,
knife, whatever,

and they put it back into the jar.

Oh, my gosh. I just...



[narrator] What grosses me out the most

is that this was our final
Beach Hut Blitz of the season.


It's been emotional, folks.

Cue the nearly end-of-series montage.

[Sarah Hyland] The Love Island USA 2023
villa is now open.

["I'm Coming Home" playing]

♪ I see your face in my dreams ♪

-I'm that b*tch.
-I'm Kay Kay.

I wasn't expecting this.

"Bergie, everyone deserves
a second chance."

-[Kay Kay] There's a bug!
-Our queen, Anna Banana.


♪ I'm coming home ♪

I would totally have sex with a robot.

-I would f*ck an alien, bro.
-I miss my vibrator.

[girls chanting] One, two, three, four.

I am the best whore.

Sorry, Mom.

♪ I'm coming home ♪

What is this, Magic Mike? [laughs]

[farts] Oh, there's my first fart.


Everybody do it! Everybody do it!

Move your hands like that. [fingers snap]

♪ I see those stars
and the morning lights now ♪

♪ They remind me of you ♪

[Hannah W chuckles] Sorry.


The more you f*ck around,
the more you're gonna find out.

-Soul Ties is crazy.
-Oh, my God. Here we go.

Soul Ties is crazy.

-[boys] Crazy.

No. Soul Ties is crazy.

-Now it could be some trouble.

I know that he f*cked her.

[Kay Kay] This is so f*cked up.

Suck it!

-[blows raspberry]
-[blows raspberry]

[whoopee cushion deflating]

From our asses to yours.

This is a long banana.

My whole wig just hit the floor.
They definitely gonna put that on TV.

-[both laughing]
-[Destiny] It's the glitch.

[Kassy] Let us out! Let us out!


There's no "uh" in there.

-[together] You're going down.
-Let's go!

I would rather drag my vag*na
across hot asphalt

than lose against these men.

Let's go! Spelling bee, baby!

♪ I'm coming home ♪

Oh, damn!

♪ I'm coming home ♪


♪ My bags are packed, I'm coming home ♪

Would you put a price on it? I wouldn't.

Only so many more days
with this f*cking view, bro.

[both] Fiji!

♪ Back where I belong ♪

Don't miss the Love Island finale.

♪ I'm coming home ♪

♪ Whoa, oh ♪

♪ I'm coming home ♪

[narrator] That's all, folks.
See you next season.

[theme song playing]
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