05x03 - Foo Fighters

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Top Chef". Aired: March 8, 2006 – present.*
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Show features chefs competing against each other in culinary challenges.
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05x03 - Foo Fighters

Post by bunniefuu »

The restaurant that you're
cooking lunch in tomorrow,

It's mine.

The guests are all
new york chefs who tried out

For the show
and did not make it.

really critical,

Can you really
get it right?

Jill, uh, bought
some ostrich eggs,

Which I thought
was an interesting choice.

Everybody does say
my lemon meringue,

It's a little
too sweet.

I have to get over
the sugar shock.

I think originality is gonna
pull some points for me.

It tastes like glue.

as a possible candidate
for top chef,

It almost angers me
to eat this food.

You set american cuisine
back about 20 years.

The winner is fabio.

Thank you.

Jill, please pack
your knives and go.

You do deserve it.
You are here.

At stake for the winner,

A feature in
food & wine magazine,

A showcase at the annual
food & wine classic in aspen,

$100,000 to help turn their
culinary dreams into reality,

Furnished by the makers
of the glad family of products,

And the title
of top chef.

[rock music]

♪ ♪

Hey, joe!

It's the perfect morning
with the perfect feeling

In the perfect day.

But now,
there's a question mark.

Elimination challenge
and quickfire.

My dessert
was too sweet.

It was very sad
that jill went home,

But I've been
at the bottom

A couple times now,

And I just think my nerves
are getting the best of me,

My colleagues are looking
at me in a certain way.

It's definitely weighing
on my shoulders.

Today's my day.
I gotta shine.

When we left to come out here,
it was gay pride in san diego.

The group so far,
we all hang out and talk a lot.

You know,
talking about the competition,

And also finding some time
to kind of put it aside,

And just get
to enjoy being people

For a few minutes
every day.

Jeff is nicknamed
"don johnson."

Rocks out the--
the blond boy.

Fabio's the cute italian.

Leah's the very fun,
flirty one,

With a nice rack.

Team rainbow is living on
with jamie and I.

Everybody's kinda got
their own little thing

That they're--
that they're rockin' out.

All right, ladies.
Let's get out of here.

Hello, chefs.


And happy thanksgiving.

Happy thanksgiving.

I am delighted
and proud

To introduce our guest
judge for this round.

One of the most exciting

And innovative chefs
in the country,

And all-around
culinary rock star

Grant achatz,

Of alinea restaurant
in chicago.


it's grant achatz,

And he's a superstar
in the culinary world.

He's one of the,
you know, sort of forerunners

In molecular gastronomy
in the country.

I am blown away.

Not only is grant achatz

Just an incredible chef,

But he just battled cancer.

And my father
came down with cancer

Just before I got out here,

And so that was
kind of touching for me

To see somebody
who's gone through that.

Well, I think
grant would agree

That one of the skills that
a chef really needs to master

Is to roll
with the punches.

Please pick a knife.

I go and I pull 188.

And the whole time,
I'm thinking

What the hell is 188?

Everybody's pulling
all these really weird numbers,

And nobody quite knows
what these are all

Having to do
with our quickfire.

The number on your knife
refers to a page

In this book.


You'll have one hour
to put your own spin

On the recipe of a chef
from our past seasons,

Using whatever you can find
in the top chef kitchen.

Your time starts now.

Good luck.

[rock music]

so we have 60 minutes
for the challenge.

You have a recipe
in front of you.

You know, okay,
get inspired.

♪ ♪

my recipe's pretty basic.

Howie, who also
is from miami,

He did
a fennel-crusted pork chop,

Three-apple salad.

I could bang that out
in 15 minutes.

I didn't need an hour.
I'm ready to go.

♪ ♪

The winning recipe I get
is cj and trey's.

They were using ingredients
and a cooking technique

That would help
freeze an item.

It's a creative way to cook
food for a frozen meal,

But I wouldn't have picked

Probably any
of those ingredients.

I'm page number 73.

It's hung
from season three.

Tuna tartare
with nicoise olives,

An asparagus
and an egg vinaigrette.

You know, it's flavors
I've worked with before,

And tartare is not
that super complicated.

Everybody stop
what you're doing.

Stop right now.

everything's going fine.
We're cruising.

Padma enters the kitchen,

I'm like, what?

What the heck's going on?

we've changed our minds.

We're in the mood
for some soup.

Everybody, soup.

soup it is.


you gotta be kidding me.

I'm like,
what do you mean, soup?

you need to take

The ingredients
that you're already

Working with
for your respective recipes,

And make some creative,
delicious soup

That will wow us.

And we know that
you probably don't have time

To make your own broth.

So we've provided some
for you from swanson.

You have 50 minutes
to complete

Your swanson broth
quickfire challenge.

Good luck.

[upbeat electronic music]

♪ ♪

Now they want me
to make a soup

For my black forest ham
egg, uh, bundle.

And it's very flustering.

It was, like,
a tuna tartare

With nicoise olives,
and asparagus.

I'm a little nervous

Trying to translate
tartare into a soup.

if I'm gonna have the tuna--

Have it be raw,
I'm gonna do a chilled soup.

I have white asparagus,

And that is probably
the only thing that I can use

As a base for the soup.

I hate, hate, hate
white asparagus.

Coming down the pike,
coming down the pike.

my dish was lia's
from season three,

And it was
an oil-poached shrimp.

I still was feeling
a little apprehensive,

But I feel like
I'm a macgyver

When it comes
to those kinds of things.

You can judge
a chef by their soup.

I think you have
to build flavors.

I think that's
the most important thing.

That's my philosophy.

And of course,
that special ingredient:


I love making soup.

If I could make anything
for the rest of my life,

It would be soup.

I see kind of
what miguel did,

And it's
a deconstructed falafel.

And I can recreate those.

Those middle eastern flavors.

I got this, like, these are
the flavors I work with.

Hot, hot, hot, hot.

Hot, careful, hot.

7 1/2 minutes, guys.

Page 188 is a chile relleno

With a roasted
red pepper sauce

And some black beans.

I'm gonna kinda stick
to the same flavors

Of the chile relleno recipe,

But really kind of make it my
own funky little mexican soup.

All right,
you have five minutes left.

Five minutes.

I'm thinking I've got to make
sure that I grab some limes,

And put some extra
lime juice into my soup,

And that damn clock
got to me.

You have five seconds left.

4, 3, 2, 1.

Hands up,
utensils down!

Oh, my god.

Hi, stefan,
what have you done for us?

the original dish was
a scallop and shrimp burger.

I have a thai
green curry bisque.

The dumpling's made
out of shrimp and scallops,

Coconut milk.

The broth has a very nice
aromatic quality.

thank you very much.
Thank you very much.

Hi, ariane.

I had the colorado rack of lamb,
ratatouille, and sauce vert.

I wanted to keep it very,
like, homestyle.

I think with soups,
they need to be comforting.

So I diced the lamb,
roasted a red pepper.

The eggplant's actually
in the couscous

With the, uh, beef broth.

Maybe be overcooked.

Hey, padma.

I got a black forest
ham and egg bundle.

I sauteed my mushrooms
with a little bit of scallions.

I fried a little basil.

Monterey jack cheese
is on the bottom.

And a poached egg.

Yeah, I don't think
I've ever had

Ham and egg soup.

It's actually
a very good complement

To the original recipe.

This is, uh--

I like ham and egg soup.

They really liked my soup,
and it was perfect.

I am striving

To do my best
to get this immunity.

What did you do?

I roasted the pasilla peppers,

And pureed them with some
of the black beans,

And then served
them on top of

Some rice that I cooked
with the swanson

Vegetable broth.

This one, I feel
really needs acid.

Hello, melissa.

I started out
with a black truffle

And parmesan linguini.

So I decided to make my version
of an italian wedding soup,

With a black truffle
and parmesan linguini

With some chicken.

We blurred the line here,

And not necessarily
in a good way.


I got a plate of michael,

Which he made a duo
of trout and salmon.

I did a mushroom
and asparagus soup

With seared trout

And salmon belly.

The flavor I thought
was a little bit flat.

Fair enough.


I was supposed to make
lia's olive oil-poached shrimp.

I wound up making

A shrimp, tomato,

And coriander soup.
I like it very much.

Thank you very much.
it's really nice.

Hi, leah.

Uh, I started off
with a tuna tartare

With, uh, nicoise olive
and white asparagus.

So what I did was

I did a chilled
asparagus soup brioche.

I took tuna to make, uh,
tapenade and put it in between.

The white asparagus is not

An easy ingredient
to work with.

I hate the flavor.

I was kind of upset
that I got it.

I like it.

Thank you very much.
You're welcome.

Hi, jamie.
Hi, padma.

Well, I had
the deconstructed

Falafel to start with.

So I did a chickpea soup.

I scented it with vadouvan,

A french-indian
spice blend.

And then I did a little
pickled chili,

Some cilantro mint yogurt,

And some crispy
shallots on top.

I feel like

This is a great

I'm not even trying
to be, like,

Egotistical or obnoxious here,
but I knew my soup was good.

I saw what
other people had done,

And I definitely thought
that I deserved

To be at least
in the top three.

So what did you think of

Our chefs in general?

The curve ball
that we threw them

I thought
was handled quite well.

Who impressed you?

First was jamie.

This soup
was very balanced.

It was very well done.

Thank you.

The second one was leah.

White asparagus, again,
a very difficult ingredient

To work with.

The flavor
shined through.

Thank you.

Uh, daniel.

This soup was
a very complete vision.

Very hearty,
very rustic.

so grant, who did you pick
as your winner?

I picked leah.


Well, congratulations, leah.

Thank you.

You are now immune
from elimination

In the next challenge.

It's pretty awesome,
my first quickfire win.

I'm very excited, and I have
immunity, which is nice.

'cause it's always nice knowing
you're not going home

The next day.

Maybe the day after,
but not the next day.

Your new clients
have a message for you.

hi, everybody.

We're the foo fighters.

Shut up!

We're actually cooking
for rock stars.

Your elimination
challenge today

Is to make
thanksgiving dinner

For some very
special clients.

You'll work
in two teams.

So leah, as the winner
of the quickfire,

You get to choose
your teammates.

So please pick
six chefs to work with you.

Uh, jamie, hosea,

Stefan, melissa,


And radhika.

Leah picked
stefan and me.

Europe is united now,
in order to pull it out

In american traditional meal.

so we have a message for you

From your new clients.

I start running through my head
who's the client gonna be?

I'm thinking donald trump,

Him being the most richest
and powerfullest man

In new york.

Hi, everybody.
We're the foo fighters.

Shut up!

[dave grohl]
we're actually huge

Fans of top chef.

We watch it a lot.

And we have a challenge
for the chefs.

it's shocking and awesome.

Like, I never thought
that the foo fighters

Would be into top chef.


Every chef wants
to be a rock star.

And we're actually cooking
for rock stars right now.

So that's pretty cool.

Seeing as how we spend
most of our time

On the road,
we've had some pretty


So we want you guys to make
a thanksgiving feast for us,

And our entourage,
which is a lot of people.

Also, we're pretty fussy
about what we eat.

So we've given padma
a copy of our rider,

So, uh, you know,

They can figure out
our likes and dislikes.

Thanks, chefs.
I'll see you at the show.



So you'll travel to the venue
of their next concert,

Where each team
will receive a copy

Of the foo fighters' rider
to help plan

Their thanksgiving meal.

In it, you'll find
helpful hints,

Such as the foo fighters'
love of bacon

And chocolate-covered
frozen bananas.

They have an entourage
of over 60 people,

Including 18 vegetarians.

They mentioned they have
a few vegetarians.

But I live
in boulder, colorado,

And we have lots
of vegetarians,

Lots of vegans,

Lots of people
with food allergies.

So I'm used to dealing with
the vegetarian thing.

One final thing:

After they eat,
the foos will invite

Their favorite team
to watch the gig.

[indistinct chatter]


While unfortunately,
the other team will get stuck

With the clearing up.

One person

From that losing team
will be eliminated.

the team that I picked,

We're the strongest
out of the bunch.

I think we should
rock it out.

Good luck, chefs.

Thank you.

[hard rock music]

♪ ♪

we pull up to
the blue cross arena,

We all start walking in,

And we meet
one of the roadies.

Hey, guys.

to rochester.

All right.
Follow me.

This is it.

the stadium's big.
I'm pretty psyched.

And, uh, I hope I'm gonna
be there later tonight,

And be able
to check out the foos playing.


so we get taken
to the kitchen,

And we're walking,
we're walking,

And we're walking.

[l [laughter]

oh, are those microwaves?

Oh, my god.

You have got
to be [bleep]ing me.

All the tables
are set up outside,

And there's not
a refrigerator anywhere.

There's not
a freezer anywhere.

Oh, it's all microwave.

We have one burner,

And nothing else
but microwaves

And toaster ovens
to cook off of.

Have you ever
seen a turkey?

It's yea big.

Our toasters
were this big...Yeah.

All right,
change of plan, guys.

What are we doing?

I got turkey covered,
two gravies--

How are you making
two gravies?

we have one burner.

This is what
we have to talk about.

It doesn't
take me long.

Catering is, uh--
it's a different animal.

It's not, you have your
salt and pepper and your oil,

And a stove
right in front of you.

I have a catering company,
so I have no issues

With turkey,
I cook it in toaster oven.

Green beans are much easier
than freakin' brussels sprouts,

Let me tell you.

We have one burner, though.

It will be fine.

I'm a little annoyed
with my team at this point.

I don't know how
it's gonna go down

When we start cooking.

Each of us
listen to each other,

And talk about our dish,
can you do it successfully--

It's a couple
curve balls in a row right now.

I'm a little concerned.

I'm used to running
my own kitchen

With my own guys.

So I helped
organize the team.

We all know it's gonna
be tough to beat these guys,

So we all gotta be
on the same page.

Look how
full that is.

Ariane's gonna
do the turkey.

I'm a little worried.

She hasn't been
performing really strong lately.

And being that
it's thanksgiving,

This turkey needs
to be right on.

You can also cook
in the hotbox.

no one's acknowledging
my strengths.

Since I've catered,
I have that advantage

Of knowing how
to get the job done

With whatever you have.

So we're down a dessert, guys.
I don't have this dessert.

Hey, what if
we did [bleep] s'mores?

A s'mores--
kinda banana s'mores?

one of the things
that was in the rider

Is all about frozen bananas
and chocolate.

And since we didn't
have a freezer to use,

I could actually
make s'mores.

Okay, guys,
let's go shopping, let's go.


If we pull this out,

There is no way for anybody
in the United States

To have one excuse
for don't pull out

A good meal
for thanksgiving.

we have an hour to shop,
and $1,200 to spend.

Our team was
team sexy pants.

I don't know
where that came about.

Maybe because we're
all super sexy.

Uh, garlic--

I'm going to dairy.
I'm gonna be dairy.

The other team
just kind of scatters

Through the grocery store,

And we stop, and we start
going over a game plan.

I'm glad that
I'm helping organize.

I want us to win.

Let's go, let's go.

Our team name
is the cougars,

And we have our mascot.

You know, she's a mom.

She a little older
than some of us.

She's hot, you know,
she works out,

You know,
with the little shorts.

And, like,
yeah, she's on the prowl.

Clean up, aisle 12.

A cougar is,

I don't know,
hot and sexy?

I don't know.

It makes me smile.

We're in new york,
white cheddar.

Can't go wrong with it.

I'm in charge
of shopping for dairy,

And I decided to do some
macaroni and cheese

With butterball bacon.

Guys, 15 minutes.

Jesus christ.

yeah, let me get--
this is good.

That's it.

I have all--you know,
the butterball turkeys,

We got a smoked butterball

We got some butterball bacon.

I think everybody
has everything

And we're heading, uh,
for checkout.

My nerves
are still rattled.

I've been at the bottom
a couple times now.

If there's anything
I want to do, it's to prove

That I can
cook good food.

Good job, guys.
Nice job, team cougar.

happy thanksgiving.

I ain't going home because
it's raining on my tiramisu.

No more barf-ets.

Let's go, guys.
Let's go!

Our challenge is that we are
cooking a thanksgiving meal

For the foo fighters.

The two teams
are going head to head

To see who can cook
a better thanksgiving meal.

We get back
from the supermarket,

We got three hours
to cook.

While I was at the market,
I decided to build us

A little grill,

Using a chafing dish rack
to hold my charcoal.


You're a genius, baby.

If you see
the brown sugar, pass it.

For the team cougar menu,

Ariane is making the turkey.

Jeff has the stuffing
and one of the desserts.

Carla's working
on the desserts

And dressings
for the salad bar.

Danny's making
a potato dish.

Eugene's got his pork.

And I'm gonna be making
banana s'mores

With vanilla cream sauce
and chocolate ganache.

Desserts are
ridiculously tough.

That always seems like
it's the one thing

That trips everybody up.

But I want us
to be the ones

Who get to go
see the foo fighters tonight,

And I don't want any of us
to have to go home.

The four ovens in a box,
and 450 for the turkey

And the stuff, okay?

I feel like we really had,

You know,
a kick ass menu put together.

Stefan, he said he's happy
to do the turkey.

Jamie's got a couple
nice side salads.

Leah offers up
the mashed potatoes.

Radhika wants to put
together a stuffing.

Melissa does
the sweet potatoes.

Fabio says he's got
a tiramisu

That he wants
to do with pumpkin.

And I'm gonna do
a fruit crisp.

It's not
my proudest dessert,

But it's definitely
something that

I know can be a real
crowd pleaser if done right.

What a deal.

Careful, we're frying potatoes
down here.

Watch out.

Anybody else's back
feeling good?

I decided to do
a pumpkin mousse.

I'm also doing
savory bread pudding.

I decided to throw a lot
on my own shoulders,

Which, you know,
I'm not sure

If that's the smartest
thing in the world.

But I think
the strongest people

Need to really
buckle down and do the most.

Turkey's in, right?

Yeah, I have four
turkey breasts in.

That turkey breast,

What's going on with it?

While I'm cooking,
everybody's like,

"is the turkey in?
Is the turkey in?"

And I'm just like,
"guys, it's a breast.

It's not gonna
take long."

I'm trying not
to get angry,

And prove to them
I know what I'm doing.

[thunder crashes]

Come on, guys, we got it.
Push yourselves.

Things went from really, really,
really, really, really difficult

To just downright awful.

The rain starts falling,

We've got some guys trying
to set up tents above us.

Everybody starts
feeling the stress.

Keep pushing.
Come on, keep pushing.

It started to rain
in my tiramisu.

I ain't going home because
it's raining in my tiramisu.

There is no freaking way.

My biggest challenge
during this time

Is getting these
g*dd*mn potatoes done.

I can't get a nice
golden crisp roasted potato.

And roast the [bleep]
out of them on the [bleep].

You have to be downstairs.

There is no time.

Yes, yes.

When that clock stops,

If we don't have the food on
the table, we can't serve it.

At this point,
it's just like,

We gotta get
this [bleep] together.

Where is it?
Leave that open.

The one thing
that we all feel

Is that we're the people

Who haven't been chosen.

And we want
to show the other team

That we've got this.

Guys, five minutes!

My banana s'mores,
I was gonna be making them

Pretty much to order,
uh, just one tray at a time,

Because I still wanted them
to be a little bit warm

When people were
gonna have them.

What's gonna go here?
Um, um, um--

this is by far
the hardest cooking experience

I've ever done.

Last minutes
is a [bleep] hole.

Everybody's just
pitching in,

Doing their part
to get this thing done.

time's up!

Okay, time!

By the skin of our ass,
we get it done.

Foo fighter's roll up.
They look like rock stars.

They just have this
kind of aura around them.

They're a big deal.

the fact that we get
to cook for the foo fighters

Is just really cool
in of itself.

But I'm looking over,

And I see tom "the hottie gay
bear icon" colicchio.

I'm definitely feeling
a little bit

Of the butterflies
in my stomach.

What's up, dave?
How you doing?

How are you?
Happy thanksgiving.

Service rolls up,
buffet opens,

Team cougar is first.

Creamed potatoes,
roasted garlic puree.

Uh, roasted shallots,
and a little bit of chives.

Just like mama makes.

There you go, right?

If I don't sell myself,

Then, you know, [bleep]'s
not gonna go down the right way.

This is spoonbread
with roasted figs

Uh, cranberries, walnuts,
a little bit of onions,

And, uh, whole wheat bread.


What is going on here?

It's a five-cheese
macaroni and cheese.

What's going on
in the middle there?

Some love, baby.
Some bacon.

[bleep] yeah, it is!
That's what I'm talking about.

All right.
Put it right there.

Roasted turkey?

A little mushroom gravy.

We also have
a peared cranberry.

Is that enough for you?

Yes, ma'am.
Thank you.

I got some, uh,
maple-smoked pork loin

That we did over a little
makeshift hibachi grill outside.

I will try that.

Thank you.

Man, I got to play tonight
after eating all this.


And we're only
just beginning.

tried to peek
and see their facial reactions,

But they were on the other
side of the room.

There's no way to tell
what they're eating.

We were, uh,
crossing our fingers.

I gotta be honest.
I didn't like the stuffing.

I just don't like figs and stuff
and, like, stuffing.

You know,
sometimes it's just good

To execute the classics the way
they're supposed to be done.

I loved the, um--

The, uh, mac and cheese
with the bacon bits.

mac and cheese is great.

I'm a big fan
of the bacon.

Only one
complaint so far.

Mashed potatoes
are slightly al dente.

not cooked all the way.

I like the smoked ham.

And I like that he got
all macgyver on it too.

Rigged his own
fry pan or something.

honorable mentions
definitely for the smoker.

The turkey's
really tender, man.

Like, the turkey's
really good.

Ariane cooked the turkey.

She's been
on the chopping block

The last two episodes.

She had to come through
with something pretty good.

Did she redeem herself?

With the turkey?

My favorite
was the turkey.

I think we should do
another main

And then have
the dessert off.

Judges--judges are--
judges are coming.

This is leah.

Hi, how are you?

And do you want,
um, some turkey?

Light or dark meat?

Yeah, a little
piece of both.

What is the sauce here?

It's just a white
chicken--turkey gravy.

This is a, uh,
vegan cornbread stuffing.

I'll get some of that.

What is that?

This is, some, uh,

Marshmallows on them.

The roasted corn salad
is really, really good.

Do you want some?

Did you make it?

Absolutely not.

But I tasted it.

All right, I'm coming back
for dessert.

The vegan stuffing
is really super good.

It's the best stuffing
out of it.

I think it has more flavor
than the other stuffing,

And it's not as dry.

Vegan stuffing
was my favorite thing

From either team.

I'm digging
the yams too,

'cause they burnt
the marshmallows.

You gotta burn
the marshmallows, man.

How did they
cook the turkey?

They had
about six toaster ovens,

And about, you know,
three or four microwaves.

I think that the cougars
had better turkey.

I wanna do dessert now,
if you guys are ready.

They're gonna have
desserts, okay?

Tell, uh, rich
to get over here.

Oh, it's the judges.
Stop eating back here.

What's going on here, fabio?

We have some, uh,

Roasted pumpkin,
honey, and cinnamon tiramisu.

Excellent, thank you.

So this is, like,
a cobbler?

this is a peach
and blueberry crisp.

Some cinnamon cream.

Cinnamon cream, huh?

They make me
present the food.

[speaking italian]


And instead
of sitting back down,

They just come
for our desserts as well.

Stuff that was hot
wasn't hot anymore.

It's concerning.

Now, if you have room,
I'd like to put

Put a sidecar
of this peach and cherry cobbler

With a flaky crust.


This is, uh,
fresh fruit

And pumpkin mousse.

Tossed the fresh fruit
with a little bit of maple,

And whipped cream, sugar,

And made a mousse
out of, uh, pumpkin.

Folded it in,

Oh, they got
[bleep]in' s'mores!


Start you off with
one of our banana s'mores

Topped with vanilla cream
and a chocolate ganache.

Thank you.

It's cool when you get
to serve, you know, celebrities.

You get
to serve rock stars,

And they can just tell,
looking at your food,

They're like, "all right,
this is cool.

I'm gonna like this."

But at the end
of the day,

It's all about
making it through

And winning
this competition.

All right,
we're doing sexy pants first.

Sexy pants dessert.

How's that?

I'm really
into the tiramisu.

It's super light.

I also like
that you have the italian chef

Who doesn't
know the tradition.

But he knows
we use pumpkin,

And instead
of making a pumpkin pie,

He made tiramisu
with pumpkin.

I think that's resourceful,
it's smart.

Thank you.

That crumble's
pretty outrageous.

Consensus here
is sexy pants,

Thumbs up on dessert.


You're into it?
Yeah, it's good.

All right.

Where did that come from?

That's the second
team's dessert.

Why are you
making that face, taylor?

I don't like
pumpkin foam.

You know, it's not
even the taste.

It's just
the consistency.

It's one of those things
you put in your mouth

And you don't know
if you should chew or swallow.

No more barf-ets.

Did someone offend
the s'mores guy?

'cause I think
he spit on mine.


I gotta say the cougars kinda
floundered on the desserts.


Well, what do you foos think?

There wasn't really
one that stood out

As, like, head and shoulders
above the other,

Because there were things
that I liked from each of them

I thought they were pretty--
pretty even.

Like everybody else,
I know the turkey

With the cougar
team was better.

I think the dessert
with the, uh, sexy team

Was just way better.

And they had my--
my favorite entree.

Which is...
The vegan stuffing.

I'm going
with sexy pants.

I actually liked
mostly the cougars more,

And I just can't say

That a dessert's
gonna push me on it,

Because, I mean, to be
thoroughly honest with you,

I usually
don't order desserts.

I am a little nervous.

Yeah, I am.
I'm not gonna lie.

Our presentation was good,
I mean, we did it.

I think we did a lot more
for the challenge.

We are rocking it out.

At this point,
I'm going to the concert.

I already had
my party hat on,

My party underwear on,
and I'm ready to go.

The foos here are inviting
their favorite team

To watch
their gig tonight.

It was pretty close,

But they have
picked a favorite.

Honestly, I'm feeling like
it's neck and neck.

It could swing
either way.

Hopefully our proteins
will pull us over the top.


Who is the favorite team?

Sexy pants.


I'll see you

In half an hour
at the concert, guys.

We love you.
We love you guys.
Thank you, guys.

That's [bleep]ing


Team sexy pants,
you have won.

Thank you very much.
Thank you.

You will be
at the concert tonight,

And I'm afraid,

Team cougar,

It also means one of you
will be going home.

All right, foos,
I guess you gotta go

Get ready.

Good job.
Thank you.

But we did great [bleep]ing
food, I'll tell you that now.

Our food was better than
their [bleep]ing food, dude.

Going down
with my head held high.

Guys, we're going
to a concert.

[cheers and applause]

All right,
let's go, guys, let's go.

We won today.

Team sexy pants
was the winning team,

And I was stoked.

[rock music]

we're all really excited.

I think it's
the best seat in the house.

It's something, like,

I won't forget.

[muffled music]

♪ ♪

[rock music]

♪ ♪

Well, like I said, guys,

We did
a hell of a job.

It was an honor
to work with you guys.


team sexy pants,
they get to watch

The band in concert,
while us losers

Get to stay
and wash dishes.

Do we need
these flowers, no.

You find out
you're on the losing team,

It just sucks.

There's nothing else
you can do.

Really, I mean,
we don't even know

Why we lost yet.

And so I think right now,

For us to sit there
and speculate,

It's just gonna
make us all crazy.

The only thing
I could hope is that

We don't all
start resorting

To throwing each other
under the bus

Just to save our own asses.

All right, guys.

Let's get out of here.

What a day.
What a day.

Happy thanksgiving,

happy thanksgiving.

Whoo, that
was a great concert.

We cleaned up
your mess.

Thank you.

Okay, whatever, danny.


Good to see you again.
Go get 'em.

So obviously, you guys
were the losing team tonight.

Were you surprised?


Yes, very.

Why's that?

I thought we did a good job,
considering the circumstances.

Uh, you guys definitely threw
a lot of curve balls at us.

God made it rain.
You gotta get past
the curve ball.

It's all part of the challenge,
dealing with that.

You haven't told me anything
that the other team

Didn't have
the same situation.

They had the same conditions,
they had the same rain

Falling on them.

was there a team leader?

We didn't really
assign a team leader.

But a team leader emerged.

Who was that?

Jeff did a great job
in organizing us.

We pretty much had
a clear picture going in.

I think where we failed
was execution.

Would everyone agree
with alex's statement?

Jeff made a point
of being very organized for us.

And I think that it wasn't
necessarily him being a leader,

As him saying "this is
something I've done before,

So let's make sure
we're following a, b, and c."

As for the actual execution,
it fell on all of us

To make sure that
we were getting things done.

Jeff, you seem
really pissed off.

I'm very upset
that we lost.

Everybody really
gave 100% here.

It's a good team,

And, uh, I wouldn't trade them
for anybody on the other team.

We got a lot
of heart, sir.

this wasn't something
where this was a runaway,

That they just completely
crushed you guys.

This was very, very close.

There were things
that were real standouts,

And there were
other things that weren't.

Ariane, your turkey
was better than theirs.

It was perfect.

That's the foundation
of a thanksgiving meal.

And that did not
go unnoticed by any of us.

It was just super moist.

And it was,
you know, carved well.

Thank you.
It was great.

Who did the spoonbread?

That was
your spoonbread?

I thought it was dry.

Um, it seemed that it was
probably cooked too long.

Danny, what dishes
were you responsible for?

I was responsible

For the potato

And the vegetarian
stuffed mushroom.

The problem with
the potatoes is that

They were
a little bit undercooked.

Okay, well, um--

That's not how
I want a potato to be.

They were
a little al dente.

I was the last one
to get in the oven.

So I had to improvise,
and throw the roasted potatoes,

Because they weren't browning,
into the microwave,

Because there was no way
the potatoes were going

To get done on time.

I tried to do my best.

At any point,
did you think

Of just eliminating
the roasted potatoes,

Just going with the ones
that were cooked?

No, because there wasn't
gonna be enough.

What's thanksgiving
without starch?

Well, you had sweet potatoes.
Yeah, and you had stuffing.

That was one
of my least favorite dishes.

If it was really anything
that set the two teams apart,

It was dessert.


The cobbler wasn't
exactly what I had

Hoped for.

The crust was good.

But in the end,
it may have been a little sweet

With the dried cherries.

It's very subjective.

Your intention was fine.

I think here was
a case of execution.

The flavor combination
that actually struck me

As odd was actually
the pumpkin mousse

With the berries.

They didn't balance
each other very well.

If you're gonna

A classic dish,

The essence
of the original dish

Should be there.

I think the one
that really stands out,

As far as that goes,
was the s'mores.

That was mine.

If you're gonna
call it a s'more,

It has to have some
type of burnt sugar.

It has to be gooey.

And frankly, every s'more
that I've ever eaten

Has a high ratio

Of warm chocolate component.

So if those focuses
are lost,

Then really, we have,
in my mind, a failed concept.

The band had said something
about chocolate and bananas.

And initially,
I was going to do, uh,

Frozen bananas
dipped in chocolate.

Obviously, again, the curve
ball threw us no freezer,

So I had to improv
when we got there.

For me, it was more
about it being

A banana s'more
with chocolate ganache,

So that it was still
something you could,

You know, get
the chocolate and the banana

Without it being
too much about the chocolate,

More about the banana.

there was something else
on the top.

It looked like
it was some sort of foam.

It was, uh--
it was a vanilla cream.

For catering, specifically,
when you know that your food

Is gonna be
on a buffet,

It just sort of fell,
and actually, the band

Look around and said,
you know,

"it kinda looks like spit
on the plate."

Please give us some time.

We'll call you back in
when we're ready.

Thank you.

I'm still stumped.
It's a really hard one.

Honestly, I think
it comes down

To the people
that made desserts.

Carla, jeff,
and, uh, richard.

But how about, you know,

I mean, he made
some pretty bad dishes.

I think his execution
was sloppy.

yeah, potatoes
were undercooked.

They think they're gonna
just sneak it by?

I'll mix it in
with the other cooked ones,

And then maybe
they won't get a raw one.

Yeah, right.

If I go home
because of this challenge,

I'm like,
we got our food out.

I felt that carla--
I mean, her dessert was okay.

It wasn't outstanding,
but it wasn't--

It was nice.
It was a nice little, you know--

I think it was fine.

I think, compared to the other
things we're talking about,

Including daniel's food,
hers was the least offensive.

Okay, I'd buy that.

Jeff, across the board,

His dishes
were not very good.

I mean, conceptually,

The pumpkin
and berry dish was just wrong.

It was wrong.

the spoonbread...

On its own,
if it weren't overcooked,

I think would be fine.

I think it's great that
he emerged as a leader,

And he didn't sort of go there
and say "I'm the leader."

It just happened,
so that shows that

He has
natural leadership skills,

And also that
his teammates recognize him

As the natural leader
in the group.

If I were choosing a team,
I would pick jeff.

I think he just got
too much going,

And lost focus
on a couple of things.

I wish I did
one less dish.

I wish I did
one less dish.

Grant, what was your least
favorite dish of the night?

If you're gonna put me
in the corner and pick one,

I'm gonna pick the s'mores,

Because not only
did it not taste good,

But conceptually, it was--
it was a mess.

why did you choose a s'more

That you know
that in a catering situation,

You're gonna have to--

To make them good,
do them one by one,

And they're still gonna sit
for who knows how long.

You don't have to do
everything on the rider.

You know,
you do the best you can.

Do something with bananas.
It doesn't have to be a s'more.

There's plenty of other things
you can do with bananas.

Sounds like
we have a decision.

Okay, let's get
them out here.

Oh, come on.

I go to get a peanut butter
and jelly sandwich

And I'm dripping peanut butter
on the floor.

you're the reason why there's
flies all over this place.

Oh, yeah?

Immediately, jamie lashed out
at me.

A napkin would be helpful.

That's disgusting.

you have a problem with me
or something?

Do you have a problem
with me?

you just make fun of me
all the time.

I just think you're putting food
all over the floor.

It's disgusting.

Danny definitely gets
on my nerves.

All right.

maybe the stew room
is really getting to her.

Maybe it was that time
of the month.

I don't know.


It was a team challenge.

We felt there were
some high points,

Uh, starting with eugene.

Pork dish was one
of my favorite dishes

Of the entire evening
from both teams.

So you're safe
for tonight.

You can leave
the kitchen, thanks.

Thank you.

Alex, you put together
a few good dishes.

You're safe
for today as well.

Thank you.

Carla, desserts were not
the strong suit of this team.

However, your dessert was
probably the best of the three.

So you are safe as well.
You can leave the kitchen.

Thank you.

Ariane, thanksgiving's
all about the turkey.

Your turkey was excellent.

I think you redeemed yourself
with today's challenge.

So you can
leave the kitchen, thank you.

Thank you.


I'm here, I'm here.

It's quite a different feeling,
that's for sure.

Thanksgiving for a band
that's traveling,

I think this is the time
of the year where they--

They really are
thinking about their families,

And again, thinking
about their thanksgiving.

And, uh, I think,
for the most part,

They were very happy
to get a thanksgiving meal.

However, the dishes
that seemed to not work

Were the ones
that weren't typically

What you find in the tradition
for the most part.

Daniel, undercooking potatoes--
never a good idea.

Serving them is even
a worse idea.

you bit off a lot.

The team looked
to you for leadership.

Maybe you bit off
more than you could chew.

Richard, the band said they
wanted something with bananas,

But the s'mores
were really disappointing.

It's a tough thing
to send someone home

On a thanksgiving dinner,
but, uh, unfortunately,

Someone has
to leave the kitchen.

Richard, please
pack your knives and go.

Thank you guys for
the opportunity.

Thank you very much, richard.
Good luck to you.

I think I took this challenge on
both g*ns a-blazin'.

Now, I'm just looking forward
to getting to go home,

And, uh, keep learning, keep
growing, keep getting better.

Bye, guys.

It sucks.

I really tried.

I've tried for the last
three seasons to get here.

Busted my ass.

Bye, guys.
Good luck.


I've gotta try
to hold my head up high,

And know that I competed
with the best,

And just for getting here,

I know my family's
gonna be proud of me.

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next, on top chef:

This morning,
we put 13 chefs to the task

Of making a meal for us.

Today show,

It's a huge deal.

I'm ready to take on
these kid chefs.

Move over,
here comes the old lady.

Right here, right here.

Somebody spit
your food out, it's bad.

Raw egg on tv,
not a good combo.

I mean, that was
beyond belief.

The whole point
of this competition is to win.

for more about
the recipes seen tonight,
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