05x08 - Down on the Farm

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Top Chef". Aired: March 8, 2006 – present.*
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Show features chefs competing against each other in culinary challenges.
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05x08 - Down on the Farm

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Top Chef...


Leah and I have fun together.
We flirt.

We're just friends.

For this elimination,

We're welcoming a new permanent
judge toby young.

Also this time

We're eliminating two chefs.

Scallops are huge.

I'm gonna do whatever it takes
to win

And impress the new judge.

Out of all the chefs here,

I'm top dog in being creative.

It was the bland leading
the bland.

Tastes a bit like cat food.


Oh, my god.

We are in for a rude awakening

With toby young.

The winner is jamie.


Melissa and eugene,

Please pack your knives.

At stake for the winner,

A feature
in food and wine magazine.

A showcase at the annual
food and wine classic in aspen.

$100,000 to help turn
their culinary dream

Into reality,

Furnished by the makers
of the glad family of products.

And the title of top chef.

[rock music]

♪ ♪

So mel and eugene go home.

I'm pretty upset having
to see people go home.

It just sucks, you know?

At least I still have hosea
as my buddy.

stefan, he talks a lot.

Talks a lot of [bleep].

He definitely gets
under my skin.

He's kind of the guy
I'm gunning for

More than anyone else.

Who won it?

How many have you won?

Two quick fires,
one [indistinct].

How do you like that,

How do you like that
in your face?

We walk into the kitchen

And padma's standing there
with hung,

Who was the winner
of season three

Of top chef.

Hung is just very fast.

I don't know what the hell
they're gonna make us do.

Good morning, chefs.

good morning.

Of course you all know
this man on my right.

The winner of top chef
season three

And our guest judge
for this quickfire challenge,

Hung huynh.

Hi, hung.

Good morning, chefs.

Hung is a guy that loves fish.

There is a blanket.
There is something square.

Yes, fish.

There's gonna be
an aquarium down there.

Chefs of your caliber

Should have no problem
creating great food

When using the freshest
and most seasonal ingredients.

That's why for this
quickfire challenge,

You'll have to work
with these.



Padma reveals a pile
of garbage.

A lot of stuff
that a lot of chefs

Would not use.

I mean,

[bleep], what a mess.

Your quickfire challenge
is to make

The most delicious dish
you can

From the cupboard
and pantry staples.

In honor of hung,

Who is the fastest top chef
in history,

We're only giving you...

Oh, my god.

Come on, guys.

That's plenty of time.

For you!


Are you ready?

Your quickfire...



[overlapping chatter]

Oh, my god!

it's like a mosh pit

Of hands and elbows flying.

I got a elbow to the gut.

oh, can I get one of these?

One--one, please?

Hosea, he tried to grab

The can of artichoke
from my hand.

And he's, like, "come on,
I need just one."

Screw you.
I need both of them.

Oh, you guys are k*lling me.

This is ridiculous.

I finally see a can of peas

And there's this can of spam.

All right, it's gonna be
split pea soup with ham.

That's the best thing
I could come up with right now.


I don't ever use
canned, aged ingredients.

I mean, it's something
that a housewife

With little time would use.

It's gonna be difficult

Because we're used
to working with natural,

Flavorful, real ingredients.

Back in san francisco,

I get everything farm direct.

I'm not good at canned food.

Jeff next to me
is doing, like, pina coladas

And frying conch
and making sauces.

He's got three things going on.

You know, I grab garbanzos,

Marinated artichokes,
and some bread.

And my plan is to make
a bruschetta with it.

That's my brilliant idea.

I'm a very smart guy.

In 15 minutes,

If you're smart enough
to make [bleep] happen,

You make [bleep] happen.

I made my baked bean soup

Infused with spam.

And a grilled cheese sandwich
with velveeta.

Any spam left?

Have a slice of spam?

Stefan runs by and he sees
the spam on my table

And he wants some.

And I'm really reluctant
to give it to him

Especially because his boyfriend

Wouldn't give me
any [bleep]ing artichokes.

That's fine, take it.

Yeah, I do wrestle with it
for a minute.

Like, stefan and I
are big competitors.

So am I helping him out
right now?

Two minutes!

Hands up,
utensils down!

Oh, my god.

This is leah, hung.

Hi, nice to meet you.

I made breakfast.

I did some waffles
with some strawberries,

Some cool whip,
and some sausage.


I fried it.

hi, stefan.

How are you?

Should I pour this
in here?

It's a baked bean soup
with spam.

And we have a grilled cheese


as well spam
and velveeta cheese.

Was the soup pre-seasoned

Or did you add stuff
to it?

It was a bit sweet

But I rinsed it off
a little bit.

If you eat it with
the sandwich,

I think it's probably
much better.

Fabio, what did you make
for us?

I made some roasted artichoke

And chili pepper mac and cheese.

I used the mac and cheese

The easy to bake--
easy to make mac and cheese.

What is that spice?

The chili pepper.

I like the heat.
All right, thank you.

Thank you.

Hi, radhika.

I love dips

And so I did a nice
spicy red bean dip.

I put a little tahini in there

To mellow out the heat
and some nice grilled bread.

Thank you.
Thank you.

hi, hosea.

So I did a soup.

It's a sweet pea soup.

There's some fried spam,
crispy onion rings,

Pork rinds, and a little bit
of hearts of palm.

Pork rinds--
I love pork rinds.

Hi, jeff.
This is hung.

What is that?

That is conch.

I took some baby conch

And I tried to butterfly it out.

It was nice and tender
so I'm not too worried about it.

A little coconut sauce here

And the bohemian pina colada.

Yeah, I did--

I did go to the east
a little bit.

Can't hide that from me.

Yeah, man.

This is jamie.

So I did a bruschetta

Of garbanzo beans,
marinated artichokes,

And a little smoked mussel.

"smoked mussel," you said?


I did an open-faced
turkey spam sandwich

With a little gravy

And a very quick cranberry
pineapple chutney.

there is turkey spam?

I guess so.



hung, he calls it interesting.

I'm, like, ooh,
interesting isn't good.

So he wasn't really impressed
with that.

So today I did my take

On an asian salmon cake

With a little bit
of peanuts

And fried green beans on top

And a lemongrass-ginger mayo.

The mayonnaise is pretty good.

yeah, mayonnaise is good.

Thank you, carla.

Thank you.
Thank you.


So hung, who disappointed you?


I thought the waffles
were a little bit too crunchy.

They look great
but not much done to it.



I thought it was just
a can of beans

Pureed up with some seasoning
and some toast.

Wasn't, like,
a complete dish.

More like a snack.

Anyone else?

And jamie.

That was a dish that I thought

You opened cans up,
tossed a little olive oil,

And on a piece of toast.

I wish you could've done
a little more


let's talk about
some good news.

Good news is hosea.

That's one of my favorite dish.

I love the sweet pea soup,

The crispy and salty spam.

It was real balanced out.

Thank you.


I thought it was
a really good dish.

The sandwich took some time
to make.

The soup took some time
to make.

It was hot.

It was something I would eat
at 3:00 a.M.

And jeff.

I thought you used
your time wisely.

You had three separate

And they all kind of married in

And took some time
to bread up the conch.

so who is the winner
of our quickfire?

and the winner is...


Thank you.


Appreciate it.

I [bleep]ing nailed it.

I'm pissed off right now.

I'm thinking

I wonder if I hadn't
given him that spam.

I probably would've had
immunity right now.

I wouldn't be stressed out
at all.

Congratulations, stefan.

As you know,

You have just won yourself

From elimination
in the next challenge.

Thank you.

I just want to thank you,

For coming back
to the top chef kitchen.

thank you, guys.

So for your next challenge,

We're going back
to basics.

Let's draw knives.










All right,
so it goes down

With your other team members.


I got the love birds.

I'm a little uncomfortable
being on this team

Because leah and hosea
already have

Their own little relationship.

So I'm kind of like, "oh, boy."

For your elimination challenge,

Each team must create

A delicious seasonal meal

Based around your main protein.

Tomorrow you'll shop
for ingredients

And then cook a family-style
lunch including dessert

For 16 people per team.

Good luck.

so I'm on the team
with stefan,

Which is not good.

I've worked with stefan

Stefan is a know-it-all
and I have a feeling

It's gonna be difficult for us.

No, stop it.

I'm not--I'm not changing it.

I'm done.
I don't want to talk to you.

Do whatever the [bleep]
you want, stefan.

wanna go upstairs?


Which bread do you want
to use?

so we get to go back home

And we start to come up
with something for a lunch,

Family-style, that we're gonna
be doing tomorrow.

How do we want to do
the leg meat?

We could even, like,
braise it.

Or we could even, like,

Take out the leg
and roll it.

If we work as a team,

I think it'll all get done.

I feel like leah and I
are more on the same page

About the way we cook our food

And our food styles.

But ariane won a challenge
by cooking lamb,

So we're fine with her
doing the meat.

We should do a whole
roasted chicken.

The skin, you bake it,
make it nice and crispy.

You can't just roast
a chicken and put it on a plate.

There has to be something to it.

I'm not roasting
just a chicken,

Putting on a plate.

Have I ever done any [bleep]
food since I'm here?


Be smart about what
you're doing.

I would do a mashed potato,
I would.

I would do a chicken
matzo ball soup.

I know, but stefan,

It's also not just about you.

When jamie's pissed,

She is so freakin' cute.

I love it.
I freakin' love it.

We all need to work
as a team

And make sure everything works

I'm absolutely fine
with that.

I'm just giving you
the basics.

Stefan and jamie
go back and forth

Back and forth,
back and forth.

I can't create in that energy,
in that friction.

it'll be sausage
to put inside the pasta.

And I'm gonna do
the heirloom cherry tomato

On top of the pasta.

They want a simple lunch,

So we said no indian,

No overthinking,
no italian.

Let's come up with a plan

That can work well
with all of us.

Simple, fresh,
seasonal lunch.

Unless you guys have
anything else,

I'm gonna do a fig bread

It's perfect.

When your boyfriend comes back--

Can you tell stefan
when he comes back

That we left him
a menu upstairs.

That we kind of changed it
a little bit.

Carla and I started talking
without stefan

'cause I kind of was
apprehensive about doing soup.

He really wanted
to do a soup.

I thought that some
of the things that we were doing

Were a little too heavy
and not seasonal enough.

I found him.

Can I get a beer?

So carla and I approach stefan

To talk to him about the ideas

That we have for changing
the menu.

No, stop it.

I'm not changing it.
You good?

Actually, we are changing it
'cause here's the thing.

You have immunity.

You cannot go home.
Do you understand?

It doesn't matter.
I look like a douchebag.

So I am actually willing
to put--

A douchebag?

So you're saying I don't know
how to cook?

No, no, no.
I'm gonna look like a douchebag.

Okay, I can't even talk
to you right now.

Okay, jamie, hold on--

No, you won't even listen.

Because the minute
I come in here,

"no, I'm not changing

You know what?
I'm done.

I don't want to talk to you.

Do whatever the [bleep]
you want, stefan.

Listen, I'm not changing

Menu's done.
I'm done with it.

it's the morning
of the elimination.

Looking outside,
there is not even the sun.

I'm, like,
what time is it?

It's 5:00 in the morning.

this morning,
for some reason I wake up,

I'm not feeling very good
about our dish.

I'm starting to feel
like maybe we need

A couple more things
on the dish

Because it's a little
too simple

And it's maybe not seasonal

We're just--

I don't think we have enough
seasonal vegetables.

'cause the veg--the mushrooms
aren't, like--

Hosea comes in
and he's, like,

Nervous and panicky.

I'm just wondering
if braised lamb

Is really our best show
for seasonal.

what about grill?

Grilled leg of lamb?

yeah, I don't think
we should do that.

I think we should roast it.

roasting it is more seasonal.

All right.

Hosea and leah,
they bounce it off each other.

If one disagrees,
the other says, "oh, okay."

Nobody's even listening
to me.

I'm at the point
where it's just whatever.

so we leave the house

And we jump in the sequoias
and go shopping.

I have jamie and stefan
with me

Nobody's really talking
to anybody.

So we don't know
what the menu is going to be.

Wow, nice.

we are driving now

And there is bushes,
trees everywhere.

And I'm, like,

Doesn't look like we are going
to the whole food market.

oh, I know where we are

It's dan barber's restaurant.

We pull up in the sequoias

And dan barber's standing there

With three of the farmers
from stone barns.

Dan barber has got
an amazing reputation.

It's kind of an honor
to actually be cooking for him.

He's known for farm-fresh
ingredients and seasonality.

And this could be good,

'cause this is totally
the food that I do.

Hi, team.


Welcome to the stone barn center

For food and agriculture.

It's a nonprofit farm
and education center.

Say hello to the head farmers

Jack algiere.
Good morning.

Hi, jack.
craig haney.

Good morning, chefs.

Nice to meet you.

and shannon algiere.

good morning.

Today you're gonna shop
with these guys and this gal.

Each team is gonna get
the chance

To see what these guys
grow here.

Different kind of whole food.


I'm a little concerned

Because we're not shopping
at whole foods.

And I realize that the menu
we've written

Is gonna have to be

And you're gonna cook
in my restaurant,

Blue hill at stone barns.

You're gonna be making lunch

For the farmers and the chefs
that work here

And also some of their family.

We're at a farm
which is really cool.

As a chef, you want
the best product available.

And this is the quintessential
idea of that.

Best of luck to all
of you today.

thank you, chef.

Okay, team chicken.

Team sheep.

Team pigs.

Pleasure meeting you.

So we gonna cook on the farm.

The bad thing is we probably
won't find

The selection that's gonna
be at the store.

The good thing is that
the selection

That is gonna be there
is so fresh.

The smell of that.

Oh, god.

There are green tomatoes
all over the ground,

So I started picking them up.

If we took 15 or 20 of 'em

And sliced 'em
and breaded 'em and fried 'em

And then put a tomato jam
with them--

I'm from the south,

So I'm doing a fried green
tomato dish.

So after the tomatoes,

We go and see the sheep.

[making sheep sounds
and laughing]

It's just really cool
to be out here.

I work with farmers,

I work with ranchers
back home.

But what I normally do

Is I get my food and I go.

This--we're actually helping
them do something.

Whoo hoo!
Oh, my goodness.

Party time.

[snorting, grunting]

We walk into the forest
and we see these gigantic pigs.

We deal with the one thing
they really like.



Protein, soy, and corn.

I am definitely not
a vegetarian.

But this doesn't mean

That I don't respect
another life.

You're born,
you're being raised,

And you get k*lled
for a purpose.

But still in this lifetime

You should deserve respect.


What's the matter
with you?

So here we have
the meat bird houses.

They're not gonna attack us,
are they?


It depends on what you'd say
to them.

Oh, hi, chicken.

I grew up in new york city

And I never really had
the opportunity

To go to farms or hang out
on farms

A lot when I was a kid.

It's nice to see where

Your food comes from.

we're cooking for farmers
on the ranch.

And they know the best way
how to utilize a chicken

Because they taste stuff
all day long.

You make a beautiful salad.

You can still make
your cutlets.

We'll just have to see
what they have.

So pressure's on big time.

Pressure's on big time.

So I'm not doing it right.

Ariane doesn't know
how to tie a roast.

I really find that

Just unappealing.

there's, like, this crazy
chicken in front of me.

It's kind of freaking me out
a little bit.

The chicken was right behind

Just attacking jamie

This one hates me.

She didn't like jamie.

You know, who doesn't?


I'm the only guy there.

Shannon the chicken lady.

I have jamie there,

And 140...Hens.

So I'm the only cock
in the stall.

[makes clucking sounds]

The chicken likes it.


I love that.

holy [bleep], look at that.

We walk in,
there's three hours,

And we have our little baskets
of what we picked.

But there's also a ton
of produce laid out.

And there's three giant
sheet pans with the proteins.

We are cooking
for the farmers

And it's a bit daunting

They're gonna have
certain ideas about

How all their food
should be handled.

ravioli is gonna be
a lot of sausage.

And I'm gonna do pesto.
Fresh pesto.

Yeah, a nice pesto
would be perfect with that.


No, on the--
as a sauce.

because we didn't shop
at whole foods,

We have to adapt our menu

And adjust here and there.

I had planned on doing
a bread pudding

But for some reason
they don't have figs.

So that idea is, like,
out the window.

You want the leg
for the sausage

Or are you happy with just
this butt and some belly?

The pork itself is just
gonna be a seared pork loin.

Then radhika's gonna
do the salad.

She's gonna help me with
the dessert.

We're gonna do a creme brulee.

And fabio's making raviolis.

Is there more chicken?

no, that's it.

So then we'll do half
and half.

I'll just do a couple.


I'm doing a chicken cutlet

With a really simple salad
of grilled corn.

Stefan is doing a roast chicken

And we'd finally come
to a compromise

That we're gonna do the soup

But we're gonna lighten up
the roast chicken.

And carla is doing
a tart with stone fruit.

I think we'll be okay

As long a stefan doesn't
freak out

And have his ego trip.

so we're doing lamb two ways.

We have two types of lamb:

A huge leg of lamb and then
this tiny little baby.

I haven't really worked
with baby lamb,

But I have to make the most
of the meat that we have.

So she's gonna bone out
the legs,

Marinate 'em,
get 'em roasted.

Do you want me to do
the potatoes

Or are you gonna
do the potatoes?

Sure, you can do
the potatoes.

Whatever you want to do.

And then what am I doing?

Tomato salad?


I'm only doing a salad
and a dessert.

Like, that's not really
doing enough

And I know that.

We're fine,
we're fine.

The roast leg--

So I'm starting to mix
the things with hand.

Starting to chop
the vegetables.

I'm getting ready as much things
as I can.

Radhika, the first hour
I don't know what she's doing.

She took almost one hour

To peel and grill
ten cob of corn.


Hey, hosea,

What's going on
with team lamb over here?

Well we're multitasking.

Worked a little bit
with ariane and the lamb

Although she's mainly
doing that.

And then myself and leah
over here

Are doing a bunch
of vegetables for the plate.

What do we have here?

Yeah, these are off the bone.

This is all the leg meat here.

Yeah, lot of leg.

We're gonna make, like,
small roulades almost.

Hey, carla.
Hi, chef.

How are you finding, uh, you're
working with your teammates?

Now, I--I'm working
with some strong characters.

is there a team leader?

Um, m-maybe stefan
is our leader.

Let's make him
the leader.

Does he know that?

oh, yeah.

No, I think
he knows that.


Good luck.
Thank you.

Hey, jeff.
Hey, chef.

How are you today?
Good. So what are you doing
with pig?

Um, well, we took the belly,

And I sliced it, and I got it
on a quick cure right here.

The pork loin--

Found some caul fat--

Throw that around it,
to bard it.

And my friend fabio--
of course,

His raviolis
are untouchable, so...

All right.

Good luck.

[rock music]

Anytime a-a chef
can actually get to the farm

And connect with the produce
that's--that's being grown

And sort of being raised,
without a doubt,

It tastes much better.

The lamb team--

It looks like the leg is--
is being butchered down

To much smaller pieces, so it's
not like a-a whole leg of lamb.

The beauty of getting
whole animals

Is you can butcher them so
they're on the bone, and I think

Once something's on the bone,
there's no reason to remove it,

If you want
to keep things simple.

With the chicken,
that team is doing soup.

Now, soup's great,

But it's--it's pretty warm
out here right now.

So I don't know if that's
a great idea, to make a soup.

Pig team--they're doing
a creme brulee

With some fresh berries.

You know, creme brulee
is pretty straightforward.

It's simple to do,

Although someone
was already sent home

Because they couldn't make one
this season.

So hopefully,
that's not their achilles' heel.

I know I have a lot to do.

I'm making an herb rub.

Um, I get it all seasoned
and ready,

And then I have to tie it.

what I'm worried
about right now

Is that she's not gonna
get it done in time.

The three hours is up,
and the meat's not done.

We have nothing to serve.

This is one thing that--

Oh, I'm not--
so not doing it right.

How come I don't--
I'll tie them off.

All right. I'll season.
I'm getting the pan hot.

ariane doesn't know
how to tie a roast.

So I help her tie the roast,

But I probably could've tied
the roast a little bit better,

But at that point,
I just wanted

To get it in the oven.

[driving rock music]

♪ ♪

it's coming down
to, like, the last minutes.

I'm freaking out because
the pork is just being seared.

All right, roasting racks--
has anybody seen roasting racks?

I'm a little nervous now.

We need to get on the pork,

So I'm grabbing
the pork out myself.

There's gonna be a main entree

Of pork loin,

Whether I lose
a hand or not.

what else
is going on this?

Hold on.

These little ones
are definitely done.

my lamb is cooked beautifully.

The lamb is the main ingredient,
the focus,

So I'm feeling confident.

I think we're doing
a great job.

All right, as soon
as the swiss chard's down,

I'm ready
when you are.

how's the pork?

tenderloin's ready.

'cause we got,
like, four minutes.

Oh, that's--I'm happy.
Are you happy?

I'm really, really happy.

Knives down!

[lively guitar music]

♪ ♪

We are serving
the lunch today

For the farmer and the people
working the farm today,

Also for dan barber,

Which is the executive chef
at blue hill restaurant,

Tom colicchio, padma,
and toby young.

So it has to be perfect.

at first, I think my dish

Maybe is too simple
or they're not gonna get it,

And I'm just wondering
if it's enough,

'cause at look
at some of the other teams,

And it seems like they got
a little bit more complex

With what they did and
the ingredients that they used.

So that makes me
a little nervous.

Good afternoon, everybody.

how are you?

today we offer you lamb.

We have lamb two ways--

Lamb loin, seared,
roasted in the oven.

In the center there
is the leg of lamb.

It's got herb-garlic crust,

And it's rolled up
and--and roasted.

In the middle, rosemary
and garlic-roasted new potatoes.

And on the far side,
we have a heirloom tomato salad.

There's some
shaved fennel, onion,

Shaved cheese, basil,

And some fresh lemon juice

And salt.

Good afternoon,
ladies and gentlemen.

We're the three little pigs.

We did a sausage
inside of a nice ravioli.

Inside there, you'll find some,
uh, zucchini and eggplant

Right from your farm here,
uh, a nice fresh basil pesto,

Fried green tomatoes,
of course from your farm.

We saw all the green tomatoes
that were on the ground,

So I decided to fry them up.

We took the pork, and we wrapped
it in a little bit of caul fat.

We marinated it
for a couple hours.

Beside it
is a, uh, corn salad.

We took some
of the belly of the pig.

It's crispy, and it's served
with a little bit of sweet corn,

Fresh farm beans,

And a light vinaigrette.

The chicken team--starting
from the far end of the table,

We have a chicken, uh, piard,
or cutlet,

With a little salad
of mizuna grilled corn,

Onions, and baby tomatoes.

We've got some roast chicken
with a really nice jus,

Fresh tomato salad
with onions and fresh herbs,

Basil and a little
balsamic vinaigrette.

And then we have
a beautiful chicken consomme

With house-made ravioli

That's filled with chicken
and swiss chard.


[mellow music]

♪ ♪

I don't really see the point
of the chicken team

Making the soup.


Not on an 85-degree day
in the afternoon.

some people were saying
that they didn't like

Having this hot consomme

In the summertime,
um, which I agree with,

But at the same time, it was
really, really great soup.

did you have a slice of that?

it's really delicious.

it's nicely roasted.

and these are chicken cutlets
down here?

Yeah, chicken cutlets
with the corn.

The outside
was quite crispy,


The idea is good--the cut--
the fried cutlet with the salad.

It's a nice
conception, yeah.

I thought the fried chicken
was great,

Um, having the citrus,
having the lemon there,

But, uh, a bit dry.

I-I really
liked your dish.

I know you're not happy with it.
I mean, what do I know, but...?

Don't say that, guys.

They're all good.
Everything's fine.

[electronic music]

The lamb is a mess.

this is just
really poor butchering here.

They've taken
a beautiful leg of lamb,

Turn it into a piard,
and roll it up.

It's also kind of aggressive
with the pesto as well,

So you don't really taste
much lamb.

You've heard the expression,
"mutton dressed as lamb."

This was lamb
dressed as mutton.

The potatoes
were lovely.

the swiss chard--it was nice
that they used the swiss chard.

I-I'd like to see
some of the stems.

I thought
the lamb team's meal

Was slightly out of season.

[man #2]
and they also sliced it
with the grain.

So, at that point, all the juice
had kind of run out,

So it was
a little overcooked.

again, if you're honoring
the protein,

This was...

No way
to honor the lamb.

Our dish is really,
really [bleep] simple,

But everything--
every component is good.
Tastes great.

and the salad is awesome.

And that gives it the color
and the brightness.

I like our dish.

[funky rock music]

the pork team's ravioli

Is fine.

It's just
you can't taste anything

But the pesto on top.

The pesto is the big bad wolf

Which has blown
this pig's house down.

if you get an animal
that's on the bone,

It's nice to cook it
on the bone.

You know,
taking a-a loin

And stripping it
down like that,

Taking all the fat off of it
and then roasting it

Defeats the purpose of the--
of the pork.

I mean, pork--
it's all about the fat.

The star
on the pork plate,

To me,
is the fried green tomato.

Crispy, yeah.
It's good.

[electronic music]

♪ ♪

For dessert, we have

A nectarine
and strawberry tartlet,

And it's cooked down
with a little bit of thyme,

And we've paired it
with a cream and lemon zest.

We just have a vanilla and
lavender-scented creme brulee--

Very simple,

Some farm berries,
a little mint. Enjoy.

And we have made you a beautiful
summer-berry trifle

With grand marnier lemon
pound cake and a vanilla cream.


let's start
with chicken team's tart.

carla makes
a great crust,

And she--she used it again.

I also love the fact
that she used thyme in desserts.

I love when herbs
are used in desserts.

This is
intelligently done

And not too sweet,

Which was a really nice way
to end this lunch.

I like how they paired it

With the lemon.

[woman #2]
the lemon was really good
and the cream.

The taste was excellent.
That was good for you?

You had the second.


creme brulee is too sweet.

the custard itself
was sweet.

And also, the sugar that they
put on the top was too thick.

The mint-strawberry-blueberry

It feels as if someone
has just drained a pimm's

And then emptied the contents
on top of a creme brulee.

it is a rich thing
for a hot day,

But the portion
was small enough

That I don't feel heavy
from it.

how was the cake
on the trifle?

it reminded me like I was being
served, you know,

Tray tables down,
and, uh, here come the desserts.

I really find that
just to be

to look at.

Well, I think we know
who's on top,

And we know
who's on the bottom.

But let's get back to judges'
table and figure out the rest.

All right.

when you're doing simple food,

There's no room
for error.

there was something

So bloodless and anemic

About the dish.

[slow guitar music]

♪ ♪

oh, what a day.

oh, man,

This is getting
really, really hard.

I liked my plates

As a group.

You go home, I'm gonna be
hella [bleep] pissed.

I'll tell you that.

Can we please see

Jamie, carla,

And stefan?

Thank you.

yikes. I love that.

Bye, guys.

[ominous music]

♪ ♪


The three of you
were the judges' favorites

In this challenge.

thank you.
thank you.

Um, carla, I'm assuming

You did the pastry.

Right, I did the dessert.

It was
our favorite dessert.

Oh, thank you.

there was a little issue
in the kitchen.

Stefan, you were leaning more
towards a heavier dish.

Jamie, I guess, tried to go
with a lighter dish.

Who--who won out on that?

As being the mediator,
what I said--

"we all want to be on top."

In the end, we really
just compromised our menu.

We all worked it out.

It took a while,
but we worked it out.

Well, that's
the right attitude.


As our guest judge
and our host at the farm,

It is your pleasure

To announce the winner.

it was a great day
on the farm

To celebrate
a terrific plate of food

That showed off everything the
farmers work very hard to do.

So, jamie, stefan, carla...

You all have won today.

Thank you.

Thank you.

finally got my win.

I'm on the board.

Yeah, it's nice.
It feels good.


To all of you.

Unfortunately, I'm gonna have
to ask you to send back

The lamb team
and the pork team.

[ominous music]

♪ ♪

hi, guys.

So we actually
all won.

[cheers and applause]

Unfortunately, they actually
want to see all of you.


Good job, guys.

[gong chimes]

[suspenseful music]

Both your teams did poorly
in this challenge.

let's start
with the pig team.

Was it an individual decision
that somebody took

To remove the fat

Or was it
a collective decision?

I took apart
the majority of the pig.

I personally usually take
the silver skin off,

Especially if I have an option
to wrap something around it.

I would second guess
your removing that.

The fat that's on there,

It's really one

Of the more delicious parts
of the animal.

And when you can get something
that's on the bone,

It cooks nicer.

It creates more flavor.

If there wasn't enough,

There wasn't enough.
And, uh...

can you talk to us

About the ravioli?

We were looking
at the beginning

For a sort
of cherry tomato sauce.


There was no cherry tomato
available in the kitchen,

So I decided to make
some light pesto.

it's the amount of the pesto.

It was a heavy hand,
a really heavy hand.

Too much pesto.

I think the problem was
a lot of the flavors

In the sausage

Were quite delicate,

And they were just
completely overwhelmed

By the pesto.

It really wasn't
that light.


What were you
responsible for?

I did the grilled corn salad,

The bacon that jeff
quick cured, if you will,

And, uh, we both collaborated
on the dessert.

You had three hours
to cook?

Yeah, three hours.

Let me ask you
a question.

If you're running a kitchen
and one of your cooks,

In the course
of their three hour day

Getting ready for prep
for service,

They said, "oh, I made the salad
and I helped with the dessert,"

Do you think
that's enough?

I tried to contribute

As much as I could.

Anything they needed,
I did.

I wasn't standing still
for three hours.

all right.

The lamb team.

the decision to take the lamb

And pound it out
and then roll it up,

Why did you make
that decision?

We were a little unsure
if we had braised it

It wouldn't have
been tender enough.

So, we felt like
if we tenderized it,

Roasted it,

It would have
taken less time.

Why the tenderizing?

I mean, baby lamb
by definition

Is tender.


Who broke down the lamb?

I broke down primarily
all the lamb.

Why was ariane

The only one dealing
with the lamb?

[gong chimes]

Well, I mean
it wasn't just her,

But, I mean, we--
we all helped.

I mean, like we didn't do
that many different components,

So there was
limited responsibilities

Because ariane
took the lamb.

The big problem I had

Was the butchering.
It was, uh--

I thought a very amateurish
attempt at butchering.

It wasn't tied evenly.

What's the purpose
of tying something?

So it's uniform,
so it cooks uniformly.

I'm not familiar
with rolling and tying.

Was there any discussion?
Have you done this?

Do you know
how to do this?

I told them
I didn't know how to tie.

You know, I asked for help
when I needed it.

Leah helped me tie it.

Hosea helped me
tenderize it.

I mean, I did speak up.

I just want
to say, like,

I've definitely,
like, rolled

Many things
and tied it up.

Did you think that they were
all, like, misshaped?

There were pieces
that were this big

And the end of it
was this big.

I mean, it was--
it was--

Okay, that's fine.

That's fine.

Where were you
with the rolling

And the tying?

I roasted the potatoes.

I did the haricot verts.

Do you break down lamb

Regularly, hosea?

I've definitely
broken down lamb legs

And racks and saddles.

I mean, I can--
I can cut meat.

Hosea, if you had
more experience butchering,

Maybe you should
have spoken up

And jumped in there
and did something.

[metal clangs]

[gong chimes]

All right, we'll call
you back in a while.

Hi. Ooh.

it was brutal.

[gong chimes]

Well, I do think there are
a number of chefs tonight

That qualify
for elimination.

We always say it's all
about the ingredients,

And it is,
but you also see

That the ingredients
in the wrong hands

Can end up
with a bad result.

I know the steps that
those farmers go through,

From seed to soil,

And it's amazing
what we can do

To mess that all up.

What was amazing is
what they couldn't do.

There was something
so bloodless

And anemic
about the pork dish.

You know, when I'm faced

With a beautiful,
well-reared piece of meat,

I don't want to stand back
and admire it.

I want to have full blown,
unprotective sex.

I didn't even get
to first base

With the pork.

I hear you
on the pork,

But I'm willing
to forgive it

In the face of what
we were served with the lamb.

The lamb was just--

Not only butchered incorrectly,
but just butchered, period.


And the thought process
behind it

Had very little thought

Compared to what was
going on with the pork.

At least the majority
of us agree

That the lamb dish
is the worst dish.

If the pork dish was
so much better,

I wouldn't even be
making this argument.

But since they were
both pretty poor,

I mean,
can we make a case

For sending radhika home

Since she really did
very little work at all.

She hung back and
took such a back seat,

And she didn't really seem
that bothered by it.

This about the farm,
this was about the animals,

And I think that ariane

Really did a disservice
to that lamb.

I mean, hosea kind of knew

That he couldn't push her,
he didn't jump in.

But if she doesn't know
how to butcher a leg of lamb,

What is she doing here?


That's--that could
be a problem.

but on the other hand,

I feel sorry for her because
at least she went in there

And she said,
"I'm gonna butcher this lamb."

But I don't think
you should let pity

Cloud your judgment.
I mean,

I feel sorry for her, too,
because she can't cook.

well, she can.

She's done
some great things.

We're focusing on what
she did tonight.

Isn't part of our rubric

To completely ignore
everything that's come before

And judge them entirely
on their performance today?

I'm a hard worker.

I'm a team player.
You are.

You're definitely
a team player.

Out of anybody that
I've worked with so far,

You're definitely
a team player.

I did the best I could
with what I knew.

It felt like leah

Kind of knew
there was something wrong

And kind of just went...

You know,
"I'll let her take the fall."

True, leah didn't do a lot
and she knew it.

I think she was happy
to let ariane take the blame.

She wasn't owning up,
which I found really

The most appalling part

About this whole exchange,
which really--

That had a lot to do
with the tying.

Okay, I think
we have our decision.

Let's get them back here.

[gong chimes]

[metal knife clanging]

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

you know, today started out
with a nice field trip

To stone barns
and blue hill,

And I think we were all
impressed by the operation,

The amount of produce
coming out of the ground,

And the way the animals
were being raised.

And I think
it's a connection

That chefs have to the earth
and then to the table.

We were quite disappointed
with both dishes.

On the pork team,

Radhika, we felt that you
didn't really contribute

A whole lot
to the team.


You did plenty of work,
however again

That inherent flavor
of the pork

And the stuffing
was completely obliterated

By heavy hand of pesto.

Jeff, you made a mistake

Of taking the fat away,

And I think it was
a mistake to do that.

Also, the creme brulee
we thought was overly sweet.

the fried green tomatoes,

We loved the idea
that you found something

That was going to be wasted,
honored it,

And actually
that was probably

The saving touch
on the dish.

That's the reason
why the pork team

Is not
the losing team here.

And on the lamb team,

Leah, you didn't
really contribute much

To the team at all.

You said that
you wanted more to do,

But you need to fight
for the dishes

That you want to have
on the menu.

I was quite surprised

To hear you say
that you didn't have

That kind
of butchering experience,

And yet you would
take that role

And put yourself
in that position.

The meat wasn't
properly butchered,

It wasn't
properly cooked,

And there was just
a heavy hand of marinade

When we need to coax
those flavors in the lamb out.

listening to you say

That you probably have
more experience butchering,

But yet you let
your teammate flounder

And let her do something

That she's clearly
over her head doing,

And I'm not quite sure

Of the wisdom there.

You should know better

That your team needs
to be helped out.

Ariane, please pack
your knives and go.

[metal knife clanging]

Thank you.

It's been a pleasure
having you here.

It's been a pleasure
to be here. Thank you.

It's been
a great experience.

I don't think it's fair

That I'm going home.

There are other people
that I think

Didn't work as hard.

Leah was not
a good team player.

And neither was hosea,
he's a wimp.

It's me.



so, I just knew

That was playing against me
right then and there.

But what goes around,
comes around, so...

Thank you.

I'm proud of what I've done.

I started way on the bottom,
I shot to the top,

So I feel good
just knowing

That I can
take on a situation

And really handle it

And do the best I can.

I think my family
will be proud

And that's what counts.

next on top chef...

It's time for top chef's
restaurant wars.

There you go.

This is just hideous.

Restaurant wars is a big deal
in the restaurant world.

This is so not how
I like to do my fish.

Leah knows
if our restaurant fails,

It's her fault.


I'm in this leadership role,

And I feel like
I don't really have control

Over a lot of things.

throughout this competition,

Hosea and I have been,
like, the closest.

Leah and I have
a little bit of chemistry.

We--we like each other.

I'm trying to not let that
turn into anything.

I can't let that
turn into anything.

for more about the recipes
seen tonight,
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