10x03 - Oh Wow! It's Like One of Those Things You've Seen on TV!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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10x03 - Oh Wow! It's Like One of Those Things You've Seen on TV!

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The Amazing Race",

china for remote mongolia.

Horses took teams on a rough ride.

Oh, my god.

No, no, no.

No, no.

While peter and sarah
couldn't control their beasts.


This thing has fire in its eyes.

Nevertheless, they came in first.

You're team number one.

Come on, mary.

Mary twisted her ankle.

My ankle's hurt bad.

But in the end,

it was the cheerleaders who fell behind,

failed to finish the roadblock.

I am so weak.

I cannot do any more.

And were eliminated.

You are the last team to arrive.

Now, nine teams remain.

Who will be eliminated tonight?

This is mongolia,

home to a nomadic culture
that has lasted over 800 years.

Its landscape is dotted with temples

like this hillside pavilion,

the second pit stop in a race around the world.

Teams arrived here at the end of
the last leg for a mandatory rest period.

The nine teams waiting here
have no idea what's in store for them.

Peter and sarah,

who arrived at 6:54 p.m.

Will leave at 6:54 a.m.

fly to Viet, Vietnam.

Teams must now travel
over 2,300 miles to Viet, Vietnam.

Once they arrive,

they will find their way to this place.

Hoalo, prison, infamously
known as the Viet hilton...

it's here that teams will find their next clue.

You have zero dollars for this leg of the race.

Let's go


It's extremely important.

"You will have to find your airline tickets

at the agency located at the genghis khan hotel."

all right, here we go

We're going to Vietnam.

I'm right now walking and running
on a blown-out hydraulic knee

and it's really hard for me to walk or run.

It's a good thing we have this lead,

because we're going to need it.

"Fly to Viet, Vietnam."

Let's roll.

I think james and i as a team are happy
with the way things are turning out,

and we still haven't fought.

We've bickered a little bit,
but not really a whole lot.

As long as we focus on the task in front of us

we're going to do fine.¡¡

"genghis khan hotel."

Where is it?

"You have zero dollars for this leg of the race."

Okey, let's go.

A lot of these girls on the street walk arm in arm.

Do you think they're just friends or what?

I don't know.

I don't really believe anything is
going to change lauren's sexuality.

If anything is going to change,
it's me and my acceptance.

She's a beautiful person inside and out.

We're going to Vietnam.

I know, man...

i didn't serve in Vietnam.

There was a draft and my
number didn't come can up.

A lot of my friends did.

A lot of them never returned.

"You have zero dollars for this leg of the race."


I can drive this.

We both are very independent,

and we've only known each other two years.

Follow the bus to the right.

How do we know the bus is going to ulong batar?

It makes sense.

To try to make decisions together

is stressful.

We need to find the genghis khan hotel.

"You have zero dollars for this leg of the race

and you may not beg or sell anything."

You really have to be smart with your dollars,

and starting this leg with no money,

all the teams don't have as
much money as we have.

We have 40 american dollars.

"No money for this leg of the race."

We have 11 dollars.

It's a good thing we didn't spend all of our money.

Genghis khan.

This is it.

Air market travel?

It opens at 9:00.

Is this it?
Genghis khan.

That's it.

What up?

It doesn't open until 9:00.
Till 9:00, huh?

Viet, Vietnam.

Let's go.

Ok.let's go.

Let's get on the main road and go right.

One thing we're going to learn on this
is how to be confident with directions.

That's true

to be defined as a pageant girl

and the assumptions that go along with that

it's tough sometimes.

We won't be needing mapquest after this.


Don't hit that dog.

I'm not going to hit a dog.

If rob chooses to say things har hurtful to me,

we're going to have to have
a serious talk about that.

That looks like downtown.over there

We went the wrong way.

it's not a big deal.

Do not freak out right now.

"Fly to Viet, Vietnam."

Once there find infamous hualo prison."

Let's go

as soon as she did,
tears came to my eyes.

I have always followed my dad's footsteps.

He was in the service.
He was in Vietnam.

He only told me certain stories

because it is probably one
of the worst wars ever.

Everybody's passing you.

Mary, i'm doing 60.

We're in a race.
I'm going to get angry...

don't you mary me.

I'm not going to lose this race

mary, you can't look at my speedometer, ok?


right here.
Here it is.

Hey, guys.


It's been open for a while

genghis khan hotel.

That's it.

Good morning.

Let's go

opens at 9:00.

We've got to form a line here.


Dave, right here.

I see theucs.

"Fly to Viet, Vietnam."
Let's go.

In my heart, i have always won,

because each moment that i spend on this race,

whether i'm looking out the window and
seeing these wonderful places,

along with doing it with my brother.

How many people have those opportunities?

We're going to Vietnam, baby.

The genghis khan hotel.

Take a left.
Straight down.

We're going to go one over.

You guys go one over.

The ticket counter.

There are four ticket agents.

We were the fifth team in line.

The gay couple in new york

walked in past an available ticket agent

so we started doing business with her.

Are you open?

We're flying to Vietnam.
To Vietnam.

They just cut in front of us.

They cut the line.

That's not fair.

You guys walked past her.
We grabbed her.


looking for any little inch
they can get on anybody else.

I'm sorry.

We have been fair but you are not.

Are you listening to them argue?

Honesty, Terry, we wouldn't have
pushed in front. I'm not Terry.

Tom.i'm sorry.

I thought we could trust you guys.

We didn't feel guilty

because we were on the ball
and doing our stuff.

They are not going to win a beauty
pageant with kindness,

that is for sure.

"You have zero dollars for this leg of the race."

Don't get me wrong,

we would love to have the million dollars

but the race is not the most glamorous thing.

It's painful.

In fact, to compare it to something,

it's like childbirth.

I want the quickest flight out, today,
to get us to Viet, Vietnam.

You will be leaving for beijing at 1:00 p.m.

Beijing to Viet, 9:00 p.m.

is that the fastest way?

Okey, that's it.

We're flying to Vietnam.

There is one to beijing.

Are there enough tickets?

here we go.

This is it.


Everybody's got tickets to beijing.

Everybody's on the same flight?

We're on our way to the last pit stop,
and i twisted my ankle

Don't do it tight, now,
because i'm telling you, it's hurting bad.

I know, but you've got to
suck it up to do these challenges.

i didn't leave my kids for nothing.

I've got to do it.

All nine teams are on their way to Viet, Vietnam

via beijing, china.

Ok. All right.
Let's.... Taxi.

We're one of the first teams to leave.

I think we're going to have
to pay him at least $10.

We have 24.

That's a little scary.
Duke and lauren only have 11.

One street.

Yeah? Ok.

We're going to Vietnam, baby.

That car, go, go, go.

Peter, left.Left.


Peter, i can't run as fast.

Hurry, hurry.
Hurry, please.

There she is.

Can you get us a taxi?

My dad met this local woman on the plane

and she agreed to come in the taxi with us

and take us to where we needed to go.

I was skeptical.

Wait for me.

Want me to wait for you?


We can't.

We just have to get there.

What are we waiting for her?

Because she knows the language.

There is a van over there.
Let's drive back.


We don't have time for this.

They're passing us.


Mary, y'all see if y'all
can fit in here.


We don't have room for that.

It's not going to get our bags
Not going to fit.

Not enough room.

We got to the cab and we were going to
try to pair up with kentucky

and realized that the taxi
would not accommodate all teams.

David and mary are sweet people,

helping people.

It's what most southern folks do.

Fast.We like fast.

This one.


Can you believe that?

Let's go get them.

You want to get that?

All right.

Just what we needed.

A local tour guide.

I think we're getting close.

What's going on?
Can we go?

Why are we... do we need to get out?

You want to jump out?

Oh, my, gosh, d.

Oh, my god, what happened?

Get in the car, get in the car, get in the car.
Go, go,go

go around.

The girls.


Hese people are passing us now.


We must have ran over the blondes.

You should have kept going.

The blondes were out of the car
looking at it and our taxi passed them.

The truck flipped over.


Blondies, positive.

My god.

Oh, my.

There is a taxi.

Another team.

Kentucky, mary and dave, just passed us.

I hope we're going the right way.

We're going to the prison, right?

He take me my brother.

After that, he take you the prison.

How much time is that going to take?


Because we have to beat a lot of people here.

We're not, now, because now, we're last.

We'll find out.

We'll find out.
When we're eliminated.

How far away to drop you off
from where we have to go?

This is good for the driver.



Don't you understand?

I understand we're not
going to have enough money.

He knows how to get there real fast?

let's go.

We'll be fine.

Yeah, when we're arrested
because we can't pay him.

The prison?

I think this is it.

Opening hours... it opens at 8:00.

Here comes marked cabs.

Other people are there now.

Why can't we go in?

It's not open.
Just chill.

Darn it.

We're sleeping here.

Are you kidding me?

I can say i camped out in Vietnam.

There's a lot of cabs here.


This is all i have to my name.

I don't have any more money.

All right?

Thank you.Appreciate it.

We lucked out.That's amazing.

The cab was a godsend.

Is that a clue?

Thank you.

Hundreds of u.s. Servicemen were
held as prisoners of w*r

in this building

which was famously named Viet hilton.

During the Vietnam w*r,

hundreds of american
servicemen were held c*ptive here.

One of the most notable prisoners

was senator john mccain,

who endured five years here

after his fighter plane was shot down.

Teams must now search the grounds of
the prison to find mccain's flight suit.

It's here that we'll find our next clue.

That's pretty cool.

I'm just honored to be here, really,

just for my dad.

We must be around here.

This is locked.


David, if it don't open, it don't open.

Is that it?


i don't think it's going to be down here.

Maybe we should go up here.
I don't know.

Dude, look at this.

This is crazy, dude.


How tiny.

Do you see something?

There is a dungeon back there.

Look in here.

Anything in here?

You guys find it?

Anything in here?

Let's not go to the
same places they've gone.

Can't go that way.

Mccain's flight suit.

Mccain's flight suit.

John mccain's flight suit.

Take a moment.


Here we go.

Hey, dude.

Ok.We're out of here.

Thank you.

First room
thank you.

Thank you.

Let's go inside.

Don't miss out.

We took a moment of silence out of
respect for the servicemen,

not only in Vietnam

but around the world that today are fighting

and sacrificing their lives.

It is a significant place

and it is a place that

we wanted to honor properly

even though it meant that
we would be in last place.

"Make your way to Viet's old quarter."

"And find the market."

Teams must now travel 1/2 miles

to Viet's old quarter and
search for this intersection.

Once there, they will find
this marked flower shwzp

where their clue awaits them.

Hang luoc.

go to the hotel.

Take us.

Too far for you to walk.

Too far to walk?

How do we get a taxi around here?

Too much?

Guys, $2.

Can you go fast?


Fast, please.


Here goes.
Thank you.

Right on.

We need this taxi.

Follow them.

This is where we're going.

Hang luoc.

Old quarter.

Quickly, quickly.

We need a taxi.

Go, go.

Thank you very much.

No cash for a taxi.

There is a lot of flower shops.

I'm going to get k*lled.

Find the marked market.

Hang ma this way.

The taxis with the guys.

Hang ma.

Look around.

I see flowers straight ahead.


Where is it?

Yeah, yeah.

A roadblock is a task

that only one person maper form.

In this roadblock, that person has to
figure out how to charm the people

and turn a profit on the streets of Vietnam.

Team members must choose
a bicycle with a basket of flowers

and sell enough flowers
to make 80,000 Vietnam

roughly $5.

Whatever teams earn they may keep.

I'll do it.

What do we do?

Take one of these.

I ride this?


Where is the flower shop?

No, no, no.

There is the flower shop.

Do you want to do it?

Grab a bike.

Flowers, flowers

for sale.flowers

The tires are flat.

Sarah, down here.

Sarah, come on.


Thank you.

Buy some flowers?


Please, buy?




Right there.


I know i should have done this one.

Who is ready to pedal?

I'll do it.

Flowers for sale.


Here they are, right here.

Do you think you can do it?
I can do it.

There it is, right there.

Let's get out.

I cannot ride a bike.My foot.

My turn.


Right there?

Damn, it's hot.

Thank you, thank you.

Thank you.

You want those?

Peter was selling flowers left and right.

All the women love him.

I think they're loving the blond hair.

I'm definitely doing the next one.

I've got to jump in with both feet...

no pun intended.

What do we do with this?

She has to count it.

Are we missing anything?

You are enough.

Travel by public bus to the village of zac.

Teams must travel by public bus
To the tiny village of Vac.

Once there they will search for
this buddhist temple

Where they will find their next clue.


Got to make sure we get on the

right bus, though.

I need $9.

I need

Get more.

Coming out.

I need two more.

Shut up.


I hear you.

Erwin, everybody's selling right here.

They're all coming here.


The girls are selling out the door.

Academics came easy

for the two of us

but a flower market

you can be the most intelligent person
in the world but the reality is

two young females

come out there, stand there,

they're going to sell more flowers
than you hawking them all day long.

We've got 69,000.

We need 11,000 more.





This is awesome.

It's ok.



You're in sales.

I think you should do it.

Six, seven, eight, nine, 80.

I got 80,000.

Excuse me.


Hand me your money.

Excuse me.


Get to Vac village.

Thank you.

It's like money.


Yeah, yeah.
Over here.

We need to take the bus.

No, no, bus.

Big bus.

Got to go.
Come on.


Which bus?

Which one?


I don't want anybody to run on here.

I'm hoping this is the right one.

I think it is.

"Travel by public bus to the village of Vac.



This way?

And then left?

You know this bus goes to Vac?


Wrong bus?

Wrong bus?

Stop, stop, stop.


There is the bus.


Village of Vac?


Taking public bus.

Bus 22.

Thank you.
Oh, god.

Bus 22?

Thank you.

Damn it.

Good job.

Bus to Vac.

Can you show me?

Down here?

Will you take me?


Come on.
Let's go.

Now, look, blondies are here.

Do you know?

Did you find anything?

We're, like, lost.

What about Rob and Kimberly?

we don't need to find Vac,

we need to find the bus.

Dad did a great job at selling the flowers.

There you go, sweetheart.

All the ladies were jumping

on the stairs to buy my dad's flowers.

It was so crazy and chaotic.

Give me the 2,000.

Dad, i think we have enough.

Do i keep all this money?

Thank you.
Good luck.

Thank you.

Shop's closed.

"Travel by public bus to the village of Vac."

Bus, bus, there.

Here's a bus.

Vac village?

Oh, my god.

There is nobody else on this bus.

No other team.

Ah, hopes diminish.

This way.

Will you take us?

There is the girls right there.
There is the blondes.

Follow them.

There they are, there they are.

The bama girls.

We'll all follow each other,
i guess.

Hold on.

Other teams are going up that way.

We'll follow them.

There is the bus station right there.

It's got to be it.

We ain't going to be able
to get across that street.

Let's go.

Good luck.

It's like frogger, dude.


I'm ok.

Oh, my god.

Here's kentucky.

Does this bus go to vac?

Get on the bus.

Are you sure this is it?

It says Vac right there.

There's other teams that
left the flower shop

maybe 20 minutes, half hour ago and

they're on the same bus we're on now.

Maybe we're lucky.

There's buses coming.

There's 17.

Sarah, we messed up.

Oh, god.

I can't imagine how my dad

seen Vietnam in the Vietnam w*r

because my dad only told me stories about

People dead, and sh**ting,

and to be able to
seea rice paddy, and be able to

imagine some of the stuff
he went through...

it just ain't right.


One kilometer?


I can't. Sorry.

For safety reasons, teams

are strictly forbidden to

operate or ride on motorcycles

while in Vietnam.

Does this bus go to vac?

Currently we are on the bus to vac and

i think we are in last place.

We'll see if we can make it up.


Do you see it?
There it is.

Oh, god.


This is amazing.


Fuel or fowl?"

In this detour, teams

have to choose between two

skills commonly performed by

Vietnamese tradesmen.

The choice, fuel or fowl?"

In fuel, teams travel on work to this work station.

They must take wet coal from

this communal pile and
Create bricks

which are a common fuel source in Vietnam.

When they have correctly made

all their coal bricks,

the coal maker will
hand them their next clue.

In fowl, teams must travel on
foot to this courtyard.

Once here they must use
traditional materials and local methods

to build one bird cage.

Bird cages mean you have to

it's a little harder.


Come with us.

Ok, ok.

Vac, ok?

In my bicycle.


Come with.


I hope this is right.

Do you think this is right?

Yeah, it is.

Here we go. Coal.

The press is here.

All right.



Pack it.

Throw it down.





Thank you.


One bird cage may take forever.

Let's do the fuel.

We need help.

Nguyen van thai.

We follow.

Too short.

Oh, crap.

All of them?

Oh, this sucks.

We have to find din vac.

Over here.

Sir, din vac?

Your ankle all right?

I think i hurt it bad.


It's here.

It's like play dough.

I think i've got it.

Oh, i have to put salt on it.


Help, tom.

Turn it over.


Dude, come on, go.

We've got it, james.

Come on.


Fuel or fowl?"


What are you doing?


It's faster.

We're going to do fuel.

Let's do fuel.



I don't know what a
traditional bird cage looks like.

Where is fuel?

Up here?

Come on, james.

Follow them.

I think they're all doing fuel.

It's one of those things you
see on tv, david.

Over here, mare.

Excuse me, excuse me.

Because, you know, i am a coal miner.

Two more.

Be careful.

No good?

Just this one?

Only one is good?

Oh, no.



Thank you.

Make your way on foot.

Teams must now make their

way on foot a short distance to

this place, canh danh dia.

This expansive rice paddy is

the pit stop for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in here

may be eliminated.



Dan vac.

This way?

One kilometer.

Dan vac.

Let's walk.

You're moving kind of slow on that.

It's the knee.

I can't move much faster.

One kilometer.

That's a piece of cake.

You can do it?

I can do it.


Dien bien phu.




this is hard to find.


all right

where did everybody go?

That was the other teams.

We lost them all.

Peter, peter.

Let's do the fuel.

Do you know?

This way.


Good, ok.


This guy's going to take us.

Let them go.

This way?


Where did duke and lauren go?

We're in a maze.


Kentucky's here.

Look, they're here.

Show me.

Tell me what he's doing.

How many do we do?10?

Good job.


We're catching up.

They're already here.

This is insane.

Who is behind us?


Where are the boys?

Please be right.

It's up here.

Come on, dude.

Boys, what took us so long?

Going the wrong way.

We've got to make some coal.

This is right up your alley,

huh, dave?

This ain't real coal.

Ours is hard, theirs is mud.

Is that phil?

Let's do it, baby.

Welcome to Vietnam.

Thank you.

You are team number one.

I have some good news for you guys.

As the winners of this leg of the race

you have won a state

of the art home entertainment system

and you can put your feet up
and enjoy this after the race.

This is the bird cage.

This is the bird cage.

We stumbled upon that detour.

It's not really the detour we

would have chosen.

We just couldn't find making the bricks.

You know what?

Those guys are probably
still going around looking.

Where is that house?

Is this it?

What do we have to do?

Watch these guys make it for you.

Ok, we found it.


Oh, my god.

I'm so dehydrated right now.

Can't push down

my little brick-making machine.

Once we got the hang of it,

we got this rhythm going.

She splatted in the mud,

i pressed it down,

we had a little brick factory going today.

This is our ninth.

And that was not big enough.

Today, i have been kind of

in another world.

I got other thoughts on my mind,

and it ain't the race and it ain't the coal.

I started thinking about my dad being in Vietnam.

Do it right or it won't count
and it will have to be more work.

Worried about looking at
the culture and the people

and i didn't know how they
would react to an american in Vietnam.

This way.

This way.

All right.

Everybody's here.

When we started our task,

there was five teams pretty much already going.

We got back in it.


We're in itment we're in the midst.

Please, let this be the last one.

Where is the guy?


Thank you.

"The last may be eliminated."

Over here.


Show us.

We were following
all the teams in the beginning.

I had no idea what the bricks were.

I think this was a great decision.

There is phil.
Do you see?

Drop it.

Tom and terry,

you're the second team to arrive.


you did not follow your clue correctly.

For safety reasons, you were not allowed to
travel by motorcycle in Vietnam,

but you did just that when you traveled
the short distance from the bus

to the detour clue box.

And for that, you have incurred

a 30-minute penalty.

We only need nine more.

Awesome, peter.

We're going to do this thing.

Each one is hooking right in.

I need you to stand right there
and wait it out 30 minutes, guys.


It's when we took the motor bike.

Oh, my god.

It just shows that you can have one bad day
and you are gone from this race.

It's over.

It just shows that you can have one bad day
and you are gone from this race.

It's over.

This thing is coming beautiful

and then we spread these up.

We get more done with a better attitude.

Four more, dave.


one more, one more.

How about this?

Two more.


Let's go. Ok.

Thank you.

Oh, my god.

two more's what i got.

One more.

I have no energy.

three more, ok.

Three more, baby.

Don't let them beat us again.


Thank you.


Thank you.

"The last to check in may be eliminated."




"Make your way on foot to the next pit stop."



I just worked my ass off.


Thank you.

There's no way

Go, sarah, go, and
then give me that fanny pack.


You don't have it?

Stay right here.

Tyler and james,

you're team number two.


We're doing good.

It is a pain in the ass, though.

"Warning, the last team to
check in may be eliminated."

Have you got everything?

You can outrun mary and david.

Two other teams' already gone ahead of us.

Let's go, lock and load.


This way.


Straight ahead, dude.


Wrong way.

Go, kim, run, run.

Rob and kimberly,

you're team number three.

Kandice and dustin, come in here.

You're team number four.

Man, way to come back from behind.

Good teamwork, man.

You did awesome.

Peter and sarah,

you're team number five.

Much better than i thought.

Oh, man.

Guys, this has got to suck.



We made a bad mistake.

It's ok.

We're going to come back.

Mary, we got to team.


Got to hurry, hurry.

I am not a fair-weather friend.

We always keep working with our friends.

Mary fell.

Go ahead.

Are you sure?


Run as fast as you can.

Lyn and karlyn,

you're team number six.


Oh, thank you.

David and mary,

you're team number seven.


Thank you.

Lyn, how tough is this race?

You're frustrated with the situation,

you're angry with yourself.

Sorry for the friends that you make.

We made good friends we passed on the way.

We had to.

It's ok.

I didn't want them to go home

because they're such deserving people.

We have three great groups of friends.

Lyn and karlyn,

the cho brothers

and then t and t.

We don't give up on each other.

We encourage each other.

Come on, terry, don't give up.

We love you, mary.

I'm waiting on your back pack.

You can lean on me.

Sprained my foot.

Slow down.

It's up there.


I'm gonna faint.

All right, tom and terry,

i can check you back in.

Tom and terry, you're team number eight.


You're still in the race.

It's ok.

We did it.

We're not going to let this get us down,

what happened today.

And we're just going to pick up,

you know, the next leg and

continue on with the same
energy that we had today.

Come on.

Thank you.

Duke and lauren,

you're the last team to arrive.

I'm sorry to tell you that
you have been eliminated from the race.

It's all right, honey.

It's ok.

Duke, can you talk to me about your daughter?

Can you tell us what you have learned, maybe,

about her on this trip?

I think we learned a lot from each other.

It's been a long
journey with you two, right?


I just mean in terms of
getting to understand each other

and respect each other.

Whatever's going to make her happy

makes me happy,

whatever it is.

I think she has a better
understanding of me, not only

as her father but as a person,

and i do the same for her, not

only as a daughter but just a

remarkable woman.

You almost want to wish this on

every parent out there, because
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