12x04 - Let's Name Our Chicken Phil

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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12x04 - Let's Name Our Chicken Phil

Post by bunniefuu »

God, my hernia is bothering me.

Ron suffered a painful hernia.

My dad and I are in this race
to win and we need him to be healthy.

The teams traveled
to Burkina Faso.

Where they milked a camel.

I'm holding the teat of a camel.

While some teams pampered
the camel that gave him milk.

Good job, Camel.

Yes that's how it is.

Others were more difficult.

No no no.

The Azaria and Hendekea brothers
quickly learned...

in the diversion.

They are the number 1 team
. Yes!

And they came first.

Lorena and Jason caught up
with Marianna and Julia...

and they were head to
head on the detour.

That is the way. There it is...

We're going to make it, come on.

And in the end they managed
to reach the goal.

Narrowly beating
the sisters.

I'm sorry to tell you that you were
eliminated from the race.

Eight teams remain...

who will be eliminated


The Amazing RaceSeason 12 Episode 4
"Let's Call the Rooster Phil"

This is Burkina Faso.

A developing country in West Africa
famous for its festivals...

celebrating music,
arts and movies.

In the heart of this merry nation,
a town called Bingo.

This traditional African
community was the third stop...

in a race
around the world.

The teams arrived here for a
mandatory rest period.

The eight teams wait here
with no idea what awaits them.

Will TK and Rachel be able to remain calm
and confident in moving forward?

And will the last place put
Lorena and Jason's relationship to the test?

I did not milk the camel well.

Azaria and Hendekea, who
arrived first...

They are the number 1 team.

They will depart at 7:58 a.m.

Find Dakissaga,
the Tribal Chief, and accept the gift.

The teams must follow the marked path
to the nearest town.

Once here, they must search
for Dakissaga, the Tribal Chief.

Who will give you your next clue and
a traditional gift of generosity.

They have zero dollars for this stage
of the race. Okay, let's go.

There is nothing that keeps us from continuing to
come in first place every time.

And win the million dollars.

There's one right there, Azaria.
Hendekea, can you go faster?

I know he has physical limitations and all that.

Physical limitations
as if it were--

You know what I say.
I get it. Take.

You know what I say.
To your left. Look.

Is there. The guy in blue.


I have a gift for you.
A gift?

They should put it in the bag.
A chicken.

Put it in the bag?
Yes. The chicken in the bag.

I will open it.
Where is the bag?

Hurry up.
It's not moving.

Very well.
Your track.

Thank you very much.

Take a taxi to
Bouda Pelegtanga.

The teams must
now travel by taxi almost...

to the village of Bouda Pelegtanga.

Once here, they
will search for their next clue.

As a sign of
respect to the Tribal Chief...

teams must keep
their newly acquired gift with them...

to successfully complete
this stage of the race.

Without hen, there is no arrival.
Without chicken, there is no arrival!

Let's go!
Come on girl!

Let's go! Take the beat!
Quick, Hendekea!

The shed of Pelegtang

What can I do to
help you go faster?

I go as fast as I can.
I'm telling you.

Find Dakissaga,
the Tribal Chief, and accept the gift.

In agreement. Let's do it

I think
the more we push ourselves...

the greater the chance
of messing it up.

So we must remain
calm and enjoy.

Slow and sure.

Find Dakissaga.

Let's go.
Let's do it

In the last two stages we
finished in the top three.

But if we're that close,
we'll be able to finish first.

Just slow and sure, okay?
It's okay.

Find Dakissaga,
the Tribal Chief.

Usually when
you see goth people...

on the surface they
look a bit distant...

but we are both
genuine and sincere people...

and it has been to our
advantage so far.

Well, we'll go your way.

Find Dakissaga,
the Tribal Chief. Let's go.

There is the marked path

Our relationship
is definitely improving.

We went from last place to fifth,
that's a vindication.

I'll tell you what I need when
the hernia bothers me. It's okay.

Hopefully, I will change more
drastically and it will be for the better.

And I will continue to be
patient with my dad.

In agreement.
This is my step.

Stop talking,
because you waste your energy.

Find Dakissaga,
the Tribal Chief. Let's go.

I like having a
grandfather like Don...

because 60 years of life is enough
experience to learn from.

Do you think you can keep up?
I'll try.

You're going too fast.
It depends on you.

Even though I can't run
like 23 and 25 year olds...

I am 40 years older so I must have
learned something during that time.

You run whenever you want.
It's okay.

Chicken in the bag?

Got it, come on.

Pick it up Put in the bag.
It's okay.

Here we go. Jen!
Sorry Sorry.

Take a taxi to
Bouda Pelegtanga.

Put it in the bag.
Let's go.

Without hen, there is no arrival.
Okay, let's go.

Bouda Pelegtanga.
Yes, we will keep it with us.

C'mon darling.
Ok, let's go.

That's what they call
chicken in the bag.

It really is nothing
out of the ordinary.

You just want a little kiss.
Little kiss.

It's a different world, you know.
It has a resemblance to Ethiopia.

Azaria and I traveled
to Ethiopia together.

And for me, the feeling that I have
when I'm in Africa is incredible.

I think people are always
so happy, and friendly, and warm.

Don't you want this?
She is cute.

Take a not so
feisty one like that.

It's alright, it's alright, chicken.
It's temporary, not for dinner.

It's okay.
The point is to retain it.

Catch the chicken

Bouda Pelegtanga.
We have to get there fast.

Bouda Pelegtanga.
Ok, let's go.

Bouda Pelegtanga.
Come on, quick, quick.

Come on, quick.

You are a good, good, good little hen.

Find Dakissaga.
Ok, let's go.

Jen and I are great friends.
We definitely have energy...

we definitely say what we think
and think differently about things.

Are you Dakissaga?

I have a gift for you.

A chicken.

It's not easy, Shana.
I know.

They're going to peck you and everything.

I have it. I have it.

Let's go.
Thanks. Open the track.

Bouda Pelegtanga.

Let's think of a good
name for him.

Let's call the rooster Phil.

He has Phil's
hair, spiky hair.

He's cute like Phil.
She looks like him.

In agreement. Let's go.
Look for your next clue in this town.

Where are you?
Where are you going?

I need to go to the toilet.

Thanks. Let's go.
In agreement. Let's go.

Let's go. Runs.
We'll beat them, Jen.

C'mon darling.

We are in first place.
They are nipping at our heels.

And Hendekea has to go to the bathroom.
Here we are.


Shake your pants
or shake your butt.

In this detour
the teams must...

choose between a
common African business...

or a common artistic expression.

The options:

Shake your pants
or shake your butt.

In Shake your pants...

teams must choose one
of these gold mine holes...

and then use the local extract method ...

to get at
least 30 grams of gold...

which they will trade
for their next clue.

The task is
physically demanding...

but success is
objectively measured by weight...

and teams with muscles
could gain precious time.

In Shake your butt...

teams must learn
a traditional local dance.

They will then perform the dance for
a panel of local celebrities...

but they must also include
their own creative moves.

If the judges are impressed,
the team will receive their next clue.

However, if the judges
are not impressed...

the team will suffer a

It is not a physically
demanding task...

But judgment is subjective...

and teams
without rhythm or talent...

they could lose
their place in the race.

We'll do Shake your butt.
Shake your butt.

I just finished dancing for the
Los Angeles Clippers NBA team.

We'll do Shake your butt.

Those are other teams.
Come on, walk.

Move over, let's run
over there. Damn.

This path, this path.

Over here, are you sure?

Let's get there first.
C'mon darling.

I will dance

We will dance

Find Dakissaga.
Here we go again, honey.

Yesterday was a very hard day.
We'll try to stay calm...

and hopefully that
will bring us to the front.

I look to the left.
You to the right.

This race is about not giving up.
No matter what happens, don't give up.

We have a big heart and we will continue.
We're not giving up, that's for sure.

They are the pink ones.
She tries to pass them.

Please faster.

Keep going, fast.

Don't let them pass.
Come on, come on, come on.

Good work.
We just recently switched to rosés...

And it looks like our driver
is also in the running for the $1,000,000.

Thank you very much.


Put it back. We hope
everyone starts making mistakes...

and we do not commit any
to continue advancing.

Ron and Chris are still behind
us, thank God.

Pass them on

Don't let it go.

Thank you very much.

Well done.
Well done.

Here we go, Jen, shake it up.

Pick a dancer for
your specific moves.

Pick it.
In agreement.

We'll see.

One two three four.

Here we go.
One two three four.

You can't talk to me
in dance terms. I do not know.

Each thing four times.
In agreement.

Two on each side.
It's okay.

Let's Dance.

Turn, turn.

Okay, let's do this.

When we got to the Detour,
we saw Nate and Jen dancing...

so we saw exactly
what they were doing...

and we tried to catch
some of the moves.

It was good?

I thought we did
pretty well.

No creativity.

It was not good.

We don't show enough
of our creativity.

I was very disappointed.
Because I'm a dancer...

and they gave us a
penalty of 10 minutes...

that could cost us
our first place.


Shake your pants?
I think.

I have actually done quite a bit
of mining in my life.

The pants here.
Let's go.

You're good at shaking your butt.
Yes I am.

My dad is a wild dancer.

You have to love the judges.
It's okay. In agreement.

Smile all the time, okay?
Very well. In agreement. Smile.

It is very difficult.

Do you want to go to the mine?
Let's go to the mine for the gold.

Didn't you get it?
Go ahead guys.

We won't even try.
In agreement. Let's do it

C'mon darling.
Where is the mine?

I do not know.

Where are we, friend?

It's here?
I think.

Let's pick a station.

Right here.

Could you get in
because you're wearing those shoes?

It's okay.


Right. Left.
Shake off


It was very good.
Many thanks.

Thanks. Thanks.


We were the first.

Follow the marked path
to Pelegtanga market on foot.

The teams must now
travel on foot through the town...

and find the Pelegtanga market
where they will receive their next clue.

Return ahead.

This is the first of only two
Returns in the race.

A Return is found
at the end of a Detour.

Teams can use a Return
to delay another team...

forcing them to go back and complete the
other side of the detour they didn't make.

Teams can only use Return
once in the entire race...

so they need to decide when is
the best time to use it.

Let's go.
The hen.

Hendekea, it's a Return,
I don't want them to pick us.

Shake your pants or butt.
Let's shake it.

Let's shake your butt.

Let's go.
Follow the marked route on foot...

to the Pelegtanga market.
- Return ahead.

Come on Jen. Let's hope
they don't bring us back.

I'm going to get so much crap from
the dance world when I get back.

Come on, we're almost there.
Seconds count.

We found the Return.
I think we are the first here.

I don't see our photograph.

We choose not to use Return.

We're not going to use it.
We do not need it.

Take a taxi to
Tampouy Goat Market.

The teams must travel by taxi
to the outskirts of Ouagadougou...

and get to the Tampouy Goat Market
to find your next clue.

Tampouy Goat Market?

Thank my Lord.

I don't see any route markers.
Are we on the right path?

I don't know, honey. Let's go. It should
be somewhere around here.

Now what?
Throw it there.

Here inside?

Just dump it in there and give it
plenty of water.

You have to wash all
the crap out of it.

This makes it much easier.
Can you see the gold?

Let's try.
Okay, I follow you.

Let's do it with the Swing.

Here. Let's shake
your butt. Shake it.

Strong, okay.
So strong.

There is plenty of gold...

so it's not that hard.

Do you think that is enough?
I would say yes.

It won't hurt us.
Let's go there and wait.

We will.


Your free creativity is not very good.

Yes, it's very good.

It was so easy.

To Pelegtanga market.
- Return ahead.

Here comes another team.
Take. He carries the chicken.

How was it?!

There are the judges!
Let's go.

How did they end so quickly?
I don't understand.

Come on, come on, come on.
It's okay.

Do you know if it's around here?
I do not know.

There is the Return.
Hopefully, they won't return to us.

Yes! Thanks god.

We choose not to use Return.

We will win this race
like men.


Take a taxi to
Tampouy Goat Market.

It's over here.

Here we go.

I think it could take time
to get the gold...

...maybe we should dance.
It's okay.

We adopted a chicken.

The chicken says, "hurry up."

You dont have anything?

We'll be late here.

Honey, I'm so frustrated.
We're kind of wasting time.

We are ready to act.

We are
grateful to you for seeing us.

I'm going to improvise a bit.

It seems that the crowd
is happy.

they are wonderful.

Thanks. Thanks.

They got their clue.

To the Pelegtanga market and
your next clue.

It's okay. Let's go.

Vyxsin and I won the
dance contest, that's for sure.

Pelegtanga market?

Nope? Market?

We could be going in the
wrong direction. I have no idea.


We choose not to use Return.
We'll use it later.

At Tampouy Goat market.

Here in Africa, I mean...

to them we look like aliens
that fell from the sky or something.

And yet they have been so warm,
smiling and kind.

Thanks for the hint.
Thank you very much.

To Pelegtanga market.

Pick a dancer.
We choose him.

It's okay.

Ok dad. Let's go.
Thank you very much.

Daddy, don't scare them.

I really don't see
this as a market, Nick.

have passed us.

Do you want to use Return?
We won't use Return...

Because we are not the last.

What's that?

It is the Return.
They beat us.

It's okay, daddy. Take a taxi
to the Tampouy Goat Market.

We decided not to
return anyone.

Come on, let's go ahead.

To the Tampouy Goat market.
Good job, daddy, you did good.

We move on
from Nick and Don.

I found her.
I found the gold mine.

We should just drink from the
middle all the time.

Here we go.
Look at this.

Those people at the dance, I'm
sure they're done.

It's okay. We are ready.

One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.

Rotate your hips.

Here we go.

Do you have the clue?
Thank you thank you very much.

Return ahead.


Keep your eyes
open for the Return.

Okay, honey,
keep your eyes open.

I see the box up ahead.
We have to hurry.

I see the Return.
We have to run now.

There are the blondes, come on.

We have to return them.

We are going to do it?

I do not want to do this.
It's a game.

They will understand and would have done
absolutely the same thing to us.

They are going to return someone.

Who are they returning?

They are behind us
and they are such a strong team.

Please not us.

We chose to return to...

Jason and Lorraine.

That's wrong.
Jen, it's a game.

It's part of the game.
Please not us.

Everyone will see this turn signal
as they pass by.

I am sorry.
Let's find the clue.

It's a very good
picture of us.

We thought we saw Jason
and Lorena following us too closely.

We imagined that
we were still the penultimate.

They are such a strong team...

so we made the decision
to return Jason and Lorena.

Travel by taxi.
We must return to the taxi.

Very well.

Therefore we are not the
last no matter what happens.

I think it was a very bad
strategic move by the blondes.

I think blondes
are now a target.

They just saw that I retor--
It's okay, Jen. I am sorry.

It's not about being nice.
Do you want to get out of the game for being it?

Tampouy Goat Market.
We must run, honey.

There are the girls.
Let's reach them.

Cab! To the goat market.
Faster Faster.

We need to follow them.
Fast. Fast.

I know Jason
and Lorena will hate us.

We had no alternatives.
We want to tell you that we are sorry.

We love them but we did
the smart thing.

It's unfortunate that Jason
and Lorena were returned.

We wouldn't have done that.
I'm just saying Karma sucks.

It's a game.
That's not bad Karma.

It's part of the game. Right
now, no one is a friend.

It's a race.
And it's for a million dollars.

I won't risk it because someone
is going to be mad at me.

Bouda Pelegtanga?

Look for her, darling.

Shake your pants
or shake your butt.

Let's do an original dance.
Shake your butt.

Give a little love.

Shake your butt!
The little goats cry.

Those guys are not very comfortable.
They go to the market to be eaten...

so they have a
reason to cry.

Are those chickens?
She is the chicken girl.

This way, Azaria. Take the chicken.
Let's go.

This is. The goat market.

Hendekea, let's go!

Here we go, honey.

Blocking. Who's ready for
a juggling act?

A lockout is a task that
can only be performed by one person.

In this blockade, that person
will have to carry a bicycle...

with unmanageable things including a
goat that can be uncooperative.

The team member will then
carry their bike as...

the traditional shipping person to
this market where they must find...

to a specific vendor and deliver
your stuff in exchange for the next clue.

Okay, I'm going to do the blocking.
Where are the bikes?

Yes, yes, here.

Who's ready for
a juggling act?

Jen is.
I am.

What the hell am I doing?

I must take one of this.

You can't do it, Hendek.
I know.

Three African blankets.
A plant.

Two yellow containers.
One of these, two kettles.

Two woven rings.
A goat in a basket.

Hi guys. It's okay Nate,
you're in charge of the luggage.

You need to hurry.
It's okay.

We want to beat them.

Come on, Azaria.

That's good.
I need to pick up a goat.

You are such a good goat.

Honey, you can place things
on you. Whatever you need.

The ropes are there for
you to tie things down.

You don't want the
goat to fall off.

I'm sorry, kid.
I feel so sad.

Is it too tight?

Answered. She said no.

This is so much fun, honey.
Okay, let's go.

Let's go like this.
Come on, come on, come on.

I have always loved to dance.

Puerto Ricans love to dance.
It is part of our culture.

It's OK darling.
Now forward.


When I fell in love with her,
I saw her dancing on the dance floor...

I thought I want to dance with her even
though I'm not much of a dancer.

I just thought she's hot.

Look at me. Look at me.

We will! We will!

In Africa. I wonder if
that's Simon and Paula Abdul.

Come on, Paula!


I hope they let us go.

It was very good.
Thanks. Thanks.

Thank you!
Oh! We need this.

To Pelegtanga market.
- Return ahead.

Thank you!
C'mon darling.

We still have the blondes
ahead. Just there.


We can't let it happen to us like this.
We must be better...

in this lock and faster.

Make sure you have everything.
You won't want to go back.

Give your stuff to Fatisana.

I have no idea where to go, Nate!

You'll have to ask, Jenny!
C'mon darling!

Speak English?

Do you know how to get to...

Come on come on.
Tell him to take you!

I am telling him!
Just calm down, Nate!

You're stressing me out
Ok, let's go.

Hi Jen.

Here it is. All those goats.
There's the marker. Ahead.

You see it? It's over there.
You guide.

Go to the track, do you see it?
Come on, Vix.

Who's ready for
a juggling act?

You juggle.
I can't juggle.

Do you juggle?

Maybe I can.
It's okay.

I can't juggle
but I'm ready.

Here, are these
bikes here.

Good God,
it's a lot of things.

Oh my God.

We have been returned.

I can't believe
they brought us back.

That means we have to
go back. Let's go.

The blondes returned to us.
And I am angry.

The first Return of the Race.
I can't believe they used it.

If you are returned it means that
you must make the other detour...

so we must run
as fast as we can.

We can probably catch up
with them as soon as they make a mistake.

Let's go.
Let's get this over with.

This is intense.
Excuse me.

Faster Faster.

This was the biggest culture shock I've ever had...

because I don't speak
any French.

Please move.




No, this is not.


You got it.




Excuse me.



I have to give you this.

Taxi ride to the
next stop.

The teams must travel by taxi
through the streets of Ouagadougou...

to find this place,
the Hotel De Ville.

This City Hall,
home to the Mayor's office...

is the stop for this
stage of the race.

The last team to arrive
with the chicken in hand...

could be removed.

Fast. The last team to
arrive could be eliminated.

I'm not sure if I'm going
the right way.

Thanks thanks.

With permission,
with permission.

They are coming back.

Hendekea, have my bag, it
's ready, I'm coming!

Come on Jen!
Here we go, honey.

I'm so proud.
You don't know what happens.

Cab! Cab!
Over here, Azaria!

Quick, let's go.
Hotel DeVille.

The taxi behind,
he does not let it pass.

Very fast.
Oh God. We must hurry.

I want to get there first.
Good job, Jenny.

Come here.
I do not can. Okay, touch me.

I'm so hot.

We must remove about 30 grams.
That is all?

That is all. Let's do it
Very good darling. Here we go.

I like to get dirty.

Here here.
I found a big one and another.

There is enough, right?
There's a lot here.

Let it continue like this.

Put it back. No, come in.

Look, they are already
placing something upstairs.

Daddy please.
It's okay. I will shut up.

God, Vyxsin!
Take care honey.

He had to start over
because his bike fell over.

I'm ready to go.
I saw the others come this way.

So I'll do the same.
Have a good trip.

May the force of
good fortune be with you.

Here here!

Here it is. Oh my God!
She is a great one.

We discovered gold.

I see her.
Do you see her?

Grab your pocket.
We will. Let's run.

Who's ready for
a juggling act?

Who juggles?
I will do it.

We must choose it now.
I will do it.

It's showtime,
calm and sanity, okay?

Three African blankets.
Put them all here.

You have to lower the support.

The support does not help!

Then you should
take another bike.

You know what, honey?
It's a little late for that.

We return to a team.

Sure they will not be deleted.
I would not have made that decision.

We have more than 30 grams of gold.


Good! Thanks.

I'm not happy about this.
It was Shana's decision.

Strategically, I think
what we did was a big mistake.

That's why they brought us back, baby,
we're strong and they want to take us down.

If they hit them they have a
target on their backs.

Yes, we know that.
Somehow we will prevail.

Let's catch up.

Where? Where?


Don't let it fall,
be careful.

He tied everything with a single rope.
This does not work.

Just stay calm.

Secure them, that's all.
This is not OK.

We will.
Tampouy Goat Market...

and look for your next clue.

It is crucial for us to
remain positive in all of this.

We never know what will happen,
especially in this race.

I'm still in this,
I'm not giving up.

I have no idea where I'm going.

It's to the left,
go up and take the left.

Oh my God.
Look at this. It's crazy.

There are mountains of garbage and you have
to go through it.

It's grimy and muddy.

You take me?

Those kids started guiding me
and encouraging me and they were great.

They're great.

I knew this
could be a problem.

Oh God, I'm sorry.
Tie it to the bike.

It's not going to bite me, is it?
It won't bite you.

How do you know that?
They hit you, they don't bite.

I can not take this.
We are finished.

Keep your eyes open
for the stop.

I am so looking forward
to being in front of them.

We will arrive first.
And point.

Focus your mind.
She is focused.

Keep your eyes open
for the rug.

It is a white building.
White building?

Honey, we'll have
to run.

It's in the yard.

Open the door!
Open the door! Salt!

It's here?

Run, Azaria.
We have to get down.

Come on, come on, come on.

You dropped something!

Come on guys!
They have come first three times!

Azaria, hurry up!

Welcome to Ouagadougou.

Did you bring your chickens?
Without hen, there is no arrival.

It was very, very closed.
But for a split second...

Azaria and Hendekea,
are the number 1 team.

As winners of this stage,
each one won a Yamaha scooter...

that you can enjoy
after the race.

Thank you Phil.
Thank you very much.

Jen and Nate,
they're team number 2.

It was very, very closed.
Too close.

Jen, it sounded to me like you wanted
a lot to come in first.

It's very frustrating.
She wanted to get there first.

We both loved him enough.

I just feel like everyone
should get their chance...

and they've already had it twice.

I love Nate and Jen...

but we are here to go
as far as we can.

I don't feel comfortable
leaving someone else...

arrive first when I knew
we could do it ourselves.

Try to go faster, Shana.
Jen, I'm trying.

Sorry, TK I don't know what
's going on right now.


Good job Nick.

Thanks. Thanks.

This is completely unbelievable.

Hello. Thanks.

I feel good, even if we
're last, we're going to make it.

Let's make someone else scream.

The bike is going to fall.
It is difficult for that not to happen.

Okay, I'm going out.

Do you know where you're going?

That's my girl, man.

Damn, this thing
blew up.

Shana, people are coming back.
It doesn't look good for us.

I'm here. You did a great job.

Take a taxi to
the next stop.

Ok, let's go.

Hotel de Ville.

Go from this side.
I close the door.

Quick, Quick!

Fast. The last team to
arrive could be eliminated.

Good job, honey,
good job.

Get in, Vyxsin.
Good work.

It was so crazy back there,
mountains of garbage and mud...

This has been an emotional day.

This is the first time
I'm really getting used to it...

the people and the environment and everything.
We've been in Africa for a few days...

and initially, I was
taking it in and all this stuff, you know.

These people are
so wonderful.

I mean, it's growing up and living,
this is it for you, you know?

It's okay.

It's okay.

Yard Tustin?
This way?

Tustin Yar?

Any way.

¿Tasti Baba?

We try to stay
in this, in the game, you know.

Go ahead.

I have no doubt that we will stay
in this race.

Toft Tintar?

There are no signs for
the streets or anything.

Trying to ask people who don't
speak your language is very, very difficult.

I don't know where I'm going.

Where is Tasti Baba?

We are not going to give up.
No way.

Here we go.
They will catch up with us.

Jason and Lorena are right behind
us, they will appear and pass us.

We try to put good energy
so that it comes back to us.

You never know what will happen.


Oh my God.

We did good today.

I don't want to lose this race
because of that stupid Return.

This one or that one?

I have no idea where I am.

It seems, it seems.

Here? Here?

Daddy, this way!
Oh hell.

Come on, apúrate!
Come on, let's follow them.

My hernia-Oh, God.

Did you bring your chicken?
Yes sir.

Ron and Chris,
they're team number 3.

In the best three! Love you.
Thank you Phil.

Nicolas and Don, come here.
In agreement.

Nicolas and Don,
they are team number 4.

It feels good, right?
Fourth stage, fourth place.

We are slowly going up.
Yes, definitely.

We feel like we're finally running
at our level. We are happy.

Here? The next?

Thank you.

It's so confusing.
That way?


Here? You?

Thanks. It's okay.
I have to go back.

This road looks like--
It wasn't in trees, it wasn't buildings.

So I'll go to the trees.

Hey Jen. Hurry up!
What's going on?

Take the hint and read it.

Take a taxi to the next
stop, Hotel De Ville.

Did you get to see Rachel?
I saw her.

Did he go in the wrong direction?
He was following her...

someone told me to turn
around and I didn't see her anymore.

I have no idea where I am.

We are not finished.
I feel there is always hope...

you know, move on.

Before the Vyxsin...

do you have your chicken?

They are team number 5.

What kind of reaction have they
had to walking with their...

pink outfit and
white makeup?

It's amazing how open and
tolerant these people are.

It's like everyone
gives you a smile.

It's so amazing, you know,
it's life changing and it's wonderful.

Some things we saw are
absolutely moving.

You know, yes, it's a race, and yes,
we're focused on the finish line...

but we are not blind, and it was a difficult
experience for me to see...

to such wonderful people
to have so little.

If we're not eliminated,
we're going to finish off the blondes.

Shana and Jennifer...

They are team number 6.

Safi Baba, this way?

I am Safi Baba.

I'm lost.

Go right.
Right, thanks.

Thanks god.

Good job, yes, honey.

It's the hardest thing
I've ever done in my entire life.

I had no idea where he
was the whole time.

Route marker, okay,
route marker.

Take a taxi to
the next stop.

I thought I was going to be
there for hours.

Here we go.

Hello, goat.

I can't juggle.
I do it, I can.

Make sure you have everything.

Jason just keeps going.
He doesn't give up.

Stay positive.
And that amazes me.

That makes me love him more.

I love Jason.

You did it, honey.

Take a taxi
to your next stop.

TK and Rachel,
they are team number 7.

It's OK darling.

We'll make a million
dollars some other way, okay?

I don't want to go home.

Maybe we're not done.
Have hope.

In agreement?

It's okay.

Come on, they have nothing.
You know what I mean?

Money doesn't make you rich,

It's okay?
It's okay.

Lorraine and Jason...

I am sorry to say that they are
the last team to arrive.

Both have been
eliminated from the race.

You did very well, honey.
Yes, you too.

What is the future
for Lorena and Jason?

I want to stay together
and really...

Oh, come on.
Make that million dollars.

Marriage is definitely
something important to me...

but come to the race and see other
things much more valuable...

I don't have to do it now.
I can take it easy.

I don't have to
always live in a hurry.

I am ready for anything.
To another adventure.

I love Lorena
no matter what happens.

I just think there's a kind of
confinement within a marriage.

Which I think you can't
have when you're free.

When two people are free, I think
you experience a deeper love.

Since you feel that you are
in it because you want to be.

Below are scenes
from the next chapter.

In the next chapter of
"The Amazing Race".

We can do that.

Ron has a nasty
fall at the Byway.


Do you want me to stop
talking to you for a while?

It's okay.
You should think about it a bit--

I do, I'm more methodical than you.
You flatter yourself.

And the problems are
on the blondes.

Oh my God!
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