12x11 - The Final Push

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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12x11 - The Final Push

Post by bunniefuu »

Los Angeles, California.


In a race of 48280Km.

Oh my God! Speed ​​up!

Across 4 continents.

The teams had
problems with animals.

Listen to me. If you make me lose,
I'm going to cut you up and eat you.

Honey, he has no more milk!


This is terrifying.

With drivers.

Won't you take us because
we're wet?

Please please.
We beg you.

This is so unfair.

And returns.

We return to Nicholas and Don.

We should have gone back to Jen's team.

by the wayside.

Ari and Staella, Kate and Pat...

Marianna and Julia,
Lorraine and Jason, Shana and Jennifer...

Azaria and Hendekea,
Kynt and Vyxsin, Nate and Jen...

I am sorry to tell you that you have been
eliminated from the race.

It sucks big.

Father and daughter, Ron and Christina
started their career with a mission.

As a father who has
been somewhat absent in his life...

I don't want to disappoint her.

But they found that they had
several problems to solve.

He tried to tell you the truth that
other people don't tell you...

that you have mucus in your nose.

Eventually, the pair
found things in common.

For the first time my dad
voluntarily gave me some control.

So I am very happy
at the moment.

And his newfound harmony
was reflected in his performance.

They are the number 1 team!

Grandson Nick and his 68-year-old grandfather Don ...

the oldest person to reach
the final, they had several problems.

I need to get out.

But Don's broad set
of talents.

I have done some masonry.
I was in the printing business.

I've done a bit of mining.

I've certainly been
around animals.

Along with
Nick's willingness to carry the load.

Let me carry your backpack.

It kept them in the game.

They are one of three teams that
will compete in the final stage.

The TK and Rachel pair kept
their cool throughout the race.

It's showtime,
calm and sanity all the way.

They enjoyed each other
and the experience.

This is amazing.

But when it really mattered.

Run to death, honey.

Your competitive spark.

There's a team, honey!

He propelled them to the final.

On tonight 's season finale ...

one of these teams
will win a million dollars.

This is the city of Taipei,
located on the island of Taiwan.

And in the heart of this
flourishing city...

This was the tenth stop in
a race around the world.

who arrived
first at 9:47 pm...

They will depart at 9:47am.

Travel to your final destination
Anchorage, Alaska.

The teams must now
travel more than 7200km...

to your final destination city,
Anchorage, Alaska.

When they land they must go
to this adventure shop...

Here you will collect the necessary equipment
for the trip that remains...

along with your next clue.

They have $392 for
this stage of the race.

Anchorage, Alaska.
Let's go.

At this stage, we go
first to the finish.

There is a taxi there.

It's true, everyone here
is strong and smart...

but my dad and I
are even more so.

We've seen how hard it is
to be down...

and we will stay
in the first place.

Anchorage, Alaska.
Okay, let's do it.

I really believe that each team
has its way of being successful...

and for us it is definitely
staying calm.

We've proven, over and over again,
how important it is to TK and me...

go slow and do one task at a
time, and it's as simple as that.

I've always wanted to go to Alaska.
Hell yeah.

Come on, walk.

Daddy, look.
Where to?

ChinaAirlines. Let's go.

Fly to your final destination,
Anchorage, Alaska.

Competing in the race
has given me respect for my grandfather.

How strong has it been demanded?


I am very proud
of what he has done...

and I don't know if anyone else his
age could do this.

I've always wanted to go to Alaska.

Sure there will be some kind
of hunting and fishing challenges.

As a child, I fished and hunted every
day, so I have a lot of experience.

You will be in command.
I am in command.

We need two tickets,
economy class, to Anchorage, Alaska.

Para hoy.

We have seats available.

Is it the earliest flight?

We need seats
near the front.

So that when we get to Alaska, we get off
the plane as soon as possible.

Is it possible to access
your waiting room for free?


Here are your tickets.

Thank you very much.
Come on, let's get out of here.

The waiting room has
internet access.

China Airlines is the largest airline

Have you seen other
people like us?

Yes, we already saw them.

And did they buy tickets to Anchorage?

Can we buy the same?

This is incredible.
Ron and Chris are on this flight.

I can't believe we're on the
same flight with another team.

When was the last
time that happened?

What airline is it?

In agreement. We are ready?
Thank you very much.

Don, stay with me.

Do you have a non-
stop flight to Anchorage?

Yes, we have it.
It's Nick and Don.

Good luck.
Thank you very much.

We are all together.
On the only flight.

There is no other.
Have you seen Ron and Chris?

No. No one knows where
Ron and Chris are.

So let's find them.

We need the internet.
Dad, let's do this.

We haven't seen Ron and Chris.
Where are they?

I'm going to write the address.

Let's keep our advantage.

No Ron and Chris yet.

D-2 is over there.

The board said
this was the only flight.

Dude, I'm going crazy.

TK is making me nervous.
There is no other flight.

We know?

Is he.

I told you.

Man, I can
breathe again.

This is all.
Do or die.

It's what we expected.
Let's go to the final destination, Anchorage.

We are so excited to get
to the final and the million dollars.

Ready Ron?

Everyone knows that
we are a force.

We are a strong team
and we are here to win.

With our skills...

we are ready to overtake
and come in first place.

This is amazing.
The final effort.

Which team is the fastest out of the
three of us?

I've seen
Ron run like a ninja.

We must find a taxi.
Cab, cab.

Don, come on.
Go Go.

There is a taxi there!

Hi sir.

as possible. Let's go.

We know where it is.
This is all. Do or die.

Do you know where

Outfitters, yes.

We are leaving the airport,
we are in second place.

Ron and Chris do a great
job of staying ahead.

But not for much longer.

I go to 6th Avenue Outfitters
in a hurry.

Once we get there
and see what we're going to do...

I think I'll clear things up,
at least in my mind.

Hello, we are here for
a team. Thank you very much.

Find the ship creek launching dock .

The teams must now go
to the coast and find this place...

The Ship Creek Launch Dock .

There they will find their
next clue.

Come on, walk.

Do you know where the
ship creek launching dock is?

Come on, let's go.

As fast as possible.
We are going to fillet a fish.

I have to make sure I
don't cut myself on this thing.

Here it is.
We're back.

Here, darling.

Hello, do you have a
team for us?

Find the ship creek launching dock .

Shall we take this?
It's our team.

Filleting equipment. Yes.
Let's cut a fish.

Ship Creek Launching Dock .

I hope we don't
overlook anything.

Do you know where it is?
I think.

Find the ship creek launching dock .

We will.

Ship Creek Launching Dock .

We are a couple of minutes behind.
We are in good shape.

Yes, I see the hint box.
It's okay.

Come on, be careful, dad.


In this diversion, teams
will choose between two tasks...

usually made by
Alaskan fishermen.

The options: Cut up the cod
or grab the crab.

In cutting the cod, the teams
will cut several 22Kgs cod...

and they will look for a hidden mini clue
inside one of the fish.

Homework can be
disgusting for some...

but the team that has the courage to
do so could finish quickly.

In grabbing the crab, the teams will get
into the t*nk of this boat...

infested with over

Then they will search among the
biting crustaceans...

to find the marking with
the colors of the race.

The task isn't gross, but
dealing with hundreds of crabs...

and teams without fast hands
will find themselves in a bind.

We should cut.

I understand that crabs...

they can bite and climb
our bodies...

and we decided to fillet the cod which
was probably the best.

Let's go to the fish station.
They are huge.

I thought they were small.
These are monsters.

Look for a miniature container.

One of you will use the knife.

These are monsters.
Check it out.

How do you fillet this?

This is not easy for a city dweller.

It's here?
Yes sir.

Where is the metal bridge?

My God,
this is not good.

So you know where
Ship Creek's launching dock is.

I am a taxi driver.
I know things like that.

Do you know where the
ship creek launching dock is?

Going down there, five minutes.
Going down there five minutes?

OMG. It's five minutes
going that way, right, Rachel?


Man, this is a
disgusting pile of guts.

People don't eat
guts here, do they?

I don't know if this thing was ingested or--

He says it's hidden somewhere
, he doesn't say where.

Get out of my way.
I'm not good with a knife.

Start cutting and I'll help.

I don't want to lose something.

Now you have to help me.
I'm helping you.

No, I'm going to post this--
I found it. Just here.

We made it, my God.

You are wet.
I do.

Take a cab to 20-Mile River.

Teams must travel 96km by taxi
to this boat landing.

They will then take a high-
speed ride upriver to this location...

What the teams don't know
is that the next track...

is at the top of this
great and primordial ice...

and that they must climb this
glacier to obtain it.

Lets go dad.
I picked the right fish.

As soon as possible,
please let's go to 20-Mile River.

Do you know where it is?

I think.
Really, sir.

A taxi is coming back.

It's Ron and Chris.

They are coming back.

It's another team.

Who are they?
It's TK

That's Ron and Chris.
They just passed.

Did you see those taxis?

We cannot allow them to pass us
by at some point during the day.

As soon as possible.

That box is our clue.

Go ahead this way.

It has to be around here.

It's Nick and Don.
We see them, they're over there.

Catch the crab.

It seems, it seems, it seems!

You can use the gloves
from the bag you took--

The gloves from
the bag you took?

We didn't grab any bags.

We take the hint
but not the bag.

I think Nick said they
didn't have the gloves.


You didn't read it, if you did I
would have said, "take your gear".

Then we would have
ordered our team.

It sounds simple to me.

You do n't need glasses to see the past .

No, no,
don't get away with that.

You read the hint,
but you didn't understand it...

so-that's how I see it.

Cut the cod.
That seems more difficult.

The crab has something outside
and we can move those things.

It's okay.
We chose the crab.

Miraculously, I think
we are the first.

We are a good team now.
We have improved since the 1st stage.

Yes Yes.

We can do it.
In agreement. Let's go.

It's quite an experience, isn't it?
We just have to find one.

They are not friendly at all.

This is hard, honey.

I don't know if we picked the right one.

There is.

Take us back to
where we were.

Let go of me, man.

Maybe we should
cut those sins.


How long does
it take to gut a fish?

One minute.
Very well. We'll do the fish thing.

You can gut it fast.

Maybe we should
be one in each t*nk.

It's okay.
Yes, go for that one.

The lucky crab.
Where are you?

We have to run there.
Yes, perfect.

Are you okay?
I am sorry.

It looks like he wants to
take my shoe off.

This is hard, honey.

I feel like we might
change detour soon.

let's do it

You should make up your mind quickly.
I think we should stop.

Good. TK and Rachel
are still here.

Shall we go for the fish?

Keep it up!

Come on, give me one.

I found one!
You found it?

I found it!

Faster Faster.
Cut, cut.

Take a taxi
to 20-Mile River.

I have it.
C'mon darling.

Cut, cut.

Oh gosh, it's disgusting.

Come on, Don's going to do
that real quick.

We need to go to

Can we go fast?

Put them in there. She starts looking.
With my hands?

Yes. What did you think?

It has to be there

Here it is.
I got it.

Here's the clue.

Go to 20-Mile River by taxi and
find the boat landing.

Come on Nick.

Do you know where it is?

We're last but we gutted
the fish pretty quickly.

TK and Rachel probably
have a 3-4 minute head start.

I would not like to be
third of three.

You see? That glacier has been there
for centuries, probably.

Chris and Ron have like 20
to 25 minutes head start.

We need to make up that time.

We just need something small
to catch up with Ron and Chris...

and we hope they
weaken them enough...

for us to be able
to take the lead at this point.

This is so beautiful.

The landing
of marked boats.

Thank you very much.
Please pray for us.

Equipment must be placed.
In agreement.

Here's your vest.
Choose the red.

Will we find the next clue?


Competing in this race together with
my dad is a dream come true.

It's so much fun.

And my dad and I have had
an amazing experience...

And we haven't gotten any closer.

We are encouraged.

I would like to know where

My God, are you kidding me?

I need you to guide me to 20-Mile.

Okay, we need another
taxi or take us there.

Honey, try to
stay calm.

Taxis can make
a big difference.

I think we have
a good one this time.

You have
taxi driver number one.

It was easier to communicate with
taxi drivers...

in India.

Right or left?

We're going pretty
fast with this taxi.

Do you know where you are going?
Yes sir.

Let's hope it's true.

There's already a taxi here.

Green or orange?

Come on, Nick.

We caught up with TK and Rachel.

This is so amazing.

What we love about the race
is how much fun we have together.

You can't ask for anything more.

Yes darling!

The Amazing Race has been
everything I wanted and more.

We saw all the different
parts of the world.

We did things that we never had
the opportunity to do.

We have many
stories to tell.

Hello. My name is Matt.

To get their next clue, they need to
scale that ice wall right there.

Which one of us should?
They both have to.

Personally I am
very afraid of heights...

and having a potential fall
into glacial water, it's terrifying.

Dad, you can do it.

Don't worry.

That goes like this. It's okay.

Be careful,
these things are sharp.

You are excited?
Yes, excited and terrified.

All right, get up there
and drive the spikes real hard.

You got it, dad.
You're doing great.

I am afraid of falling.

It was very intimidating,
because it was a steep...

almost 90 degrees to
climb that glacier.

Come on, daddy.

I can't stop
my legs from shaking.

Climb up here and drive
the spikes really hard.

It must be around here.

We're going super fast.

Oh my God.

It's okay.

For his first time, it
was very impressive.

Thanks. I never thought I
could do this kind of thing.

Now I am encouraged
to take some lessons.

Come on Chris. You can do it.
I try.

Ron and Chris are there, honey.

We will!

God! Daddy.

Come on Chris. You can do it.
I try.

I could hardly
keep up with the Glacier.

Come on, girl, come on!

There's Nick and Don.
We must hurry up.

What really pushed me
was knowing that my dad...

He would receive me at
the top of the glacier.

You can do it!

I had to strengthen
myself and push myself.

Good work!

I'm here.
There it comes.

Good work.

A little scary, but once
you get the hang of it, it's... okay.

That was very scary.

TK will do it quickly.

Did you see the clue box?

Good job, daddy.

Good job, TK
. You're almost there.

Let's do it, daddy.

Take a helicopter
to Merrill Field.

The teams must now
make an impressive journey...

in one of these helicopters
crossing the Alaskan wilderness...

to this clearing
known as Merrill Field.

When they land, they'll take a taxi
to Goose Lake Park...

where their next clue awaits .

A helicopter ride .

It's over here. Yes.
It's fine.

What an exhilarating day.

Yes, thanks.

We're flying, daddy.

They are on par, and it seems,
on our heels.

Good. Thanks.

Good job, honey!

Good work.

Take a helicopter
to Merrill Field.

Let's go.

We can pass them.

I do everything I can.
Oh jesus.

Come on Don!

There you go. Yes ok.
The pressure started.

A 69-year-old man doing it.

Good job, good job.
Here we go.


Come on Nick.
This is hard.

Just continue.

We need to catch up with Ron and Chris.
They are so close.

Daddy, let's go this way.

We need to go to
Goose Lake Park. Is an emergency.

Thanks. As fast
as possible.

Good job Nicky.

Go to Goose Lake Park.

The blockade is our
only hope.

Ready to run the last stretch?

Do you know where
Goose Park is?

Okay, perfect.

helicopter tour is amazing.

There's the hint box.

track box.
hint box!

Last lock. Who wants to
relive their experience in the race?

A lockout is a task that
only one person can perform.

In this block, that person
will find a group of objects...

that appeared during the race.

Each team has been given 15 items
from different stages of the race.

With stress and fatigue
at the highest level...

They must place on this platform

First, they only have to place one object
from each of the stages of the race.

Second, of the 10 objects, 3 must be
animals or produced by an animal...

were or were brought to the stop...

with wheels...

and a transport object
having the shape of a stick.

If it sounds easy, think again.

The catch is, there are several ways
to meet those requirements...

but there is only one group of 10
objects that satisfy both.

Once you place the
correct 10 objects on your platform...

the hint box will open and you will
get your next hint.

Are you.
It's me.

Use the instruction sheet
to determine...

that 10 objects will place
on the platform.


I'm counting on Christina to
do this block quickly...

because he has a
better memory than me.

Sometimes I don't remember and I think I might
mess it up and get nervous.

They should not use pencil
or pen.

The 10 objects that will be placed on the
platform must meet exactly...

an object for each
stage of the race.

Correct answer

When they think they're done, they
should say "I'm done."

She feels encouraged
and so do I.

I'm a little bit nervous.

The Return appeared on the stages
of India and Burkina Faso.

or were brought to the stop.

The hens represent
stage 4, Burkina Faso.

Guys, do you have your chicken?

Yes sir. We have the chicken.
Without hen, there is no arrival.

So India is the return.

No one has used return.

Here we are in the final stage,
in the recipe for victory.

But behind us there are people
breathing down our neck.

We know that Chris and Ron
are ahead of us...

and Nick and Don are right behind
us, so we wait...

Have Chris and Ron
stopped at the blockade.

A transportation object that
is shaped like a stick.

A transport object
that has the form--

These were stilts,
but they were from a detour.


That was from a lock.

I don't understand.

It's here.

There's the clue, right here.

Rachel, come on, honey.

Last lock. Who wants to relive
their experience in the race?

Do you want to do it?
I think I can do it.

If I feel well.
Have fun.

Rachel is very smart.
I trust 100%.

I think it will.
That he will do well.

The return of Burkina Faso.
And there was one in India.

It's okay. We brought the chicken.

The chicken is from Burkina Faso.

So the return
must be from India.

Everything will be until the last moment.
I have no worries.

You guys are always up front.

Ireland is the donkey.

Then we went to Holland
and that's the bike of the detour.

After the Netherlands came Burkina Faso
, where camel milk comes from.

And then the chicken.

After Burkina Faso,
we went to Lithuania.

What was in Lithuania?

In Lithuania...

the stilts Very well.
In agreement.

Hi Ron.

Now yes.

and logic are key.

That's you.
It will be frustrating.

He stress started!
Yes! Chris, do it!

Nick could win this.
Who knows.

He has a good memory.
I don't know about you, but I would be there for a year.

All right, the stilts
are for transportation.

I don't know where it was from,
but this is my Lithuania.

It's okay?
Thanks thanks.

This was what
was in a stop.

I'll bring everything to the platform
and then I'll see what they are.

The teacup is from Taiwan.

It is very hot.

Japan is him and Taiwan.
I finished. I've just finished.

It does not open. Is not correct.
Oh my God.

There are ten in total.

One two Three...


The Blackberry was from Lithuania.
Then it's Croatia and it was the jackpot.

Lithuania, Croatia,
and then Croatia--

That's from Italy, not Lithuania.

The Blackberry is Italy.

Oh God.
I have two Ireland.

I need the donkey
because I need animals.

You are an animal?
You are not an animal.

Three animals or animal

That's what
has me confused.

you could go up
The human being is an animal.

Can you get on the platform?

You are the cleaner from
The Amazing Race.

You are an animal?
I have too many animals.

I don't know where the red stick is from.

I have never seen that stick.

What the hell is this g*n?


This is not it.
So it's this one.

Can you come up, sir?

It's okay. I finished.

I don't understand.

I literally have no
other answer to this.

For a million dollars,
and I can't find out.

We are nervous.

Right now it
can be anyone.

Nobody has an advantage.

So the person who comes out first
will probably be the winner.

It's crazy.

Chris got in first,
and now he's in trouble...

Rachel came in second
and is also having problems.

Nick was third,
and he's also in trouble.

So it's a
difficult puzzle to solve.

We're very nervous about who's
going to come out on top of that.

After f*cking Holland,
we went to Burkina.

That g*n is a piece of $%&.

There is definitely a
formula that accomplishes this.

He knew it was crucial
to remain calm.

In f*cking Burkina, we did
the camel thing first and then the chicken thing.

What will I change?

I'm going to try this
and see if it works.

Holland is all over the map here.
I have two Holland.

This makes no sense.

Okay, if I remove this
bike and bring that...

so I have 2
things from Amsterdam.

I'm confused.

I have 2 Holland.
I don't understand.

I take this bike off.

Please, God,
please help me.

I put this bike.

It's okay. God, please
help me, Lord, please.

The pole

Where was the pole from?

I do not remember.
I do not remember.

I am detained.

The pole vault was in Amsterdam.

In Amsterdam it was the pole vault.

tightrope bike was in Ireland.

The Amsterdam lockdown bike .

I have Burkina Faso chicken, Burkina Faso

Lithuanian stilts.

The Croatian p*stol.

The Blackberry of Italy.


And then I have
Japan and I have tea.



Yes Yes Yes.
Yes Yes.

It was shining, it was shining.

Find Cook's lookout
towards the Sleeping Lady.

The teams must travel by taxi
and find out that their clue...

sends them to this statue of the famous
explorer, Captain James Cook.

Here they will find
their next clue.

I'm so excited, honey.
Come on, honey, let's hurry up.

Goes up.

You are amazing.
I am so joyful!

Good work.

Find Cook's lookout
towards the Sleeping Lady.

The Sleeping Lady crosses the cove.

You can see it from
the top of the hill.

So we know where we're going.

Please, God, help me.
I think Holland is k*lling me.

The pole
I'm going to take it out.


Come on, good job, come on.

You did it, girl.

Good work.

Cook's lookout towards
the Sleeping Lady.

I'm so sorry.
Don't worry.

You did a great job.
The lookout towards the Sleeping Lady.

Yes I know where it is.
She knows it.

Could you go as fast as possible?

It's worth a million dollars, sir.

He saw the taxi that left
before us...

It would be great if we could
beat that taxi.

Will you take us up that hill?
I'm thinking. It can't be here.

I must turn around.
Wow, this is intense.

This is not over until
we reach the finish line.

We could pull ourselves together
and catch up with them.

Do not give up.
Thanks Dad.

we're on the right track.

It's not over until it's over.


Hallen el Salmon Hooker.

Teams must now walk
to downtown Anchorage...

and look for the Salmon Hooker statue
where your next clue awaits.

Okay, let's go out.
Let's go.

Resolution Park.
It's here? Yes.

Hallen el Salmon Hooker.

Sir, do you know where
the Salmon Hooker is?

Follow this road for a few blocks.

Someone there will know.
Thank you very much.

Do you know where
the Salmon Hooker is?

It's on G Street,
at 5th and G.

Thank you very much.
He crosses to the left.

We look for the Salmon Hooker.

The fish is at 5th and G.

You're great. Thanks.

For the prize, honey.
Come on, a million, let's do it.

The Salmon Hooker.
This is the 5th.

It's okay. The G.
This is the H. She said--

I know. We must cross
the 5th and go down to the G.

Right behind TK and Rachel.
Let's run.

Is it the G? Yes.
Do you see anything?

No not yet.

Let's go. A little more.

Is here!
The Salmon Hooker.

Where is the track?
I see the box.

This is all. Take a taxi to
Girdwood airport...

and run to the goal.
Let's go.

Yes darling!
We need a taxi.

There's a taxi around here.

This is all. Take a taxi to
Girdwood airport...

and run to the goal.
Hurry up, come on, come on.

We need to go
to Girdwood airport.

We are in such a rush.

There comes one.

Good job, dad.

I'm excited, honey.
We have to get to the airport.

We must reach the goal.
This is intense.

We must go as fast
as possible. Please sir.

Excuse us, but my daughter counts
on you as well as I do.

For everything we've been through
I can't believe that in...

this moment is us
going to the goal.

We tried to get a lot of hype
for the final run to the finish.

We'll be disappointed
if we come in second.

I learned a lot, you know,
on how to be a better person.

For me you are number one.

Oh jesus.

We must get there, baby,
we must get there.

We will!

We'll have a crazy race.

Ready to run, honey?

I think I'm going to cry now.

nearly 48,000 km...

TK and Rachel, you are the official winners
of The Amazing Race.

They won a million dollars.

I can not believe it.

I am speechless.
None of this seems real.

It's like I'm going crazy.

How has your relationship changed from
when you started to now?

All this is a kind of roller
coaster with many ups and downs.

Doing it with Rachel, I think
our relationship just grew...

through this and that is more
important than anything to me.

Good job, guys.

I am incredibly
proud of Rachel.

She's small, but she went out and beat
a lot of competitive people.

That certifies how strong
he really is.


Good work.

Chris and Ron are the second to
finish The Amazing Race.

Thank you very much.

Chris, I remember one
thing you said to me.

You weren't sure if an
old man could change.

You know it's a dream for me to be
in this incredible adventure...

and do it with him, there is no one
else in this world...

who would I like to
do it with except my dad.

I am so happy to be here
with him right now.

I feel so grateful even though
I didn't come in first place...

but I came first
in my daughter's heart...

and the fact that I changed for the better.

Can you tell your daughter
what she means to you?

It's okay.

For the first time in my life, when
I say "I love you" I really mean it.

I also.

I have had the joy of bonding with
Christina throughout my career...

and that is a joy that
I cannot express.

I am a new man.

The transformation my dad made
and the depth of our relationship...

worth more than a million dollars.
My dad and I...

we have a strong relationship now
and you can't buy that.

I am so happy to
be here with him.

Nick and Don, you're team number 3.

A great race.

Don, I can tell you that you are officially
the oldest person in...

go that far in
The Amazing Race.

Did you think you would get
this far in the race?

Yes, but not third.
Not third party.

Congratulations, guys.
Thank you very much.

Nick, did you get what you came
for in the race...

apart from the fact of not winning it?

Besides winning, my
main goal was to get here...

be on the mat and
compete for the world,

and have a good time
with my grandfather...

and got all that and more.

It was an amazing experience and...

It's definitely something I
'll wear for the rest of my life...

and it is even more incredible
to have done it with my grandfather.

Grandpa, grandpa, grandpa!

I always said I could
do this race...

but now, I had the
opportunity to try it.

The thing that made me happiest...

is that I was able to finish each stage.

My feelings for TK
are very real...

He is my best friend...

he 's my forte, and he's my favorite person
and I was able to do all this with him.

Being able to do the race,
without compromising our relationship...

in any way and in the process
make great friends...

it just makes winning all the

Good guys
can definitely finish first...

and I think we
prove it with this.

We go out, we compete and we win.
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