13x02 - Do You Like American Candy?

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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13x02 - Do You Like American Candy?

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on The Amazing Race.

Eleven teams left
Los Angeles, California...

in a race around the world
for a million dollars.

Salvador, Brazil.

At the airport, brothers
Nick and Starr teamed up.

If you wish to make
a kind of alliance.

Yes, any information
remains between us.

In Salvador, Brazil,
Terence wanted Sarah to...

it will only focus on him
instead of the other teams.

As soon as we arrived, Sarah
started talking to the others.

And here I am, I
want you to connect with me.

Go to.

Ken got engaged
to his wife.

Now we have fun.
I cheated on Tina.

I must show him day by day
that I am worthy of his love.

Brothers Nick and Starr led
the way down a terrifying descent.

Don't look up or down.
Wow, this is crazy.

To claim first place.

They are the number one team.

The Super Bad team made
a huge mistake.

How many steps did they climb?

We don't count.
How stupid.

In the end, beekeepers
Anita and Arthur were the last to arrive.

I'm sorry to tell you that you have been
eliminated from the race.

Ten teams remain.
Who will be eliminated...


This is Salvador, Brazil, home
to the world's largest carnival.

It is known as
the capital of joy.

And floating in the bay of the city,
there is the Forte Sao Marcelo.

This 17th century fort
was the first stop...

of a race
around the world..

The teams arrived here
for a mandatory break.

The ten teams here have no
idea what awaits them.

If I want to be with you.
I just want to talk to others

But I think that makes you feel like I do
n't want to be with you.

At the stop, the recent couple
of Terence and Sarah...

they argued about how to interact
with the other teams.

I know honey.
I need to go to the toilet.

We have not resolved this. Do not go.
There is no solution.

It seems like every time I talk to
another team he thinks I betrayed him.

Nick and Starr, who were
the first to arrive at 4:07pm...

They are the number one team.

...will depart at 4:07am.

Fly to Fortaleza, Brazil.

The teams must now travel 1030km
to the city of Fortaleza, Brazil.

When they land, they will travel by taxi
to the little town of Cambuco...

to find this plaza:
Plaza do Cambuco,

where they will find their next clue.

let's do it
Okay let's go.

Okay, let's go.

The taxi driver is...
he's making me a little nervous.

When Starr and I are in a
very stressful situation...

I try to keep her calm.

I can't control everything
and I want to.

If he speeds up any more,
I'll tell him to slow down.

C'mon darling.
You have 125 dollars.

All right, let's go.

Cab. Here we go.

Do you have a cell phone?


I will not give up. Wait.

Regarding the relationship, we made
a decision before the race,

this race will be
the "yes" or the "no"...

and if we don't start
to make progress it will be a "no".

She doesn't want a life sentence
and neither do I.

We want partners for life.

Fly to Fortaleza, Brazil.
Let's go.

That is a taxi.

What happened honey?

I hit my head.
In your head?

Can't you see me bleeding?
I don't see you bleeding.

Well I am.
I don't see it, why are you angry?

What do you want from me, honey?
Find the spot and put the Band-Aid on me.

I want my head clean.

Terence has a lot
of different sides.

It is a ball of emotions.

Now, if you'd be so kind, blow it.

If there is a way to
reduce the drama, I'll try it.

I didn't get my head out in time.

Let's go.
Okay, walk.

I don't think we're typecast
in a relationship like everyone else.

You can't really
argue with the woman you date.

You think that you will return home
and have to live with that person.

In the end, I don't have to
go back and live with him.

I'd like to see us leave early.

We want to know the fastest way
to get to Fortaleza.

Thank my Lord.

The next flight is at 11:30am.

Fortaleza, but it doesn't leave
until 11:30am.

My God, don't tell me that.
Ken, Tina!

The first flight is not
until 11:30?

Not here.
Let's see in others.

Fly to Fortaleza, Brazil.
Very well. Cool.

We've both been in relationships
that were insecure and bad...

and we were smart enough
to get out of them.

Make it happen, achieve it
and get what we want.

Hello. What time is your
next flight to Fortaleza?

At 6:45 a.m.

One. Only one.

At least there's no sign
of Terence or Sarah.

Let's see on the screens
what are the flights to Fortaleza.

I'd like to talk to someone.

We have to get on the 6:45am flight .

Okay, give me your names
so I can put you on the waiting list.

Okay, we'll give you the names.
Anything to get on the 6:45.

It's very important.
We are desperate.

One minute, okay? I will check.
She is behind us.

They have $125 for this stage.

Okay let's go.
We're on our way.

I think that in the
previous stage we did very well.

I'm no more or less
sore than anyone else.

I am very proud of my mom.
It makes me happy to have fun with her.

I love you.
I also.

We will.

They try to get on the first flight.

What I can do.
Yes please, thank you very much.

Just say a little prayer.

We changed to a bigger plane.
Now there are more seats available.

I think it was my persistence
that encouraged them to...

place a plane with more seats.

Tina has the ability
to make the person...

behind the counter think
you are working for her.


Did they also manage to climb?

Please make sure you have our
seats because we were here earlier.

Nick and Starr and Ken and Tina
are totally allied.

They are not two teams,
it is one.

And they don't even greet us.

I thought we would have an advantage.
I guess it will be like that for us.

You can thank us for that.

This is the fastest flight.

They thought it was closed,
but they put in a bigger plane.

Did you put our seats in the front?
The flight... has empty seats.

But once at the door, they
will enter first.

In agreement?

Faster Faster.

Same flight please.

We have $125.

We will.

We have a very small
advantage over the latter.

It's a loser mentality to
want to just not come in last.

I want to change that a bit.
Arrive first, not last.

A moderate attitude
achieves nothing in life.

We try to do it as
fast as we can.

Ty and I are long-
distance boyfriends and this career has given me...

the opportunity to learn things
about him first hand.

It is much more real.

I guess they run
red lights at night.

I am not upset.

We have to get
the fastest flight.

I think we should
camp out front...

of that plane and be
absolutely the first.

Did they exchange money?

Over here it is.
gate three.

Give me some money.
I will change it.

The ticket seller placed
our group first,

So we don't worry
about being in the queue.

This guy is pushing his car.
Does your car work or not?

Is damaged?

Fly to Fortaleza, Brazil.

This car is a winner.

Top of its class,
a winner for good reason.

I want us to get married.

The only thing we don't have in
our life is financial stability.

As a man, I want to be able
to be a good provider,

and winning the race would be
the solution for this.

It looks like you're throwing flames.
You might want to check that.

It's really annoying to be last
at the moment but we have to...

Give your best.

I definitely think this
competition is much more difficult...

than Marisa and I
thought it would be.

We should definitely
be a little more aggressive,

sneakier and
work a lot harder.

What a thrill.

We had the plane changed for a
bigger one so we could all fly there.

In agreement.

They didn't do it for us.
If she is a liar.

Thanks for tapping me on the shoulder.

They should thank us for
getting a bigger plane.

On the left.

I saw it already. Let's see
what we get.

Do you want to buy the tickets
first or change the money?

If the queue is too long, we
will go back to buy the tickets.

Yes, it seems fine to me.

Ty, do you have your tickets?

Not yet.
Are you okay.

We managed to get the plane changed.

They're all going to be on
the 6:25 flight.

So you owe me.

Remember it.
Thank you very much.

Okay, let's go.

Let's take out our backpacks.

Tina came over and said that she--

That he had gotten us
a bigger plane...

so that we all managed
to approach the flight.

As if this wasn't
a competition.

I do not owe you anything.
Nothing at all.

I am sorry to see that they have succeeded.

This could be a
whole new career.

Let's go.
We need the same as them.

The fastest way.

We need tickets to Fortaleza.

Can we have two tickets, please?

You're welcome.

You're my friend.

I'll start giving
people candy.

I think that nice smiles and sweets
will help us in the long run.

Do you like
American candy? Thanks.

Bribery never hurts.

Thank you very much.

We check in first,
so we have to get on first.

We were the ones who organized everything.
Tina did all the work.

We were the first to have
tickets. Fair is fair.


No way, old man.
No way.

Fair is fair. We checked
in first, so we went up first.

No way.
I'm not saying you owe me anything.

I'm not asking for money.

You wouldn't be on this plane if I
hadn't gotten it changed.

You couldn't get them to change anything.
Yes I did it.

Did you get an airline to change
a plane? That is incredible.

In fact, he did.
I did it.

It is impossible for that to happen.
I don't believe any of you.

I don't give a damn if you believe it or not.

Are you listening to this?
What are they saying?

Some drama.

Terence is behaving
like an idiot with Tina.

There is no need to insult.
I did nothing.

All I'm saying is I don't
think that ever happened.

If you raise your voice, I will raise it.
It's okay.

If you are courteous, I will be courteous.

In agreement. I don't think you
do, but it's fine with me.

I've already seen you in action.

Trust me, I will not fight for a
row of seats. Not worth it.

I just know that when people sign
up first they usually upload first, right?

Tina went to the front of
the line, because we were...

those of us who made the arrangements
and Terence was not happy about it.

He hit his head.
That's why he's a little crazy.

But I'm sorry you
hit your head.

I'm really sorry.
I am sorry.

I didn't mean
to raise my voice to your wife.

I apologize if that
offended you in any way.

No, I apologize, honey.

That was cute.

You made me blush,
just so you know.

I made you smile.
That's better than anything.

Actually, I smile a lot.
People just don't realize it.

All the teams are heading
to Fortaleza, Brazil...

where they will travel by taxi to the
coastal city of Cambuco.

Let's not k*ll ourselves.
Let's be smart.

Come on Starr. Let's find taxis.

Honey, come on.
Honey, I'm with you. go you

Are you sure Nick?
I'm not.

They are international arrivals.
This is a joke, right?

Did we go too far?

Stay with me Sarah.
I'm with you. Just here.

Let's go to Cambuco.

It was a crazy race,
people pushed us...

the boys carried the
girls' bags, except for us.

Okay let's go.

The town square.

Being among the last,
it was actually good...

because they all passed
by the national section.

Very quickly, please.

What are you doing?

Taxi, come on, come on.
You did great.

Not enough
cardio exercise...

prepare you for
this. I can tell you that.


We could have been the first...

but we take the wrong path following the people.

My love, what do we do?
We need a taxi.

You have to push.

I used to have a car with a stick
shift so I knew it would work.

Get on.
Let's go.


We're losing
all the taxis. Re crazy?

We had a small advantage.

Honey, he's not doing anything.
She doesn't know what she's doing.

We were the last, and let's go.
In fact, we are the smart ones.

Let's go to Cambuco.

God. The teams
have already left. Cab!

He knows, he knows.

How many teams do you think
are in front of us?

Almost every.


Everything is damaged in this country.

In all the taxis we
've been in, it seems like...

Like they've been playing
bumper cars for years.

It's a joke.

It doesn't go as fast as I would like.

It's definitely
on the slower side.

There there. Right in front of
us is the hint box.

My love my Love!
Here I am, here I am.

I will read it.
Route information.

Now the teams must choose a
bugre or beach jeep that will take them...

Barraca do Manoel, where this
seller will give you your next clue.

Come here, baby. They are there.
There? In agreement.

They went this way.
Okay let's go.

Bugs. In agreement.

We have to go to the beach.
Faster Faster.

Where we go?

Where is the hint box?

There. Just there.

A beach jeep.
Let's go.

The jeep ride was amazing.

It started raining. It was as if God
showered us with love and joy.

We had so much fun.

Look at this beach.
You're the best.

This is how I like to travel.

Is this cool or what?
Well done.

I feel bad. Look at this.
This is how they live every day.

It makes you appreciate what you have.

Anthony and I always
complain that we live...

in an apartment and
we don't have nice furniture.

It puts things in perspective and makes you
feel grateful for what you have.

There are many people out there
who live with almost nothing.

What kind of opportunities do they have?

If they learned to fix
a car they would become rich.

They found her.
Where the heck did they find the clue?

Let's go.
Where is the track?

It has to be on the beach.
Here. Here.

Here is the flag.
Starr, Starr, Starr.

The driver will take you
to the town of Cayupe.

Once there, find
Barraca De Manuel.

Everyone is matching us.
We had a great advantage.

They have a clue.
Where did they find the clue?

It's where we started.
It's a joke?

I'm so upset right now.
Faster Faster.

We're going to tan.

Come on, old man, come on.

I love brazil.
Hi guys.

I saw her butt.

Just there.

Find the Barraca De Manuel.
Come on baby

Find the Barraca De Manuel.

It's right in front of us.
Good. Here it is perfect, perfect.

We will.

Come here, honey.


In this detour, the teams
have to choose between...

two things related
to this seaside community.

The options:

Beach it or Identify it.

In Vararlo, the teams must travel
by bugre to Pecem beach.

Once here, they'll pick a
two-man crew...

and one of these traditional
Brazilian boats known as jangadas.

Then, using local methods, they must
maneuver these heavy logs...

to drag the 200 kilo boat...

sand and take it out to sea.

Teams with the
perfect combination...

of mental and
physical sharpness can end quickly.

In Identify Him, the teams must
travel in bugre to the port of Pecem...

to search for a hidden container in this dock.

When they arrive at the port, they will choose
one of these computers.

Next, they must search
a database...

the only serial
number noted on your track.

Once they've
found the number...

will use the respective
four-letter code...

to find the section of the dock
where the container is located.

When they identify the
container inside...

this section, you'll find
your next clue inside.

The task is not physical, but
teams that are not detail-oriented...

they could be stuck
here for a long time.

We go to the beach.

Beach it?
Beach it.

Beach it?
It's okay. Let's beach it.

Kelly and I are
physically fit.

We may be women,
but we are very strong.

Okay, let's go!

I think it will take a long
time to identify it.

Beach it.
We will Varlo.

Very well. Perfect.

Come on Kel.
Here we go.

We will.
We will.

We just have to move this thing.

Hurry up, mom.
I'm coming, honey.

Thanks. I'm thinking
of the computer.

Maybe that can benefit
our skills.

We will identify it.
Yes, identify it.

Go the other way.
turn around

Very well. Push, push.

Come on baby

How good.

This way, mom, this way.
I'm going. Very well.


There is.

Find the computer room.
Read the clue.

We need a helmet.

Good. Find 4962932.
Okay, look for 49.

There are a lot of containers.
That's how it is.

Jump. Go Go.


We chose to beach it.
Identify it? Yes, let's do it.

Pushing a boat will be very...
we're not strong at all.

Follow them, come on.
You can do it?

I don't know, honey. I'll try.
All right, we'll have it beached.

Beach it.

Vararlo is on the right.
We want to go to the right.

Follow them.
Follow them. Let's go.

Yeah come on.


We are two big men.
let's do it

It is a men's task.
Beach it.

This is by far the
best decision.

He and I always exercise,
but it's not to build muscle or anything.

In agreement.
Let's go.

We are fine. Let's go.
Let's pick a good crew.

Use a computer to locate
a specific container and its destination.

We came to the wrong one.

Yeah come on. We are here.

You saw it?

No no no.

No wait.
That is. 49. That's it.

Let's find that thing.
Let's find her.

There is no way we sit at
a computer and fail.

As Yoda would say, "Do it or don't.
But don't try."

Come on, push.
It's okay.


Sarah and Terence.
They passed us.

This is ridiculous.

I'm very tired.
Next time when you want...

do push-ups in the morning,
don't do them. You heard me?

Yes darling.
Do you think I'm deaf?

I may be tired,
but not deaf.

I was just making sure.

I would say to Sarah, "Don't let
me yell at you. You're doing your best."

Reminds me of my ex-husband.
He used to yell at me and control me.

One two Three.
Let's pass them now.

Well well.
Guys, you are amazing.

Kiss each one on the cheek.
It will make them go faster.

We're not done yet. That's good.
Okay, let's go.

They'll get another one
when we're done.

My hands are slipping.

He is heavy.

Let's go. Ahead.

Easy for you to say, brother.
That log is a piece of...

Here we go.

There are too many.

Ready? Let's go. We'll beach it.
Let's drag that bad boy.

Many teams are
doing this.

Do we have to get on?

Dude, are you kidding?
Why should we get on?

I do not know.

Let's go baby.
Run with me, honey.

Mark. Sudu... it's Hamburg Sud.
So these are red.

There are many of these Hamburg Sud.
This is a needle in the haystack.

I hope the other teams are
having more problems than us.

Pick it up, pick it
up one last time.

Thank you very much. Take a taxi
to Parque de Vaquejada.

The teams must now
find these nearby taxis and...

choose one to take them
to the Vaquejada Park...

where they will find
the next clue.

We need a taxi.
Honey, where do you propose to take it?

Take it where the
boats are or go up the hill.

We are almost done.

Here we go.
One two Three.

To Kelly and Christy,
we passed quickly.

We can still be third
if we hurry.

Take a taxi to the...
Parque de Vaquejada.

There is an arrow there.
Where is the next?

It has to be up there.

If we go this way there
probably won't be any hills.

More running but no hills.
I say let's go.

Taxi parking.
Taxi parking!

There is a sign over there that I can read.

We are close.

We already finished.


We did not get our
container unmarked.

Where is the container?

We thought we need
a container because there was a...

note that it belonged to the other
detour that we had not chosen.

Where is the container?
It must be in a yard.

I do not know.

There are many around here.

You found it?


And here is our clue.

Travel by taxi.

Come on, there's a town up ahead.
I'm following you.

There is no one behind us.
It can be good or bad.

It's okay.

Let's go.
In agreement.

We must go there. There are people.
In agreement.

A taxi?

Should we dig?
I do not know.

This is the only one that is marked.
Let's dig for a second.

We were digging because we thought we
would find the container.

Here we go.

Take a taxi to
Parque de Vaquejada.

OMG. Come here, come here.
Where is the container?

We will.
We will!


Good. Travel by taxi.

Do you think everyone
is going to the taxi?

Cab, cab.
No, not taxi.

No, it is not a taxi.
It is not a taxi.

I start to get frustrated.

Make sure your bag doesn't get wet.
It's okay.

I don't want to cross that.
Tina, come on.

Do not yell at me.
Okay, Mom.

Good work.
Stop yelling at me.

Yell at me again and I'll go in
a totally different direction.

Kenny, you don't listen to me. I'm
doing fine. So let's move on.

I got to a point where I shut up.
After throwing several punches.

I will say a few things.
I won't go too quietly.

In agreement.

Come on, mom.
There I go, honey.

Should we go in and get some ice cream?
Yes, because we are out for a walk.

Who are they?

Maybe it's a taxi.
There are people inside.

It was Terence and Sarah.
I don't think they'll need us.

One more team passes us and
I will literally tear my hair out.

Cab. Cab, Sarah.
It's alright, it's alright.

They don't know where the taxis are.
Please please.

They want help, they want help.
Go on go on.

They try to get one!
There's another team on it!

Was there a team in it?

What if we get
stranded and need help?

You have to think about it.
You must think about that.

This is not our day.

I'm so upset.

No taxi comes here.

I think we did well.
We did not do bad.

Honey, taxi, taxi, Sarah!

Stop, stop, stop.

Terry, do you need help?
Where did you get the taxi?

Go to the beach.

Was it up the hill?

Toni and Dallas, they stopped
and told us they were coming back.

That's where the taxis are.
They are a separate class.

I want a taxi.
I know honey.

Something I can control.
Your love for me?

You got it.

Let's go.
We must reach them.

It is so difficult.

Come on, honey,
we can move on to the girls.

They are tired. We do not.
I see it all over their faces.

Ty was talking bad about
blondes to cheer himself up.

They had red faces.
All blushing.

Our faces
don't turn red.

Here you have.
Take a taxi.

The sign is right here.
Let's go.

Kel, they go to the taxi.
This sucks.

I think we
should just keep going.

Nobody can find a container,
let's go to the taxi.

I think that's all.

The marked path. I see.
Taxis seem to be upstairs.

Okay, we're going to the
Vaquejada Park in Caucaía.

Heavens. That additional information
corresponds only to turnout two.

We made the detour number one.
We searched the water and the sand...

for a container that
we didn't need.

That sucks.

Where are they? Demons!

Let's go. We can do it.
Let them trot. It was his mistake.

Was it a team?

I'll be "Iron Woman"
after this.

We're almost done, we're almost done.

There they are, there they are.
Yes, that's fine.

I'm running.
Very good me too.

We saw each other and we
told each other that we are reckless.

We are strong, we made it.

My legs.

Take a taxi to
Parque de Vaquejada.

It's okay, I hear you.
You need to stop yelling at me.

My leg hurts a lot.
Quickly, please.

Please go.
Drop your bag.

We are very, very stupid.

Some teams definitely
passed us which is frustrating.

Once they arrive at
Vaquejada Park...

they should ask their taxi to wait.

Up up. Yes, the track.
Tell him to wait.

Wait here.


A lockout is a task that
only one person should do.

In this blockade, that person
must look for a clue...

hidden in plain sight.

The team member must locate
somewhere on this wall...

of 182m the name
of your next destination...

Children's City.

To achieve this quickly,
they must adopt the relaxed...

local beach culture and resist
the urge to overthink...

the numerous advertisements
that surround it.

They must tell the correct destination to the painter...

to receive your next clue.


I'll walk the entire painted area
and see if anything jumps out at me.

and then there is that symbol.

I'll write it down because it
seems strange.

He clearly doesn't know where we're going.

What is this?

There are 16 possibilities at the end.

I see many 11.

It could be Casa De José Alencar.

You got it?
I think.

Mister painter? Fortress?

José Alencar's House?
At the.

It is incorrect. It's okay.

Here we go.

You, girl.

There is a list painted on the wall.

Don't overthink it,
don't overthink it

I think I'll write all this.

What I quickly understood is that
if I completely write everything...

I can solve this problem with
brute force in a minimum of time.

Are you writing everything
like I think you are?

Why do that?
I don't know. Because you are conscientious.

I gave Tina a way to figure it out
that maybe she didn't have when she arrived.

I think I'm a guy who
is naturally honest.


Just stop.
I'll ask for directions.

Tell him now.

He knows?

Just relax.
But I am frustrated.

Calm down, Star. We're already here,
crying and freaking out won't help.

Blocking. That's you.
That's me.

Go up there.

Central Market?

Cachaca Museum?
At the.

Do you want to do it?

In agreement. He will do it.

Statue of Iracena?

Almost done.

Castelo Blanco Mausoleum?

Good luck guys.

Come on, Tina!

Children's City?

Thanks a lot.

Take a taxi to
the next stop.

Teams must travel by taxi through
this seaside town to this park.

Children's City.

Built as an oasis for
city kids,

this is the stop for
this stage of the race.

The last team to arrive here
may be eliminated.

Cab! Where is our taxi?

¿Praca da Gentilandia?


Children's City?


Good job, Tina.

Take a taxi to
the next stop.

If Phil tells us we're
first, I'm going to...

...make an advance.
You are good. Good work.

That's another team right there.

Are they?
They have to be.

Who are they?
Santa Claus and Mrs. him.

Let the fat guys win one.
I have to make mom happy.

We will!

Faster Faster.

I like them,
but I want to beat them.

There are other teams.
Do not go. Just wait.

I do.

We must learn to read the clue!

I do not know who they are.

We pass them.

Once they arrive, they must
ask the taxi to wait.

Wait here.

Ty, don't beat us.
Yes, here we go. Blocking.

C'mon darling!
Hurry, we have to get there.

We forgot to ask
the taxi to wait.


We let our taxi go and the clue
said, "Don't let your taxi go."

What do we do for our taxi?

Guess we'll run, mate.
Yes, it seems so.

I'm so happy to run against a
former football player.

It's here. We arrived. It's here.
Let's go.

You see something?
They're getting down, so let's get down.

Hey, it's over there.
I know, I see it.

Kenny. Take my bag.

let them go
Come on Mark.

My bag just broke.
Where the hell are we going?

There's the entrance.
Let's go.

C'mon darling.

Good work.

Welcome to Fortress.

Ken and Tina...
Yes, sir.

They are the number one team.

Now I have good news for you.
As winners of this stage...

both won an ATV
that they will enjoy after the race.

Mark and Bill, I guess you know,
are team number two.

Good job guys, you
're awesome.

Why are you here, Ken? Why is
it so important to be in this race?

We are here because we want
to put this marriage back together.

That is goal number one.
We do it slowly.

We continue to have communication problems
but stopping at the finish line...

and finding out that we are the
first gives me hope again.

It made me realize that
we have so much potential.

If getting there first helps them
put their marriage back together,

...who cares about all-terrain vehicles.
I love you brother.

They are amazing.

Where is the track?
Come on, here it is.

Come on Sarah.

Is for you.
I will do it.

go you
In agreement.

Sarah, come.
Honey, I really don't want to talk.

Let's calm down, okay?
I'm calm, honey.

I know. You already have it.

That kiss was the iconic difference
in our personalities.

Mr. Sensitive, with your emotions
you want to take a moment...

and I say:
"man, we are behind".

Stephanie and Anthony arrived.


Do we write everything down and tell him?
It's okay.

All right, look. Let's start
working together, okay?

Yeah, me so far--

You've just arrived?
I have just arrived.

It's just over here, right?
Yes, that's fine.

Listen, I think it has
to do with color.

Nick offered to help me.
And two seconds later.

He literally pushed me out.
That guy is my enemy.

what a jerk
Central Market?

At the.
Children's City?


Good work!
Take the taxi and go to the stop.

Cidade da Crianca.
I think our taxi left.

What do you want to do?

Come on, mom!

I think he wrote down the whole list
and he's going to recite it to you.

We are in front of everyone.
We just need a taxi.

Ecological Park?

Kel, we'll have to stop
one ourselves.

gods. We will.
Children's City?

Yes! Go Go!

Old man, whatever
his name is, he has it.

Take a taxi to
your next stop.

C'mon darling.
Stop, stop.

Taxi, taxi!

Children's City?

Thanks thanks.

Travel by taxi to your next
stop: Cidade da Criança.

Take a taxi to your
next stop.

Christy, do you think
our cab went in there?

It's fine.

Honey, we've done everything
faster than anyone else.

At least we recovered.
Wait Taxi!

Go on go on.

Cab! Damn!
They don't know.

They don't know about the taxi.

Please, Jesus,
help us get a taxi.

Do you think we should write everything down
and recite it in front of the guy?

I think you have to take
things and put them in order.

Marisa, you can do it.
But I don't know Spanish.

You don't need to know Spanish.
Everything is in Spanish.

You have to write it.
I don't know what these words mean.

I am very nervous.
We left the detour second...

and now we fight
not to be eliminated.

What will we do now?
We will be eliminated.

Hell, hell, hell.

We read the clue, but we forgot
about the taxi when we got there.

We basically did it again.
Nick, make sure you go all the way.

Write a bunch of answers
and then say them all!

Honey, just write down a few
sentences and come check.

Give me a break.
I don't understand what I see.

I think it's something on this wall.

I think I have it.


Dude, the others
have said more.


Okay, I run too.

There is.

It is there.
How do we get in?

Over here or over there?

Look, it's a team.
Okay let's go.

Follow them.
Just run. Just run.

Come on, mom. Let's go.
Win them, darling.

C'mon darling. Runs!

Let's go!
Run Run Run.

Come on, mom!

Good job, mom!

they are teams three,
four and five.


Maybe they should talk about
the love I'm seeing here.

They are hugging and kissing.

We had a horrible day today and
Dallas and Tony stopped...

and they said, "Are you okay?
Do you need help?"

At first we thought not to work
with anyone, but there are other people...

that her beauty shines all day.
So do you know something?

From now on we will be others.
I'm just a mom. Is the family.

Are you sure our taxi
didn't stop in the courtyard?


Have something?
I am working on it.

I swear to God I'll share it
with you if I find out. I'll try.

I would do the same for you.

One Two Three Four Five...

In agreement. I'll be back.

Nick, come on.
Hurry up!

I'll ask you once
and calmly,

I don't need no more screaming.

Sierra Federal University?

Keep naming them.
Boy of Coranguuelo?

Children's City?

Yes I love you.
I love you too.

Take a taxi to the next
stop. Let's go.

Where was he?

He had nothing to offer me.

I don't mind playing dirty as long as
I benefit from it.

All the taxis
are leaving the yard.

Let's go check.

Count the taxis.

Three? My God, he was
here the whole time. Damn.

Today we did poorly reading the
clues but tomorrow will be better.

We are bad with a capital em.
Yes we are.

What if we write it all down
and read it to him?

I hope you understand
what you are doing.

I wrote everything.
Read it to him.

Castelo Branco Mausoleum?
At the.

You got it?
I do not know. I think.

Children's City?

Yes! Let's go!

Good work.

¿House of Jose De...?
¿...Alencar? At the.

I wrote everything. I'll recite it to
him and say, "Is that where I'm going?"

Children's City?

C'mon darling!
We are in last place.

Where is it?

You see? South Carolina girls
are not stupid.

We are not stupid.
We will be slow, but not stupid.

Boy of Coranguuelo?

Nick and Starr, they're
team number six.

That's what we wanted to hear.

Children's City?
That's it. Yes.

Take a taxi to the
next stop.

Let's go. We had a bad day,
maybe we'll be lucky in the end.

Kelly and Christy...
Are they team number six?

They are team seven.

They are team seven.

I think we're close.

Is that a taxi?

I think I'll go crazy.
It's okay.

Come on, Brooke.
C'mon C'mon.

We are close.
We will not be eliminated.

Where do we enter?
This way.

Just follow them.
Come on Marisa.

Are they going in the opposite direction?
Are you sure?

Over here, over here.

Faster Faster.
How do we get in?

How do we get in?

How do we get in?

Do you see it?
Friend, let's run!


We will!

Go ahead girls!

Good work.

Andrew and Dan,
they're team number eight.

In agreement.

Marisa and Brooke, that makes them
team nine. They are still in the race.

Welcome to Fortress.

Anthony and Stephanie
are the last to arrive.

I imagined that.

I'm sorry to tell you that you have been
eliminated from the race.

We did the best we could.

We had a great time together
and it was an amazing...

experience that we will share with
others and we will never forget it.

We will definitely move on
and have a future together...

we hope that financially
we will be able to get back on track.

When you see some parts of Brazil
it puts everything in perspective.

I have many things in my
life to be thankful for.

I have health.
I have my parents.

I have, you know, my looks
and I have Stephanie.

Below are scenes
from the next episode.

On the next episode of
The Amazing Race.

Altitude sickness
affects some.


I can't breathe.

Wow, this height.

And Ken impresses his wife.
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