13x09 - That is Studly

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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13x09 - That is Studly

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on The Amazing Race.

Five teams left Delhi, India,
for Almat, Kazakhstan.

You didn't make any
eye contact with me.

I was on the run.

Along the way,
Dallas and Starr's relationship continued...

flourishing under the
watchful eye of Toni and Nick.

From, Fri aqu.

Go Go go.

- Go Go go.
- C'mon C'mon.

- Honey, it's not a good idea.
- Yes, it is.

Once in Kazakhstan, Terence and
Sarah took a big risk,

and competed for Fast
Forward with Nick and Starr.

This is what racing is all about,
taking risks and going for it.

oh my god

Only to find a challenge that
Terence could not tolerate.

No, damn meat!

I am vegetarian. I haven't eaten
meat for 15 or 16 years.

I can't eat it, honey.

Toni and Dallas overreacted
on the detour.

It wags its tail.
I know a nice butt. Muuu!

While Andrew and Dan continued
to make critical mistakes,

including leaving
your shoes in the turnoff.

- Dan, what about our shoes?
- Then we come for them.

Nick and Starr won the advance and
achieved their fourth victory in a row.

While the great risk that
Terence and Sarah took cost him the race.

I am sorry to tell you that you have been
eliminated from the race.

Four teams remain.

Who will be eliminated

A translation by:
Derek, Fost,

A translation of:
freddydfp, marijose,

A translation of:

This is Almat, Kazakhstan.

Founded in ancient times, it
was destroyed in the...

to resurface 600 years...

later as a political capital.

Today it is a large industrial center
with more than a million residents.

In the middle of this great city,
Old Square, this historic square...

it was the eighth stop of this
race around the world.

The teams arrived here
for a mandatory break.

Could Dallas and Starr 's relationship
distract them from the race?

And will Andrew and Dan continue to make
crucial mistakes?

Nick and Starr, who arrived
first at 9:21am...

You sound like a broken record, Phil.

Fly to Moscow, Russia.

The teams will fly more than 3,200 km
to the city of Moscow, Russia.

When they land, they will travel by
taxi to this place...

Monasterio Krutitske Podvorye.

Once here, you will
enter the church and...

encendern a sail
to recibir on the first runway.

- Let's get out of here.
- Let's go to the airport.

- There's a taxi there.
- Ok.

Today is my birthday, and Starr
made me this clever t-shirt.

We headed to Moscow, Russia.

Each country is a new mystery.

A new
enriching experience.

This is by far the most time
Starr and I have spent together...

in the last five years.

If we were arriving last
maybe we would argue a little more.

- Thank you very much, sir.
- Ok.

Will there be a
travel agency where to go?

We need two tickets
to Moscow, Russia.

The earliest flight is by
Air Astan and leaves at 6:05am.

- Is that the fastest? There's no--
- Yeah, it's the earliest.

- Thank you.
- Thank you very much.

Fly to Moscow, Russia.
They have $175 for this stage.

Who wants to take me
to the airport?

- 3,000
. - 3,000? 2000 and we have a deal.

In agreement. There we go.
It's a deal.

We're going to Russia now, the only bad thing
is that we've had a hard time trying...

to communicate with the people here,
I can't imagine what it will be like there.

My mom and I want
to get there first.

We're not the first yet.

She is the number one person
in my life and I want her to know it.

I will do whatever it takes to
win this race for her.

Here we come.

There is a travel agency.

We need to get the
fastest flight to Moscow.

Fly to Moscow, Russia. When
you land, take a taxi downtown--

Get a cab, Ken.

- Come on, taxis.
- Fast to the airport.

Come on, there's no time.
Let's go.


They are robbing us
with these taxis.

It's a stressful situation
being on the run,

and we are very different
in many ways.

We fight with him to calm him down
while I feel like I compete...

for a million dollars and we need
to give everything we can, all the time.

It's fine.

There are Dallas and Toni.

Is there another
earlier flight to Moscow today?

There is no other flight.

- Just this one.
- This is the first flight.

I'm going to go camping in
front of Air Astana.

- It doesn't matter anymore.
- What?

Every time I heard that they
won another stage, I got frustrated.

You're k*lling me.

Dallas and I
have really connected,

And we've spent a lot of
time together...

just talking and
getting to know each other,

and he is an amazing man.

Coming to this race, I never thought
I would have any kind of relationship.

These things happen and I'm glad
you met Starr. It's great.

But one of us will win the million
dollars and the other will not, whoever...

who wins it will love to have it
and the other will be a little jealous.

Starr's romantic life has been
plagued by guys who are...

overshadowed by
Starr's strength, and I think...

Dallas is the kind of guy who can
still be himself with her.

At the end of the day, I'm not worried about
this hindering the race.

I know Dallas won't let me
get in the way of the race.

You guys have won so many things, I
'm upset, absolutely upset.

I hate it.

I need two tickets
to Moscow, Russia.

Is there an earlier flight
to Moscow?

- No.
- Thank you.

Fly to Moscow, Russia. They have $175
for this leg of the race.


We left our shoes in the
children's theater on the last stage,

so we're stuck
without real shoes.

We got these slippers from the
hotel where we stayed.

We stole it from the hotel.

- We have some money.
- We should get some shoes.

We have enough money.

We are so close to the final, we have
a lot to gain and nothing to lose.

No one expected
us to get this far.

There is more pressure for those teams
hoping to do better.

Good. Thanks.
How much is it?

No no no.

Give me $ 25.

Okay, 30.

Here you are. 30.

I am worried about money.

Moscow is one of the
most expensive cities in Europe.

What is the first flight
to Moscow in the morning?

We need two tickets, please.

The Dandrew team without shoes.

- I can run with this.
- You could be onto something.

The Dandrew team with their
own line of shoes.

Those could be the new Nikes.

There is a shoe store
on the left. I swear to god.

- Yeah, sure.
- Is it still open?

A 24-hour shoe store
at the airport in Kazakhstan.

Hello. We need
some shoes.

- I can not believe this.
- This is all we got.

That's over $100.

- For a pair of shoes.
- Yes.

- That's too much
- Do we have to travel?

We have $476.
Not worth it.

- Some are worth less than 8500.
- Okay, we can do that.

But they are pointless.

If you don't mind looking
like an idiot.

This is the
cheapest shoe.

Dude, look, everyone
sees us.

Yes, because we have
cool new shoes.

- Look at them.
- We have $300 left.

- I hope it's enough.
- We can throw these away now.

We are boarding for
Moscow, Russia. The mother country.

Adis, Kazajistn,
I just know you.

All teams head
to Moscow, Russia.

- Cab.
- Cab, cab.

- Cab.
- Cab, cab.

- What do you want to do?
- I don't know.

- Cab.
- Cab.

Hey, I think I see two
cabs in the parking lot.

Let's go. Yes, you are right.
I see them. Taxi!

Calle Krustitskaya.

The boys found one.

It's almost all of our money.

Having spent a lot of money
on shoes will weigh us down...

today because this is
a very expensive city.

- This is where we're going.
- We're going too fast.

Can you open the trunk?

- Good. This is where we're going.
- Do you know where this is?

- Very fast.
- We're in a race.

Hopefully, our
driver knows where it is.

Our driver does not speak English
and we are behind Toni and Dallas.

We can't let
Nick and Starr miss out.

Come on Kenny.

Do you know where
the monastery is?

This is not right.

We are looking for Krutitske,
it is a monastery.

That red thing could be.
It looks like a church.

Only Dan would say something like
"it looks like a church".

All the buildings here are gigantic.

It seems that our driver does not
know the monastery and now...

We're following Dallas and Toni,
and I'd like to part ways with them.

- Where are Ken and Tina?
- They stopped at the traffic light.

- Are they after us?
- I think.

- And the frat brothers?
- I don't know.

They are probably already on
their own in a new country.

Do not follow.

Sir, we have to continue.

- He's lost.
- Yes.

This is one of the situations,
where you cannot do anything.

Our taxi driver is missing.
I will ask...

to the bus driver
how to get there.

- Let's go. Let's go.
- Good.

Come on, mom. Another
team arrived. come on mom

Here's a handkerchief, Starr.

When we enter the monastery,
you know, this is historical, so...

there is a certain reverence and respect
to be offered to the place.

It's not our faith,
it's not our religion but...

You have to show the
respect it deserves.

- Kolosov camp.
- In the village of Tanerneska.

The teams must travel in taxis
through the congested streets...

to the outskirts of Moscow and
find this military base.

Kolosov Camp.

Upon arrival they must
look for the next clue.

- There look for the next clue.
- Find the next clue.

We want to go fast,
we want to go very fast.

oh my god

Toni and Dallas are behind
us, we are going to a camp.


We are on the way and we know that the
other teams are behind us.

The winners get those places
where the good drivers are.

- S? S
- We will.

Man, we were doing so good.

Taxis have cost us
more than we expected.

We pay $100 to go from the
airport to the first destination,

now another $100 goes to
get to the next destination.

If we continue like this we could
run out of money very quickly.

We need to go up here.

- From here...
- No. Here.

I have no idea what you
're trying to tell us.

This is so frustrating.

Monasterio Krutitske Podvorye.

- Good.
- Thank you.

And, ice aqu.

Here it is. Here it is.

We will.

Take a taxi to
the Kolosov camp.

Take a taxi to
the Kolosov camp.

Okay, let's go.

We have to get out of here.
Find a map.

Sir, we're going to
the Kolosov camp.

Here we go.
We are the last.

We know where
the other two teams are.

Go on go on. Ah.
stop. right here.

Come on, mom.

In this diversion, teams must
choose between two activities...

which will introduce them to
the strong Russian military tradition.

The options:
Boots or Borscht.

For both diversions the teams
must wear this military uniform...

including these traditional
foot bandanas.

In Boots, they must join a
training squad...

and learn a traditional march.

When they think they are ready,
the teams will join these troops...

and will march one full lap
around the marching circuit.

If the Drill Sergeant
is satisfied with the march,

they will receive their next clue.

The task requires physical effort,
but teams with resistance...

and coordination will go
briskly toward leadership.

In Borscht, the teams will go to these
big tents and will have to serve...

Borscht to a company
of 75 Russian soldiers.

When all the soldiers
have their cup full of Borscht,

the team will receive
their next clue.

This task does not require
much physical effort,

but teams with little
precision to serve...

they will have to repeat part of
the task, which in the long run...

will leave him in a losing battle.

We will make Boots.

I thought it would be easier than
serving food to 75 people.

Over here they will provide us with
military uniforms.

They have our names.
Here is yours.

The strap goes on the outside
of the jacket.

I haven't seen the other teams,
and all of their outfits are still here.

Let's go for the boots.

The socks are here.

I know. I told you they would
show us how to do it.

Good. Below and
then above.

It was very rigorous.
They were bent in a certain way.

We were just trying
to focus on making it.

At the back, we put underneath,
and we put on the boot.

Do you know someone you can call
to interpret for me in English?

I do not understand what it says.

- I do not understand you.
- Starr, relax.

The taxi driver is asking for

It's a nightmare.

- Do you know? Are you okay?
- No.

I hope the other teams
have this kind of problem.

Here it is.
Get ready to go out.

Look for the clue box.

Dan and Andrew, they're two
seats ahead of us.

They're the clumsy ones, but they do
a good job traveling.

They are struggling with homework.

- There's the clue box.
- Where?

- Come on, I see her.
- There it is.

Boots or Borscht.

- I want to march.
- Well, it's your decision.

I have six years
of marching experience.

I'm very impressed that
you've done it for so long.

- Boots or Borscht.
- To row.

We will.

- Tony and Dallas.
- Yes, they are already here.

Go straight on.

Is it over there? God!

The last ones we saw were
Toni and Dallas at the monastery.

Since then,
we haven't seen anyone else.

We could be the last.

Go straight on.

Is it over there? God!

The last ones we saw were
Toni and Dallas at the monastery.

Since then,
we haven't seen anyone else.

Ok, now we must
verify that we dress well.

- They're fine.
- Ok.

Now we must choose
a marching squad.

Okay, move your hands.
Look at the one next to you.

My God, this will be difficult.

I'll go behind that
to put on my--

Tina, do it here.
You do not have time.

Do you want me to get naked
in front of everyone?

- You don't have anything under that?
- No.

Are you sure it's around here?

Kenny, follow him exactly.
Take it slow.

He will show you how to do it
. I have to do the other one.

He will show us.

- Like this.
- You must place it on top.

Turn around, like this.

what? It's how you did it.

Marching consists of focusing on the
position of your feet with your hands.

It was a natural way to move.

Give me a beat, give me a
beat and I'll be fine.

I'm ready, honey.

- Am I okay? In agreement.
- Well?

Let's go to the middle.
Let's go to the middle.

Honey, it's the other arm.

I got it.
Yes, I got it.

We can always
do the other thing.

We are behind two teams.
we can't pass them

- Did you put yours on?
- Yes, of course I did.

If you can not put it on,
we must continue.

I've always loved
military stuff.

I loved putting
on my military uniform...

maybe it fit me very well
but I thought it was funny.

I was looking at her as
she did with her arms,

she mediated over here while
all the rest of us were tall.

It looks really beautiful.

Put on your boots!
Put on your boots!

You've tried them
for 15 minutes.

Hey Dan. shut up
I couldn't put my boots on.

- They weren't right.
- I think it was a bad decision.

- Tata-- whatever.
- Tanerneska?

- S.
- Good.

Go to the city of Zhukovsky.

The teams must go to the
city of Zhukovsky...

and find this bakery
where will the next clue be.

It was really hot
out there in all these clothes.

But we finished it fast.

I think we are the first
team to finish.

We have to leave it, friend.
Let's go.

There is a team here.
They will pass us

We decided to change
detour, because...

I had trouble putting
on my boots and clothes.

- Is that Nick and Starr arriving?
- Yeah, it's Nick and Starr.

Law. Law.
Who's leaving? Dallas and Tony.

- Yes.
- We must continue like this.

We are the first.

Let's make the march.
It sounds easier.

Go to the city of Zhukovsky.

What should we do?

- Do you know how many have been here?
- Yes.

- We are the last.
- Is it difficult?

Yeah, we really
couldn't do it.

Calm down. When we finish the
other thing, we'll be fine.

Let's find the kitchen.

The going is not difficult.
They'll be fine.

We must hurry up.
There is another team here.

We are waiters.
We can do this.

- They look like hungry men.
- Dude, none of them have eaten.

- They're probably mad.
- Sorry, guys.

Where do they give us
aprons and hats?

- Well, let's try to find them.
- Choose a mobile kitchen.

That looks like a kitchen.

- Goodbye.
- See you.

- Good luck, guys.
- Let's find our guy.

- You look good in uniform.
- Same you. G.I. Jane.

- Is it okay?
- "As"?

Okay, thanks.
You did it Nick.

- S?
- Good? S. Is well.

- Put them on.
- The boots.

Let's go.
We can do it.

make it, we'll make it.

For both options.
They must dress in military...

Dude, I think we have
a problem here.

We have to go put on
our uniform.

- What?
- It says it right here.

Wow, this is amazing.

It was a great waste of time.

Dan and I have made a
lot of dumb mistakes.

We need to make a video
of all our mistakes.

- It would be the best.
- Next to Braveheart.

- And we arrived in seconds here.
- It's a shame.

We have it, Nick.

Much of the game
is out of your control.

Language. The taxi driver.

But the detours
are in your control,

and Nick and I are great
at them over and over again.

Is you well? Is you well?

In agreement.
Not too careless.

Let me put it back in.

- Let's march, old man.
- Let's do it.

We finally understood
about the socks.

And then we proceeded
to march.

I was
in a marching band for years.

- Yes.
- Did we?

- We are fine. We are fine.
- Damn!

Go to the city
of Zhukovsky.

totally messing it up.

- They're done.
- Good work. Cool

All right, quick,
quick, please.

It wasn't perfect
on my part.

My motor skills
and coordination are...

without a doubt one of
my worst attributes,

so I'm not good
at doing those things.

- No.
- I messed it up.

I'm already like an idiot.

I went straight that time.

You're on the wrong foot, man.

Yes, I have done
more or less well.

I compared the march to
an artistic presentation,

maybe like ballet or--

It is a musical art and
I am not artistic at all.

I am more given to
sports and television.

Can we do it
at that speed?

- Come on man.
- Yes, yes, yes.

- Damn, old man!
- This is ridiculous.

- Nerd.
- It is awful.

- Come on man.
- Yes, yes, yes.

- Damn, old man!
- This is ridiculous.

I know it's funny.
I know it is.

I had a really bad time with
the march because I guess...

I don't have much rhythm,

I totally screwed it up.

I am a white Jewish boy.
I have no rhythm.


You want to have me here for hours,
turning this around...

and I'm not going to get better.
We should make Borscht.

Let's make borscht.
I've had enough of this.

- Come on, mom.
- Here I come, honey.

This is definitely not a bakery.
Let's go back that way.

Did you see any notice?

- I think he knows where he's going.
- That's positive thinking.

Let's go to the bakery.

We hope we can get
to the next place...

without having to get
lost 500 times.

I can't wait to
get rid of this man.

The 27 is here.
Come on!

- Come on, mom.
- Here, Dallas. Stop.


A lockout is a task that
only one person can perform.

In this blockade, that person
will join the working class...

by becoming
a delivery man.

They must unload 50 sacks
of flour of 25Kg,

and deliver them to this bakery,

placing the bags
horizontally on the floor.

Once delivered, the owner
will deliver your next clue.

- Who has a strong back?
- That is you.

- How many should I download, mom?
- 50 full bags.

Don't get exhausted.

That way it won't work.
Be careful.

Follow the instructions.

I almost said to her, "ma'am, have you tried
carrying two of these things?"

"Because I'm doing you
a favor here."

The 27.

- Hopefully, we're almost there.
- We are close.

I want a donut.

They won't be able to
move that fast.

- No one can do it like you.
- Mom, we will win this. Calm down.

I know, honey,
but not if you pass out.

I did this race for my mom and I will do
whatever it takes to win it for her.

He is getting tired. But we must
maintain this advantage.

There is no one else here, take
one at a time and finish.

- Number 27? 27.
- Here we go.

- There's one right there.
- Let's go.

There is another team there.

- Who has a strong back?
- That's me.

Good luck, honey.

Dallas looked exhausted,
his eyes sunken...

on his head, he had
flour everywhere.

He was breathing rapidly.

I knew it was a tough task.

- This doesn't look like fun.
- No way.

He's older but I knew Kenny
would end this block quickly.

He's a big guy, tall,
with long arms, long legs.

Come on, honey, you can do it.

- How many have you loaded?
- I'm not going to tell you.

- Maybe it's easier if you carry one.
- No.

Dallas has an
incredible competitive spirit,

but don't think about things,

he goes straight to the end,
and what happens in between he doesn't care.

It's hot out here and

- I don't want it to run out.
- This is tiring,

I am not going to lie.

The poor boy is k*lling himself.

We have lost.
We have wasted some time.

I really can't believe it--
This person here.

God, this guy is so slow.

I know, I'm an idiot.

We all know that, a
stupid American, who can't do...

nothing from the army.
It's garbage.

let's go back.

Let's do the borscht.

It smells like shit.

- They are hungry.
- What do you think?

Okay, let's go.

- Are there 75 on a table?
- Yes, that must be it.

- Wow!
- Heavens.

The soup is ready.
Let's go.

This is fast food.

I know you like it with chunks.
Here you go, man.

Check it out.

Come on Ken.
You're doing great, honey.

Good job Ken.

Come on honey.
You can do it.

You can reach him.

I am so tired.

The training I had in the NFL is
a great foundation ...

to do anything in life,
because you learn to bear the pain,

you learn to work with pain.

you're doing great

oh my god He's going to turn around,
I don't think we've passed him.

He doesn't know where he's going.

A growing boy.

Oh you have.

We had a lot of fun
with the Borscht.

The boys had
a lot of fun watching us.

Anna Kournikova, s?

Maria Sharapova?

The last, but not
the least important.

- We're done.
- Yeah, come on, man.

- Go to the city of Zhukovsky.
- Okay, let's go.

An eating block.
Okay, let's go.

We're doing these
long taxi rides and...

we will not have enough money to pay.

We cannot
ignore this site,

It 's not that we're close, but...
Do you want to ask?

I can't open that door.
I have tried it.

Come on, honey, come on.

We just have to finish this
and try to keep the lead.

It was incredibly difficult to watch
Dallas perform his task.

I knew he was pushing himself,
you know, beyond his limits.

Come on Ken.
Hurry up.

- Quick.
- Nobody's gonna beat me.

I think you're done, Dallas.

One more for me.

Kenny, come on.

- You have finished. Congratulations.
- Yes.

Here are the instructions
to follow.

Go to the stop.

Teams must now travel
through Moscow's infamous traffic...

to this well-known park in
the center of the city.

This park or "joyful garden"
as it is called by the locals...

is the stop for this
stage of the race.

The last team to arrive
could be eliminated.

We must go to the
Neskuchny Sad park library.

Being first is great

will give us impetus for
the last of the steps.

Dallas did 50 very fast.

- Are you finished?
- I'd love to.

- Yes.
- Thank you my love.

Go to the next stop.
Okay let's go.

- Come on, come on, let's go.
- Good work. You did great.

- It must be there.
- Here we go.

Nick. I can never do this.

- Here you are. Thanks.
- Finished. That's it.

- Finished.
- Nothing else.

- If we need another taxi--
- We'll find it.

This sucks.

- Who has a strong back?
- Me.

God, do I have to do

They are very heavy.
They are f*cking heavy.

I only have to do this

- Are you safe?
- S.

He's not in shape.

- I can't do two.
- You got it.

Go quick, quick. Very fast.
We have to get there.

We just have to stay ahead
of Kenny and Tina and we'll be fine.

If only we could find
our way to this stop.

Hopefully Toni and Dallas
miss out.

Calmly, calmly, okay?

Dallas probably
took them with the palm.

This driver is the man.
He is fast, aggressive.

He's the kind of man
we really needed.

Good work. It's your birthday.
Make some cake.

It's fine. Rest.
If you must do it, do it.

- We are looking for a bakery.
- The tortoise beats the hare.

We are the turtle.
We have been the whole race.

- See you in a minute.
- The last one. Good job Nick.

Do not rush.

- Are you finished?
- I've finished.

Thank you very much.
Happy kneading!

- Go to the next stop.
- Taxi?

Do you know where we can get one?

I know. The black.

- He says no.
- This is not good.

Do we make him wait?
- Yes.

- Who has a strong back?
- Me. I will.

Give me cavemen tasks.
I can do them all day.

We could be the last for
as long as it's taking us.

I'll turn around here,

- Is that the library?
- Can be.

You can't jump in front of the car.

Starr has a
very aggressive style,

he acts without thinking,
and that is a weakness.

- How do we stop someone?
- You wave your hand politely.

Nick is calm, cool and collected.

I want to get there now
and first.

- Taxi?
- Come on, come on, yes a taxi.

It is a great exercise.
It's great.

Like a machine.

Anything is better
than walking.

He has to be one of
the fastest to do it.

- Watch out for the traffic.
- Where do we get a taxi?

I don't know what to do.
It's so depressing.

Look at that stallion.

That is amazing.

Dan was a warrior.
I watched it the whole time.

When any part of
your arm or torso hurt...

I found another place to
put the bag and carry it.

I am good at basic and physical tasks

I can do it all day.

We will.

- Let's get back to the main road.
- We could have gone that way.

What a waste of time.

Old. You are the man.

Here are your instructions.

- Go to the next stop.
- There's a taxi there.

- Do you have it? Very well.
- Yes. Thanks god.

Let's go fast.

The library in the
park Neskuchny Sad.

- I'm glad the taxi waited for us.
- Yes. We'll make up time quickly.

Can we go fast?

What's up?

What's up?

- Prospeckt Leninsky?
- S, Moscow.

You don't know where it is, Nick.
Can we get off and take another taxi?

God. what a bummer

Where is our
luck with these things?

I don't want to be the last.

Yes, yes, let's go.
Very fast, okay?

It has been miserable, and terrible.

Now we are with a new driver
and we are on our way to the stop.

The financial situation
is not great.

I wasn't excited about
buying the shoes.

I thought it was too expensive.

We have about 120 dollars.

I guess it's not enough.

$250 for...

Six o'clock?

He seems like an understanding guy.
A little grumpy.

- It has to be here.
- It says 10.

Does it look like a library?

We will. Library? Library?

We will.

He doesn't know where he is.

Are we almost there?

A little more.

- He's said it a million times.
- What can I do?

This is our
carefully planned strategy.

We could have the most impressive comeback
in history.

- Will that be?
- Library?

- Are we sure it's here?
- It said door 14.

We let him go, but we don't
know if this is the right place.

Today has been a
hellish experience. It has been very difficult.

Our luck disappeared and we went
from being the first to being the last.

We've been driving
for over an hour.

It's one of those days.
Our typical days.

- Things don't go--
- We've had them every day.

Neskuchny Park?
over there.

The library in
Neskuchny Sad park?

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

- Let's go.
- It's fine.

- C'mon C'mon.
- C'mon C'mon.

- Do you see it?
- I don't know.

- Where did it come from?
- The library?

- This way to the right.
- Let's go. walking.

Welcome to Moscow.

Tony and Dallas...

Dilo, Phil.

- Say what?
- Say we're team number one.

- Do you really want me to say it?
- We want you to say it.

They are the number one team.

Well done, mom.

- Is that what they wanted me to say?
- That's what we wanted to hear.

As winners of this stage
they won a trip for two...

courtesy of Travelocity to Punta
Cana in the Dominican Republic.

They will relax in the luxurious suite at
the Dreams All-inclusive hotel...

with a jacuzzi on the terrace...

and they will also enjoy a helicopter ride
around the island...

beauty treatments, a
ride through the lagoon...

and eat lobsters on the beach.

It's great.

- Are you proud of him?
- I'm very proud of him.

Did all the work today.

Mother and son.
Team number one.

Ken and Tina...

- ...they're team number two.
- Yes, yes.

- They're in a good place.
- We wanted the first.

- They're in a great place.
- We're back. We told you we would.

The start of the race
was weak. He was difficult.

I don't think he liked me very
much and I didn't like him.

But I think lately,
we've calmed down.

I think we understand each other better.

- Here it is?
- It's fine.

Crying and
getting upset won't help us.

We are totally lost.
We go to the right place.

You don't know either

How will crying help us?

I think we are lost.

Where is
the park entrance?

If it is the park.
We don't even know.

Let me take us
to the 14th, Starr.

Six. We have to go
through eight more gates.

- Right here.
- Right here.

Thank you very much. Sorry.
It was a very long day.

Come on, Nick. We will.

- Looks like it's here.
- Yes. Well well.

I have more.

That's all I have.

- It's expensive.
- All I have is this.

- We have traveled a lot.
- I know.

That's all I have.

I told you, Nick.
We should have gone through that door.

If the clue says we should go
this way, why not?

Maybe it will take us to the same
place anyway.

- Thirty kilometers.
- I know, I know.

- We know.
- That's all I have.

Is there a way to give it--?

Are you inside?

Let's go. Please.


I don't know.

- This is not a library.
- No, this is not right, Nick.

You can sell them for $100.

I will give them to you.

Yes. No?
$ 100. Italian.

Here you go.

The library?

I have this.
Take all our money.

I'm going to hold it here.

Go Go go.


- Do you know where they are?
- Last.

- Well, I have good news for you.
- Cool.

Nick and Starr,
they're team number three.

That's how it's done. I've never been
so happy to be number three.

- They're still in the race.
- Good.

- Welcome to Moscow.
- Thank you.

Andrew y Dan...

they are the last team to arrive.

I'm sorry to tell you...

- ...who are still in the race.
- Fantastic.

- This stage is not eliminatory.
- We'll stay with that.

But there is bad news.

At some point in the next
stage they will encounter an obstacle.

An obstacle is a task that
only you must complete.

That means they'll have to work
harder to stay in the race.

We have little money
and we have an obstacle.

Having all this against

we will need a miracle
not to be eliminated.

I'd rather they underestimate us.
Being the underrated...

it's always more fun.
People like to see...

the underrated win.

Below are scenes
from the next chapter.

Dan has trouble with new
moves during the obstacle.

We're out of options.

And during the race for the final...

We have nothing.

one team loses their
passports and all their money.

How are we going to get a taxi?

It is impossible for us to
finish today. Impossible.
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