18x02 - I Never Looked So Foolish in My Whole Entire Life

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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18x02 - I Never Looked So Foolish in My Whole Entire Life

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The Amazing Race"

some unsettled business.

But the opportunity
came at steep challenge.

A challenge where the team must
complete both side of the first detour.


Engaged couple Amanda and Kris
drowned in a field of plain...

And suffered the U-Turn penalty.

In Sydney, Australia
teams dove under water.

And then sailed across the water.

Oh, this is so fun.

Father and daughter Gary and
Mallory where the first to arrive...

But received some shocking news.

But you guys are still racing...

Oh no!

Tonight as 10 teams continue forward...

The last team place Jet and Cord
are tied up at the roadblock.

Will the cowboys be able
to get back in the saddle?

I have no idea what I'm doing.


The flags correspond to
letters on the compass.

"I am between the Devil
and the deep blue sea"

good luck.
Thank you so much.

While we were looking for flags,
everyone else was long gone.

Son of a buck, man.

Make your way back to
Ssydney and get to sail

All of the teams are now racing to
figure out that the clue to sail to stop

is leading them to this
anchor debe side City Town Hall.

The first six teams to sign up will
be to a charter flight to Broken Hill,

We need to go back to Sydney.
We're in a big hurry.

Do you know anybody who would
sign up for charter flights?

I don't know.
Which way are you going?

It's a place where
you get charter planes?

Come on, we've got to
run. Only six teams get this.

Last time on "The Amazing Race"
we were u-Turned unfortunately.

And we're u-Turned.

It's just disappointing
in this race we kind

of screwed ourselves and
gave ourself as u-Turn.

Failed to stop.

This could open up the
game to anybody because

right now we're just
driving around aimlessly.


Can you take us back to Sydney?
Why did we do this again?

We're going to take
a cab back to Sydney.

Teams underestimate us. Because

I don't think they see us
as team that could win it.

And I think that could
work to our advantage.

How do you do this thing?
There we go.

Cord, son of a buck.

I have no idea what I'm doing.

Phil told us to keep racing.

We both have two kids.

We both play basketball.
We both live in Louisiana.

We both love crawfish.
I have tattoos. He don't.

He have piercings.
I don't.

He's ugly and I look good.

We landed in Sydney. So
we took a ferry back here.

We want to take a ferry
back, don't you think?


We are so excited to be running
this race with Margie and Luke again.

We know that they can
trust us with information

and we can trust hem with information.

Why don't you work with Jamie?

I really hope that we
continue our relationship

with Jamie and Cara on the race.

The only way to get out of
this island, is by ferry.

All right, then. We're going by ferry.


I think it's so difficult for a
parent-child to be on the race.

We've seen our pitfalls in the last race

and how we can push
each other's buttons.

It's punch after punch after punch.

You really need to change
that about yourself, please.

In an environment of sleep
depravation I may refer to...

some of my impatient bad habits.

Be satisfied rather than
keep on nagging me to death.

Come on.

Did you get it all?
I don't know, man.

Oh, sh**t, man.

"I'm between the Devil
and the deep blue sea"

Oh, thank you very much!

Join the crew

Do you know where we're supposed to go?

I'm guessing it's over there
where them sailboats are.

Ready to haul butt?

We don't know.
We have to find wrout the place is.

Dad, I want you to make a
decision right at this very second.

We're going to hop in
this cab and go somewhere.

What the heck is the sail to stop?

We can't just sit
here. We have to look.

We're wasting time.
So I'll just humor you.

Is this the sail to stop?

Are you sure, Phillip?

Thank you.
We're looking the sail to stop.

Can she come use your
computer real quick?

Thank you!

Ok. Thank you very much.
There's Lakisha and Jen.

We caught up with Kisha and Jen.

We started googling.
That sounds very dirty.

He keeps saying the anchor.

He said something about
an anchor at town hall.

Let's just try town hall
within walking distance.

Yeah... Keep going.
Keep going.

Did you hear? It's not a pit stop.

I'll never make it, Mike. I'm sorry.

No, I'm going try, Mike, but...

Dad, I'm serious... I'm afraid for you.

Physically, it sure feels like
the race is more difficult.

My legs... Jesus!
Oh, god.

And after this final pit stop I
think it was just rude awakening

about how tough this
race is going to be.

I can't take this anymore.

There's the taxis.
No, we're getting on the boat.

Let's get on.
All right. All right.

Dad? Dad? Let's sit you down.

What are we supposed to do? Dad?

You pushed yourself so
hard today and I just...

I don't want to k*ll you
going for some joyride.

Ok. Let's do this...
I'll be responsible.

For my decision.

Oh, yes. Lean back here.

Sailing is not my friend.

We did fall off in the water a
couple of times like shark bait.



We found a woman on the
ferry had that had a computer.

And we googling to search until
the anchor popped on the screen.

We had some idea that
it was in town hall.

They said they found out
that it was a sculpture.

We're going to see if
there's anything over there.

We're in this thing, baby.

There's an anchor.

What the...

No way! Yeah!

Oh, my god!

We were the first team to put
our name by the number one.


We arrived here first.
Oh my God!

Take good care of your dad.
I will. Thank you, Margie.

Come on, Cara. Come on.

Here. I've got it.
Dad, I've got it.

Thank you!

We have to figure out
what sail to stop is.

Let's go.

I there...

We're looking...
Have you ever heard this?

Can you help us? We're desperate.


Go left.
It's an anchor near Town Hall.

Here it is.

It's a sculpture.
Thank you.


Thank you.
When we come in a plane, look us up.

You just tell me when it's coming.

Just row me right into
it if you don't mind.

Get it?

Yeah, Jet. You're still alive.

There's Town Hall.

Try it this way.
There's the sail stop.

Oh, my god.

We're on it. We're on it.

We don't know where we're
going. Listen to me...

I've been listening to you all day.
We're in such a hurry.

Please dad. I'm counting on you, please.

Mallory? To sail to stop?
No! We've been looking for like hours.

What are we going to do?

Oh, my God
Where do we go?

Are you lost?
We're completely lost.

And we ran into Ron and Mallory.

We were completely lost.

To sail to stop?

How do we get there.

You gotta get to a
place called Town Hall.

Ok. Thank you!

I can't believe we made
it on the first one dad.

You're awesome.
There it is.

We're on the first flight.

Let's go.
All right. Here.

Jet and Cord, I'm sorry to tell you
that you are the last team to arrive.

We know.
I want you to go redeem yourself.

The race is still going,
man. Here's your next clue.

Read that thing.

Don't waste your time
stabbeding here talking to me.

"You have to sail to stop"
You guys are still in it!

Come on! Get moving!

We've got to get to the anchor.
Get it, boy.

Hold on a second.
Oh, man!

Come on, dad.

Oh, yeah, there it is.
Whoo, doggie.

Let's go!
We're on the second flight.

Oh, man. Damn it.

About half an hour.

We are unfortunately
on the second flight

and we still do have the uTurn to face.

Who's the last team?

I suggest we get to the I
suggest we get to the airport.

What is to sail to stop?
I don't know.

We're looking for to sail to stop.
Do you know where that would be?

I've never heard of to sail to stop.

I've never heard of to sail to stop.

Oh, my gravy.

We're running out of ideas.

We are out of ideas.

Thanks so much. I appreciate it.

The cowboys, we haven't
seen them in a while.

Haven't seen them at all, actually.

Nothing's coming to me.

We've searched through
all these streets.

We've asked everybody and nobody
knows what to sail to stop means.

I have no earthly idea.

You want to walk over there and see
if we can catch one of those cabs.

We're looking to sail to stop.
That's City Hall, mate.

City Hall, all right!

I wonder what time that flight leaves.

Thank you!

Long day today.

But in this one instance, we are very
glad there are teams in this flight.

We're just glad that we're still in
the race. Let's go to the airport.

Sounds good to me.

Feeling better this morning?
A lot. Thank you.

Seeing you makes it twice as better.
All right.

Thank you.
Thank you.

We are on the first flight to
Broken Hill with Margie and Luke,

Zev and Justin, Kent and Vyxsin,
Mel and Mike and Jen and Kisha.

We're going to figure out
where we're going next.

Thank you.


We're definitely a big ball of nerves
because we're on the second flight

and we had that u-Turn lingering.

Knowing there will probably be a
detour, it was just very stressful.

All right.

There's the cars.

Oh, gosh.
I got it. I got it.

Read info.

"Drive yourself to the living
desert and search for the next clue"

"Search for the next clue"

Teams must now drive
themselves to the Living Desert,

a vast barron landscape
in Australia's Outback.

It's here where they'll
find their next clue.

Margie, do you want to get
directions there? I think we should.

Ok. I'm going to follow you.

We need to find the Living Desert.
Living Desert. Right here.

Yes, go!

Go Silver City Highway.
Ok. I've got it. I've got it.

Yeah. We're going to.

Let's go.
It's a crazy!

How are you doing, dad?
I feel much better.


So we're in the Outback.
This is the Outback.

There's not a lot o steakhouses.

You see the sign that
says the Living Desert.

Good job.
Kisha's a very slow driver. Come on.

Kangaroo can run faster than your Kisha.

Hi! Do you guys know how
to get to the Living Desert?

Turn to your right.

Adelaide to the right. Thank
you so much for your help.

Come on Cara. Come on.

Mom! Come on.
Ok, let's go!

All right. Vyxsin we're
headed to the Outback now.

We're caravanning with Jamie
and Cara and Margie and Luck.

Just about right now the
others should be arriving.

All right.

This side! This side!

"Drive yourselfs to the Living Desert"
"And search for you next clue"

"Search for you next clue"
I know exactly where it is.

We've got a map and we know
exactly where we're going.

All right baby, letet's kick so butt.

We know that the next
detour we have to do...

both tasks, so we're just trying to make
sure that we don't mess up at all today.

You drive, dad. Make sure that you
see where the cars are going, Ok?

Where is it?

All right.
Dad, dad, the wrong side.

Oh, my goodness.

Here we go.
See it?

Yep, right here.
Right here.

Let's go.
Go for it, Zevy.


In this detour teams must choose
between two aboriginial costumes,

The choice spirit
world or natural world.

In spirit world teams
use traditional materials

to create an aboriginal
ground mosaic.

Once completed they must perform
their dance on top of that mosaic

intended to raise the ancestral spirits.

In natural world teams create a
series of aboriginal territory markers

made from water
and a clay like pigment.

Teams must spit the substance on
to a sen sill to create four images.

If they create their image is correctly
they'll receive their next clue.

He's very artistic.

He makes art projects at home.

So we felt right at
home with the mosaic.

I'm not good at dancing.

It's ok. Everybody
wants to see you dance.

Here's the mosaic.
Let's get it done.

Get the little ones
and make that outline.

I'll get the brown ones.

Do you want to do this
chalk while I bring that?

Ok, yeah. I'll do that.

"Detour: Spirit world or natural world"

We're doing the spirit world.

Grab it.

"Spirit world or natural world?"
We're going to do spirit world.

We're going to try spirit world.

Other teams are coming.
Mom, mom, mom.

Grab a workstation.

There you go. You work on
creating it. I'll bring it to you.

The Living Desert.
There's a marker.

A marker right in front of us.
Here's the clue box.

Get in the zone.
Good job, guys.


Detour. Here we go, baby.
You want to do the dance?

Which one are you guys going to do?
Yeah, let's dance. Spirit world.

This is going to be fun.
They've got their shirts awe.

We know the other plane's here.
They're already here.

Dad, come on. Come on.

I think there is clues up here.
Let's go.

Do you want to dance
to raise the spirits?

Everybody else is doing
it. We might as well too.

Oh, my gosh, the second flight is here.

We've got move it.

We should always dance.
Let's just spirit.

We don't mind doing some dancing.

Spirit world or natural world?
I would prefer the spirit world.

Ok. Let's go.

Kris and I have it.

Every team was there.

There were teams to left the of us.
Teams to the right of us and it's

stressful to do your mosaic with
ten other teams at the same time.

Good job, dad.

Baby, I'm copying this thing exactly.

It's hard.


I just got a cramp.

Sing it, girl!

Yeah, ah-Ha.

Yeah, ah-ha.
Now break it down!

I think we're good.
I think we're good. All right.

Is it?

No? I'm look really dumbfounded.

Attention to detail.

It is good?

It doesn't look like theirs.

We have to do our dance.

This is so much nicer on my knees
breathing instead of on my face falling.

Go get the children.

I need you to go get children. I
need you to get me some children.

I need you to get me some children.

Vyxsin please get me children.

Children. Let's go dance together.

They don't seem that they
know what you're doing.

We are ready to perform.


We're good? You have our clue?
I'm super dumbfounded.

Let's dance.

We don't need them to do that.

Do we need to dance on it or something?

Dance on top of your work. Ok.

Get into it. Get into
it Zev! Come on, baby!

We are are the bigger rocks?

We need four big dance.
Do you like our dance, dear?


Good? Good?

Yes? Thank you.

Teams must now drive
themselves back to Broken Hill

and figure out that the home of the

It's here that they'll
find their next clue.

Yeah, baby.

Yeah, baby.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Search for the home of the Magpies.
Let's go.

Come on.

We're doing good considering
the circumstances.

Kisha, I got it.
You got it?

Let's go.
You've got all four?

Let's dance.

I'm going to put four big
rocks and see what happens.

We're doing the dance.

Yeah? Thank you, sir.


We're supposed to do it
on top of the sculpture.

Ok. Yes?
Thank you.

Good job, dad.

We need to stay on track because all
those teams are fighting like dogs.


Thank you.

Guide yourselves back to Broken Hill.
And search for the homes of Magpies.

The other teams are finishing.

Kris, calm down.

Kris and Amanda will have to
go and down the other detour.

They finished the rocks one yet?

Good job baby.

What are do you need?
You're the director.

I need the lighter color rocks.
Just tell me.

You don't have to do that.

Just be the artistic master.

Yes! Thank you.

"Home of Magpies"

These are the river rocks.

Are we the first ones out of there, Zev?

We are.
Get it, big dog.

Excuse me home, do you know
where the home of the Magpies is?

To the right and two blocks?


Looks like we might be
doing a sporting thing.

Get on top of it.

I'm a dancing son of a buck.

The trick was... Whatever this is.

Oh yeah!

We're good?

Race you to the car.

Got it?

Gary, did you do it on top of it?

Thank you guys. Bye!

Yes! Here we go.

This is a milestone. We're not last.

Thank you. Thank you.
Could we have a judge?

Go to the car.


Yes, thank you. Thank you.

All of the teams.
Good grief, jeez.

Oh, we're last.

Oh, chucks.

We did really well at the mosaic sight.

Don't give up.
Let's go, dad.

It's down here, I think.

You got this all screwed up.
Choose a workstation.

Oh, man, this is really weird.
I messed this up for you.

Oh, my goodness. Are
you kidding me? Oh gosh!

"You must create a total of
four images on your slate"

Oh, cool.

We can do it all at once
because there's only four.

It's hard on my knees.

Let's not mess this up.
Spread your fingers.


You can't have too
much water. Just a hint.

Excuse me. Is it better now?

It is? Thank you so much.

Just watch them. Just watch them.

Spray. No...


Keep going. There you go!

They're doing clockwise.

Atop might work. It will ruin it.

Yes, I'm doing it.


Thank you very much.
Thank you so much.

"Search for magpies"
Lord. This is all messy.

Oh, my goodness. What is this?
This is my stuff from my jacket.

Dad, we have a freaking market.

Ok? Yes? Thank you, thank you!

"The home of the
magpies" Let's go, baby!

Let's go, daddy. Come on!
Where's my hat. You got my hat?

We just did both freaking things, babe.

You should see it. I
think I see it already.

"The home of the magpies"
Yeah, babe!

We need the clue.

"Time for a rude awakening"

Teams are about to face a task that will

challenge their memory
of high school chemistry.

But they're going to have
do it dressed as cangaroos.

After suiting up as Australia's
national symbol teams

will have where to go next
but the periodic table.

Teams must figure out there are

many treats named from
the periodic table.

And that these two elements highlighted
are the only two element named streets

that cross each other. When they reach
the intersection of Mercury and Bissmuth

they will find their next clue.

"Make your way to the locker
room and to the grand stands"

Let's do it.

What is this?

Oh, boy. This is going to be fun.


Go that way.

Yes. It's the right way.

Mom, mom.
Yes. Good job.

Go. Go. Go. Over there!

"Make your way to the
locker room" Over there.

This is unbelievable.
I think we found my halloween costume.

Like this might be it.
There it is. This way.

Run, run, run.

"Time for a rude awakening"
Let's go get dressed up.

Kind of springs you forward.

This is so ridiculous.

We're right where we want to be.

Good job.

"First both of you must
dress as kangaroos"

Let's go. How you doing, dad?
I'm coming.

What's the task?

You look great.

Is this something we could do together?

Probably. We have to solve this.
We have to figure H.G. and B.I. Is.

Good job, Jamie. We're doing great.

Kangaroos. How exciting.

Take a left.

They are dressed as kangaroos?
They are dressed as kangaroos.

"Search for your next destination"

The mag pies, bro. Got it.

"Time for a rude awakening"
Let's go.

What is H.G., B.I.?
I don't know yet.

You watch more Discovery
Channel that I do.

Good job, baby.

"Both of you must dress as kangaroos"

When you see this clue,
you're going to lose your mind.

Periodic table.

Put in periodic table...

And then the two letters.

Large h small g.
That's mercury.

This is it. You see
the people over there?

Holy... Jen and kisha.

What's the element P.I., bismuth.

What does that mean?

Thank you so much.
Thank you.

Good job, guys.

Come on. Come on.
"You must dress as kangaroos"


We just have to get into the outfit.
This is the men's locker room.

Women's down the hall.
Women gym.

Awesome. My bad.

Always trying to get into
the men's locker room.

Shut up.

Oh, it's hot.

This is not easy.

I'm glad I don't have to
carry receive in my pouch yet.

It's going to take a while.

I'm going!

Come on!

Yeah, this is it.

I've never dressed up
as a kangaroo before.

This is not the kind of
animal that I dress up as.

This is a far cry from the
little green bunny suit.

"Both of you must
dress as kangaroos"

Are it's Kent and Vyxsin.


B.I. Is Bismuth.

I like chemistry. I'm
glad it came in handy.

Brains and beauty.

Go, guys.

Slow down, kangaroo Jack.

I think my dad and I
need those bouncers.


Good job.
Come on, big fellow.

Don't slow down until we
need to where we need to go.

Let's make up some time.

I never look so foolish
in my whole entire life.

Let's go.

Clue box right there. "Time
for a roo'ed awakening"

Daddy, come on.

What the hell
are we doing here, Kris?

There it is.

"Dress as kangaroos and search
for your next destination"

We've got something else.

We're not that far
behind. We've got to hurry.

So this should be Mercury, right?


Momma, run. Momma, just go.
They dropped that foot.

They're going to have to go back.
Oh, I lost a foot.

Just go.

Come on. We have to go back!

Oh, my god.

Keep going, Zev. There's Bismuth.

Continuing in their kangaroo suits,
teams must now travel to Junction Mine.

Built in 1984, this former silver mine
is the pit stop of this leg of the race.

The last team to check in
here will be eliminated.

You might want to put on other
shoes before driving away.

There we go.

I got it. I got it.
Ok. Let's go, Zev.

I just slammed my tail in the door.

You know how to get to Junction Mine?

If you go down here to this corner
and turn right. That's junction circle.

Excellent. Thank you, guys.

Let's go win something, Zev.
We get to keep it this tile.

I lost a foot cover.

I don't know where.

I wish there were more street signs.

You see a shoe cover?
Yeah. I got it.

You have it? Oh, I love you.

Can you tell us where to go.
Go down this way to Mercury Street.

All right. Here we are.

It's over here.

Welcome to Broken Hill, Australia.
Thank you very much.

Zev and Justin, I'll give you the
bad news... You look ridiculous.

What do you think?

You look the female.

Here's the good news,
you are team number one.

As winners of this leg of the
race you have won a trip for

two from Travelocity and you
are going to Cancun, Mexico.

You're going to spend five nights at
the Fiesta Americana Condesa Cancun.

You'll enjoy a luxurious spa
treatment and a tour of Chichen Itza.

We're definitely here
for the long haul. Right?


I want to go take a nap.

He means that.

Yeah. I think this runs into bismuth.

We're here.

This is mercury.
Look y'all, look.

"Drive yourselves to the next pit stop"

"The last team to check
in will be eliminated"

Ok. This is bismuth.

Where are we going, hurt?

Junction Mine...

I don't really know exactly how do that.
I have a kangaroo suit. I can't move.

"Drive yourselfs to the next pit stop"
Junction mine.

"The last team to check
in will be eliminated"

"You might want to put other
shoes before driving away"

"Drive yourselves to the next pit stop"

You only need one off. Go. Go.

It's locked.
Help me take my shoes away.

I can't drive like this.

We pasted like three teams.

Just keep checking the streets,

Yep, Junction Mine. Let's
go. Get out! Get out!

Give us some good news, baby.

Have you ever seen a kangaroo that size?

Flight Time and Big Easy,
you are team number two.

I haven't read the thing. I've
been trying to get hydrated.

Christina, y'all have to work
together. We have to beat them.

We've got to move so fast.

Slow down. Kris, wait.
I don't want to fall.

We're in last place.

Let's read the clues collectively.
I read it. Dad, I read it!

We cannot just meander.

We don't follow the crowd, Mallory.

We have to think why
they're going that way.

Come on! Come on!
Why are we following them?

They don't know...

What the hell...
Do you know where they're going?

There were all running this way.
She's hysterical.

Junction Mine.
Right here.

Open the trunk.
Left bound here.

Junction Mine. There's somebody
getting out of their car.

Come on.

We've got to go quick.

Let's go.

Beat somebody this time.
Oh, man.

Jet and Cord, you are team number three.

Kisha and Jen that would
make you team number four.

Good job!

Good job, y'all.

We're looking for Mercury.

Where's mercury street?

Over here. Turn left.
Thank you so much, sir.

Right now we're looking
for mercury street.

If you guys see mercury, shout.

What's the B.P. Stand for?
It's B.I. Guys?

What is that??
No. Bismuth.

This is Galena and Quarry.

Keep going. Keep going.
We've got to hurry, baby.

Let's hurry.

We can't hurry in the wrong direction.
Dont shout because your voice carries.

Ok we're going the wrong way.

Oh, jeez.

Is this will right?
Daddy, we just need to stop.

Is it mercury?
I just need to know what street this.

We can't just guess, guys.

We can't let Amanda and Kris catch up.

We're in last place.
We can't give up now.

We're going the right way.

Good job, Mall.

"Drive to your next pit stop"
Junction Mine"

I see a couple of teams. We know
we're in the right direction.

You guys, our map says where this is.

We're in the last place,
sweetheart, come on.

Mallory, she doesn't know where it is.

Guys, they're coming. Go! Go!

We're not that far behind
"Go to Junction Mine"

We've to hurry.

We've got to book it.
Book it. Book it. Book it.

Mallory and Gary, they don't
know where they're going.

She's very impulsive.

I think we can cut the cord now.

We just left Gary and Mallory.
Let's give it a shot.

Margie and Luke, you
are team number five.

Mel and Mike, you are team number six.

I'm really proud of us because
my dad has been such a trooper

and for him to come out here
at 70 and really muscle it out.

You're my hero dad.
Oh, Mikey.

Excuse me, sir? Do you
know where the Junction Mine is?

Just keep going straight?

At least we're heading
in the right direction.

I hope.

We might be on the wrong road.

I'm telling you this
is not the right place.

Kent and Vyxsin, you
are team number seven.

Yeah! Oh, my god.

Jamie and Cara...

You are team number eight.

Best looking kangaroos
to roll into town...

Thank you!
Or should I say hop into town.

Thank you.
All right.

I bet this is it.

We can do this. We can do this.

I'm just so happy to be here.

Gary and Mallory, you
are team number nine.

Sir, you know how to
get to Junction Mine?

Turn right and..
Ok. Thanks.

Up here to the left.
There's the mine right there.

Is that it? Straight.
Keep going, daddy.

I think that's it.

Let's get out. Let's go. Let's go.

Kris, we're here. There's
hope, babe. You never know.

Give us good news, Bill.
Did you just call me Bill?

No. Phil, Phil.
You're definitely Ron, right?

Definitely Ron.
And you're definitely Christina.

You're going to continue this race
because you are team number 10.

By the skin of our teeth.


We still have stuff to heal
up between the two of us.

Sometimes it's difficult
not to get too domineering.

We're just too very different
people and we love each other.

Amanda and Kris, you are
the last team to arrive.

I'm very sorry to tell you that you
have been eliminated from the race.

Ok. I'm bummed man. I'm bummed.
I really wanted this shot.

It's a huge bummer. So...

But the last time we got
uturned, it's our own fault.

We're really fortunate to
experience this two times.

We basically won the lottery twice.

We didn't win any
money but the experience

of this, it's an
opportunity of a lifetime.

And I'd do it over
again in a heart beat.

Next week on "the amazing race"

Teams are steeped in japanese tradition.

Oh, my goggles.

And Jamie and Cara suffer
a game-changing setback.

Holy! Did I hit him?
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