20x07 - I Didn't Make Her Cry

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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20x07 - I Didn't Make Her Cry

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "the amazing

Race," from the beginning the

Battle lines were drawn.

He'll just follow us.

He's a ucla steube, what do

You expect.

Lock them in.

Have necessary is a tries to

Be sweet and pretty and nice.

Her disgusting smile is

Painted on like her overdone


And lies were told.

We're teachers.

You are?

People like teachers.

Maybe they'll like us.

Coming up tonight.


Why don't you both get out

Of our faces.


What job do you do?

You're not kindergarten


And one of the most

Challenging continents in the

World, africa.

Six teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

Never give up.

[Captioning made possible by

Cbs productions, cbs, inc.

This is the capital city

Of azerbaijan.

This is the start of the

Seventh leg in a race around

The world.

Rachel and dave won the last

Leg of the race.

And will depart first at

-- At 9:15 p.m.

Find the gateway of africa's

Wildlife refuge, kilimanjaro.

Travel agency.

We have to go there.


We've never been there before.

I'm really excited to go there.

Come on, dave.

Hi, we need to book a trip to


The best way to travel is

Tomorrow morning at 8:30 via

Nairobi then nairobi.

Thank you so much.

Kilimanjaro, tanzania.

We feel like we're the front


We're hoping that some of the

Deadweight jumps off.

I.e., Big brother team.

I'm so tired of them following


We're getting cranky about it.



Africa, here we come.

Kilimanjaro, tanzania.

I have wanted to go on an

African is a father refor my

Entire life.

I never thought two country

Boys would be in a race, going

To africa.

I don't want to tell them

Anything about this leg.

They're going to try to ask

Exactly what we're doing.

They're going to sit there

And try to listen.

There's been animosity with

Art and j.j. And brendan and I

The whole time.

We didn't do anything to them,

They just don't think we

Deserve to be there.

What's up?

Do you have any maps.

Free candy.

Let's go!

Nary and I have been federal

Agents for over six years.

A year ago, I was in a training

Accident where my g*n went off

And shattered my femur.

Nary slept in my bed every

Night and stayed by my side.

It means everything, having

That support.

Who's mind me?

The teachers.

They're not teachers.

What do they do?

They're not teachers.

What do you think they do?

They're police officers.

Law enforcement.


Why do you think that?

Just the things they said to


Last leg, I was talking

About u.c. Operations.

It's undercover, plain clothes

Operations and jamie, the

Teacher, goes, what kind of

U.c. Operations do you do in

The border patrol.

I'm like, teachers don't talk

Like that.

That chick ain't no teacher.

She's a cop.

We don't know if they're

Agents, federal, or local p.d.

But they're not teachers.

They didn't seem like



Kindergarten teachers are

Friendlier and more --



More social.

Thank you very much.

Thank you for your time.

Let's hope he doesn't tell


They'll say give us the same


Do something on your own,

For god's sake.

Pull up those little boy

Britches and be a man.

I don't care.

They can be f.b.i. Agents for

All I care.

They're still nothing -- nicer

Than --

They're good girls.

There's the teachers.

And even if they are

Teachers, they'll be good

Something to stir up the pot on


They'll walk in there,

They'll go, you guys aren't

Teachers, you guys are cops.


How are wru doing?

Hey, girls.

Art and j.j. Told them that

You guys are cops.

I said, cops or not, they're

Still nicer than you guys.

We can run faster than them.

Border patrol, who are you


I'm crossing that hole in the


The gig may be up.

If that's the case, our gig

Will be out that our agency is

Better than theirs.

We can kick their --

Hi, everybody.


Thank you so much.

I wish there was a quicker


I'm not going to buy that.

Buy what?

I swear to got god.

There's nothing quicker than

I wish.

Rachel that likes you, a bad

Acting class.

Wow, I really wish there was

Something else.


Thank you, sir.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Appreciate it.

Nairobi to kilimanjaro.

Let's do it.

I hear nairobi is nice this

Time of year.

All teams are now

Traveling to k*ll maunjaur re,

Tanzania, via nairobi.

We're in africa.

Hakuna matata.

Big brother is right behind


We need to jog it out.

Come on brendan.

Easy buddy.

Brendan flew by me and

Bumped me.


And all of a sudden, I get a

Finger thrown in my face.

That was really uncalled for.

Did you see that?

He pushed him and flipped him


That's what he did?

Right there.

He's a punk.

Mind where you put that

Finger, buddy.

I'm here to play.

No you're here to follow.

You haven't played the game


This isn't follow the


Why don't you both get out

Of our faces.

I'm talking to him I'm not

Yelling at him.


When he's flipping us off.

Nobody flipped anyone off.

Vanessa ran into me.

You shoved me.

I'm much taller than you.

I don't take up that much


You're telling me you're

Smaller than me now.

Now it's getting feisty.

I do not bump into you.

You ran into me.

I was in front of you, how

Did I run into you.

Just put on more sparkles.

I hope insulting people

Makes you feel good about


I hope running your mouth

Makes you feel better about


How old are you?

Aren't you like 38?

Yes, I'm 38.

Somehow I still look younger

Than you.

Get your nose done before

You get your boobs done.

Do everybody a favor.

She called me fat and said I

Needed a nose job.

I did not call you fat.

I said you're behind me and

Bigger than me.

She's so dramatic.

Like a bunch of kids in

School in a lunch line or


It's pitiful.

I'm surprised they're able

To find that all the way down

There by themselves, that

They're even in the same race

As us is disgusting.

Thank you.

Come here.

All right?

I didn't say anything mean

About her.

She's said she looks younger

Than me, that I look old.

Thank you very much.

It's really awesome when

Everyone talks crap.

Learn some humility.


This whole game has been

About vanessa trash talking me

And I'm tired of it.

All she does is say mean things

And name call.

Crying, it's just over the


You made her cry?

Her lack of self-esteem made

Her cry.

If you can't take it, don't

Dish it out.

What's the gate number?

Nary and jamie, can we talk

To you.

We just want to ask you guys,

Really, what job do you guys


You're not kindergarten


What makes you say that?

How do you know about u.c.

Operations and case load?

Nobody talks like that unless

You're in law enforcement.

We talked to them, we canted

-- Wanned to see -- let's make

Everybody really --

You really want to get into


I'm just asking.

It's silly, all this

Confrontation here.

We just want to know who you

Work for.

You're not kindergarten


In our profession, you have

The arrogance.

He probably thinks he can

Intimidate us.

I think it's k*lling them.

They really want to know.

I just want to know.

It doesn't matter what you guys


We might know people in


That's totally fine, we're

Kindergarten teachers.

You're ticking -- sticking

To it.

We're not dummies, we've

Been doing this a while.

Not our first rodeo.

Nor is it ours.

I love it.

Makes you feel good, get

Some juices flowing before we

Some juices flowing before we

Hit that road running.

Go, go, go.


Who's fast?

Let's go.

Let's go.

You know where the airport is?

We've got to go fast, bubba,

We've got to go fast.

Teams are now racing to

The arusha airstrip where they

Sign up for one of three

Charter flights.

Drive as fast as possible.

Art and j.j., Snobby


I'm upset they got ahead of


We need to worry about us


Flight one, 9:30.

Departure time -- good job,

Good job.

Here they come.

Go sign up.


What flight are we on?

Second one.

Bought us 30 minutes total.

That's going to be an

Interesting flight.

We are the last.

We're last.

Only 15 minutes apart.

Is this where we're sleeping


I don't want to get eaten


We're ready for the first


Let's go.


We're getting ready to get

On the first plane to find our

Next clue with "big brother."

Our best friends.

Only my -- not only am I

Motivated to beat them, I'm

Motivated to destroy them.

I think somebody will have

Her crying by the end of the


Don't just let it be you.

Taking off, first plane up.

Here they go.

Oh, yeah.

Later, suckers.

Just to be in africa, flying

Around, come on.

How fortunate are we?

It's so beautiful here.

And I just feel so lucky to get

To experience it.

Some of the most gorgeous

Landscape we'll ever see in our


This is once in a lifetime.

Ready for this.

I was born for this.


All right, guys.

See some wildlife down


I've been seeing some stuff,

Don't know what it is.

A herd of tigers or

Something down there.

My daughter would be so

Jealous right now.

We'll bring her a hippo.

That's the lake.

You'll see some small dots,

That's flamingos.

You can see it's all

Different sorts of colors.

It's really pretty.

Look at that over there.

Absolutely stunning.

That's a la -- a lava flow,


Holy smokes.

Being on that plane ride,

Being in africa, really has

Made us appreciate it.

Especially after all the

Animosity that's occurred.

That is amazing.

Oh my gosh.

That's a big volcano is what

That is, ain't it.

That is so cool.

Right in there.

We're landing up in the


Oh, yeah.

Love it.

That was an amazing ride.

Now it's time for the game to


Come on.

Let's go.

Choose a is a father

Revehicle and driver.

Teams must choose a is a

Father revehicle, navigate

Their driver to the western rim

Of the crater and find this

Warrior who will hand them

Their next clue.

Is a father re, over here.

Right here.

Let's go.


We have to ask people.

Go after that car up there,


This is a first, we're

Following "big brother."

Stop, stop.

These guys are running with

Spears and stuff.

You speak english?


Where is this?

That way?

This road up here?

Let's go.

Let's go.

We're going to turn around.

Sure is nice out here.

Follow that vehicle.

Just keep following them.

This is the land of the

Masai, huh?

Pretty cool.

Look at that.

Those are some vibrant colors.

This is awesome.


Holy smokes.

Look, zebras.

This is so cool!

The race is going tribal.

Definitely a remote location.



Is a father revehicles over

Here, folks.

You fast?

Got to ask these people over


This seat is hot.

Your place is beautiful,


I mean, beautiful.

Excuse me.

We are going here.

This way?

How do I get there by car?

Where is this right here?

This way.

We were pointed in a

Direction that didn't have a


So I'm not too sure if we're

Going the right way.

I think we are.

See that?

I love it, man.

I was wanting to go here so


My great, great grandpa was a

sl*ve and I think that he come

From this area.

And it is absolutely stunning.

My mother and them is going to

Be amazed.

Got to get our clue from a

Dude on a bike.

There he is, right up there.

There he is, there he is.

Hi, sir, how you doing?

Thank you very much.

Thank you.

This detour gives teams

The chance to experience the

Masai way of life in one of two

Traditional activities.

Marksmanship or courtship.

Both the dour -- detours

Require them to choose a common

Form of transport and pedal

Down to a village.

In marksmanship, they learn to

Hunt as the tribe does,

Stepping onto this training

Range they must master the use

Of this w*apon known as a


Then each team member has

Shattered a clay target they

Receive the next threw clue.

In courtship they join a

Group of warriors in a jumping

Ritual known as adamu.

At nearly 8,000 feet above is a

Level they must jump for an

Exhausting minute and once they

Completed the ritual.


They jump really high.

Make sure you got a good

Bike, dude.

It's down there.

Oh, zmap.


Come on.

Sorry brendan.

I'm sorry, it's just really


Don't stop pedaling, you'll

Be fine.

Holy crap.

We're hoping not to die.

My bike is really scary.

You're fine.

Look at our landing strip.

Oh, wow.

Goats, run!

Look at the children.

They're so happy.


These people are so excited

And happy to see us.

I don't know why.

They haven't met us yet.


The village is right here,


Oh, man.

I'm glad I had all my kids


Thank you.

Beautiful place.

Thank you.

This is awesome.

I love it.

Thank you.

Where do we go?

Over here.

Thank you for allowing us to

Be here.

This is the coolest thing


This is awesome, man.

I love this.

Come on!

I played for semi pro law

Enforcement football team, I'm


So I said, ok, this is good.

I'm going to sling it like a



Got one that broke I hit.

Follow through.

Like you're throwing a strike.

Right like that.

This is my superman cape.

Courtship, right in here.

We have to jump for one


It's kind of like a blessing

That they let us share in this

Cultural experience.

They jump really high and they

Don't have tennis shoe, they

Have sandals.

I'll get it, I'll get it.


Bring it down, art.

Follow through.

I am.

No you're not.

We're almost there.

Thank you!

Very good.

Thank you.

Drive along the western rim

And search for simba camp site.

You must direct your driver.

Thank you.

That's better, that's


They're leaving, they're


I broke it.

Thank you very much.

Let's go.

Just want to take it in a

Little bit.

Like sh**ting stuff.

I see bicycles.

Right there.


I want to do marksmanship.

This is an ancient bike.

Oh, my gosh.

This is crazy.

We're biking in tanzania.

This is scary as hell.

Doing good, babe.

This is really hard.

Come on, man.

I'm coming.

Come on, here comes another


Let's go, rick, come on.

Dave, stop yelling at me.

I'm not.

You're doing awesome.

Don't misconstrue my support

For yelling.

On your right.

Come on.

Almost there.

Come on, art.

Give me all you got.

Uh-oh, here's bicycles.

There's rachel and brandon.

Let's go.

Follow them.

Marksmanship or courtship.


Let's do courtship.


"Big brother" following us.

Lord have her vi -- mercy.

There's the village.

Ok, hi.

Thank you.

These are beautiful.



It's like knife throwing.

Going by bicycle.

Babe, you're throwing it

Side arm, throw it overhand.

Watch me, please.

I'm watching.


There's not a team here.

We've -- there's another team

Here, wove -- we've got to


Baby, overhand.


Stop coaching.

We're doing courtship.

This is awesome.

Ok, we jump.


White man can jump.

When we got going, we just got


We could have jumped for 10

Minutes, it was just fun.

The joy and expression on

Those people's face.

You could tell we was welcome


I hope it didn't mean me and

Him was courting.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Got it.

k*lled it.


Member of the tribe.

Rabbit stew, rabbit stew.

Oh, dear god.

Thank you, thank you.

Come on, we've got to cruise

On the bikes.

Grab a bicycle.

Please stop.

This is beautiful.

Right here.


Hello man with a bike.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Marksmanship --


Let's throw a w*apon.


All right.

Pick a bike.

They're all very tall.

Oh, my god.

These are his terical.

Come on.

I'm trying.


It's too tall.

You can do it.

Get on there, vanessa.

Where's our guy.

I can't mount this thing.

Put your foot on the pedal,

Push, push, push.


You guys are beautiful.

You ready?


Come on.

Oh, boy.



Can you stay on the pedals?

Stop yelling at me.

I need a shorter bike.

I'm leaving.

Do you understand?

Stop sitting on the seat.

Why are you yelling at me.

I'm trying to help you.

I know but your tone is


We're going to fall way


I can't ride it.

It's too tall.

Try to hop on, get some

Momentum going down the hill.

This is ridiculous.

You need to have your feet

On the pedals.

I'm going to tie!

Just walk it, babe.

That's fine.

Should be good.

We're used to targets.

We're both great sh*ts.

Is that it?

This isn't it.

This is just japanese tourists,


Those are japanese tourists out

Here taking pictures.

Goodness gracious.

Keep going, richard.

Is that it?

Can we stop and ask them?

Which way to --

So we need to go back the

Way we came?



As of right now, they're out

In front in the wrong direction

Which is good for us.

Sumba camp site.

You have to go back.

Turn around?


Right there at 12:00.

Straight ahead.

Set up your camp for the


Teams must unload the

Materials stacked on this truck

And construct this elaborate is

A father retent complete with a

Working bush shower.

Once they have built their camp

They can race to the nearby pit


The last team to check in here

May be eliminated.

We just grab our own kit?

Where are the other teams?

Must have gone the other


Holy mother -- camping gear

Is heavy.

This might be in the deep

Recesses of my army skill set.

The attention to detail of

Emulating a model, I want have

Any problems with that.

Especially with my o.c.d.

Another team is getting


Yeah, nary.

Thank you, thank you.

Thank you very much.

Good luck, guys.

This should be something I

Can do.


So close, baby, you're so



Simba-a camp.

It's the other way.

You sure it's this way?


I can't believe it.

We went the wrong way.

We were in first place, now I

Think we're fighting for our


Come on.

I believe in you.

Hit one before I do.

You got this.

Good job.

Aim, baby, aim.

Slow down and aim.

This is crap.

You got it.

You got it.

Thank you.

We have to ride the bikes

Back up.

Come on.

See if you can even start


I'm just walking.

I'm not going to k*ll myself

Over there.

We're going to fall way


Quit being mean.

I'm not being mean to you.

Over here.

I see.

Other there.

Pull up right there.

Stop there.

Come on, brendan.

Set up your camp site for

The night.

Other teams are here.

I realize that.

Be nice.

Let's get the big stuff.

I'm no african is a father

Rebush master but I've camped


Be careful, it's heavy.

Let's go.

This has to be up like that.


You listen to me, I'll have

It together in no time.

I feel like this is a kentucky


That's exactly what it is.

You realize we're out.

Enjoy this, because we're out.

I'm sorry.

I feel like --

You don't have anything to

Be sorry for.

Like I let you down.

I'm not upset at you, I just

Hate losing.

It bothers me.

I'm proud of you.

You did good.

Right here.

Let's go, art.

Let's get our stuff out first.

Set up your camp for the



Start taking all the gear

Over there.

Oh, boy.

There's a lot of pieces and a

Lot of heavy pieces.

It was tough.

These were heavy duty

Miniature houses.

This is kind of heavy nary.

Dave -- really?

We've got to restart.

Apparently throwing a fate

Is the way to go.

We've got to restart.

If you're not sure about

Pole, grab it.

What are you doing?

I'm measuring it.

Do it with your feet?

Take steps.

We have to do it right or we

Have to redo it.

That's not right.

I keep telling you, something

Is not right.

I heard you the first five


Did it change since the first

Five times?

Then we need.

Can you hold this one?

Yeah, because I got eight


You're a darling.

You're being annoying.


That's fine.

The biggest problem with

That challenge is that the

Poles are really high.

You have to have one partner

Holding them up while the other

Partner starts to secure them.

If you're not tall enough or

Don't have a strategy, it's

Going to be really difficult to

Put the poles up.

Got to hold it.

I'm holding.

You're missing -- missing a

Piece already.

You need an angle.

I'm trying to get it for you

But you have to hold that.

I can build stuff.

We get to the tent and all

The teams are there.

And also, you hear them


Don't direct me.

I know what I'm doing.

Yes, sir.

I know it's jacked up.

Yes, sir.

Don't be an --

Which meant things weren't

Brobal going as smoothly as

They wanted it to.

Watch that tone.

Got to hurry, art.

This is --

Need help with that?


I'm sick of you pouting.

This isn't right, this isn't


It's not right.

What do you want to do about

It come up with action?

Not a whine.

Whine doesn't get you anywhere.

Shut your mouth.

That's why we're not here

With our wives.

First team to arrive, last

Team to leave.

What's new.

The most negative person I

Know in this freaking universe.

The more you complain --

I'm not complaining.

I'm telling you, it's not

Structurally right.

This is the issue.


Look at this bracket.

Look at that bracket.

They need to go up on top?

The whole thing has to come


Wer to it apart really

Quickly and were able to put it

Back up a lot quicker.

When communication is

Flowing and we're supportive of

One another, we're unstoppable.


It's in.

It's hard because there's,

You know, different pieces and

They all look similar and if

You don't put them in the right

Place, it's not going to go


Living in africa is hard


I like to stick with the pop-up

Tents and all of a sudden it's

Done this tent building was

Like extreme.

I feel like I'm setting up a

Circus tent.

Don't fart on me, bopper,

Whatever you do.

How is it going in there?

I'm ok.

Just like at home.

Art's really good making


He was doing the inside

Housecleaning, I was working


I felt like a woman.

I'm finishing this, then we've

Got the water, the shower, and

We're done.

Vanessa was great about

Listening and following


We're way ahead of the


Oh, boy.

We are quite a ways behind.

Look at this one.

It's jacked up.

All the other teams already

Have, you know, all their tarps


They're way ahead of us.

I think the hardest part for

Us wasn't really the technyal

Part, it was the physical part.

Every other team has a male in


We got stuck.

We couldn't get the base

Between the two of us to just

Stand up.

Once we get the base, life

Will be a whole lot easier.

Look at that.

Really good.

I can't do it by myself.

This is dangerous.

Just stop whining.

You're all right, you're all


How is this going to stand


A mouse.


It won't k*ll you.

Is this enough watt her

It just needs to flow.

I have mine up.

When you get done, I'd like

To wruse this shower.

They get it, I'm going to

Kick myself.

You're not done.

Got to get water from


Bathroom, bathroom.


We're ready.

That's a lot of work.

Hopefully -- it's fun.

That's good water pressure.

You're done.



We have to go to phil.

Drive us home.


We are so stubborn, we yell at

Each other -- each other, we

Complain, but we still know how

To pull it out.

Ma'am, check please?

Watch yourself.


You're done.

We're done.

Thank you.

Dang it.

Come on.

Let's go, let's go.

Go fast, please, sir.

Go, fast.


Is he at the top?

There he is.

Let's go, baby.

Come on.

Phil, you always have to be

At the top of a hill.


Thank you.

Thank you.

Rachel and dave, you are

Team number one.


And I have some great news for


As the iners of this -- winners

Of this leg of the race, you

Have won a trip for two from

Travelocity, you're going to

Costa rica.

You'll spend five nights in a

Canopy suite at the four

Seasons costa rica and enjoy

Zip lining, salsa dancing and

Get surf lessons in the

Beautiful pacific.

That's awesome.

Can I just clarify, this

Is your fourth first place.

Don't tell anyone else.

Bopper and mark, you're team

Number two.

We finished number two


We are walking them down,

Slowly walking them down.

Turn on the water.

Let it rain.

Oh, yeah.

You're good to go.

Thank you

Thank you ma'am.

You look as though you need

A drink.

I need more than a drink.

The bed needs -- beds need

To be made?


You're done.


Thank you.

We haven't slept in three


We're extremely hungry, tired.

Need water.

And there's a lot to stress


It's not going to do you any

Good to get frazzled.

Ralph and vanessa are still


Not like we've given up by any


Art and j.j. You're team

Number three.

This race is getting

Interesting because of this

Rift between the teams.

We try to minimize our

Involvement in that young junk

And do what we got to do.

Yeah, just get us to a

Million bucks.

Come on, sweetie.

Come on.

Brendon and rachel, you

Are team number four.


It appears that the race

Seems to have taken a little

Bit of a turn.

Some nasty words have been


We're not going to let

Anyone's negive

Personality affect us anymore.


Thank you.

We have to get to phil.

Pretty bedroom, pretty


Today has been quite the


We know all the teams have gone

And we were pretty tuckered out

By now but we have to finish


We're not giving up.

This is what a lot of guys

At work have been wanting,

Seeing nary and I in the shower


They got it but we ain't

Looking so hot right now.


Vanessa and ralph.

Yes, sir.

You are team number five.


Thank you.

It feels like the race

Has taken a turn.

Most everybody is on the

Same page about the green team.

Do you have any desire to

Make up with them?

I don't have any desire to

Speak with them.

There's no reason for us to be

Friends within this race.

I think you're done.


We know for sure we're

Pretty much the last team.

Of course, you know, we had a


There's elephants.

We'll be right back.

This is a chance of a


Oh wow.

How awesome.

There's more over there, too.

What a great end to our day.


Nary and jamie, I'm sorry

To tell you, you're the last

Team to arrive.

We knew it.

But we weren't going to give


No regrets?

No regrets.


We're hope yourg not going

To eliminate us.

Is that what you'd like?

That's what we'd love.

You're going to love what

I have to say then.

This is a nonelimination leg

And you are still in the race.

You still have a chance to win

"The amazing race."

Now because you are the last

Team to arrive, you will

Encounter a speed bump sometime

In the next leg of the race.


We're just here to have a great

Time and try to win a million

Dollars and see the world.

We're here, we're committed, we

Live to see another day.

[Captioning made possible by

Cbs productions, cbs, inc.

Stay tuned for scenes

From our next episode.

Next week on "the amazing

Race," as nary and jamie fight

To stay in the game, the double

U tush adds fuel to the fire.

Oh, yeah.

What do you want to do?

We got a u turn.

And an alliance crashes and


As far as I'm concerned, I'm

Not sharing with them anymore.

I don't feel like talking to

Them ever again.
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