22x03 - Like James Bond Again

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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22x03 - Like James Bond Again

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "the amazing


Dave and connor stepped up to

The starting line having faced

Life's toughest obstacles.

I was diagnosed with

Testicular cancer.

I was diagnosed three years

Earlier with prostate cancer.

They joined an express

Pass alliance.

It's not a bad idea.

They began the second leg

Expecting to get their reward.

It's important that we keep

The alliance private.

You can't control that.

Then, a costly mistake put

Them behind.

The snorkel and fidges.

We forgot our snorkel.

We have to go back.

Come on, connor!

But the determined pair

Battled back, setting up a

Footrace for first place.

Baits and anthony came --

Bates and anthony came out on

Top while dave paid a steep


I can't walk.

Meanwhile, idries and

Jamil struggled at sea and came

In last.

You have been eliminated from

The race.

Nine teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

You ok?

It's gone.

On the run to the pit stop 30

Feet out, I felt a pop and -- on

My achilles tendon.

In there, yes.

It's the muscle.

So what you need is a sonogram

To see how is the severity.

We cannot do that here.

I will give you some crutches

And you will use crutches until

You see a specialist.


I'm sorry, but that's the way.

What a way to go out.

I think we're here because of

What we've gone through in the

Past, both being cancer

Survivors and having gone

Through hard things.

At this point it's not over

Until it's over.

We're not quitters.

We're not going to quit.

We'll just wait and see what


Bora bora is considered by

Many to be the most romantic

Island in the world and just

Offshore, the hilton's ultimate

Private island escape.

This perfect -- picture-perfect

Getaway is the start of the

Third leg in a race around the


Bates ask anthony won the last

Leg and will depart first.

Make your way to

Christchurch, new zealand.

Teams must fly 3,000 miles

To new zealand.

Once they've touched down,

They'll load into ford focuses

And drive themselves to the

Rakia river village.

Dave and connor are right on

Our tail.

But I think we have a little bit

Of an advantage.

Make your way to phil's


Let's do it.

Let's go!

Our plan is to see a doctor

In tahiti, do a sonogram and

Determine the extent of the


We'll see what they tell us and

Hopefully stay in the ways --


Christchurch, new zealand.

We won an express pass for

Ourselves and one that we can

Give away to any team.

We're going to stay true to

Our word and hand the express

Pass over to dave and connor.

Dave is hurt so they won't be as


Maybe it will help us play some

Defense against the hockey


First bora bora, next new



Break the roof!

Raise the roof!

Greatest time ever.

Christchurch, new zealand!


We have never been out of the


We're from alabama.

The farthest place we've been

Out of the country is probably

Niagara falls.

This is a new experience to

Us and we're learning as we go.

Yay, new zealand!

Thanks, man.

Thank you.

Bye, thank you.

That was close.


Yes, flying now.

He knows exactly what he's


Jessica and I are taking the

Last seats on the flight to bora

Bora right now.

Ok, you need a boarding pass.

Are you guys working on

Getting on the earlier flight?

You mean the flight right



Is that the one you have?


That was aggressive.

Man, that makes me mad.

That sniveler john.

There are no words for it.

Trying to snivel one of our


They're definitely the

Shadiest team in this whole


Hey, guys.

How are you?


How are you guys?

I've got to go to the


Dang, that's serious.

We should give them this

Right now.

Yeah, now's the time to hand

Over the express pass.

This is when we'll need it

The most.

They have some kind of

Alliance going or something.

So that's it.

No one is going to be kissing

Their asses anymore.

This could be the graham

Breaker, game changer for us.

We'll stick it in there so no

One else noles.

Did anthony and bates see it


I don't think so.

So hopefully no one knows.

Let's go!


Thank you so much.

Thank you.

Is that the next flight


Thank you very much.

You're the best.

Thanks, ma'am.

Ma'am, we'd like to get that

Same flight.

The girls in front of us, we're

Traveling with them.

And please, before these other

People at the counter get it.

Oh, god, you're working the


I'm sorry.

They'll never see us again.

Christ clps church, new


We did great yesterday.

We had a four-hour penalty and

We came in seventh.

We're going to move down.

I would have said we're going

To move up.

Make your way to phil's


Here we go.

Oh, my god.

It's all closed down.

Are you kidding me?

Nothing open.

Let's talk to them.

We want to go to christchurch,

New zealand.

Earliest possible flight.

Ok, we have some time to kim.

Play some cards.

We could have played for the

Express pass but it's gone.

We just got an 11:35 flight

With the other teams.

That gives us time to hopefully

See a specialist and see if we

Can continue.

It would be great if they

Tell us we can go forward.

Make your way to phil's


Let's go.

Today we are going to

Strategize and think before we


At least being last we can focus

On each other moving forward.

We might be in this whole

Race by ourselves.

Come on, come on.

Has everything closed?

Everything's closed.

A whole lot of stress over


All right.

Let's rock.

We're going to the hospital to

See if the muscle is torn, if it

Needs surgery.

Fit doesn't then we're in the

Race and we're going to keep


You have a small tear.

What about the muscle that's

Attached to it?

Ok, both.



So the achilles tendon is

Torn as well?



I'm sorry.

We're headed to the store to

Get a boot.

Hopefully we can keep it stable.

At this point we're sunk and

We're determined to run this


We came here determined to run

This race as far as we could run

It and cut short a little bit.

Look who's here?

Please come join us.

What happened?

What's the verdict?

One tendon and the muscle.



Oh, gosh.

We'll keep going until we


We're really sorry this

Happened to you.

That sucks.

I appreciate it.

Join us and rest that leg.

We will.

We're going to hit the restroom

And we'll see you in a minute.

They are such a cute


They are so sweet.

Going through what they've

Been through.

They both had cancer.

Wow, are you serious?

Oh, my gosh.

The hockey players are our

Biggest competition at this


So jess and I need as much help

As we can get.

This alliance, it's official.

Jess and I feel like one thing

We can do to different ourselves

From the tom competitors is

Being smart about who we work

With and forming alliances early

And play the game strategically.

Seems like people we could

Trust and work with together.

Our alliance is basically to

Share all information, to


Everyone now who's not in our

Alliance ask someone we have to

Take out.

The hockey guys are the


The quicker we can get them out,

The better chance all of us


Jen and caroline got us some

Stuff to sleep on.

Cardboard boxes for the floor.

Only took us two days to get

Them into bed.

Let's go.

Flying to auckland.

We need to be on the air

Tahiti flight to auckland.

Everybody is on the flight.


We're all here together.

Everybody is on this one.

The connection is a bit of an


It's going to be interesting.

Both teams are now flying

To auckland, new zealand, en

Route to christchurch, new


Go, go.

Hurry up.

All right, we have to go.

When we arrived at that

Airport, it was a mad dash to

Get to the ticketing counter and

Get on that flight to


Whoo, we might be the only

People on this flight.

The only ones on this flight.

Thank you.

We're really excited because

We're dead last and here we are

First on the flight.

Can we check in for the 5:30?

Guys, that's good.

Great news.

Go, buddy, go, go.

I'm going to take somebody

Out -- out.

We need two tickets to


Thank you very much.

First flight to christchurch.

Super fast, if possible.

Thank you.

You guys, we're in a race.

Can we cut in front of snib no


I'm trying to check in


I just checked in.

Let's go.

We have to hurry.

Those two are our new best


At this point i-don't trust


Thank you.

We're on.

We got on the 5:30 flight!

Our whole alliance is on this


And pam and winnie are the only

Team ahead of us.

Can you buy tickets here?

Just around there.

There's a tell.

I would like to purchase

Tickets on the next flight to

Christchurch, please.

That was probably an how were

Line we just shortcutted by

Getting on the phone right


Why isn't everybody doing


So where's everybody at?

I have no idea.

I got a sinking feeling in my

Gut we may have made an error


I don't see anybody.


I think we're screwed.

So where's everybody at?

I have no idea.

I don't see anybody.


I think we're screwed.

We started walking around the

Airport and did not see another

Team near us and figured uh-oh,

We went wrong here.

I haven't seen any teams at

The gate.

I'm bummed thinking we got the

Latest flight available.

I got a sinking feeling in my

Gut we're last.

Hurry up, hurry up.

There's our car.

Let's go, pam.

Teams must now make their

Way to the rakaia river gorge.

They'll reserve a jet boat that

They'll drive upriver for their

Next clue.

Where's the exit?

You know stairs.


Take it easy, dad.

Just hop on the escalator.

I can make it down the stairs



Our car's out here.

This has got to be them.


Let's go, follow them.


There are just three cars


Let's go.

Let's get the hell out of here.

This alliance with the boys is

Helpful because we really like

Them and we feel comfortable and

Safe with them and it's nice to

Know that you have two friends.

New zealand is so pretty.

It's so green here.

I've never seen anything like


Look at the sheep.

There's so cute!

Don't they say there's more

Sheep in new zealand than


It would be great to get some

Fresh lamb for dinner.

I hear it's not bad.

I don't know that we're going

The right away.

Should I make a u-turn?


We're last.

I'm leading right now, which

Is always a little


The girls are up ahead.

They're all over the road.

You can't complain too much

Following them.

There it is.

Raikaia gorge.

Boy, that's a gorge.

Start looking.

Oh, my gosh.


Get ready.

See if there's anything up

There that looks --

Right there, right there!

Let's go, let's go.

Number one, number one on the

Jet boat tour.


Where is it?

Let's run up here.

Grab number two.

All right, baby.

Where are we sleeping


Right there.

We're camping here.

Oh, my gosh.

There it is.

Oh, we're already five.


All right, come on, babe.

Wrong side, buddy.

All right!

Let's get out of here.

This way.

Hi, guys.


Let's go, girls.


Who's not here?

Get seven.




Did you get it?



Sorry, guys.

All right, there's a trail.

Let's go.

I guess we take number nine?


So we can't go until tomorrow.

All right so we're pitching

Tents from here?

Grab a tent.

We're limping in first place.

We need a big gap because I'm


Today we definitely want to

Win the leg and if that means we

Use the express pass then we use

The express pass.

I don't know how many legs we

Can keep going with this injury.

We know not many.

But I don't want to go home.

I want to finish this for him.

We got to drive if jet boat

And it was unreal.

Those things are rocket ships on

The water.

It was a blast.

Awesome, man.

I'm loving it.

It's beautiful.




We're like james bond again.

Doing awesome.

This is cool.

I feel like miami vice.

Connor, be looking for a


There they are, dad.

Right up there.

We have to go.

The other teams will be coming

Up right away.

I can't believe you're on


Rev it up or reel it in.

This detour requires teams

To choose between two popular

New zealand pastimes.

Their choice.

Rev it up or reel it in.

First, teams must drive

Themselves on all-terrain

Vehicles to the start of the


Rev it up requires teams to put

The pedal to the metal.

In a modified vintage car.

Both team members must get

Behind the wheel and georgia --

Navigate through a set of cones

In under 83 seconds.

Once they completes the course

In the allotted time, flash will

Hand them their next clue.

In reel it in.

Each team member must use a rod

And reel to catch one fish at

Least 12 inches long.

Once they've caught their limit,

Dirk, who's a champion

Fisherman, will hand them their

Next clue.

Let's rev it up.

Each of us has to drive it.

That's fine.

Come on, dad.

Here they come.

Let's go.

We're going across a little

Waters here.

What a spectacular place.

There's the clue box.

I don't know if there are any

Fish in this river, right?

We'll do the first one with.

Want to try rev it up?

Rev it up.



Let's go.

An a.t.v.


I love new zealand!

That's gorgeous.

My god.

This is so great.

This is amazing!

It's beautiful.

Pretty cool.

Look at the water fall.


All right, I think this is


We're driving a car, dad.

Does this have a clutch?


Oh, I can't drive it.

I can't drive a clutch.

You can't drive a clutch at


Son, I can't even tell where

My foot is.

Ok, we're going back.

With my dad's boot he's not

Going to be able to drive a


We're going fishing.

There go our chances.

We'll use the express pass.

No, no.

We're going to do rev it up.

Rev it up, baby.

Rev it up.

Ok, girl, here we go.


Let's do fish.

We're going fishing.

It's through here.

Time to beat, 83 seconds.


Let's do it.

We're going to try to drive

The course without hitting any

Cones and we have to do it in 83

Seconds without messing up.



Second gear is stuck!

Am I going to be able to do


Oh, this is easy now.

I had the parking brake on the

Whole time.

That's why second gear didn't


We should have just used the

Express pass there.

Well, we can use it as soon

As we get to this if we want.

Let's give it five minutes


That's fine.

Don't get my head.

This is going to be slow going,


Well, son, I can't drive a


I know.

That's a pretty dangerous way

Of fishing.


You have a hit?

No, I've got a tangle.

You got it, john, you got it,


Now that we released the

Parking brake, I'm thinking that

Driving this is going to be

Pretty straight forward.

Here we go.

Get out.

We have to beat 83 seconds.

Go, go!

Turn hard.

Hard, hard.

Now keep going.

Finish strong.

Ok, so we have to start all

Over again.


Oh, god, what is this?

It's fun!

Sure, it is.

Clutch is on the left.

And the brake.

You're on the gas right now.


Ha ha!

Off to a great start.


Three, two, one -- go!

Ha ha!

It felt like we were in a

Video game.

It was so cool.

It did.

Well done.



Let's do this!

Oh, my got you're doing a lot

Better than me, girl.

Oh, my gosh, this is so fun.

Come on, make up time.

I'm going to probably be a

Little slower.

Why are you fish tailing?


Keep your foot on and off the



Let's do this.

Oh, gosh!

Oh, we didn't get it.


What was our time?

I can't believe that.


You're in third.

Get in second.

It's stick shift and I just

Learned how to drive stick shift

Right before the race.

I was nervous.

I'm not going to lie.

But then I k*lled it.

Ok, now you're good.

I have to do it way faster.

We have to trim some time.

We can do it.

Dang it.

At this point, dad, do we count

Our losses?

We're certainly not getting

Any action, that's for sure.


Let's go.

There's the express pass.

Thank you very much.

Drive south to mount hutt

Station in search for your next


We wanted to win a leg.

Go to first gear.

You got it, you got it.


What'd I get?

If she got 40, I need to get

Within 43.

Come on, john.

We're still good.



Hurry, hurry!



Thank you.

All right.


Drive yourselves to mount hutt


Let's go.


Drive yourselves to mount

Hutt station.


Doing great.

That's the best time.

You're getting closer.

I can do it under 41.

You just need to.

Who would have thought you're

The albatross of this.


I don't know if I can foot


I stalled it.

Calm down.

Right here.

Let's go!

All right, we have to go.


Don't knock any cones over.

We have to do it in 83

Seconds, so go fast, ok?

Go fast.

Do not be dainty, jen.

Do not have fear.

Go faster.

You're way too slow.

Who's my best fisherman?

Come on, let's go.

Good one.


Come on, fishy, fishy.

We thought we'd take a chance at


Chuck is a really good fisherman

And I go on the bolt a lot.

I watch him fish so I'm not a

Complete idiot to this.

I hope a get a fish before


Drive faster.

I did go fast.

We just learned how to drive


You've only driven it one day.

Then I got behind the wheel and

I quickly realized changing

Gears is hard so we just kept it

In one and burned it out.

Come on.

How many seconds we have to

Be better?


Two seconds.

Damn it.

What was our time?

We have to go like a bat out

Of hell.

I'm good, I got it.



Drive yourselfs to mount hutt

Station and search for the next


Let's go.

Good, good.

Don't lose control.


Ok, we have to go.

I got it.

That's not good.


This is going to be bad.

Oh, I nailed it.


This is laughable.

What the hell is going on?

They're k*lling us.

He sucks.

Thank you.

All right, thank you.

You have my map?

Yeah, let's roll.

I really think I know where

I'm going.

Let's do this!

We have to go south on 72.

Ha, ha, ha!

I hate when I do that.

Thank you.


That was awesome.

It's up there to the right.


One, two, three, four, five,


Let's go.

This is mount hutt lodge, not


You're driving.

I know.

Stop telling me what to do.

Diva up in the front.


Thank you, man.

Thanks, buddy.


Drive yourselves to mount hutt

Station in search for your next


That was our best one.

That was good.


I know I can get 41.

Yeah, you can do it.

I think we got it!

Yeah, you got it, baby.

Come on, come on, come on.


All right, thank you.

Drive yourselves to mount hutt

Station and search for your next


Well done.

Thank you!

Drive yourselves to mount

Hutt station and search for your

Next clue.

Let's go, pam.

There's one.


Honey, I'm catching my first


Come on, he's fighting me.


We've both got fish.

Under you, chuck.

There we go.

All right.

We're digging it.

Reel it in, honey.

You got it.

Oh, huge one.



That was disgusting.


Go, girl, go, girl.

You're bad to the bone!

You're bad to the bone.

Come on, push it in.

You're not going to wreck.

Faster, faster, faster.

You did it.


Good job.

Drive yourselfs to mount hutt

Station for your next clue.

Thank you.

Appreciate it.

Thank you.

Mount hutt station.

All right, we have to go.

Let's go.

Come on.

I am so glad to be back in a

Ford focus, I can't tell you.

It's so much better than driving

That car.

There's the car.

Get it in gear.

We're going.

Mount hutt station.

There's the cluche.

All right, there you go.


Who wants to keep their race

From going to the dogs?

This roadblock requires

Teams to race through a muddy

Obstacle course nonas a


Think must dress up in gum boots


They'll race a wild obstacle

Course where they'll be covered

In molasses and feathered while

Collecting chicken eggs.

Once they've delivered 12

Unbroken eggs to the finish

Line, a shepherd will hand them

Their next clue.

I'll do it.

It's this way.

Come on, dad.

Let's do it.

We want to go south.

We went the wrong direction.

Thank you.

Drive yourselfs to mount hutt


All right, which one of these

Puppies is the best?

Let's do it, bud.

Through here.

First obstacle was the box.

Oh, my god.

It's sticky.

It was disgusting.

It was like molasses just


Eggs up there.

You want to grab one?

You're having to work your

Way through.

It was tight.


I have no idea what he's


After the box was a tube.

You're already mo lassesrd up

And there are chicken feathers

The length of this 20-foot tube.

Cut and feathered!


Thanks, bud.

Grab a tube.

Feathers coming outs every or

Fiss of my body.

Could you imagine me doing


I got whisked down a huge

Slip and slide into a manure


It did us no good.

Inspect them.

Let's do it again.

Come on, pup.

Wait, wait.

Do you know where mount hutt

Station is?

Yeah, way back here.

Across the bridge and then up

The other side.

Oh, my gosh.

My hair is going to be

Dreaded after this.

Let's do it, man.



You got it?


Three, four, five.

Way to go.

Itch to get 12.

I have to do it again.


Turn around.

It said mount hutt station left.

Right there?

Yes, turn around.

You sure?

Yes, turn around.

Mount hutt station road?

Maybe not.



That wasn't nearly enough time.

We figured 15 minutes.

Listen, it did say mount hutt

Station road.

Katie and I like to be in


She thinks she knows everything.

I'm 24, I have my dock rat

And I'm a pharmacist so I'm

Pretty much always right.

Mount hutt station.

Pass them.

All right.

Who was that?

That was max and katie.

Hopefully they know where

They're going.

What does this say?

Mount hutt.

I still don't think this is


Should I turn around?

No, but I don't have a good

Feeling about this.

This doesn't even look


Mount hutt?

Geez, creepy up there.

Might run into an ark.

Where is mount hutt station?

Back down the hill.

Take a left when you get back to

The high road and you can't miss


It's huge.

I told you, max.

We just wasted so much time.

We wasted at least a half-hour.

I told you, max.

We just wasted so much time.

Hopefully we aren't really that

Far behind everyone and this

Mistake didn't cost us.

Oh, boy.

Hope it was not that road you

Told me to go on.



Nine, 10, 11, 12.

Make your way to the pit


Teams must now drive

Themselves to terrace downs.

This world renowned adventure

Retreat is the pit stop for this

Leg of the race.

The last team to check in here

May be eliminated.

Come on, it's going to take

Me a while.

Mount hutt station road.

Right here.

This might be right up by alley.

They're not even do -- to

That challenge so we have a good

That's all we've got and I can't


I'll do it.


Who wants to keep the race

From going to the dogs?

You do.


Oh, gosh, this is funny.

What are you doing in there?

Oh, god.

You have to deliver a dozen

Eggs, john.

One egg at a time.

Go, winnie!


That's what I'm talking about.

I got four eggs.

Keep going, john, keep going.

You've got it.

Oh, my god.

I'll do it.

Who wants to keep the race

From going to the dogs?

I do.

This is so gross.

Come on, jen.


Jen, you are just leaving

Beverly hills behind today.

She grew up in beverly hills.

Beverly hills has left the

Building that.

Is not jen's cup of tea.

I found the obstacle course

To be fun.

I passed most every other team

That was on the course.

Come on!

If I would have chose on the

Do that we probably would have

Been there all day.



Go, john.


You got four.

Come on, chuck.

Four to go.

Oh, my gosh.

They call him duke.

Like john wayne.

That's a good luck sign.

Oh, my god.

We drove past it.

What did I just say?

Mount hutt station road.

I freaking told you.

Ok, ill try it.

Come on, chuck!


Come on, johnny.

We're having fun now, baby!



Thank you.

We're the last team maybe out of


This could be one of our last


We're not going to be as

Competitive as the other teams


It's bittersweet.

We've done the best we can.

To this points has already been

A once in a lifetime


That's a good one.

Katie, hustle.

Warning, the last team to

Check in may be eliminated.

Let's go.


You're so beautiful!

Heads up.


That was terrible.


Where the hell is terrace


I don't think anyone's ever

Won a leg of "the amazing race"

On crutches.

This will be one for the history


Terrace downs.

Ok, let's go.

Come on!

Here we are.

Welcome to terrace downs.

Kanter bury, new zealand.


We're so thrilled to be here.

That's tim the dog, by the


Dave and connor, I'm very

Pleased to tell you that you are

The first team to arrive and I

Have good news.

As the winners of this leg of

The race you've won a trip for

Two from travel city to bangkok.

You'll stay at this hotel and

Enjoy the local flavor with a

Thai boxing class.

It is going to be a while.

Right now it might be a

Little while before you're


It might be.

Guys, the race is still


I have your next clue.

You up to this, you guys?

I got to focus on some

Recovery here.

It certainly was going through

My mind whether we needed to

Drop out.

I honestly don't have any idea

If we can keep going.

This is the most frustrating


Stay tuned for scenes from

Our next episode.

Next week on "the amazing

Race," will dave and connor keep


It was going through my mind

Whether he needed to drop out.

As the race continues in

Bali, teams monkey around.

This is awe open.

You are precious.

And caroline reaches her

Breaking point.

I have a better memory.

Now I'm freaking myself out.

I'm just so tired.
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