22x10 - Working Our Barrels Off

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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22x10 - Working Our Barrels Off

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "the amazing

Race" -- five teams raced from

Switzer labbled to germany.

Caroline and jennifer had a new

Plan of attack.

We're going to try to not be


But old habits die hard.

Let's do it.

Meghan lunged.

Oh, my god!

While baits and anthony


This thing crashed.

Katie mastered a

Mind-blending -- bending road

Block, helping her and max win

Their first leg of the race.

And a pair of all new 2013 --

The hockey brothers came out on


Baits and anthony, you're team

Number four.

And the roller derby moms are

Still in it.

This is a nonelimination leg.

Who will be eliminated next?

[Captioning made possible by cbs

Productions, cbs, inc

Berlin is the capital city

Of germany.

Much of the city had to be

Rebuilt after world w*r ii,

Including this city.

This is now the start of the


By winning the previous leg, max

And katie each won an all-new

Are you kidding me?

Look how lean that grille is.

Get in.

I want to drive one.

Like my red?

Oh, my gosh this.

Is so awesome.

They depart first at 2:02


Teams will fly across the north

Sea to edinburgh, the capital of


They'll pick up a ford if iest

That and drive to their next


Let's go to the business


These next two legs are

Crucial because it's to get into

The final three.

I think our kind of alliance, if

You want to call it with jen and

Carolina and anthony and baits,

It's tight but we're racing for


I think this might be good

Timing for us.

We can see the finish line

Dangling in front of us.

Let's see what we have.

Uh-oh, girl.

We can't get u-turned.

Let's go.

Last time we got u-turned and

It sucked really bad.

There's some sort of alliance

Between the hockey players, the

Blondes and max and katie.

I just feel like we can get

An early lead on them.

Could you take us to the


U-turn ahead.

We're fighting for last.

Jen will do something bad.

Nothing is open right now.

Departure, 8:


It sucks.


Let's go to lufthansa.

It looks like everything is


They open at 5:00 a.m.

Wait, what about this one?

Katie just found one that

Gets in at 10:40 a.m.

I think we have to go to the


Everybody knows you go to a

Business center to get all the

Information that you can.

You have $1 for this leg of

The race.

U-turn ahead.

Our alliance came up with a

Plan to u-turn the other two


It wasn't a new plan.

It was a plan that our alliance

Came up with at the start of the



U-turn ahead.

Let's go.

There he is.

It's definitely extra

Pressure on us that there's a

Speed bump and a u-turn.

A good point is that baits and

Anthony are near the back as

Well and we're hopeful that they

Would be the ones to be u-turned


Here's meghan and joey.

Oh, hello!


Did you guys book your

Tickets already?

No did you?

No nothing is open for a


All right, they might not

Know about a flight this early.

Keep walking.

Where you at, airline?

Open up.

Oh, the hockey players.

Oh, gosh.

Are they not open?

Open at 5:00.

Where's max and katie?

We don't know where they


I think serve in line letting

To get in at 1:00 right now.

We're going to get in line like

Sheep and act like sheep.

Good morning.

We need to get the fastest

Flight possible to edinburgh,


Oh, there's megen and joey.

Should we ask if they can help


It's essential to get there

Before everyone else.

I don't know which one to

U-turn first.

We have to think about it.


All right, we're getting in

At 1:00.

Oh, my god.

They just booked the last one.

They're all not going to get

There until 4:00.

Until what?

You're joking.

We get there at one.

You got the last tickets.

What time do you get in?

Yeah, just get excited with


Just do your little happy dance.

You're so excited.

It looks like everybody else

Is not going to get in until

Three-hour lead.

Think of what we could do.

We're trying to get earlier


Megen and joey can't u-turn but

It's definitely a worry with the

Roller girls.

We could try --

A different airline.


We already have some tickets

That gets us there at 10:40.

We're trying to get to

Edinburgh earlier.

Any way you could help us?

Do you have any 10:40 tickets


Thank you very much.

That is awesome.

Do you have any flights that

Go to edinburgh today?

Looks like the girls might be

Doing the same thing we are.

Thank you so much.

We're the only ones on this


Oh, my god.

We're going to get in before

Everybody else.

So who are we u-turning?

Knot each other.

So this is our first time

Plying -- flying alone.

It's a two-hour advantage.

If we could play from the front

The whole day it would feel so


Oh, my god, the hockey guys.

Are you joking?

We're on the first flight

That we think with the jersey


We hope it's the first


It's going to be nice to have

Joey and meghann with us.

We have a -- an agreement from

The beginning that to help each

Other out until we at least get

To the final three.

All teams are making their

Way to edinburgh, scotland.

Straight ahead.

That's it.

This way, jen.


One, two, three, four, five


We're five.

We're the first ones here.


I think we're in first place.

Which means that meghan and joey

And roller derby didn't get an

Earlier flight so we have

Probably an hour to two-hour


We got on that first flight


Something we haven't done in the


Max and katie and caroline

And jennifer, I think we're on

The same page as far as the


The first two that get there

U-turn the other two teams and

Let them battle it out.

I'm fairly confident that that

Will happen.

I'm just trying to get


Which gear are you in?

Are you putting your --

Is there a brake on?

Oh, my gosh, the parking

Brake was on.


That's key when you're driving a


You have to take the fricking

Parking brake off.

This looks like it might be

Gates of it, you know what I


It's got to be it.

Is that that big basket up


This looks more like a castle

Than a house.

Road block.

This roadblock gives teams

The opportunity to play with the

Royal scots, known as the royal

Regiment of scotland.

Working with an instructor, they

Must learn how to play a

Harmonizing note.

While marching around the marble

Room of goes ford house.

When the instructor is satisfied

With their performance, they'll

Receive their next clue.

There's baits and anthony.



That's me.

I've never actually held a

Bagpipe before.

Who's the best coach?

You want to be my coach?

Let's do it.

I'll take the first in line.

I'm half scottish so hopefully

This works out for me.

I'm getting used to the whole

Skirt thing.

What I wore under the kilt will

Forever remain a secret.

Punishment two hands on the


Keep this in your mouth.

Keep applying pressure with your


Want to try it?


Blow hard.


I don't make it look as good

As you do, but I'm trying.

I figured I was going to have to

Get dress is -- dressed again,

So I kept the old understoodies


What about caroline and jen?

I don't know what happened to


Play the bag pipes.

I want to do it.

Oh, my gosh!

The more practice I did, the

More time I was wasting.

Just learn by fire and go for


Minutes with the set of bagpipes

As we marched around the top of

The castle.

So you have to keep a steady

Pressure in order to keep a

Constant tone because if you

Change the pressure that you're

Pushing on that bagpipe, the

Tone changes.

I think it was more of just

Figuring out how to manage the

Pressure versus the wind.

Well done.

Thank you.

Did you get it?

All right.

Good job.

Search the fire places at

Craig mill or castle for your

Next clue.


Playing the bagpipes is

Pretty tough.

You definitely have to have some

Lung capacity.

He's halfway done.

Am I not supposed to cheer?

I want him to mess up.

Thank you, sir.

Search the fire places to have

Craig mill or castle for your

Next clue.

They're right behind us.

We have to find this castle.

They have to go first.

That's pretty cool.

I'm half scottish so I got to

Put the scottish gash on.

Keeping that thing full of air

Wasn't the easiest thing.

Bagpipe was a lot of fun.

It's more about the pressure on

The arm, not blowing until

You're blue in the face.

She's a singer.

She knows how to blow.

This is so exciting!

Sorry, sorry, sorry.

My mouth is starting to really


My lips are getting so dry they

Can't keep them wrapped around

This thing.

We are in third place right

Now and other teams are probably

Just landing now so it would be

Nice to get out of here before

They get here.

I feel good.

Basically we're in first.

Meghan and joey, do you see


Yeah, right here.

We were feeling really

Excited that we'd finally done

Something right at an airport.

There are only two here.

And it was short lived.

So that means maybe somebody got

On a better flight.

It looked like we weren't the

First teams here.

Oh, how'd that happen?

I don't know.

It's definitely possible that we

Are going to get u-turned now.

I think there's three teams

Ahead of us.

That's not good.

This is really important to


We desperately want to be here.

Where's joey and meghan.

Are they behind us?

They're right behind us.

It's a race for a million

Dollars and we all agree, our

Alliance that we're all in this

To win it.

It's definitely scary now

Knowing that teams are ahead of


The moms, we always liked


Having them around is like a

Support system, almost like a

Race family.

It would be really hard to go

Up against them.

I was so happy.

I had that relief that we were

The first ones here.

We were doing something



Guess who?

Thank you.

Final pathway.

I'm so sorry but my mouth

Isn't working now because it's

Muscles I've never used and so

My mouth won't work anymore.

I can't control it.

All it takes is one time.

I hate this.

It's really hard.

She's freaking out.

She's trying too hard.

I think if she can calm down,

She can do it again.


Well done.


You did it, you did it, you did


Thank you.

I have found my husband in


His name is jim.

I think he's 70.

If he hadn't been there along

With my best friend jen, I

Wouldn't have made it through

That day.

Find the castle and search in

The fire places for our next


See it?

Looks like it's been through

A few battles.

I don't see any other cars.

That's a good sign.

Speed bump.

Holy crap, this place is


Pretty cool.

I mean, there's -- you don't

Know where you're going.

That's a big one right here.



Taste puden or whiskey rolling.

This detour gives teams

The opportunity to deliver

Scotland's national drink or

Prepare scotland's national


Their choice.

Tasty puden or whiskey roller.

Tasty puden requires teams to

Fill an intestine with

Seasonings and oat, once they've

Appropriately prepared it,

They'll get a taste and their

Next clue.

Whiskey rolling requires teams

To deliver two -- eight barrels


Once they've delivered them, a

Scottish country dancer will

Hand them their next clue.

Whiskey rolling.


The castle.


There are going to be a lot

Of fireplaces to search, I'm


I didn't see any other cars, did


Oh, there's our speed bump.

Search the fireplaces.

There are stairs over here.

You want to try this?

If there's nothing up here,

We'll come down.

Want to try the bud --


You want to try it?


I figured that baits and

Anthony were probably going to

Do the barrels.

I want told separate ourselves a

Little bit from them.

We could be in first, second,

Or third right now.

I think this is it.

Yeah, gosford.

Here we are.

Absolutely stunning.

Come on, beth, the clue is right


Let's go.


Look at this.

Oh, this is so cool.

Oh, wow.

It was so cool.

It was like our entrance to


It's a roadblock, oh, my gosh.

Oh, my gosh, I played the

Trumpet for like four years.

I can totally do this.

This is easy.

This is so beautiful.

Good luck, buddy, you got this.

This was extra stressful for

Beth and I because we knew we

Had a speed bump and we also

Knew there was a speed -- u-turn

Up ahead.

This is amazing jen.

We might never see this again.

I know.

Search the fire places.

Anything in there?


Let's keep going back.

This place is huge.

Maybe it's not like your

Regular clue?

Yeah, but we haven't seen


It's right here.

Whiskey rolen, tasty puden?


All right, let's do it.

How do we get these up there,

Roll them or what?

I say we roll them.

They're big barrels, probably


It's pretty awkward rolling


They don't stay straight.

How many do we have to do?


It's a lot easier carrying

Them than rolling them.

Is there any music?

I'm pretty sure that's it.


The best of scotland.

You ok?

I got it.

We were going to town on the

Barrels so they're having a

Great old time dancing while

We're working our barrels off.

Go -- got a little rest.

Ok, here we go.

There it is.

Sheep heid inn.


We're here to learn.

Put our whites on?

Baits and anthony.

Looks like they're doing the

Whiskey challenge.

If we look up inside the

Fireplaces, anything there?


Let's go in here.

I got it.




I say tasty pudding.

We don't have the mental

Strength to do the barrels.

Maybe it's like meat


I blew something hard all


Now let's just eat it.

Carrying the barrels, we were

Feeling it in the legs and


They were help.

Let's walk back.

Two more.

That's all scottish.

Should have kept the kilt on.

I love scotland.

Roll it in a ball, make sure

It goes all the way to the


The meat smells good but the

Stomach -- I could smell that

Sheep's last male.

Ok, -- ok, I got the meat.

I got our station.

Which one are you doing?

I'm going to do this one.

This is fun.

This is awesome.

Hello, I am the poet robert



This is my address to the


Fair and full.

Your honest -- great chief tin

Of the pudding race.

You take your place.

Well are you worthy of a grace

As long as my arm.


I guess the guy really likes



I was there at the same time

As meghan and joey and meghan

Was doing the roadblock and we

Needed any tiny lead we could


I heard bagpipes are really

Hard to play.

Like it takes a lot.

A lot of hot air, which she



If you blow too hard -- this

Is what it should sound like.

I basically made out with

That guy.

He kept on showing me how to use

It and he kept putting his mouth

All over that bagpipe.

We exchanged saliva.

I just thought I have to get

This done no matter what maybe

His saliva will give me super


It sounded like they were

Torturing an animal.

Good job, buddy.

Come on, mona.

You're almost there.


Way to go, mona!

Oh, my gosh.

That's really hard!

That was the most beautiful

Song I've ever heard.

Search the fire places of the

Castle for your next clue.

Hurry, hurry.

I'm like dang, I'm the last

One here.

The bag is too empty.

I don't know if I can do


I'm not meant to be a bagpiper.

I can't keep that pressure in


No go.

I can't make this seal.

I'm freaked out a little bit

Wondering where meghan is.

I'm going to go trial.

All I can do is try, right?


I'm just going to go out

There and try.

Maybe something of a miracle

Will happen.


Come on, meghan, you got it!




Good job, meghan!

Search the fireplaces at the

Craig millar castle for your

Next clue.

That's when it set in we're

Battling for last place right

Now and if we don't hurry up

We're going to get eliminated.

Sorry it took song.

So long.

That's ok.

It was so hard.

One more and we're done.

Got about 50 yards.

I feel like the greek gods.

We have the same body, so --

You ok?


I might even hike for this


It's not easier but faster.

Got it?


Thank you.

Make your way to duddigston kirk

To find your next clue.

He got all the air out and

Then he made like a little pouch

In the middle and then he tied


You powers -- and dish them

Out their bill of fare --

I'm looking forward to trying

This, actually.

I want to try it.

That plashes in small -- but

If you wish her grateful prayer

Give her a haggis.

All right, I think I'm done.

All right, how'd we do?

Very good.

All right!

The proof is in the eating.

Warm, steaming, rich.

Nice and warm.


That's so good.

I mean the flavor was great,

Really rich flavor.

Thank you.

Thank you.


Thank you.

Well done.

Make your way to the

Duddingston kirk.

Where do we go?

From it is.

Double u-turn.

We're going to u-turn meghan

And joey.

They can't u-turn anybody.

We use them and one of our

Alliances and those two battle

It out.


And we did it.

Church street south.

Teams must go to old town

And find niddry south.

This cobblestone alleyway is the

Pit stop for this leg of the


The last team to check in here

May be eliminated.

Duddingston kirk.

Ok, u-turn.

Joey and meghan.

Baits and anthony?

Oh, they did it.

We choose to u-turn mona and


Tough luck.

Warning, the last team to check

In may be eliminated.

We're happy about the u-turn.

They're going to have to duke it


I kind of want meghan and joey

To go home first, but either one

Works for me.

I'm not shedding any tears.

Great chief contain in the

Pudding race.

Tell me some more stuff about

Oh, you're so old.

Well, we like our men older.

That old?

Nice and seasoned.

A bit like the hagg dis.

We'll eat some haggis all day


The castle.

Yes, yes.

In is our speed bump.

Oh, we look funny.

Speed bump.

After arriving last in the

Previous leg, mona and beth must

Now complete a speed bump.

This speed bump requires them to

Play skittles.

This scottish version of 10-pin

Bowling uses baltimorings with

No holes but the objective is

The same.

Once mona and beth score a

Nlora, they can continue racing

And try to catch up with the

Other teams.


Can you tell us where that is?

You got to go right there.

That's the oldest pub in ed



We have to hurry because they

Could be right behind us.

Are you a good bowler?

I'm all right.

We're headed to the castle to

Look for fireplaces.

I think mona and beth are only a

Hatch hour ahead of us.

Hopefully we can make up some


Go to the entrance.

Is that it?

Those are the two detours.


Skittle alley, right here.

All right!

Ok, we must alternate.

Really -- ready?

We had to get a strike so we had

To knock all 10 pins down.

Come on, beth, get them set


We had to alternate.

I couldn't knock them down.

Should I try a different size


I wish they had holes in


But they don't have finger

Holes like we're used to in the


Gutter ball.



We have to park there.

Now I'm all fricking turned


The parking area is probably

Right on the right-hand side.

Turn right in here.

Head this way, max.

Come on.

Going to run you over.

That was a nightmare.


Niddry street.

Do you see baits and anthony?


We got in -- this.


Welcome to edinburgh,


Thank you.

That eyebrow gets me.

And do you have any idea

Who this is?

He's kind of two faced.

Oh, jekyll and hyde.

There you go.

Max and katie, you are team

Number one!



And I have some great news

For you.

As the winners of this leg of

The race, you have won $10,000


Holy crap.

Oh, man.

Baits and anthony, you are

Team number two!


Thank you.

You're welcome.


Thank you so much.

This was fun.

You guys are all very cute.

Bye, we love you.

Bye, guys.

Should we go in the church?

Everyone got u-turned.


Search old town ed burg for

The next pit stop.

So baits and anthony got here



-- Bates and anthony got here



The moms still have the speed

Bump to complete.

Hopefully it could take a while.

I might get k*lled here.

Just a wee built to the left.

The lane sort of can'ted a

Little bit so you couldn't roll

It right down the middle.

You kind of had to account for

The angle, yes!

Good job, beth!

Thank you.

Back to the cans -- castle.

Oh, my god is that it to the


I think that's the castle.

Is that joey and meghan right


Oh, my god, are you guys just

Getting here?


Let's team up and find these.


It's pretty dark in here.

Gow left, we'll go right.

This is so cool.

I've never been in a real

Castlele before.

No, nothing.

Let's go up higher.

Go straight.

This is a big castle.


Ok, let's go.

I've got it.



Do you want to do that?

Yeah, you know what haggis

Is, right?

No what is it?

You don't want to know.

Ok, don't tell me.

Let's go.

I've got it!

Yes, good job.

Good job.


We're going to do hagg gigs.

We're going to do tasty


Which one are you guys doing?

I think pudding.

Yeah, us too.

Beth, come on.

Let's go.

We have to keep up with them.

They're going to follow us?


We can't shake it.

There's no point in it.

They're right behind us.

We just have to do the detour

Better than them.

Oh, my gosh, hi.

Caroline and jennifer, are

You team number three.


Get ready.

Something is coming up.

Did they see?

Go, go.

They saw.

Mona, you went the wrong way.

It's to the right.

Through here.

This way.

They just went this way.

Come on back.

I'm coming.

Oh, god.

We get to make haggis.


Oh, my gosh.

Joey and major reason right

Behind us.

Here they come.

We need to get the skin and

The haggis.


We knew we were the last two

Teams at that point and that was

Motivation for us to get it done


I still don't know what

Haggies is -- haggis is and I

Don't want to know.


I'm pretty sure it's an


It's like putting wet socks


You act like you've done this


I make meat balls all the


I tell myself I'm making meat


These things are slower but

We're getting there.

Their moms, they cook.

I know how to cook chicken.

Oh, my gosh.

Almost there.

Hurry, joey.

They look good.

Now we have to taste it.

Oh, -- sorry, scotland.

It was awful.

We had a few minutes on joey

And meghan and we knew we hello

-- Really had to hustle to keep

The tiny lead we had.

So the moms just left.

They freaking destroyed --

In is it.

Duddingston kirk.

We got u-turned.

Of course we have.

By max and katie.

We have to get a head start

On them.

Let's go.

I'm praying we were not



A u-turn.

So we have to go back and do

The other one.

Let's go.

It was definitely a little


Whiskey barrels.

We knew that was going to be

A hard task.


Push, mona.

This is brutal.

Just push it hard.


Push the hell out of it,


I'm trying.

A wee bit firmer.

Air bubbles?

They're still in there, mona.

Don't let them see us.

Stealth barrel rolling.

The moms got u-turned.

They're rolling the barrels.

Oh, my gosh.

Good job, we're almost there.

I can hear it.

Right here?

Looks good.


Ok, thank you.

Looks like a baked petitti.


Thank you so much!

Please don't be u-turned.

Oh, my god.

Bates and anthony.


We're fighting for last


I smell the haggis.

In my sweat.

Come on, beth.

I can do this.

I'm not as strong as you.

Good job, beth.

Come on, girl.

Use those muscles!

We can do it.

My legs, they just aren't strong



Oh, god, please let us do this.


Mona, give it little pushes

Like this.

Try to save your arms.

Come on.

Do you want to help me push one

At the same time?

We can get it done faster.



Teamwork, yeah.

Almost there.

Let's go.

You're doing good.

You got it, moana.

Look, we're here.

I can't.

Yes, you can't.

Don't say I can't.

Come on.

Good job, honey.

We did it.

Good job.

Thank you.

We got in this.

Search -- we have to go.

We cannot get lost.

One more!

One more.

Let's do it.


One more.

Your guess is as good as mine

At this point.

I just need help navigating

Sometimes, too.

I get that beth.

I'm going to ask.

Niddry street south.

How do we get there?

Thank you.

We have to turn around.

I've never driven here before,

I'm on the wrong side of the

Road, this is --

All right.


Thank you very much.

Duddingston kirk to find our

Next clue.

How do they have u-turn

Nueces like that?

Warning, the last team arrive

May be eliminated.

Old town?

We can still get back in it.

There's still hope.

Maybe another team got lost.

Oh, got.

Is this is royal mile?

I don't know, I can't see.

They could be passing us

Right now.

Is that it up here?

We're getting closer.

Niddry, right here.

Oh, my god, bus!

You have to be kidding me!

We missed the light, of


Oh, please god, please.

They could have definitely

Caught us by now.

Designated parking, where are


We can't be that far.

See the castle up there?


Mona and beth --

Give us good news.

I have good news.

You are team number four.

You are still in the race.

You might have proved that

You can give us a speed bump,

You can throw us a u-turn and

We're still going to be here.

We're not just moms and we're

Not just roller derby girls.

We're all of that and more.

We're strong.

Welcome to edinburgh,


Scared me.

This time you're smiling

And you're crying.

I'm pretty sure we are the

Last ones to arrive today.

You are the last team to

Arrive and I am sorry to tell

You that you have been

Eliminated from the race.

We made it so far.

I'm really proud.

I'm so proud of us.

I've grown so much with this

Race and it's been an incredible

Experience and it's been the

Best time of my life.

Stay tuned for scenes

From our next episode.

Next week on the two-hour

Finale of "the amazing race" --

Beth, you better run.

It's down to the final


With $1 million on the line,

Teams get down and dirty and the

Pressure mounts.

I'm so tired.

Come on, dude.

I can't breathe.

Who will cross the finish

Line first and win "the amazing


This is absurd.

The absurdity of this.
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