23x08 - One Hot Camel

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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23x08 - One Hot Camel

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on ...the amazing

Race... Six teams raced from

Austria to abu dhabi.

Are you going listen?

No, I don't!

I have them next to these.

While the sweltering heat

Through nicole off her game.

You didn't tie these.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Nicky and kim missed the


Hurry, hurry, hurry!

Done, too late.


Dropping them to last


Jason and lee are faced off in a

High speed roadblock that

Catapulted leo and jamaal into

The winner's circle.

You are team number one.

Meanwhile nicky and kim couldn't

Catch up.

You are the last team to arrive.

But got a reprieve.

You are still in the game.

You are still in the game.
I'm just excited.

I'm just excited.

Much of the united arab

Emirates is back barren desert.

But it has an abundance of crude


This has led to the development

Of modern structures like this,

The yaz viceroy abu dhabi.

And abu dhabi's formula one

Racetrack which is now the start

Of the eighth leg in a race

Around the world.

O leo and jamaal won the last

Leg of the race and will depart


Go to the viking coin puzzle.

Teams must now use the

Satchel of viking coins that

They used in norway.

Are you serious, man?

To decipher a tcheed will

Unlock a ford explorer with


They need to figure out that the

Symbols on their coin need to

Appear in order in the satchel.

And then turn it over to reveal

A sequence that will open the



Jamaal and I are leaving in...

First place.


We have to stay out of the

Pack because there is another

U-turn and there are other teams

Going for us.

It's clear to us that other

Teams see us as the greatest

Threat for him.

Right now we are going on the


Teams must now drive

Themselves to this village where

They'll find a sand buggy parked

Next of the highway.

Drive yourself into the


Babe, we know what the code

Is already.

Good thing, trusty eam did

The code break-in.

We went right up to the car and

She was like and we were good

To go.

I think the exit is but

It's ok.

Just keep going.

Would you rather drive?

No, I don't feel comfortable


There's a u-turn ahead, babe,

And you need to get directions.


Let's go.

All right.

Come on.


It's a rough day but we're

Coming back strong but we've

Held on to our ace.

We have the express pass and

We will be playing hit the leg.

Caution, u-turn.

I'm worried that jay and amy

Might u-turn us.

There was an issue where they

Thought we had taken their bags

Out of their cab.

If I were them I'd u-turn us.

Hopefully I'll get there first.

I'll drive.

Just promise you're not going to

Yell at me.

Just promise you're not going

To go slow.

I see leo.

Travis and nicole are behind us.

We may consider u-turning them.

You think they're going to

U-turn us?

They shouldn't.

Our main goal twows be out in

Front so we can approach the

U-turn board before any of them.

Babe, we were supposed to

Make that left.

Are you sure?

I don't think we were supposed

To make that left.

You have $1 for this leg of

The race.

Where are the coins?

What did I do with the coins?

How do you unlock it with coins?

Caution, u-turn ahead.


We've got to do it.

Ninjas here we go.

The bunnies just got here.

Is there like a sensor on


So we have to find out how

The codes are are we missing


There's got to be a way for

This to work.

Maybe it's this.

Right now looking at the back

Of the pattern compare it to

What's on the bag and the

Numbers and we're going to try

Entering that.

Oh, that's not a six.

It's a nine.

Finally figured out the code

And we are on our way.

It's just annoying that

There's a u-turn and a speed


If we're going to win this race

We're going to have to


We're not bunnies anymore.

We're ninjas.

They don't know what they're

Doing. They're waiting for them

To pass them.

I actually say that they do

Because they is a speed bump.

We don't.

But they're following us.

I don't know.

Oh, my god, dune buggies!

Travis, right here.

It's an all-terrain vehicle.


Follow the flags into the


All right, go, go, go.

All right.

Burn them, dude.


Don't k*ll me.

All right.

You go.

Come on.

Hurry, hurry!


We are in a huge hurry and we

Don't know where we're going.

How do you get there from


There are two signs that you

Will see.


Look for clue boxes, man.

Right there.

Doing a great job.



You're doing a great job.




Travis, we're getting buried.

Oh, man.

Go, go, go, go.

We're in trouble.

Return to your ford explorer

And go to al ain oasis.

Where the hell did they go?

You have to get enough moment


Oh, they got stuck, yes.

Oh, watch it, watch it.

Hurry, hurry.

Good job, babe.


Drive yourselfs to al ain oasis.

We've got to go.

Come on, babe.

Travis and nicole got stuck.

Amy and jay aren't here yet.

Just worry about us.

We are definitely in the


This is the most desert I've

Ever seen in my life.

Who's this?

Who's this?

That was boston.

Tharp the boys that just

Left, right?

Travis and nicole are here.

Guys, I really hope they

Don't u-turn us.

I know.

Have fun.

There's our...

Hurry because freaking tim

And marie.

We need to go fast.


Good job, baby!

There's the flag over there.

Keep going.

It's right there.

You get clue.

Let's go, let's go.

It's go-time.


I think we're done.

All right.

Let's go!

This is cool.


Try not to like be sideways.

Like go on the flat part.

Up there, up there.

Tim and marie are on our ass.

Yeah, they are.

Al ain owe way sys.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

It would have nice to be

Behind another team.

It's ok.

I haven't seen the girls yet.

Oh, look.


We're going to haul booty.

There we go.


The girls are right there.

Should we go that way?

Go this way.

You're ok.

You're ok.

Go straight.

Oh, we're going on a dune


This is not good.

Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.

We're stuck.

Dune buggy, yeah!

We're stuck.

I'm really hot.


Pismo dunes paid off!

Oh, god I have a race car


This is horrible.

Let's go back.

Whoo-hoo, we got this.

Careful going around.

You're going straight back down

The way you came.


Punch it, punch it.

I so misthe end of my shoes.

I don't know what to do.

I don't know what to do.
Is that working?

Is that working?

Wait, wait, wait, the clutch

Is going.

We have to switch dune bugies

Because we burned out the


We've never driven dune

Bugies before as you probably

May have figured.

It was a cool experience.

But I don't know that I would do

It again.


Probably not do that again.

Go to al ain owe way sys.

Sir, where's get one?

We're looking for the al ain

Oasis museum.

This is worse.

Travis right there to the


It's right here, the owe way



All of this is the oasis.

They're up there.

That's a cool way to climb a


All right.

You go.

Thank you.


This detour gives teams

The opportunity to take part in

An emiratey celebration.

Wedding guests require them to

Prepare a ceremonial dish.

They must prepare them according

To the recipe and deliver them

To the cooking station.

When the chef feels it has been

Made to order, they must serve

It up to the wedding guests to

Receive their next clue.

Beauty contests requires teams

To pick a champion among dozens

Of these wannabe beauty queens.

Following a set of guidelines,

They must identify a camel

Dressed in arab finery and go to

The judges.

If they are a winner, they will

Get their next clue.

We don't know where we are.

We just went in a big circle.

We're in the freaking middle


We just went in a big circle.

When you go left four times

You're back to where you


I'm not sure where exactly we

Stand right here.

We haven't seen travis and

Nicole for a while.

There they go.

There's another team.

Let's hurry up and go.

We were the first to get out

Of there.

And with the express pass we

Should be able to move ahead.

Right there.

Right there, right there.

Come on.

Let's go.


Right in here.

All right.

So we just need to get one.

Can someone help us?

Thank you.


Look at this guy.

Let's go.

Why did it take us so long to

Find that?

Perhaps nicole could have

Done that quickly and could have

Already been there.

That looks like a fort.

There's the entrance right


Express pass.

Thank you.

Search for your next clue in the


To be able to bypass our

Detour, this was our ideal

Situation to use the express


Come on.

Come on.

Let's go.

Travis, u-turn.

This is a double u-turn

With teams have the opportunity

To slow down two other teams

Forcing them to perform both

Sides of the detour.

What do we do?

They told a lie.

They lied.

We u-turn jamaal and leo.

We had to make a decision.

And it was quite easy for us to

Make that decision because we

Had a conversation with jamaal

And leo.

Did you u-turn adam?

We didn't see them.

Fact that they would look to

Us in our face and lie to us.

It was just like whatever,

Here's your u-turn.

Thank you, sir.

Search for your next clue.

They lied to me.

Al ali national museum.

Is it a good one?

Yes, it is.

You have to look at the top

Of the trees.

They're right there.

Go, go, go, go, go, go.

We're choosing a beauty


If I can't dress up my

Contestant I've got some serious


I see it right there.

Let's go.

Wedding guests over here.

This is the station.

I own a restaurant bar.

I love cooking.

I'm great with knives.

I feel with leo's experience we

Might be able to get it done


Get the 10 garlic cloves.

Oh, my god, our beauty

Contestant is a camel.



So we want it to look like this.

Are we putting makeup on?

We're supposed to pick the

Prettiest camel.

All right.

What about this one right here?

He doesn't even have any big


We want him to look nice like


Back length.

Back height.

Hump shape.

Listen their nose shape has

To be like this like


Like we're looking for a camel

That looks good.

He's all busted.

It's like a show dog kind of


You had to pick a camel that had

The right spacing between their


We want their toes to be even.

Let's see.

Like look at that guy.

His petti is all busted up.

This one looks good.

Look at the straight legs.

Right here.

This one?

How's his hump?

Ears are straight.

The hump is right where his


Is he knows it too.

He knows it too.

His nose is right.

His legs are straight.

Come on, pal.

I know, I know.

I'm not happy about either.

But let's just get it going.

My god, we have to beat them


We have a speed bump and

There's a u-turn.

The only thing we have going on

Our side is the u-turn like the

Afghan malls or something.

We saw travis and nicole

Leaving the al ain oasis.

They're probably doing the camel

Thing right now.

Hopefully they won't u-turn us.

Did he spit on me?


Did he kick you?

Got me.

All right.

That was a firm damn, I just

Got blasted.

It kicked me right in the


You to firn dressing him.

I know.

But I'm afraid he's going to

Kick me again.

What was I going to do at that

Point, I just got kicked by a


Scratch it off my bucket list

And move on.

All right.

We're done.

I think, right?

Let's bring him over.

Come on.

Right over here.


That's beautiful.

I think he looks handsome.

Oh, so pretty.

Right, he looks good, right?

It's not beautiful?

What's wrong with him?

Let's do this again.

Come on, move.


Let's roll.

That white one in the far


Did you guys pick a camel



Come on.

Come here, baby.

That one's pretty.

I kind of like this one.

Nose shape.

Ear firmness, yeah, looks


Has a nice little hump.

I'm a former miss rhode island

U.s.a. And miss rhode island

Teen u.s.a.

May we choose it was pretty

Similar to actual real beauty


Yeah, the nice mane hair and

The eyelashes.

The symmetrical eyes.

About the same.

Wadi adventures.

Kayak, surf.


Speed bump.

Who likes rapid transit?

That would be me.

This roadblock requires

Teams to navigate the world's

Largest man made rapids.

Ambulancing on a raft they must

Collect three different color

Flags hanging above this wild

Water course.

Once they collect all three

Flags, their guy will hand them

Their next clue.

Nicole has to grab like three


I think they said grab four

Which is is pretty fast.

Get down, get down, get down.

All right.

There's a flag.

Oh, my god.

Come on.


Oh, my god, I missed i.

Come on, nicole, let's get


You missed it.

I'm not tall enough.

Right there.

I see one.

Can you get that one down for


Thank you so much.

We're doing a beauty contest.

Come oranges bunny.

There it is.

Right there.

It's amazing.

Hopefully the girls have their

Speed bump before the detour.

Beauty contest.


Thank you, guys.

I love chopping!

Now, the tears are coming.

I bet you wish you had one of

These for me.

There we go.

Very pretty.

I do like blondes.

I think it just burped.

This one's not cooperating.

We picked a bad camel.

All right.

Come on.


This is the prettiest one

There is.

And we groomed it.

It's ok.



Thank you.

Search for your next clue in

Al jahi tower.

We have to drop this camel off

And go to the next tower.

How did you guys do?

We got it.

We have to go to a tower.

Do you see a tower?

Yeah, I see 50 towers.

Come on.

Come on.

No, no, no I got the rope.

And now she's dirty.

He just messed up their head.

Babe, they're saying no.

We have to go back and do it


The tower?

I mean, could these be...

This is the food thing.

No, let's get out of here.

Hold on.

It could be any one of these.

Hey, guys.

Did you find the tower?

Which tower.

We're doing the detour.

The food?



Which tower?

We'll go to the front and see

Outside if you see anything.

A tower?

They probably got a clue

Already for the beauty thing.

This is probably taking too


Come on.

Come on!

We're not done.

When they saw we were done and

Wanted to change.

This guy seems like he's

Coorping better.

Our decision was not good at


It's not like I stared into his

Eyes an went ooh, the eyelashes.

The afghanimals just got


It's beautiful.

Look at it.

This one at least is more

Calm than the other one.


Are we good


Come on, pretty.




Thank you very much.

Al ali toy we are.

I don't want to al ali


I don't want to leave.

Do you want to take our bags?

I don't know if we're done with

The cars.

Let's just take our bags.

Just seems stupid.

I know it seems stupid.

All right.


All right.

I don't want to do and run 45

Minutes in the wrong direction

When it was two feet from where

It was supposed to be.

Put it over put it over

The big hump right over the



One, two beautiful girl.

Oh, yeah.

Oh, whoa, whoa.

Watch your legs.

They'll kick you.

Thank you, guys.

They're not going u-turn anyone.

Drive yourselves to the


Thank you, sir.

Let's go, nicole.

All right.

Let's go!



Good job!

Let's go, nicole!

Yeah, babe!

Another miss.

All right.

Here's another one.

Sb yeah.

She got another one.

One to go.

This is it!

Come on, get this flag, babe y.

Fell in the boat but she's in

The boat.

Great job!

I saw it!

Great job.

I was really proud of nicole

And how she got through the

White water rafting.

Nicole will not quit.

Here you go.

Drive yourselves to...

This winding highway with

To be the best driving road in

The world climbing 4,000 feet to


The last team to check in here

May be eliminated.

Good job.

So far, no sign of anybody

The way we like it.

Everything was working out

The way we were hoping for this




To the tower.

Right there.

There it is.

There it is.


We've been u-turned.

Travis an nicole, users.

I have no idea what the

Reasoning was u-turning us.

It gives us more determination

To prove to these teams who

U-turn us will not have an

Affect on our goal which is

Finishing first.

I have no idea where tim and

Marie went.

There they are.

They're looking for the clue.

They're running around on foot.

Let's not let them see us.

We're like half a mile away

From where we finished dressing

The camel.

Oh, my go.

Do you see anything?


Damn it.

Damn it.

Hurry up.

Can you help me?

Al jahili tower.

Yes, there's a fort.

There's a tower in the fort.

Do you speak english?

We need to find al jahili fort.


We passed the ice girls

Asking for directions.

I think we might be a little

Bit ahead of them right now.

So we just want to find a

Place and find phil.

God, did you look out there?

Phil, where are you?

We're here.

Welcome to the city of united

Arab emirates.

Nicole and travis, you are

Team number one.

I have some great news for you.

As the winners of this leg of

The race, you have each won your

Choice of any vehicle in ford's

Lineup with an ecoboost engine.

That includes the explorer, the

Fusion, the focus and more.


You know things are getting

Hyper competitive and you chose

To u-turn the afghanimals an I

Just wanted to ask you why.

We asked them if they

U-turned anyone?

And they lied.

It was basically our way of

Saying we are running this race

In an honest way and you guys

Should be doing the same.

One teas spoon, ground


Leo and I have been u-turned.

People feel like we're the

Biggest threat.

We have this target on our back

Since day one.

It's going to take us a long


So I'm guessing the main tall

Tower might be where we're

Supposed to go.

Good thing we took our bags.

God, I could punch you the

Face right now.

I said it's in here.

You know what...

I can't even right now.

Put our bags down.

Want to do the bunnies.



Sorry, bunnies, but a little

Stunt at the airport cost you an


You can't bump yourself on

The line...

We're not doing that.

We were already on standby.

Drive yourselves to wadi


See it?

Al jahili fort.

Come on, bunny.

They're here.

It's ok.

Hey, friends, which one is

The fairest?

Let's see.

Ooh, that one.

Come here.


What do we do?

What about this one?

This one right here?

Yeah, should we wrangle that



This one.

I think we should do the

Other one because you don't want

It to be up to an animal.



We're going to do the other


We can't rely on animals.

I think we're going to do it


Are you kidding me?

The bunnies are getting here.

What's up, girls?

Is it hard?

We're almost done.

How long have you been here?

Like 15 minutes.

The roadblock.

So I guess it's me.

Here we go.

Here we go.

No flags so far.

Just keep watching.

Forward, forward, keep going.

I see the flag.


Oh, yeah.

Oh, look at you.

You're posing.

Ooh, you're getting all fancy on


We're really good at makeup

And hair.


I've never actually like

Gutted a chicken like this.

A lot more appreciation for a


I have an appreciation for

Garlic and onions.

Oh, I got chicken blood on


Good luck.

We're almost done.


We have everything on there,



Whoo-hoo, you are one hot


Look how pretty it is.

It's long.

It's lean.

You're so fancy.


You like it?


Thank you!

Al jahili tower.

Is that the tower?


No way.

I was shocked when I saw that

Jamaal and leo got u-turned

Again and people are going to

Pick on them.

Drive yourselves to wadi



Are you ready?


Let's do it.

Thank you.

Pit stop.

Here we come, phil.

It's going to be rafting.

I'll do it.

Hopefully phils waiting for

Us with a cold beer because we

Need it after this leg.


It's actually a lot harder

Than I thought.

I've rafted before but not like


Don't fall out of the raft.

It was difficult to control

The boat.

I'm not sure you're supposed to

Spinning that many times.

You all right?

Yeah, fine.

This might be my last potato.

You want to call the guy?

Garlic, potatoes, pepper.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.


Mix everything in there.

I feel like martha stewart.

Doesn't that smell good,


Bye, guys.

Put it in here.

Food is coming.

Thank you.


We already went there.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Drive yourselves to wadi


Let's go.

Let's go.

He almost died.

Forward now.


Did you get them?


All of them?


Thank god.

You played well.

The last team to check in may

Be eliminated.

All right.

Let's go.

We've got to get there as quick

As we can.

If they messed up for two

Minute, we're right behind them.

Does it look like that in the


Not really.

Do we need to pull over.

Al jimi majandi road.

What do you want me to do?

Turn around.

Nope, we should have


Let's go get them.

They want to get it right the

First time.

Hi, how are you?

Can you approve our ingredients?



It looked so good.


Thank you!

Hi, guys!

You guys hungry?

We made you a good meal.

Are we done?


Maybe it's the tower that we

Just went to.

We got u-turned.

Are you kidding me right now?

Let's go.

Think tim and marie u-turned

Us because they're mean.

I like this one.

It's got some lashes.


Let's do it.

This one?

Jason and amy, do you know

What team you are?

And you would be right.

Are you satisfied with that?

There's a lot of frustration.

We got frustrated when we were

At a loss.

Today was pure t*rture.

You're getting a little bath

There, camel.

So pretty.


He's a model.

It's beautiful.


Thank you so much.

Where the u-turn was.

Thank you.

Drive yourselves to wadi


Turn where?


Where are you going?


What do you mean where I am I


It's frustrating for both of

Us because she's trying to read

A map in a foreign place and

It's not easy.

And I'm driving at a place where

The stoplights are different.

There are roundabouts everywhere

And it's frustrating for me too.

Do you know where we are in

The map at all?


Where do I go right here?

I don't know.

I don't know.
Oh, god.

Oh, god.

You think we're going the

Wrong way?

I'm so lost right now.

Oh, god.

Do you want to ask these guys.

We need to go to wadi


We don't do well when we have

To drive ourselves.

You're a bad driver.

I drive like we're in a race

For a million dollars.

But you don't keep up.

We keep getting great

Information but we don't follow


You're team number three.

I'm mad that we didn't check

That tower.

You had the opportunity to

U-turn the team.

We don't want to see the

Bunnies go because we like them

But after they screwed us over

In the airport, they deserved


Like enough already.

Who likes rapid transit?

I'll do it.

I've never been white water

Rafting but I've always wanted


My god, we actually did

Something right.


Er see the clue box.

Where is it?

It's right in front of you.

Who likes rapid transit?


I am.

What am I doing?

We see them and the bunnies

Still have a speed bump to do.


Go, jamaal!


She's got this.

She'll do it.

Forward, forward, forward.


Come on, come on, come on.

Speed bump.

After arriving last in the

Previous leg nicky and kim must

Now complete an extra task

Called a speed bump.

This speed bump requires them to

Quickly make their way across

The wave generating pool which

Create as six foot wave every 90


If they avoid wiping out and

Make it to the other side, they

Can continue racing.

At first we thought well,

This is easy but then I forgot

That kim is afraid of heights.

I don't think I can do this.

You can totally do this.

I'm going to cry.

This is not easy.

It was a really high jump.

And I don't like jumping in the

Water with a wave that's going

To take you away.

I don't know.

It was really scary.

I don't know.

Can you do it first?


Come on, kim.



Oh, crap.

Come on, jamal, you got this!


Come on, jamal!

Did you get it yet?

I got two.

One of them I wasn't even close

To getting.

I have to go again.

Forward, forward, forward.

See you soon.


Come on.

We've got this.

Oh, my god.


You got it, ash, just one

More flag.

You can do it.

Oh, my god, it's really hard

To climb.

It's so hard.

I can't do this.

You got it, ashley, one more.


I knew would you'd do it.


We've got to go.

All right.

I hate this.

This is hard.

Oh, my god.



Leo andjamal.

You're team number four.

The other teams can try

Whatever they want.

We've got chicken blood on us

From this day.

The next thing is the human


Alley and ashley that

Would make you team number five.

Now I know that there's been a

Lot of affection between you.

They're our race wives.

Is there a potential for

Something to happen?

If we finish one, two,

There's a potential to work

Something out.

I got the flags.

Good try.

Nicky and kim, I'm sorry

To tell you that you are the

Last team to arrive.

And wile you've been saved on

Two previous legs,

Unfortunately, this time you

Have been eliminated from the


We thought so.

Thank you for everything,


We had such an amazing time.

I faced so many fears.

And it does make me feel like I

Can do anything.

And I'm going to remember what I

Learned on the race that you

Just have to do it.

Babe y, baby, this is for


I hope you're proud of me.

I'm glad that I've had this

Experience with my best friend.

I expected to see you guys

Crying but you're not crying.

We're so glad.

We didn't I we did it in a

Way that's honorable.

I feel really thankful for this


I don't like being a ninja.

Maybe we can go back to being

Maybe we can go back to being


Stay tuned for scenes from

Stay tuned for scenes from
our next episode.

Our next episode.

Next week on ...the amazing

Race... Enemies come


Jamal and leo you just can't

Believe them.

But as the pressure mounts

In indonesia...

I will use my common sense.

Nicole resorts to

Desperate measures.


Going to the judging area and

Try to look and cheat.

Try to look and cheat.
I'm speechless right now.
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