23x11 & 23x12 - Amazing Crazy Race

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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23x11 & 23x12 - Amazing Crazy Race

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on ...the amazing

Race... 11 Teams began an epic



Along the way, they sorlede over


I am par gliding in chile.


Batted in portugal.


Lunged into the arctic.

And roared through abu dhabi.

The express pass was leveraged.

What did we do wrong?

We have an express pass, help


I'll tell you where you can

Stick your express pass.

And u-turns were served.

Sorry, guys.

We have to give ourselves a


Seven teams were


Ron and sharon.

Chester and ephraim.

Tim and adam.

Nicky and kim.

Alley and ashley, you have been

Eliminated from the race.

Within the final four, some

Teams bonded.

We've been working with

Travis and nicole.

To us they're mini mentors.

While others battled.

Running to a judging area and

Try to look and cheat.

Through u-turns.

We u-turned jamaal and leo.

Stolen taxis.

If their bags aren't in it...

The afghanimals took their cab.

And heated battles.

You don't know what you would

Have done.

The four teams still


Jason and aim illinois quickly

Became the model of consistency

On the racecourse.

Come on, jason!

When we'd get the chance,

Things that we can control,

We're going to excel.

And in their relationship.

I feel like a princess in a


With five second-place

Finishes the dating couple

Overcame bad weather.

We cannot jump now because

It's too window.

And bad cam else.

Now she's dirty.

As they swarmed stormed

Into the final four by finally

Winning a leg.

You are team number one!

Out of the gates, nicole and

Travis truly were the power


Think of the kids.

Exceling in challenges and


I want the express pass.

However, in recent legs,

Nicole has crumbled under


Ok, travis.

I mean, that's crazy.

But the married e.r.

Doctors still pulled through

Into the final four.

You're team number three.

From the beginning, tim and

Marie proved you don't have to

Like each other...

I didn't know they made

People's voices as shrill as


To work with together.

You are team number one.

The fighting continued.

I counted them already.

So annoying.

And continued.

I could punch you in the face

Right now.

But with marie leading the

Way, the combative exes earned a

Spot in the final four.

Leo and jamaal announced their

Presence from the start.

After early stumbles and

Surviving two u-turns...


The doesens appeared poise

To take control.

You are team number one!

But instead, they barely hung


We conquered and then we

Ultimately failed.

Favre and now face a greater

Obstacle in the final four.

There's a speed bump coming up.

First to worst and hopefully

From worst to first.

Favre coming up, one of these

Four teams will win $1 million

And ...the amazing race....

And ...the amazing race....


Indonesia has more than

Volcano ring of fire.

And case cascading almost 300

Feet, these water falls will

Serve as the start of the 11th

Leg in a race around the world.

Jason and amy won the last leg

Of the race and will depart

First at 1:25 a.m.

Fly to tokyo.

Teams must fly north to

The modern me drop lills of toke

Yo, japan.

Once they've land they'll need

To make their way to this

Temple, filled with hundreds of

Ceramic kat statues, a popular

Japanese lucky charm that

Invites happiness.

Here they'll find their next


Let's go.

We neat need do some


Our strategy is go out and

Continue to work with travis and

Nicole in order to ensure we get

To be in the final three.

Right now there are two

Flight options that will get us

There at either 6:10 in the

Morning tomorrow or 6:20 in the


One is through hong kong and one

Is through bank cock.

We'll get this stuff from the

Travel agency and make sure that

Travis and nicole and everyone

Else is on the same thing as us.

What's with the cats?

The million dollars is right


It's ours for the taking.

What's it like in tokyo, is

It cold?


We're clearly the strongest


We have sets of skill that you

Don't see off the bat.

We're not just an athletic team.

We're smart.

If push comes to shove and we

Need to be bigger, faster,

Stronger than somebody, we will.

To the travel agency.

Fly to tokyo.

Let's go.

We're so close to making it

Into that final group.

Growing up I participated in a

Number of athletics.

I feel like I'm really

Tenacious, always competitive

And I don't like losing.

Things come very easy to


There are times where he's not

Always very patient when I don't

Get things at the same level

That I do.

But we've been together for 13

Years and that's who he is.

What time?

Flight that was our option.

The other one is full but

Somehow, some way, I'm sure the

Afghanimals will figure out a

Way to take that flight.

Searching your next clue by

The white cats.

Yes, I love white cats!

Travis and nicole and tim and

Marie, we know they're going to

g*ng up against leo and I but

That's no different.

Leo and I going into the final

Three feeling good.

Stay right here.

We'll be right back.

You arrive at tokyo at 6...

In the morning.


Hi, guys.

So travis, what's your master

Plan about keeping the

Afghanimals behind?

The plan needs to be that we

All stick together, try to make

Sure that these are the three

Teams that get to the finals.

If we're going to guarantee that

Then we're going to have to work

As a team of six instead of a

Team of two.

I can tell you they'll gamble

On a flight.

They may help us out just by

Doing that

Thank you very much.

Can we have the same exact


Hello, good morning.

Thank you.

We need whatever they got.

Let's go.

We just saw travis and nicole

And we acted like we didn't even

See them.

They lie and they said that

That's how they're doing the


We choose not to be those


We're on the same flight.

Connecting in bangkok and

Straight to tokyo.

We're still going to do

Additional research just to make

Sure we get there a little


All we have to do is find a

Computer right now.

I don't want to fly anywhere

At all.

For like three years.

Connecting in hong kong and

We get there at 6:10.

Leo and I have found

Something else.

Singapore to hong kong, hong

Kong to tokyo.

All the other teams have a

Flight to bangkok and then

Straight to tokyo.

Knowing we have a speed bump

Ahead there's that much more

Pressure on us but we know we're

Going to come through.

Here we go.

We have a transfer to bangkok

But we want to go to hong kong.

Please, please.

We're on our way to bangkok

And then we're headed to tokyo

From there.

The afghanimals are m.i.a.

I have another two seats


That's great.

So now we're on an earlier

Flight than everyone else.

We'll get there 10 to 15

Minutes before the other teams

And that's a huge difference.

This is exactly what they


They want us sitting here

Wondering where we are.

We're all on the same plane.

We're going to tokyo!

I bet you anything in two

Minutes they're going come walk

Into the door.

They're waiting for us to all

Walk in so we can be doing this.

Figured they would wait until

The last minute.

We assumed we were all going

To be on the same flight but

They never came on our flight.

All teams are now on their

All teams are now on their
way to tokyo, japan.

Way to tokyo, japan.

Let's go, let's go.


Go to the temple.

You know the cats?


Got it?

We are the first team here.

Who knows how much earlier we

Got here.

That basically almost guarantees

Us a first place in this crucial

Leg of the race.

Welcome to japan.

Come on.

Come on, babe.

Let's go.

Let's catch those suckers.

There are only two taxis.

To the temple.

Tell number?

No, we don't have a number.


Are you kidding?

These guys have no idea.

We need another taxi.

Do you have the address?


We need a taxi.

Yes, three.

We were burning a lot of time

Right now.

Listen, if someone gets me a

Taxi I'll tell everyone the

Address because I have it.

We had researched where we

Were going.

Ied a a had the address.

I know where we needed to go for

The clue.

I had it the whole time.

You guys were about to peel out

Of here without me.

Let's go.

At that point I felt like let's

Just go.

I don't want to wait for tim and


We'll have to mention a third


Are you kidding me?

Go, go, go.

The taxis think we're all


Let's all stick together.

Oh, my god.

This one?

Follow them.

This is bad.

It's going to be a long day.

It's going to be a long day.
They're so mad.

They're so mad.

I'm frustrated that we're

Trying to leave and he

Determines that we're going to

Leave or go.

We had to wait for a taxi for

Tim and marie.

We're definitely excited to

Be in tokyo racing for the final


Not surprising that the plan

To stick together kind of

Dissent grated.

We're not sure where the

Afghanimals are.

Whether they missed a flight or

Are 10 minutes ahead of us right


Is that it?


Yeah, that was the entrance.

Just wait here.

Hopefully we're the first


There it is.

Bring me good luck on this

Race, baby.


Go, go, go.


Knock it down or call it off.

This detour gives teams

The opportunity to welcome a

Human bowling ball or make a

Phone call inside a giant

Goldfish t*nk.

Let's go.

Jamaal chose knock it down

Because after seeing season 20

With the chicken, we were dying

To do a japanese game show.

We don't see any other teams.

In our minds we're like wow, the

Gamble paid off.

We're in first place.

We're off to tokyo middle

City to act a fool.

Uh, I'm not sure what place

We're in.

We don't know be the if the

Afghanimals changed their


We changed our initial plan to

Work together.

Here it is.

Wait, we'll be right back.

Thank you.

We'll be right back.

Which way should we go?

I see them right over here to

The right.

There they are.

Kitty cats.

There are a lot of commitens.



The temple of the waving kat.

Detour, knock it down or call

It up.

Knock it down.

Knock it down.

I think we'll do call it up.

Tokyo media city.

Are you guys going to media



Are they doing it too?

Nobody knows?

We took a gutsy move.

That 10 minutes sure as hell

Paid off.

I-don't like being in a pack.

You know what where the

Park is?

They don't seem to know where

Anything is if it's not written

In symbols.

The drivers refused to

Separate from each other.

Neither of these guys have

Any clue where it is.

What a surprise.


Kanuda park.

Not media center.

They want to continue

Following each other and

Obviously that's not going to

Work for us.

After this, whoever finishes

First, we're going to have to


I'm confident of the position

We're in.

Hopefully we finish this fast,

Get through our roadblock and

Get to the speed bump before the

Other teams get here.

We know the game show is

Tense and crazy.

So we're just excited.

Pick four pins.

I got it.




Are you ready to play the human

Bowling game?

Ok, number one.

You must get your game suits for


You look like it's your


It's my birthday.

Happy birthday, huh?

Oh, now you look very beautiful.


You so beautiful too.

Oh, my!

You bring the pin over here.

One, two, three, four.

This is the human bowling


Knock it down requires

Teams to compete in a japanese

Game show called...

Human balling ball!

Both team members must

Become the ball and try to knock

Over all the pins.

Once they've scored a strike,

The game show host will hand

Them their next clue.

Are you ready?

Not yet.

Hurry up.

You much him.

How come you're not ready?

This is crazy.

That is not easy.

Wait, wait

I got it.

Ready and start!


Ok, one more time.

You must go up again.

We took it as a bowling

Approach going from the side.

We tried curving in but it was

So heavy and with those speed

Bumps on the ramp, made them go

To the right.

I coming just to watch.

Ok, very good.

Ok, very good.

Must help him.


Now we must switch positions.

Hold on.

I'm not going to let you...

Are you ready?





Hurry up, hurry.

One more time.

Very hard.

It is hard.

You can do.

I think is this it?

The park?

We're going to do the call it


So what's the name of this


Can you read the name of that



This is the park, you know.

This is the park?


Come on.

Let's find them.

Where are they run something

They see something?

You have to look for the


When we figured out we were

At our programmed location for

The detour, it only made sense

To do whatever detour that was.

Why would you jeopardize getting

Lost trying to find the other


Do you know the orchard?

Go straight?

Stay here.

They're going to have to come

Back for anywhere cabs anyway.

Don't run.

We want them to go somewhere.

Are you guys going to do the

Other thing?

We started walking because we

Didn't want to tip off tim and

Marie that we knew the detour

Was at that location.

You think this lady with the

Dog can answer us?

Just walk.

We kept walking a little bit

Because the clue said only two

Teams could attempt it at the

Same time.

So it's that way?

We ran into a local who told us

She knows where the media center


They don't know what where

They're going.

They don't either so let's

Just do this.

What's the big risk?

It is.

Without them.

You guys want to run now?

They just went and ran into

The middle of this park.

Here's the phone booth right



You have to get in the water,


Oh, crap.

It was filled with water and

All these goldfish how do you

Make a phone call under water?

Didn't make sense.

Call it up requires teams

To become immersed in a pop

Already art insulation that

Makes use of japan's obsolete

Phone booths.

One team member just jump in to

Take a call and then run over to

Their partner and tell them what

They've heard.

When the correction information

Is heard by the judge, they'll

Receive their next clue.

We have to get into uniform.

Oh, sh**t.

What kind of costume?

Travis and amy.

This is going to be touch.


I'm going to have to push you


Are you ready?





Maybe this time.

This is your chance.

You can win.


Ok, oh!

One more time!


How to go best?

Straight down the middle.

After seeing that both far

Right side and left side didn't

Work, we said let's just go

Straight down the middle.

That's the best chance we could


And start!

Ok, ok, ok, ok!





Ok, ok!

Ok, you win.

You win.

Wait, wait, wait...

Thank you.

Nice job.

Right down the middle.

Make your way to the fountain.

I know where that has.

Let's go.

Should we put our clothes


All right.

Jamaal and I didn't see any

Other teams.

We wanted them to think we

Missed our flight so they could

Be relaxed.

Thank you very much.

That was a lot of fun and now we

Know we're for sure in first


Have to be, man.

I had to get in a sexy little

Speedo swimsuit.

It's cute.

Please, I want to switch.

Travis looked sexy in his

Orange speedo and orange fish


Feeling real sexy right now.

Go ahead.



I know, wait.

This is cold.

So when I took my first breath

It wasn't a big one so I wasn't

Underwater and I dialed the

Number and by the time I dial it

Would number I was prepare out

Of breath.

Hold on.

I can't breathe.

You have to hold your breath.

You climb on the top, submerge

Down and hear the message.

Oh, it's so cold.

Come on, babe.

You had to go down and you

Had to listen and just not


Welcome to tokyo!

Wasabi, taberu.


I got it, babe.

Come on, come on.


I fell down like a little


You ok?

I'm fine.

Say to me.

Tokyo, wasabi welcome to


Welcome to tokyo!

Wasabi, taberu.

It put a smile on my face.

I was like I won't forget those


I got it, travis.

Hurry up.

Welcome to tokyo.

Wasabi thank you.

I went and I said welcome to

Tokyo and I gave her a nice big

Smile and she smiled back and

Gave me the clue.

Make your way to the fountain


Didn't take very long.

That was good because I'm

Sure the bowling is going to

Take longer.

That still wasn't the park

That they were looking for.

Oh, look.


We'll be back.


This is a very special game.

The human bowling ballgame!

We are going to do human

Japanese bowling.

I'm excited.

I bet jamaal and leo's are pink.

We saw all the costumes so we

Figured the afghanimals had some

Horrible type of travel disaster

Where they didn't even make it


Are you boyfriend-girlfriend?

No, we used to be.


We broke up.

What does it mean, broke up?

She broke my heart.


It is an american love story?

It's an american horror




Are you ready?


And start!



No, no, you must go again.

You must go again.

Why would you throw me in the

Air like that?

I was trying to push her off.

Yeah, he was actually trying

To injure me.

That was our only changes...


That was amazing.

You almost fly.


Hey, hey, hey.


Oh, my gosh.


Only one pin.

Only one!

I'm sorry.

Gee, I can't believe you.

Only one.


This is ridiculous!

I don't understand.

How are we going to do this?

Can't even get close to all

The pins.

The pins.
It's pathetic.

It's pathetic.

Maybe you need more speed.

You're going to get it.

One more time!

Listen, I'm going to blast

You into the wall and then off

The wall into the pins.

More speed, more speed.

Push off the wall and flail

And spin.

The only way we were going to

Get 10 pins down was with him

Because you're going faster if

You're heavier.

I went for a steady push to get

Him going fast.

Ok, oh!


Make your way to the


Search for your next clue.

Let's go.

No sign of the afghanimals.

They either did the phone thing

Or got really screwed up at the


Yeah, perfect.

Thank you.



Let's go, man.

Right there.


Speed bump.

After arriving last in the

Previous leg, leo and jamaal

Must now complete an extra task

Called a speed bump.

This speed bump requires them to

Become an apprentice zookeeper

And capture an escaped rhino

From a local zoo.

Believe it or not, this is a

Real drill.

Once the animal has been

Contained, they can continue

Racing and try to catch up with

The other teams.

Let's go it do it!

Let's go, leo.

This is what we're made for.


Where's in rhino?



Leo, tie it up, tie it up,


Get this side.

Tie it around.

Tie it, jamaal?

I am.

No, no.

That's not correct.

They're like no, no, no.

Like you have to follow what we


Who do we follow?


Oh, we're about to do

Something fun.

There it is right there.


Right here.

That's the water fountain.

The afghanimals are here.

Are you kidding me?

They're here, dude.

Just focus, man.

Finally see the afghanimals

And so now we know they made the


Pipe up or go home.

Pipe up?

We have to do it.

Are made and used in japan.

This roadblock gives teams the

Opportunity to build a robot.

When the engineer approves of

Their work she'll hand them

Their next clue.

Here's a finished example for

Your reference.

Here we go.

The model was this big in the

Middle of a big plaza.

Here's the pieces, figure it


That's got to be able to get

The hole.

Come on, amy.

Come on, nicole.

You guys, you can actually try

To do it together.

It will go quicker.

Wasn't to try to do it



Make sure it's right, girls.

Baby, I got this.

It's like building legos.

We have to go when it's our


Basically we had to do this

Like dance with the nets and

Move forward.

Go back, go back.

Come on.

The he shot it with a g*n

Then everyone threw it on then

We tied it to the legs.



And then everyone picked up

The dead rhino and we threw it

In the back of the truck and

Sent it back to africa.

Hey, the boys are done.

You can do it.

...dumb & dumber... Is helping each

Other out.

You can do this, man.

I believe in you, man.

That's cute.

They're helping each other.

Good job, leo.

It's all you, man.

The pressure is on, ladies!

We can do this together.

Push it through.

Push, push.

I had no problem working with

Nicole today because I needed


I couldn't hold those pieces


Keep going.

We have to go all the way

Through so it looks like a body.

It's all you, leo.

Leo is doing pretty good.

I have total faith in him.

He's a puzzle type of guy.

This is the roadblock meant for


I'm glad he's doing it and not


I kept running back and

Forth, back and forth make sure

I had the correct pieces on the

Right parts.

Keep it up.

Just like legos.

You love legos.

Good luck.

Tim and marie are here.

Oh, my god.

When we got to the roadblock

We realized that we were last

And I was like man, we're dead

In the water.

What am I supposed to be

Looking at?

I'm looking around for a model

The same size as the thing I'm

Supposed to be building.

Where's the thing we're supposed

To be looking at?

You guys know?


They didn't hear me.

Where's the model?

Come on

I need to look at a model.

Where's the model?


Where's this model?

On top of that green thing.

Oh, it's like tiny.

So nicole and amy, you are

Kelled to dead to me at this


They should have helped me at

That point.

Oh, this is ridiculous.

Come on, marie.

Come on, use your muscles.



Stop, stop.

They seemed to have a real

Hard time putting those pieces,

The connectionses to.


Hold on.

Now push.

Travis and I are both really

Frustrated right now that we're

Not doing this because we'd

Already be done and gone.


Got it?

Yeah, let's go do the other


I never knew there were three


We're about to get to the final


Nicole and amy are still helping

Each other, which is kind of

Embarrassing to tell you the


I have total faith in leo.

He knows what he's doing.

Keep going, marie.

This is a little difficult to

Get together right now.

For the most part I can pretty

Much copy and catch up.

It looks like marie is doing

Pretty well.

She's almost caught up to them.

If they want to help each other,

I got marie.

Marie is as strong as both of

Them are together.

But looking at marie, she

Knows how to use the ground and

Her body as leverage to put the

Pieces together.

She's blowing by all of them.

You can do it, leo.

Just focus, focus.

You're right there.

You smell the money?

Because I smell it.

You can see the excitement.

I can't contain it.

Good job, leo.

Easy, easy.

Ok, marie.

Surprisingly the challenge I

Thought was more mental.

Turns out it's a little more

Physical than I thought and I'm

Pleased we're at the same point.

Don't count me out yet.

Marie is going to pass us.

Girls, marie is passing you.

Do not look at he were.

Pay attention to what we're


Stop saying that.

Don't look at he were.

It's going to distract up.

Blows me away.

Good girl.

Good job.

That's the way to do it.

She's doing awesome.

Marie has now surpassed nicole

And amy, which is awesome.

I know she has the strength to

Do it.

Good job.

Anyone could finish first

Right now.

It's anyone's game.

Use all you got.

Use your strength.

Let's go.

Let's go.
If this isn't tense...

If this isn't tense...

Good job, leo.

You're right there, baby.

Right now it's a virtual tie for


All the teams are pretty even

Right now.


Look, it's not letting it go


So let's take it off, flip


This last little wobbly piece

Here, this mouth has to rest in

This arm.

From worst to first.

Let's do it.

Done, done, done!



It's open mouth, it's singing


Come on.



Leo has the middle part on


I noticed that his buttons on

His robot were on the robot's

Back so I knew that he wasn't

Understanding what was wrong

With his robot.

Get her done.

We're almost there.

We started alternating back and

Forth between rain shower


We'd put a piece on amy's and

Come over and put a piece on

Mine because if we got one

Right, we'd get two right.


What the hell is wrong?



They miss messed up.

They're going to take it all


Do they have the pieces


This has to go in between the


Come on.

We're going to do this together.

We've been doing it together the

Whole time.

Hey, just get the thing done.

That thing looks heavy, man.

No, it's not going.

Come on, marie.

You got it, you got it.

No, no, no, other side.

In case that's the problem...

Just focus, leo.


This sucks.

I don't know what's wrong with



Hold it up.

Wait, the mouth is falling too.



Please, molest please.

Amy, let's see if we can get

Mine right.

If we get one right, we get them

Both right, come on.

Now let's align these.

This is not in the center


That's it.

Let's see.



Let's go, nicole.

Let's go.

Don't quit.

That's the way to be smart.

She took the weight off and

Turned it over and then put it


You're ahead of everybody.

You've caught up.

She's pretty good with details

And looks like she's almost


I think I'm done.



Thank you.


Good job.

Tokyo is the land of

Vending machines, including this

One, the broke loose.

Now teams must find this roaming

Vending machine among the hustle

And bustle of tokyo's crossing.

Oh, there's a vending machine

On foot.

Let's go.

Thanks for not helping me, guys.


You came last and kicked butt!

All right, she got it.

Marie got it by herself.

It is a little frustrating

That she came in as a woman

Maybe like 20 minutes boirnled

These two girls that have been

Working together from the start


Let's go.

Stop, stop, stop!

We need to get here as quick as


Scramble crossing.

Let's go, fast, fast!

Let's get it done.

Got to hustle now.

Boy, did we screw up on these


Nicole kills us.

She's just like weak.


Judge, please?

Amy, I'm coming.

We're going to do this.

Oh, my goodness.

I just walked over to the robot

Model and immediately I realized

That my shoulders were too short

And my hips were too wild.

I know what our problem is.


Come here.

We have to do it all over again.

That's a bad sign when you're

Building when you keep taking

Things apart.

I figured out what I did

Wrong from the beginning.

In is a huge problem.

I'm freaking out.

They just took this all apart.

I can't even watch, dude.

Good job.

Come on, man.


Get it right, leo.

That wasn't it?

Man, leo.


Dude, there's nothing else.

It's so much easier when it's

In the right part.

Come on, amy.

You're almost there, girl.

Let's go, nicole.

Been too long.


Thank you.

Good job, babe.

Amy got it.

They got it.

Nicole, let's go?

Make your way to the scramble


Let's go, nicole.

Look, I don't know how much

Help we can do.

What did travis say?

I'm not going to say


You need to focus on putting

The middle one first.

No, through that middle.

That's what I was thinking.

This is where it gets tricky,


You have to do what you have

To do.

You can't beg for help.

This is the only thing I can

Help you with sweet heart.


I think this thing has to go

On this side.

Focus, leo.

She gets it, we have to go.

I know exactly what's wrong

With it.

Jay is pissed off.

In is so frustrating.

Excuse me, do you speak


Is there a vending machine

Around here that moves?

Does anybody know where the

Roman roaming vending machine


What's in this?

Right here, right here.

Ok, give us our clue.

Stop moving.

Can we have our clue?


Thank you.

Make your way on foot to...

Teams will race on foot to

The shrine, an ancient landmark

Built nearly a thousand years


The last team to check in here

Will be eliminated.

Watch out, watch out.

I see the truck.

It's close to here.

This way and then that way?

You can do it, leo.

I believe in you, man.

I think it's the angle of the


Judge, judge?

There we go.

Oh, man.

Are you kidding me?

This is supposed to be in front.


See you.

Love you.

I love you guys.

Wow, that was probably one of

The toughest challenges eve seen

But we lost seven to 10 minutes

Because you helped them.


Look at this right here.

Oh, that looks like it.

That's got to be it.


Love this robot.

At least she's not going to try

To trade me up for that.

That would be the greatest

Partner in the world.

Welcome to tokyo, japan.

Thank you.

Tell us what we want to hear.

What do you want to hear?

We're number one.

And that's what you got.

You are team number one.


Oh, my god.

Good job.

And you know what that


That means that you are one of

The three teams that be be

Racing to the finish line for

The $1 million prize.

Tim, this is what you wanted to


Oh, yes.

I've never seen you two so


You're almost in love with him


As the winners of this leg of

The race you have won a trim for

Two from travel city and you're

Going to aruba.

I don't know whether you'll want

To go together.

You'll spend five nights in an

Executive suite at the aruba

Resort and spa with daily

Breakfast, a sunset massage for

Tour and duoand a natural

Pool tour.

I think since we got the

Hawaii african-american and now

The aruba hat, we'll put them in

A halt and draw and go


You'll go separately?


A mobile vending machine.

This is it.

It's right here.

The last team to check in

Will be eliminated.

Come on.

Go, go, go!

Baby, I'm going.

Don't push me, please.

Finish strong, leo.

I put the buttons on


Stupid mistake.

You can do it, man.

Just take your time.

You're right there.

Come on, nicole.

It's not rocket scenes.

Come on.

I'm not used to this man.

Nicole can rely on me and nicole

Is showing me she's not the same

As me.

If you can't get it after she

Tells you I don't know what to


You have to be confident and



Got it.

Let's go.

No, no.

You can't get things done.



Damn you, robot.

Are you what made us false.

It is so touch and

Frustrating to see you like this

It's actually sad.

You have to learn to do stuff,

Learn to build stuff.

All right, judge, thank you.

Don't worry about it.

We're not done.

Let's go.

Hey, guys.


Kind of snuck up.

Hi, guys, good job.

Jason and amy, I'm pleased

To tell you that you are team

Number two and that means that

You are one of the three teams

That will will racing to the

Finish line for $1 million.

We're in the final three.

Come on.

Mobile vending machine, right?


Sorry, sorry.

Come on.

Where's the machine?

So where's the mobile?

You have to look for it.

It's going to be moving.


That's the subway station.

Right there!

It's across the street.

Wait, stay calm.

Let's go.


Next clue, please.

Make your way on foot to the


Let's find out where the shrine

Is then.

There it is.

Stop moving, man.

Come on, stop.

Stop right here.


Go to the shrine.

The shrine.

I don't know.

The shrine?

Do you know where the shrine


Up here?

On top then go straight.

This is our last chance to be

In the final three.

This is it.

We have to run.

Down and then right?



Look who's coming.

Good job.

I don't like you!

Nicole and travis, you

Know what this means?

Yes, we're team number three.

We're team number three and

We are going to the finals.

Quarter plan to be the

Final three teams has worked.

You are the final teams and you

Will be racing to the finish



Welcome welcome to

Tokyo, japan.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Leo and jamaal, I am sorry

To tell you that you are the

Last teams to arrive and

Unfortunately you have been

Eliminated from the race.

Didn't work out the way you

Wanted it to work out.

No, sir.

I'm really disappoint and

Would sad but at the same time

It was one of the best

Experiences I ever had in my


Got to do it with my best

Friend, my cousin.

We learned a lot about ourselves

And each other.

The afghanimals had one of the

Best times of their lives

Running around the world like


It's amazing.

It sure is

The amazing crazy race.

It's been an amazing journey.

Having gone through this whole

Process with her has brought me

Closer to aim illinois.

To win this race it's going

To take some of the things I've

Been seeing from nicole

Throughout these last legs where

We've been struggling.

You have to be decisive and

Confident in your decisions.

We're going to have to climb

Out of travis and nicole's


They kind of break under


No, I don't!

I have them next to these.

We work better under


We can't lose.

It's time for us to finish as

The first team again.

Done, we won.

It's in the bag.

We're going to take this one.

A million dollars.

End of story.

Stay tuned to see who will

Win in the second hour of hays

Win in the second hour of hays
...the amazing race....

...the amazing race....

More than 35 million

People live in and around

Japan's capital city of tokyo.

And in the center of this

Crowded metropolis, this

Start of the 12th and final leg

In a race around the world.

Tim and marie won the last leg

Of the race...


And will depart first at

Fly to your final


Juneau, alaska.

Teams will fly more than

Largest ocean to america's last

Frontier, alaska.

After landing in the capital

City of juneau, they must go to

The harbour and take one of the

Boats to grizzly bar, where

They'll find their next clue.

I made a contract for tim to

Sign before we started this race

Which is a 60-40 split in my

Favor for any and all prizes


It was sort of an all the

Mate up and I don't have a

Problem with it because she did

A lot of the work to get us


We've been all around the world

And this is what we came here


Let's face it, this is not

Some amazing trip that we want

To enjoy together.

We don't have that kind of


We're here to win the race.

What's your zpwhess final




Let's go.

It's amazing to be in the

Final three.

We deserve to be here.

We're not just the best team in

Season but we're one of the best

Teams ever to run this race.

We've had six second place

Finishes which ties.

We don't want a second or


If you ain't first you're last

And we're winners.

I feel really good they helped

Nicole because they need our

Help to do well.

So during this final leg without

Our help it's kind of like how

Well are you going to do?

Alaska, here we go.

Good morning.

Now it's everybody for


No more alliance.

We had said the final leg, every

Team for themselves.

Whichever team does best today

We're excited for.

We're just expecting that we'll

Be the team that everybody is

Going to be celebrating as we

Walk across that mat first.

Yay, airport, going home.

So excited.


We need to two tickets to

Juneau, alaska.

Thank you very much.

Here comes aimy and jay

Behind us.

Thank you.

We want the same thing as them

But the earlier flight.

Let's go.

Hi, how are you?

Two tickets to juneau,


Thank you.

We're excited.

The nerves have gone.

This has been a long, tiring


We're kind of excited that we

Get the final leg here going.

Pretty confident we're going to


This is it.

We're ready.

Absolutely ready to win.

Both teams are all

Teams are now making their way

From tokyo, japan to juneau,


Come on, go, go.

Let's get a taxi.


Let's go.


I'm sorry, guys.

I'm already taken.


Do you mind calling for one?

How many are you?

We just need one.

Travis, taxi, let's go.

Travis, get to it first!

We need to go somewhere but I

Need to you take me and my

Husband only.

No, take us.


You're going to be my

Guardian angel.

This is really important.

This have big race for a lot of


They're coming through.

That's ours.

He just called for it.

Who are you here for?

We called.

That's us.

Come on, amy!

This is us.

Come on.


Go to the harbor.

All right, let's race.

Wherever it is, we're going

To get on a bowl.

Where would the boats be?

This is it right here.


There, parked bolt.

Yeah, parked bolt.

Come on, babe.

Come on, babe.

Let's go.

I'm good.

Who's faster?

There it is, go!

We have to go real fast, sir.

Come on, let's go.

Let's go.

Get the out real fast.

Here we go.

Grissly bar, we're here we


We have to pass that team.

This is it.

For a million dollars.

Don't let's these guys beat

Us, come on!

Let's go, baby, whoo!

Here we go.

Two other bolts coming.

We're in the front and everybody

Else is chasing us but they're

Used to coming from behind.

We have to get more separation.

Everybody sit down.

Jay and amy are just to our


Nicole and travis are at our

Hey, we have to go there.

They're way behind us.

Let's go, come on!

This is ridiculous!

We should be way ahead.

Game on.

This boat will give you hem


It's rights there.


All right.

Let's go.

Come on, let's go.

You're good, you're good.

There's the clue box.

Over there.

Hurry up.


Come on, run.

Come on.


Push planes are an

Essential part of survival in

The row motel regions of alaska.

This roadblock gives teams the

Opportunity to simulate a supply


Flying at 60 miles per hour and

At least 150 feet above the

Ground, they must drop a bag of

Flour on this marker.

Once they hit the target, the

Pilot will hand them their next


Which one do you want to do?

I'll do four power.


I'll do it.

Go, kick their ass.


How are you?

I'm nicole.

Go get 'em.



Looks like all three girls

Have chose on the do it.

I have a good feeling that marie

Is going to be good at this.

She used to play football.

I'm feeling good.

I told nicole it's re

Demonstration time.

Let's go, have fun!

Wild alaska.

Wild alaska.


This is nicole.

Oh, no!

That was so close.

Let's go, amy.

Come on, mar repeat use your



Second chance will be a charm

For someone.

Way too late.

Here you go, girl.

You got this one time.

Good shot.




I got it!

Bull's-eye, girl.

Good job.

Ah, thank you, thank you, thank


Put yourselves on ice.

Teams must now helicopter

To the pleasure, where they'll

Take part in an alaskanen ice


They'll choose a mountain guide

And make nece way to the face of

A glacier.

They must look for their next

Clue frozen in the ice and use

An ice pick to chip it out.

Come on, marie.

Oh, that was terrible.

That was way late.

I'm not sure what's going on

Because she is just struggling

So mightily on her last, I think

Three or four roadblocks.

But ...the amazing race... Is about


You're not going to win with

Just one person.

It's a team so you take the good

With the bad.


Let's go.

Hurry up, baby.

Come on.


Awesome job.

Let's do this.

Let's put this apatcha on a

Let's put this apatcha on a


Too late.




Oh, look at that!

That is cool.

This is absolutely breathtaking.

It truly is.

Ok, babe, we have to choose a



Let's do this.


All right, who's the quickest


All right, let's go, brother.


We're going across that thing?

Hell yeah, girl.

It looks like it's pretty


I'm actually a little


Jay is going first.

Is it safe, babe?

Yeah, just do it nice and

Easy, though.

Let's do this.

Come on, baby.


Oh, my god.

That's a long way.

Oh, man.

This is crazy.

This is awesome.

Hold on to the railing.

Oh, my god.

Come on, baby!

Just dig your feet right in.

Come on, sweetheart, you can do


I'm going.

Please, please let my

Concentrate, baby.

Here comes nicole.

Too early.

I don't know what I'm doing.

Come on, marie.



Now, now!

Got it.

That a girl.

That was terrible.

Worst roadblock ever.


Oh, well.

It's just for a million dollars.

Sometimes not being very

Successful is a hard pill to


How's it going?

How hard was that?

I don't even want to talk

About it.

I'm so frustrated right now.

We need to catch those guys.

Drop it.

Let's go.


See, that tells me she's just

Flustered now.

Every time nicole misses it's


One time she's way over.

One time she's in the water then

She's here, she's there.

Let's go.

Before I get nats all in my


Drop it, drop it!

Too late.

Too late!

Too late!


Let's go.

Let's go.

Drop it.

Too late.

It's too late.

Too late.

Too late.

It's a million dollars and I was

Hoping we'd have a real shot at


Target in sight.

With each pass it feels like

Less of a chance.


I can feel that million dollars

Dwindling, gone away.

Almost there.

Put the ladder in the middle of

Your foot.

Don't use your spikes.

There you go, just like that

There you go.

Now how do I get up?


Good job!

Come on, good job, amy!

Look at you climbing.


Go, girl.

You go this, yeah!

Look at you.

You're an ice climber!

Good job.

Good job.

Good job, babe.

I'm on a glacier in alaska.

Pretty sure we're the second

Ones here.

We're used to playing catch-up,


I'm not worried.

It's a little steep and icy

And might hurts if I fall.

I don't know, I've never done

This and I'm not looking.

I'm just going to hurl myself

Into the glacier hole and see

What happens.

See you.


Don't slim.

Hell, yeah!


It's an ice tunnel.

This is a giant ice tunnel.

We're going to walk inside

Glacier right now.

Through it.

It's going to be awesome.

Use your feet on each side as


Everybody else has been gone

For a while so I'm not sure

What's going on because she has

Just struggled so mightily.

Hopefully she'll make it on this


I felt a lot of anxiety and

This overwhelming sense of

Disappointment in myself and I

Knew that travis was having that

Same set of emotions so I took a

Deep breath and I just let it


Got it!




Right in the bull's-eye.

I had a have a lot of time

To make up.

All right, let's go.

All right, I'm sorry.

Helicopter to norris glacier

Front ice expedition.


Before the target, after the

Target and I was all over the


Hopefully we'll have a chance to

Take catch up.

I think this is going to be a

Deficit that's really hard to

Make up but it's a race.

You never know.


This is not what I thought it

Would be.

It's scary.

So cold.


Hurry this up.

Let's go.

We need to make up time, you


And this is like one of those

Things where you can't rush it.

You have to be safe when you're

Launching yourself into a


We got this, go ahead.


You got it, girl.

Thank you.

Yeah, good job!


We're inside a glacier that's

A billion years old.

That a girl, aim.

Great job, amy.

Thank you, baby.


That was a glacier tunnel, baby.

We aced it!

Oh, there's tim and marie.

Travis and nicole just got


Go, go!

How did you go across?

Just run, jump, do something.

Use your feet.

Your toes.

Ok, I'm doing it.

I'm done.

I'm ok.

Use your legs.

I'm just going to clip you in



You don't have to worry about

Going anywhere.

Good job.

We had a big lead on them


We don't know how big a lead.

She could have gotten it like

Two seconds later.

I definitely think I'll have


Just waiting it for it to be my

Turn so I can do it too.

Ok, I got it.

This is awesome.


I got it.

We got to this big ice wall

Where we had to actually dig for

Our clues with an ice pick.

You pick and I'll chip.

That one.

Try again.

This one.

Try again.

Come on, baby.

Good job.


Try again.


All the way down here?

Oh, my god.

Hold on.

You ok, travis and?

I need to just go across.



Slowly but surely I'll do it.

It's going to take some work

But you have to have faith that

You're not going to fall.

We're chipping away for clues

And every one we've found so far

Says try again.

We're almost there.


There it is.

Quick, quick, quick!

Try again.

Try again.


Are they still here?

I don't know.

There it is.

Teams must now hike down

To the shore and battle a tandem

Kayak to the island where

They'll find their next clue.

Just get it done.

All right, nicole.

It's going to take some work.

Oh, god.

All right, let's go.

You got it.

Let's go.

Use that rope to walk across.

Use the roam.

Use the rope.

Hold on, hold on.

Stand up, use the rope.

You got to believe on these


It actually will hold you.

All right, nicole.

Oh, my god.

Oh, no.

Oh, no.
Oh, man.

Oh, man.

Oh, my gosh.

Oh, no.

What do I do?

She dropped one of her picks,

Which means she's doing it with

One pick.


Oh, man!

All right, nicole.

Let's go.

Deep breath.

I wanted to cry.

I wanted to cry and I said you

Know what I'm not going to cry.

I need to stay focused.

I can do this.

Come on, use your feet.

I kept on telling myself just

Take a deep breath, you can do


All right, let's go.


You're almost there.

Kick your feet in.

I know it's tough if you have

One pick so you can walk.

Come on, let's go.

I'm ready.

Got to make up some time.

Let's go.

Try again.

Try again.

I mean, how long with this?

I think you're good.

Just poke it out.

God got it?


Make your way to the island

To find your next clue.


I'm in the back, you're in the


Make your way to the island

To find your next clue.

I see teams have already been


So they're gaining ground on us.

We haven't been from a day yak.

We've been in a can canoe.

Don't be frantic, please

Don't be frantic.

I can't hear anything you're


Paddle forward on the right.

We need to look for the marked


All right, nicole.

Come on.

Got to hurry up.

Oh, my god.

This is kind of cool.

All right, nicole.

Be careful.

All right, come on, baby.

Come on, come on.

Let's go.

Let's go, babe.

Oh, my gosh.

Take a look around.

It's beautiful.

I'm in the back.

You're in the front.

I've kayaked before but it's

Going to be getting the pace

Between me and marie that's

Going to be the key.

All right, now let's turn


Listen, you're going to have to

Go lighter.

You're going into the wall right


Where the hell are you going?

Turn that way.

Which way do you turn?

Oh, my god, over there.

Look for the marked island.

That kayak challenge, it was a

Long way.

We got a little tired, both of

Us but we didn't want to take

Any breaks.

It was tough not to in a

Mile-long row.

We didn't.


Let's go around this island,


You see a flag?

From it is.

I see the clue box.

Helicopter back...

Teams must now take a

Helicopter back to juneau and

Make their way to the trail head

Where they'll find their next


Come on.

Let's do this.

It's right here.

I see one clue right here and

Then there's another one right

Above it.


Try again.

Right here.

Try again.

Come on, come on, come on!

There it is.

See it?

Oh, god, thank got.

Don't move, don't move.

Let's go, let's go.

Helicopter back to juneau and

Make your way to blueberry hills

Well, we gotta chase them.

East way, we have no options.

They've stumbled before.

Let's hope they're stumbling


So we're back in the

Helicopter heading to juneau.

We have to make our way to a

Place called blueberry hills.

Second place is not good enough


We need to get home with the


Go ahead, go ahead.



Do you speak english?

Oh, my god.

Let's go fast.

We don't want anybody to catch


It's so important right now that

We get there.

Keep on.

I know.

Try again.


Yep, keep going.

Try again.


Here we go.

Looks like a bolt.

All right.

Let's go, let's go, come on!

Blueberry hills trail head?

We want to get there fast.

Blueberry hills trail head.

Probably at the end here.

What is this?

Right here.

What is that?

Is that?

We're going to find out.

Totem poles have been an

Important part of native

American history for centuries.

Teams must now build a wall of

Them by spelling out the name of

The currency from each of the

Countries they visit, arranging

Them chronologically.

Once their money is in order

They'll receive their nine clue

And can final clue and can

Race to the finish line.

This is tough.

We start with pesos.

Look for a p.

There's a k.

Here's the bottom of the k.

This goes on top of that

Here's the bottom of an e.

Do you remember all the


No, that's not good.

I memorized everything except

For this I've written down

Everything we've seen, smelled,

Every place we've been, to every

Person we met, except for the


Oh, my god.

I really don't know.

This isn't good.

Kuwait for us?

Thank you.

What the hell is going on


Build it correctly and the

Currencies will line up in the

Order you spent them.

This is good.

You're good at puzzles.

Tim and marie are here.

We have to be quiet.

I know.

So what the heck?

That's what I'm talking


I thought I saw it on the


It doesn't matter, we can't

Go anywhere stop, stop!


You're just randomly going.

You're not even trying to be in




There's the clue box over


Helicopter riled to juneau and

Make your way to blueberry hills

Trail head.

Need the top of a p and an i?

I took a million and three

Notes but I don't have all the

Currency names.

I don't remember them.

Only thing I didn't do.

This is definitely harder

Than it looks.

This is yours, crowns.

Are you sure?

Yes, 100%.

So this should finish this


Do you understand what I'm



Let's make sure it fits.



Ok, so we're on the right



They're not lining up.

The colors need to kind of

Line up.

We remember all except for abu

Dhabi and hopefully once they're

Left, we'll know.

In s is wrong.

That's upside down, maybe?

That's upside down, maybe?
That's not an s, that's an o.

That's not an s, that's an o.

They said it goes like this


Let's go.




Come on, babe.

Come on.

Dang it.

There are taxis over there.

Try to get to a taxi.

Blueberry hills.

You know where that is?


We've always been out in


However, the last four legs we

Hit roadblocks and fell to the


Oh, that's it.

It goes under it.

Right here, let's go.

This and then those two.

Is it lined up?

Yeah, yeah.

You do remember what the one

From abu dhabi was?



I can't remember.

Let's go, let's go.

Hurry, hurry.

It's got to be this way.

I'm exhausted.

The currencies of the

Countries you have raced through

Are the key to building a wall

Of totem poles.

Be drop.

The first thing we did was

Pesos then we went to portugal.

And portugal had euros.

Let the bottom go.

Let go.

Just let go and I'll catch it.

Let go?

Hold on, hold on.

Make sure that matches with


It does.

All right, let go.

Now lift.

We have to get a system.

Here's part of an e.

Baby, two more.

We're working on abu dhabi

And indonesia.

We know it's definitely rubeles.

Are you positive?

That h. Gounlt there.

It definitely goes there.

Just put the pin in.

All right almost there.

Hold on.

I'm on chile, portugal.

Norway, poland.



Indonesia, japan, u.s.a.

We lost it already, nicole.


Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

At last the finish line.

Make your way to the end of

North douglas highway and look

For the marked drive.

Come on.


They're done.

Come on, aim, come on.

This is it.

This is the sprint.

Come on.

Come on, you got to help me.

I'm doing it by myself,


Last one.

All the way up and don't let it



We're done.

All right.

Ok, thank you.

Thank you.

End of north douglas highway

And look for the marked


As fast as possible.

We're in a race for a


What are you doing?

I'm doing all the lifting and

You're looking.

What are you doing?

This is what it's been like this

Is crazy.

Give us a chance.

The last four roadblocks you've

Done this just like this.

What are you doing?

We are now heading to the

Finish line at last.

At last, baby.

We're in a race for a million

So yes, it's an anxious time

For us.

This could be it right here

Where that car is this is it

Right here.

Right there.

This is good, sir.

Looks like we're going to run it

From here.

Please be phil.

Appreciate it.

Come on, baby.

Four continue innocents!

Nine countries...

Shut up.

More than 35,000 michaels,

Jason and amy, you have won the

$1 Million and you are the

Official winners of ...the amazing


After six second-place

Finishes, you've run in here on

The final leg of ...the amazing

Race... And you have won it.

We didn't come in second


We just won ...the amazing


Ha ha!

You are in disbelief right


I am.

You are wondering if this

Is really happening?

I really am.

This race for us was never

About a finish line.

It was about coming out here and

Working together as a team and

Being determined to finish every


To push through every leg of

This race and we did it.

Now that we've completed the

Race and experienced so many

Highs and lows I really do feel

Like we can pretty much take on


Couldn't have worked out any

Better than taking it back home

To boston.

Boston strong.

Come on.

Tim and marie, you are

Officially team number two,


How about a round of applause?

You fought right till the end.

Marie, there are a lot of guys

Here who feared you.

And why did you come on this

Race with tim?

Because when I looked it up,

The day to apply...


The deadline was that day and

He was next to me.

It was because he was the

Only available man?


Tim is a great partner.

He was totally awful preparing

For it, didn't do thinkinging in

Anything but I knew he was

Going to be a great partner when

We got here.



Had you won ...the amazing

Race... Today, tell me what the

Financial arrangement was

Between you and tim.

I made a 60-40 agreement.

Favre how did you accept this?

It's real simple.

She threat tonight not come on

The race unless I signed it.

The coast of norway, the castles

In portugal.

I could go on and on and on so

No amount of money is worth it

And if she wants to strong arm

Me out of it then so be it.

...the amazing race... Was a

Roller coaster.

There are just highs and lows

And it tests you and it pushes


In some weird friend kind of

Way, of course we love each


We're always going to be in open

Each other's lives and we'll

Always be there for one another.

Yeah, we love each other.

Nicole and travis, I know

It's not what you wanted but you

Should be very proud you are

Team number three.

So you have five children at

Home and I know that was very

Important that your kids saw you

Guys race a certain way and that

They saw that you never gave up.

What are they thinking right now

Looking at mom and dad?

I think they're going to be

Real proud.

I hope they'll be proud.

We're excited that we made it

To the finals, but, you know, I

Wanted to win.

I know I disappointed you and

I'm sorry.

I tried.

I did try.

It's ok.

Travis gets down really hard

On me.

His expectations for me are that

I'm supposed to be the perfect

Woman and...

Nicole, I will love you no

Matter what, through the good,

The bad.

It's just a race.

So do I get disappointed


Yes, but only because I have

Such expectation that you're

Going to be out of this world

And sometimes it's in the world,

You know, but we're going home.

I think it's really important

For our children to realize that

In life sometimes things go

Really well and sometimes things

Don't go so well.

But no matter what, you work

Through it and you don't give up.

Guys, come up and

Congratulate them!

The fact that we were so


It was harmed knowing we were

One leg away from a million


But the experience we had...

Sort of makes up for it.

And we made best friends.


...the amazing race... Was


It's one of the most incredible

Experiences you could have.

We wouldn't trade it for


Unless maybe doing it again.

This is definitely the

Beginning of my happily ever after.
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