35x03 - No Sleep and a Million Dollar Dream

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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35x03 - No Sleep and a Million Dollar Dream

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on

The Amazing Race

12 teams continued

racing through Thailand.

- Johnny!

- Sorry. No!

At the Roadblock,

teams felt the pressure.

It's so hard not to cry.

My God.

A critical mistake

put best friends

Joel and Garrett behind.

The show doesn't create the

drama. We create it ourselves.

-Let's get out of here.

-We left our fanny pack.

A Detour in Jocelyn

and Victor's wheelhouse

We sell, like, almost

everything on this list.

I've been doing this since

I was a teenager. I got this.

led to their

second win in a row.

You are team number one.

My God.

Meanwhile, a battle

for last place

Wait, is it this?

Yeah, yeah. Is it this?

ended in disappointment

for mother and daughter

Elizabeth and Iliana.

Unfortunately, I have

to eliminate you from the race.

No way.


Let's go!

Route Info. "Fly to Vietnam.


-"When you arrive,

travel by bus

to the city of Can Tho."

Jocelyn and Victor will be

the first to leave Thailand

and fly nearly

500 miles to Vietnam--

home to 100 million people,

half of whom are under 25.

When they land,

they will take a long bus ride

to the city of Can Tho.

Located in the heart

of the Mekong Delta,

it's where they'll

pick up their next clue.

We have to

go to a travel agency.

Thailand Tour and Travel.

-And then we will

book flights. Let's go.


-We're leaving

in first place again.

-First place.

- Yeah!

- Okay. Let's go.

To get two consecutive

first-place finishes,

it really makes us feel like

we have a huge shot

at winning this.


a taxi right here. Taxi.

We have two daughters

and we want our girls

to know that they can do

anything that they want to.

You know, even their parents,

who are turning 50 this year,

we can take on this challenge

and we can win.

We are going to

Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam.

Hopefully we get a direct flight

and be the first ones there.

And hopefully

we can get on a bus

that leaves right away

to this other town.

Okay. There you go. Okay.

It opens at 7:00.

In 30 minutes.

My goodness.

It opens at 7:00.

Route Info. "Fly to Vietnam."

Let's do it.

The first two legs

have been such a blast.

I'm incredibly adventurous.


-I've gone on two separate

month-long backpack trips

around the world.

So I'm really excited

to share a piece

of my heart with my dad,

who's so important to me.

We have to go to Thailand

Tour and Travel 2, here.

- Thank you.

- Good morning.

We need

to book a flight to Vietnam.

- The soonest flight

that can land there as possible.

- Yeah.

- It's right here. Wait, stop.

- Pull-pull over. Pull over.

Yeah, I know. Sorry.

Okay. Okay.

- Okay.

- Yes.

Earliest flight

as possible, right?

Earliest flight. Shortest time.

That is the best flight

that you have? Okay.

So we'll take that, then.

Here, here it is. We found it.

We want to do the same thing

that they're doing.

-Vietnam, baby.

-Got to get the fastest flight.

I visited Vietnam last year

and loved it.

Did it with some friends.

Now I'm doing it

with my best friend,

but just a little more

stressful than just, like

- Yeah.

- 3:25.

-Thank you so much.

-We'll see you at the airport.

- Okay,

here's the driver.

- Okay.

Corey and Rob

may have got our flight.

Thank you.

I'm sure they're itching

for that first-place win.


-Hey. How are you?

-What's up? Hey, hey.

-What's up? What's up?

The quickest flight that

gets us to Ho Chi Minh City.


We need to figure out

where Thailand Tour and Travel 2

is located at.

In leg one,

we won the Express Pass

because we ate a plate of bugs.


And now we have the chance to

maybe be first.

Can you take us here?

By the end of leg four,

we have to use the Express Pas.

So if the circumstances

are right,

it shall be used today.

Hi. Can someone help us?

What's this time?

You're the b*mb.

You are the best.

Suvarnabhumi Airport.

Thank you.


All right.

Okay. Thank you.

I guess

we don't have to run, right?

Well, I mean, we still have

40 minutes before we can

even check in at this point.

I'm just stoked

to be going to Vietnam.

That's insane.

So, our goal was

to be on the same flight

as the first three teams.

- We got on the same plane?

- Yeah. Same Yeah.

-Yes. Thank you.

-Let's go.


-Maybe just go

on the same as them?


If we can, that would be

If we can get on those,

that'd be

-I know you will

-Yeah. Okay.

The earliest.

We're hoping that

he can squeeze us on.

Looks like

we fell through.



There's no other flights to

Into Vietnam?

Thank you so much.

That means that they have

a six-hour lead on us.

-See you guys. Bye.

-See you guys.

Good luck. See you.

That's a huge gap of time.

Dang. That sucks.

Okay. Come on, Dad.

Yep. Right here.

We're seeing that the only

nonstop available is 19:55.


- Yeah, that's

the one we're taking.

- Yeah.

My God. That sucks.

All right, Texans,

we'll see you there.

So frustrating.

BKK Airport, baby.

- Viet Airlines?

- Yeah.

-All right.


We got to go fast,

fast, fast, fast.

One of us gets snappy when

we're under tense situations,

and that's-that's normally me.

When Ian gets snappy,

I try to counter that weight

On the opposite side

of the spectrum

with, with keeping it cool and calm.

Hi. Hi, hi.

-Just breathe, babe.


-Passport. Passport.

-We're going

to Ho Chi Minh City.




We could use

some relaxing right now.

We don't have time to relax.

I'm not saying

we should actually relax.

You'll find us

you'll find us a good flight.

We're going

to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

- Vietnam.

- It's gonna be super cool.

-It is. It is. If we get there.


-That's what I'm worried about.

-When we get there, baby.

There were times where we had

an estranged relationship.

We didn't talk and we didn't

want to be around each other.

But as we grow and as

we understand ourselves

and each other more,

the closer we become.

- We don't live near each other.

- No.

So spending

what time that we can

with one another, we cherish it.

Okay, yeah, so we're

gonna have to go down this way.

No, he had somebody with him.

We're starting

this leg in ninth place.

And I'd say our strategy

is working perfectly,

'cause we wanted

to set ourselves out

as the team not to worry about.

-It's close?

-No, no, no.

-Taxi or no taxi?

-Taxi, no.

-Just walk?

-Yes, walk.

-Okay. Thank you.

-Thank you, sir.

-All strategy.

-Strategy. All strategy.

All right. Somewhere down here.

-Okay. As fast as you can.

-Here we go Let's go.

Let's go.

Here's the boys. Hey, hey.

- Ho Chi Minh City, please.

- Ho Chi Minh City.

Come on, come on, come on,



Right here,

right here, right here.

The fastest way

you can come possible.

-There are no other ones?

-No other ones.

-Let's do it.

-Let's do it.

We can make it.

-Yes, we can make it, we can

make it, we can make it.

-Yeah, yeah.

We got on a 1:50 flight,

so we're 1:50 direct.

A big part of this race

is luck of the draw, sometimes.

The guy that we were

working with was able to work

some magic, and ultimately

get us on a flight at 1:50 p.m.

We were confident

that all of the other teams

probably tried to get

on an earlier flight as well.

-Of course.

-So timing plays

a huge role in that.

They got lost.

We've been

running all over the place.

Please check all your name.




All right, get in there, boys.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

-Get in, get in, get it.


Thank you, sir.

Thank you, sir.

Appreciate it.

What time are you guys going?

-7:55. Yeah.

-All right, see you there.

-See you there, guys.

-Hey. See you all there, boys.

-Girls. Good luck, girls.

-Bye. Good luck.

-Let's go this way.

-Keep your eyes out.

So right now, we're booking

a flight leaving 7:55 p.m.

You have to go right now.

- Can you make it?

- Yes, we can go.



Yeah, hurry up.

-Okay. Thank you.

-Thank you.

-You're my friend. Thank you.


-Don't stop

-See you there.


All right, there's a taxi.

Bangkok Airport.

I think we'll

be with all the first teams.

It's been a long time coming.

Thank you.

Two tickets.

Okay. Okay.

-Thank you.



-That's your favorite.


- You've done this

a few times today?

- Yes.

You know what we need?


Okay, perfect.

Thank you so much.

Can you take us to BKK Airport?

VietJet. Right here.

I think I see

New York boys running.

- Over here,

over here, over here.

- Let's do it.

Headed to the gate, baby.

Headed to the gate.

If we go to this flight and

all the other teams are there,

I might poop my pants with joy.

Bearded bros.

- You see 'em?

- Yeah.

- There they ar.

- Everybody rolling up.

- What flight are you guys on?

- What flight are you on?

-The 1:50.



How did you guys get on 1:50?

-You're not on 1:50?

-What flight are you on?


-Are you on the 7:50 one?

-Yeah. How'd you get

-How'd you guys get these?

-When we walked

into the travel agency

-The guy gave them to us.

-Ian and Joe were there.

-Ian and Joe got out of there.

And they said there's a 1:50.

Anna Leigh! Steve!

They got on the 1:50.


Ian and Joe, 1:50. 1:50.

-How'd y'all get on the 1:50?

-They gave it to us.

Are you kidding me?

I think my hair caught on fire.

I was mad.

Well, there's nothing

we can do about it right now.

That could have taken

us out of the entire game.


That makes me so mad.

This is

the biggest punch to the gut

I've had in a while.

- So, we've got us

- Corey.

Corey and Rob, Greg and John

and Lena and Morgan

on this flight at 1:45.

It's all the way in, right?

Yeah. Each end's

on the right side.

Okay, so we're not

coming short on time?

- No.

- Gee.

Wait. There's not even a plane.

Something is funky.

This announcement

is for passengers traveling

on Flight VU130

to Ho Chi Minh City.

The new departure time

is now expected to be at 3:00.

It's an hour and 15 minutes.


I mean, there's nothing

we can do about it now.

- So we're just sitting here,


- Yeah.

-Our flight

was delayed by an hour or so.

-An hour. Yeah.

So whatever that 1:50 flight is,

it's probably gonna

get in before us now.

- They're gonna have a leg up.

- We got a new top two.

We're currently

in first and second place, guys.

We just

flipped it around on 'em.

Let's hope it stays.

Drag 'em down.

This is old-school Amazing Race.

This is suffering in the airport

Amazing Race.

There's nothing we're gonna do

at night, I'm telling you.

What if it's frog hunting?

Hey, I'd go frog hunting.

In Texas, there's a golf course

that we'd all have to go

catch a frog,

and we'd have frog races

to see whoever's frog

got to the pond first.

That sounds like

a very charmed upbringing.

I don't have a lot in common

with the people on our flight.

I feel like

I'm kind of the outcast.

I wasn't really looking

to make a new bestie.

I just kind of wanted to

get through the day.

Let's go.

I'm excited to see Vietnam

for the first time.


-I'm excited

to see what it's all about.

There is some solace in knowing

that there are teams

booked for a 7:00 flight.

So we'll just do the best

we can once we get in.

We're excited.

We are one of

the first groups traveling

the old Amazing Raceway,

where you get to

actually book your own flights.

We're stoked

to keep crushing it.

Vietnam, here we come.



Got to get our taxi.

The bus station.

You know where it is?

-Where's Ian and Joe?

-Probably already in a taxi.

Let's go down there.

Let's go. Rock and roll.

-You know where that is?

-Okay. Yeah.

That took way too long.

-We're hopeful that he knows

where we're going, so


Right now we're

trying to get to a bus station

so that we can catch

a bus to Can Tho, Vietnam.

There's so many

motorbikes everywhere.

This is a busy little road here.

Everyone just goes

in and out of everyone.

Somehow. Organized chaos.

We're here.

We made it here so quickly.

Thank you.


We're traveling to Can Tho.

- 6:31?

- Yeah. We got to go.

We're looking for FUTA.

Over here.

- Shoes.

- Shoes.

- Thank you.

- All right.

Let's get up here.

Okay. Not too bad.

I've never been

on a bus like this before.

Me neither, but I'm here for i.

Okay, good. Don't talk to me

for the next five hours.

- All right,

let's do this.

- All right, let's go.

Dude, we get to lay down.

Tight fit.

-We're hoping

we make it to Can Tho.

-It'll be easy to take a nap.

We got four hours to Can Tho.

Good night.

- Left. Left.

- Jog. Jog.

Which one? Which one? Which one?

Right here.

Bus station? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Bus station.

Our flight was delayed,

so a little behind right now.

I love the honking.

It's Vietnam Amazing Race.

- We are

in Ho Chi Minh City.

- All right.

We're still hoping for

to be first place,

-but it's not looking good

at this moment.

-It's not likely on this leg.

West Coach Bus Station.

- 7:30. Okay, perfect.

- 7:30.

7:30, please.

- - To Can Tho. -30.

Take your shoes off.

We sit anywhere?


This is not what

I was expecting at all.

This is crazy.

Pretty comfy.


All right.

Ninh Kieu Wharf?

-Over there.

-Over there?

- Yeah, yeah.

- Thank you.

All right.

Dock opens 5:45 a.m.

That's what we have to wait for.

"Take one per team."

5:45s, 6:00s

and 6:15s.

We have the first time slot

at 5:45 a.m.

-Right now, we have a pretty

comfortable head start, um,


that is going to shrink

down to 15-minute intervals,

-come tomorrow morning, um



-Nothing we can't handle.

Dock opens at 5:45 a.m.

So, 5:45?

Choke point.

All right.

Let's go find a place to sleep.

Let's dig ourselves a hole.

Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me.

Western Bus Station?

We got to beat all of them.

We got to beat everybody.

The other six teams

that got on the flight before us

have a pretty hefty head start.

Come on.

Put the pedal to the metal.

This a stick shift?

Let's go to fourth.

Well, these last five teams are

in a real predicament right now.

And we've got to stay

in front of one of 'em.

We are literally fighting

for our Amazing Racelives.

We were in 11th place yesterday,

and now we're tied for seventh,

at the least, so

I'm-I'm in a good mood.

All right, all right.

Check box.


So we get the last 5:45 time.

- What does it say?

- "Dock opens 5:45."

We got the 6:00.

"Take one per team."

We're in the second group.

- 5:45. We're at 6:00.

- And then 6:15.

We just missed it.

- We have no lead at this point.

- Yeah.

At most, it's

a 15-minute lead over the

the third group of teams.

You know, at least we're not

in the last boat, I guess.

This is it right here?

It's a board.

Okay. Y'all are with us.

6:00 a.m.

Now the leads

are only 15 minutes apart.

It makes a lot of sense

for us to go ahead

and use this Express Pass.

This is actually

a great game changer for us.

It's good news on our side.

-Johnny and I will

make up that 15 minutes.

-We'll make it up.

Like, 15 minutes

is nothing for us.

-All right, ready?

Let's go this way?


- Which way?

- It's got to be this way.

My gosh.

What's the number?

Wait. There's 5:45.


- How'd you find a 5:45?

- I dug.

- This is our time?

- Yeah. This is our time.




We're at 06:00 a.m.

There was a 5:45 in there,

though. We missed it.

I dug in there,

and we actually got

the earliest one, so

Going 15 minutes early,

so, it's, like

We'll take whatever

we can get right now.


Take one for the team. 6:15.

What time did y'all get?

- 6:15.

- Did y'all get 6:15 as well?

-We got 6:00.



What I'm trying to do

in this race is try

to think about what people

aren't doing and where

I can take it one step further

and just get ahead.

And so, when

there was 6:00, 6:15,

due diligence.

You just got to check it.

I would be mad at myself

if I didn't pick up the stack.

When the clock's involved,

every minute matters.

- We're in it to win it.

- We're coming for 'em.


-Thank you.

Come on, Dad.

I grabbed a 5:45,

which put us

ahead of other people.

So, that gave us a little bit

of motivation

'cause we were tired.

We had ten minutes to wash up,

clean some armpits,

and we were out of there.

That's what I did, too.

-Running on no sleep


and a million-dollar dream.

-Route Info.

-Route Info, baby.

"Travel by sampan to the Cho Noi

Cai Rang Floating Market."

The mighty Mekong

stretches roughly 2,700 miles,

about the distance

across the United States.

Floating markets like this--

Cai Rang-- can be found

along the entire length,

and feed

tens of millions of people.

Using a sampan, teams

need to find three vendors,

each looking to restock

a different type of fruit--

dragon fruit, tangerines

and golden melons.

They must collect one-third of

a photograph from each vendor.

Once they piece them together,

they'll have their next clue.

"Choose any available marked

sampan filled with produce."

Cho Noi Cai Rang

Floating Market?

Is it marked?

He's marked.

He's marked.

- Let's go.

- This guy, this guy,

this guy. Hey!

Cho Noi Cai Rang

Floating Market?

-All right, Smithe, right here.

-Let's go.

-Very fast, very fast.

-Let's get in front of them!

"You must drop each type

of produce at the marked vendor.

An example of the produce they

accept is hanging from a pole."

"Drop off all produce

in the baskets on our boat

to the marked vendors

in the floating market."

Fast, fast, fast! Let's go!

So, the first group

of four teams is underway.

We got a lot of produce.

We got some big old squashes,

some oranges.

Looks like we got some kind

of funny-looking things here.

Is this the dragon fruit

that has the white

with the brown specks?


I bet it is.

Yeah, that's what that is.

That's a piece of dragon

Doesn't it look like a dragon?

-Looks like a dragon's egg.


-Let's go. Got it. Cool.

-All right.

Thank you. Come on, Lena.

-Fast. Are you fast?


-This is fast.


-Take our own?

-Yeah, we take our own.

Cho Noi Cai Rang? Okay.

- All right, we're moving.

- We're moving.

- Let's go.

- We are moving.

- It seems like

a speed challenge.

- Yep.

-So that guy is gonna be

our ticket to winning this.


We got to be best friends

with this man.

All right, Let's go.

- Come on, Chels.

- Hi.

Hi, hi. Yeah, yeah,

yeah, yeah, yeah.

-Here we go. Right here.


Let's go, Malaina.

Fast, fast, fast, fast, fast.

All right, here we go.

Yeremi and I traveled

all day yesterday,

-all through the night.

-Yes, we did.

And we probably got a maximum--

-maximum-- of maybe

two mediocre hours of sleep.


Let's do it.

The floating market

was unlike anything

I've ever seen before.

There were people really just

milling around on their boats,

going to different places,

buying different items.

It wasn't all fruit.

There were other things,

as well.

It was totally

eye-opening to see.

This is super cool, though.

Holy cow.

- Pink, pink.

- All right, here's some

of these fruits.

-Pink, pink. Here, here.

-Yeah, right here, right here.

Right here. Here, here.

There's dragon fruit.

- See, it's marked.

- They found it.

- They're going to one right now.

- Okay.

Who's that?

Steve and Anna Leigh.

-Good morning. You ready?

-All right.

-Can two boats

Two boats here? Okay, yes.


Where would you like us to toss?

- Two, two, two.

Two? Two at a time.


All right,

drag some dragon fruit up.


Ooh. Got it.

Take your time, Anna Leigh.

All right, we're ready to start.

Good job!

- I'll toss, toss, toss.



Well, we got Steve

and Anna Leigh over there,

and we're trying

to pass them up right now.

They got here first,

but not by much.

We have got our eyes peeled

for the markers.

That-- that's it. That's it!

- This. This, this, this, this.

- Here, here, here.

This is so cool.

- That's Rob and Corey.

- I know.

-Do you want

to give the small

-Yeah, yeah.

-Dad, go get the other basket.


We got a bunch of baskets.

Last basket.

They only have one more basket.

- Who?

- The boys.

- Ain't no way.

- Yep.

They gave us a piece

of the clue,

so it looks like

we need two more.

See you all in a minute.

- See you, boys.

- Pretty well.

- Last one.

- Last one.

All done. Thank you.

Okay, next fruit.

- Are they done?

- Yep, they're done.

- Two more, two more.

- Two more, two more.

-Thank you so much.

-Thank you.


-Let's go!

Now we're looking

for an orange vendor

and, I believe,

a dragon fruit vendor.

Yep, yep, yep. Here.

One more. One left.

- That's it.

- Done.

- Thank you.

- Two more fruits.

But we got

our biggest one delivered.


We got this.

We're not making good time

in our boat at all.

We're gonna have to toss, like,

hundreds of pieces of fruit,

and we're going pretty slow.

We're considering using

our Express Pass right now.

It's got

to be up there somewhere.

We don't know which side

we're gonna be on.

All right,

keep your eyes peeled, babe.

What are we looking for?

A marked vendor.

-Just look for hanging fruit.


Is this it?

He looks like he's waiting

for us. Oranges on a pole.

How do we verify if it's marked?

- Yeah, this is

the right one, Smithe.

- It is?

- Put the oranges up.

- The good thing about

being on the 5:45 departure

is we were the first boats

to get to the market.

It benefited us to be there

early and to offload them

before the other teams

started arriving

where you might have

to wait in line

in order to offload your fruit.

If we're not in first place,

we're close to first.

All we have left

are the yellow melons.

See it, Anna Leigh?

-I see the yellow. Yeah, yellow.

-Yeah, yeah, yeah, yellow ones.

Yeah, that's the big ones.

Let's get those off.

Yeah, big ones. Here we come,

baby. Here we come.


It's hanging fruit, right?

-Right there.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.


He has to go all the way around.

It's one way inside.

-Can we go faster?

-Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo,

right there.

-Right there. Right there.

-Right there?

- Yeah.

- I see Rob and Corey.

Can we-can we go left? No?

Can we go around this boat?

We have to go around?

I guess we got to go around.

- We were ahead for so long.

- I know.

And then he just,

like, dropped back.

Three more. One, two,

- three.

- Done. Done.

Thank you. Okay.

Did you get the clue?

- Good job.

- Hey, Texas!

Hurry, Todd, come on.

Whatever it is so far

looks like

Let me see your picture.

What is that? A boat ramp.

It's a boat ramp.

Here we go.

Keep 'em coming, babe.

- That boat right there.

- That boat-- yeah.

- Is it the melon?

- Sir.

That's it, baby.

Slow is smooth

and smooth is fast.

These are

my basketball skills.

Way back in the day,

I played pro basketball

over in France and Germany.

I was a fierce competitor.

That's the challenge--

finding that balance between,

like, "I'm here to have fun" and

him to be "I'm here to compete."

I've been on basketball teams

that lose.

You never have fun.

-Here, we're gonna

start bickering right now.

-Um, right?

Palming the ball, baby.

Feeling the flow.

All right, Lena, that's pomelos.

- Hurry up, Todd.

- There's Lena and Morgan.

-Babe, I'm trying

-I know.

We can't unload

when they're unloading.

Okay, that's a problem.

-What do you want to do?

-We got to keep going.

-Let's leave.

-Let's go.

All we have left are

the yellow melons

after these.

Hello! Let's go, Joe.

- That's it.

- Okay, that's all.

- All done.

- Get our clue?

Thank you. Thank you, my friend.


-Okay. On to the melons.

Okay, let's go.

-I just told him we're done,

we're done.

-Thank you.

Excuse me, sir?

It's this right here? Awesome.

Fast, fast, fast, fast, fast.

Go fast, go fast, go fast.

- Go fast.

- See? Look.

Don't give him no head start.

We need to go faster.

Nice, babe.

You're k*lling it. That's it.

-Thank you.

All right, good to go.

-Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.

-All right, ready?

I'm gonna hand 'em to you.

-All right.

- See you, boys.

- See you.

All right.

Now it's just the manual work.

-Anna Leigh and Steve are here.

-This is our last basket.


-You're doing two?


Can someone call Guinness?

I think I'm holding on

to the record for most fruit

touched in one day.

Corey, what's up, man?

All finished.

We got to keep looking

for orange. Thank you.

- Okay, bye-bye.

- Have a good day.

Two-thirds of the way done.

Let's keep on trucking.

-Good job, boys.

-There we go.

Good job, dude.

Here we go.


there's another one up there.

-You see that?

-That one.

-With the flag. Look.

-What is that-- oranges?

- Yeah, oranges. Okay.

- Let's wait for them.

Good job. Good job.

We've got two boats

in front of us.

We haven't been able

to get rid of anything yet.

Our whole group came and went.

They got ahead of us

in line, so,

it's never great waiting

in a queue.

All right, we're good.

-All right.

-Thank you.

All right, now we got to go.

There's melons.

We're starting to see

there's watermelon.

I wonder if they're all

in the same area.

Just like a grocery store.

-Is that it right there

on the pole?

-Yep, there it is.

Hello! How would you like

some melons?

Here we go.

So now we're just looking

for the orange vendor.

- Morgan.

- Yes.

No, Lena, we can't go anywhere.

We need to get one done.


No, they're about to be done.

-Ian, we're nearing the end.


Let's go. Let's go.

We're gonna

use our Express Pass.

That's a smart move.

Morgan and Lena

are using their Express Pass

right now.

-We're gonna use

our Express Pass.

-Our Express Pass.

-Thank you so much.


-We need to go here.

-Please go fast.

Fast, fast, fast.

Even though this wasn't gonna

give us the time gap

that we were looking for,

it was gonna

stop us from being

all the way in the back.

We're using our Express Pass

because you can only fill up

on the boats two at a time,

so it's making it impossible

for us to finish this task

in a reasonable amount of time.

At least we have a chance

to stay in the front

of the pack today.

-Last one.

-And that's all.

All right.

- Thank you, my friend.

- Okay.

So we got the full picture.

That's where we got to go.

I believe we're team number one?

-Don't say it. Don't say it.


Let's go, baby.


-I love this. This is so fun.

We have so many more.


-They do have a lot.

-Aw, let's just keep going.

But then we have

to go all the way back around.

- I know.

- Okay.

We are skipping the dragon fruit

or whatever this is

and moving on to the next.


he knows where we're going.

You see another one?

I see the melons

right over there.

Come on. Come on.

Let's go.

We in this, we in this.

You get us, too? Okay.

Two at a time. Two at a time.

This is not our b

Yeah, this is our boat, Liam.

Yeah, they're right here.

Only two at the

same time. We'll wait, though.

Coming up

on our boat, boys?

Hey, New York,

we're just trying

we're just trying to look at

you guys, see how y'all do it.

- Almost done.

- Last round right here.

Let's go! Let's go!

- All right.

- All right, guys.

-All right, gentlemen.

-See you, boys.

Good luck to you guys.

Liam, I'm gonna

start moving this.

Good luck, guys.

All right, sir. Thank you.

Here we go.

Am I supposed to tie it?

All right.

- Last one.

- Good job, good job.

-Get the clue.

-Done. Done.

Thank you. Let's go, let's go.

- We didn't get the clue!

- We need the clue!

-Go back, back up, back up!

-Back, back, back, back!

-Whoa, whoa! We just need our

clue. We already did this.

-Go, go!

-So what do we do?

-We need to get them

out of the way.

There's too many people.

- Can Corey grab it?

- No, they won't give it to him.

There's nothing

we can do about it.

My God.

-Whoa, whoa! We just need

our clue. We already did this.

-Go, go!

- So what do we do?

- Back up, back up.

No? Okay. He said no.

There's nothing

we can do about it.

Let's go do dragon fruit

and come back. Okay.

This was not

our challenge, babe.

-I'm gonna go get

one more basket.

-Okay. All right.

- And we're only,

like, halfway right now.

- Okay.

This is like the manual labor

that we do day in, day out

in the grocery business.

That's it. That's it.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Almost done. Chels.

That's it. Yes!

-Yes, yes, yes! Come on!

-All right, so let's go.

- Come on, let's go.

- Let's go, let's go.

Me and Ashlie--

we're like a well-oiled machine.

This is how we pick up the kids'

toys at home sometimes.

Wait, wait.

-Done? Done, done.

-That should be it.

All right, we got

our second clue. Let's go, baby.

- Any more? You got 'em all?

- That's it.

- Okay. All done.

- Okay, get in.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Yeah. Get up here.

How close, Yeremi?

We're finishing up

right here, dawg.

Thank you, sir. Thank you.


-All right, dragon fruit.

- Let's go, baby.

- Let's go, dawg.

-What does that say?

-Pier 20.

- Is that it?

- That looks like that's it.

Do you see a fisherman?

Yeah, there's a fisherman.


- What's inside?

- A tackle box full of clues.

- Yeah. Thank you. Thank you.

- Thank you.

All right,

let's go over here and read it.



"Paper or Plastic?"

This is the number one staple

on the planet,

eaten by billions

around the world every day.

It's been grown here

in Vietnam's rice bowl

since the Stone Age.

Locals use it

to make báhn tráng--

rice paper that you can eat.

This Detour requires teams

to figure out how to make it.

First, they need

to pour a liquid mixture

of water and rice flour

onto a steamer,

heat it for 30 seconds,

then pick it up

with a wicker bat

and lay it out to dry.

Making perfect paper

can be painstaking,

but if they can properly

prepare 12 sheets,

they'll be rewarded with a clu.

When it comes to getting

from A to B,

there's no means

of transportation more popular

than a motorized two-wheeler.

Here in Vietnam,

there's roughly

65 million of them.

Of course, everybody loves

to arrive in style,

which is why customized vinyl

wrappings are all the rage.

This Detour

requires teams to cut,

apply heat, and smooth out vinl

on just one body part.

It's only one part,

but getting a perfect finish

without bubbles is easier said

than done.

Paper. Taxis are right there

waiting for us.

- Okay.

- Right across. Let's go.

-Let's go.

-All right, hurry up. Let's go.

-Yep. Right there.

-I think it's dragon fruit.

-I think that's it.

-Here, here, here, here,

here, here, here.

We're doing dragon fruit.

-That's it. Let's go.


- What's up, boys?

- You guys are in line?


-Come back, come back. Sit down.

Good job, guys.

All right, now we wait.

All right, boys, get after it.

Let me see you all sweat.

My God. It's so hot.

- We're gonna be okay.

- . There.

All right. Thank you.

Come on, Lena.

Can we have a clue?

-Thank you.

-Thank you.

-We're gonna do Plastic.


Okay, let's go.

All right.

We're gonna do the rice paper.

We're gonna do the rice paper.

-"Travel by taxi." Let's go.

-Let's go.

What's promising is that

Rob and Corey were with

the first group

that left at 5:45.

We left at 6:00.

And we are gonna be

probably minutes behind them.

Thank you so much.

Thank you. Thank you.

Final clue.

Do you know this?

Perfect. Thank you.

That's a sign

for the rice paper place.

They're close to each other,

so we're close to both of them

right now.


That wasn't far.

Let's jog down this alley

to see what's down here.

How much do we owe you?

It's 35?

Okay. Thank you.

All right, Lena,

let's rock this.

Hi. Let's get

this demonstration going.

Right here.

My God. We're gonna

do this quick. Okay.

Okay, so he's doing it towards

the top. He's rubbing it.

- He's got the gloves on.

- Okay.

Okay. He's shrink-wrapping it.

Okay. Slow and steady

wins this race.

Who do we ask for a piece?

- Can we have orange?

- Orange?

They're only gonna

give us one piece?


As a marketing executive,

I really wanted my artist

to have this look on Fairfax

and have a huge window vinyl,

and I didn't have the money

in his budget to do it,

so I did it myself.

You need me to loosen it?

It's okay, it's okay. It's okay.

I'm good, I'm good, I'm good.

It is really hard

if you're just working on it

for the first time.

It's a giant sticker

that just makes you upset.

The motorcycle paneling

had sharp edges,

it was very curvy.

And so what we learned was

you had to cover the body firs,

which had less curves,

and then you would use

the hot g*n to stretch out

the material to almost, like,

Saran Wrap the sides.

Go ahead. Hot air g*n it.

Slow and steady wins this race.

- Slow and steady. We're here.

- Nobody else is here.

All right, this is

the rice paper place.

-This is it?

-It's down here.

There's the demo.

All right, let's watch a demo.

There's the batter.

Pour it on like a crepe.

-You can make crepes.

-I've made crepes.

So far,

it's looking very crepe-like.

This guy is all about crepes.

I've made lots of crepes before.


Then you put a cover on it.

In the army, my nickname

was Pierre because

my platoon mates knew

that I used to live in France.

Take the paper wicket.

He's rolling the wicket.

Okay. So it just sticks to it

as you roll it.

- Nice, nice. Okay.

- Pick it up.

Okay. And then you put it

on the drying rack.

Rice paper? There it is.

-Come on, Dad.

-Somebody's here.

Hey, guys.

-Hey, guys. All right,

let's go pick a station.

-All right.

Watch. Look, look, look.

She keeps stirring the batter.

Covers it.

Are you doing the batter then,

since you're the crepe guy?

- Sure.

- So we need 12 sheets.

This is a pretty cool technique.

Keep it moving. Try to get it

to spread a little thinner.

- Okay.

- Perfect.

All right, 30 seconds.

Well, I don't know if you need

that much, but that's okay.

We want it thinner than that,

probably, next time.

- Cover it.

- Ready?

- You think it's next time?

- Yep.

Grab the wicket. Yeah!

Roll that paper up.

Once you get about halfway,

you can just lift it off.

But don't rip it.

You just got to baby it.


- She's a beaut.

- Okay, ready?

Here we go.

Is that still too wet?

Want 'em hard. Yes. Go now.

Are you sure?


Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Aw, sh**t! It's too wet

coming off of there.

Scrape it off.

That one's trashed.

John and Greg,

how you guys doing, boys?

We're doing great. Doing great.

We're done, we're done.

We're done.

- Okay. Okay.

- Okay, bye.

- All right, great.

We want to go that way.

We're k*lling this.

Little did they know,

I used to work in produce.

- Done.

- Perfect. Clue?

Thank you, thank you,

thank you, thank you.

- Bye-bye.

-Okay, let's go.

My God, Chels.

Final three. Get the clue. Clue?


-Thank you. These are gorgeous.

- Good job.

- All right, gentlemen.

- Great job today. Good work.

- Thanks, boys.

We got to go back

to the oranges.

We need the clue.

We have, like, seven baskets

of dragon fruit to do.

We were at the dragon fruit.

There was a line.

He took us

to go to do the oranges,

and then there was another line,

so we kind of lost some time.

We could have just waited

at the dragon fruit.

- It's right there.

It's right there.

He's right there.

It's right there. It's

right there. It's right there.

- Yeah, yeah. There, there.

- Where is he going?

He's going to go around,

I think.

No. This man

will take the longest route

he can find.

- No.

- He really did go around!

In terms of

level-headedness, I feel like

we're both pretty calm people.

Not big complainers.

I feel like he's starting

to get a little annoyed with us,

but, like,

that's the way it goes.

-He sees how hard we're working.

-Yeah. Yeah, he sees it.

I've gotten really

into mindfulness and meditatio,

taking a breath, calming down.

Whatever stressful

situation's in the moment,

it's going

to be over eventually.

- Are you ready

to make up some time?

- Yeah.

Please? Fast, fast, fast.

How many do you have left?

We are almost through with

our second basket of oranges.

Offloading the oranges

helped push us towards the back

because only two teams at a tie

could offload produce, and so,

and so any team

that was already ahead was

just kind of building their lead

at that point.

Three more.

We're done! Thank you.

Yeah. Good job, you guys.

Right. We're out of here.

-We need to go here. Yeah? Good?

-Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

We're probably about 30 minutes

-behind the first group

of teams.


Don't be sloppy.

Don't reach down.

Let me get the net.

We've been married

for 20 years now.

Here, here, here, here.

We don't always see eye to eye,

so we do butt heads a lot.

There it is.

Right there. Right there.

-Okay, Okay, I see it. Got it.


-Don't be sloppy. Okay, okay.

-I'm not. The boat moved.

Oranges up there.

- How do you want

to do this?

- I don't even know.

Nobody's gonna

grab our clue for us.

Don't let them go

in front of us.

Clue, clue, clue, clue, clue!

-We need the clue.

-They forgot to get the clue.

Can we just get the clue

really quick?

I don't think they're gonna

let us until we get up there.

"Paper or Plastic"?

We're gonna choose Paper.

Go through there. There,

there, there, there, there.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

There you go.

There you go, Tang.

-Are you ready, John?

-As long as your hands are open,

I'll hit the target.

There's our final basket.

-Yeremi's working it.

-I've had

dragon fruit before,

and I really do enjoy it.

I know, right?

- Got it.

- Okay.

- Clear, clear, clear, clear?

- Thank you, sir. Pomelos?

- Yeah.

-We need the clue. Here.

We need the clue.


- Don't forget your clue like us.

- Thank you.

Come on. Dragon fruit.

- Go, go, go!

- We got a big lead

on them.

- Those dragon fruit are hard.

- Clue, clue.

Just the clue.

We spent a lot of time

-Go it. Thank you.

-Go, go, go!

trying to correct

that critical error.

Yeah, and that was tough.

-Okay, toss it one at a time.


Nice job. Nice job.

- That's a nice one.

- That one

was really good.

Don't let it turn,

don't let it turn.

-There it is. It's coming.

-There it goes.


Dang, he makes that look easy.

We got this.

Just like making crepes.

It's not picking it up.

No, no, no,

that ain't gonna work.

It is not picking up.

-You hear me?

-Settle down.

- Dad, do you-do you hear me?

- Yeah.

Every time

she gets a little pressure

or a little frustration,

she looks for somebody

to take it out on.

Usually, it's her husband,

though. It's not me.

Rice paper is hard.

Here. Let's go.

-Look at that one.

-Perfect beauty.

We might need to move to Vietnam

and become rice paper salesman.

I see another team.

Should we switch Detours?

Just keep on trying.

Progress in the making.

-There you go. Last one.

-Thank you.

Thank you, sir. Thank you.

- So you have the clue? Yes?

- It's okay.

- Yes, yes, yes, yes?

- Perfect.

Little heat,

little heat, little heat,

heat, heat, heat. Thank you.

This is Lena's jam. I mean,

I've watched her

wallpaper whole walls.

Hold on, hold on. Our vinyl

our vinyl is sticking together.



It's fine. Do it again.

Thank you.

You're doing so good.

Can't believe that ripped.

It's ridiculous.

Which one do we want?

-Paper? Yeah.

-You want to do Paper? Okay.

-We've been efficient, for sure.

-Thank you.


We're almost done.

We're almost done.

-All right.

-All right, roll.

Okay, thank you.

Good job, guys.

- All right.

- Keep pushing.

All right, we're on last basket.


-Thank you.


We done. Clue. Clue.

-Thank you.


Thank you. Let's go.


We got to find a fisherman.

What do you think?

-Let's do Plastic.


-We're gonna do Plastic.

-All right.

-All right, man. You ready?


-Let's go.

-Let's go. All right.

There you go.


-I know.

Halfway. Okay, pick it up.

That looks like a good one.

What do you think?

I feel like

we're making progress.

Yeah. You almost got it.

Twelve About 12 circles,

25 seconds.

All right, let's do this.

As soon as we figured out

what the challenge was,

we were cruising.

Use your hand.

No. Other way around. Okay.

- You see it? Where?

- I saw an arrow. Straight ahead.

Very, very gentle work.

Good job, Dad.

We're getting there.

- You got it.

- Okay.

Well, that was

a good one. That was a good one.

Thank you.

Another team is getting here.

-What color you want?

-Purple. Purple.

Thank you.

This is all they're giving us.

Remember, babe-- do it slow

-and do it right.


My dad would be so good at this.

I've done stretching vinyl

with my dad before,

and when I say, "I did,"

like, I was literally, like,

just standing by my dad, like,

listening to him talk, but,

like, I know

that there's no rushing it.

You're moving at the pace

of the vinyl.

The vinyl's not moving

at your pace.

All right, pull it up tight,

and I'm gonna hit it

with a little heat.



I feel like we've made a lot

of progress from the first one

to where we're at now. Perfect.

Now we're getting

a little rhythm down.

Like this.

I think that's

the most beautiful rice paper

that's ever been made.

It's got wrinkles, but who

doesn't have wrinkles, you know?

- Almost like a pancake.

- Wide. Wider. Yep.

Thinner. Thinner.

We're just trying

to figure out the pattern here

-on how to make this work.

-There you go. Gonna try it.

But cooking is not my forte.

I cook.

I just don't like cooking.

-Can we get a check?

-Ready for a check.

Look at these beautiful

rice papers.

Okay. Okay.

Those two bad?

Yeah, that one's gone.

- Three of them? Okay.

- Okay.

Let's move this over here.

We need to do three more.

Nine, ten.

Two more.

We should be able

to make 12 sheets of rice paper.

I don't know. Okay.

-Thank you.

-Got our bags.

Let's go. Let's get in here.

When we got there,

Lena and Morgan

were already there

- and so was Joe and Ian.

- Yes. Yep.

We pulled in, and we were like,

"there's only three

of us here right now"?

Like, we feel like we're

in a pretty good placement.

You know what's funny

is that I wanted

to wrap my car

for a hot minute.


Well, now you get to learn.


So let's start.

We chose Plastic

over Paper because,

it looked like something that

was a little more up our alley,

a little more technical,

a little more hands-on.

Let's see how thick this is

so we know how much room

for error we have.


-Yeah. Got it.

I'm gonna hold this.

I want you to pull it

not too tight 'cause it's.

-When I get it hot,

it-it stretches a lot.


Let's do these edges.

Just the edge

to shrink-wrap it down.

Come on, baby.

Don't let me down.

Keep right here.

-Taxis are over there?


-Okay. Let's go to Paper.

-All right, rice paper it is.

-Let's cross right here.

-What's up, ladies?

Hi. Okay, let's cross.

So, Rice Paper?

-Um, I think Paper.


-Yeah, let's do

We'll do Paper.


Okay, we're gonna do Paper.

Nine out of the 12

were good enough.

Almost got it.

So basically, you just can't

have big tears through it,

or have it

folded over itself.

- We're gonna get a check

after this last one?

- Yeah.

We've got 11. We're going

to make this twelfth one.

- We have somebody judge it.

- Yes.

There we go.

Welcome to your new home.


-Little hard to

-No, you didn't bring it.

I understand that, babe.

Do you not want me

to give you pointers, or

We got 12 right now,

so, cross your fingers.

- Check?

- Check, please.

- They're already

getting a check?

So, one, two, three,

four, five, six, seven.

-Seven. Ten.

-Eight, nine, ten.

11, 12.


- Good.

- They're just getting

- their clue right now.

- Okay.

We'll be right behind 'em.

Last one.

Thank you!

Let's go.

Well, "Race to the Pit Stop."

It's impossible to come up

with an exact figure,

but there are an estimated

30,000 places of worship

scattered across Vietnam.

Many date back

thousands of years.

This one is only ten years old,

but it is the biggest

in Can Tho.

Today, this quiet,

spiritual Zen monastery

is where teams

will find the Pit Stop.

-Come on, Dad!

-I'm here.

- Taxi. Taxi!

- What are we looking for?

- They're there. Okay.

- There she is.

- That way,

that way, that way.

- Thank you.

Texas, go.

- Here?

- No.

- Are you sure?

- Just keep going.


Let's get it done.

All right.

-Ready for a check.

-Check! Check, check.

Come on, baby. Come on, baby.


-Yes! We got it. We got it.


Thank you.

- Thank you.

- Thank you, thank you,

Thank you.

-All right, let's do this.

-All right, let's go.

-Holy moly.

How far is this thing?

-Keep going.

- Keep going. Yeah.

- Come on!

We got

to get there before

- Steve and Anna Leigh.

- Look out! Let's go.

-Right there.

-They're getting out,

we're getting in.

- You guys all done?

- That way. That way.

Down this aisle!

Come on.

- Here?

- No.

That's not it.

- Got to find a cab.

- Any tips?

It just takes practice.

You'll get it.



-No, that's somebody's house.


that's somebody's house.

"There are five ovens



-"First come, first serve."


-Take this oven.

-Okay, let's go.

-Let's go.

We need to

Are they done?

Okay, yeah. All right.

Go, go, go. They finished.

-Come on. Come on, Andrea.

-Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.

- Fast, fast, fast.

- Andrea. Come on.

- Taxi?

- Are you guys done?

- Yeah.

- Just takes practice.

-All right, we got it. Let's go.

-Yep. Let's go. Let's go.

The brothers already passed us.

Here it is. We passed it.

-We passed it.

-We must be blind! Holy cow.

Okay, we're going here.

-Can we put our

stuff down right


This is our station.

Okay, let's get a station.

There's an ongoing


Let's just go watch it.

-Is it there?

-Yep, let's do it.

All right, let's roll,

let's roll, let's roll.

Watch them.

Does somebody have this one?

All right.

Right here. Right here, Andrea.

- This it?

- Come on.

Come on. Hurry up.

Do we have one?

Is there one?

There's no more stations.

There was only

five stations available,

first come, first serve.

"There are five ovens


One, two.

-Three, four.

-Three, four, five.

So we had to wait for

one of the teams to leave.

-Well, this is

-We can't wait too long.

- This is gonna

cost us some time.

- Damn.

I feel like this

challenge is worth waiting for.

This will be more up our alley.

-We want to do this.



But there's no

available stations, so,

hopefully someone will get done.

We are both competitive.

Even with my son.

I want him

to be competitive, also.

So, that competitive spirit

is always within us.

But in certain instances,

you need to just be patient.

It is what it is.

We'll make up time.

What's going on here?

-What's going on here?

-It just needs to be cut, Lena.

Think this is okay right here?

Yeah, there it is. Nice.

Nice, dude. Nice.

It's looking good.

It's getting light-colored

there, so be careful.

-Do you see that?


Damn. Should we start over

'cause it's light-colored?

I don't want

to get it all the way done

-You want to redo it over? Yeah.

-Yeah, yeah.

We're starting over.

Let's get Get-get orange.


Thank you.

I wanted to get orange

'cause it more

closely matches the color

of this.

The purple,

you see the white right through.

Let's go, babe.

Start peeling the plastic.

- We don't know

if we're

- First, second.

We don't know, so,

anybody's game, anybody's game.

We're racing Steve

and Anna Leigh to the mat.

Hopefully, their cab driver

doesn't know where it is.

-He seems confident

with our directions.

-Good job.

We have the best taxi driver

we've had in a while.

- Yeah,

he's flying for us.

- He's confident where

we're headed

and he is getting us there.

- Come on.

- Is there Phil right there?

There's Phil. There, there!

Come on, come on. Phil!

Nice. Beautiful.


Welcome to Truc Lam Phuong Nam!

Yes, glad to be here.

-Steve and Anna Leigh,

you are team number one.

- That was a great feeling.

- From sixth,

-sixth to first.

-Well, wait.

From sixth to sixth to

about last, then back to first.


That was a cool feeling.

- However, you are still racing.

- Wait, wait.

- I have your next clue.

- No!

-Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

-Rip it,

- read it and keep on racing.

- No.

-We were tricked.

We were tricked.

-We were tricked.

Phil handed us that paper.

I thought it was over, but no.

"Travel by taxi to Café Tu Diec

"and ask the person

behind the counter for a clue.

You have 5,500 Vietnamese dong

for the leg."

Come on.

We're team number one, Dad.

Come on, come on, come on.

-Where are you, Phil?

-There he is. There he is.

- Phil.

- Phil! My goodness.

Joel and Garrett,

you are team number two.

-All right!

-We'll take it.

However, you are still racing.

- Ho!

- Boy.

-All right, good luck, guys.

-See you, Phil.

- Almost done.

- There you go. Yeah.

I need you to come up to here.

I think the side over here--

I think this is pretty good.

We're gonna ask for a judge.

Can we get a judge?


The air bubbles?

Can these come out?

It's not fixable. We're just

gonna try another piece.

-Maybe a darker color?


Get the navy blue.

We decided to switch colors

from orange to blue

because the blue

showed way less bubbles

than the orange

because it was darker.

There you go. There you go.

Let's watch.

The five stations are taken,

so, we're waiting for a station

to become available.

While we're waiting, we're

looking at the demonstration.

11. That's 12.

We're gonna do one extra

just in case one of them is bad.

-Should we switch?

-We Let's try it, at least.

No, no, not Detour.

Switch positions.


We've been together

since we were 15 years old,

so, we bicker.

Here, wait.

Watch, you bring it up.

But we have set

clear and consistent boundaries

on how far you could go.


- Support me.

- Yes, sir.

Drop it all in there and then

-Too much.

-Yeah, way too much.

You said,

"Drop it all in there."

Circular. Circular.

I know. I'm trying, I'm trying.

You put too much on, baby.

All right,

you make the next one.

It's not as easy as it looks.

It's already ruined.

I have to cook it to get it off.

- No, it's over.

- You already screwed

I understand I screwed up,

but I have to cook it.

-I can't take it off

otherwise, right?

-Okay, okay.

-Okay, yeah, nice and smooth.

-Coming out.

See? It already is so

Yeah. Okay.

So we'll scrape that off.

Okay. Can we have a check?

Check, please.

Yeah. Only that one?

We made 13.

- Okay.

- Yeah?

- Yeah!

They got it. They got it.

They got it. They got it.

"Search for Phil on the mat."

Let's go.

- We got to do this.

- Go, go, go.

No more heat.

I need you to pull it

a little more tightly.

Okay, heat.

My God.

Maybe we heat it up,

and it'll move a little bit?

- I don't know.

- We can try.

We realized that

because the fender was curved,

the rectangle sheet

didn't cover the entire fender.

So I think now we're gonna

get the same sheet.

Okay. Let's see.

See, like that. Yeah.

I think

that's the move right there.

Pick-pick up the other side.

I think you already

lost that opportunity.

I know, but I got to figure out

how to pick it up.

-That's the hard

-I know. Can you try it?

-Do it this way.

-I understand, but

-Pick it up.

-It's not sticking.

I don't know why

it's not sticking to my thing.

- Got to be a good one.

- That's a bad one.

Let's just take it off

and throw it away.

- Keep going.

- sh**t.

- My bad, dude.

- It's okay.


We need to get

that wicker thing wet.

It's not cook

Leave it on there. Let it cook.

Rob and Corey,

you are team number


My gosh.

- However

- High five.

you are still racing.

Dude, you're k*lling it.

I think Todd found his calling.

It's good, right?

You want to hire him?

- Not that way.

- Why not

Okay, that'll work, but

What do you mean,

"Not this way"?

She was holding that bat,

and I'm like,

"I can't stir up."


Nice, Robbin.

Your concentration is awesome.

Put the lid on.

Here we go.

See? It's not that easy.

Almost thinking

we should have chosen Plastic.

See? It's not that easy.

Okay, let me just

Give me a break.

This one's terrible, but

- But we know

how to do it. Yep.

- trial and error.

We watched the

demonstration for a little bit,

but not for as long

as we maybe should have.

Just got to make sure it comes

down smooth is part of it.

sh**t. It's stuck together.

-Ooh, that's hot.

-Careful, careful.

Come on, pick it up.

That's a nice one.

Come on. We need this.

We need this.

We're doing good so far.


-All right. Check? Check?


Come on. Come on.


-Todd and Ashlie

just got theirs.

-Yeah! Ooh!

-Thank you so much.

-Thank you.

-Thank you.

Just-just keep holding it there.

Then after we're done,

we're gonna spit-shine it

with our sweat.

- I think we need

to start cutting some of this.

- Yeah.

Do it nice and slow.

There you go.

All right, let's try.

-Thank you.

-Thank you.

-Thank you.

-Thank you.

All right, come on.

Thank you.

- Good job, girl.

- Bye, guys.

"Search for Phil on the mat."


Okay, let's go.

- We got this.

- We got a good system.

Nice job.

Okay, that's good.

This is okay, here. So,

we're gonna try it this way.

We're gonna use this little

spatula thing to kind of help us

- get it started.

- Yeah, there it goes,

there it goes.

-Beautiful, Gregory.

-Kind of spread it out?

All right, that's not too bad.

That was our best one yet.

We're recovering.

We're recovering.

We're gonna be

rice cake professionals.

While we waited

for one of the stations

to open up, we continuously

watched the demonstration,

so I believe

-that definitely helped us.


- We can make extra.

- Yeah, just make extra

'cause they're gonna

knock some out.

- Nice, Robbin.

- That one's okay. Check?

Can we get a check?

Ten, 11, 12. Good?

Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes.

- The ladies got it.

- I know.

That looks awesome,

but it's still too thick.

It feels amazing

to get our clue before

teams that have been dominating

this whole race thus far.

-Thank you.


Thank you, thank you,

thank you.

It felt wonderful.


Todd and Ashlie,

you are team number four.

- However, you are still racing.

- Still racing?


-Rip it, read it right here.

-All right.

Feel good. I feel good.

We're on our way

to the Pit Stop.

Is it closed?

Okay. So the road just came

to an end.

- We're just at a dead end.

- That sucks.

Come on. We got this.

This is our chance.

It's a sprint now.

It's a sprint.

That looks good, babe.

Good, good, good.

That's it. That's it, Andrea.

- Can we get a check, please?

- Man. Come on.

-Eight, nine, ten.

-Eight, nine, ten, ele


-Eleven, 12.

Thank you.

-They got it.

-Still got Victor, Jocelyn here.


I think I'm getting a better

hang of actually wrapping this

around that little bat, so,

we might be doing

a little bit better than before.

Damn, you're good, boy.

Yeah, I'm a freak, bro.

What can I say?

We work really well

in these

high-stress situations.

- Like, we're about there.

- You know what I mean?

- Careful.

- Okay.

She's a beauty.



Thank you.

"Travel by taxi to Truc Lam

Phuong Nam Zen Monastery."


-The mat.

Robbin and Chelsea,

- you are still racing.

- Yes.


-Rip it and read it right there.


Morgan and Lena,

you are team number six.

We were shocked. Our whole goal

with using the Express Pass was

we wanted it

to be an advantage-gainer.

And we didn't even maintain

our place.

However, you are still racing.

I have another clue for you.

Thanks, Phil.

Yes, it sucks.

We're in sixth,

but we're also still racing.

This is anybody's game.

-Hey, Phil.

-What's up, Phil?

Joe and Ian, you are still

racing. Here's your next clue.

Can we get a check, please?


Seriously? Seriously?

Three more? Okay.

We'll just hang out here

until tomorrow.

- All right. Ready?

- He's got a check, yeah?

Yeah. All right. Check.

- Check?

- Gosh.

Let's do it, baby.

Not good.

We're good. We're good.

- Eleven, 12.

- Let's go. Let's go.

- They got it.

-We're the last team here.


Thank you so much!

Thank you, thank you!

It's over.

That's one.

We still need two more.

We're the last team out,

so let's pray this is good.

We had won the first two legs,

and then, now it's like,

Okay, definitely we're not

gonna be anywhere near

the front today.

-This is the last one?

-This should be the last one.

Check, please. Check.

But you know,

just stay positive when

it's not over till

Phil says you're out.

Ta da!

Thank you, thank you,

thank you, thank you.

Yeah, thank you.

Let's go.

It was fun while it lasted.

You don't know

until you check in.

How's that look?

-All right, let's hit it,

let's hit it, let's hit it.

-Let's hit it.

Can we do a check?

Nice and smooth.

-Okay. Yes, dude!

-Let's go.

-Let's go. Let's go.

-Let's go, baby. Let's go.

-Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you.

-Thank you, sir.

-"Race to the Pit Stop."

-"Race to the Pit Stop."

-Hey, cool. Let's go.

-Let's do it. Let's go get 'em.

-Let's go get 'em.

-Come on, come on.

Taxis right here.

There's taxis right here.


Where's the taxi at?

Taxi? It looks like a taxi.

- All right, babe.

- This might be our last run.

-There's the brothers.

There's the brothers. Let's go.


- Yeah. They have

a whole 'nother team here.

- Okay.

We just saw Liam and Yeremi.

They were trying to catch a cab

and they saw that we were in.

-Thank you, sir.

-Let's go.

-Hop in there, baby.

-Hop in there, baby.

Come on. Come on, come on.


we looked death

into the face right there.

-Let these guys in.

-Hey, good job.

Greg and John,

Andrea and Malaina,

- you guys are still going.

- All right.


-Rip and read your clue

right here.

- Yes.

- Rip it.

Think positive!

We're positive. We're positive.

We're not in last. We just got

to find this Pit Stop.

-This was a long,

challenging leg.

-Challenging leg.

It's gonna really put a lot

of teams to the test.

Yes, and I'm And Yeremi and I

are passing that test.

Our hard work's paying off.

We're gonna hopefully

jump some places

and just stop finishing

in eighth place.



We finally made it.

Jocelyn and Victor,

you've messed up your record.

I know. We got k*lled

on making rice paper,

- of all things. My gosh.

- I know.

So embarrassing.

I mean, we sell it, we eat it,

and we just never

actually made this stuff.

-And now we're probably

dead last.


Well, the good news is

you are second to last.

You are tenth.

My gosh.

- But I have another clue

for you.

- My goodness.

So even though

you are tenth to leave here,

you could still

actually win.

-Get out!

-Rip it and read it.

Guys, come on in.

We won the first two legs,

but now we're second to last.

-We're still hopeful.

-Yeah, Yeah, yeah, because

we see it all the time, where

teams go from first to last.

Just depends

on the luck of the draw.

Do you have any idea

where you're at?

-No, we're-we're We don't.

-We don't.

You are dead last.

-However, you are still racing.


Which means

you have another clue.

You can rip it,

read it, keep on racing.

There's no reason

why you can't carry on

- and win this leg.

- Okay.

-But you got a lot

of catching up to do.


-We are dead last.

-Not-not just last.

-Dead last.

-Dead last.

It was very disappointing.

I mean, our challenges

up to that point,

we felt were going really well,

and then just

to get told that we were last

was just like, "Really? Dang."

-All right,

let's go do it. Okay, let's go.

-Let's do it, man.

We're still in the race,

and we have to just give it our

all and really go and get it.

We still have a good shot

at this. It's not over

till Phil says we're out.

No, not over yet.

Next time

onThe Amazing Race

The exhausting day continues.

We lost it. We lost it.

Steve and Anna Leigh try

and reel in another first plac.

- Ew!

- Just grab that sucker.

They're wiggling!

And without an Express Pass

- Don't let them outwork us.

- I don't know.

Morgan and Lena

feel the pressure.
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