24x02 - Baby Bear's Soup

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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24x02 - Baby Bear's Soup

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
"The Amazing Race: All Stars",

a shocking announcement.

Last night, one of our racers
had to make an emergency visit

with our race doctor.

Ended Bopper's hopes
of running the race.

Bopper, I've been consulting
with the race doctor.

He does not think you are

healthy enough to
race around the world.

It's definitely devastating
to me and my family.

But fellow Kentuckian Mallory

stepped in to take
Bopper's place

and form a new
Team Kentucky with Mark.

I just put him in better
hands, he's gonna do great.

In Guangzhou, China,

cowboys Jet and Cord got off
to a fast start.

- Ah-ha-ha!
- Thank you.

Thank you.

While the Twinnies fell apart.

You're an idiot.
Now, we're in last.

Cord flipped into first place.


Oh, man, I'm ready to get down!

Helping the cowboys
win a powerful prize.

You have an Express Pass
and a second Express Pass

that you must hand over
to another team.

Meanwhile, Team Kentucky
had some growing pains.

I think we gotta
second guess it though.

She don't believe
in my decisions.

That's not gonna
come right off the bat.

But in the end, it was
the Twinnies who fell short.

You have been eliminated
from the race.

I can't-- I can't even.

I can't even look at you, Phil.

Ten teams remain.


Who will be eliminated next?

I love China!

Guangzhou, China
has been referred to

as the world's factory,

where you can find anything
at a competitive price.

And in the heart of the city,
this award-winning opera house,

which is now the start
of the second leg

in a race around the world.

Jet and Cord won
the last leg of the race.

'Cause you are team number one.

- Woo-hoo-hoo!
- How you like that?

And will depart first

at 8:16 a.m.

- Okay.
- Let's race.

"Make your way to
the Chen Clan Academy

"and stand still in front
of the master

to receive your next clue."

Let's do it.

We're going this way?
Let's roll out.

I don't know that
we even need a cab.

We need to figure out
where that's at.


Winning the first leg,
we got two Express Passes.

One of 'em we gotta give away.

We're really happy to have
the Express Pass for us,

but the other one really has
just been kind of a headache.

You know, you try to think
of who to give it to,

when to give it to 'em
and how to use it, I guess.

How far?

- Long ways?
- Yeah.

- Taxi?
- Taxi okay.

Can't-- can't run it?

Five kilometers?

Five minutes?

Thank you.


"Make your way to the
Chen Clan Academy." Okay.

- Okay.
- Let's do this.

Where are you going?
I have no idea.

I don't like running if we
don't know where we're going.

- Babe.
- What?

Seriously, what are you doing?

- I'm trying to make sure no teams see us.
- Get outta here.

On the last leg, Brendon and I

had really good communication,
no emotions.

Uh, we were kind of just,
you know, in sync.

We managed to
have one leg at least

that Rachel hasn't cried in.

So, so far,
we're doing pretty good.

That is not cool.

Chen Clan Academy?
Where is it, babe?

- Oh.
- Subway, metro?


You too.


"Stand still in front
of the master."

- Here, do you know this?
- Mom...

You didn't give him a chance.

Honey, just let me do it.
Let me do it.

Do you know this?

Yes, yes.

Just, please, let me do it.

He didn't even see--
he was looking here.

- Okay, just listen.
- Mom...

- Let's take off.
- Let's boogie.

Do you know where that is?

- It's far?
- Far?

- The subway train?
- Yeah, subway.

Okay, just jog-- slow jog.

You wanna ask or keep going?


Are you-- are you jogging?

Go around this way?

- Yes, yes.
- Thank you.

May not have to catch a
cab if we're two blocks.

Metro, left.

- Rach, down?
- Yeah.

Let's go, catch the train.
Go, go, go!

- Holy crowded subway.
- It's a sea of people here.

We weren't the only ones
that decided to take

the metro today,
that's for sure.

Chen Clan Academy?

Tell us where we're headed now.

The Chen Clan Academy.

Hey, just follow us.

- Let's go, guys.
- Let's go.

Leo and I really like
Mark and Mallory.

Just their whole story,
what happened to Bopper,

we're big fans of
Mark and Bopper

and Mallory and her dad,
so we're gonna help them.

- Let's do this for Bopper!
- Yes, let's go.

Mallory's from the same place
I'm from-- we're from Kentucky.

But we don't know each other,
don't have no trust.

The more legs
we get under our belt,

the closer we're gonna get to
winning that million dollars.

"Make your way to the
Chen Clan Academy."

- Oh, my gosh.
- Chen Clan Academy.

- Let's go.
- Let's do it.

Who can we talk to?

We just go to
the metro, I think.

This subway is so crowded.

We thought New York was bad,
but this, it's insane.

Chen Clan Academy.

Go, just push. Go, go, go, go!

Find the exit.
Oh, hey. Hey, guys.

Come on, Brendon. There it is!

- Only one team at a time.
- Xiexie.

This is cool.

Yes, that is awesome.
Can I get one too?

- Xiexie.
- Xiexie.

What the heck?
How are we supposed to

tell a taxi driver
in another country

that this is where
we need to go?

I have a feeling
we beat the cowboys here.

Chen Clan Academy.
Thank you, thank you.

Come on!

- Thank you.
- We're going here.

We don't know where that is.

We need a taxi.
Do you know where there's taxis?

Can you tell the taxi
to take us here?

- Taxi!
- We're good.

Is this close?


- Do you know?
- Nice job, Dad.

"Stand still in front
of the master."

Oh, I've been wanting to
meet a spiritual master.

- All right.
- Okay, here we go. Hi!

- Chen Clan Academy?
- Yeah, I know.

- You do?
- On the subway.

- Thank you!
- Thank you, thank you, thank you.

- Oh, thank you so much, xiexie.
- I want a hug too.

I'm not boy crazy anymore,
but we're gonna flirt.

I mean, we flirt with everybody.

We flirt with each other.

There's no way
we're not gonna flirt.

We flirt with life.

I haven't seen a sign
that says metro on it.

Just trying to decide if
we're gonna get a cab or not.

Hey, let's show this guy
right here where we're going.

Holy moly.

- You know here?
- Okay.

Holy cow.

Wasn't the best start
I ever had there, huh?

No, we kinda slow started it.

I seen that.

Chen Clan Academy.
Come on, guys.

Excuse me, excuse me,
whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

- Push!
- This way! This way!

- My wife is pregnant!
- This way! This way!

Where's the hospital?

- Excuse me, excuse--
- There it is, right there!

Right there, come on, guys.

The Afghanimals right there too.

Man, dude, everybody
caught up to us.

It just sucks, man. Taxi, taxi!

Might not show up on me.

Man, everybody's
caught up to us.

"Watch out, there will be
many children present.

Be careful not to
run into them."

All right, let's do it.

So, right there?
We hope this is it.

And it looks like it's
a big shopping mall.

Maybe we need
to go in this mall.


Play park, we wanna
go to the play park.

Oh, look at this!
There's children.

This has gotta be it.

Okay, we got-- we're good,
we're good, Dad.

Oh, boy.

It's a Road Block. All right,
let's see what we're doing.

The region around Guangzhou

is the world's capital
of toy making.

This Road Block requires teams
to build a kiddie car.

When the toy soldier
says it's road ready,

they'll receive their next clue.

Choose a box containing
an unassembled car.

A bunch of kids pulling luggage
like we're going on a trip.

I think we follow them.
I don't know.

We gotta find a toy car.

Here we go. Dad, Dad, Dad!

- Xiexie.
- Xiexie.

Oh, this is it.

Here we go, get building.

The Road Block was to
assemble a motorized toy car.

I have five kids,
seven grandchildren.

I've put plenty of things
together in my life,

and I thought,
I've got this down,

we're gonna be out of
here in no time.

I haven't seen any
directions except for these.

Thank heavens I got
some readers.

There's dozens of parts,

and the instructions
are all in Chinese.

Lots of little parts.

This is gonna be a challenge.

Come on, Mom.

"Who's the mechanic?" Me.

I can fix some things
around the house.


- Yay! Yay!
- Whoo!

Oh, my God, it's all in Chinese.

Great. Oh, boy.

Go, Mom!

Margie and Luke just came in.

Oh, my God, there's
so many pieces here.

I have no idea.

Oh, my God.

Is this like a kid
amusement park?

Leo and I, we the kids' people.

It's like I'm back at
Chuck E. Cheese again.

- "Who's the mechanic?"
- I'll do it.

Our dreams came true.
Party with kids!

Where the kids at?
I wanna play with the kids.

This is like
Chuck E. Cheese on steroids.

So, where are the cowboys?

- Haven't been here.
- No!

- Yeah.
- You're joking.

No, I'm serious.

Oh, Brendon and Rachel
just got here.

"Who's the mechanic?"

It says, "Who is
the better mechanic?"

Well, clearly, not this girl.

Well, you are.

- "Who's the mechanic?"
- Me, that's me.

You're gonna own this one.

Good job, Mark!

Brendon, you can do it!

Excuse me, honey, excuse me.

Brendon is building
a toy car for the little kids,

which is super cool,
'cause it means

that he'll have to be doing
that when we have babies

Christmas morning.

Hi, ni hao.

Building a toy, kids!

What's up, buddy?

Put this little car together.

I bought my boy one of these
and he absolutely loved it.

Here we go, baby.

"Who's the mechanic?"
Want me to do it?

Yeah - I got it.

Well, we got the wheels on.

We're gonna wait to
put the hubcaps on.

One of the most frustrating
things I've ever done

as a parent is putting
toys together for my kids

on Christmas Eve.

It's insanity.

Go, Mom, go!

Oh, my God,
I gotta hurry up here.

All right. "Who's the mechanic?"

- You got this, girl.
- I got it.

This is totally yours.

I've always wanted
one of these for Christmas,

except it was pink and
had Barbie on it.

"Who's the
mechanic?" You decide.

It's up to you, make your
decision, I'm happy to do either.

Okay, yeah, I want you to do it,
but I'll do the next ones, okay?


The blondes not here yet?
The country girls not here yet?

Uh, blondes and...

- Blondes are here?
- The cowboys aren't here.

We don't know where
the cowboys are.

They're the only team
we don't know where they are.

We were standing around,
all the non-participants

were talking about how the
cowboys hadn't arrived yet

and neither had the
country singers.

But, like, literally
every other team

all caught up together
at the Road Block.

Little kids,
I'm coming with your toy!

Chen Clan Academy.
There's a bunch of people

over here taking pictures
of something.

Whoo, hi!

- Oh.
- On your forehead.

Oh, oh!

Oh, the country girls are here.

I wonder how far behind we are.

Son of a, Cord.

There's the cowboys,
Jen, we beat them.

The cowboys are behind us.

Holy cow.

We're in front of the cowboys.

I cannot believe we're
in front of the cowboys.

Taxi, okay!

Thank you.

Hi, cowboys!

- Caroline, concentrate on us.
- Okay.

We need to get a cab first.


There you go.

Damn it.

That is the last team that
left the mat this morning.

I seen that.

Holy cow.

And that's the way
this race works.

You go from first
to last in a hurry.

Go, Mom!

The biggest
distraction were the kids.

You know, like blowing horns
and hitting you

with little rubber toys.
But they were so cute.

Oh, my God, these
little kids are too much.

Hey, kids! Soon!

The little kids were adorable!

I want babies so bad.

Brendon, Rachel wants a baby!

These kids are so cute.

Hey, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa!

Hey, go stand with him.
Go over there.

Can you go stand with him?
Yeah, go stand with him.

what you doing, girl?

Get back over there.

Look like you wanna
do something bad.

I had one little girl that
would not leave me alone.

You don't know me!

This little girl,
she was just-- she was on me.

I mean, she was messing
with my head.

You k*lling me, girl.

Telling me I'm sweating
and she was laughing at me.

Hey, girl!

I'm not sure how everybody
else's little kids were,

but I'm pretty sure I had
the most ornery little girl

that was in the building.

Toy box!

Holy cow.

"Who's the mechanic?"
I'll do it.

You wanna use the Express Pass?

I'm not gonna need it.

Son of a, Cord.

Oh, my God.

Oh, the cowboys!
The cowboys are here.

We were surprised to find out

that the cowboys were
even behind us.

And one thing we know about the
cowboys from racing with them,

once they get to a challenge,

they go through
them pretty fast.

We went around
the world already.

Jamal, the cowboys just arrived!

That's pretty crazy.

You go from first to last
in a hurry in this game.

Going good, going good.

Got a little quick pit--
quick pit stop, quick pit stop.

Come on, Mark. Good job, buddy!

I had to put together
a little electric car.

I mean, it was just a few bolts
here and a few bolts there.

I'm done! I'm ready to ride!

Dip, pop, plug, plug, done.

Mark, good job!

I'll put the spark key
in the trunk, sir.

- Thank you.
- Mark, oh, my God!

We come in there, and here
goes Mark with the toy truck

over his shoulder,
and I thought, oh, man.

You know, they've already
got this leg of the race.

You know, who's-- who's
gonna win second today?

Mallory, you ready?

- Way to go, Mark!
- Thank you.

Boy, he was fast.

Oh, my God!

Go, go, go, go!

Get it! Get it for Bopper!

"Take a taxi, deliver your
car fully assembled

to the students at Guangzhou
Children's Cultural Center."

We need a packing kit!

- Good job, Mark.
- Thank you.

No way!

Mark tore it up.

I said, go win this, you know,
go take it home

to Kentucky, do it for Bopper.

Don't worry, there's still
a bunch of teams here.

The blondes still aren't here.


Taxi, right here!

Can we put it in the trunk?

We got to be very, very careful.

This is like gold.

He doesn't understand English.

Whoo! Ready!

Thank you.

Hey, Dad, come on!

"Take a taxi to
deliver your toy car."

Mom, let's go.

Mark and
Mallory are right there.

Oh, my God. We'll be right back.

Okay, let's go. Okay, stay here.

Well, here comes Margie
and Luke right now.

Where are you going, Mallory?

I see a cab.

Let's go, let's go. We're ready.

Hey, sir, let's ride out.

- You were awesome.
- Oh, I had it together just like that.

Couldn't believe it.

We were all, like, floored.

I was proud, I was like,
"That's my partner!"

I got power!


- Nice job, Dad!
- Xiexie.

Okay, let's go.

Children's Cultural Center.

- Okay, we're taking this--
- Let's roll, I got the car.

How did Margie and Luke
get it out?

No, it won't fit.
Can we put it up top?

We'll be careful, promise.

- No!
- Yes, yes, we'll be careful.

We will be very careful.

"Who's the mechanic?"

You are.
You like to put stuff together.

I hate putting stuff together.

You said you love
putting stuff together.

Are you sure I said that?

Judge, judge, judge?

- Good? Good?
- Okay.

We'll hold it, we'll hold it.

Whoo! That was cool!

Hey, guys.

I never thought
it would come down

to beating one of
the country girls

to keep from getting eliminated.

- Thank you so much, xiexie.
- Yeah!

Guangzhou Children's
Cultural Center.

Good luck, guys.

- Very funny.
- I think we're good.

Very fast!
Margie and Mark both beat us.

- Smoked us.
- And we were there first.

Care-bear, you got this?

No, Jen, I'm really
upset about this.

- Why?
- I hate assembling

more than anything in
the whole world.

Caroline, calm down.

This was my worst nightmare.

Once the blondes showed up,

they were, like,
completely frazzled.

I don't know how to assemble.

Can you see the car?

I'm so worried about that.

It's all right,
ain't nothing fell off.

Mark, you wanna let me get on
the outside so I can check it?

I'm gonna jump out
and check it, don't worry.

He's just looking.
Checking, checking.

- Good, good.
- Is your backpack back there?

- No.
- I didn't have it.

- You didn't leave it, did you?
- I have your passport.

- Gosh almighty.
- I thought you had it.

- No, I had the car.
- Okay.

Now, we gotta go
all the way back.

No, do we?

That's competence,
I ain't got nothing now.

I didn't even know
where you put it at.

It was on the ground
by your feet.

I didn't see it.
If it was on the ground

by my feet, I'd have picked it
up and thrown it in the car.

- Find me a taxi.
- There's nothing here.

You sure you're good?

Yeah, dude, just find me
a taxi, like I said.

We're wasting time, dude.

I'm really worried about her.

Flight, do you put these things

in this little hook right here?

I am, like, freaking out
because I know

this is not looking good.
We're already in last place.

I don't have it on me.

I just-- I knew that
I had to do something.

I saw Jennifer
was talking to Cord

about the Express Pass,
and I was like, there's no way

that Jet and Cord are gonna
give them the Express Pass.

You don't need to say that.

Out of the corner of my eyes

I can see Jen working on Cord
trying to get the Express Pass.

And she was working him and
working him and working him.

Jet would get so mad at me
if I gave an Express Pass away

and y'all left and
we got eliminated.

Jennifer was, like,
begging for the Express Pass.

I didn't like the
feeling of people

sucking up to us when we had it.


When she gets like this,
there's nothing you could do.

- Yes! Whoo!
- Good job!

- Whoo!
- Thank you, toy maker.

Good job, whoo!

You're gonna make the best dad.

We could use it right now.

- You could use it right now?
- Yeah, she's freaking out.

Hey! Whoo!

Cross check on aisle three!

"Take a taxi,
deliver your toy car."

We rocking and rolling?

No, right?

Whoo! Atta boy, thank ya.

How did the cowboys
do it so fast?

Cowboys finished already.

That's insane.

Hey, Jet, she has
a question for you.

- Yeah?
- Can we have your Express Pass?

We're gonna be eliminated
if not, we're so far behind.

They said they would
guarantee not to beat us

this leg of the race. I promise.


Do you wanna give it
to them or no?

What do you think?

It's fine with me.

You're not gonna
give it to anyone--

Oh, my God, we love you. Okay.

Guangzhou Children's
Cultural Center.

- Get your car?
- Yep.

Caroline, let's go,
let's go, let's go.

Did he give us the Express Pass?

- Come on, come on, let's go.
- Okay, okay.

Okay, we're using
the Express Pass.

Come on, read the clue.

"Take a taxi to
deliver your toy car."

I can't believe
they got the Express Pass.

The blondes literally can't do
anything on their own.

Taxi? Thank you, xiexie.

- Ah, perfect, taxi.
- Take us?


We are calling the cowboys
our John Waynes.

They saved us.

We love you guys!

You're welcome!

I knew I was gonna
get it from him.

Let's go.

They was in panic mode,
and we gave it to 'em

and they used it,
that's perfect.

That puts us-- we're the only
team that has an Express Pass.

The other one has already
been burnt on leg two,

so that's a huge--
that was huge right there.

- Wait, wait, thank you.
- Thank you, thank you.

Give him money,
just throw him money.

Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah! All right.

High five. Xiexie.

This is it? This is it?

Let's go, let's go,
let's go, let's go.


We need to go back.

But let's deliver this,
and then let's just see.

- How y'all doing?
- Mark, wait!

Give me a high five, high five.


Look, the gas.
Right here, the gas.

Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Easy, easy, easy!

Thank you very much.


This Detour gives teams
the opportunity

to play an ancient game,

or experience an ancient
Chinese remedy.

Featherball is this country's
version of hacky sack,

and requires teams
to join a team

to make ten passes
of a shuttlecock.

When they do,
one of their teammates

will hand them their next clue.

China Cup gives teams
the opportunity to receive

a traditional Chinese therapy
used to stimulate blood flow

and remove toxins.

- Featherball?
- Yeah.

We have to go back.

There's Luke and Margie.
Hey, did you see his backpack?


Come on, Mom!

- Hey, can you take us back?
- No, Mark, wait.

Can we please do this
and then go back?

Mallory, we got to--
by the time we figure out

where it's at,
ain't nobody gonna grab

my backpack for me,
I don't think.

I think they will.

We're gonna do featherball.

- Oh, oh.
- Mallory, Mallory.

God almighty--
she won't come around. Mallory!

He left his backpack.

Mallory, I need that other clue

to show us back to that way.
We gotta go back.

I mean, ain't nothing we can do.

No, we could've left it.

- We can't leave it.
- We can race without--

we have-- I have your passport.

I-- I don't have
no medicine or nothing.

What is the medicine
that you need that bad?

Car med-- sick.

I got that, I've got
the carsick medicine.

I don't have no clothes!

We have to go back
and then there.


This is gonna
cost us the whole race.

- Where's the other one at?
- He left his backpack

and he said he has to go back.

I do have to go back.
We're wasting time.

We gotta go back.
I know we're wasting time!

We gotta go back.

Mark forgot his backpack.

Go back to where you got us at.

Mark, he can't speak English,
we've got to figure it out.

Sir, can you speak English?

Listen, we gotta go back.

Right here, we're right here.

All right, get ready.

Guys, did you guys see his bag?

Like, his backpack?

- Yeah.
- No.

Can you speak English?

Mallory's asking everybody.

My partner left his backpack.

Can you bring
the backpack to us?

Take us back where
we come from, and then here.

Thank you, xiexie.


We're gonna do featherball.

Let's go, Mallory,
he's got it, he's got it now.

This is gonna cost us
the whole thing.

I don't care,
I gotta have my stuff.

I care! I had the stuff!

Well, if you had it,
we wouldn't be--

we wouldn't be
sitting here without it.

No, no, it was not my fault.

I'm sorry, it was not my fault.

And I would totally go
without my backpack.

It was not my fault.

I tell you what.
How did I forget it?

You had my backpack.
Because it was on the ground

beside where you were standing,
I thought. And where was you?

I was standing there too,
so you can blame--

Do you want me to-- I mean,
do you want me to wear this

- for 23 days?
- Yes, I do.

I would wear the same outfit
for 23 days to keep racing.

I mean, listen,
I don't have a lot of money.

I don't have nothing else,
I don't have nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

I guess it just shows
that some things

matter more to some people.

Mark, you know people
will give you clothes.

It's not even my backpack.

Oh, my gosh, I will
buy you another backpack.

We're gonna lose this whole race

because of this,
and it's just...

I don't have the means she has.

I'm not-- I'm not
nothing to her.

How can I communicate with her?

Mallory's here, Mark's here.

Hopefully, it's gonna
be all right.

Hopefully, it is.

We do better at
the physical challenges.

We're here? This is the park?

- Mom.
- Over there? Okay.

So, we have to find the team

playing with the red
and yellow featherball.

Okay, that's them?

Use any part of your body
except for your arms or hands.

We have to start again.

Oh! Pay attention.

Let's roll.

Right here.

It's right here, right here.


I played soccer when I was
about eight years old.

Definitely not my sport.

I never played soccer,
certainly not my sport.

Okay, let's just slow it down.


- Hi!
- Ni hao!

Ni hao!

Thank you, xiexie.

Xiexie. Featherball?
Featherball, it is.

- Saddle up, little brother.
- All right.

- Xiexie.
- Xiexie.

Where's their car?

- You guys, thank you so much.
- Oh, my God.

- You're welcome.
- Don't mention it.

The logical explanation
was Jet and Cord

gave them the Express Pass.

Wow, we thought
they were for sure

gonna get eliminated.
Game changer.

- We're gonna do featherball.
- We're gonna do featherball.

He's going! We're doing--
we're doing featherball.


All right, thank you, xiexie.

- Featherball.
- Featherball.

Let's go.

Whoo, every time
I get out a taxi,

like I'm-- like I'm coming
out a birth canal or something.

- We going featherball.
- Featherball.

Are you kidding me?
Are you kidding me?

It's literally just us.

It could come down to
us racing for last

against each other,
which is really scary.

Everything is working except
for the freaking engine.

I can't figure out how
to get this damn piece on.

How do I get this to work?
Please, Jesus, help me.

Why won't this get connected?

I don't know what to do.

The wiring's just--
nothing's connecting right.

Oh, hey, hey! It's working now,
it's working now.

Oh, my God, I think
Meghan got it all.

- Yes, okay!
- Yes, yes, yes.

Thank you.

There's still so much at play.

Like, you never know
with this race.

What-- what's the trouble,
what's the trouble?

- Oh, my God...
- This is just a Road Block.

Almost like a motherly instinct
came out where I just felt

really bad and just wanted to
help him get through it.

Last time we were on
the race, we had an alliance

with Meghan and Joey,
and they're our friends.

We got a faster flight to Bali

and we found it for our friends
Joey and Meghan too.

We really, really
love John and Jessica.

Meghan was 100% complete,

so she could've ran away
at that point in time.

She was so nice to stop.

- Good luck.
- Awesome, thank you.

- The blondes got the Express Pass.
- I know, I saw.

Must be nice to have
that colored hair

and get everything
handed to you.

It's kind of annoying.
As a girl, it's important

to do stuff on your own.

Can you take us here?

Playing that, like,
"I'm weak" card is just--

it's kind of just a slap
in the face

for all girls. I'm just saying.

Good job, John!

Okay, cool, yeah.

Let's go. We're in last place.

The blondes got the
Express Pass.

There's John and Jessica.

We need to get a taxi.

They're having trouble
getting a cab.

Oh, my God.

I didn't know
what you did with it.

- It was right beside you.
- I was tying this down--

And I'm not blaming,
I will take the blame.

There it is. There it lays.

Sir, can you take us to...?

- Right up here, right at the top.
- Which one's close?

Hang on.

Get my hand out there.

Which one's closer?

My opinion mattered
nothing to her.

Quickly, quickly.

That's the park?

The park? Thank you.

All right.

- Oh, here you go, right here.
- Xiexie.

Okay, we got this one.

Let's go.

Let's roll, baby,
let's go get 'em.

Is this Liwanhu Park?

Now, we have to look
for this stage.

Let's slow down.
That's what's getting us.

You're just running. You say
one more thing to me, Mark.

We went back and
we got the backpack.

So, let's slow down, this is
why we left the backpack.

We're running ragged.
But we are in the very back.

You know that, right?

- Oh!
- Mom!

At first, it was
definitely a struggle.

To keep it going
for ten times...

- Oh!
- Is tough.

Nice and soft. Nice and soft.

Nice and soft, it's just a tap.

Stay flat foot.

Yeah, let him hit it.

I was trying to, Cord.

Come on, Mark, come on.

Mallory, you getting
upset for no reason.

I mean, people from
Kentucky don't act this way.

I can't believe you just
sold me out like that.

That's really surprising.
I mean, I'm serious.

You're running rampant and
you're mad at me for no reason.

Things on my back don't matter.

Hey, guys, can we help?



'Kay, hey, it doesn't matter.
We just need to get it.

- Let's do this, Mark, 'kay?
- Yeah, I'm ready.

- Oh!
- Mom!

Right here.

- Thank you so much.
- Thank you.

Featherball or China cup?

Do you know where to go?

Yeah, right up here.

Hi! Xiexie, xiexie.

- Okay, let's do featherball.
- Okay.

I think a lot of people
are gonna do featherball.

One, two! Three, three!




Wait, wait.
Stop yelling at me, okay?

- Thank you.
- Xiexie, xiexie.

"Make your way to the
Shamian Promenade

and search for
your next Pit Stop."

Teams must now make their way
to this promenade

on Shamian Island.

This city escape was once owned
by the French and British

during the colonial
European era.

The last team to check in
here may be eliminated.

- Let's get our stuff and roll.
- Let's go, we're checking in.

We don't know where
we're going, Connor.

We gotta find an exit.

Five. Six.


Thank you, thank you, thank you.

"Make your way to
Shamian Promenade."

"The last team to check in
may be eliminated."

Taxi! Taxi! Taxi!

- There's the girls.
- Hey, guys.

- You ready?
- Yeah, I'm ready.

- Here we go.
- One, two...


There it is, we still got it!


Nine... ten!

Somebody else just got it,
we gotta hurry!

"Make your way to
the Shamian Promenade

and search for your
next Pit Stop."

- Eight.
- Nine.

Nine-- get it! Ten!

Yeah, we got it! Let's go, baby!

Let's go, let's go!

Got it!


Shamian Promenade.

Pop it in and let's roll,
we gotta hurry.

- I love you so much.
- Good job.

The country girls,
they were in last place.

And they've basically
caught up to us.

We just left so many
teams in the dust.

We could still
make it to first, Jen.

I saw Margie and Luke,
Mark and Mallory,

cowboys, country singers,

You can never tell in this race.

Mark and Mallory was first to
leave out of the Road Block,

and now, they're still
stuck over there.

All right,
stand right there, Mallory.

Wait a minute.

Thank you, xiexie.

All right, let's go.

Come on, we gotta go,
gotta go, gotta go.

See, they're-- okay. Please.

Straight up, okay. Like this?

Okay, honey, we got-- - All
right, let's have fun. Here we go.

- Let's get to ten, Jess.
- Okay.

- We can do this.
- We can do this.

- Let's have fun with it.
- Okay, honey, we got it.

All right, let's have fun.


Gosh, come on.

That's okay, just relax.
Okay, we got this.

We can do this, Jess. One...

Okay, let's just keep calm.

Oh, yeah!

Oh, God!

I'm sorry.

Gosh, come on.

Man, how many times
we gotta do this?

Just let him hit it
to you, you're good at it.

You got it, John.

Let's do this.
We got it this time.


Meghan, get it!

What should we do?
Just keep doing it?

I don't know what-- we ain't
got no choice, we're here.

Yeah, we do. Detour.

If we switch, there ain't
no telling how long

it's gonna take us
to do that one.


Is this the promenade?

This whole thing
is the Shamian...

I bet it's down here.

This way or that way?

- We have to search this whole area.
- We have to search for it.

Brendon, there's a sign
right there

that says the Shamian...
You can read Chinese?

No, but it's gonna
be in pictures.

The Shamian Promenade,
we're there.


- Know where we're going?
- Nope.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Where are we? "You are here."

Here's the center.

Over there, over there.

Come on, we can catch
them country singers.


Is it left?

- Rachel!
- Yeah.

Come on!

Brendon, it's okay.
We're not running for last.

I know, but what if it's first?

There! Go!

Excuse us! Excuse us!

Come on, Mom!


Welcome to the Shamian Island,
Guangzhou, China!

- Thank you.
- Whoo! Xiexie.

- Brendon and Rachel?
- Yes?

You are team number one.

Told you, oh, my God!

That's the first time
we've ever won a leg, ever!

Oh, my God!

Margie and Luke, that would
make you team number two.

Good job.


Caroline and Jennifer,
you are team number three.

I wanna know what happened
with the Express Pass.

We needed it.

First off, assembling
a car is a guys thing.

I have to give Jen a shout out.
She has strategic playing.

Today, working Cord
of the Express Pass?

My teammate has come to play.

- High five!
- Great job!

Thank you.

Okay, and another team.
Are you kidding me?


- Hey, guys!
- It is a party!

Now, it's a party!

Dave and Connor,
you are team number five.

Is that right?

- Five? No, four.
- Five, nice job, Dad.

Four, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, team number four!

I'm getting confused.
I'm getting confused!

All right, and Flight Time
and Big Easy,

that would make
you team number...?

- Five.
- Five!

And look who's behind you here.

Jet and Cord, you are
team number...

one, two, three, four, five,


I don't know if we've ever
had so many teams

at the mat at one time.

Oh, man, everyone's there.

Leo and Jamal,
you are team number seven.

Now, we have you all here.

You will get to hear what
Brendon and Rachel have won.

- Our first leg ever!
- Brendon and Rachel,

as the winners of
this leg of the race,

you have won $2,500 each.

- Whoo! That's awesome!
- Good job.

Almost got it, buddy.

- One.
- One.

- Two.
- Three-- sorry.

Was that nine?

- One.
- Okay, let's just keep going.

Oh, God!


Was that it? We did it?


All right, we did it, Jess.

"Make your way to
Shamian Promenade."

Yes, I'm so happy!

Hi, do you know where this is?

Probably will find Phil-- I have a
feeling it's gonna be hard to find him.


- Did you pay him?
- Yeah, I gave him all the money.

Let's run.

Oh, there's another team.

No! No, Meghan!

That's Joey and Meghan.

No! Oh, my God, come on, run!

Quick, come on, run, it's over!

John and Jessica,
you are team number eight.

Joey and Meghan, that would
make you team number nine.

You are still racing.

This was a really
interesting lesson

to-- to have to learn.

But we're gonna help each other
when it's to our advantage,

but never probably
like today again.


That was ten!

Oh, my God, Mark!
Thank you, guys.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

Good job, Mark.

This way.

Mark and Mallory...

as you can see, you are
the last team to arrive.

I'm very sorry to tell you
that you have been eliminated

from the race.

Thank you, sir.
I appreciated the opportunity

and everything that you done,
and I-- Bopper will understand.

And I ain't gonna have
no hard feelings

about nothing,
I did all I could do.

I guess it wasn't meant for me
to travel around the world

without Bopper,
that's the bottom line.

There isn't a team here who
doesn't feel for you guys.

And Mallory, I want to
applaud you for stepping in.

You had some big shoes to fill.

Thank you for letting me, um,
help try and fill his shoes.

I'm sorry that...
I'm sorry that I couldn't.

You did a great job.

You did a great job,
that's all we can do.

I was very thankful to get
to help Mark run the race,

and I did everything
that I could do and more,

because I wanted to do that.

There's no use
laying blame on nobody.

Everything happens for a reason.

And it wasn't meant
for us to win this race.

God's got a plan for us all.

He's got another plan for me.

It wasn't to win
a million dollars.

I wish my buddy would've
been here though.
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