24x05 - Can't Make Fish Bite

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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24x05 - Can't Make Fish Bite

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The
- AllStars,"

eight teams continued racing
in Malaysia.

At the Road Block,
Jessica enjoyed

a blistering experience.

- They really hurt.
- Oh, my gosh, I hope

it doesn't cost us the race.

And triumphed over it.

You did it! You did it!

The Afghanimals
love the night life.

And kept rocking at the detour.

The Cowboys became bartenders.

- Yeah.
- Yeah! Whoo!

And won the leg.

You're Team Number One.
Whoo! I play that.

Luke lost his cool.

You clean that up!

But it was "Brenchel"
who needed a miracle.

Dear God,
if we're gone, we're gone,

but at least we didn't give up.
And got it.

This is a non-elimination leg.


Eight teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

Kuala Lumpur is Malaysia's

financial and cultural center.

And high above
this modern metropolis,

Batu Caves.

This ancient Hindu shrine

is now the start
of the fifth leg

in a race around the world.

Jet and Cord will depart first

at 2:26 p.m.

Here we go.

"Fly to Colombo, Sri Lanka."

Teams must now fly 1500 miles

to the pearl of
the Indian Ocean, Sri Lanka.

After arriving in
the capital city of Colombo,

they must find
Gangaramaya Temple,

this city's most important place
for Buddhist learning

and worship.

Once they've been blessed,

they'll receive their next clue.

- Sweet, let's go.
- You know this place?

Triways Travel Cafe
and Boutique?

- Taman Tun.
- You know that place?

- Yes, yes.
- Let's go there.

Pretty excited that we get to

leave the map first today,

but, looking back at,
you know, "Brenchel,"

you can go first to last
real quick,

so we know we gotta
keep our game face on.

Man, in this race,

the travel can make
or break you, by far.

"Fly to Colombo, Sri Lanka."

- Let's go.
- We're off.

Taxi! Can you take us here?

Very quickly. Okay, fast, fast.

This is the leg that
we self-eliminated last season.

I ruptured my Achilles,

and I felt so guilty,

really bringing the race
to an end for Connor.

Don't have any plans
to self-eliminate this time.

Hopefully we can
get to this travel agency

and get a flight fast

before these other teams snag
all the flights.

"Fly to Colombo, Sri Lanka."

- Let's go--
- The Twinnies' motherland.


How far is the airport?

What do you think we should do?

Airport, and get tickets there?

- Yeah.
- Okay, let's just do that.

I do good at airports,
hopefully there's

a cute stewardess
or flight attendant

we could hit on.

Hello, we need
to fly to Colombo, Sri Lanka.

- The quickest flight.
- The quickest one.

The nearest flight I have
is at night.

Around 5:00 p.m.

And that one gets there
the soonest?

Is-- there's no other flights--
There's not other flights-

- --that gets there
earlier than that?

- I like direct.
- I like direct.

Let's book that.

Two cowboys.

"Fly to Colombo, Sri Lanka."

- Whoo!
- All right, here we go.

There are four really strong
guy-guy teams,

but we are winners who only can.

So don't mess with females
who are ready to win.

Sri Lanka!

We're going to Sri Lanka!

We wish the Twinnies
were with us!

We're gonna carry
your spirit with us

- to Sri Lanka, Twinnies.
- Yes.

- "Fly to Sri Lanka."
- Okay, cool, let's go.

"Fly to Colombo, Sri Lanka."

Let's go-- taxi!

We've won first place in
many legs of "The Amazing Race,"

but we just haven't caught
any luck this time.

That's my guy,
that's my best friend.

We've done a lot together, we've
been through a lot in life.

We're not gonna give up.

Oh, we'll go and meet the monk
for some blessings.

Some blessings straight
to the front of the pack

would be great.

Were there cowboys here earlier?

- Yes? With big hats?
- Yes, do you--

can you look
what flights you gave them?

Well, is that, was that
the best route you found?

I mean, we're all gonna be
on the same flight.

- Okay.
- What time is the flight?

Is there any earlier flights?

Direct flight?

Is that what everybody
else got, pretty much?

Make it happen.

"Fly to Colombo, Sri Lanka."

- Let's go.
- Whoa!

Today, our game plan is to try

not to let the stress get to us.

I think a lot of my stress

comes from Luke's stress.

Colombo, Sri Lanka. Cool.

This really could be our chance

to catch up to the other team.

We'll stop at this travel agency

and see what the best
we can get is.

Go. - "Fly to
Colombo, Sri Lanka."

- All right, let's go.
- Okay, let's go.

Find a taxi-- taxis!

We have a speed bump
to accomplish on this leg,

and we're already starting way
behind the other teams.

But Brendon and I can
do anything.

You've done this before,
you know how it works, right?

Oh, we're looking
for the TTPI Travel Agency.

He said he knew
where we were going,

but obviously he does not, so.

Do you know
where this agency is?

If you can't find it, we need
to just go to the airport.

Oh, my gosh.

We're just gonna go
to the airport.

But doesn't matter,
there's gonna be a flight.

I mean, we feel confident that
this was the best way to go.

Oh, there it is.
Travel Cafe and Boutique.

We need to get to Colombo,
Sri Lanka.

Same flight as everyone else.

Is there an opening?

That's not okay,
we have to get on the flight

with the other teams.

Please, anything you can do.

We need to make up time,
and this is the only way

we can stay in the race.

Can we put our names on standby
for that flight?

You can standby if you want to,

but there is a list.

Every single team is
on one flight,

and we can't get
tickets on that flight?

There's gotta be some way
for us to get there.

We'll take any flight.

There's no way you can do that.

We can make
a 30-minute connection.


We will run through the airport

if we have to.

Is this too risky, babe?

I don't care if it's risky,

we don't have an option here.

Uh, we need to get to Sri Lanka.

Yeah, but we have to get there.

We're in a big contest.

And everybody else
is on the flight tonight.

Except for us.

Can you put us on standby
for that flight?

We wanna issue this ticket
with a 30-minute layover.

We can do that, it's okay.
We're gonna fly to Singapore.

From there, we're gonna fly
to Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Brendon and I are
taking a huge risk.

We have no other options.

We're desperate,
we're last place,

and we have a speed bump.

So what we need to do
is make this work.

Good plan, good job, boo.

We're dangerous racers
right now,

because we have nothing to lose.

Come on, Brendon, let's go.

We could literally go

from the back of the pack
to the front of the pack.

But we can't make any mistakes
on this transfer.

- Straight to the airport.
- Straight to the airport.

Cepat! Cepat!

Can you help us?
We need to get to Sri Lanka.

So we would have to connect
on a different airline?

- Yes.
- Okay.

We're trying to see
if we can get

a connecting ticket through

This gentleman is so nice,
trying to help us out.

We knew,
if we didn't get on there,

we would be ten hours behind
the rest of the teams.

But we weren't sure we wanted to
fly blind into Singapore either.

We just wanna make sure that we
can get the connecting flight.

Connecting in Singapore,

we only have 35 minutes
or 40 minutes.

Do you want to go
to Singapore and then not--

'cause we don't wanna
get to Singapore and be stuck.

So I think we're gonna go ahead
and go standby on the flight.


We should've gone
to the travel agency.

- Singapore Airlines.
- To the right, boo.

- Singapore?
- Hey, long time no see.

What's up?

We saw Brendon
and Rachel come running in.

Last leg of the race was

so, I mean,
that definitely made things

a little bit tighter.

We are headed to...

- Singapore.
- Singapore.

And then we are going to run

and get to Sri Lanka.

We wanted to see if
there's anything we could do

to get on this flight
at 11:00 tonight.

On standby.

It's so important.
It's so important.

- Please-please-please...
- Well, uh...

But does that happen sometimes?

There was some flight
going to Singapore.

Supposed to connect in
Singapore, going to Colombo.

Team Big Brother still here.

- They're here?
- Yeah.

- They're not eliminated?
- We just saw 'em.

- No way.
- Don't tell Caroline.

Let me be the one to tell her.

I'm gonna say Rachel and Brendon
told me to tell you, "Hi."

Let's do it.

Oh, my gosh.

Rachel and Brendon told me
to tell you, "Hi."

They did?

Did you hear it was

- They're not out?
- No, they're not out.

You guys see
Brendon and Rachel behind you?

- Yeah.
- Really?

They're still here.
They're on the other flight.

- Which other flight?
- Connecting to Singapore.

Yeah, it was a connection.

That's a chance
they have to take.

I mean, you don't wanna take
a chance on a connection

when you can fly straight there.

We don't have time,
we have to make it really fast.

Come on, come on!

Run! Go-go-go!

Final boarding call

for Singapore Airlines.

Oh my God, oh my God,
oh my God, oh my God!

F54, final call.

This way, let's go!

Uh, Rache, I dropped my bag.

Rache-- yo, wait for me!

Baby, we don't have time!

Oh, my God!

- We gotta go.
- Okay, let's go!

- Let's go.
- Come on!

We need to make this connection.

If we miss this flight,
then we're done.

We made it! Yeah!

Thank you.

I can't believe we made it.

Brendon and I are freaking out

because we literally
just got on our connection.

Which puts us ahead of
the other team.

Let's go.

We're just checking
on the status

of our standby right now.

So, I mean,
people have checked in,

so there's no chance--

do they ever check in
and not show up at the gate?

Thank you.

We're gonna have to take
the morning flight.

We just found out

that the standby was not
gonna work out.

We probably should've
gone to Singapore.

That probably
would've been our best option,

but you know what?
Anything can happen.

Teams are now making their
way to Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Arrival this way.

Now you take us
to the Gangaramaya Temple?

Right now we are the first team

to be landing in Sri Lanka,

which is great,
because Brendon and I have

a lot of time to make up
on this leg.

If we can get any sort
of advantage in this game--

- Any sort of advantage--
- It will pay off, big time.

Gangaramaya Temple.
You're going fast, okay?

The last time we were
blessed by a priest,

it was the leg my dad
tore his Achilles tendon.

We're hoping
this is a different scenario.

- Do you know where we're going?
- We're going here.

Sir, do you know where this is?

Yeah, Gangaramaya Temple.

Okay, as fast as possible, okay?

We need to go here,
Gangaramaya Temple.


- Is that it?
- Is that the temple?

Let's go.

It doesn't open till 5:45.

We have four hours.

We are not happy.
This totally sucks.

So we have a speed bump
to complete,

and we may have had
a lead on some teams,

and so, unfortunately,
they're all gonna catch up.

So who all--
who all was on the flight?

Everybody except for you two,
Marge and Luke.

Well, I wonder what flight
Luke and Margie are on.

Must be a bad one.

- Hey, guys.
- That's crazy, y'all beat us.

- Ya like that?
- Good job, guys.

Thank you-- well, we didn't
quit, that was the big thing.

- Good job, buddy.
- Yeah.

Hey, good to see you.

Good, how you guys doing?

Oh! We thought you guys
were eliminated!

- Good to see you, man.
- Good to see you guys.

Thanks for your time.

Looks like
we're the last team here.

Where's Marge and Luke?

Luke and I are
the only ones here.

Everybody else got
on a flight last night.

Yeah, it's hard to be
sitting around waiting,

you know, waiting,
waiting to get on a flight.

You know,
we're gonna stay positive,

and we're gonna race hard.

Thank you.

The temple
was very beautiful,

and we're supposed
to get dressed

with the type of clothing
that men and women wear.

You must take off your shoes,

you have to be very respectful.

For Rachel and I,
receiving this blessing

in the temple, it was amazing.

Because I've actually
studied Buddha,

and in order for you
to enlighten yourself,

you need to let go of the world,

the material things that
have happened and transpired.

And I feel like that's our legs,
the past two legs.

Thank you.

We need to forget the past

and let go of what's
already happened

and just look to the future.

Thank you.

We're always just,
like, busting through

all these challenges all day.

It's hard to take it all in,
so it's nice when we have

a chance to stop
and really, like, think about,

hey, this is cool.

Thank you.

"Travel by train
to the city of Galle,

"then take a three-wheel
to the King Coconut Stand

in Kogalla."

- Okay, let's go.
- We need to go to the train station.

We'll probably all be
on the same train.

- On the way.
- All right, cool, well, we made it.

Oh, good, our Cowboys.

We like to be near the Cowboys,

because they're magical.

So any of their magical power
that we can get,

we're just trying to, like,

rub it off on us.

A main goal of ours

was to become best friends
with the Cowboys

on this season, right? Of yours.

They are the coolest guys
on the planet.

It's like we were destined
to be best friends.

Do you remember
when I att*cked you guys

the first day at the airport,
and I said

I was, like,
a super-stalker fan of yours.

- Hi, Cowboys.
- Hi.

We love you guys.
I'm a super-fan.

You guys are so cool.

That was the truth.

Sounds like
our ship just come in.

The train ride to Galle was

honestly probably
one of my favorite parts

of the race thus far.

Just to see the beautiful
landscape of Sri Lanka.

My favorite part about
the train ride was that,

on one side of the train
was the ocean.

And on the other side
of the train was the jungle.

It was just beautiful.

Like, this is
why you come on the race.


All the teams were on this train

with the exception of
Margie and Luke.

We have no idea where they are.

We haven't seen them since...

- The last leg.
- The last leg.

We're ready to race,
we're ready to get there

and get going.

It's been a long night.

But we're gonna give it our all.

Once we get there,
we're gonna race

like we're still in it.

We're not gonna slack.

We'll keep our fingers crossed.

We're going! Yee-haw!

- Okay, let's go.
- Come on, let's go.

Come on! Come on!

Right here, right here,

We want to go here.

Uh, we need to go here.

Yeah, go-go-go-go.

Fast-fast-fast, go-go-go-go-go.

This is crazy.



Go-go-go-go, go-go-go-go.

Whoa! You want
a speeding ticket?

Watch out!

Whoo, that was close.


- Oh!
- Aah-oh!


Keep your hands inside
the dad-gum three-wheeler!

It's gotta be up here.


Coconut Stand, right here, Jet.

Got it, we're good.


This detour gives teams
the opportunity

to take part
in a type of fishing

invented here in Sri Lanka

or celebrate with local dancers

who spin the raban.

Fishing Pole requires teams
to wade into the surf

and climb onto
a pair of fishing stilts.

Once they have both
caught a fish,

they must deliver them
to this hut,

where a local fisherman will
hand them their next clue.

Spin Control requires teams
to learn and perform

a traditional folk dance

while continuing to spin
these drum-like instruments

called rabans.

Once they have turned in
a good performance,

Dammika, our lead dancer,

will hand them their next clue.

Fishing Pole.

- Spin Control.
- Yeah.

- Let's go fishing.
- Let's go fishing, sounds good.

- Spin Control.
- We're gonna do the Fishing one.

All right, let's go dance,
come on, let's go dance.

- We're gonna dance.
- Okay.

- Whoo!
- Here we go, baby.

We're gonna learn the steps.

Hold, too fast,
too fast, too fast.

Six... seven... eight.

We seem to get the dance
pretty quickly,

but you had to hold a stick

with these things
that are spinning around.

- Plates.
- And that was really difficult.

We're going to catch fish.

Make sure you don't
lose your bait.

Where should we go?

These two out here are good.

For the fishing challenge,
the locals give you

a fishing pole and a bag.

So actually had to go out there

and swim out in the ocean

and crawl up a pole
that's got this--

like, a little triangle
that you sit on

and hook your feet in

and catch a fish
and put it in your bag.

John, I'm struggling.

Can't even get on
the stupid chair.

- You see fish?
- Yeah, they're going for it.

We sorta had
the rhythm to it.

Most difficult thing was just
keeping those things spinning

and keeping 'em high,
not falling.

Do you want me to do the thing?

No, babe,
I'll get it done, okay?

This reminds me
of spinning balls

with the Harlem
Globetrotters, baby.

Man, we got this.

That's okay.

Well, I just had a bite.

John, my little bait
keeps falling off.

How do I get it on?
Oh-I had one!

Have you got some nibbles, Cord?

I've been getting
a lot of nibbles

on those really little pieces.

Oh, I got a big bite,
John, it's so close.

- Did you really?
- Yeah.

I got-- I got one!

Good job.

I will take credit
for catching the first fish.

And I will take credit

for having taught Connor
how to fish.

Oh, I had it!

- Anything?
- No, not yet.

Are you getting bites, honey?

Yeah, I've had bites.

Oh, it just stang my bait.

It just snagged my bait.

Just be patient, honey,
'cause they do bite.

- You ready, rock star?
- Yeah.

One-two, two-two.

- Okay, we'll try again.
- Okay, okay.

- All right, you ready to go?
- Yeah.

One-two three-four


Uh, I dropped it.

You got it, Dad, you got this.

Got my bait.

He took my hook.

I almost got a fish,
so we did have hope.

Good job, John.

It was, like,
two feet away from my hand.

And then I was just about
to put it in my bag,

and it gave, like, one swift...

flick of its tail,
and it was back in the water.

Pretty disappointing.

Got a fish! Hallelujah!

Put it in the bag,
put it in the bag,

let's roll!

Oh, he ate it!

- Keep trying!
- He got it.

Oh, nice!

Thank you.

"Make your way
to the Trendy Connections

garment factory in Nugegoda."

Let's roll, thank you guys!

Thank you!

- We got a bite!
- You can't make fish bite.

Here, fishy fishy fishy fishy.

Here we go, baby, here we go.

One-two three-four

five-six seven-eight.

One-two three-four

five-six seven-eight.

One-two three-four


- Thank you.
- Thank you.

Let's go.

- The Globes got it.
- They already got it? - Yeah.

One-two two-two


I'm sorry, Jen, I dropped mine.

One-two one-two...

Hold on.

One-two three-four

five-six seven-eight.

Thank you,
thank you, thank you.


And one-two... it's okay.


- You get one?
- Got one.

- Don't let him go.
- Yee-haw!

Put him in that sack.

- We can do it, honey.
- They're just robbing it out there.

Dude, oh my God.

Yeah, yeah, yeah!

It ain't nothing to be proud of,
but it's a fish.

I fished just a handful
of times in my whole life.

That's really
why I was so shocked

with the size of the fish
that I caught.

- Thank you very much!
- Thank you!

Could be a record,
I wish we had time to weigh it.

I wanna
catch one so badly.

Do you think we should
switch detours, Jess?

No, 'cause we'll do it.

One-one, two-two,

three-three, four-four,

five-five, six-six,

one-one, two-two,

three-three, four.

That was perfect.

- Yeah! Okay.
- Good job!

All right,
we're ready to go again.

One-two, one--

Oh, Rache, I'm sorry.

It's okay, one-two...

I'm sorry,
I'm trying, I'm trying--

Babe, I'm not
getting mad at you.

Just concentrate, focus--

- I am.
- And do it.

It's not a big deal.

I really do feel like our roles

have finally
reversed this season,

because I think I'm the one
that's taking the burden

of the stress and the anxiety,

while Rachel's really
been motivating

during this season.

I keep it together
through all this

and try to just help Brendon out

and encourage him
as much as I can.

Close, babe, it's okay.

We'll just keep doing it.

We have to go
to the temple here.

Very fast.

A big race, fast,


Brendon, ready?

- All right, let's go.
- All right.

- Yeah.
- One-two three-four

- five-six...
- Seven-eight.

One-two three-four

five-six seven-eight.

One-two three-four


- Yay!
- Yes!

Thank you!

Jess, do you wanna
switch detours?

I can't catch anything.

I guess we just
keep trying, you know?

We didn't wanna switch detours,

'cause the last time
we switched detour

was in Indonesia--
we got eliminated.

And so, this time around, we
wanted to stick with the fishing.

If you wanna switch,
I'll switch.

I don't know.

This sucks, you know?

Oh, my God, this is
starting to become a nightmare.

All right, should we go
do the drum thing?

You wanna switch?

You can only
let so much time go by

when switching a detour might
still make sense.

The longer you stay at one side,

the less and less sense
it makes to switch.

I think we should go,
I'm scared.

I'm ready to switch if you are.

Okay, let's go.

And so we pulled the trigger,
and we said,

"Okay, we're done
with the stilt-fishing,

we're gonna switch the detours."

We are going
to be behind the teams

and potentially fighting
for dead last.

We just got blessed by a monk.

That was pretty cool.

Now we have to travel by train
to the city of Galle.

Oh, we'll be fine.

You just keep racing.

We just would like
to continue racing

for a little bit longer, anyway.

That'd be nice.

That's it, come on, Nate.

That's the box.

Road Block.

Who wants to put
the treadle to the medal?

Sri Lanka's apparel industry

is this country's number one

This Road Block
requires teams to

properly stitch together...
a shirt.

When the floor manager
feels they have buttoned it up,

they can take it
to a heat transfer machine.

Where they'll have
their next clue

printed on the front.

- I got it.
- All right.

- I'll do it.
- Okay.

- Okay, I'll do it.
- Okay.

There will be
an on-going demonstration

for your reference.

So here's the Speed Bump.

There's the factory,
it's over here.

Where's the demonstration?
Right there.

This is gonna be
a rough road block.

I took sewing in junior high,

and that's about the extent
of my sewing ability.

Holy crap, dude.

We're doing panels of fabric.

A front, a back,
sleeves, the collar,

and you have to sew
each part individually

to make an entire shirt.

Dude, this is gonna be hard.

Just focus and get it right
on the first time, Nate.

Don't work fast, work smart.

I decided to do a Road Block.

Worst decision ever.

All right, look,
Mission Impossible.

- Really?
- And I'm Tom Cruise.

Okay, you got it then.

Go get 'em there, Tommy Cruise.

A one-two

three... four.

John is not
the strongest dancer.

I've seen him at weddings.

Not a great dancer at all.

And all I saw was,
like, John's feet moving

back and forth, like,
doing any of the steps,

and I knew that this was, like,
not gonna be good.

Seven, eight.

Here goes nothing, I've never
used a sewing machine before.

Holy crap.

This thing,
it's a speedy little devil.

It's just tough
to negotiate the speed.

Whoo, that went fast.


So a huge factory...

Let's go, Leo!

- Hey, guys.
- Howdy, howdy.

- This is a tough one.
- Is it?

Jet's a sewing machine, though.

- He is?
- No.

I have to put together a shirt.

I've seen my mom do this
thousands of times,

so it should be okay.

This is crazy.

I've never sewn before.

This is gonna be my first time.

It's worse than a puzzle,

because all the puzzle
pieces are moving.

We got it, John,
we got it-- ready, go.

Right kick, left,

right, left,

right kick, left,

right, right,

left, left,

right, left, right, right,


- Did we do it?
- Yay!

Yeah, we did it!

- Whoo!
- You're so good at dancing.

You are an amazing teacher.

We're on a 2:25.

We're on a 2:25 to Galle,
I think the name of the place.

We're gonna try
to play catch-up.

I'm very proud of Luke,
he handled it very well.

I'm proud of you.

You stayed calm.

I know, what can you do?

Trendy Connections right here.

Speed Bump,
here's our Speed Bump.

After arriving
last in the previous leg,

Brendon and Rachel must now
complete a speed bump.

This Speed Bump requires them

to apply the final layer
of color to the Sri Lankan flag.

Once they have printed

they can continue racing.

I haven't silk-screened
for a few years,

but I have silk-screened before.

It's kind of fun.

It's not difficult
to silk-screen,

but it's time-consuming,
and we don't want it to be,

like, some crappy
silk-screen job.

Oh, boo, I messed up one.

It sucked a little.

No? Okay.

One more, please?

Not lining these up very well.

Now I'm lost.

What should I do next?

Jen, do you wanna
work together with someone?

- Connor and I are gonna help each other.
- Okay.

- Connor, I'm lost.
- Me, too.

Yours looks better than mine.

What is mine doing?

and Jen have become

pretty good allies to us.

They were on
the last season with us.

And they're just great people.

So it was great to work
with Jen on that Road Block.

I am way off.

Where's my mom?

No? Okay. That one's done.

Can I have another shirt?
He said that one.

I didn't line it up good enough.

I just made a little mistake.

It's not how it should look,
I think.

Aah, you gotta be kidding me.

Yeah, that's, uh,
that's not gonna work.

Ahh... aye carumba.

It's not as easy as it looks.


Voila, I think we have 15.

It's all good?

Okay! Okay!
You can do it, Brendon.

I have more faith in you
than I have in myself.

Well, okay.

Uh, this is extremely difficult.

I'll give 1,000 rupees

for someone to do this for me.


I'm thinking that's a "no."

- Connor's done?
- I don't know.

Who knows if Connor's
is good or not?

He's got a pretty serious
look on his face,

from what I can see.


No good? Right there?

Is there a hole there?
There's one.

Okay, so sew there? Okay.

He's going back
to his work station.

Not approved, darn it.

It's close but no cigar.

I got one problem right here.

Sir, can I get this approved?

It's not quite as neat as
the perfect ones, but it works.

I am so proud of you.

Oh, I need to seam this, okay.

He's a stickler.

I'm doing the Road Block.

Jess, you can totally do this.

Make sure you just go
smart and steady.

Hey, Jess, you can do this.

This is gonna take a while,
so don't freak out.

Look how many people
are still here.

Everybody's here.

- Can Jessica sew?
- No.

Do you have to press a pedal?

Are there any needles? Needles?

Luke and Margie, they're
our only hope at this point.

We're bringing up
the back of the pack.

There'll be some people here
when they get here,

I'm pretty sure about that.

I guarantee they'll be here
before half of us leave.

This train is packed,
it's crazy.

No seats, so hot.

Stinky food...

How many mothers can say

that they're traveling
the world with their son?

That's wonderful, and so we
have to stay in the race.

I will not sew when I get home.

I will leave it up to my fiancé

and my mother.

If they ever need me
to do something,

I'll go buy something new.

I'm on the home stretch here
of the stitching, I believe.

This is just-- what we're
gonna call a patchwork quilt.

Almost, almost.

Man, I tell you what,
you really don't realize

how much goes into
making a dadgum shirt...

till you've had to make one.

I think that's it.

We'll see here
if I get the okay.

Look at Connor, he's like,
"Please, God."

That's good?
Thank you, thank you!

- Thank you!
- Come on, come on!

Okay, we got there?

- Okay.
- Connor got passed?

Oh, man.

Yeah, Connor!

- Hey!
- I love you, Connor.

I'm kidding, I don't love him.

He just beat me.

Get ready to roll, Dad.

We gotta find the bus.

- We got our next clue.
- Yeah.

That's where we're going.

Teams must
now make their way

to Sri Lanka's
premier social club.

The Colombo Rowing Club

was established in 1864,

and is now the pit-stop
of this leg of the race.

The last team to check in here
may be eliminated.

Bus station? Thank you!

I think she's got it,
she's k*lled it,

I'm so proud of her.

Please, oh please,
oh please, oh please, oh...

Thank you so much

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Whoo! Yeah!

Where do I go?

- Thank you!
- Perfect!

Bye! Thank you!

Beat them to the pit stop
gets you number one.

Stop! Stop!

Stop! Please! Please!

Hey, Colombo--
Colombo Rowing Station.

How far?

Do you know
where the rowing club is?

Thank you!




Whoo... huh?

One sleeve on.

High quality.

Leo is having fun
with the crowd, as usual.

Everyone's laughing at him,
maybe he's doing it wrong.

Look at the guy in front
of him, he's, like,

laughing his ass off.

I think this is bad--
should I do it again?

Yeah, I'll take it off,
okay, let's work together.

We hang out with
John and Jessica a lot,

and John and Jessica are
both really cool, so,

if it gets me out quicker
working with one other person,

I'm definitely down
to work with Jessica.

Brendon, should we just
start over and do it perfect?

Let's go step-by-step and then
meet each other, okay?

All right,
that's a good-looking shirt.

I'm ready.

Whoo! Yeah!

Cord, let's go,
let's get outta here!

- He got it?
- Whoo!

Jet just finished.

But that's okay.

I'm not giving up.

Hey, Cord!
- Yeah? - It fits.

Oh, my God, this is the worst.

The worst ever.

Oh, my God, this has
gotta be right, huh?

- Okay.
- I think it's over that way.

All right, we gotta
get on the water.

This is Colombo?


We could still be
in it for first, Jen.

Yeah, let's try it.

The Colombo Rowing Club.

- This building?
- That one?


Okay, so it should be
this river, Jen.

There's Phil! Right there.

This has gotta be it.

There's Phil!

Welcome to Colombo, Sri Lanka.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

Dave and Connor.

I'm very pleased
to tell you that

you are Team Number One.


As the winners
of this leg of the race,

you have each won $5,000.

- There we go!
- Whoo-hoo!

You have just completed
your fifth leg.

This time, you're staying.

We're staying,
and we're winning.

Caroline and Jennifer,

you guys are Team Number Two,

I'm so proud of you. Way to go!




Wow, huh?




This is getting more
and more discouraging.

Don't give up,
Nate, baby, you got it.

I'll wear it.

Whatever you make, I'll wear it.

Back to the drawing board.

It doesn't make me
feel better at all

that Margie and Luke
aren't here because,

as soon as Margie gets here,
she could be, like,

a super-sewer

and just, like,
storm through the Road Block.

How far behind do you think
Margie and Luke are?

I think they'll be here
in the next hour,

and I think I'll be here too.

- Go fast, go fast!
- Whoo!

Feels good to be off that train!


I'm about to get
my ball out and start

working on my form.

I was thinking about
working on my game

a little bit, while I waited.


I'm going, Nate, I'm workin'.

You workin', I'm workin'.


- Yeah!
- Flight Time!

- Whoo!
- Whoo!

You like that? You like that?


- Whoo!
- Whoo!

I look up, Flight Time was

spinning the ball on his finger.

Doing tricks,
entertaining the workers.

Catch-- ooh!

That kind of re-energized me

and made me focus.

I'm thinking,
"Just keep trying."

Keep sewing the shirt
and go step-by-step.

I'm going to get it eventually.

He got it.

I wish I could join him,
but I'm trying to make a shirt.

Catch, Rachel!

You know what,
I feel optimistic,

'cause I finally got
the collar down.

So hopefully
I can make a shirt that

at least one person would
want to wear.

Brendon, it looks real good!

Thanks, Boo. I'm trying.

Hey! Yee-haw.

Jet and Cord,
you are Team Number Three,


I think I got it.

- Did she get it checked?
- Yeah.

Okay, okay.

Oh, my God, longest day
of my entire life.

Is it good? Is it good?


Yeah, Jess! Atta baby!

It's me and Big Easy, that's it.

- Oh, my God.
- That was awful.

Ahh, yes!

Leo and Jamal, congratulations.

You're Team Number Four.

"Make your way
to Trendy Connections

in the garment factory."

Go-go-go, we gotta go-go-go-go!

All right, I'm gonna go
talk to the judge.

Yes! Rachel! Whoo! Yay, Brendon!

I'm so proud of you!

- Whoo!
- Let's go.

- Thank you.
- Let's do it, boo.

- Let's go, let's go, we're in the race.
- All right.

I think I got it.

- Flight Time!
- Let's go, baby!

Hey! Hey!

No, don't do it--
help me, somebody help me!

You gotta laugh,
you're keeping quiet, y'all.

Jessica and John,
you are Team Number Five.


Colombo Rowing Club.

Tell 'em, tell 'em,
tell 'em, tell 'em.

Colombo Rowing Club.

Hey, a thousand,
Colombo, no more stops.

Here, Colombo.

We going straight
to where we need to go.

All right, good pass now,
no bouncy pass.

Flight Time and Big Easy,

you're Team Number Six.

- Yeah.
- We'll take it, we have to.

Loving it.

Brendon and Rachel,
you're Team Number Seven.

Whoo! We're not out.

We're here, we're still racing.

Brendon and I never give up,
and we're gonna do

whatever it takes,
because we don't wanna go home.

We're done with being
at the back of the pack,

and we're gonna turn it up
a notch or maybe ten.

And we're never stopping
until we win.

Margie and Luke.

You know what I'm gonna say.

I'm very sorry, Luke.

You have been eliminated
from the race.

Luke, you don't look sad,

you look maybe...

Well, thank you too.

Being on "The Amazing Race"
with Luke three times,

we have, I think,

more of an appreciation
for each other,

and how we're able
to depend on each other,

so that's worth more than
a million dollars,

and I don't think that
we appreciated that before.

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