24x09 - Accidental Alliance

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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24x09 - Accidental Alliance

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
"The Amazing Race All Stars"...

Six teams continue racing
through Italy.

At the Detour, Brendon and
Rachel hung on for dear life...

then used their U-Turn to
hang on to their lead.

Dave and Connor, we have to.

Dave and Connor

were forced to use their U-Turn.

- We need to U-Turn somebody.
- We do.

Leo and Jamal, it's currently
Brendon and Rachel.

But quickly apologized.

- I'm sorry, serious.
- We're really sorry.

...and offered help.

We're all working together
just to get it done.

The father and
son continue to fume...

Oh! I hate the Bridge-Off!

...and finally confronted
their foes at the Road Block.

Thank you, we appreciate that.

Brendon and
Rachel won the battle...

but Dave and Connor
plan to win the w*r.

We're playing
hardball from now on,

and we're coming for them.

While the
Globetrotters bid farewell.

Unfortunately you have been
eliminated from the race.

Five teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

People are starting
to play dirty.

This is Orvieto, Italy...

An amazing feat of architecture

built high above
these towering cliffs.

And in the center of this city
of the cliff,

Piazza del Duomo,

which is now
the start of the ninth leg

in a race around the world.

Brendon and Rachel
won the last leg of the race...


...and will depart
first at 6:13 a.m.

"Make your way to Switzerland!"

Teams must now
catch a train in Rome

and then travel nearly 400 miles
over the Swiss Alps

to Chiasso, Switzerland.

Once there,
they will drive a Ford Focus

to Tellgasse in Altdorf

and wait for the town's most
famous fictional resident,

William Tell,
to deliver their next clue.

- Let's go.
- Okay, let's go.

It feels good to get a nice,
little jog in

when it's this cold.

Rachel and I U-Turned Dave
and Connor in the last leg,

and we did it
purely out of making sure

that we were going to win
first place.

I hope there's
no wolverines on this path.

Oh, God.

Come on,
wolverines don't live here.

I hope they don't take it

but if they do, honestly,

they weren't
helping us out anyway,

and unfortunately, you have to
do what you gotta do in a race

because Brendon
and I want to win.

We need to be in that final
three and we need to win.

"Make your way to Altdorf,

Two teams got U-Turned
in that last leg of the race

and we kind of flew under
the radar on that deal,

so if we can stay
out of the drama there,

we'll definitely
be happy with that.

The best thing Jet and I
just always remember

is they're only gonna pay
one team a million dollars.

"Make your way to Altdorf,

Let's go.

We got U-Turned for a third
time in our race history,

and we still survived.

Leo and I don't hold anything
against Dave and Connor

for U-Turning us.

They felt bad and, you know,
it's part of the game.

We don't mind if they stick
around to the final three

- with Jen and Caroline.
- Yeah.

That'll be a great final three.

I think we should do good.
Yeah, I think...

We feel our chances are much
better with those two teams

compared with Brendon and Rachel
and the cowboys.

Rip and read.

"Make your way to Altdorf,

"Make your way
to Altdorf, Switzerland."


Dave and Connor?

We're just like
the Four Musketeers.

Yeah, we are.

We're lifers with Dave
and Connor,

and we still don't know why
the Brenchel's U-Turned them.

The Brenchel's
made a poor choice

in U-Turning us
instead of the cowboys.

Now we're coming for them.
Grab our cars and roll.

They're definitely not
people I would choose

to hang out with
or really associate with.

They are so different
than we are.

Brenchel's are NLUs.

And what is an NLU?

Not like us.

Who would U-Turn
Dave and Connor?

They're cancer survivors,

they're the sweetest father-son
team in the world.

- Great hair.
- Great hair.

Why would you U-Turn someone
with great hair?

Come on, it's go time.

Come on, we're a team, babe,
we're doing great, okay?

It'd be great if we could

get on a train
before other teams show up.

Good morning, we need tickets...

- To Chiasso.
- To Chiasso.

As soon as possible.

You arrive at 13:55 in Chiasso.

So you have 15 minutes.

- Grazie.
- Have a nice day.

- You too.
- You're welcome.

- I found the train station.
- You did?

I just don't
know where we're at.

Maybe stop and ask.

Well, we're gonna stop here
and get some directions.

We've been driving
about long enough

that we can definitely
be lost by now, so...

The train just got here,
we haven't seen any other teams.

No other teams.

Speak English?

Have a good one.

Who knows?
Maybe some of the other teams

have just lost a wheel or...


Non-stop navigation.

Terminal Station.

Good job, my boy.

There might be
an on-the-hour train.

We gotta hustle.

Ticket office, ticket office.

Oh, there they are.

Just follow them.

We need to go to Chiasso?

I need two tickets to Chiasso.

Where's Brendon and Rachel?

Brendon and I are on the train.

We are super stoked, we haven't
seen any other teams.

- Chiasso.
- Chiasso.

Yo, that's our train.

Wait, wait, wait!

Okay, oh, God, that was tight.

Hey, there's another team
here, Brendon and Rachel.

Oh, I knew it!
Yes, yes, yes, yes!

Oh, ho, ho, ho!

Not long enough.

By using the UTurn
we have definitely created...

teams that are
not happy with us,

but we wanna win
The Amazing Race,

and if the other teams
want to all work together

and be best friends,
then let them.

All right, Connor,
where do you wanna sit?

Do we want to go back
to our cabin?

They are not happy.

Oh, it was
a joyous moment for me.

Connor and Dave.

It's so funny.

Connor and Dave's
happiest moment

was when they caught up to us.

I guess our goal is
to get the Brenchel's out?

Is that what we're saying here?

- Not a bad goal.
- They U-Turned your dad.

Yeah, you U-Turned our old man.

I think they've isolated
themselves with the U-Turns.

Yeah, that's perfect.

I honestly don't think Leo and
Jamal have any beef with us

because we didn't U-Turn them.

It's us three and them.

Obviously Dave and Connor
still are upset,

but again,
this is a race, you know,

and if you couldn't handle it,

you shouldn't be
in the race, so...

We're here to kick some butt,

we're here to take some names

and we're here to win
a million dollars, so...

That's all she wrote.

Chiasso, Switzerland.

We need two tickets.

Okay, the next train
leaves 11:20.

Yep, perfect, we can make that.


So far we're the only team
that we've seen...

Getting used to being kind
of the lone ranger,

so, uh, you know, it's not
really out of our comfort zone

to be on our own
and doing our own thing.

I can't believe how
upset they are.

"None of the teams"

"even stopped to talk to me.

They all hate me!"

"The race is
supposed to be fun."

"I just wanted to race"

around the world with
my best friend."

They built a strong alliance.

Yeah, they actually made
kind of an alliance

- out of U-Turning them.
- Yeah.

Way to go, Brendon and Rachel.

So, team huddle.

Final three alliance.

- Final three, let's go.
- Whoo!

Okay, let's go.

All right! Whoo!

Come on, go, go, go.

"Across the street find your
marked Ford Focus."

Right down here, Brendon.

Okay, Caroline, let's go!

We're heading to Altdorf
to find William Tell.

Yeah, this is cool as hell.

Is that amazing, or what?

This is cool.

We are in winter,
that's for darn sure.

Altdorf, here we come.

Wow, what are all
these people waiting for?

Oh, William Tell, look.

That's a statue of William Tell.

Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me.

Right here, guys, right here.

Is this it?

"At sunrise wait for
William Tell."

Oh, my gosh.

Oh, Carol?

Is this the statue?

It says William Tell, yeah.

"At sunrise wait
for William Tell."

Hey, there they are.

- Hey, guys!
- Hiya.

Do you think Brendon
and Rachel...

Now they're just running around?

William Tell?

Is this Tellgasse?

William Tell?

Where's William Tell?

Our new family.

William Tell?

That monument.

That's what
they were pointing to.

Hey, you guys, y'all know what
we're calling ourselves?

The Race Family.

No, the Accidental Alliance.

- Yeah!
- The Accidental Alliance.

There's Brendon and Rachel.

Okay, let's go, guys.

So we saw everyone else here,

except for the cowboys.

I don't think Brendon and I
are going to win

Amazing Race
Final Five Favorites.

I think we're kind of
on the outskirts.

I don't think we really
have any friends right now.

But that's okay,
we're used to it.

I'd won "Big Brother"
without any friends,

I can definitely
win "The Amazing Race"

without any friends.

Who needs friends?

There's a statue...

William Tell.

"At sunrise wait for
Wilhelm Tell."

We're are in the right place.

I guess he's gonna tell us

what's going on next,
at sunrise.

In the middle of the night
the cowboys show up,

and, uh, we're all together now.

Oh, William!

William Tell!

Wilhelm's here!

William Tell.
We thought he was dead.

Au contraire, he's alive.

He is alive and kicking.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- Good morning.
- Thank you.

- Good morning.
- Thank you.

"Drive yourselves to Lucerne
in search for your next clue

on the oldest
wooden bridge in Europe."

- Come on, let's go.
- Whoo!

Brendon and Rachel
just took off, apparently.

I don't know if they know
where they're going.

Something in my brain said,

I don't think we have to stop
and ask for directions.

This is the GPS
built in your brain.

You want to go to Google
and search?

- Use some radar.
- No, you just ask Leo.

You ask him to drive you,

and we get you
right there, anywhere.

Anywhere in the world.

Anywhere you want to go.

Let's go!

Oh, we're just going
to follow everyone,

I mean, we're all
in a caravan here.

The Accidental Alliance
is together again.

It's nice following guys,

they always know how to do

I was gonna think if you would
be interested in pulling off

to make them think that we
don't know where we're going.

Let them go.

They don't know where the hell
they're going, man.

And now we're in first!

- Did we make a wrong turn?
- I don't think we did.

I see a pretty old bridge.

Yeah, I'm sure that's it.

Hurry up, 'cause we are here
before anyone else.

Oh, right there,
I think that's...

Is that what it is?

I think that's it, that's it.

I think it's right there.

Oh, I see it.

"Search for your next clue."

Is this the oldest
bridge in Europe?


I don't see our next clue.

- That's what we do!
- Yeah, buddy!

That's no directions!

Come on.

How are they so smart?

They're Afghanimals.

We just saw
a bridge that maybe,

this is the oldest.

Let's go!

Brendon and Rachel
kept on going.

They thought they could--
Good job, guys.

Yeah, yeah, good job
traveling, guys.

"Go to the Schweizerhof

"and clean up
a room that's been trashed

by a hard partying rock band."

- Yeah!
- Yeah!

I love cleaning!

"Clean up a room
that's been trashed

by a hard partying rock band."

We're right here,
that's the bridge, I thought.

We're rustlers! Come on, family!

Okay, well,
maybe it's not the right one.

Let's get out of here before
Brenchel's get here.

Let's ask someone.

Does anybody speak English?

How'd y'all find that place?

We're Afghanimals!

- It's on the other side.
- On the other side of there?

Let's get out of here before
the Brenchel's get here.

Let's get out
before the Brenchel's.

Here it is.

Look for the clue box.

Oh, my.

- Brendon, calm down.
- All right.

We're last.

"Hard partying rock band."

- All right, let's go.
- Okay.

We're last, we gotta hustle.

We made some bad moves,
had everybody together.

Damn it.

Damn it, damn it, damn it.

If we get out because of me...

Stop, stop, stop, don't say
that, don't say that.

- I'm not saying--
- Don't say that.

Schweizerhof Hotel?

- How far?
- Uh, you're running or...

We can drive.

It's basically looking like
we're in last place right now,

which is stressful.

Very stressful.

Because we want to be here more
than anything in the world,

and we don't
want to get eliminated.

Come on, we gotta hustle.

Man, how far ahead are they now?

Is this it, Schweizerhof?

Yeah, yeah.


Schweizerhof Hotel, right.

Let's go.

Good job, boys and girls!

Go, go, get in there.

Rockers have been trashing
hotel rooms for decades,

and now teams have to
clean up the mess.

They must perfectly
prepare a trashed room

to the Swiss standards
of cleanliness.

When the Gouvernante
feels it is ready for guests,

she'll hand over the next clue.

- Nice hotel.
- We're guests...

- Get one, get one, get one.
- Let's go, guys.

We're gonna have to change.

We've been with plenty of
rock stars, so...

We know what this looks like.

Staff Changing Room.

I love cleaning,
it's my favorite thing.

We're getting all suited up
to go clean a rock star room.

We've never trashed a hotel
room that anybody knows about.

No, we're decent.

Hey guys,
Brenchel's aren't here.

- Yeah.
- So let's just try and...

- Knock it out?
- Knock it out.

We need to go pick up our
cleaning supplies.

- You look cute, Jen.
- You do too.

Guten tag.

We take one basket?

Yes, sir.

Helga, the room inspector,

is not taking anything
less than perfection.

You don't have black shoes?

- No.
- No.

This is Switzerland.

Thank you so much.

You all look very handsome.

We got attention to detail.

- You get it?
- Lead the way.



We had a party in there!

Which monsters
were in this room?

It was a mess.

That was like a hardcore party.

I wish I was in the party.

Oh, man, come on now.

Ahh, you gotta be kidding me.

Holy moley.

Rockstar Rehab?

I don't see how there's
any rehab to it.

Yeah, the rock stars
might need rehab after that.

Stinks in here too.

The place is nasty.

Lots of beer, it sounds
like they were men.

Yeah, this definitely
looks like the work of a man.

This is like
a caveman's been here.

It's cray-cray.

Maybe we can get this...

They went hard
in here last night.

Let's go see the example.
Let's go see the example.

The example room's 148?

They had a completed room
that we had to replicate.

So let's just
start picking up...


And so we looked at our room,

went upstairs and
looked at the completed room.

We need a waste paper
basket holder,

we need flowers.

And really thought we'd get
through this pretty quick.

Okay, I think we can do it.

We can come up and down
as many times as we need, Dad.

Here's a trash bag, I mean,
we need a trash bag.

You want some of this pizza?

No, I'm good.

I love cleaning!

It's actually something
that's very relaxing for me.

I'm really hoping that my wife
doesn't see this.

This is not something
that I would generally do.

Now she's gonna think
I know how.

Oh, we gotta
get this off the mirror.

Oh, thank you.

Yeah, for a good time call...

See, some crazy girls
were in here,

that's what that is.


Right there, Brendon, here.

Hurry, come on.

Man, how far ahead are they now?


Two small towels on the side.

Shampoo and cleanser.

Okay, I need the fruit thing.

- I'll memorize this one.
- Yeah, let's go.

- Thank you.
- Danke.

We're in room five.

We need to see room 148.

First pick up all the trash.

The Brenchel's just got here.

We're all ahead
of Brendon and Rachel

but we just heard 'em.

Come on, 148, let's go, go, go.

Obviously we can hear them
whenever they get into a room.

You're good.

Brendon and Rachel.

Like a professional.

We're getting awfully close
to having this thing done.

Just do sections.

Got pen and paper
right next to the phone

on the left-hand side.

Apple, plum, orange.

We're going in!

Whoo, whoo!

We're almost done.

We need a room check!

I'm sorry,
but there are mistakes here.

- Mistakes?
- Okay.

Okay, I think we're good, dude.

We need to get a fruit bowl,

we gotta find 'cause that's
what we need for the fruit.


- Sorry.
- Sorry?

But I'm not satisfied.




Go back and check 148.

Everything should be
tucked up and under.

All the corners need to be
folded properly and look good.

The good thing is that Rachel
was a maid for four years,

so if there's anything
that Rachel knows about,

quality standards of hotels...

I should know.

Yeah, let's get a room check.

Room check!


What do you think?

Very close.

Can you tell us
what we're missing?

You have to figure it out.

Connor, let's go up
and take a look.

- What goes in there?
- Apples.

- No, there's a plum too.
- Okay.

The judge said
we didn't have everything.

The only thing we could
think of we didn't have

was that fruit, so...

Room check!

Okay, can we check
our room, please?


- Hi, welcome.
- Welcome.

I wiped everything for you.

Not good, figure it out.

Welcome back to our room.

- No, it's still not.
- No?

She kept saying, "no, no, no,"

and we were like, what is wrong?

It was much tougher
than we anticipated.

Helga was ready to fire us.

I think she thought,

"These guys don't have any
attention to detail.

They can't work here."

Helga was
crackin' the whip today.

I mean, I would hate to
have to work for her.

Oh, man.

Can you imagine the stress
in that work environment?

Ay, yah, yah.

Want to get a check, please?

Everybody else has a check,
like, ten times.

Hey, Jet?

That toilet paper...

Ahh, yeah, we gotta do that.

I guarantee you
that's what it is.

Okay, let's go do that.

You are close.

- What are we missing?
- Let's go.

I think we're good.

Oh, damn it.

There's the lights.

I feel like I'm
in a principal's office.


- Thank you so much.
- Ahh!

It says, "Drive yourselves"

"to the Verkehrshaus der Schweiz

"and look for the marked
artifact outside.

Answer the question to receive
your next clue."

We are ready for you.

Ooh, ooh, ooh-whee.

- Guys...
- Thank you so much.

Thank you, thank you.

- Come on, Helga.
- Congratulations.

- Whoo!
- Thank you!

Thank you so much.

There's another--
what team is that?

That's um, Jamal and them.

We're waiting for
Dave and Connor.

All right, let's roll!

Anyone can win
but Brendon and Rachel.

- Congratulations.
- Yeah!

They let the
girls go, apparently.

Well, obviously we're last.

I gotta tell you,
we're gonna have a challenge,

and those girls are
really gonna struggle,

and Dave's old and slow.

They left the Brenchel's behind.

Left 'em in the dust.

- Forward...
- There's a marker right there.

You see it?
Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep.

We have to answer
some question there.

Teams must figure out that the
artifact they're looking for

is this giant
drill bit used to create

the world's longest tunnel.

Hello, welcome to
the Swiss Museum of Transport.

Nice to meet you, I'm Jet.

Now, tell me, what this
artifact was used for.

To drill a hole.

To make a tunnel.

I knew exactly what it
was and what it was used for.

I had seen that piece of
equipment on TV before.

Correct, fantastic.

- Whoo!
- All right, man, genius!

"Search the museum for
the Ford Mustang exhibit."

Come on.

I'm ready, Cord.

I wonder how many of those teams
are gonna know what that is.

- What color you want?
- For tie silver.

"Use the road signs
on the building

"in the enclosed formula
to calculate the model year

of your Ford Mustang."

Throughout the years,

the Ford Mustang has captured
the imagination of people

all over the world...

Even here in Switzerland.

Introduced 50 years ago,

it's become
more than just a car.

It's a symbol of
the American dream.

Teams must now use the numbers
on these road signs

and the formula in their clue

to calculate the model
year of their Ford Mustang.

When they show the correct
answer to the president

of the Swiss Mustang Club,

they'll receive their next clue.

Okay, you got the,
you got your pen?

- Yes, I got one.
- What's the formula?

We have to figure out
what year our Mustang is,

using the formula on the back of
this little piece of paper.

They say it's Payerne,
kilometers minus

Chur kilometers.

"Use the road signs
on the building."

Behind ya.

Oh, my goodness.

That building is crazy.

Holy cow!

Right there, right there,
right there.

There's the mark artifact.

That way, good, keep going.

- Hi, how are you?
- Fine.

What was this artifact used for?

For measuring.

- No.
- Calculator.

Try again.

Those people probably know.


What's the question?

What's that used for?

It's, this is a cutting
drilling mechanism.

My father was a mining engineer.

I knew right away that
that was a tunnel drill.


Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Dave, what is it?

A tunnel drill.

Okay, thanks, guys.

Verkehrshaus der Schweiz.

This is a tunnel driller.

That's correct.

Thank you, thank you.

- What is it?
- IT's the tunnel drill.

Tunnel drill, okay.

- Hi.
- Hello.

Payerne... kilometers...

Payerne kilometers
minus Chur kilometers.

It's right there,
it's right here.

Getting in some nice Mustangs.

I sell cars for a living.

I love these Mustangs.

I'm like, oh, my God.

Look at those signs,
it's so cool!

Okay, so do you
want to hear what this is?

I don't have any idea.

We're looking for
Bern and Domodossola.

I just gotta find the distance
and add them together.

So Zurich, how many
kilometers is it to Zurich?

Minus Gotthard.

So I'll look for Zurich,
you look for Gotthard.


Good job, girls.

Oh, yeah...

- Curve it in like that?
- Yeah.

That's what we got nailed on.

- Okay, let's go.
- Okay.


- Yay!
- Yay!

Thank you, Ms. Helga.

- All right.
- Let's go.

We gotta hustle.

We got time to make up.

Okay, which one are you
looking for, Dad?

I'm looking for Gotthard.

I'm looking for Zurich, then.

- This is freakin' weird.
- Yeah.

- Hey, Cory.
- Yeah.

Are there more road
signs around the side?

Is there something
on the other side?

Do you know what
any of this means?

- No.
- Cordo.

Yeah, this is,
this is more like it.

Good job.
I bet Chur is down here.

- Yeah, this is...
- Chur, Chur, 72.

That's it.

- Here we go, Dad, Dad.
- Okay.

All right,
there's the ancient artifact.

Go, go.

What was this artifact used for?

Oh, it's a wheel!

A carburetor.

That's not it.

A train?


Damn it, what is this thing?

- Where, where?
- Right there.


Here we go, Dad, Dad, Zurich.

We have to find Orbe.

Hey, Cord, Payerne, 139.

Gotthard, there it is, 125.

Let's go.

What's 194 minus 125?

Can we get a check, please?

This is just a big mess.

Can we get a judge?

Okay, great job.

Thank you.

Take the clue in the car.

Oh, perfect.

Here's the info.

"Drive yourselves to

in search for the milk tanker."

Get in, I'll drive.


The cowboys just got the clue.

I hope we're right behind them.

- Great job.
- Thank you.

Nice car.

"Drive yourselves to

That's Dave and Connor
behind us, Cord.

Everybody was there besides--

- Brendon and Rachel.
- Brendon and Rachel.

Do you guys live here?

Do you know what this is?

Oh, it's used to dig a tunnel.

- Oh, grazi.
- You are correct.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.

- Yay, thank you so much!
- Danke.

I don't get it.

I don't get it at all.

Hey, Rach, Rach,
come on, follow.

Oh, no!

I can't believe Rachel
and Brendon are here.

Damn it.

Okay, that's correct.

Take your new clue in the car.
Thank you.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

"Drive yourselves to

Yeah, right there,
right there, let's go.

What in the world?

Orbe plus Martigny.

- Martigny?
- I'm not seeing anything.

I don't get it.

I just don't get it.

Hey, Rach,
Rach, come on, follow.

Oh, no!

I can't believe Rachel
and Brendon are here.

Damn it.

Hey, you wanna--
let's help them.

- Jamal.
- Let's help Jen and Caroline.

We're coming back for you.

- You are?
- Yeah.

Oh, my gosh,
you're my true husband.

We had just got our clue
and I decide, you know,

I'd rather Jen and Caroline
be in the final four

than Brendon and Rachel.

Is that the two cities,

there's a two digit number,
that's it. Yeah, yeah.

Okay, so just look for Orbe.

Orbe, 12 kilometers.


Let's go, Leo.

The whole plan was to get
Brendon and Rachel out.

Accidental Alliance.

Okay, 12 plus 59.

- 71.
- Yeah.

It must've been around there.

- Okay.
- We got it!

"Drive yourselves to

Glarus kilometers plus Brig.

Glarus, right there, 24.

Write it down.

Freakin' sweet Leo
ran back over...

- I know, that was so sweet.
- To help his girl.

It's like, "I'm comin'
to help my girls."

What an angel.

That was so sweet.

Brig, right here, 42.

That's what we need, come on.

- Okay.
- Okay, whoo-hoo!

- Danke.
- Danke.

Okay, let's go, come on,
we got time.

The girls--
we're right behind the girls.

We gotta get going.

"Drive yourselves to

in search for the milk tanker."

Man, can you imagine being in
a spelling bee in Germany?


Ay, yah, yah.

We're going to get to moving.

All we gotta find here
is the milk tanker?


- The cowboys...
- Are getting out.

Milk tanker?

- Come on!
- Let's go, let's go, let's go.

- That's it, tanker.
- Hey, dude.

Right here, right here.

After you, boys.

"Make a milk... make a Swiss..."

Hard working farm dogs,

like this Bernese mountain dog,

have been helping farmers here
for centuries.

This Road Block gives teams
a chance to join up

with these loyal companions

to fetch the milk.

First they must choose
a dog and cart,

then transport these
empty milk containers

to one of two dairy farms

that can only be reached
by one of two gondolas.

Once they've found a farmer,

they can exchange their empty
containers for full ones

and then deliver them
back to the milk truck

where they'll receive
their next clue.

- You want to do this one?
- Yeah, I do.

- Oh, I'll do it.
- Okay.

- I got this.
- Get on it, Cordo!

It was my turn for
the Road Block.

If I'd have known I was
gonna have to run up a hill

with two cans of milk
in the snow,

it'd probably be Jet's turn.

We're looking for a farmer
and his dog.

- Hello!
- Hi!

Oh, look at these dogs!

I love dogs.

I picked my dog...

Ready, Kira?

And we take off to the gondola.


Good girl.

What's your dog's name?


I see old Max, they call him.

- They got a dog named Max?
- It's not Max.

It's something like...

But anyways, me and Max was
fixing to get on the gondola.

Caroline and Jen are behind us.

We're close now.

Yes, thank goodness.

I think that's Brendon
and Rachel's car.

It looks like Brendon and
I just caught up to two teams.

I bet it's Afghanimals
in front of them.

"Oh, girls, we'll just be
helping you along."

"We're just friends,
everybody getting along.

"We're gonna be one big
happy family.

Oh, except for that
green team, the Brenchel's."

"Yeah, we'll beat
the Brenchel's.

Then we'll be a happy family."

Leo's going to do it.

All right, I'm gonna do it.

Sure, I'll do it.

Kira's, she's excited.

Thanks, Kira.

There's the gondola.

Thank you.

This is cool.

This is so cool.

Icicles, crazy,
beautiful mountains.

It's beautiful.


I take the first dog
who seemed the most tame,

was looking straight
with his owner.

Come on, Roscoe, good dog.

Good boy.


Oh, yeah, let's go.
I love working with a dog.

There's two gondolas
you can go up.

I don't know which one's faster.

The other one's going
right up the mountain

on the other side, over there.

There's milk up here?


I'm really glad my dad
didn't do this challenge.

He'd have to run up this hill.

It was a trek in the snow
to get to the milk.

It's tough.

I'm feeling
if this thing breaks free,

we're done.


On the way to the gondola,
I was running,

and got a little ahead of myself
and hit an ice patch.


I have never wiped out
that hard in my entire life.


There it is, hallelujah.

Milk? Milk?

Okay, this is empty.

So I take these cans?


Now I'm just
gonna manhandle this,

bring both of them at once.

As long as I don't fall...

Oh, holy crap, they're heavy.

This is hard.

I'm holding these 30-pound
things full of milk

and my arms were on fire.

I'm gonna have to take
a little breather here.

Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo!

Okay, let's go!

I'm making it.

Ay, yah, yah.

I'm losing all arm strength
at this point.

Here it is, hallelujah.

Not waiting for anyone else.

- Guten morgen.
- Guten morgen.

All right, let's load
these suckers in.

We might end up winning the leg,

which would be awesome.

"Tour 24 Winners, Brenchel,"

The nerve they had
to actually write that.

Up here in the snow,

it gets heavy.

You gotta grit it out.


Here we go, and back
down the mountain.

Hey, this is my gondola.

You have to wait for yours.

All right.

Where's the milk?

My back does hurt a little
bit, I'm not gonna lie.


Just happy as a little clam.

I hope my dog's ready.

I hope Kira's ready.

Here we go.

Thank you.


Okay, one more.

Oh, it's this here, yes!

Yeah, don't spill no milk.

Okay, Kira.

You ready to deliver these,

Somebody's gonna bust
their ice right here.

I don't want it to be me.

Good girl.

Good girl, Kira.

Okay, let's go.

Don't spill my milk.

That was when I was glad I
picked a big, stout dog.

'Cause my dog,
he was just a-trottin' away

and I see Connor over there,
trying to pull his

to get his to go
a little bit faster.

The cowboys are fast!

That Max, he's a mushy sucker.

That's us!


Come on, my boy!

Nice looking dog you go there.

Way to work, Cordo!

Yes! I'll take that.

Way to work, bro.

"Now you're off to Engelberg."

Teams must now drive
to the town of Engelberg

and catch a ride to
the top of Mount Titlis.

This 10,000 foot mountain
is the Pit Stop

for this leg of the race.

The last team
to check in here...

may be eliminated.

- Pit Stop, let's go.
- See ya.

Thank you.

"Search for Phil
at 10,000 feet and check in..."

Let's go.

Come on, Dad, come on!

Come on, come on!

All right, you're good,
you're clear.

Okay, we gotta go.

They passed us.

Hey, we can beat 'em
in a foot race.

Come on, Roscoe.

Come on, you beautiful,
beautiful creature, you.

Good boy, Conan.

Let's go-- I don't want
Brenchel following us.

Bye-bye, Roscoe!

That was hard, I don't think
Caroline's gonna get it.

Oh, God.

Whoo! That is hard.

Yay, good job!

- Danke.
- Danke, danke.

Pit Stop, let's go. Whoo!

- All right, let's go.
- Come on.

Titlis parking, yes, right here.

Right here, right here.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Come on, come on!

Where do we get the gondola?

Dad, right here, right here.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Easy, easy, easy.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Fast, fast, fast.

All right, here we go.

Okay, come on, baby.

We gotta keep our eyes peeled
and see if it's him.

They're getting there right now.

Are they?

Right now.

Pull over.

Just get movin'.

This way?

Thank you.

- We get in this, there?
- Yep.

Right now we're
sitting firmly in second

on our way to the mat.

Oh, and the sun just come out.


We gotta get up there
and find Phil fast.

If not--

We're not gonna have
much time to find him.

We won't win.

We won't beat the cowboys
in a foot race.

Thank you.

Can we go before you?
We're in a race.

Please, please.

Thank you.

We're in third place.

It just makes us think like,
grrr, so close, yet again.

They're coming
up to us, Connor.

Here we go.

Okay, we're coming in.

Search for Phil.

- Is that it, down there?
- Where?

Where's the top of Mount Titlis?

I think we need to ride...
this thing up.

We need to ride
this gondola, Connor!

- No way!
- We're not at the top!

It says, "Go to the top
of Mount Titlis."


We gotta go to the top.

Come on, come on,
come on, come on.

- Titlis...
- Yep.

- Stand?
- Yep.


What's up, boys?

What's up, guys?

What's up, guys?

We have it.

I just didn't see
that they kept going.

We're not gonna beat 'em.

Stay by the door, I guess.

They're right there--
The cowboys are right there!

We're in a team competition,

Please, please, please, please.
Oh, my God.

Thank the gods.

Hey, we meet at last.

Oh, ho, ho!

Boys, it's game on.

It's game on, all right?

Things just got real.

We just flew in here
on our magic carpets.

Boys, it's game on.

It's game on, all right?

Things just got real.

We just flew in here
on our magic carpets.

It's Leo and Jamal, Dave
and Connor and Jet and Cord.

Three teams,
all right here together.

We're not gonna win
this foot race.

Oh, I don't know.

Ladies and gentlemen,

we're arriving at the top
of the mountain,

3,020 meters high,

The temperature
up here is at the moment

minus five degrees Celsius.

Get ready to rock and roll.


- We go out?
- I don't know.

- We go out?
- The mountain.

- I have no idea.
- Me either.

I don't know if this is right.

Screw it, we're going this way.

Jump this, jump this.

Let's go.

We're gonna be third anyway.

Quick, quick, jump it,
jump it, mountain.

No, that's an exit.

- Does this go up?
- Yes.

This goes up?

Jet, look, this way.

Let's go, Dad.

- These people?
- Yeah.

Oh, yeah!

Welcome to the
Mount Titlis Switzerland.

- Welcome.
- It's beautiful.

Pleasure meeting you.


- Dave and Connor.
- Yes.

you are team number one!

- Whoo!
- Whoo!

Secondly, you know those
classic Mustangs

that you had to identify today?

They are just part of a long
line of these American icons,

and as Ford celebrates

you can also celebrate because
you'll be one of the first

to own the new 2015 Mustang.

- Wow!
- Yeah, buddy!

Now, the rest of the world
is just gonna

have to wait their turn to be
able to get their Mustangs.

- We'll be cruising in those.
- They're gonna have to wait.

How about you acknowledge
these cowboys coming in here?

Let me help you up, guys.

Altitude training.

What's up, guys?

What a foot race.

Cowboys, you are
team number two.

Leo and Jamal,
team number three.

Couldn't be closer.

There seems to be a little bit
of a division right now

in this race with
Brendon and Rachel.

Not a lot of love
for most of them.

Not a lot of love.

They're not our favorite
team by any means.

To each their own,
and we'll just, uh,

we'll race 'em to the finish.


k*ll me now.

Whatev's, Rachel.

You're not in the Accidental
Alliance anyway.

- Brendon and Rachel.
- Yes.

You are team number four,

We're not out.

It seems to me like you guys
are doing your own race,

and if you have to,
you will win The Amazing Race

without any friends.


They're all working together,

so now they're all like...


But what are we gonna do?

We're playing Amazing Race.

Is there any g*n for us?

I don't know, karma tells me

that it's going to come back
to haunt them.

Hi, good doggie!




Now, a dog will put you
in a good mood,

no matter what's
happening today.

I'm so proud of Caroline.

I think we've done a great job,

and I don't think we could
do any better

than what we've been doing.

Come on.

We've had a great race.

I'm really happy with us.

We had the most
amazing time here.

Whatever's meant to be will be.

It was so heavy!

Oh, Car, I'm so proud of you!

Caroline and Jennifer,

unfortunately you are the last
team to arrive.

- We know.
- Yeah.

However, this is
a non-elimination leg.

- Again?
- Again!

You are still in the race.

Oh, my God!


- There we are.
- Yay!

Are you up to the challenge?

- Yeah.
- Yes.

Do you want to keep racing?

- Yes!
- If we got this lucky...

We need to take advantage of it.

It means we are meant
to still be in this race,

that we were meant to win.

'Cause this is too much luck
for us not to win.


- Let's win it!
- Okay.
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