27x02 - Get in There and Think Like a Dog

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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27x02 - Get in There and Think Like a Dog

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "amazing


Justin and diana left tanner an

Josh in their wake.
See you at the finish line.

To get the earliest flight
to rio de janeiro.

However, their risk to win the
backward backfired.

They were puzzled.

We did not have to learn to
do puzzled.

While kelly and shah von
struggled, giving justin and

Diana the chance they need.
Team texas won the leg and a

Powerful prize.
You guys won the express pass.

In the end the cheerleaders won
a battle of wits.

Oh my god!
- Sending team tmz home


I'm sorry to tell you you've
been eliminated from the race.

Eliminated next?

[Captioning performed by the
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caption content and accuracy.

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On the first leg, we were on
the first flight by ourselves.

We missed the whole getting
to know you, meeting other

We haven't had a chance to meet

Other people.


Our goal is to get to know
the other team, get some

Friendships going.

We can all go swimming now.

I have sand everywhere.

Let's go.

Armed with the express
pass, tana -- tanner and josh

Will be the first to leave the
party town of rio and head south

To the capital of argentina to
buenos aires, birth place of

Pope francis.
Search for the next clue at

The church where pope francis
was baptized.

We feel great being in first
place, but we can't rest because

If you're not first, you're

The express pass is huge.

We're pumped about that.

Let's go, let's go.

Closest travel agency.
And we're going to work the

Express pass to our favor any
way possible.

Buenos aires argentina.

We feel confident going into
this leg because we're number


We showed other teams that we're
a team that's strong.

A strong all girl team.

We're here to compete.

Travel agency.
Where pope francis was

I don't know which church that

Is but we can find out.
I was a lot closer with my

Family before I came out.
But her reaction to my coming

Out was not ideal so that is
kind of when we grew apart.

Travel agencies.
This is probably the most time

We've spent together
consecutively in 10 years.


So far, so good.
Travel agency?


We need the quickest flight
possible to buenos aires.

The earliest one I have is


We need to book tickets to
buenos aires.

Today at :25.

:25 P.m.
We need flights to argentina.

Depart at :25.

Can you help us.
So everyone is leaving

Tonight going to argentina.
We'll see everybody there.

Thank you so much.
With the rest of the legs to

Come, it's up for grabs.

We need to borrow a phone.
Thank you so much, we

Appreciate it.

Church where pope francis was

But our goal is definitely to
move up in this race and make

People feel like we're a team
that can win this.

Look the address up.
Thank you so much.

Growing up, it wasn't so

That's when we started actually

That's kind of how we made
money to put food in our

Stomach, put clothes on our

And we get being strong from my

This is my way to give back to
my mother and my family also.

We're not letting nobody or
anything get in our way.

Off to find where the pope
was baptized.


We got it.
All right, we won't share

With anybody else.

There we go.
My subtle head nod.

Did you give us --
we have some valuable


We look up his original name.

How did you think of that?
That's the name of the place.

Basilica of mary help

Everybody is getting the
address now?

So much for our agreement.
Did we have an agreement?

We had an agreement.
I don't know what yours was.

It's broke already.

I don't know anything about

Sounds like a lot of
agreements going on.

I don't know if there's
something in particular that

Rubs us the wrong way about

He's really outspoken.

It's something about their
personalities and how they're

Playing it.
We don't trust them at all.

We know they're good and we are
aiming to take out the green


Welcome to the airport.
Travel safe.


All teams are now flying
to buenos aires, argentina.

Excuse me, excuse me.

Let's go.

Basilica --
we don't know if the church

Is open at this hour.
Help us win, help us win!

This is the church.

We are here.

There's people here.
Go, go, go.

Come on.
Get it, get it.

Ok, good, good.


Church open at 7:30, take a

You will be admitted in the
order you arrived.

Second, baby, we did good.

We got first.

We'll take that.

Who got here first?

They did.

Did they really?

When those doors opened, we

Both started tearing up.

You could never expect that,
that beauty.

Almost like angels, like,
welcome -- then you walk in and

Get emotional.


Carteneros are known as
the people of cardboard and they

Collect cardboard around the
city to make a liing.

Pope francis praised their hard
work and its positive effect on

The environment.

Teams can help them in their
recycling efforts by picking up

Resource for their next clue.

In fletero, teams must transport
one of these statues across

While one driver directs the

Driver -- while one team member
directs the driver, the other

Bounces around in the back.
If their statue is not broken

Before they get there, they put
it together like this and get

Their next clue from the park

Let's clean up the city.
Want to do the statue?

I was thinking recycle.

But whatever.
This is the most beautiful

Church I've seen in my life.


Let's do this one.
When you've delivered enough


This is a lot easier I think.
I think it's easier.


What do you want to do?

You said statue now we're
doing what we do every day.

I think we should do


No one needs you talking,

It's it's beautiful, really,

So we choose to do caroneros.

-- Cartoneros.

Let's do the cardboard.

Let's choose fleteros.

We're going to do cartoneros.

We're doing cartoneros.

We decided to do cartoneros.

There are eight carts

First come, first served.
Just praying.

All right, let's do this

Pick a cart.

Grab a cart.

All right, we're neck and
neck with team green.

Let's go.
We can go inside here.

Anywhere within this map.

We had to go around to the
recycling bins and pull up the

Cardboard and stick it in a bag
and bring it to the recycling

Truck and it had to weigh 100

It's not a lot of cardboard,
there's a mix of every

Recycleable in here.

Nerve wracking.

Here's the carts, honey.
Come on.

Chacattack is here.

Getting trash on the street.

Let's get dirty.


We have a marked statue.
Do we need to do anything else?

Call for a fleet from the store

Can you come to gabriel del
campo antique store?

We got to go outside and get

I've got the top.

Wait, there's a chandelier.

Let me take her head off.

Ok, go.
Our truck's here.

Hola, sir.

Let's load the truck.

I'll put her head in here.

Put the torso in there too.

And then, you wait, we come

We've got to get directions.
Senor you know?

Can we use your phone?
Oh, man.

Started in a church, now we're
in a dumpster.

Here we go, jackpot.

How much that is.

This is going to get us

Deliver your cardboard to the
collection truck.

I don't see a truck anywhere.

Where are we going?

This way.


Look on the map.
See this.

We're both going to get there
in a few seconds.

Texas boys may be in front of
us but didn't look like they had


Is this it?

Pay him.

Where's it at?

Let's go.



Here's a bin.

Slippery, be careful.

Our, our, our.

Are you ok?

Look at me.
I'm fine, I'm fine.

A lot of people underestimate
us and we're athletes.

We might not look like it but we
just have that drive that pushes

Us that we're not going to give


Got to be careful.
Right here.

Come on.

What are you doing?

Push it, do something.
Can you turn around and go

That way?
Both of us anchor and report

So we're very detailed people.

We're used to being in an
environment --

Where detais matter, you have
to get spelling correct every

And also we both work live on


We know when you get your one
shot to get it done.

For us, details are a big deal.
Without details --

The show falls apart.

Great job, babe!

We've got 60 kilograms.

It is muddy down here.
Pull more out.

Come on, come on, go, go, go.
Jumped on our trash can.

We're going to go.
I think we can't fit anymore.

Cardboard, here's a lot.
Oh, my goodness.

We hit the jackpot.
Please be in there.

Oh my god.

Is there enough for everyone?

Where is it?
This is a marked car right

That may be the last one, I

Have no idea.
This way?

There's none in here.

Keep going.
There they are.

Boys where did you get the cart?

Sitting right there.
Oh, no.

That probably was the last

All right, let's go.
This is not happening right


Oh, my god.

I just --
did you guys find a cart yet?


Poor guys.
We got to the detour spot and

We see a bunch of other teams,
there's no more carts, so I

Think we should give ate try to
go to the truck to see if we see

More carts.
We don't see anything on the

Good luck, guys.

If we get a cart we can
outrun everybody and finish.

We got 60 kilos, we need 100

We found another great box, get
in there and dig like a dog.

Thank you.

All right, come on.

Let's end this now.
Keep going.

Just going to shove it in.

There's no --
we can't find any bins.

I don't think we can fit any

Come on!
Don't doubt me.

Come on, pass it to me.

Krista, it's the only fastest

You threw it at my head.
I'm sorry.

That's it.
Dewpoint me to go in there?

I'm not going in there.

That's disgusting.
We definitely getting it

After this.
This is the jackpot.

I'm going in.
We got to get out of here


That's it.
We got it.

Good luck, guys.


Make your way to bar tole may



Get our bags.

How did we get beat?

Our cart is down that way.
If you run straight you run into

Thank you.

Oh, my god.

Kelsey is in control of
everything right now.

I would like to be helping a
little more but I'm going to get

Kelsey do her thing.

Kind of looks like her a little
bit, doesn't it

Get the dirty trash.
This is no game for us right

Trying to make a better life.

Shouldn't put that in my

Come on.
We got it.

Let's get our clue and get
out of here.

We are in trouble.

Here we go.

This is it.
Gracias, mi amigo.

Who wants to get sideways.

The tango was invented in
buenos aires more than 150 years

Ago and is now so poplar it's
driven some dancers up the wall.

Teams must learn a tango that
requires them to perform a

Series of steps on the floor and
then rig up and dance on the

Wall to complete the routine and
get their next clue.

I have faith in you.
Let's go.

We're in first place.

This is a dancing challenge.

I'm a much better dancer but I'm
hoping we have enough of a lead

That she can learn a tango.
Who wants to get sideways?

I'll dance my heart away.

One two three four.

I felt nervous.

I really, really did.
I knew the pressure was on me

For this one.
Especial litanner and josh

Coming in so close behind us.
You are going to be the


I'm the man.

I don't know why I did it.
I don't know why.

We never danced in our life.

I can two-step.
That's it.

I can whip.


I was right?
Try it one more time.

You're doing it.
Dance sideways on the wall,

That's going to be funny.

We're going to do the whole

You're going to do it, the thing
that you learned and also the

Wall part.

There's more?


That is so cool.

One, two.

When I saw sideways, I
thought it was just the tango

But they have to walk on the
wall and do the tango.

Not only sit difficult to learn
the dance, but you've got to

Learn the dance an hang upside

This is ridiculous.
Oh, my god.

This is really, really hard.

I don't have it at all.

Don't say that, come on.
Looks like we're here.

Hey, joey, I'm at the park, I
don't see the clue yet.

Let's get out.
Ok so we're at the park,

We've got to find it.
What about the gazebo?

This is our second load.
I don't want to have to do a

Third trip.
Hustle, hustle.

Show me that hustle.
I hope this is enough.

The boys are blind us.

Watch out.
Come on.

Let's go.

Go this way!
I'm coming.

Get in line, boys.
I think we need 33.6 more


We got as much as dewe did
last time.

Good luck, y'all.

Do you take u.s. Dollars?

You don't.

Park director?

Thank you, sir.

Do you take u.s. Dollars?

Let's hope this travel didn't
put us too far behind.

I think we're good.

Let's go.

Million dollar trash.

We did it.
We just passed the track


Yes, yes, yes.
Thank you so much.

Thank you.

Who wants to get sideways?
I'll do it.

I've got faith in you, baby.
One step at a time.

She's going to be the first
to try it.

She's going through the doors

This is so cool.

On the floor.

So you practice that and then do
it again.

It's ok, she'll get it.

Who wants to get sideways?

I'm doing it.

I'm doing it.

Might as well stop.

Oh, my gosh.
He definitely doesn't have it


I'm pretty sure I would have
been much better at this.

Who wants to get sideways?

If logan nails it now, I
think we'll have a pretty good




Let's go, baby!

She doesn't look nervous at

That's very good.
If nerves kick in, she won't get


She's trying again for a
second time.

She looks so cute.

You've got it, baby!

She's doing so good.

She's got the first part down.

It's really smooth.
I'm proud of you, baby!

Look at hemplet she's doing so



-- Bravo!

Hearing justin scream when
she made it was probably the

Hardest thing about the

I can't stand him.

Make your way to the next pit

Argentina boasts the best
polo players in the world and

This is the cathedral of polo.

Today it will serve as the pit
stop for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in here
may be eliminated.


There's the green team.


That's a team.
Pop the trunk.

It's a dancing challenge!

I'm nervous.

Looking good so far.

So far, so good.
She's very close.

This could be it.

It was stressful, all we
could think about were the other

Teams coming after us.

There's a team right there.


Chris and logan are up there.

You want me to do it?

Dewpoint to do it?
I'm like nerve wracked right


I don't even want to watch.

I'm doing it wrong.

I'm disappointed because we
had a chance to take off and be

In first.
Texas boys are struggling a


If we finish this, we'll be

I think she can do it.

Go, honey, you got it.

You need to practice the floor.
So good so far.

Good, really good.
Just remember that one step you

Missed, you're good.

There you go.


Good job.
Just focus, bud, you got it.

Good job, tanner!

Good job.
Twinkle toes, that's my dude.

Very relieve wesmed knew
dance was probably our weakest

Point so to overcome the dance
challenge is overwhelming and

I'm happy with it.

That's my girl!


Six, seven, eight.
I'm a dancer, I do jazz,

Hip-hop, ballet.

I've never done the tango or
partner work like that before.

So for me, even, it was tricky
at first.

So for a person that doesn't
dance, I mean that must have

Been really, really hard.
Right leg, six --

He's doing great.

He hates heights, he's sideways
with a harness.

He was terrified.

I'm not going to lie.
When he had to dip me and my leg

Went up was the worst.

There you go.

I need a break.

Cathedral depot low?
Come on, come on.

Got to get this, buddy.
Got to get this I've got faith

In you.


Cab, cab, cab.

Get out, get out.

Sit over here?
It's a dance.

Can you take us?
You are a better dancer than

Me, you know that.

The track girls just got

Do you know where the
cathedral of polo is?


They're passing us.
You rocked the dance.

I'm so proud of you, I'm going
to cry.

I made you, you came out of my

Let's go.


We saw the boy, they did get
a taxi.

Green team is k*lling it.

Green team is k*lling it.

Green guy was talking some

I'm getting tired of them to be

We need to turn every single
team against them and destroy

Let's go, bro.

Love him.
It's coming down right now,

It's a dance.
Hopefully we get it, this is

What we do, we dance.
Heads up.

The argentina tango
mitigating circumstance

Athleticism came into play
because there was a part where

You were walking sideways on a
wall on a harness and it's leek,

Your ab strength has to kick in.

You have flabby absing you're
not going to hold -- abs, you're

Not going to hold yourself up.

Oh, my god.

Such a good job, baby!

Give us the news!
Welcome to buenos aires.

- I'm happy to tell you,

You're the first team to arrive!

I have some great news for you.
As the winners of this leg of

The race, you have won a trip
for two from travelocity and you

Are going to el jadita, in

You'll find five nights a at the
beach and golf resort, and

You're going to take part in a
sunset horseback ride along the


This is what you wanted to hear
for so long.

Just one time I wanted to
hear you say that.

If I were doing this, I would
be disoriented now.

That's better.

Get it, girl!

I love her attitude right

We've been going through so

We need this.
She's really into this right


We got it!
I want to try it.

You got this.

Go, babe.


You did so good.

Thank you.
Polo field.

Stop, stop, stop.

Come on, logan, go.

I don't know if it's marked.
Is this the polo field?

Everybody beat us?
Pull up.

Where is this?
That was the wrong entrance.

We need to find the other

Hop under there.
You got it?

You see it?

There, there, there.

Follow the arrows.
Drop 'em.

- Watch behind you!

You see that.
You see that.

Josh and tanner, looks like
you injured yourself but somehow

You got past denise and james
earl here.

You are team number two.

Denise and james earl, that
would make you team three.

Chris and he began.
Team four.

What happened to your anksnl
I pulled my hamstring.

I don't know how that's going to
affect us with our greatest

Strength being our speed and
ability to move.

It's frustrating, we thought
we'd be in contention for first

Place but we ended up second.
I regret giving a leg for second


Practice and then come back.
We don't have time for this.

Let's go, man, you can do it.

Yes, bro, feel it.

You be that woman.

I'm proud of my brother right

So proud of him.

I've never seen him do tango.
But watching him in the zone,

He's performing.

You do it.

He's like the new tango master.
You sexy beast!

Let's go!
- The newlyweds.

It will be a short time of

No a lifetime.

I'm really nervous.

It's just us and the track

I'm terrified right now.

You can do it.
That was perfect.

Are you going to try now?
Let's do it.

Let's do it.

It's just down to two people.

Most likely we'll head to the
pit stop in the next round and

Nobody wants to be last and be

Just have trust in her, that
she'll get it hopefully.

He's doing great.

I'm proud of him right now.
Doing so good.


You are the best cousin in
the world.

Do you know where cathedral
of polo is?


They just came out.

Oh, my god.


Who would know where the
cathedral of polo is.

Cathedral of polo?
Hopefully she gets it right


Then it will be a foot race to
the pit stop.


Thank you!

We can still make up time.
Let's go.

Thank you so much.
I need to put my shoes on.

No you don't, we're going to

Come on.

Do you know where the
cathedral of polo?



They're done?

They're already done.



This is crazy.
We're going to get eliminated

Because we can't find a cab.


We can beat them jogging


My feet.
It's a million dollars.

I'll buy you new feet.

Are you serious, man?

Cathedral of polo.


Can you help?

Cathedral de polo.

Come over here.

Come on.

We're in competition.

We need to go on a side street.
Cathedral de polo.

Hopefully we get to the pit
stop before these girls.

In, in, in.

There's a team behind us.

Over here.
Rapido, rapido.

That's it.

Where is phil?
There he is!

You're in such a good mood

I just danced.
She danced --

Were you excited when you
fund out.

I did the tango.
Do you know how to tango?

She'll show you.

And I twist and just go --
- here's another team.

Good job guys!
You k*lled that dance girl.


Come on, baby.
Third leg.

Rapido, rapido.

It's not over yet, not over
yet, not over yet.

It's like literally the
longest ride ever.

I feel like I need to pray.
This traffic is k*lling us.

Over there.

We still have hope.

We still have hope.
We have no idea where the

Track girls are but we can't get
in a foot race with them.

Dead end.

It's a wall.
Ok, go back.

There's teams back there.

The entrance is over here.

Is that it?

Look for the marked entrance.

You sure it's not over there?

This is crazy.

Come on.
- Jasmine and daniel I'm

Very sorry to tell you that you
finished at the back of the pack

But you're still in the race.
You're team number eight.

Thank you so much.
- It's an emotional time for

You, huh?

Just hurts, man.

A lot of people after this are
going to go home, we don't have

A home to go back to.
My brother is working five jobs,

I'm working five job, I'm
sleeping out of my car.

This is a lot.

It's ok to cry.
I want to tell you something.

You're team number nine and you
are still in this race.

Let's keep doing this, man.

We just got to bust our buths
more, man.

This race is hard.

Each leg we stay in is another
shot at changing our life.

We're not the best but we
will be.

Hardest thing ever.

Give it to us straight, phil.

Welcome to buenos aires.
Thank you.

- Alex and adam, I'm sorry

To tell you you are the last
team to arrive and also that

You've been eliminated from this


All right.
Two legs.

That's all we got.

I'm sorry.

We gave this country our all.

We tried everything.

I know you only got to run
two legs of the race, but are

You pleased you came on the

Couldn't be happier.
It's a trip of a lifetime.

I have now lived one of my
dreams and we only went to one

I'm leaving this race with no

I'm proud of everything we

We may have just done two legs
but it's been incredible.

- stay tuned for scenes from

Our next episode.

Next week on "amazing
race," the tension between

Justin and team texas continues
to build.

Mi amigo.

Denise and james earl hit a

Pull and go, please.
Stop questioning me.

- and teams scramble to

Avoid elimination.

Maybe we can beat them.

Go, go.
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