29x01 - We're Coming for You Phil!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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29x01 - We're Coming for You Phil!

Post by bunniefuu »

Of two have raced almost a
million miles around the world,

Testing their relationships to
the limit.

I love you too.

Today in an "the amazing
race" first, 22 complete

Strangers are meeting each
other for the first time at the

Starting line.

Welcome to grand hope park in
downtown, los angeles.

The start of an "amazing

Race" unlike any race we've
ever had before.

This is all about first

Impressions so take a really
good look at the people

Standing around you.

Have a good look.
Eye them up, because you are

About to pair up with a
complete stranger for a nine


Around the world for how much?

$1 Million?


I'm going to race, $1
million on the line, I

Definitely don't want
to be dragged down by

I'm so nervous about who my

Partner is going to be.
They're a stranger no matter

What but there are certain
strangers you want more than

Ideally I'd prefer someone

Who's got a little more charm
than me because I can be a pain

In the ass.
- The big question is who

Is going to be your

It doesn't even matter who
you pair me up with.

I'm going to throw them on my
shoulder and make sure we


I'll definitely use my looks
to my advantage to win the race

And the million dollars.

Oh, my god, I really don't
want to be partners with the

Asian barbie.
She's only here because she

Thinks she looks good.

At this point nobody has
spoken to anybody but you're

Going to see how everybody
performs, because the game

Starts now.
Before you pick your teammate,

I have a challenge for you.
I need you to pick up a piece

Of luggage that has a tag on it
with the panamanian flag.

To get to the luggage store,
you're going to go through that

Gate over there.

You're going to go two blocks
southwest, seven blocks


The sooner you come back with
the correct piece of luggage,

The more likely you are to
choose your ideal partner.

What are you waiting for?
Go get your luggage.

Go for it.

Let's go!
Ddlet's go, let's go.



Go this way.

That's one block.

Go one more.

I'm a police officer from
bellevue, washington.

As a police officer, I'm
trained to be able to work well

Right off the bat with a

Same thing on the race.
I'm going to have a partner

They haven't met, I don't know
them, and we're going to have

To work well together right off
the bat.

Southwest, like this


I hope this is right.

I'm a criminal attorney and
I think I look and probably

Come off at first glance as a
very high strung, tightly wound

New yorker.
I like to be in control of most

Situations but I also feel that
if somebody knows better, I'm

Able to step aside and let them
lead -- probably.

You know what you're going?

L.a., It's this way.

Oh, perfect.
We're best friends now.

I'm a big achiever.

I graduated from harvard
university near the top of my


It can be hard for me to build
a relationship with another

Type after -- type-a
personality quickly because

We're trying to get to the same
objective with very dominant

I might be easy to snap.

I mean, I am a gay redhead.

Redmond, nice to meet

Nice to meet you.

I was a navy foreman with the
marines for five years.

After I stepped on an i.e.d. In
afghanistan I lost my leg and

Immediately started competing
in every sport I could imagine

Because I wanted to show the
world that no matter what

Happens to you, your goal
should be to continue to

Succeed and that's what I'm
going to do on the race.

Got it.

Oh, sh**t.
I guess I'm intellectually

I love thinking about

Histimology, how things

Multiple timelines,
are we alone in the

Does the outside world


Are we brains in a vat?
My ideal race partner -- I

Guess a pretty girl never
hurts in terms of sales in a

Race because some people look
at me like I have two heads or

Something sometimes.

Are we going the right way?

I don't know.

Following the white

I am a model in los angeles
and I do predominantly --

An ideal partner for me would
be a big surfer kid from

I don't know if he's very

Smart, no offense, but I feel
like he'd be really fun.

I feel -- we're running


I am the very first female
k-9 officer in the history of

The youngstown police

My first mistake.
I'm 6'3" and it's intimidating

To most people.
Stop following them.

We can do this ourselves.
I'm an alpha male, I can't help

Southeast, southeast.

We'll be heading that way.

You went the wrong way from the
beginning so I'm not going to

Listen to you now.

I enlisted at 17.

By the time I was 19, I went
right into iraq.

I've been in the military for

A drill sergeant.
Get your face down on the

Ground right now!

It has to be over here

All right.
Excuse me.

Who knows panama?

I do.


Excuse me.

My name is matt.

I'm a professional

I won the 2016 x games in

To come home with a gold means
so much to me and to win the

Race, I'd feel pretty
unstoppable then.

what's wrong?

It's a good thing I
memorized all the flags in the

World before I came on the

I've been watching "the amazing
race" since I was in the fifth

Grade and it's always been my
dream to win the race.

People tell me I'm the most
that I'm the most positive and

Optimistic person that they've
ever met.

My perfect race partner would
have to be able to be positive

And to enjoy this incredible
experience that we're having

Here we go.

Got it.
Got it.

I think I got it.

This is why boston people
hate l.a.

You can't jaywalk.

It's all the way up

Rock climbing is certainly
most of my life at this point.

I am very enthusiastic.
Fun loving, goofy.


This here is a fun meter.
It's pretty much always in the

Red zone.
If the partner is not into the

Whole fun thing, what are they
doing here?

Should not have worn in!
I can be on in the city but I'd

Rather be out on the farm with
my horse.

These boots were made for
walking, not running.

I am a fifth-generation auction
near and whoever is partnered

Up with me had better be ready
to enjoy the ride because it's

Going to be a ride.
One million, one million,

The appearance is kind of my

Secret w*apon.

I started growing this beard
the day after I stopped my last

and that was and that was three

Years ago.

Now I own and operate a butcher
shop with my wife.

My i.q. Is right around 140 so
don't judge a book by its



- Ok, take your place in

Ok, that is correct.

Ok, that is correct.

I'm a providence firefighter
and I ride one of the busiest

Fire trucks in the country.
Definitely get some funny


But I'm always trying to
challenge myself.

I definitely think I'm going to
win "the amazing race" because

I'm a maniac and I'm going to
do whatever it takes.

You got it.
Tag is looking good.

Good job.
I love it.

I'm sorry to tell you that that
is not correct.

Got to go back and --
son of a bitch.

I wasn't born with a silver

Spoon in my mouth.

I was the third of four kids to
a single parent and I grew up

In the projects of boston.

-- Boston.

Grabbed the wrong bag, ran the
wrong day.

I've had to work hard for for
everything I've had and I'm a

Police sergeant.

I like to drink beer.
That's one of my weaknesses.

That's my color too.

All right.

Bring it in!

The tag is correct.
All right.

Welcome back, everybody.

You're all standing in the
order that you finished this

Particular challenge so seth,
that puts you in a very

Powerful position because you
get the first pick and your

First pick is who?



Join up as a team.

Switch over.

Seth, why did you pick

She's probably a better
dancer than me and she's the

First lady to arrive so made it
a pretty easy fit.

When seth picked me I was
commithe excited because he was

The first finisher.
- You're our first team.

That will give you the next

I don't think I know your
name yet, but I'm matt.

Cool with being on my team?


There we go.

The fastest person here.

All right, I'll take it!

Redmond seems like a guy who
believes in himself and when

The going gets tough will not
give up.

He's obviously really fast
and smart because he chose me.

I pick -- would I like to be
with the super hot chick?


I'm going to go with sara.


Next up?

I'm going to go with brooke.

Purple, my man.

What I'm looking for in a

Race partner is someone that
brings even more physical

Strength to the rhythm here so
a guy that would be taller and

Stronger than me, that would be

My pick?
Oh, boy.

How about you?

What's your name?

Nice to meet you.

I'm going to go with the

I'm tara.

Nice to meet you.


Obviously you saw he was having
a bad day.

Just because he came in
later doesn't mean he's not

Strong and he's a little bit
more mature.

That's kind of what I was going

London, you have the next

I need some muscle, man.
I can't believe it.

Let's document.
I'm going to go with hawaii.

Long hair.
Long hair, don't care.

I want someone who's as
excited about this as I am.

I'm not screwing around.

I want to get up and go.

I got to go with the cowgirl,

- All right, guess what ma
- - that means?

- That means you're a team.

Now, you obviously just ended
up with each other.


We had a few words earlier.

Like harsh words are --

We're going to be a strong
team, that's all.

Ok, guys, your first clue
is inside luggage in front of


And hidden in one of these
pieces of luggage is the one

And only express pass.

All right.

When I say go, run out of the
park, grab a taxi to los

Angeles international airport.

There are two flights to your
first destination.

So if you want to get on that
first flight, which gets there

Sooner, you're going to need to

Now one more thing.
Jessie and francesca, because

Neither one of you got to pick
a teammate, I'm going to take

You to the airport.

You ride with me.
You got it?

All right.

Is everybody ready to race?

The world is waiting for


Good luck.

Travel safe.

Go, go!

This way, guys.
Sara, sara, sara?

I'm right here.


Ha ha.


Thank you.


L.a.x., Right?

As fast as you can, my

Why don't you open yours


I'm going to open first.
No express pass.

Oh, no!

I don't have the express pass.

I got it, I got it.

Doesn't look like an express



We're on "the amazing race"!
Fly to panama city.

Panama, sick!

This is going to baughsome,

Find panama city in panama.

I love that my partner
speaks spanish.

I currently live in boulder,


Imgo to school at c.u.?

I double major in economics
and applied math.



I'm a sells rep for a
surgical company.


We are going to be good at the
sales challenges.

What about you?

What do you do?
I'm an artist.

Anything -- exactly, like the

London and logan.

They have it going on already.

I have to apologize for

That was all my fault.

We're going to have fun.

We're the only girl team.

We're going to rock this out,

I love that you've
already had your first fight.

We're going to be soul

I'm gay.
Oh, team will and grace.

You're from hawaii but --
how old are you?

All asians looks -- look
like they're 12.

Thank you.
Thank you, sir.


How you doing?
We need tickets.

Thank you so much.
All right, k*lling it.

This is it.



What number are we?

Thank you so much, yeah.


Copa, here we go.

Thank you for your help.
Thank you so much.

Thank you!
Thank you very much.

All right.
All right, thank you.

Thanks so much.
Everyone is going to get

There in the morning or their
flight is going to get delayed.

Two tickets to panama city,

I got you a --
we're rocking and rolling.

Copa airlines.

I love cops except since a
young age my mom told me never

Date a cop and you're a cop.

Is there a romance going on?
I told her I was gay and

Have a
- and her best -- roommate

Is gay.
We'll get along very well.

There's no rhythm there.
- Both feels are flying

From los angeles to the country
known as the bridge of the

World, panama.

They'll meet to pick up a
rental car and meet up at the

Locks at the panama canal.

Panama, baby.


Did you ever think that you
would get to come here?

I thought panama city border
was cool.

There's no drunk teenagers

This is awesome.


Driving through panama and I
see that we're going to have to

Go kind of far
because we got in race on the

Pace of 90 kilometers an how
were and we know we got the fun

Meter power.

Don't look ahead.

There's a ton of traffic.

Let's take this.
Ok, let's do that.

No, fantastic.
I'm driving next.

Are you kidding me?

We're going south.
We're going the who -- wrong


So we need to turn around.

I'm sorry.

Complete lack of street

I should have turned there.

I have no idea.

There's no signs on these

Can canal.
I don't know.

Everyone you ask in panama
does not know where the panama

Canal is.
Will there be signs?


That was not cool.
Oh, my god.

It doesn't make any sense.

So crazy.

We just drove 45 minutes the
wrong direction.

I hate feeling lost!
Oh, my god.

This is an "amazing race"

See it?

See the building to the left?
I do.

I feel like if I didn't have
a partner like you, I would

Have multiple lashout by now.
Well, I'm glad we're working

Together in that case.

This is the panama canal,
a 15-mile stretch of water that

Connects the atlantic and
pacific oceans.

Drive to the rain forest
center in gamboa and search for

Your clue at the canopy tower.

See you soon, phil.
- Team number one, you got

The lead.
All right.

Ooh, can it be towers?
Oh, my god.


Guys, how long have you been

We were lost for three hours.

Is anywhere anyone sneer
there are still a lot of

Clues up there.
We're not last?

Let's go.
We're not last, please.

Drive for the rain forest
discovery center.

Let's get the hell out of

Stay calm and focused.
Telling me to calm down

Makes me worse.
I can tell.

We get to drive more.

All right, there we go.

To gamboa.

There could be a sign.
You know, it's the panama


Should being the key world.

Good gravy, I try not to

That's what I'm worried about.

I have the mouth of a sailor.
Me too.

Where am I turning right to
go up to the locks?

Uh --

Look for a roundabout and

Take a 135-degree right turn.
I don't know what that


It's a more than a
right-turn corner, four-stops

But it's less than straight

My experience in driving in
foreign countries is zero.

Although I'm for it.

And kevin speaks grate


Let's make sure we're in the
right spot.

Tower, yeah.


Look at that.

There's the tower right there.

This is the biggest spiral
staircase I've ever been on.

Oh, my god.

Getting dizzy?
Yes, are you?

Yeah, just like a fire
tower, right?

Looks like a clue to me.

sh**t or scoot?
- Both sides of the detour

Require teams to use a kayood
be, a, a traditional dugout

Canoe that has evolved into a
high-tech racing machine.

Teams must use a bow and arrow
to knock over two silver fish

To receive their next clue.
Powering their way along the

Marked course in a shriek
marked canoe, teams mist go

Head to head against a
professional crew to try and

Win their next clue.

We're racing.

We're going the right way.
Here we go.

It's the ever-ending spiral

Of disease inns.

Oh, I -- dizziness.

Oh, my gosh.
Holy moly.

Here it is, found it.

I just want to get where I'm


We got the lucky hat on so
that's good.


Son of a bitch.

It's the hat, man.

Fortunately we have this
gentleman in the back who

Speaks span so I shall that
helps a lot.

How do we know where -- when
to go right?


Do you know which way the an
mccannal is?

This way?

My spanish is actually better
when I'm drunk because that's

When I learned my spanish.

Welcome to the village.

I am the chief.
Now I will teach you how you

Use this bow and arrow.
How you put it, how you sh**t




Is that it right there?

Kick, we're doing scoot.

Pick a team.
Pick a team.

We're going to do a

Race we're going to start at
the same buoy and if you guys

Lose, we're going to start

And you guys are going to have
a head start so you're going to

Start at the second buoy.
If you guys lose again, then

You guys are going to start at
the third bowie.

Feeling pretty good about
this one.

All we need is two.

Y'all are going down, fishies!

We are in perfect position to
do operation k*ll fish.

Here we go.

I'm sh**ting on the top

That was so close.


We have to create some

Oh, my god.


They were very skilled
rowest and they pulled away

From us immediately.

I've only rowed around a
little pond for leisure.

I've never done aggressive
rogue before.

My arms are burning.


I was starting to think, ok,
did we pick the wrong detour?

They're sh**ting, maybe we
can overtake them.

Come on, get involved.

Oh, I'm involved.

I'm just relaxing for a minute
now that I'm not driving for

Three hours.


Two paddles this side.
Be proactive.

Come on.

Yes, ma'am, yes, ma'am.

Oh, my god.

Ha ha.


At what point do we give up
and do the other one?

Let me do one more?

Ok, maybe we'll get lucky.

We're wasting time.

Let's go to the other one.

All right.
We're wasting time.

Look at this!

Sweet, I know how to do it.

All these people are like
speed devils, professional

Yeah, you definitely have to

Work as a team.
If one person doesn't work with

The other person, you're not
going to get the job done.


We're never going to beat

We'll get it this time.

How did we miss the thing?

I have no idea.

I think red beard and cowgirl
are going to get real lost so

I'm not all that stressed out.

I'm so stressed I'm taking
off my shoes and relaxing.

Want to take a whiff?
Ooh, no.

There's another team.

We have one, two --
that's floyd and becca right


You're going to k*ll with it
these fish.

Quick and easy.

A little higher, becca.

Double-team -- time.
Each time wevpled get a

Little bit more of an

That definitely helped but each
successive time we got better

And better and worked better as
a team.


Homestretch, come on.

Got it.

Good job.

Make your way to the first

Pit stop.
- It's a coastal beltway

That wraps around panama city,
allowing access from one end of

The city to the other.

Teams will find me here under
this enormous panamanian flag,

The last team to check in with
me here at the mat will be

Let's go.

Just when you get most

Frustrated is when you focus

Good job.

All right, let's go back.

Good job, becca.
I am never going to give up on

You again.

I want to thank the academy
and I want to thank all of the

Row, row.

We're screwed.
Oh, I'm soaking wet.


Row, row, row.
Come on!

Row, row.


I'm doing everything I can.

Row, row -- keep --

I'm rowing.

It wasn't horrible at the

It was good rogue.

I'm a better rower than I am a
runner now.

Maybe no.

You could say something.

I just kind of want to get
through the detour.


Welcome to the panama canal.
Son of a bitch.

Has to screw up more than we


I hope.

I'm scared out of my brings.

I'm positive.

We're the happy team.
Supposedly we're supposed to be

Siblings so I'm like -- is that
bothering you?

Actually, not.
That feels good.

Is that bothering you?

Is that bothering you?

Ok, that's annoying.
All right.

We have to rethink.
Did we do the race?

We have to go back.

We have to keep our spirits

I have my spirits up.

I'm focused on rowing.

Okey dokey.


They're starting.

Here we go.

Oh, my god, they're going to
beat all the -- us.

No way they're win tong
first one.

Hey, they both have great
upper body strength.

There's no way.

It's not going to happen.
We're almost there.

We're k*lling it.
Oh, my god, shut up.

We got it.
Yeah, all right!

Damn it.
I can't believe that I did

That in one shot.
Paddle, please.

You can't expect me to
compete with redmond.

I'm working as hard as I can.
Thinking that I keep

Thinking that you're a physical
liability, that's not what I'm

You're doing ok.

I've done rogue before.

Let's go physical.

Panama rain forest discovery

Let's go.

How do two asians get so

I don't understand.
Now we're going to the -- at

Number trace and then we'll see
phil's beautiful face.

He'll say team number one I
have a surprise for you.

Keep your eye out for the

I see the flag.

I see it.

Coming for you, phil.
There he is.

Welcome to --
thank you.

It's worth all the

Sexoith olive.

Are you team number one.

Seth, you made your first pick.
What do you think so far?

I think I made the right

My biggest fear was that I was
going to have as a partner

Someone that I would not work
well with.

I got the opposite.
We're working together very

We're going to be the team to


Where are you on the fun
meter right now?

The fun meter is amazing.

Weaver off the charts.



Go, go!



Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.
We did it.

On the beach, on the beach.
We are with the first group.

Holy crap!
We're going to be the team

That wins this whole thing but
really, he would have done

Great without me and I would
have done pretty well without

You so it worked out.
Let's do scoop.

Drive to the rain forest in

Search for the canopy.

Hopefully we're not too far

Don't worry about it.

Was there any point you
thought this is maybe not going

To work out?

What my partner?

- there was a little

Do you think you made the

Wrong choice?
No, I don't think I made the

Wrong choice.
Why is it so uneven back


Oh, my god.

My bad.

We're going to switch.

Ooh ooh!
Almost there.

Do you want me to try first
and then we can switch off?

I've snot a bow and arrow once
in gym class.

I most recently shot like
six months ago.

You shot like -- 12 years ago?

Yeah, but it's the same,

Ok, you can try, that's

I'll try first and then
we'll switch.

We did get on each other's
nerves a little bit today.

We are probably the most
popular opposite team here.

You have personal dynamics
and you also have to figure out

How to tackle these complex
challenges that the race is

Throwing at you.

Oh, sh**t.

We are very different people
and we have different ways of


No, parallel to the bow.
He is such a math and

Numbers pepper and I'm such a
words and people person.

I just need to try it.

I don't know if we made the
right decision or not right


Do you mean that we're
strong enough?

It's also technique.
It's technique and endurance.

It might make sense to switch

All right, let's go ahead
and switch.

Come on, come on.

Damn it.

Oh, my god.


Come on, paddle!
You have it.

You can do it.

Come on!
Let's do it.

Come on!

Come on!


Next time we're doing it.
Canopy tower?

Where is it?
There is no tower here.

Ok, go this way.
There's a path here.

Are you sure that was one?
Keep going.

Yeah, boy!

Keep it up, joey!
Come on, go!

Oh, my god.

Oh, yeah.

Almost there.
Come on!

Got it.

Oh, my god!

If I hit one with this, I'll

Get more arrow.
-- Arrows.

If I miss, what do do i?

If you hit a fish with this
one, we'll get more arrows.

If not, we'll go to the other

Have you ever paddled

Scoot is all paddle.

Are you sure?

We're in trouble.
Are you sure?

We're going to switch to

Zero confirmed kills.
Oh, see that, look?

You're team number five,

This way?

Where is it?

The tower.
That's it, right?

We're right back it.
We should have gone that way.

It's back there.
Stay calm, we got this.

Backwards a hair.

Spear this thing, please.
I amle

Steer this thing, please.

I am.

That was the first time I've
ever picked you have on oared.

I know.

How do you get to 24 and never
picked you have an oar.

There's lakes in missouri.

I know it.

I've seen them.

This is madness.
Can't even keep the thing

Dead center.

Joey, I don't know if you
noticed, there's a flag up


What flag is that one?

That's the most beautiful
flag I've seen today.

Vanck and ashton, I'm
pleased to tell you that you

Are officially team number

It was a really rough day

Being with a complete and total
stranger and racing for a

Million dollars.

Also, it was not what I had
invegased as a partner.

We are -- envisioned.
As a partner.

We are so different.

I could tell she was super,
super hape the whole time.

Easy to look at, it's a

Apparently you're pretty
easy to look at too.

According to london.

I didn't say it.

This is it.

There it is.

Let's scott.
We're going to scoot.

We're going to scoot?

Ready, go!
Come on.

There's no way.

Come on.
Oh, my god, they crushed us.

We suck at this.
How are we going to beat these

Professionals in a race?

We have to go a long way.

This is brutal.


Damn it.
Come on!

This sucks.

I can't even keep this thing
on the water.

We're done.

I'm just at the end of my

Finally get to a damn challenge
and we can't do it.

I don't believe there's anyone
who's ever run this ways --

Race who hasn't thought about
quitting 10 times in one day.

Because it's brutal.

Do you want to finish it?


We've made it this far.

I'm not quitting.

Everything I do is for my

It's all about her.
She's my favorite person in the


Hatch a million bucks would
mean so much to me.

There was no way I was going to

Oh, my god.

Come on.

You guys are k*lling me.


- is this a match made in

It is!

I can't imagine doing with it
anybody else on this race.

Welcome to panama.
Thank you.

There's another team.

I got to rest my arms, mike.
Hey, you can do this.

We got this.
So we're not last.

Oh, my god, we have to beat

There's only two teams.

We're still in it, dude.
We are not going home.

We're still in the game.

Ready, set, go!

Go, go, go!


Holy smokes.

Come on!
Let's do this.

We're still in the game.

Let's go, baby, let's go!

We did it.

Book it, now.

Go, go, go.
Don't worry, we got this.

Is the other team still


Man, we got this.

We're not out of this.
Jack only imagine what

Paddling in the dark would be
like now.

Due to darkness and safety,
the detour has been closed.

Here's your next clue.

We have to beat them, we
cannot get lost.

Kevin and jenn, you're
the 10th team to arrive.

However, for not completing the
detour, you've incurred a

Two-hour penalty and I'm going
to need to you wait out that

Penalty before I can check you

Your only hope right now is
that the next team gets here

Two hours from now and --
two hours?

It's dark.

They're going to get lost for
two hours.

Where's that giant bridge?
We have to go back cross it.

It should be right in front of
us here.

Any minute now.
It should be the opposite


I thought this whole time we
were going the right way.

Please by lost for two

We got lost for two hours.

They're probably going to get
lost for two hours.

I don't want to be the first
team off, I'll tell you that.

I have a bad feeling but we'll

Liz and michael,
unfortunately, you are the last

Team to arrive.

However, kevin and jenn
incurred a two-hour penalties

Which they've been waiting out.
No way.

You got here before their
penalty was up.

You are officially team number


Kevin and jenn, do you
want to come to the mat?

Kevin and jenn, I'm sorry to
tell you, you have been

Eliminated from the race.
Thank you, phil.

We tried our best.

We ran as hard as we could.
Good job, guys.

Together as a team, we never
fought once.

That actually was a major issue

One of us should have stepped
up and been more authoritative

And that definitely would have
been a game changer 100%.

But I gained a new little

We have the same hair so --
I'm the cooler older


Stay tuned for highlights

From this season.

This season on "the
amazing race" --

I'm so scared.

Strangers become

I'm standing right there
looking at this.

I have no idea how a compass

As they race through
breathtaking countries.

Holy cow.

And face -- will first
impressions turn into lasting

Impressions and who will win
"the amazing race"?
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