29x03 - Bucket List Type Stuff

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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29x03 - Bucket List Type Stuff

Post by bunniefuu »

For the first time ever
teams formed at the starting

You cool with being on my team?

In sao paulo, liz cleaned

Giving her and michael the
comeback win.

You are team number one!

Shamir lost his cool.
You did break it.

But jessica and january
cheshca lost the leg.

You have been eliminated from
the race.

Nine teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

I said from the beginning
that no matter who my partner

Is, I'm going to make the best
out of this.

And I think that I'm being
tested for sure.

We're welcomed by this huge
and starts talking about his

Junk again.
Every subsequent thing that

Went down hurt more and it was
because of my harness.

I went down, they fixed my
harness, I went up fly more

Times no, problem.

I don't like drama and
there's already a lot of drama

Going on in some of the other

We're definitely not getting
caught up in each other's

Nerves and not getting cawing
theing the caught up in the


We're getting along prely.
We've not had any arguments.

It's not like we've known
each other for years.

You don't know the ins and outs
of dealing with someone and

This is a super high stress

We have to work together to
win the $1 million.

Fly to the city in tanzania.
- Liz and michael will be

The first to fly more than

Of africa and the nation of

Once there, they must held to a
monument, a statue

Commemorating the african
soldiers that fought in world

w*r i.

Teams will find their next clue

Find double u-turn ahead.

Fly to the city in tanzania.
Caution, blind double u-turn


Oh, god.
Ok, let's go.

We're having a blast.

There's no drama with in team
because we're team.

We like a lot of the teams
but also, a lot of the teams we

Like are strong competition.

It's a blind u-turn.
Who'd u-turn us?

It's a race.
We're not here to make friends.

We're probably going to get

Absolutely, we're a strong

Other teams want to try to get
hid hid -- ahead of us.

I definitely see that as a

My official in thought would
be u-turn -- initial thought

Would be u-turn -- u-turn them
as payback and they wouldn't

We had a handshake leaving

Panama that we were going to
toss a coin at the heliport to

Determine who was going to be
first and second.

And they totally ditched us on

They're not here.

I don't know what happened.

I'm sorry, we love you,

But --
we make

A little bit.

Fly to the city of -- in
tanzania, dude.

Let's do it.
We're going to tanzania.

Is tanzania --
oh, my god, I still don't

Know what it means.
Queerk means you're hotter than

Hot yet still cool.
I'm too old for this.

No, you're not.

She is.

I'm just kidding.

I think we're team fun and
we're team adorable.

I'm not worried about the blind

I think our communication is
amazing and every time we talk

About our skills we find out
more how recomplement each


It's absolutely absurd.

If we need to use the

U-turn, we're going to use it.

I'm not here to make best

Up until this point nobody
really knew much about us.

He's a boston cop.

He's got a lot of experience
under his belt and I think they

Just thought I was mom.
Oh, that hurt.

Are you ok?

That's a great way to start
the day.

Last leg I was injured a bit

And just really frustrated with
how the day went but just ready

To tackle this leg and get back
to the top.


Seven is on this flight and
we're all headed to africa.

It's a big, even field right

It will be a mad dash from the
airport once we get there.


Taxi stand.

Go, go!
Taxi stand.

Go, go, go!

The monument?

Do you know?


Let's go.
Let's go.

Let's go.
Watch your head, watch your


Dude, this is so exciting.
We are in tanzania right


There's redmond and matt.

No way.
Not today.

Not today, pretty boy.

You guys hold on a second.
Sir, would you like --

Pretty awesome.

I never in a million years
thought I would be here.

This is bucket list-type stuff
right here.

Oh, my gosh, I know.
Hopefully we won't have to do

Any driving around here.

That would be a nightmare.

We are headed in the exact
right direction.

We're looking for a
newspaper stand.

I see it right there.

Ok, ok.
It's this way.

It's this way.

Go, go, go.

Watch we got?

What are we looking for?
I don't know.

Look for a clue.
If one of us gets it, you

Want to tell the other one?
Let's go, let's go.

It's this way.
Going to the terminal.

Are you sure?

Sorry, guys, excuse me.

Sorry, sorry.
Thank you.

We're right behind you, ok?
Two to distance bar.

Wait, how'd they get in --
skip the line?

There's a line here.

They just cut nerve line.

It's all going to be the

All overboard.

I think we're all going to
be at 7:00.

Now it is a matter of
principle, this is mark number

Two against them.
Because they screwed you

With the helicopter?

It didn't end up mattering
but again, it's principle.

This is the wrong time to
get into an argument with a

We have that u-turn coming up.

We don't want to get u-turned.

We're playing it safe.

Sneak on through that thing.

We're going to sudanese bar.
Sudanese -- distance bar.

It's beautiful -- zanzibar.

It's beautiful, look amount

If I would have woke up 20
years ago and you told me I'd

Wind up in africa, I'd call awe

Look at the beach.
Holy cow, look at the

Wow in is surreal.

We're all friends right now
and once you get off the boat,

It's game time.

Go, go, go.

Go, go, go!

Excuse me.
Excuse me.

Let's find a taxi.

The coco tony market and there
is a u-turn directly ahead so

We have to get there fast.

Teams are about to face a
blind u-turn, the first

Opportunity teams have to slow
down another team, forcing them

To perform both sides of the

It's unlimited u-turns this
season so let's use it.

Let's be the fast guys.
Are we going to u-turn

Smoicht is olive, they're so

This is where we make our move.

If we're there first.

Pass them again.

See y yk ya.

They're seriously the only
team I'm worried about.

There's the board, there's

Come on.
Come on, mike.

Oh, we're team number two?
You're two?

Yes, we choose to u-turn
seth and olive.

We knew from the get-go they
were probably the strongest.

They're in a league of their

We choose to u-turn matt and

Detour, build it or weave

It doesn't matter where
you go in the world, education

Is a priority.

And here in tanzania,

School supplies and desks like
this are in short supply.

Teams can now help provide a
valuable seat for the students

By piecing together these
donated supplies.

When the carpenter approves of
their handiwork, they must

Deliver the desk to a classroom
for a quick swahili lesson.

There are more than a million
plastic bags used around the

World every minute.
These are banned on the island

Of zanzibar.

Locals have replaced them with
coconut bags.

Teams will travel across the
bay in a traditional sailing

Vessel to reach their next

Build it?

We're going to do build it.

Oh, my gosh!
We're not u-turned.

We are not u-turned.

We're u-turned?
It was definitely ashton and


We're going to do build it.

Nags ok.
We can deal with this.

We're going to weave it.
I can wife it like to other.

Straight ahead.

Do you see it?
Hey, vanck and ashton.

Where are you?

We'll get you.

Ok, we've been u-turned.
So let's go to the next clue.

Ok, we have to do both

We've been u-turned.
Obviously one of the teams

First u-turned us.

We're going to deal with it
and move on.

We're going to get you guys.
You know that, right?

Look at me, vanck.

I hope you're scared.
Are you scared?

Because you should be scared.
Oh, redmond, stop.

You only u-turn if you're
weak so you guys are weak.

Joey, glab one, the first

It's marked and no one's on it.
I'm stuck.

Do you want to hold hands?

Yeah, sure.

I can't believe they you

That's messed up.

That is messed up.
Better them than us.

Did you hear redmond going
off on ashton?

Dude, the guys are pissed.

Vanck and ashton u-turned

They're so afraid of us

Because we're so much stronger
than they are.

And they're just a weak,
pathetic team.

He's trying to be hate and
feel aggressive and trying to

Get inside of our head.
We're going to be neck and

Neck with redmond and matt.
It is what it is nowful

Seth and olive got u-turned.
There's a tough team so we're

Going to have a good
competition on our hands.

Joey, you guys u-turn seth
and olive?

No, we didn't.
You're lying.

You had to have.

Who did?
I don't know.

Bold-faced liars.

Get out.

You with me?
I'm here.

Oh, wet feet.

Come on.

To the right.

Red, what do you want to do

We have to do both of them.
We don't want matt and

Redmond to see us.

If we go fast, it's going to
light a fire under them to go

We're only racing matt and

Redmond right now.

Build it.
Tara, right here, come other

Hi, scott?


Let's take that one.
Is there an example and?

No, there's no examples.
We're building desks?

Put them all out and look at
what we've got.

There's a hole here.

We do this.
I'm horrible at building

I'm good at building but

I've never seen anything like

Watch me.

Get a couple have -- of little
pegs like this, phenomenon my


I come from a along line of
carpenter so I better be good

At this.

No way.

That's so cool.
How cool is that?

Butterfly is climbing this

Palm tree to get us some tools.

Look what he's doing here, red.
Oh, me gosh.

This is going to be hard.


Hi, butterfly.

Look at him up there.

So we start out with it facing

Down then we cross them over.
I'm an artist and I croatia

Crazy things out of yarn.
I started out just because I

Love to crochet so much.

Now I create content for big
brands all over the country so

When I saw the weaving
challenge, I was like we have

This nailed.

She's about to weave circles
around all of these follows.

Oh, yeah.

Got it?

Yeah, they go right down


Yeah, exactly.
There were limited number of


They had to go in a certain
order and in a certain

Direction or it wouldn't fit

Let me see.

This is how it goes.

Just like this.
Rounded edge facing forward

So this is what the people say.
I -- see.

I got you.
Damn, this does not want to

Line up.

I don't know what to do.

I'm getting frustrated.
Don't get frustrated.

It's just dowells and holes,
that's it.

It's not going in.




I got a splinter.
I know you got a splinter.

No pain, no gain.
I thought I would be good at

You just have to focus.

That's all.
I'm freaking out and that

Doesn't help anything.

Not work something
are they doing it?


Oh, gudedureksd I got this.

You really can't do this?

I'm worried that I'm not
getting the technique and I

Don't want to be here too long
and then another team show up.

We need to switch.
You want to?

Ok, let's go.

We're going to build it.
Damn it, damn it.

We're switching in is kind of
embarrassing but I got nervous

But we don't want to waist --
waste any more time.

They just switched detours.

It's going to hook over that
piece over that flat one.

The smooth side should be
facing down, right?


This is not going to work.

It's going to pop right out.

She's very negative.
This is designed to fame.

I'm glad we have a positive

Where's the extension?
Down here.

Oh, there it is.
You guys switched?


We're crushing this liz.

We're doing good.

We just have to flip this

So the round part is against
the back?

We'll be good to go.
I'm glad you're my partner.

I do all right in a pinch.
That's as good as it's going

To get.
Leaning is expected.

Hopefully he'll be lenient.

No good.
No good?


Oh, there's a peg missing.

Peg missing, mike.

It dropped out when he was
banging on it.

What do you think, we're

Found the peg.
Check, please.

Thank you.

We have to bring two desks

They'd finish?
How'd they finish?

Get underneath it.

Let's just go down here.

Thank you, my friend.

Thank you, my friend.

Right now matt is working on
finishing that first one and

I've gotten better so I'm going
to start weaving this second

I think we're going to go a lot

Faster now.
Can you jog?

I'm good.

Is it that one or this one?

Got right through that fence
up there.

I can't do it with one hand.
I sure can but you have to

Talk to me.
Be gentle.

No good.
No good?

Oh, we're missing a dowell.
There was a big piece I just



We're -- right now.

No, we're not.
Nobody is ahead of us.

Y we can do this I'm glad we

We too.

Who's paid?

Luke and tony, that's it.

Watch the kids.

Watch the kids.
Bring it down slowly.

Thank you.

Good job.
We have to learn four phrases.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Other side.

To the baskets.
I'm already expecting that seth

And olive are going to get to
our station first.

We do not want to go against
them if we are getting u-turned

And unfortunately they're the
other team that got u-turned.

Is this the head guy?

Set and olive have a very
strong team but seth, he might

Not do well on this because his
cop skills are going to come

Into play.

I think he's going to try to
sh**t this or arrest and it

He's going to try and detain
the basket.

He's not going to know what to

Let's see how they start

They start from the bottom.

He's just let's letting us
know we should have no


Not a dude, sorry.

A-- I know.

I know.
Watch the big step.

Hi, hello!
Got it?

I'm in.

Excuse me.
Coming through.

Look at you guys.
You're so beautiful.


Hello, everybody.

Thank you.

Thank you.
Put this thing down.

Safari njema.

Thank you very much.
Thank you.

Travel by taxi to the

Once there, search for your
clue near the front entrance.

All right, nice job.

Master weave?

They look great, huh?
Look at those.




Thank you.
Let's go.

Yeah, ooh!
You're wonderful, thank you so

Thank you.

That was awesome!

They're so cute.

There it is.
We're almost there.

It's not over yet.

Oh, no.

It's the boys.
This one's good.

That one was loose too.

The other one too.


Where do we start, guys?
You have to get a section


We showed up expecting to be
last and we weren't.

That was a such a confidence

We could beat a team, that
would be amazing right now.

I'm dying.
You're amazing.

Brook, we did it.

Good job on the building.


What are you owing?

Nothing, keep going.

Thank you.

Ha ha!


Thank you.

Thank you, thank you, thank


Don't want to make the hole

Too big.

I know but we've got to get
it through.

You see my point?


Yeah, you see my point?


Thank you.
I'm right behind you.

I'm ready.

Straight, keep going.

Don't answer your phone right
now, please.

Keep going.
Right in front of that

Who's ready to do some is

Market research?

Due to a lack after
refrigeration, most locals

Binary dinner fresh daily in
vibrant marketplaces like this.

Following a shopping list,
teams must purchase an

Assortment of local items then
deliver it all to the family

Chef for anywhere next clue.

All right, joey!
I'll do it.

It might be food.
I know what most of the

Stuff is so I just have to find

What is that?

I have never in my life seen
or heard of anything like this.

Really worried about the
language issue here.

Try to focus on just this
there's nothing we can do about

Anything else.

We're doing the best we can
right now.

Just racing against

Safari -- njema.
Oh, thank you, thank you.


Where can we get a taxi?

She has a clue for us.

Thank you so much.
Wait, this is the seat.

Is it?
It is, it is.


Good job, guys.

They k*lled that.

Hold on, hold on.

We're good, we're good.

There we go.

Wow, that was so fast.

That's ok.
We have to get some

We're not moving right now.

Just keep going.

It's not over.

k*lling it.
We have to figure this out.

I have no idea.
I think you're doing it


I don't know, I'm getting
stressed now.

They're on the other one.

Right now we're very behind.

Sara, come on, push.

I haven't stopped, right?

We're in last.
If somebody finishes that

Weave, we're out.

How's it going?

I'm doing good, you?

We're just going to get these

Baskets tide up and then have
them checked.

And hopefully we made good
enough time to stay?

I'm hoping they're both
perfect because we've been at

This for a while.
I need one, please.

Very good.

This is all food.


Mike knows everything about

He's going to nail it.

Oh, I love it here.

I feel like I'm home.
This is awesome.

A live chicken.

Make it hello?

What does that mean?

Live chicken, live.

No chickens in here.

I don't usually shop with my

This is insane.
Come on.

Come on.

Shuffle over and get some --

I got it.
Can I have a basket?

Thank you.

One pomello.

One -- I don't know what all
these things are.

This doesn't look quite right.

Red bananas?

These are yellow banoigs.
Fast, fast.

I think we may have even
beat seth and olive.

If not, we're in front of that
mere and sara right now.

We're not in last place and
that is huge.

Wow, that took a long time.

I negotiation it did.


Thank you, thank you.
How about you carry it from

The bottom.
I'm going to hold it from

Hold the back.

Hold the back!

I got it.

You have to help too.

It's going to drop.

No, no, I got it.

Sara, hold on, you're
pushing me down.

You're adding 5 million
pounds, what are you doing?

I'm holding it up.

We're pretty close.

Going to get a check here.

Waiting to get the handle on.
Who's ready to do market

I'm ready.

Search the ingredients needed
for tonight's dinner.

I'm going to do it.
Let's do it together.

Two bunches.
We can get everything here.

I'll pay you all at once.
Looks like I may have hit the


I'm telling a couple of guys
what I need and they're

Grabbing everything for me.
Do you have matches?

Oh, wow, these guys are you

Check it.

Check it, check it.
Excuse me.

I'm after one large chicken.
Is that hello?

Hello chick season
is it going to run away?

How much will six bunches

I'm going to do everyone's
machichi and somebody is going

To pay for the next one.

That can't be $10 for just

I don't know if I can give you

Can I get one dollar back?


Help a brother out.
Thank you.

Thank you so much.

There are some umbrellas.

It's right here.
All right, matt is going to

Do this one.

I'm going to do this one.

All right.

Ok, here we go.

I already paid for that.
Hold on.

I just paid $10 for 30 bananas.
But I paid 10,000 on the

Last thing and I got six
different ingredients.

I think we're definitely
still in it.

This is huge for us especially
if we can knock this one out

Right now.

That's one?

Yeah, a pomello.
Let's see if this is it.

Hey, joey, nice chicken!

Did you see mike?
I didn't see him at all.

It's amazing in there.


Are you sure you have

I have everything.
In needs to be halal chick

Season the guy said it was

One, please, halal.
Yes, please.

Halal is the method of

A lot of people get freaked out

But where do you think it came
from when you get one from the

Grocery store.

At least this is honest about

This desk is smashing into
into my face.

I'm sorry, I'm I'm sorry.

Thank you!
Thank you, guys.

The only possible team that
could still be doing a detour

Is seth and olive.

If not, we're in last.

Check, please.
Thank you very much.

This is him.
We're going to -- johnny


Very, very fast.
We fell behind.

Way to go, way to go!

One halal chicken.
Did you do it?

Yes, yes!

Thank you very much.
Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Are we in first?

Yeah, we're in first.

Make your way to the next
pit stop.

Zanzibar is famous for
its rooftop hotels this one,

Built in the 1870's, overlooks
stonetown is -- and is now the

Last pit stop for this leg of
the race.

The last team to check in here
may be eliminated.

We just have to get there
before joey and tara.

Thank you.

Get a taxi.

Let's go.

I need one more thing.
I actually know what it is.

Halal chicken.

Matches, ok.
I bring you one -- and red

Banana, ok?

Very fast.

I'm doing pretty well.
Only got a few left.

I paid 50,000.
I've been paying american

Dollars and I think I've been
getting screwed.

That's 250, 250.
Can we get it?


We're running low on money.

Use your leg money to
purchase the items on your


I'm running out of money.
We're booking it.

All right, now we have to
get to the roof.

Come on, you got it.

It's like climbing a
mountain --

It's like climbing a
mountain up here, isn't it?

Welcome to zanzibar,

Thank you very much.
This is beautiful.

Liz and michael, I am
pleased to tell that you you

Are team number one!

Two in a row.

As the winners of this
leg of the race, you have won a

Trim for two from travelocity
and you are going to amsterdam.


You're going to spend
five nights at the w amsterdam

Where you'll enjoy a spa
treatment, dinner at mr. Porter

And tea at the duchess and a
canal boat tour of the stitch.

It's official.

So far, are you the best
performing team on this race.

Not bad for as terrible as
we were on the first leg, huh?

Will I find fish that way?
Yeah, you can find it there.

Find fish?

I need one more thing.

Can I do three?
I have a long list and I don't

Have much money.

Thank you, thank you.

We need small tomatoes.

Not the season of this to

Ok, I need eight.

Where do we get them?

Ok, here we go.

I think we have everything.
Good job.

k*lling it.

Matt is almost done.
Doing fantastic, man.


Thank you.
All right, whoo!

How did he finish?
Warning, the last team to

Check in may be eliminated.
All right, we're ready.

Two detours and a roadblock
before all of us did one of


I think so.
Here it is.


Oh, my god.

Come on.

Hey, phil.

How you doing?

Here you go.

Tara and joey, I am pleased to
tell you that you are team

Number two!


Good job today, partner.
Good work.

Thank you.
Thank you so much.

Yeah, girl.

Thank you.

Let's go.


Tribe umbrella right there.

Right there.
I have $1,000.

That's not enough.
sh**t, I have to go and see

If they'll give me money back
from the other places that I

Bought because I ran out of

It sucks.
I have $20 on me.

Give him brazilian.


I need help.
You guys charged me too much.

The rest of the stuff is

Tara is having some

We ran out of money.

She's negotiating to see if she
can get the remaining money she


We're done.
I'd like some money back.

Please, please.

I did good business.

What can I help?
I would like some money

Please, please.

I ran out of money.

Please, I don't have any


What is this?

Nut egg?

These guys are helping me out.

Thank god for them.
What can I do?

My manager say I can give you

Good, thank you!
Thank you!

Matt and redmond.

They're done.

Who's behind us?
No one.

We're dead last.

Hey, hey.

Come on.

Come on.

By business card.

Thank you, abdul.

Go, go.

I see it, I see it.

Ok, we have to go to the roof.

Hi, phil.

Tell us what happened
when you got to the u-turn


We u-turned matt and

There was bad mood from us
earlier in the race.

I don't know why they're so
surprised by it.

We have another team coming

What's up, buddies?

How's it going?

The sweet team is two
minutes ahead of us and we did

Both detours.
Next time, I don't feel good

For them.
Why did you do that?

Because you lied to our

In we didn't.

Yes, we did.
Everybody likes us.

Except her.

I like vanck.

I just don't like ashton.
I have plenty of other



I'm spoke stoked.

I think we're even now.

Come on to the matt,


Becca and floyd, where's
the fun meter right now?

Off the charts.

You just had to make an

Has anybody got a bigger smile
than becca, seriously?


Ok, thank you.

That's it, that's

There you go.
This is money from where?

From brazil.
It's 30 u.s.

Same thing.

A box of matches?

Thank you.

Whoo, let's go.
Come on, sara.

Let's go, sara!
Come on, brooke.

Get over here, guys.
Oh, my gosh.

Hi, phil.
- How you doing?

I'm tired.
Oh, we gid did it.

What a day?
What a day.


Thank you.

Let's go!

Come on, come on.

Thank you, thank you, thank

Will you be able to drive

Free because we got no bill

Thank god.
You saved us.

If olive comes out and they
go through that market, we're

Watch out, watch out.

Excuse me.
Right around the corner.

We're three minutes behind
shamir and sara.

We're going to try the running
route rather than the taxi


See if that will get us there

Let's go.

Let's go.
That's all I have.

You can change it at the

I have no money because they
have it.

We have it settled.

I asked if I could chang
exchange it.

They said yes, you can exchange
at the corner.

You can exchange.


Thank you, thank you, thank

It's faster to run, ok?

Follow me.

Oh, my god.

Becca and floyd, when you
checked in, you thought you had

Your passports is that correct?

You've discovered you do
not have them.

I cannot check you in until you
have your pass ports so

Whatever you need to do, go do

Ok, we need to call our taxi

You are an absolute idiot,

Are you kidding me?
Let's call them, let's call

So down that aly?

Ok, let us out let us out.
That meek, I'm losing you.

Come on, are you with me?

Did anyone turn a passport
in here?

This way?

Thank you so much.
Excuse me.

Olive, stay up.

Come on.

Oh, my god, I'm going to
have a hack.

It's ok.
That's where I went to the

Come on.

Let's go, almost there.

Tara, push, push, come on.

Are you an dume?

Thank you, an dume.

Thank you.


Hi there.

I'm sara, welcome to zanzibar,

Shamir and sara, you are
team number seven,



It's been so much fun.

Hold on a second.
We've got another team.

Come on to the mat, guys.
Becca and floyd, what would you

Like to tell me?

I'd like to tell you that
the passport is right here.

So we found it.
- It's the first time that

I have not seen a huge smile on
your face.

Where's the fun meter right

It's no high.
I'm getting it.

I lost a lot of trust in that

I will be holding on to this
from mow -- now on.

You lose that passport,
your race is over.

And he has a broken neck.

And he has a broken

-- Neck.

Seth and olive, you are

The last team to arrive and
unfortunately, you've been

Eliminated from the race.
U-turn took you down.

U-turn and we thought we may
have a chance at the end but --

There's nothing we really
could have done.

Reran -- we ran as hard as
we could.

We made as many friends as we

I wish we could have stayed
longer but it's a competition

And at the end of the day,
people are going to u-turn to

Benefit themselves.
It's definitely disappointing

But this has been great.

It's been a great

I never had a moment where I
regretted picking her as a


Stay tuned for scenes
from our next episode.

Next week on a two-hour
episode of "the amazing race"

Hi, welcome to hem.

Vanck and ashton work on
their communications.

No, please come on.


Whenever we come in not
first, this is why.

And brooke hits her
breaking point.

I am not strong enough and
my jackass partner nominated me

To do it.
We're going to have to take a

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