29x08 - Good Job, Donkey

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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29x08 - Good Job, Donkey

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "the amazing
race" -- in venice, redmond set

The pace at an artistic

This is actually pretty cool.

To finally break a string
of second-place finishes.

You're team number one!

Meanwhile, a frustrating
day for liz and michael.

I just want to cry.

We got here fourth and we're
leaving last.

Ended with some good news.

You are still in the race.

Six teams remain.
Who will be eliminated next?

Did you -- you did it?
You did it?

Oh, my god, let's go, let's go.

All right.

What have we got?
Travel to potra, greece.

Let's go.

We've been having the time of
our life.

That's kind of what sets us

We're just having fun the whole

To greece, man.

This is awesome -- awesome.
Only a couple of weeks ago I

Met this guy with a carbon fire
leg by the name of red monday.

I don't know how we're so in

We understand in order to win
the race you have to be

Encouraging and also

Becca and floyd.
Team fun.

Yes, ma'am.


I can't believe we're going

To greece.

I know, it's awesome --

It's going to be beautiful.

I hope we go to aragon?

We run.
Oh, yeah, in team was made

For running.

That's totally what you should
ask for.

Our relationship is unlike
any other I have in my nonrace

Got the pleasure of every day

Of every week of every year, I
can imagine.

Brooke and I are lovely.

Since day one we established
there's not going to be drama

Between us.
If possible, very, very fast.

As long as he keeps his cool, I
keep my cool so it works.

Pretty excited to go to


After the last time we
self-drove, I'm hesitant on

It got us into a huge, big


We're going to stay levelheaded.

Listen and communicate and
thrown leg.

That's it.
We're not going out of here

Anytime soon.
- All teams are now travel

Traveling by plane --
see,, everybody.

To italy, where they'll
take a 16-hour ferry ride across

The mediterranean sea to patras,

They'll then drive themselves
nearly a hundred miles to a

Small mountain village and this
traditional greek wedding, where

Teams will have their last
chance to u-turn another team,

Forcing them to perform both
sides of the detour.

Hurry up.

Let's go, let's go!
Go, scott, I'm ride rights

Behind you.
Go, go.

Double u-turn directly ahead.

Oh, my gosh.
He said there was another

Double u-turn directly ahead.
Which is scary.

We're going to see who really
likes us or not.

Thank you so much for being a
wonderful navigator.

Thanks so much for being a
wonderful becca.

We're going to take our time,
make the right decisionings.

What village are we looking

The village of r -- arahova.
To get there, across the

Here's the bridge right here.

Well, that's great news.

Just one ounce of yay?

We don't see any other teams

Yet so we don't know where we

I don't feel like this is the
right way.

We went towards beach, we

Turned off the main road.
How do we get out of this?

It's really exciting to be in

Really stressful right now
because we don't know where

We're going.

Not too shabby for a bunch of

Old narts.

We are going to u-turn mike
and liz because they have a

Speed bump and if they get
u-turned, they'll fall even

Further behind, give us a better
chance of sticking in the race.

We have a blue car on our

Lolo and scott and brooke.
Ptake a left.

What's the sign on the right?

Right, yes?


Go right.

Yeah, they're going wrong.

We're going right.

We just separated from mike
and liz.

Oh, my god.

I don't know what the hell just

Mike and liz just took a left
and us, the boys and brooke and

Scott just took a right.

So mike and liz went left and
we stayed to the right to go the

Right direction.

One -- someone's right,
someone's wrong and I have a

Feeling we are right.
Here we go, delphi


It's one turn.
It's not one turn, it's three


I get that, they're behind

Reeled the map, look at the

There could be a spot where
you can turn around up here.

No, I don't want to

Can we make a right up here

I'd say turn around.
I don't want to back track.

There's got to be a right turn
we can make.

This is the only roamed.
Find a road that goes south

From here.

I can't leak -- look at the
match while I'm driving.

We got a good start but that
doesn't mean our finish is going

To be the same way.
We're starting to the passage

We're trying to get to

Arahova as quickly as we can.
Delphi, this is a good sign.

Keep going.
Please be the right aralova.

Please, please.

Yes, they're having festival,
look at this.

Ok, where do we park?

We need a clue.

In the line?
You want to dance?

How do we get the clue?

Where do we get the clue?

The boys are right in front
of us and then it's us.

We unfortunately left team lolo

It was not by design.
We just lost them in all the

Turning back there.
Seriously this is not going

In reverse.
I'm putting it in reverse but

It's not there.
So should I push?

Good job.

Ok, ok.
That a girl.

That worked.
All good.

In the hood.

Here we go.
Park right behind them.

Jump out and go.
Get the clue.

Where is it?
Does anybody have a clue?

Over here, over here.

Brooke, right here.
Oh, good, oh, good.

Come here, come here.
Oh, they got it.

Go, go, go.

It'so there.

We have to u-turn mike and

I'm so sorry, mike and liz.
So sorry.

We choose not to u-turn

Do what you need to do.

Mike and liz, they're our


We decided to go ahead and
u-turn team fun to give mike and

Liz that last fighting chance.


For the bride or for the groom?
- The greeks love to

Celebrate life as traditional
festive weddings like there.

Both sides of the detour require
teams to deliver a gift to

Either the bride or groom.

Delivering two big tins of sheep
milk to two cheese makers.

Teams can change them for some
local specialty teas, which they

Can give to the bride or teams
can take part in a sporting

Custom and joined by locals as
they race up this speech stair

Case 252 stems past the church
of st. George to find this

Shepherd that will give them a
gift for the groom.

We're doing for the bride.
Let's go if -- do for the


I can't believe they u-turned
mike and liz.

That's so crappy.
For the bride.

I think we missed the turn.

Let's just ask.

What's the best way to get to

The rio -- bridge.

You will exit there.
It's the green sign.

We can't just turn around
right here?



Whatever, at least we're not on
target for a u-turn.

We're getting too far up this

We're heading that opposite
direction of what we need --

If you'd have said something
when the highway split, said hey

Driver --
I didn't see it until the

Last minute, mike.

I'm sorry.

But then you didn't say
anything until like kilometers


And then I said turn around
and you said.

No why don't with you just turn

Back, where liz?
Back down the way we came.

You don't know because you
can't read that map, dude.

See, this is going to take us
all the way up around this

Mountain, all the way over here.

We don't want to go this that

Liz, darling, at this point
what choice do we have?

If we go all the way back around
and down, we're done.

We can only hope something goes

I hope we don't get u-turned.

As they headed toward the
bridge, they just skired for

Ha, ha.


Here's the next sign.
No chance for -- wow, look at

You have to pick an empty one

And load them.

Load them like this.
Get the saddle.


Ok, let's --
this is the example.

Get the saddle right there.


Load two milk cans on to your

This guy.
High, -- hi, sweetheart,

You're doing great.
This part goes up front.

We have to deliver these two
milk containers to change for

I need to take your tail food

Come on.

All right, throw the milk on

Let's do it.

Oh, oh,

I don't want to go.

All right.
Here we go.

Oh, my god.

Of course the boys got the red

Of course they did.
Can you bring hymn a -- him a

Little bit faster?

I'm leading him, he's fine.

At this rate we're never
going to get there.

That's great, that's great.

Good job.

I stepped in poop.

That's probably good luck.

Follow the marked path to two
cheese locations.

Here it is, joey.
That's far.

We have a long way to go.
Definitely does not feel good

To be behind like this but --
it's ok, we'll come back.

I'm telling you, we need to
turn around.

If we were heading east and
we went right, we'd be heading

East by southeast.

Liz, we're not turning around.

That's a girl.
Come on, I got you.

Here's a mark.
Cheese lady.

We have to give this lady the

Ah, thank you, thank you.

You live in such a beautiful

We give you milk for cheese?

Ok, great.

Thank you so much.
It was two ladies?

There's two different -- two

Ok, good job.


We're going to make money so
why don't you move a little

Faster for me, huh?
That's the cheese lady.


Getting squshed between


You hold him and I'm going to

Deliver you some milk.

Thank you so much.
Oh, my god.

That's fantastic.
Thank you.

Thank you.
I hold the cheese?

Let's roll.

All right.
Where do we get the next cheese?

Here she is.


We have something for you.

Thank you so much.

Good job, donkey.

Nice job.

Donkey, you ready?

Let's think where it would

I think the cheese lady is on
that side then we go the

Opposite direction to the other
cheese lady?

Ok, there's nothing here.

Whoa, whoa.

Come on, sea biscuit.

Yeah, he likes that.
No, this way, donkey.

Here it is.

It's not us.

It's not us.

It's not us.

Oh, babies!
The shocker, mom and dad

U-turned becca and floyd.
Like team fun.

How can you you turn team fun?

We're doing for the bride.
Thank you.

All together.

One, two, three --
- teams will now drive

Themselves to the stadium in
athens where they'll find their

Next clue.

In athens.
Thank you so much.

It says marked path.
What the hell?

Oh, my god, scott.
Show -- slow down.

There we go.
Good going, though.

Here it is.

Here it is.



Thank you.

Thank you, thank you, thank

Thank you.

Go back to the wedding.

I kind of want to eat that

I'm hungry.
Did you get the second

I have both cheeses right

Milk transport.


We are loading -- ooh, I just
stepped in poop.

There we go.


Good cheese for you.

Thank you.




We have some milk for you.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.
This is like almost

Impossible to navigate perfectly

They still have the speed
bump they have to ivey come.

Liz and mike still have a
speed bump.

Who knows where they are.
They have not been doing so well

With the self-drive.

I have no idea where we are.
We're way up in the mountains

About dead north of where that
we need to be.

We have to turn around.
I'm stressed to the max.

If I would have said something
at the other one, if we would

Have turned around sooner on
that highway instead of by the

Time we got way out here, we
probably could have had a chance

And made it.

This is where we goofed up.

Right here, this is where we
groofed up.


Oh, we have some milk for


Thank you.
It's on, baby.

It's on.
Hold the cheese?

One of them.

Happy wedding.

In athens.

That's a stadium.

This is it right here.

Is that phil?


The greeks invented the
olympic games and the first

Modern olympics were held here
in 19.

Teams must complete one lap of
honor around this track to get

Their next clue.


This is beautiful.

Look at this place that.

Stadium was incredible.
Just to walk in there, you

Almost turned back time.

Unlike any experience I've ever

I definitely had the chills
running around there.

The oldest team in the
race are on track for a win here

In athens.

To -- for your next clue.


Let's go.

Did we just pass it?

Got my bags?
Good job, guys.

Good job, guys.
Oh, there's a speed bump.

Here we go.
Sceviour next clue, let's do

Son of a --

Well and steady.

I got a -- I'm not a runner.

I know, girl.

This is beautiful.

This is so beautiful.
Oh, my god.

This is amazing!

There's the finish right there.


Thank you.
You got it.

Go through the ribbon.

Like you're finishing a

I'm not a runner.

I'm going to jog.
Just park right here.

Park right in front where the
stuff's at.

There's clues over here.
Is that?


My goodness.
We got u-turned by brooke and


Thanks, brooke and scott.

Thanks, guys.

That's nice.

Unbelievable, knowing we have
a speed bump.

Let's do for the bride first.
I can't believe they u-turned

Thanks scott, thanks brooke.

That's really classy.
I'm so glad I helped you when

You couldn't finish your damn

Thank you.
I'll owe you.

No u-turns.

You got it.

Done deal.

You could not do it and I did
it for you.

It was so easy for them to lie
to us and turn their backs on

It was really like cut it.

A slap in the face.

A slap in the face for sure.
That's what you get for being

This is it?



We're going to have to do it.

It's ok.
You got it.

Damn it!

We honestly never expected to
be u-turned especially at this


Even though we know we're a
strong team, we didn't think

Everyone perceived us as that.

And we're team fun.

No one wants to u-turn team fun.

Exactly, you can't do that.

Thanks, scott and brooke.

They're cowards.
They always wanted help.

Liz, what do we do with this

I'm going to whine and moan and
gripe and complain about every

Little adam.

There's one of the cheese


Thank you.

Got the cheese?

Yeah, let's go get some more.

All right, donkey, let's go
for a walk.

What do you want to name our

Speedy mcspeederson.
We love you speedy.

Becca, if there's any time to be
positive and team fun, it's

Right now.

Here it is.


Middle for you.

Thank you.

We have to go back?

Back to the wedding.
Deliver cheese to the bride.

Becca in is it.

I found a cheese maker.
We have some milk for you.

Come on, speedy.
Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Ok, now you have to do the

Other detour.
We'll be back.

Donkey, this way?

I don't think they know.
Should we just go that way?




Fellow u-turnees.

Did you finish that one?

We finished that one.

Did you just get here?
Yeah, we're trying to find

Our second cheese station.

We're still in this.
Oh, my god.

Clue box, I see it.

The changing of the guard
is a tradition that takes place

All around the word but those
who keep watch over the tomb of

The unknown soldier here in
greece could be the most unique.

Working around the clock, they
perform this complicated core

Rogue if I with extraordinary

Teams must master a small part
of it under the watchful eye of

A no-nonsense command

I'm doing the roadblock.
See you.

Go ahead, girl.

You've got it, major.
Come on.

Tara's got this she's a
major, she's got in hands down.

I'm an officer in the united
states army and that's what my

Life is all about for the last

After I hoped the clue and
realized it had to do with drill

And ceremony, I thought oh, I've
got this I don't know how the

Greeks do it but I'm about to

You have to be his mirror.
His mirror midge.

-- Image.
I must perform this?


Can I pee?
Here's a cafe sign.

Here we go.
Oh, gold, almighty.

Oh, my god!

All right.
Here we go.

Slow down.

Mike, you've got it.
Come on.

Come on, mike, hurry.
Oh, my god.

Liz, hang on.
Come on, let's go.

I am going as fast as I can
right now.

This is everything.
Pull up.

I got to wait a second.

Those bastard stairs.
Oh, got mike, they keep


My legs feel like jelly.

My lungs are shot.

Speedy neerks son, help a
team overcome this u-turn.

There you
you sneaky cheese lady.

You're such a sneaky cheese lady
over here off the beaten path.


Let's go back to the wedding.

Come on, mike!
You got it!


Come on, mike.

Oh, there's an arrow -- and here
you go.

Oh, it's a goat.

Now we go back.

Thank you.
Thank you.

They haven't eaten all day.

You don't want to be hollering
for me, bud.

Here the cheese lady.

Now you have to do the other

Thank you.
What does it say, cafe?

I'm going this way.

I see the wedding.

For you.

A goat.
No, -- you have to do the

Other detour.
We did.

We brought thank you cheese.

Gifts to the groom?

Each of us will be giving a
gift to the groom.

You have to get a goat?

He's got to get a goat.

God bless america.

You have to get a goat?

Don't read the clue.
By the time we got there, we

Realized we needed two goats.
Almost up.

All right, we were born to
win this race, floyd.

Channel team fun.

Channel the positive activity.

Team fun.

We got this floyd.

We can beat mike and liz.
We just have to stay on top of

Beat the guy with the shoes.

This is us in the race.
This is everything.

Hi, I forgot something.

Thank you.

Get over, buddy.

Thank you.

You're doing good, mike.

We got this mike.

Oh, my.

Deep breath.

I really have a headache.

This is for you.

Thank you.
Let's try this again.


You look beautiful.

We have to go to the stadium.

In athens.

Come on, floyd, you got this.

Here they come and they both
have goats.

This is for you.

We got this mike.

We're not out of it yet.

Come on, floyd, we're still
in this.

We're not out of it yet.
We have to keep going.

There's the end.

All right, ready?

Ah, thank you so much.
Let's do it.

Oh, my gosh.
Everything she does, you have

To do.



So the rotation.

Yes, yes?
You have to rotate so you will

Face him.

Now touch the pompoms

You have to touch the pompoms.

That's it.

One, two, three -- exactly.

And now, sideways to be exactly
like this.

Once you land your foot down,
let's see it.

You don't correct anything --

We have to get this right

And now you'll have to put
your r*fle down.

You will hear the order.

Back where you are.


Let's do it.
She's got this.

She's got this.

She's got this.

I have the utmost confidence
in her.

I don't want her to be nervous
by looking at me judging her.

She knows I don't judge but I
don't want to take any focus off

Of what she's doing.

Oh, ok.

It's no good.

That was not good.
The first time I mishandled the

w*apon so I was really
concentrating that the first

Time around.

If she doesn't do it first
time she has to get back in line

But there's no one keyed so she
can do it again.

When I initially enlisted in
the army 20 years ago, we

Definitely had to learn drill
and ceremony but I'm familiar

With weapons handling?

Marching, although this is very,
very different from what we do

In the u.s. Military.
That's good.

Very good.



Thank you.

We have to do it again.

One more time.
Oh, sh**t.

It's one, two, three, four,

Start over?

Unbelievable, that was

Pit stop whoo!
- Teams must make they way

To the acropolis, an ancient
greek citadel which represents

The pinnacle of modern

They'll find me nearby.
The last team to check in bay --

May be eliminated.

Go, brooke.

She needs encouragement.

I know exactly what I did

It was something with the knee
and I didn't kick back properly

And I knew it as I did it.

I'll fix it.
I'll fix it.

Good job, brooke, good job.

Let's go.

We don't want them to see us.

Let's just go.

It can't be far and we're not
going to waste time for a cab.

I did this roadblock because
I've only done four.

This will be his third.
He's going to look so adorable

In this outfit.
I kind of just told him he had




It could be a race for first.

It's a footrace, though.
Second is fine.

Second is fine.
You got it.

Second is fine.
You got it.


Thank you.
Where's the acropolis?

I'm dying and I still haven't

All right, let's rock 'n'

Search for the ground

Surrounding acropolis for phil.
Here it is.

We found it.

Who thinks they can step in

That's me.

I'll be great at this.

Brooke and scott are public
enemy number one at this point.

If we get past through this
leg I'm going to let her know

You would not be in this race if
I hadn't gone back and helped

Her and that's a damn fact.
We have the confidence that

We can do anything and if that
means beating mike and liz --

Remain positive, all right,

See that path over there?

Yeah, I bet it's up that

Up the top.

You got it, you got it.
I know it's slippery.

Welcome to athens, greece.
Thank you, it's beautiful.

- Tara and joey, you are

Team number one!

And you know why you're in race,

It's all for the kids.
We want to do something really

- 7,500 Each!

A a!
This might be too far because

There's no view of the acropolis

It's right there.

I don't know what to do.

Ok, we can't lose focus.
- Two touch guys.

I know you're exhausted but I am
happy to tell you that you're

Team number two.

All right.
- Good job.

Very good.

Very good.

Thank you!

Atta girl.
Thank you so much.

I got a clue.
All right, I'm going to change.

We're like here but we're --
this sucks.

Sit off of this thing?

There's --
oh, you've got to be kidding!

Come on, brooke.
They're very slick, brooke.

Hey, phil.
Six months later.

How we doing, how we


Hello, you're handsome.
- Very handsome and


So you get to the u-turn for
today and what happened?

For us to stay in the game,
we had to push someone further

Down and for us that was mike
and liz.

It's a very hard decision but we
have to play the team.

How good would it be to see

Glad be great.
So stress.

I hope to god we magically
somehow bump into this thing.

Hopefully team fun is lost.
Go right.

Are you sure?

I'm pretty sure.
You're pretty sure?

It was this way, becca, not
to the right.

Are you sure?

We have to get to this place

And get cranking on the speed
bump and the roadblock.

I see it.

We have in becca.

There's the stadium.
There's team fun.

Damn it, how'd they find it
so fast?

This is do or die, kid.

Looks there's a stadium.
They haven't gotten to the

Speed bump yet be

We got it, becca.

Run one lap with your partner
to sceviour next clue.


Here it is.
- After wrapping these prize

Meets in a w*apon of intestines,
it will be inspected by the chef

Who will decide if it's ready
before they can continue racing.

That's got to be it over

That's got to be it.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Welcome, welcome.

Thank you, thank you, thank



That speed bump was right in my

It's a cure for seasoned --
secure full of seasoned organs.

It's a butchery challenge.

For all intents and purposes,
that's what I do every day.

Ok, up the side and you twist.

Down both sides, please.
The smell reminded me of

Anatomy class in college.
I'm totally grossed out.

Completely encased in

Mummified even.
Intestines are my bread and

Butter, man.

I'm used to this.

What do you think sausage is

-- I don't want to know.
Flee, up, now we roll.

I totally would not eat in no
way, shape, or form.

Hold on.
I'm afraid to ask what animal

This came from.
Tuck this in here.

It's good?

Hey, thank you, my friend.

If I do say so myself, we
crushed it pretty quickly.

We're not out yes.

Phil hasn't told us the go home

That lady hasn't sung yet.
I can step in tame.

All the way around the word.
We're running a lap in an

Olympic stadium in greece.

Think about that.
Mike, you got it.

We're almost there.

Right here.

Hey, london.

We're almost here, phil.
- See, I told you the guy

Had big muscles.

We're feeling pretty good
right now.

We are.

And you are team number
four, congratulations.

That's the best we've done yet.

Is that right?

That's our best performance.
We'll take it.

You can nail this on the
first try.

Read all those instructions.
This is like marching band

All over again.
Changing of the guard in high



No good.

No good?

You got it, becca.
Good, good, ah!

He said good.

Instructions in native language

Very good.

Come on, kiddo.

You got this.
This is all you.

All right.


Very good.

Very good.
Thank you so much.

Ok, thank you.
Thank you.

Arrow, there it is.

You're the best partner I
ever could have asked for.

You too, becca.


Am I happy to see you.

I'm pleased to tell you
that you are, in fact, still in

"The amazing race."
Thanks, phil.

Even though you've had a
rough day, even though you had

To survive a u-turn.

We're blessed to still be

I feel very grateful to have
the best partner.


Ah, shucks.

You too.

Where we going?

Up the stone stems.

Up here.

Right here.
Last time, kid.

You guys survived eight
legs of "the amazing race."

Unfortunately, with all the
obstacles that you had ahead of

You today -- 1
wasn't our day, phil.

I'm so sorry to tell you
that you are the last team to

Arrive and unfortunately you
have been eliminated from the

Hey, I appreciate this so

Much, beyond words, the chance
we've had.

This is the chance of a

Something I've always wanted to

To do it with a complete
stranger and now she's like a

Sister to me.
- Are you really like

Brothers and sisters?
Yeah, we even fight like

Proper bs and sisters.

You're like a big proper to
me and to be able to step on

This mat and accept defeat with
you, it's been a real privilege.

We went out with our heads
high, kiddo.

I'll be checking on her, keeping
check on her facebook page.

Good race.

Good race, bud.

Good race, kid.

Stay tuned for scenes from

Our next episode.

Next week on a two-hour
episode of "the amazing race" --


- In hanoi, teams get hung

We're kind of wedged in.

And brooke and scott fall
to pieces.

I cannot hold this!

Tell me what you need.
Gold, you're the worst.
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