32x07 - Give Me a Beard Bump

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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32x07 - Give Me a Beard Bump

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
The Amazing Race,

seven teams raced
to Berlin, Germany.

At the Detour, Hung came
through for the alliance...

The word is "sauerkraut."

...but didn't feel
the love in return.

Leo and Alana spared

Kaylynn and Haley
from the Yield...

We choose not to yield anyone.

...but withheld key information.

We didn't want to be
in a race for last.

DeAngelo and Gary

won their first leg...

You're team number one.

...while Hung and Chee
learned a valuable lesson.

DeAngelo and Gary
aren't helping the alliance.

They just bring it up
when it's helpful to them.

Meanwhile, Kaylynn and Haley

came back from the brink
of elimination yet again.

You're still in the race.

Pulled it out of our hat again.

Seven teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

It's not an elimination.

Oh, my...

The Blonde Bandits

had the best luck in this race.

You guys have nine lives.
I know.

The Blonde Bandits
are like that insect.

Like, you try to step on them

and they always manage
to find a groove in the shoe.

They're definitely
out to win this thing.

We got saved twice.

We're so over being in the back.

Definitely gonna make a comeback
in the next leg.


All right,
let's see where we're going.

Fly to the city of Almaty
in Kazakhstan.

Teams will now leave Germany
and fly east

more than 3,500 miles
to Kazakhstan,

the largest landlocked country
in the world.

After touching down,
teams must make their way

to Kazakhfilm Studio...

...the number one movie studio
in Central Asia,

and where teams
will choose a Detour.

All right, we're going
to Kazakhstan.
All right.

We're leaving in first
for the first time.

The last leg, we actually
worked with our alliance

that we have,
which is five teams,

of the beard bros...

Dude, this is gonna be cold.

Oh, oh, oh...


...the boyfriends...

Kazakhstan? How exotic.

...brother, sister and us.

Oh, my God.
Kazakhstan. That's awesome.

We've never been there.
Let's go.

The goal is to get
those five teams

to the final five teams.

Let me get two tickets to...
Almity, Kazakastan.

It's funny, because DeAngelo

keeps bringing up
"top five," and he has

never ever productively
helped us.

And, potentially,
we need to protect ourselves

against him.

I know nothing about Kazakhstan.

Our alliance
that we've actually solidified

is with the beards
as well as Hung and Chee.

But then there's

that second tier that includes

Gary and DeAngelo
as well as Eswar and Aparna.

It's nice having
those relationships

because we have the majority.

If we just can play
our Yields right

why has no one played one?

We're the only team
that's actually taken

a shot at another team
with the UTurn.

So we're hoping that maybe
one of the teams takes the lead

and yields.

Get some blood on their hands.

I am so excited.

We've been together
for a little over ten months,

and the race has definitely
showed us a different way

of living life together,
pushing each other.

Real life can be stressful, too,
sometimes, so maybe this is

good practice
for whatever could come next.

Thank you so much.
Danke schoen.

We are on the same flight
as all the other teams,

so we're super excited
for an equalizer...

...'Cause we need it.

We have a Speed Bump ahead.

New day, new leg.
New me.

New us. We're coming
into the top today.

Coming in hot.


Taxi right here.
Get in.

Kazakhfilm Studio.

It would be stupid
for us to not

take advantage of this.


Oh, yay.

Let's go. Come on.

All right.
Got to go, got to go.
Got it? Thank you.


How cool.

We're inside.
Now we're gonna make a movie.

What do you think,
I don't know.

Look at this.

Oh, my God.
Frickin' scary.

Oh, my God!

Oh, my God, you guys.
Oh, my God.

Watch out, watch out, watch out.

Do we grab that?

Uh, do we grab that?
Oh, my God.

Kaylynn, Kaylynn,
that's our Speed Bump.

Here you go.
Here's our Speed Bump.

Look at this.

Okay, we got our Speed Bump.
This is so cute.


Genghis Khan conquered

more territory than
any other leader in history.

An Oscarnominated film

about his life in the

which showcased the dominance
of his mighty army.

After watching
this action sequence,

teams must correctly
answer some questions

about what they've witnessed.

It's all in the details
to get their next clue.


More than 250 movies
have been produced

here at Kazakhfilms.

Many of them feature
a highly trained stunt team

who bring the action to life.

Teams must now learn
a choreographed routine.

If they can hit their marks,
they can then drop this vase

for their next clue.

Want Knockout Guy? Yeah.
Yeah, Knockout Guy.

We're doing the Spy.

Knockout Guy?
Let's go.

I kind of want to do Knockout.
Let's do it.

Great Khan Spy. Okay.

Let's do, uh, Knockout Guy?
Let's do it.

Put on clothes first?

All right, let's do this.

All right, Speed Bump.
Good. It might be warm.

Having arrived last
in the previous leg,

Kaylynn and Haley must now
complete this Speed Bump

by applying prosthetic beards
to each other.

When the makeup artist
is happy with their work,

they'll get a clue.




Okay. Glue.

Oh, I don't want this
on my face.

We have a Speed Bump that could
take 15 to 30 minutes,

so that sets us back.

So we need to knock this out
as fast as we can.

That looks incredible. Bravo.

Looks great.

You want to do me first, Haley?

Looks good.

We're gonna glue her face.

Uh, is that right?

Or is it the other way?
I think it's the other way.

Other way.

That's how it was laying.

Like that?
You just picked it up
and turned it around.

Okay. Are you sure?


The beard bros
are gonna be so upset.

We're giving them a run
for their money.
We're jocking their style.

Oh, my God, it's so itchy.


Thank you so much.
All right, sit down.

Is this it?
Let's go.

This is so cool, dude.
Right here.

Okay, "Enter the training area."

Holy smokes.

Wow, this is crazy.

Oh, my God.

Who's gonna teach us?
Uh, we choose you.

Like this?

The routine was
really difficult. It was...

First we had to fight two
guys with swords, then we...

we k*lled those guys.

Then we had to pick up
some shields,

get rocks thrown at us,
with these shields,

then we come to these guys
with axes

all we have is, like,
a bag of hay.

Like, blocking it,

and then we run to this guy
with a spear

who tries to jab us.

We grab his spear
and kick him down.

And then we jump onto the mat.

It was badass.

Do I not need this sword, Gary?

No, not yet.

Stop walking off, like
we got to get this going.

What you got to do?
Pick up that, you block it
and step over.

Where's thethe...
They're all right there.

Ah, okay.

Is that the kahn up there?

Let's go!

Oh, wow.

This is awesome.

We were transported into this

ancient Kazakh village.

Look at that. Oh, my God.

One side it was
the great khan, the leader.

The set was just so detailed.

The armor on the knights,
like, everything.

Oh, my God, this is incredible.

What's gonna happen?

Oh, my God.

Ah, look at this.

Holy cow.


There's lots and lots
of things going on.

It's just sensory overload.
The Detour said

we had to answer some questions from the khan,

but the problem is, we didn't
know what the questions were,

so we had no idea
what to look for.

First team, follow me.

The great khan demands
to speak with you.

How many horses entered
the village during the battle?



How many warriors in the battle
fought with an ax?

I didn't see how many axes.
I can't even...

There were definitely four.


How many warriors in the battle

carried spears?

I think...
I want to say, uh, six.


How many times did the great
khan call out to his warriors

during the battle?

Maybe two.
Uh, okay.



you have not answered

the questions correctly.

We know it's not...

How many horses entered
the village during the battle?


How many warriors in the battle
fought with an ax?


How many warriors in the battle
carried spears?


How many times did the great
khan call out to his warriors?


you could not answer
the questions correctly.


I think we know
what we're missing.

Yes. Please, I have to get this.

Stay still.

Oh, my God, this feels so gross.

Feels so...

Thank you so much!
Oh, thank you so much.

Knockout Guy.
We're gonna go to Knockout Guy.
We're gonna go smash stuff.

"A limited number of teams...
Uhoh, uhoh.

...may perform either Detour."


All right. Excuse me.

All right, all right.
Okay. We got this.

Knockout Guy, Knockout Guy.
This way.

Is everything full?

No swords? Everything's full?

Then we should go to the next.

Oh, my God. This sucks.

Now we're going to the Spy one?

I hate these challenges.

Hi, guys.
You're gonna take part

in an action film.
All right.

This is the set.

This is so cool.

We had to perform
in, like, a real movie,

like, we might be in a movie

from Kazakhstan.

Roll sound!

Roll camera!


When we get thrown
into the real thing,

there's, like,
all chaos breaking loose,

and, like, all those
choreographed movements

became, like, way more difficult
because it's in real time now

and you got to just...
It came way
faster at us.

We got this. Let's go, let's go.


Keep pushing.
We got this.

One, two, three.


Travel by van
to a remote nomad village

in the Karasay District.
Yield ahead.

This is an opportunity for teams
to stop another team racing

by using their hourglass.

"There are only a few legs left
to use your power to yield.

Don't waste it."

Come on, let's go.

Block, step over the thing.

Bro, stop it.

You don't got to redo it.
You know what it is.

Gary, stop teaching me.

I was taking my time

because I wanted to make sure
that I had it down pat.

I'm like, dude, if I mess up,

we're gonna have
to redo this over again.

So, there's two teams
ahead of us

and you can only do
one challenge at a time,

so I got to wait on him
to finish practicing.

No, kick.

You weren't watching. Kick.

I don't know
what's taking so long.


Here we go.
They're already out.

Let's go.

Relax, bro. Relax.
You don't understand.

We're last right now.

What do you mean, "so?"
I learned all of it.

Well, good for you.

You learned something today.

You were taking forever.
Bro, shut up.

Let's go, D.
We're last now.

Where's your knife?
I don't have one.

Same place yours is.
Exactly. Exactly.

Exactly. Why you rushing me?

You don't even have
a damn knife.

We're gonna fight,

but we air out
our grievances right away.

And we get over it.
Yeah. We get it

out of the way
and then we move forward.

How do you keep on losing...
Uh, it's not...

They're tied.
Gary, relax, bro. Calm down.

We got to get a taxi.
Where is it?

No idea.

You think he's in there?
All right, I think
he's in there.

This one? Maybe?
All right.

In here?

Thank you.

We have such a high
that we're still here.

Growing up, we went through
a little bit of a rough patch

with our family.

I moved out at 15
and Haley moved out at 16.

I grew up thinking
that we had bad luck.

I was thinking that, like,
the world was against us.

But now I think
that Haley and I are

very much capable
of winning this race.

We just realized that Haley
glued the hair up my nose.

The first goaround,
we had no strategy,

but once we heard
the set of questions,

we knew exactly
what to look for.

We were trying
to remember the questions

and by the second time,
we already started

to learn the battle.

One, two.

Damn it.

They already finished.

First team, follow me.

How many horses entered
the village during the battle?


How many warriors in the battle

fought with an ax?


How many warriors in the battle
carried spears?


How many times did the great
khan call out to his warriors

during the battle?



Thank you. Spasibo.
Thank you.


Okay, let's go, let's go.

Good job.
Thank you, thank you.

Was that Haley and K...
It was, it was.

With mustaches?

How many horses
entered the village?


How many warriors in the battle
carried spears?

Oh, my God. Are you kidding me?

This is...

Okay, Aparna.
Okay, ready?

Roll camera!

Come on.

Stop, stop.

Oh, my God.
We needed
to scream more.

I mean, that's just the way
that I would fight.

Just a lot more calm.

But I guess we're trying
to mimic, like,

a 13thcentury Kazakh fight.

Hi. Do you know English?

Riley, let's go.
Wait, is there another team
ahead of us?

Come on, go, go, go.

What's your name?
Uh, Norvan.


We're number one right now.
Number one.

So, welcome on set.

Ooh, this is fun.

Wait, I'm first,
I'm first, I'm first, I'm first,

I'm first, I'm first, I'm first.

Go back.
I'm first.

I had to go first,

but James went ahead of me and
they were like, "Cut, cut, cut."

Sorry, Will.


Roll sound!

Roll camera!


We got this.

Let's go.

Hurry up. Come on, let's go.

Stop, stop. That is wrong here.

Well, you got to hurry up.

Follow me.

Oh, my gosh. Okay, okay.

All right, Haley, look around.
Look around at everything.


Oh, God. Okay.

Okay, so he just got shot.


Okay, so six of these horsemen.

Not sure.

It was really hard to tell

which spears counted.

One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven.

Okay, so now the ladies
they're pushing them out.

The villagers won.

The great khan demands
to speak with you.

How many horses entered
the village during the battle?


How many warriors in the battle
fought with an ax?

I have no idea.


So our first run
of questions from the khan,

the only one we knew
were the horses.

And so we were like, "Oh, crap."

Okay. Thank you.

We'll come back.
That was insane.
Wowzers. That was...

Okay, we know now
what to look for.

How many warriors in the battle
carried spears?



Roll camera!


Stop, stop!

Ooh, come on.

All right, let's do this.


Run, run.

Yes. Go.

Oh, they got it.
That sucks.

Oh, good. Oh, thank God.

We were slaying
in Kazakhstan today.



There it is.

You watch there, Kaylynn.

Some of the spears
had flags on them,

so I didn't count them.

I only counted the,
just, straightup spears

that I saw, and there were five.

One, two, three, four,
five, six.

II've lost count.

Okay, we got
to do this correctly.

Keep making noises
the whole time.


I was just doing
pointless yelling.

Oh, perfect.

"There are only a few legs left
to use the power to yield.

Don't waste it." Let's go.

My voice is tired.

How many horses entered
the village during the battle?


How many warriors in the battle
fought with an ax?


How many warriors in the battle
carried spears?

How many times
did the great khan

call out to his warriors
during the battle?

Very good.

Thank God.
They got it. Damn it.

How many warriors in the battle
carried spears?


No. Oh, my God.

We both need to count spears.

This is cool.

We're definitely not
in the city anymore.
Yes, definitely remote.

So different, it's so beautiful.

We would never think
to travel here

in a million years, but...

Oh, there's a yurt
to the right, Hung.

Oh, yes.

Thank you.

Go, go, go.

Oh, look, Chee.

This is amazing.

This is awesome.


We choose not to yield anybody.

"Route Info."

Yurts are synonymous
with nomadic people.

A lightweight,
compact portable home

that can be quickly assembled
wherever a nomad

wants to spend the night.

It's one thing,
having a roof over your head,

but what you do with the
interior can be the difference

between roughing it
and living in style.

Teams must choose a camel
laden with possessions,

lead it to an empty yurt,

and then arrange
the items inside as shown

in the finished example,
including a local delicacy:

cooked lamb's head.

Come on.
Let's run.


He's a big dude.

Can you take us?


We choose not to yield anyone.

Zero. 'Cause we're nice guys.

Holy cow.

Grab that side. It's heavy. Yep.


Let's take inventory
of what we have.

We basically just had to copy
the inside of a yurt exactly.

And there were rugs, mats,
tables, bowls.

Everything had to be perfect.

Colorful mat, tan mat.
Colorful mat...

We just need to be methodical,
get it right the first time.


You're sure of that?

I just don't know.
Damn it.

How many warriors in the battle
carried spears?


Are you kidding me?

This sucks.
I am just so frustrated.

We just had to count,

and it was so hard.

I don't know why
this is so hard for us.

We've had epiphanies before,

and I have faith
that that'll happen again.

Leo remains more optimistic
in these kinds of circumstances.

And he calms me down.

We know how
to support each other

and stay steady and strong.

We're gonna do our best.

What do you want to do?

We choose not to yield.

Let's go.
Hopefully a team behind us

will use their Yield.

How cool.

We choose not to yield anybody.

We decided not to yield

because we felt like
we had a big enough lead.

Just, uh, like, uh,

volleyballnet tie it.

Just the slipknot.
That's how you tie the nets.

We've tied a million of them
growing, growing up.

This thing is frozen.

It is really cold out here.

It's just gonna get harder
and harder and harder.

Right now my mustache has,
like, icicles growing on it.

I'm gonna die.

Hey, guys, did you see
the blondes here?

It's only us. Okay.

We choose not to yield anybody.

We got to the Yield board third,

and nobody was yielded yet.

Neither Gary and DeAngelo
as well as Eswar and Aparna

used either,
so now we're just down

to the blondies
and Leo and Alana.

Our number one, I would say,
"target" in the race

has been Leo and Alana.

They're one of the few teams
who have been at the bottom

that have been able to, like,
penetrate the top three spots.

And I also think they're a team
that would use a Yield on us,

or UTurn us,
and I don't want that.

There is a Yield ahead.

God, I don't know what to do.

I know.

Let's get there...
Do what our heart and gut

tells us when we see it.
Yeah, you're right.

Those are flags.
We have to guess five.

It's the only thing that makes
any sort of sense to me

is to guess five.

How many warriors in the battle
carried spears?


How many times did the great
khan call out to his warriors

during the battle?


Oh, my God.
Thank you.

"Yield ahead.
There are only a few legs left

to use the power of Yield.
Don't waste it."

All right, let's go.

I hope we were not yielded.

Thank you.

I genuinely can't feel my toes.

: I just
can't feel my fingers.

Probably, like,
negative ten degrees.

Are your feet frozen?
A little bit.

My fingers are really
about to fall off right now.

Doesn't help with,
uh, big fingers

to try and make knots and stuff.

He's saying "big
fingers," I'm saying "cold."

No, I'm not even cold.
I'm actually hot right now.

Oh. That's good for you.

Okay, Haley.

This one doesn't have a tie.
The blondies are here.

Do we go to the Yield first?

Should we go tell them
to use their Yield?

Yell it, yell it, yell it.

What do you think? Okay.

You said no, right?

Girls! Girls!

There's one team behind you!
It's Leo and Alana!

Thank you.
Is this hard?

What? Yes.
Is this hard?

You want this cushion of time,
I promise.

If you have 20 minutes,
this is the time to use it!

Oh, Leo and Alana
haven't showed up yet?


You got to yield them, girls!

This thing takes forever.

Yeah, you got to yield.

Kaylynn and Haley
obviously wouldn't yield us,

'cause we have, like,
a really close friendship.

Guys, you got to do it
if you want to stay in the race!

What do you think?

We trust them.

Do it!

Guys, you got to do it
if you want to stay in the race!

What do you think?

They want us to.

Do it.
Let's do it.

Haley and I are yielding
Leo and Alana.

We feel bad.
We're sorry, guys.
This is our only chance.

It's everyone's game
for themselves.

They're doing it.

Oh, that's legendary.

Good job, James.
Divide and conquer.

Was that bad
for me to yell, though?
Come on.

It's for a million dollars,
not for best friends.

It's not
The Amazing Best Friend Race.

Oh, my God.
Hey. This was our Roadblock,

Wewe found our brothers.

Give me a beard bump.

Yeah. Ugh...

God, that looks so

It looks better on you guys
than it does on us.

Uh we don't...
It looks like...

It looks like a head
of an animal. We need that.

Oh, that seems pretty important.

We need to find it.
Maybe more stuff up
ahead or something?

Oh, wow.
Thank you, thanks.

The last thing we had to put
out was the lamb/sheep's head,

but that didn't come
with our camel.

We had to go find that

near the model yurt
where these older ladies

were cooking inin a pot.

So when we realized that,
we were like,

"Oh, that must be one of
the big secrets

that you had to figure out."

Do we need to come back
with a tray, or what?

Let's come back for it later.

Okay, thank you. Nice job.

We need to get a deer head.

Deer head?
I think we have to get it

from the villagers.

Then we're done.

There's a skull, too.
Put one in this?

There's That's all we got.

That's all we were given.

You want to get a check?
Yeah. Can we get a check?

Oh, man.



Um, what is it?

That's it. Gross.


You can't have a complete yurt

without a good lamb's head.
Without a good, just, head.

Just a good head.

Yeah, the head. Get the head.

Good work.


We tried to make it
as homey as possible.

For real? Oh, my gosh.
Yes, yes, yes.

Thank you.

"Travel to Zelenyy Bazar

"in Almaty and search
the meat market

for your next clue."

Oh, my God, let's go.

Lot better than
the first time, huh?


This one is here.

Let's look at that.

I The only idea
I can come up with is

move these big, huge heavy rugs
so that it's flush.

Move these there
so that the center is...

So that the center is... Perfect center.

...is centered.

Dude, no.

What did
we screw up on?
I don't know.

I seriously have no clue.

Maddison, you come this way.

Maddison spotted that the rugs

needed to be switched.

Hopefully that's it,

because with these challenges,
there's always, like,

one small detail

that you can easily miss.

He looks happy already.


Okay, where do we go?

Ooh, I see it.

Oh, look.

We've been yielded.

How great. Damn it.
Well, that sucks.

Kaylynn and Haley. Fair enough.

It means that we're in last

'cause they're desperate.

So sorry, guys!
We're sorry, you guys!

We only hate you a little!

We're so sorry.
Don't worry about it.

I'm hoping
for the bestcase scenario,

from what I've seen
happen in the past.

Is this it?

All right, let's do this.

Meat market.
Yes. Let's eat some meat.

Oh, there's a bunch of meat.

It just says
"Search the meat market."

Oh, my gosh, this place is huge.

Oh, my gosh. Gross.

I wish I knew
what we were looking for.

Oh, my gosh.
James, keep looking.

I'm looking.
Don't freak out already.

This is hard.

Ah. Thank you.

I'd be really pissed

if it has anything to do with
the skull and we don't have one.

It's not in our stuff.

Did y'all's hut
have a skull already in it?

Where'd you get that from?

Over there.
All right, that's
what we're missing.

There it is. So the skull...
Wow, Gary.

It's right here.

Luckily, Hung and Chee
offered it up.

NFLs are right behind us

because I gave them
the skull answer.

Just like Phil said,
I wasn't thinking "race smart,"

and I was just being
my naturally helpful self.

Are you frustrated?

aa little bit.
Okay, Chee, you have 90 seconds

to be, to be frustrated
and get over it.

Okay? 'Cause you're
wasting energy.

I'mI'm over it.

So No, you don't have
to be over it immediately.

You have 90 seconds,
so you can vent

or you can do whatever, Chee,
but you...

you just can't
keep on being frustrated.

Yes. We got it.

Wow, Gary.

This is so frustrating.

Are we sure it's not,
like, a clue box?

I'm definitely afraid
of our lead evaporating.

Last clue. Let's go.

I'm hoping we can
do this quickly.

This goes over here.
We're gonna try to work smart

and fast.

Our first, like,
adventure together,

we hiked
in western Massachusetts

and the whole trail
was covered in ice.

It was covered in ice.

It was cold.

So we're used to this.

Feel like there are a lot
of teams that are struggling.

That's how
we make up ground.


We just are so disoriented.

Don't get frustrated.

Oh, I see it.

Way up there.

Babe, I'm so proud of you.

We got this.

There it is.
Oh, my God.

"Route Info."

"Almaty" means
"place full of apples."

This city is believed to be home
to the world's first apple tree,

which dates back

And every year, an apple
festival takes place here

at First President Park, the Pit
Stop for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in here
will be eliminated.

Okay, so let's go. This way.

We need a taxi.

So we're looking
for the meat market, right?

Is that it?
Oh, that's it.

Where can we get a taxi?
Is that another team's van?

Pretend like you don't see them.

We want to get
another first place finish.

Thank you.
We caught up to the boyfriends.
Let's go.

Is that yellow car
a taxi down there? No?

Will, I don't know what to do.

Wow. A lot of meat.

Go, go, go.

Oh! Yes. Good work. Let's go.

I don't see any taxis.

There's a taxi, Maddison.
All right, let's go.

We need to move.
Which way
do you want to go?

Right there, right there,
right there. Will, come on.

Go, go, go, go.

We're going to
First President Park.

Right here? Taxi? Yeah?
Can you drive us to, uh,

First President Park?

We have to go.
We're in a race.

We need to mush.

If we do a Yield and we don't
finish the challenge

and we get eliminated,
then it's like, "Good riddance."

Yeah, then you just look
like an idiot.

I wonder if they're gonna
beast through it.

Eswar and Aparna
and the blondes are still here.

I think we're being
pretty observant,

getting some things that
hopefully we don't have to redo.

I think that with the yurt,

we're doing so much better

figuring out what
to pay attention to.

Yeah, uh, this is right.
This is 100% right.

I mean,
they have a head right here.

Do we grab this head from them?

Uh, let's go get the plate,
and we take the head from them.

You sure?
Yeah, she literally was about

to put it give it to me.

I can't believe I'd missed that.

Thank you. Chee, come on.

"Search the meat market
for your next clue."

I'm not sure what
we're looking for, you know?

Here, Hung. Upup there.
It's upup
on the balcony.

What are we
looking for, Gary?
Meat market.

There's meat that way.

"Travel by taxi
to First President Park."

This, uh... Right there.
Up there?

You know? Oh!
You know? Okay.

Thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you.

"Warning: the last team
to check in will be eliminated."

Okay, let's go.

We are racing to...

the Pit Stop.

We think we're in first place.

We could be wrong.
We never know.

We can get a first place.

As long as this guy
knows where to go.

Is this it?

Yes, this is it.

I believe this
is the President Park.

Come on, babe.

Let's do it.

Hurry up! Right there.

Let's go, Riley. Go, go, go!

Thank you. Thank you.

I'm showered with gifts.

Hey, Phil.


Well, don't you guys look cute?

Thank you.

♪ Hey! ♪

Welcome to Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Thank you.

Will and James.
Yes, Phil.

I am pleased to tell you
that you're team number one.

Yay! Oh, my God.

And I have some great news
for you as the winners

of this leg of the race.

You have win a trip for two
from Travelocity

and you're going to Las Vegas.


You're gonna spend
five nights in a luxury suite

at The Venetian Resort.

Plus, full VIP experience

with tickets to The VOID
virtual reality experience,

indulge in dining at Mott 32,
have mixology lessons,

and enjoy a gondola ride
for two.

How romantic. Aw...

It was just a really good day
for you guys.

I do have some news for you.

The next leg of the race
is a Mega Leg.

A Mega Leg meaning
double the Detours,

double the Roadblocks,
double the distance.

So get lots of rest,

because it's going to be
the toughest leg so far.

Mega Leg.

Oh, it sounds terrifying.

You are team number two.
Team number two.

There we go.

Oh, our head.
We don't have the head.

I know, but, like...

we need a head.

Like, they have skulls in there.
Do we ask for it?

Leo was insistent on the cow's
head being important,

and I then saw the woman
pulling it out of the water.

Like, I'm thinking

that probably took some teams
a little bit more time.

We can at least make up
some ground.

Hopefully we're done soon.

We're missing a skull.

Yes. Yes. Oh, my God.
Oh. Good job, Haley.

Oh, my God, look at its brains.

Are they gonna give it to us?
I don't know.

I think we're waiting
for it to cook.

We really don't know.
Haley and I also think

that we're secondtothelast
team here.

We don't see
Eswar and Aparna...

Yes, yes, yes. Yes, we do.

Are we the only ones left?

We got to hustle
through this right now.

We got to get out of here.

May we have one?
Go, go, go, go!

May I have it?
We got to get a head.

This is our only chance.

Do we, do we take one of these?
Do we take this?

Do we need to grab something?

Do we take it?
Should we bring our...?

Yes, that's exactly
what we do. Duh.

Good job.

Let's lift this whole thing up
and organize these two.

Want to try that?
We only have, like,
two more to do.


Are you sure we're not
missing anything, Aparna?

I'm pretty sure.

Oh, dude, the saddle.



Thank you.

It's, uh,

just us, Leo and Alana.

So Yeah, dude.

Everyone else is gone.

Yes. Okay.

All right, we got to go.

Yay! Thank you so much.

Let's go, Hung.
This way, this way.

♪ Hey! ♪

Hung and Chee, I am pleased

to tell you
that you are team number three.

I am pleased to tell you
you're team number four.

Okay. Perfect.

Okay, this is it.
Okay. Meat market.

"Search for your next clue."

Do you have clues?

Do you have a clue?

Thank you. Let's go.
Come on, fast.

We got to go.
Leo, come on.

Should we, should we
look up here?

Okay, run up the stairs.

Ah. Got it.
There's still two clues
in the box.


Wait, should we go right? Yeah.
Want to start at that end?

Let's start at this end.
Let's start at that end.


Let me see
if there's anything here.

Oh, dude, right there.
Oh, perfect.

Oh, Kaylynn.

That's a marked van.
We got to go.

I don't want to go home today.

We got to find a taxi.
We got to get out of here.

Yeah. Go, go, go, go.
Over here.

Oh, it's up there.
Thank you!

Go, go, go, go,
go, go, go, go.

Alana, here.
Oh, you go it?

We need a taxi.
Well, I'm surprised
we don't see more taxis.

We're wasting some serious time.

What does a taxi look like here?

Is there a taxi sign?

Oh, okay. Let's go.

"...President Park and search
for Phil at your next Pit Stop.

Last team to check in
will be eliminated."

We got to go.

Taxi? You're a taxi? All right.

Uh... President Park, yeah.

Okay, come on. Let's go.

Thank you.

If we're able to get
from the meat market

to the park before other teams,

then speaking Russian
will have saved us.

Sir? Uh,

is First President's Park close?

First President's Park.

This is it.
Let's do some running.

Go. Run.

Careful, it's slippery.

How do you get in
Oh! You okay?

Got to go.
Yeah, let's go!

There he is.


Thank you!

♪ Hey! ♪

Welcome to Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Thank you.
Thank you so much.

You're team number five.

Thethe three previous legs...

...Haley and I
were carried with luck.

Luck, yeah.
But I think today, we...

It was a job well done.

I'm gonna, like,
take today as, like...

Today was our day.

You're team number six.

Leo and Alana...

...you got yielded today.

We slowed ourselves down

more today.
That Detour was hard for us.
That's true.

The Yield was
a drop in the bucket.

Unfortunately, you are
the last team to arrive

and you have been eliminated
from the race.

Alana, this is an emotional
thing for you, right?

I just think
we weren't done yet.

And it was really fun.

But I think we had a...
we had a great race.
We did.

I actually didn't
come into the race

looking for any kind
of, uh, test or proof

that we were good together,
but I got it.

I don't think there was
a moment on this race when...

I didn't feel loved
and supported by Leo.

RunningThe Amazing Race
with Leo

was the most extraordinary
thing I have ever done.

I feel lucky to have done this
and lucky to have found him.

Next time onThe Amazing Race,

teams face the firstever
Mega Leg, in India,

where Kaylynn and Haley
struggle to communicate...

So I need to go
through the gates.
Not through the gates.

Across the road.

...and alliance members clash.

With DeAngelo,
they've been a lot of, like,

take, take, take, take...

You can't take two,
you can only take one!

We can!
We can take more than one!

It's just making
the relationship

with Gary and DeAngelo weaker.
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