32x10 - Getting Down to the Nitty Gritty

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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32x10 - Getting Down to the Nitty Gritty

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
The Amazing Race...

Do you want
to help each other?
- Yeah.

In the second leg,
five teams made an alliance.

Just have that as, like,
the core group.

Let's make it
to the finals, boys.

From then on,
they helped each other...

The word is "sauerkraut."

...and took out
their competition.

Sorry, blondes.

However, cracks began
to form within the alliance...

They've been a lot of, like,
take, take, take, take, take.

...and a secret
smaller alliance emerged.

Our alliance is with the beards
as well as Hung and Chee.

But the Mine Five
continued to work together,

advancing as the last
competitor fell.

You've been eliminated
from the race.

Coming up tonight,
the Mine Five is over...

Let's go.
...and the competition
heats up.

I can't even look
at you guys right now.

Who will be eliminated next?

We're in Cambodia!

"Fly to the city of Siem Reap
in Cambodia."

Riley and Maddison will be
the first to leave India

and fly more than 3,000 miles
to Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Almost 100% of the population
here practice Buddhism

and strive
for spiritual enlightenment.

This is also where
they'll meet up

with their traveling companion
for this leg of the race,

the Travelocity Roaming Gnome,

who has everything that
they need for their next clue.

Come on.
Let's do it. Taxi?

We're going to the airport.

We're all on the same flight.

There's a huge probability

that there's
a Double UTurn on this leg.

There's only one real alliance
right now,

and that's between us, the
boyfriends and Chee and Hung.

The plan is, if one of us three
make it to the UTurn first,

we're gonna Uturn
DeAngelo and Gary.

This is just gonna be
the biggest shakeup.

Let's go.
Oh, my gosh, we're going
to Cambodia.

That was a bucket list place.

Let's go.

The Mine Five, as of today,
is officially dead.

So I'm glad we have our alliance with the beards

and Hung and Chee because
we're all on the same page

that we need to get Gary
and DeAngelo out of the race.

If there's anyone that
is a threat to the top three,

it is Gary and DeAngelo.

So that's why they are
number one on our hit list.

Oh, God.

"Travel by taxi to Psar Chaa
Old Market in Siem Reap."


The Mine Five alliance
has dissolved,

so it's gonna
be interesting to see

the savage nature
of the other teams,

because we haven't felt that,

so I want to see
how that plays out.

"Find your travel companion
for the rest of the leg,

the Travelocity Roaming
Gnome."Oh, the gnome. Yes!

I'm so happy that we're, uh,

we get to carry
the gnome with us.

We watch Amazing Race
with our whole family,

so the three kids love
the Travelocity Roaming Gnome

with all of his different,
like, accessories.

Cool, let's go.
Cool. Cambodia.

We are the only team

that has still not won
a leg yet.

I think we've been
kind of following...

...some of the stronger teams.

So we really want
to kind of carve our own path.

From here on, it's every team for themselves,

so we will feel no regret

UTurning anybody ahead.

Oh, yeah.

And there's only
five teams left.

It's getting down
to the nittygritty here.

There's really no room
for error.

It's anyone's game right now.

This way, this way, this way.
Taxi, taxi, taxi! Taxi.

This one, this one, this one.

Hi, sir. We're going to...
Psar Chaa Old Market.

- Come on.
- Fast.

We got to be first.

All right, let's do it.
We're in a race.

Hurry, hurry, hurry. We're
in a race, we're in a race.

We need to go fast and
beat those taxis right there.
Do you want...

That team's getting ahead.
Don't let them get ahead
no, no, no.


Team number one.

- Hello, hello, hello?
- Can you get in there...

My name is Chee.

My name is Hung.
What's your name?


Thank you, SpiderMan.

Once we get to the market,
we need to find

some marked tuktuks to pick up
a Travelocity Roaming Gnome.

Right here. Stop, stop, stop.
Stop, stop, stop. This is it.

Thank you so much.

Will, come on.

They're just gonna be
around this block somewhere.

You sure? There's no more
tuktuks that I see.
Uh... Okay.

I feel like they're gonna
be down this way.
Let's go that way.

Thank you.
Let's go.

are we just following them?

Not really following them,
I'm just looking.

The Psar Chaa, wwhere?
It's over there.

Over there.
Over Yeah.

The Travelocity
Roaming Gnome.


Okay, ready?

Do you see him? Oh, right there.

Grab that.
"Route Info."

"Travel by tuktuk with
Travelocity Roaming Gnome..."

Teams must now help
a local driver

assemble their tuktuk

and drive to Chong Kneas pier
to find their next clue.

Where are the drivers at?

Let's look for our driver.

Thank you, Spider.
Thank you. Bye, Spider.

Tuktuk's up ahead.
Chee, Chee, Chee, here's one.

"There's a basket of donations
in your tuktuk, so be sure

to keep it with you
until further notice."


How can we help you?

Help me lift it.

We're helping him
put the tuktuk together.

Thank you so, so much.
Thank you so much.

Oh, he needs
to attach it first.

Right here.
Let's go, let's go, let's go.

We're in Cambodia!


Let's keep it up.
Let's keep it up.
- First place!

Let's keep it up.
Let's keep it up.

The alliance is in first place
right now.

Let's go, alliance.


We just got to run around
this thing until we find them.

Bro, what about over there?

The gnome, bro.

Yeah. Right there.

"Route Info: Tuktuk driver."

Did we just totally
miss something?

Eswar, I don't see
NFL following us anymore.


Come on, Gary.

We're going to Chong Kneas pier,
Tonlé Sap.

Over here. Somewhere.

Yeah, right here.

Perfect. Okay.

Yes, we found our driver.

Let's go, fast,
fast, fast, fast.

There we go. Right here.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Can you wait for us?
Yeah, yeah.

We'll be back. Let's go.

Hold this?

Teams will travel by boat

to Chong Kneas Village,

a fully functioning community
on water,

and visit this
floating Buddhist temple,

where they'll donate their
basket of everyday items

to get their next clue.

Who has the fastest boat?

Yay! Let's go.

There's the marked dock.

You wait for us?
You stay?

Yes, we'll be back.
- Go, grab them.

Are they in the water?

Hi, guys.
Hey, y'all.

Hello, hello.
- Faster, baby.

"When you arrive, present your
basket of donations to a monk

and he will hand you a clue."

So cool. All right, let's go.

This is Waterworldout here.

Look at this village, dude.

This is incredible.

I never thought we'd be on
a river in Cambodia right now.

Just going upstream to a temple.

Standard Thursday.

Wait for us?

NFL just got here.

Oh, my God, Gary and DeAngelo

are that close behind us?

"Travel by boat toSilat Tik
Meas Buddhist Temple."

Go, go.
- Okay.

"Route Info."
Let's catch up.

Can I read this info?
Yeah. There's a lot.

We were both really stressed out

with the temple because

one small movement could be,
like, a huge thing

of disrespect.

Let's practice.

Once we enter...
Yeah, kneel.

We kneel.
It's only for five seconds.

One, two, three.

We knew how important directions were.

We rehearsed what we were
supposed to do in the temple

in our boat, like,
two or three times.

And then back down and kneel.


What's wrong?

Uhoh. What happened?

Our boat just shut off.

Damn. Are you kidding me?

We got in our boat first,
we were leading,

and then halfway to the temple,

our boat just breaks down.

Yeah, the motor just shut off.

Other teams are coming.

Good, or no?

Ah, no, we're really screwed.

Oh, my God.
Oh, that's such bad luck. Crap.

Oh, my God.

Our thing is broke.
Gary and DeAngelo
are right behind us.


I think there's teams
in front of us.

I don't want
to end my Amazing Race

by a broken boat.

Oh, man.

Halfway to the temple,
our boat just breaks down.

And the boyfriends
and Chee and Hung,

likelike, they pass us.

We just saw Maddison and Riley,

and I think their boat
was broken.

Now we're ahead of them.

I think we're in
first place right now,

but it's very, very tight.

If this is the way
we're gonna go down,

this is the way we go down.

It's out of our control.

Oh, my God.



Yay! Yes, got it. Yeah.


That yellow house, okay?

This right here.
Yeah, right here,
where the monks are.

We see the Buddhist temple.

We have to wait one at a time.

We're right behind
Hung and Chee.

Take a few steps forward,

stop and kneel.

It was very calm,
very serene, very spiritual.

You had to kneel down
at the front of the entrance

and make an offering from
this donation bag that we had

and if we did that
in the right sequence,

then we'd get our next clue.

Thank you so much.
Thank you very, very much.

Okay, let's exit left.


Fishing is the main
source of income

for the people here
in Chong Kneas.

And this mechanism,
a spinning spindle of tubes,

is an ingenious way
for fisherman

to separate their fish
from their nets.

Teams will have
the physical task

of hauling in a net

that measures more
than half a mile long.

Then, with the assistance of
the Travelocity Roaming Gnome,

they must gather
at least 15 kilograms,

about 30 pounds of fish,
to receive their next clue.

Here in Chong Kneas, available
land is hard to come by,

so farmers have come up with
a clever way of growing food,

using floating gardens
like this.

Teams will have the detailed task of mixing soil

and planting local produce to
replicate this Cambodian garden.

Once they've planted the seeds
that they'll find

in the Travelocity
Roaming Gnome's satchel,

they'll get a clue.

Fish. We're gonna do fish.

Can you take us to...
"Pala Yun"?

You know? You know?

Thank you, thank you.
Okay. Thank you.

Thank you.

Ready, Will?

Thank you.

There's the temple right there.
Yeah, there's teams
right there.

So caught up to them.
We all got to wait,

one at a time.

I see Will and James leaving.

Farm. We're choosing
to do farm.
All right.

I wonder if it's that
building up ahead.

This is, like,
a marked, floating platform

with garden supplies.

Chee, I don't know
if wewe went to the right one.
Is this Pala Yun?

All right, I guess
we're doing gardening.

Guess we're doing gardening.

We asked our boat driver
to take us to the fish place,

but he inadvertently took us
to the garden place.

And so, since we're here,
we decided

to just do the garden Detour.

There's a model
floating garden there,

and we're going to replicate it
over here.

Should one of us mix
and one of us plant?

I think that's a good idea.

I am mixing the soil
with the compost,

and then I'm gonna lay it out
on the, on the platform.

Okay. So the first one

is lemongrass,
the second one is lime trees.

My parents are really
into gardening,

and they have all this stuff.

Wish I'd paid more attention
to it at home.

And keep it open.

Thank you.

We come in here.

We're choosing fish.

Thank you.

Yes. All right. Come on, D.

So we're gonna do fish.

- We go up?
- Yeah.

Fish might be faster than
build a floating garden.
Okay, cool.

We're gonna do fish.
Fast, fast, fast.

Right now
I'm planting lemongrass,

a key ingredient in Thai,
Cambodian and Vietnamese food.

This is definitely
backbreaking work.

Okay, Chee, put it right here.

Ooh, this thing's heavy.

Hung and Chee. Yes.

Hey, guys.


We're here with Hung and Chee.

Really happy to see them.

Happy to see you guys, too.

The example's right there.

So, Will,

it's just the two columns.

Yeah. When I was
in middle school,

I actually had my own garden.

And then I got busy and it died,
but I do enjoy a plant.

Okay, where do you want me
to put this, Hung?

Where should I put this?

Chee, put it right here.

Oh, my back.

James, I want to bring
this basket onto the thing.

Okay, let's do it.

Hey, that's a good idea:
mix the soil on the platform.

That's really stupid on my part.

- Ooh. Okay.
- Come on, baby.

Let's go.

These look like
fishing platforms to me.

All right, so how do we do this?

I see a net over here.

Riley, are you watching this?
- Yeah.

Look, you just pull it.
They said you got to pull

the whole net through.

Let's go to this one right here.

We got to keep it even, though.
Good? Yeah?

Where are the fish
being collected?

Right at the bottom.
Inside there.

You just got to make sure
you don't rip it.

Maddison, it's, like, ripping,
yeah? So be careful with it.

My side is brutal.

That's the beard bros
over there.
Beard bros.

Ugh. Let's go.

We go right here.

You go pull this side,
I'll pull this side.

That's all we're doing.
- Okay.

This is so much.

Like, full tricep extension.

Uhoh. DeAngelo and Gary.

We got to hurry.
- This is a big leg.

Potentially a UTurn up ahead.

Plan is, we're gonna Uturn
DeAngelo and Gary,

but it all depends on who
gets to the UTurn first.

We got to get these guys out.

Brothersister just showed up.

This is gonna be really cool.

Hi, sir.

We are pulling a net

through this contraption
that has pulled

all the fish
that have been caught.

I personally thought the fish
one would be super easy,

'cause we were just pulling
a net; that's strength, for us.

Got to keep it at a steady pace
to keep it going.

He can't be faster than me
or I can't be faster than him,

because if you do,

you're all tangled up,
you're tearing up your nets.

Slow and steady.
That's all you can do.

We have to pull
the entire net, right?
- Yeah.

We don't see Hung and Chee

and we don't see
Will and James, so...

They probably did
the other Detour.

Move over, move over.

I want you to go look at
the order, and then I want you

to place the plants
where they go from that.

These, left.

The next ones
are these big ones.

Next, papaya plants
are going in.

How do you know
what all of these are?

My parents actually have
a lot of this in the backyard.

That's amazing.

Hey, Gnome. Thanks for the help.

You're k*lling it.

Keep going, keep going. Come on.

Wait, we switched sides.

This has got to go on top.

Ready? You come underneath.

You come underneath.

There we go. We're back.

Wow, this is tiring.

Yeah, this is.
Grip strength is gone.

Wow, there's a lot of net.
- Yeah, dude.

Couple hundred yards.

Just keeps coming. Yeah.

Starting to get our rhythm, man.

This is a much better choice
than the other one.

Mixing this dirt is pretty
difficult, just 'cause

it's pretty heavy and, uh,

the weather right now
is really hot and humid,

so I'm sweating a lot.

My back is k*lling me.

I'm surprised
that there's no other teams.

Do you think everybody
chose to do fish?

The boys definitely chose fish.

We're anticipating
a UTurn on this leg,

and if there is,
we want to make sure

we're the first two teams to it
so we can burn it

and hopefully get Gary
and DeAngelo out of the race.

I think we're making progress.
Just got to keep working at it.

This is brutal.

It's taking forever.

Oh, how long is this thing?

Bro, this is neverending.

They do this every day,

That's an impressive thing,
to do that every day,

day in and day out.
Every day.

Set it and then pull it in
and get all the fish off.

That's a lot of fish.

Almost there, D.

Just, like, super tired

right now, but hopefully
the other Detour's much longer.

When are we done?


We need to weigh these.
So how do we collect the fish?

Go deep.

The beard bros just finished.

I think they're weighing.

We got it, dude.
We got this, we got this.

Go, go, go.

Come on, come on, come on,
come on, come on.

Keep going, keep going.
We're done.

So now we got
to weigh the fish.

Good job.
Nice. I think that's it.

That's all the fish.
Let's weigh it.

No, you scrape it.
I'll grab it.

Riley, where's the satchel?

There's a scale needle on there.

Don't drop it.
- I got it.

Put it on, uh, zero.

All right.

- Good?

Hey, there we go.

Final Double UTurn ahead."

Teams will face
their second Double UTurn

on their race around the world.

If a team is UTurned, they must
perform both sides of the Detour

before trying to catch up
with the other teams.

With no more noneliminations
left in the race

and only two more legs
until the finish line,

this UTurn will undoubtedly be
a game changer.

Let's go. Let's do it.

Where's zero?

Okay, right there.

Come on. 18.
Let's go.

Thank you.

Final Double UTurn ahead."

Let's go.

We just saw
the beard bros finish.

The NFL players also finished.

We're almost done, too.

Let's go.

If we're first to the board,
DeAngelo and Gary

are right behind us.

We can't Uturn them because...

We got to go Eswar and Aparna.

So, if we Uturn
DeAngelo and them,

they could Uturn Chee and Hu

or the boyfriends as well.

All right, we're done.

The fish over there,
we're gonna have to get that

into the red basket.

"Final Double UTurn ahead."

We got to go.
Fast, fast, fast, fast.


There. Let's go.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

I don't know where to go.

Where do you think?

They went that way.

Let's go through this way.

Come on, Gary.
I'm coming.

I don't know.
Or maybe the top...

Might be right on the top.

Hey, look upstairs.

Hey, guys. Where do you think?

Is it up here?

Yeah, they took it.

Are we
the first ones here?
- Yes.


We're gonna Uturn
brother and sister.

Because they're behind us,

gives us a bigger lead

to make sure that,
anything did happen,

we had more time just in case.

The gloves have come off.

Once the alliance
of the Mine Five dissolved,

that's what you get.

"Route Info:

"Travel by boat
back to Chong Kneas pier.

"Once there, tell your tuktuk
driver to take you

the Floor Handicraft in Siem
Reap to receive your next clue."

Come on, we go to go.
All right.

Thanks, guys.

Way to burn the board.
- We're gonna Uturn

DeAngelo and Gary.

Which means
we're just burning the board.

The plan was to get here first

and then we'd burn
DeAngelo and Gary.

But they got here first,
so we had to improv.

At least no one
in our alliance got UTurned.

Eswar and Aparna
are on their own.

Sorry, guys, we love you,

but it's cutthroat now.

Mine Five is gone.

It's gonna be interesting to see

how brothersister handle it.

Let's go.
Ugh, here's to hoping

no one UTurned us.

Do you see
something up there?

No! We've gotten UTurned.


DeAngelo and Gary UTurned us,

so they got here first.

And then they UTurned
DeAngelo and Gary.

So that means we're
the only team that's UTurned.

Are you kidding me?
That sucks.

Where's the...
All right, let's go
to the farm one.

Gary and DeAngelo
and the beard bros

kind of screwed us over.

I hate them right now.

Probably game over for us.

Why would they Uturn us
when they saw they were first?

They could've Uturned the teams
in the other Detour.

I don't know.

It shows that they're athletes
and they have no brains.

I think this is a fire
under our butts, you know?

Like, we just got
to k*ll this Detour.

There's been crazier things
that have happened.

Next is, uh,

green onions.

Okay, I'm gonna spread out,
just even out the soil.


Can we get a check, please?

Beautiful garden.
We worked very hard.

Yes, good job.
Oh, good?

Plant the seeds...
- Oh. Okay.

I'm opening up
some sort of seeds.

II don't know what they are.

Thank you so much.

Thank you so much.

Double UTurn ahead.

Seeds in the satchel,
make sure you plant them.

Thank you. Come on, baby.

All right, we'll see you guys!

We're almost done.

Plant the seeds, baby.
Let's do it.

Ooh, how pretty.


Yes. Thank you so much.

Thank you.
Thank you, Nisay.

Fast, please. Fast, fast, fast.

I wonder if this is it.

Thank you.
Double UTurn...

Oh, here it is.
- Okay.

So I don't understand.
So, okay.

Eswar and Aparna
got Uturned by...

By DeAngelo and Gary, and...
And then, uh...

And then Riley and Maddison
burned it.

All right, let's see what
this Roadblock's all about.

Let's go this way. Oh, my God.

This is so frustrating.

Gary and DeAngelo
already were here.

Oh, well. Come on, let's go.
- Damn it.

That's really annoying.

Thank you.
Come on, Gary.

Here's where we're going.
Floor Handicraft.

We got, probably,
a fiveminute lead

over the beard bros right now.

Let's do it.

Okay, my friend.

We burned the board,
Eswar and Aparna have to do

both Detours.

They're gonna have
a long, long day ahead of them.

Come on, Aparna.

Okay, let's go.

So they mixed the soil,
and then they just planted

all the, like, things
in front of it.

Okay, let's go.

You know what? Thank you
so much, Gary and DeAngelo.

We are currently the only ones
who have been Uturned.

I kind of can take it
as a compliment,

but I also feel like
it might just would have been

one of the dumbest decisions
they could've made.

I currently hate their guts.

'Cause if it is, their guy
is moving, compared to us.

You can't let them pass us!


They can't pass us!

Wow, we caught up with them.
Go, go, go!

We're first!

Here we are, it's right there.

Get out.
Wait for us?

Here you go.


"Who thinks they can
fit the mold?"

The French occupied Cambodia

for 90 years until 1953.

Their influence is seen
in beautiful buildings like this

and the handcraft skills
that they shared

to make these delicate,
ornate tiles.

Teams must now learn
the complex process

of making one,
by closely following the steps

of a local artisan.

Removing the tile from the
mold without breaking it

takes a tremendous amount
of skill.

But if they're successful,
the Travelocity Roaming Gnome

will hand them a key
to unlock a chest.

Inside, they'll find
the pieces they need

to solve a slide puzzle.

Once they have everything
in its proper place,

they'll get a clue.

I'm gonna do it.

"Who thinks they can
fit the mold?"

That's you.
II'll take it.

Ready? Let's go.

Here we go.

Let's see how he has his mold.


All right.

I think I figured out
what I need to do.

: Watch this guy, D.
What are you doing?

It's selfexplanatory.

So they have to make this.

This whole thing?

So green here.

Lighter yellow goes here.

It's hard getting the paint
in there and not mixing it.

There's not many directions.

You just kind of
got to watch the guy.

Luckily I have the little point
of reference right here.

I'm not really sure how
to do it, so mymy strategy

is I'm just gonna get
a feel for it

and then come back and make it
more perfect on the second time.

No clue what this is.

I'm assuming it's concrete
to turn it into a tile.

There's no heat,
there's no nothing,

it was just some form of cement.

You put it in
and you just compress it down

and boom, it's, like, a tile.

Keep trucking, Riley.

Dang it. Where can I trash this?

How did you take it out,

I had to scrape mine off.
Mine was tragic, the first one.


No clue how to get
this damn thing out of there.

Nope, that's not it.

I don't even think they know.

He hasn't watched
a full demonstration

of how it's done, and I know
exactly what he's doing wrong,

but it's tough, because
you can't help him at all.

We just got to finish

this task here and see if we can
catch up to the other teams.

We just got to hope we get there

to see their faces
when we don't get eliminated.

I'll fit the mold.
Chee. Okay.

Do I need to watch this guy?

Oh, I see, I see, I see, I see.

I got to pour paint
into the right spaces

to replicate this tile.

First let's do the red.

Green next.

Some of the mold spaces
are really narrow,

so I got to pour
really carefully to make sure

I don't get paint
into the wrong space.

There's the clue box.
We're here.

I will fit the mold.

Even though I don't fit
any mold.

I'll go over here.

Okay, Will is here.
- I need to watch

and see how he does it.

I chose to do this Roadblock

because I really like
arts and crafts.

So we'll see how this goes.

You see we Uturned, uh,


Did they make it
to the second UTurn?
They hadn't arrived yet.


So here, he needs to see
if he does this right.

Now lift that. There you go.

See, this is where
he hasn't watched.

He doesn't know
what the guy does.

All you have to do is watch the
guy one whole time, just wait.

Oh, my God.
He's gonna screw it up.

Didn't work.

Means I have to start over.

I need to take this part off

right here.


Not really sure what happened,
but it won't, like,

come off.


Let's start over.

Whoops. This must be
what they're talking about.

How do you get the tile off?

Oh, my goodness.

Let's start over.

So I'm gonna plant this and then
I think we can ask for a check.

There's seeds in the satchel,

and we have to plant them.

Can we get a check?

Thank you.
Oh, thank you. Appreciate it.

Let's get out of here.
Let's see what's next.

We're still in the race, so...

Let's go, Aparna.

"...Floor Handicraft in Siem
Reap to receive your next clue."

All right, let's go.

Hopefully it's a really long

I broke it.

He's not paying attention.
You can't do that, D.

Did it all wrong.

This last attempt was not good.

It was just a hot mess.

I'm still trying
to figure this out.

I think there's, like,
a something key

that I'm missing here.

I knew, like,
something wasn't going right

with the preparation of it all.

Where's our example guy?

The guy's just going on a loop.

I finally was like,
"All right, I'm gonna watch

the whole demonstration."


Makes sense now.

No, he's gonna miss
the most important part.

For the inside, he uses
that little thing on the top

and gets it slick
so that it comes off easy.

But nobody's done that.

I'm just watching one more time.


Now I know how to do it.

I think Riley figured it out.

This needs to go on first.
That's the secret.

It's like baking a cake.

You got to grease
the sides before,

otherwise it's not
gonna come off.

Missed that part.

Good work, Riley.

There we go.

Making the tile
just clicked in my head.

As I'm watching
the example being made,

I'm literally mimicking
everything that he's doing.

So that helps a lot
to recreate something

that somebody's doing.

This is the one, baby.

Good job, Riley.
Come on, baby. Check?

Good work, dude.

Yeah, baby. That is awesome.

He got it.

Good work, Riley.

Good job, Riley.
- Good job, bro.

Keep k*lling it.

Looks like Riley
just completed his.

All right. Ah.

I need to figure out
how to get all of these tiles

onto this and then
it turns into a slide puzzle

and I have to solve it
from there.

All right.

We're spinning
the big dumbbells.


Are you serious?

Babe, you are awesome.


Wow, Will.

Forgot there was a puzzle.

All right.

Why? Why? Why? What's going on?

I don't know
what I'm doing wrong.

Oh, man. Might be in trouble.

Here we go.

He's gonna break it
by trying to pull it off.

No clue how you do it.


Ugh. So close.

That's how you do it, son.

Thank you, my sir.

Good work, dude, good work.

"Race to your next Pit Stop
at Angkor Thom."

Built in the 12th century,

the Angkor ruins cover an area
of about 50 square miles,

including Angkor Thom,

a moated, walled city

that is now the Pit Stop
for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in here
will be eliminated.

Don't lose him.
All right, let's go. Tuktuk.

Just a lot of pressure.

Done. Check my lovely puzzle.

Will and James got theirs.

"Warning: The last teamto
check in will be eliminated."

I'm so proud of you, babe.

Hey, there's our guy. Let's go.

Angkor Thom, East Gate.
You know?

Get in, Riley.

East Gate, Angkor?

Can we go fast?
We want to be team number one.

Dude, that Roadblock was gnarly.

DeAngelo couldn't get his out
and neither could Chee.

'Cause they didn't grease it.

How you doing over there, Gar?

Just waiting on you.
Yeah, I know.

Not hopeful about this one.

That was a big fail right there.

I don't know what I did wrong.

Slow and steady. You got this.

I feel bad for Hung,
just sitting there

watching me.

I'm not getting worried.
I know Chee will get it.

I have high confidence
that he'll figure it out.

Love you, Chee.

How did they get the damn thing
off the press?

No clue how you got that off.

I'm gonna lay down.
I've got nothing else to do.

Oh, God.

Ooh, that looks like
it could be it.

Straight ahead, Maddison.

Is this the gate? Are we here?

All right.


Just got to get in there
and find Phil on foot.

Thank you.
Wait, where are we going?
Oh, that way?

Let's go, let's go, let's go.
I want to win.

Thank you so much for today.

Byebye. Baby, we need to go.

Welcome to Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Thank you so much.

Riley and Maddison,

little dust on the nose,
beards are a little longer,

but you are team number one.
- Yes!

Yeah, baby.
Good work, man.

As the winners of this leg
of the race,

you have won a trip for two
from Travelocity,

and you're going to Norway.

Oh, yes!

You're gonna stay
five nights in a king suite,

at the Opus XVI Edvard Grieg
Heritage Hotel in Bergen.

You're gonna spend a day
exploring the Norwegian fjords,

mountains and countryside,
and experience a Viking dinner.

We'll fit right in, Phil.

Come on.

Still got a kick
in your step, huh?

Will and James,
you're team number two.

: Yes.
James, you look
like you're about to cry.

Are they tears of joy?
What is it?

I've been dying
to come to Cambodia.

Like, this has been one of
my top places to want to visit.

And to be here with Will?
It was just a great day.

This is a tough Roadblock
right now, so...

getting me a power nap in.

Been here for a while.

The good thing is,
brothersister are behind us.

I don't care what Eswar

and Aparna are doing right now,
because I got to get this done.

If I don't get this done, what I
just did to them doesn't matter.

Ready, Eswar?

Last team.

"Who thinks they can
fit the mold?"

Eswar, you got to do it.

Oh, they're here.

Eswar and Aparna just showed up.

Hey, guys.

Oh, hey. ... You.

What's up?

They gave me
that beautiful greeting.


Whatever happened
to sportsmanship, man?

It's a race.

You got Uturned.
It's part of the game.

Control your emotions.

Hey, DeAngelo,
if you want to mess up

a few more hours,
that'd be great.

That's called karma.

Why would you not use your brain
to Uturn a team

that's, like, been ahead of you?

Because if I'd have Uturned

any other team,
I'd be last right now.

Oh, okay.

I'm just redoing it
over and over again.

You know, there's a little bit
of karma already on your way.

Guess what. I don't care.

Oh, man.

I had to do what I had to do.

I'm just hoping, you know, you
just keep messing up over there.

Yeah, I might.

Uh, this is definitely
the scenario I would've wanted.

Um, there's two teams
still left here,

so hopefully I can
catch up to them.

This is long.

We've been here for two hours.

Can't even look
at you guys right now.

This tilemaking is crazy.

We got in here second
and we still in here.

We battling against the team
that I Uturned,

so this is gonna be fun.

I just thought you guys were,
like, smart, 'cause I was like,

"You guys could've
Uturned someone else."

No. You guys look great, though.

I don't
sweat that much.
Could've fooled me,

'cause I swear you cursed me out
when you came in here.

The emotions, man.
The game's intense.

That's what I was trying
to get youto understand.

Okay, time to restart that.

It's falling apart.
I think I didn't have enough

of thethe good cement here.
- It's okay.

Take your time. Just do it well.

Broke it again.

Damn it.

It's not my line of work.

It's so simple.

He just hasn't
watched him once yet.

Oh, my struggle
is real right now.

This is tough.

Stay positive, Eswar.
He has to redo it.

We can get out of here.

Let's see if the guy's
over there.

I'm just gonna watch him
for a little bit.

I'm not really understanding
how they're starting off this.

Okay, so he's starting this off,
he polishes it a little bit.

He's never watched this part.

That's why his keeps
sticking and breaking,

'cause he's not paying attention
to the very beginning part.


Use that tool...

Polishes it.

Places into it?
- Ah.


Turns out that you have to
put this layer of grease

on your plate before you
start putting the paint on.

It was a very specific order

of steps that you had to follow

in order to make
the tile correctly.

All right. Let's go for it.

He has a certain tool
that he's using to polish it.

You got this, Eswar.

You can focus super hard.

Hopefully this one
will work out for me.

Come on, Chee.
We shall see.

Check, please.

Does it look okay?


Thing's in here.

Oh, I just realized
it's the gnome.

That's cool.

Okay, I definitely messed up.

I basically got
the colors inverted.

So hopefully I can
fix that right now.

Good thing I caught that
kind of early, though.

I guess I got to
come watch him again.

Does he put anything
on there first?


I didn't do that part.
- I think he saw it.

I think he saw him this time.

I think I figured it out.
Did he get it?

There we go. Wax.

Got it.

Know what's going on now.

I need to get this guy here.


Thank you so much.

"The last team to check in
will be eliminated." Let's go.


We're going Angkor Thom,
East Gate.

That challenge was insane.

Chee and Hung just left, uh,

so it's just me and DeAngelo
right now.

Definitely a little bit
of pressure.

I know my brother knows

what's on the line.

He's gonna do the best.
- Perfect. Okay.

Gary? My last shot, brother.

Putting all my eggs
in one basket.

Here goes nothing.


Just focus, Eswar. You got this.

All right. Here we go.

Can I get a check?


Moving on, Gary.

I'll be waiting.

Well, I finally got a good tile.


Hung and Chee,

you are team number three.


Thank you.
Thank you, Phil.

I got to get this one right here

and this one right here.

Booya. Check.

Come on, Gary!

That sucked.

Tuktuk. Where's our tuktuk?

You got this, Eswar.
Just take your time.


Good job, Eswar.

Try to finish this
as fast as you can.

Where'd our tuktuk go?

He might have left.

Is that him? No.
No, that's not him.

Yeah, he's nowhere.

Hey, he might be
all the way down there.

Let's go.

Thank you. Thank you.

"Warning: Last one to check in
will be eliminated."

Oh, is that where our guy is?
- Yeah.

That's him right there.

We're going right here.
Yeah, but you got
to go fast, bro.

You can't go like last time.

I will not be retiling
my bathroom

any time soon.

That was an awful, awful
Roadblock for me.

Thanks for waiting. Let's go.

Okay. Let's go.
Fast, fast, sir.

We're in last place.

What is this?

They're gonna knock this tree
down right in front of us.

Bro, this is awful, bro.

Dang. Come on, let's go.

I just really want to
not lose this leg,

because I just want
to see the look

on Gary and DeAngelo's face...

Yeah. True.
...when we roll through.

Hey, how far are we away?

We don't want to go out,

so I'm trying to keep
my emotions in right now

and justjust use that
to, like, push forward.

They literally about
to knock this tree down.

All right, we're good.
WeWe're good now. Come on.

Hurry up. Does this thing
go any faster?

Hyperfocused till we see
the Pit Stop.

It says,

"Travel to the Angkor Thom,
East Gate."

I'm guessing
that's the East Gate up there.

We got to gogo, though.
We got to go.

We're in a rush.
- Yeah.

People behind us, chasing us.

Aparna, we're almost there.

- We got to run.
- Eswar, hurry!

Come on, Gary.
Let's go!
- Come on, let's go!

DeAngelo and Gary.

The good news is,
you are team number four.

It's all we can ask for.

Definitely closer
than we wanted it to be.

Way closer...
That is for sure.

...than we wanted it to be.

Next two legs

have to be mistakefree,
and we got to stay strategic,

because if we don't,
then we'll be sitting at home

in the final leg.

So Eswar and Aparna

said something to you.

She was super spicy.

It's a race. You Uturn

the weaker team
to give yourself more time,

just in case,
and it worked out in our favor.

I know Aparna was pissed off.

I don't really care
if she understands it or not.

In your face.

Eswar and Aparna.

Unfortunately, you are
the last team to arrive,

and I'm sorry to tell you,

you have been eliminated
from the race.

Super brutal.

I'm definitely super glad
I did it with my sister.

She's a lot stronger
than I expected,

and I think we can, like,

accomplish a lot
of things together.

Aparna, you have tears
in your eyes. Why is that?

I'm just really happy

that I got to spend
all this time with my brother.

I think our parents

will be really proud of us,

because we always did our best, and we fought

until the very end.

Next time onThe Amazing Race,

the final four...
Good luck.

...race through Manila...
We get to walk in heels!

...in a grueling test...

This sucks.
...of endurance.

This is absurd.
...and memory...

I don't feel like
anyone's gonna get this.

We'll probably
be here till dark.
...to win a spot...

This is so defeating.
...in the finale.

That's so messed up.
Turn around!
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