33x06 - Gently Down the Stream

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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33x06 - Gently Down the Stream

Post by bunniefuu »

onThe Amazing Race...

Six teams raced
to Lugano, Switzerland.

At a terrifying Roadblock...

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Ak, wait.


...Sheri conquered fears.


She did that
like a straight G.

But her victory was shortlived
at the detour.

Shut up.

It's k*lling us, bro.

Best friends Ryan and Dusty

powered through the leg...

This is what we like doing
working out, dude.

We've been wanting it.
We got it now.


...for their second win
in a row.

Team number one.


Meanwhile, Arun and Natalia

had a confusing day
in last place...

You said "Luzano."

Oh, that's the other side.

What do you mean to say?

It was going that way.

...but had a reason
to celebrate on the mat.

This is a nonelimination leg.

Thank you. Thank you.

There are three departure times.

You will be leaving last.
Yeah. Yeah.

Ryan and Dusty came in first

and won a trip from Travelocity.

All right, buddy.


Ooh, the tree house.

We're staying in a tree house?

Am I seeing this correct?
It's a tree house
with your own tree house villa.

Well, a couple of monkeys
like us

deserve a tree house
to hang out in, my man.


We're gonna be in paradise, man.

That is literally paradise.

All right, good morning,

Let's go, let's go.

Let's go. Yeah.
Come on board.

Your charter flight
is waiting for you.
All right.

Grab a seat.

Destination unknown.

All right.

We have sized up
the competition.

Isn't this nice, Dusty?

It is so nice.

It is superb.

Dusty and Ryan
are physical specimens.

There's no way
we can stop Dusty and Ryan.

Dusty and Ryan have
to stop themselves.

But at this point,
they're good at everything.

Where do you think we're going?

All teams are now
leaving Lugano, Switzerland

and taking a charter flight

to the French island of Corsica.

This popular
Mediterranean destination

offers visitors
a hot, dry climate

and more than 200 beaches
to choose from.

After touching down,

teams will make their way
to the capital city of Corte,

where they'll start
the next leg of the race.

Teams will start
this leg of the race

from an ancient Roman bridge,

departing in three groups,
every 15 minutes.

Today we are
leaving with Ryan and Dusty.

We're in group one. Hey.

"Welcome to the island
of Corsica."

"Make your way
to the city of Corte."

Teams must find
the spectacular Belvédère.

This 700yearold citadel
overlooking the city of Corte

is where teams
will find their next clue

along with a canister
of fresh goats' milk,

which they'll need
for either side of the detour.

Let's do it.

Start heading up.

Let's go.

We have started leg six out

in number one.

I don't want to say that there's
a target on our back per se

going into this leg,

nothing has really
set me off yet,

but I would have to think that

the birds are chirping
on the tree branches.

There's little rumblings.

Little rumblings.
What those, what those birds
don't know is,

I'm a sneaky little tomcat.

I'm gonna climb up in there

and eat all their little eggs
and them.


Route Info.
Route Info.

"Make your way
to the city of Corte."

"And search for your next clue."

Let's go.
Okay, let's go. Come on.

Slow and steady.
Slow and steady.

We have to go fast, fast, fast.
We have to go to the front.

All right,
first out, first out.
Here. Here, read this.

Okay, don't lose that van
specifically if you can.

Don't lose that van over there.
We have to hurry and get behind.

Come on. We got to keep up
with them. They're leaving us.

Come on, come on, come on.

Let's do it.

Lulu? You good?
Yeah. Yeah.

Pace a little bit, girls.

Yes, pacing.
Gonna burn out.

Belvédère right here.
Belvédère up.

Up, up, up.
Left, left, left, left.

All right, ladies, we're on it.

Come on. Breathe with your nose.

Uh, how far is the drive,


We have made it to another
leg ofThe Amazing Race.

And I have fundamentally
changed my personality.

Today, this Kim is just gonna go
with the flow.

We're going to try
to have a little more fun today.

All right, let's take a moment
and enjoy this, honey. Remember?

Yes, this is the new Kim.

For me, the game plan is

to be as one. All right.
For us.

For us, the game plan.
Forfor... forfor us,

the game plan is to be more
in sync and be in unison.

We haven't been in unison.
We've been

operating at two different,
you know, wavelengths.

It's not fared well for us.

I think that, uh,
today is the day.

This is the top, I feel like.

Look, look, look.

We'll be right behind you.

Oh, my God, dude, this is nuts.

This is awesome, man.

We got a detour.

A detour.

"Your choice Say Cheese
or Mule, Please."

Cheesemaking dates back more
than 7,000 years,

and is an important part
of Corsica's heritage.

Teams will now take part
in this timehonored tradition

by producing three baskets
of this popular fromage

the oldfashioned way.

Once they've delivered their
baskets to the storage cave,

the big cheese
will hand them a clue.

Mules are often described
as stubborn and uncooperative.

Let's hope
that's not the case today

because teams need to rely
on these robust pack animals

to complete this side
of the detour.

After strapping their canisters
on a harness

on their fourlegged partner,
they must make their way

along this rugged trail

to JeanPaul and Claire's

If they can make it
without spilling their milk,

they'll get a clue.

"Say Cheese."

I say cheese
because the mule can act up.

I don't want to have
to deal with a mule.

Oh. Come on, guys.
Come on, guys.

Let's get in the lead.
Let's go.

Gorgeous, beautiful,
never seen anything like it.

"You have ten euros
for this leg of the race."

Ready. Go.

We came in last in the last leg,

but we had a nonelimination.

We are leaving
in the last place by ourselves.

We are 30 minutes
behind the first,

We're pumped. We're ready to go.
We're just gonna race hard.

This is our comeback leg.
We've had a second chance,

and now we're ready to do this,
and we are gonna come back.

Belvédère, Belvédre, Belvédère.
Let's just go.

Come on.
Oh, my God.

Up, up, up, up.

Damn, y'all girls are fast.

I feel... winded.


Come on. I'm walking
'cause you are going slow.

This is so beautiful out here.
Oh, wow.

This is amazing.

We're gonna do Say Cheese.
Say Cheese.
Say Cheese.

Say Cheese.
We're gonna do Say Cheese.
Say Cheese.

Okay, baby, I got this.
You sure you don't want

to do the mule?
You have the pack?

I actually have
made cheese before,

so we just need to make sure
we capitalize on this

and not mess up.

Do you want to do the mule?

Whatwhat does the mule say?

"Choose a mule
with a pack and harness

"and another canister of milk.

"Once properly secured,

follow the marked path
to the fromagerie."

On paper, that sounds easier.

Do you want to do that?

Yeah, we're gonna do the mule.

Oh, how cute are these cars?

Oh, look at these little
freaking Jeeps, dude.

Oh, yeah.
This is legit.

Let's go.

This looks like a winner.

Is cheese complicated?

Yeah, it's very precise.

I can make cheese.
Just, we got this, guys.

Yeah. Dusty immediately
was like, "Let's do cheeses

because I've done cheese before,
I got this. I'm good."

I'm like, "Okay,
he knows how to make cheese."

We could just follow
what they're doing.

We're back in the mountains.

This is where we belong.

Say Cheese?
Say Cheese.

All right, let's go, baby.

Oh, there's still one team here.

Good luck, guys.
All right.
All right, baby.

Got your milk?
Hey, girls.
Yup. Thank you.

We're hiking up this?
Hey, we'rewe're...
we're switching.

You're switching?
You're switching?

Do you want to stick with them?

It's your call.

What do you think, babe?

I want to stick with them.

I think it's important
to run your own race,

but to play it safe when
opportunities present itself

and to kind of work
with another team,

because you know, four minds
are better than two.

When Kim and Penn were like,
"We're gonna do the mule,"

we're like, "Okay,
we'll just do it together."

We're doing Mule, Please.

Here we go. Go ahead.

We're gonna do Say Cheese.
Say Cheese.

Got it?

Oh, here we are.
Let'slet's move fast.

'At's a milky, milky.

Time to make some cheese.
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.

Now we're watching.

So, we're stirring.

You got to keep it moving,
too, or it'll burn.

The process of making cheese

you want to heat your milk up
to 60 degrees.

And now we add...
Let's see what happens here.

And then you had
to add a shot of milk,

stirring constantly
to keep it moving,

and bring that to 85 degrees.

Once it starts curding
on the top

is when you strain it off
and put it in the basket.

You have to keep the temperature
in this small window.

Just up there.

Oh, God.

Ryan and Lulu, Lala,

okay, are making cheese.
They're making cheese.

On to the mules.

Come back up.
I'll start stirring.

Is it lit?

It's okay.

Hers is, like, cranked up.

How do we make this hotter?

It's taking so long
to heat up, dude.

All right, dude, this is going
to take forever, brother.

This mule thing may not be
a bad idea, dude.

All we're doing's saddling
a mule and riding it down.

If you think it, let's do it.

Are we just being impatient?

This is literally... Nothing...
Is hers curdling yet?

So right now we're dealing
with Dusty's,

uh, madness
of thinking we should switch,

uh, and not knowing whether
or not this is gonna work out.

We're thinking
this could take quite a while.

We don't know what we're looking
at in the other thing.

So, basically, we got
to trust Dusty's instinct,

'cause he's the only one
who's done it.

I don't know how to use a...
a thermometer, guys.

Do you know
how to use a thermometer?

My God.

I mean, I just feel
like nothing is happening.

Dusty, wewe staying or going?

Let's go.

I feel like
it's smarter just to stay.

What's it at?

Oh, my God.

Dusty seems to be,
like, all over the place.

I don't know
how Ryan has the patience.

I would smack my sister up.

All right, let's see.

Tripping, dude.


Just a little freaked out.

I know, but...

Are you having a good time?

I'm actually really excited
to play with the mules.

I might eat my words
on that, but,

and this mule might be
a real jackass, but...

There's our mules.
I see our mules. Let's do it.

So this is where
we can get ahead of 'em, guys.

They looked concerned
over there.

All right, that's the model.

You're so cute.

Kim, pick your favorite.

Okay, this guy?
This... Go with the big one.

You okay?
You want to go with us?

There's a bunch
of different straps, okay?

This goes... Hey, buddy.

Hey, babe,
the belt is in the front.

This is the butt.

Hello, friend.

You have to take a harness,

put the harness onto the mule.
Now, the harness has

several straps, and the straps
are all over the place.

You have to look
at the model mule

and put the straps exactly
where they're supposed to be.

And thethe knots

that you tie
to get the straps all on there

all have to be
just like the model.

There's a strap here

that goes around the front.

Hey, buddy. Hey, buddy.

Hi, baby.
Sorry. I don't want
to walk behind him.

Ooh. I'm gonna get his tail out.
I think that looks

really uncomfortable.
Is it supposed to be...?

Got to get your hands in there.

You're doing awesome.

Good boy.
You're a good boy.

I got the tail.

Where do I put this?

Oh, the... We got
to put the metal straps on.

Um, and they go right here
here and here.

This is not in all the way.

You got it?


We just need this front strap.

Front strap is on.

Oh, oh. Buddy, I'm sorry.

Our saddle is not good.

Let's take our time here.
And our horse is, like,

getting slightly over us.

Hey, baby. Oh. Hey, baby.

There's a leather strap that has
to go around their belly.

Take a look at the way
it loops at the bottom.

Okay, I think I have it.

Good? No?

That's the one I was saying
you have to tighten.

Yeah, yeah, tighten it.

I'm so confused.

There they are now, too, man.

Were we that slow?

Okay, so she's heating
it. What I'm thinking is,

we should probably go start
our milk to boil.

That's what I said.
Okay, so let's go do that.

She's definitely
the best cook I know.

I would take us on a stove

I don't care if it's
a Bunsen burner over anyone.

Anything you can name, we cook,

so we know
that we can do the cheese.

All right, we're at 60.

Add the milk, Ryan, yup.

We just had to tie a knot.

Okay, what else we got?

Let's load those up.
I think we put the milk on.

It's okay?
Okay. Is that okay?
We're good. Let's go.

Go, go, go, go.

Oh, yeah, we got
the right horse for sure.

Okay, see you down there, guys.

Like that?
Kind of looks like that.

He's gonna say "No."


I'm not a knot tieer.

I'm so confused.

Look at you.
I mindmelded with Duke.

We're gonna have
a great day, Duke.

You and me, dude.
Go, Duke.

Duke, you okay? Come on down.

Come on, Duke.
Go, go, Duke. Go, go, Duke.

Yes! Good job, Duke.

Uh, Penn and Kim
are moving along

with this donkey real easy,

so we're about to get blapped.



Ah, merci.

Yup, we gonna get passed.

Hello, guys.
Oh, my God, honey.

Oh, God.

Route Info.

"Make your way to..."

"...Verghellu Canyon Altipiani

and search for your next clue."

Maybe this new Kim energy is...

It's awesome. Stick with it.

Save me some cheese.

Let's go.

Somebody pulling up.
That's Arun and Natalia.


So at 60 degrees,
we're gonna add that milk.

We're definitely in good hands.
We haven't made

ricotta cheese,
but we make our own roux

for our macaroni and cheese.

Yeah, this is right up
our alley.

Here we go, Sheri.

Putting the milk in. Now
we're gonna keep it going until

about 85, and then we're going
to start to get the curdle.

We decided that if it was going
to be a food challenge,

we'd do that since my dad works
in the restaurant industry.

When I was eight years old,
I used to go and, you know,

I thought it was
the coolest thing. I used to,

like, wipe down the tables
and things like that.

Never made cheese before,

Dad, I'm at 60 degrees.

Pour the milk in?

Yeah, go ahead.

So when it gets 85,
we turn off the gas?

Ours is starting to curdle.

And I'm starting
to smell the cheese.

I feel confident in staying.
I think at the beginning

we got too panicky
and we were too worried

about what the other teams
were doing.

We need to just focus
on what we're doing.

Okay. Yeah, yeah,

yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's real hot, dude.

We just couldn't control

navigating temperature
in this stove.

It's cooking, dude.
We got to k*ll it

to get it tepid
and have her light it again.

Yeah, just k*ll it.

No way that we can figure out
how to, uh...

to keep it right
at the perfect temperature

without turning it on and off.
It's going down.

We need to get it lit.

I'm listening to Dusty and Ryan.

They, uh, keep wanting
to cut it off and cut it on,

but it looked like they don't
know what they're doing.

Again, we're better cooks
than them, so

I got to, hopefully,
see if my intuition works.

The only thing I can think is
that this doesn't go up a lot,

but, like, we have
to shove this in there.

Is it this?
Well, then, take it out.

The problem was the bar

that the sheep's milk carafe,
like, like, rested on.

Um, and we had one of them

upside down.

Très bien.

Great, great. Awesome.

Perfect. Great. Awesome.

Shall we name you?

Colton Tony.

Coltony. That sounds French.

Yeah, I don't know...

She doesn't like that.
I thought it was funny.

Raquel doesn't like this,
but I'm naming the mule

after our boyfriends
Colton and Tony Coltony.


Hi. Hello.
Okay. I'll hold him.
I'll hold him.

Got him?
Come on, baby. Come on.

We're gonna walk
at a brisk pace.

You're doing such a good job,

Coltony is great.

It's starting to look,

like, cheesy.
Starting a little bit. Yeah.

Hey, uh,
what's your temperature on that?

Right now it's at 85.

I know, it says get up to 85.

Yeah, I know, but you want
to turn it down just...

We'll get to 85.

You don't burn me!
Sorry, sorry, sorry.

Let me get on that side.
Why don't you hold it?

Is that what it looked like?

I don't know how theirs went
so much quicker than ours.

We had our heat off
for a couple minutes.

We're more
than a couple minutes behind.

Slow and steady.
Trying to get it to curdle.

My legs are shaking,
by the way.

Come on, we got this.

To the cave.


Okay? Good? Good.
Good, good, good, good, good.

Then, now we get this one, okay.

I see pink. I see pink.
That's Lulu and Lala. Come on.

Lulu and Lala just left.

They, uh... they had
three baskets full. We got zero.

That felt amazing

to beat the guys.

Dusty and Ryan. Aah!

Hi. Yes.

Yeah, you're welcome.

Thank you so much. Thank you.

Raquel and Cayla just passed us

for the first time ever,
and, uh,

now we are in fourth.

This is first time we've ever
been ahead of the boys.

That feels ... great.

What's our temp?

we're going real hot, bud.

We got to turn it down, though.

Okay. Notnot all the way.
I'm not.

It looks like
it's curdling. Yes.

How's y'all's looking?

It started coming up to the top.
Did you all's?

Yeah, I know. Not yet.
We don't know.

I think the trick to it was,

we were following
the clue to a tee.

It said, heat it
to 85 degrees Celsius.

So that's what we did,

and we didn't
turn the heat down.

Oh, yeah, baby.

The main thing is...
it has to curdle.

Because of the heat?

Yeah, because of the heat.

It's not lit. The temperature's
plummeting, dude.

Just, you're freaking out again.
I'm not. I'm not.

I think
all the teams were happy to see

Ryan and Dusty struggling
with that cheese challenge

'cause, you know,
they were the team to beat.

And to see them struggle and see
that they do have weaknesses

it's a good thing for us.

There's no point in hurrying

when you're making cheese.

Ryan, dude,
this is way too hot, dude.

We're cooking it.

All right, let's go check.

Want to?

Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you so much.
Thank you.

Okay, that's enough.

Are you ready?

Thank you. That's good.
Thank you.

Thank you.
Get the clue.

"Make your way
to Verghellu Canyon Altipiani."

"And search for your next clue."
Go. Go, go.

What do you think, man?
It ain't ready.

Well, then,
it ain't gonna be ready.

We got to go do
the other thing, man.

We are switching challenges.
Let's go.

Not doing that again.
Sorry, brother.

It's all good, man.
Sorry, dude.

We had literally invested,

you know, 40 minutes into this.

Don't got time for that.
We got to switch.

Can I push you?

We could not get this thing
to go up the hill.

Not enough power to get going

in first gear on a hill

on a mountain.

You're on a rock, bro.

Get it going.
You got it?

So you throw gas on fire
after what just transpired

with the cheese, and then
we're shoving cars up hills.

I'm like,
"This can't get any worse."

Are you going?
Are you going?

Punch it.

We're in dead last.

The other teams are all done.

They all did the cheese right.

So... we messed up.

Leaving the first detour

in dead last.

Here we go.

It was a feeling of despair.

Here. Help me.

We finally make it
to our lovely mule.

We knew we needed
to get through it quickly

to have an opportunity
to try to claw back.

So the strap goes...

around his chest...
on the front.

All right.

You're all right, buddy.

And so then, pull it up
a little bit, center it.

And then that...
That's gonna go...

...goes around his body.

How do we secure that thing?

See the clue?

There's a clue right there.
Let's go, come on.
Okay, okay.

It's a Roadblock.

"Who wants to make a splash?"

Canyoning is a combination
of ziplining, abseiling,

swimming, sliding and jumping.

And the best way to experience
this thrillseeking challenge

is in remote regions like this


To complete this Roadblock,
teams must slip

and slide their way down
this oneandahalfmile river

and look out for a clue
hidden along the way.

You do it. You got it.
I got it.

Okay, let's go.
"Choose any available guide."

Bonjour. Nice to meet you.

You got this, babe.


Have fun, be fast, find a clue.

Okay. This just got real.

Goes around,

over and back.
Got it. Got it, Ryan.

Oh, yeah. Let's go.

Let's go, buddy.

Yeah, good boy.
Good job, donkey.

Bro, we're gonna
make up time, dude.

So, is this
the natural rock slide?


Oh, boy.

So these were rocks
that had fallen who knows when

and settled
into basically a course.

In the middle of the course
was a ton of river.

We are going
to make a little jump.


Oh, it's cold.


Amidst all of these,
like, crazy,

like, natural water slides
and cannonballs,

there's a clue somewhere.

It was so intense
going through this cave

and having to slip down
through a waterfall.

And I just, out of the corner of
my eye, caught it, I saw it.

Yeah, let me do it.
You're gonna do it?

I'm gonna do it. Okay.
You got this, dude,
this one's easy.

Yeah, dude!

I'll do it. I'll do it. Okay.
Okay. All right.

I honestly do feel bad
that Ryan and Dusty

they've been in the lead,
and they're in...

I don't know where they are
at this point, but...

I'm kind of happy that it's us
three up here. Let's be real.

Everyone wants
to be one, two, three.
Dude, and when

Raquel and I were leaving
the, uh, detour,

they looked so, like, defeated,
so I'm hoping

that they are just in
their heads right now, honestly.

All right. This is it.

Have a good one.

Let's get this clue.

Ah, thank you so much.

"Make your way
to Verghellu Canyon."

Let's do it.
Let's cruise, baby.

Raquel, we got this?
Oh, baby, we got this.

One, two, three.

Do you see a clue?
Not yet.

If I see it, I'll let you know.

We'll do this
together, babe.


Oh, I'm good.

Ah. That was awesome.

Oh. I got to get the clue.


Oh, my God. Yeah, I see it.

I saw the clue, and I told
Raquel that the clue was there

because we said always
from the beginning that

we're gonna stick together and
we're gonna help each other out,

and we're gonna wait
for each other.

We're done?

Do you have a clue?

Feel like I just went
through a spin cycle.

"Kayak to your next Pit Stop."

to your next stop Pit Stop."

Corsica is the most mountainous
island in the Mediterranean.

These impressive peaks
create rivers like this

the Tavignano.

This 55mile waterway is
where teams will find kayaks

which they need to pump up

before paddling upstream
to the Pit Stop.

The last team to find me here
may be eliminated.

Let's go. We got to beat them.

Good luck, guys.

"Who wants to make a splash?"
Akbar Cook does.

Over there?

"Who wants to make a splash?"


Have fun!
Let's go, booby. You got it.
All right, y'all.

Where am I going?
Have fun, Arun.

Thank you. Thank you.

Boy. All right, let's go.

Let's regroup, dude.

We're always in a position

where another team
can overtake us.

I didn't think
we'd end up in last place.

I was very concerned about it.

This is gonna be
one hell of a ride

to get to this mat, buddy.
Let's do it, baby.

Let's go, dude. Come on.

Time to rage.

The Roadblock for me,
uh, was difficult.

One I'm a tall guy.

Then I got to wear a size 16, so
I got these big, heavy shoes on.

I got on spandex. Then I threw
a wet suit on top of it.

And we're going up hills,
and I'm literally out of breath.

I can't breathe, we going high.

I don't know
if it's the altitude.

I got Arun right there.

And now I see Arun.

So now
that gives you some anxiety.

Okay, come this way.

I'm getting passed.

It felt very good

knowing that I passed Akbar.

Uh, at least
we are a little bit ahead.

Let's go.

Thanks, bud.

"Who wants to make a splash?"

I'll do it.
All right. Buddy.

Oh, there they are.

All right, guys.

You guys got this.
All right.

If anyone can catch up, man,
it's my boy Ryan.

This is our opportunity to try
to sneak back into this,

and we need the race gods
to bless us.

Uh, and I hope there's no cheese
involved, man.

I'll keep up with whatever,
however fast you can go.

If I got to go out today,
I'm gonna go out having fun.

If I ... go home, dude,
I'm gonna be so pissed.

Be positive.

Ooh! Oh, God.

Okay, I'm good.

We got to get away from them.

We did it, baby.

Stupid of me. I should have
never waited for her

because as soon
as we found the clue,

she took off, and I was like,


Is that okay for you?
Yes, sir.

You're going great.
Faster is better.


Oh, no, it's Raquel.

Raquel just came through.
Uh, my sister left before, but

I know
my sister gets winded fast.

But, no, I just want her
to be...

And she will be.

she did not wait for me.

This is why
we can't be too ... nice.

"Kayak to your next Pit Stop."

Okay, come on.
Let's go. Go.

Kayaks. There's no kayaks.
We'll find 'em.

Yup. Hey, look. Marked left.

Got 'em?

Okay, come. Let's go.

Hey, what attachment
did you use, honey?

Uh, I don't know.
Let's see if it works.

I'm, like, busting it.

We were so relieved when it
said, "Head to the Pit Stop,"

but we have to inflate a kayak.

This is the first time
ever in my life

I've ever inflated
more than a beach ball.

To inflate a watercraft
was a little intimidating.

I feel like I'm doing it right.

You are.
You're doing great, honey.

So I'm doing the big one.
Okay, I got it.

II'm close to being good here.

Don't forget the paddles.

Good, huh?

All set.

Going to the Pit Stop.
We're gonna see Phil!

Going to see Phil.

Oh, this way. Okay.

All right.
I'll get in.

I got you held.


We got this.

Oh, fun Kim!

How are you, Lu?
I'm good.

Okay, okay, okay.

Hey, Lulu,
how long did it take you?
Not long.

"Paddle up the river and search
for Phil at the Pit Stop."

Okay, change fast.
Take it off.

It's cold!

The water oh, my God,
it was freezing.

And now,
if I'm already 275, I was

My legs are burning out, but...

some people are gonna have
trouble with this.

I'm gonna keep rolling.

Come on, baby. Ah.

Okay. Now, thanks.

I'm having a good time.
Okay. Good. Nice.

As soon as I found
that clue, I'm going.

Had my head down.

I was just feeling the pain
and going.

Akbar, you got it, bud.

I don't think
no one ever wants Ryan

to be in the background looming.

That's really a scary movie.

You know
they're gonna do whatever

physically to catch you.

We got to go.

I did it!

We just needed a shot.

And that was our shot,
and I wasn't gonna miss it.

Let's pass that other team,

Can we pass them?
I'm ready to roll.

Akbar looked like he was,
uh, struggling,

but, uh,
I was in survival mode.

Every step
could be the difference

between us staying here
and seeing the next leg

and going home.

Doing good. You're good.

So I was, like,
"Good luck, man." Gone.

Someone coming?
See, I keep hearing,

but I can't really tell
who it is.

Oh, yeah!

Oh, wow.

Yeah! So proud of you!
k*lled it!

Good job, buddy.

Arun just came back up,
and I know that Akbar

was ahead of him when they went.

That's a little bit

Hopefully, he comes up
not too far behind.

"Warning: last team to check in
might be eliminated."

Maybe. Okay. Let's go.
Are we ready? You good to go?

Go, Ryan!

Oh, my God.

Let's go, baby!

Let's go, baby. Let's go, Ryan.

No showing and proving, I guess.

Booby, let's go!

Mwah. Yeah, baby.

you k*lled that ..., brother.
It was fun.

So Akbar didn't get back yet.

So I'm the last one here.

I'm the only one waiting, so...

All right, brother.
This is our chance.

See, we wanted physicality
you delivered, dude.

We got this, dude.
That's what we needed, brother.

We were in fourth. Now we're
in last place, so that sucks.

All right, Booby. Let's go.

"Warning: the last team
to check in may be eliminated."

Guess now he sees
it's not as easy as...

what you think it is

until you actually
get out there and you do it.

You need water?
: Yeah.

I'm sure he thought
he was doing his best,

and I'm not gonna be the one
to tell him that he wasn't.


Phil! I see your hat, Phil!

Wow. Good to see you.
Air hugs.

Air hugs.
Give each other a hug.

Welcome to Corte, Corsica.

Oh, merci.
Thank you so much.

Kim and Penn,
I'm pleased to tell you

that you are team number one.

Yes! That's awesome.

And I do have some good news
for you.

$5,000 each, which you can enjoy
after the race.

Oh, my God.
Dude, that's amazing.

Thank you so much.
Maybe a little, uh,

family vacation.
Oh, yeah.

I'm coming back here.
This is so beautiful.

It's amazing.

Kim and Penn,
there are two departure times.

You've arrived first,
you'll be leaving first.

What's going through your mind
right now?

Being on this race is so far
out of my comfort zone, Phil.

I love to know exactly
what I'm doing at all times.

So to be so far out of control

of what my day's gonna
look like is really hard for me.

I don't know how long
New Kim will be here,

uh, but I would love to just

chill out and enjoy this race
a little more than I have been.

And I have to say,
itit is a lot of fun, right?
It is.

I told you my pops

I asked him for a favor,
and he hooked it up.

Before every leg,
I have literally tried

to have a conversation
with my dad.

I, uh... I lost him this April.

Um, pretty hard on me,
very unexpected.

Uh, just after I moved,
had my child.

My dad didn't even get
to see my son,

which, uh,
is heartbreaking to me.

Man, I just ask him
every morning,

"Just kind of look over Ryan and
I and give me your strength."

And if I can be
just half the man that he was,

uh, I know I'm gonna make him
proud today for sure.

And I know he's watching,
and I hope my little boy,

when he watches this,
he's going to see, man,

just stick
through this stuff, man,

and have a...
have you a downass buddy

that you can run the world
with, man.

That's what matters,
dude, and, uh,

I just... I'm so happy, man.
These are tears of joy.

We're about to make old,
uh, Chuck real happy here.

"Secure and leave your backpacks

and race bag in your van."

Okay. Oh, they're right there.

They're right there.
They're right there.

All right,
let's just do this one?

We got it, baby.

There's an arrow here.

Yes, girls.
Yeah, now she's cheering.

Is inflating it hard?
No, it's not that bad.

It's really not hard.


One, two, three.
Hey, don't let the oar fall,

You got it, baby girls.
Thank you. Good luck.

Let's not lose focus.
Oh, my God.

We should have

read the clue.

We have to go return these.
Return the bags?

Yeah, we have to bring 'em
to the car.

The clue literally...
Clearly said...

"Leave your backpacks and..."

"...the race pack in the car."

We had to run back up
and drop it off.

Go ahead. Go fast.

Is it this way?
I don't know.

Let's do it.

Gobble, gobble.
We about to eat, baby.

When we hit that beach,
I made sure

I let 'em know
we're here to grind.

You got to get it in
and turn, dude.

Remove the tube
and then quickly put it in.

Ready? I'm gonna take it out.

Go. Put it in! Put it in!

I'm tired. You got to help me.

I am trying
to do the best I can.

All right.
I'll run the back, brother.

You know,

I got us in this predicament,
so I got to row

like no other
and try to make up some time

so we can pass a team.

It ain't over
till Phil says it's over.

No, first check the...
You're good.

Okay, let's...
inflate the middle things.

Here, here, here. Go.
You got it?

Can you steer?

You steer. You're in the back.
All right.

Nat, watch it.

Don't stop.
Just keep going.

We can go down these rocks.

Sheri, people are still
doing it.

Akbar and Sheri.

We're still in it. Come on.

We're gonna try to pump
this bad boy up real fast.

You're in the back,
so you're gonna be steering.

Dad, you're steering.

How do I steer?
Steer to the left.

It's slippery, Lulu.

Oh, we still see Lulu and Lala.
How do we do it?

Even though we were in last
place, we never say never until

we actually get to the mat.

Come on. We can catch these...

They're gonna have to deal
with our upper body.

Come on, baby. Come on.

Yeah, this is it.

Are you in?

All right.

This side first.
No, we have to turn that way.

Yeah, you're right.


This is so fun.

Phil, we're coming!

Back hard.

Okay, right, left.

Right. Wait. Don't get... No.

You take one side,
and I take the other.

It's the first time
we've ever paddled a kayak.

There is a trick to it.

That we still don't
know what it is.

Lala, stick to one side.
I don't know what side to go...

I'm on the right,
you're on the left.

Okay. Okay.
Left, Lala!

Go. Go.

Neither one of us have

ever kayaked before,
so that was kind of stressful,

but we thought we had
a good chance of catching them.

Left, left, left!
You got to really...

I can't ... see you.

You don't know your left
from the right? Right?

I can't see
what you're doing, Lulu.

Is that them down there?

Let's not look behind.

Let's just dig down
on that side.

Dig deep on that side.

There you go.


You should be jumping for joy
because you are team number two.

Which has got to feel good.

You guys are crushing it.

Do you feel better, like,

having come back
and restarted the race?

You feel like you're stronger
than you were before?


I would say it's been
a pretty good day for you.

And is that another team
in the back?

Yes! Yes!


That's what I call a comeback!



Good job, Ryan.

Wow. There's a lot
of emotion there.

It just meant so much
to you to come back

'cause you were way,
way behind today?

What happened?
Man, we fell.

Made a wrong choice.

Man, Ryan stuck with me.

I made a bad choice,
but we stayed positive.

We got to some physical stuff,
and we knew

we was about to eat some lunch.
Good one.

This is our best performance
we had.

It ain't a one, but it's
the best performance we've had.

I'm happy about this.

Is that right?
Explain that to me.

I mean, it's adversity, right?
That's what life's all about.

That's what the race is about,

and, uh, we pushed through it.

We showed that we were capable
of overcoming some obstacles.

We feel pretty good with it,
you know, and, uh...

I love this guy, man.

We ain't done.
We ain't done, guys.

No, you're not.

Pit Stop!

Holy mackerel!


We told you, Phil.
We looked you in the eye.

You said...
That we're not gonna
be the last team.

"We know we won't be last."
I am pleased to tell you

that you are team number...

Give it to 'em, guys.


Way to go, guys.

And there is another team
coming in.

Good job, ladies!
You're on the beach,

you're at the Pit Stop.

I am pleased to tell you
that you are team number...

Give it to them.

Not bad. I'm happy.
You are team number five.

You're in it. You're in it.
Not last.

Raquel and Cayla,
there are two departure times.

You'll be leaving first.

The rest of you will be leaving
in the second departure time.

All right,
have a good night, everybody.
Good job.

Good job. Thanks.
Have a good night.


Bring it in. Long day.

Too long, Phil.
Long, long day.

Welcome to Corte, Corsica.

Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you. Merci.

I am very sorry to tell you that
you are the last team to arrive.

And I am sorry to tell you
that you have been

eliminated from the race.

And you probably knew that
coming in here.


Wherewhere did it get away
from you this race?

Uh, we was... we was in it.

Uh, II got taken over
on the mountains.

Yeah, and that was it, so, it
was... it was me today, Phil.

All you can do is your best, and
he did the best he could, so...

It wasn't good enough today,
but it's all right.

We ran a good race. It's just,

theythey were better than us,
andand I don't mind.

Ifif you leave it all
on the court,

there's nothing wrong
with losing.

You gave it your all. And I feel
like we gave it our all today.

You know, we got
to kick butt in real life now.

Next time on
The Amazing Race,

teams get a taste
of a Corsican delicacy...

It's maggot cheese.
There's bugs in it.

Ugh. Oh, yeah.

It is so bad.

...while Ryan and Dusty
take on the Mediterranean.

We're going under.
We're going under.

All right.
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