06x01 - The Game's Afoot

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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06x01 - The Game's Afoot

Post by bunniefuu »

Damn you, I hate you. Take it.

For 25 seasons...

I didn't know they made
people's voices as shrill as yours.

And dumb as you.

The Amazing Race has being
the perfect testing ground...

You're being stupid.

I'm being stupid?
It was your jackass idea.

for all kinds of relationships.

Will you spend the rest of
your life with me

- and marry me?
- I will.

I will fall down and die
next to you, if I have to.

That's why we've made it.

Phil: This season, for the
first time in Amazing Race history,

at the starting line

for the most extreme race ever.

Any girl which is as crazy as I am
to sign up for a race around the world,

with a total stranger
has got to be pretty cool.

I've had two long-term

but I've never been in love.

I really don't date that often.

I'm from a small area, so
it's hard to find somebody.

My dating thing hasn't
been going so well.

It is so difficult to find
the right woman.

Where are they hiding?

Phil: Is it possible to find new love

on a 35,000-mile race
around the world?

Can complete strangers
compete with couples

who are in existing

Time to find out.

Welcome to a very special
edition of "The Amazing Race".

journey around the world.

Now, there are six existing
couples here

who have been dating for some time.

People might know me from a singing
group "New Kids on the Block".

We were pretty big in the 1980's.

The race is totally different
from traveling with New Kids,

we had tour buses,
private plans, road manager.

This is totally outside the box
for anything that I'm used to.

Ashley and I are both hairstylists.

I was hitting on another girl who happened
to be her best friend in a bar.

I said "no, no, no,
you don't want to date him".

"He's gay and he's a hairstylist
and his pants are too tight".

And now we're together
and it's been amazing ever since.

- I'm a pilot.
- I'm a flight attendant.

and finally she was single
and I was single at the same time.

We've been living together
for the last four years.

Phil: In addiction
to our dating couples,

we also have five single
men look for love.

For the first time
in "Amazing Race" history,

we are matching 10 singles

for the most extreme
blind date ever.

Oh, my God. That's crazy.

Most girls like me, I think.

I'm pretty charismatic.

I'm extremely picky.

I don't want to waste
a lot of my time

if the girl kinda
doesn't meet my standards.

I've been on many dates
in the past probably three years

because every relationship
I've been, I cheated on.

I have a good career,
smart, intelligent.

I like to think I'm good-looking.

I think I'm a great catch
and I'm 100% a 10.

Phil: Are you ready to meet
your partners?


Phil: All right.

Here they come.

I am so tired of arrogant guys.
I just want someone like me,

someone who can handle
my energy and hyperness.

I am hoping to find love.

- How's it going? Blair.
- I'm Hayley.

So nice to meet you.

Jeff, whoo!

I definitely am looking for a hot guy.

I like guys that are tall,
built, also fun, goofy.

Hopefully that will happen for me.

- Tyler?
- Yeah! How's it going?

- How are you?
- So nice to meet you.

- What's your name?
- Laura?

I think I'm very open to
finding love on the race.

What better story is there
to say I met my husband

during the "Amazing Race".

Look how handsome you are, oh, wow.

So excited to be racing with you.

We're going to have a great time.

I have never been on
a blind date, ever.

The thing about regular blind dates,

is if you don't like this person,
you can say goodbye to them,

but on the race
you're stuck with them.

Better make it work.

Hi, we have same hairs.

The way I see it if it's
love at first sight

and we can make it through
the race together

then we can make it through
anything in life together.

- That's crazy.
- I don't know if I would ever do that.

That's serious.

Talk about a date.

Phil: Did anybody get a tingly
feeling when they saw their partner?

- Did we get any sparks?
- Yes, whoo!

I was like, "damn, he's hot".

I'm happy, he looks very strong.

I'm happy with my partner.

With all due respect,
I have the hottest partner.

Thank you, thank you.

Phil: I love that.

And what about you?
What were your thoughts?

I knew he was my partner
as soon as I was running out

because our hair is like the best hair.

- So true.
- He looks great.

Very built, I think we're going
to do great.

- We got this.
- Yes, we got it.

- Phil: And finally?
- He looks great.

He's everything
that I look for in a guy.

Phil: What do you think about racing
against teams that have just met?

Feel pretty good.

We know each other's
strengths and weaknesses.

They're still going
to have to figure it out.

Phil: So how long before
you're just yourself

and don't hold back
and just speak your mind?

- Right now, we're done.
- Done.

I mean, right away.

Phil: This is kind of like
the honeymoon period and then

we're going to go quickly into some
stress because right out of the gate,

we are going to get things
started with a race for tickets

to Tokyo, Japan!

You are going to run along
the lakeshore here

and you are going to find
your first challenge,

a grueling mud run

and you'll want to get through that
challenge as quickly as possible

because there are only
eight tickets

for the first of
two flights to Tokyo.

Once you have your plane

then you can get into
a Ford Fusion Hybrid,

you can drive in style
to the airport

and your race will certainly
have begun.

Now, if you win this first leg
of the race,

you are going to win the Express Pass.

And that's a good thing

because the Express Pass will
get you out of trouble if you need to.

As a matter of fact,
there is a U-turn on this first leg.

Oh, my gosh.

Phil: The world is waiting for you.

Good luck.

Travel safe.


- Come on, babe.
- Now we got to run.

We got this, come on.

We're almost there.

Oh, my god, that's horrible.

Oh, my God.

- Come on, Lyda.
- Good job, babe.

The mud run was a hell of a
way to start "The Amazing Race".

I think we have to go under that.
Keep your head down.

- This is miserable.
- Whoo!

- Yeah?
- Yep.

I'm on "The Amazing Race".

I have the added benefit of
being paired up with somebody

that hopefully I'm compatible

I want my partner to be able to
bend and not break,

somebody that can just be
optimistic along the way.

Oh, gross.

I can be a little high
maintenance, I'm told.

I hate being wet and cold and
muddy and just filthy like that.

Come on. Where is he?
Come on, Kurt.

Come on, you got it.

Just roll, roll. There you go.

Go! Just go.

We've been dating for
about ten years now.

- We met in high school.
- Off and on about two years.

More off than on, of course.

We've been through growing
pains and been through so much

that nobody knows CJ, like I know CJ.

Come on.

Get underneath that. There you go.

Jon, we got this, we got this.

Pick it up.

Rochelle came into my truck stop,

I was just...

I'm an engineer but I also
play roller derby.

I love it, because
it's like an outlet for me.

My girlfriend is pretty tough.

I have broken a girl's femur before.

- This is why I have to do well.
- Yeah, don't mess up.

Come on, baby.
Let's go, let's go.

I'm a fitness trainer so I think
I'm going to be great pushing Jon.

If he thinks he can't do it,

I'll be a voice over his
shoulder screaming at him.

Baby, hurry.

The mud run at the start was
unbelievable, I thought.

Then the freezing cold ice
water was out of control.

Took my breath away.

Because we compete in the
Winter Olympics, we like the ice.

I'm a short track speed-skater
on the US team.

And I'm a two-time Olympian

I came home with Sochi
with two bronze medals,

but little did I know that really
came home with gold.

Who's got the first flight?
First flight to Tokyo.

Land on time?

First flight, baby.

- All right, let's go.
- I'm going.

We got to a point where I think

we were both nervous with
our progress.

She was struggling.


You have to wait for me.

This is not the way that a
first date usually goes.

Synced and corrected by Zipley

All right, come on. We got it.

This is awful.

I'm sorry, I'm going as fast as I can.

You got to hit it. Let's go.

The blind date got off to a
really rough start today.

The whole mud and water was
like her worst-case scenario.

I hate mud, so that was the absolute
worst possible task for me.


First flight.

Looks like we got the first flight.

Good job, baby.

We got 11:05 PM, first flight.

That was insane.

Yeah, yeah, come on.
Got to go quick.

So there were three tickets
to the later flight

and one ticket to the earlier flight.

I was more than slightly worried
waiting for this one to come.

It was right there. We had it.

Jelani and Jenny took
the last first flight.

I look a hot mess right now.

Hurry, hurry.

- 11:25 PM.
- That was so hard.

- First date taking showers.
- First date, first showers.

Good job, Jackie.

I was so bad because
I held your back.

No, we're a team.
We do it together.

- I'm like filthy.
- Yes, put your face in the shower.

It looks like I have diarrhea.

Looking embarrassed on the first date?

Really, really difficult
to look at this...

man candy next to me
and concentrate.

We're off to a crazy start.

- Do you want to drive?
- I'll drive.

Yeah, I'll drive.
You do the directions.

- All right, you drive.
- Yeah, let's go.


Here we go. Let the games begin.

Phil: Fly to Tokyo, Japan.

When you land, make your way
to Kanda Myojin,

and search for your next clue.

Caution, there's a Blind U-turn ahead.

The world is waiting for you,
bon voyage.

Feeling good,
We have the earlier flight.

This blind U-turn thing is
throwing me a little bit.

- We're on Amazing Race, baby!
- Whoo!

- We're going to Tokyo.
- Oh, my gosh.

We're going to Tokyo, heck yeah!

With a total stranger.

Put your seat belt on,
bring your tray table up.

Seat back forward
and enjoy the ride.

Ok, two things
I'm not that good at.

I'm terrible at singing
and I'm the worst dancer ever.

Well, I am the dancer.

I'm a professional dancer,
Las Vegas showgirl.

I'm here to show that Las Vegas
showgirls are definitely tough,

we work hard
and are definitely competitive.

- So what do you do?
- I'm a doctor.

- Oh, all right.
- What are you doing?

I am a pediatric
emergency nurse at RN.

- Nice.
- Yeah.

So we should have a good...

Yeah, we won't have
to take care of any people

or ourselves for that matter.

- So how old are you?
- Guess how old I am.

- Thirty-five?
- Thirty...? That's just mean.

All right, guess number two.
How old?


- Yeah, thirty-one.
- Awesome.

I'm going to take a selfie
with our selfie cam.

- Yeah.
- Oh, horizontal.

I was a psych and business major.

- Psych?
- Oh, yeah.

I always do
my psychoanalysis on people.

I've already started
my evaluation on you.

- Oh, yeah?
- It's actually going really well.

You helped pull me through
the mud, I appreciate that.

- We're a team.
- We're a kick butt team.

I've been really excited,
though, to meet you.

I'm really pleased.

I think you're super attractive
so I think that's a good thing.

I was worried, what if he
doesn't like blonde people?

Especially silly little blondes.

So when did you decide to go
to law school?

I came out of college and I
was a paralegal at this firm.

We did sports obligations
and stuff like that,

it was awesome for me,
cause I'm a big sports guy.

I was like "I want to pursue this,
like a career".

So I actually moved here with my
parents when I was seven from Shanghai.

I feel like growing up with
immigrant parents,

they worked really hard.

So I think they wanted me
to have a good job.

So I was like...

I'm not good at Biology
so I can't be a doctor,

so I guess I'll be a lawyer.

You know, the newly dating couple?
I don't know if it's going to last.

I think we may have a leg up on them.

Nothing but disaster is going to happen
with people that don't know each other,

whether they're sexually
attracted or not.

This is our first date,
our first dinner date.

Good for our first date. So fancy.

Yeah, I'm impressing you big time.

I am really attracted to Blair.

He's totally my type and then
he's got this intelligent side too.

If you tell me you have a wife
and you're on a date with me,

- I think I have the right to leave.
- That's horrible.

- How many times it happened?
- Twice.

- Really?
- Yeah.

So sparks flying over here yet, guys?

- Look how romantic.
- Nice, you need a candle.

What did you say,
you're a trainer?

- I am a singer?
- Really?

- Yeah.
- Awesome.

- What do you sing?
- "Step by step".

New Kids on the Block?

- You were in New Kids on the Block?
- I still am.

I was in love with
the Backstreet Boys.*

I was there. Yes!

That was amazing.
They did a lot better than BSB.

She's a keeper.

I am a pageant consultant.

- For what?
- For beauty pageants.

Oh, my God.

I'm from a very small county.

I've never had a boyfriend,
never been in a relationship.

Hopefully this will be the one for me.

- You guys married or dating?
- Just dating.

- For how long?
- Over two years.

- You got plans for the future?
- Yeah, he better get me a ring.

It's time.

We're getting married.
Right, CJ?

- Yes.
- No comment.

The relationships is going great.

We're doing good.

We're on the first flight
right now with seven other teams.

We're going to be 45 minutes earlier

than three other teams
that are on the second flight.

We definitely have
a U-turn up ahead.

It's very crazy for a first leg.

We're happy to not be one
of the last three teams.

I'm excited. The prize?

- Winning "The Amazing Race".
- $1 million and love.


It's disappointing that
we're on the second flight.

Fingers crossed we are not
U-turned, once we get to Tokyo.

From this point on,
it's a race between us

and the other
people on our flight.

Phil: All teams are now flying
across the Pacific Ocean

to the largest metropolitan area
in the world,

Tokyo, Japan.

After touching down,
they must find kanda Myojin,

a 1,270-year-old Shinto shrine




About to make it happen.

Thank you, bye-bye.

Hustle. Right here, right here.

- Hurry.
- You got this. Come on.

- Excuse us.
- Keep going, we got this.

Let's go to the taxi center right now.
Taxi, taxi. Let's go.

So we have to take the Skyliner?

Is that the fastest way
to Kanda Shrine?


I'm going to have no fingernails left
at the end of this week.

We asked several people,
we decided that taking the taxi

would be the fastest way to get there.

Taxi time.

Do you know where this is?
Kanda Myojin?

It's a shrine, right?

Well, there's your answer.

Whoo. All right. Let's do this.

We're getting on here.
Five, Skyliner.

We're thinking this is the express
as per the name, we read express.

The only other team on this train
we've seen is Bergen and Kurt.

I think this is going to work out for us.

God, please.

So Tokyo selfie.
We just landed here.

We're going to crush it
and finish first on this.

Oh, my god! Do something.

Be a man. Be a man!

I don't even know what that is.

What if it falls on me!

I'm not playing any more games.

That bug is over.

You saved me, so you are a man.


Hurry, hurry, hurry.

Here, baby.

All right, that way.

Kanda Myojin, do you know where it is?
You know?

Ok. All right.

We didn't want to risk
getting lost on the subway,

because we don't have
subways where we're from

and we don't know
much about it, why risk it?

The next train is at 2:20.

If we get on this train and
the other teams get stuck,

we'll have a 20-minute gap.

Hopefully we can beat
some of them on this train.

All right, let's go.
Is that our train?

We just missed it
like five seconds.

Oh, sh**t!

All right.

Oh, my god,
worst first date ever.

- The train is here, thank God.
- It's fast, I like it.

We're on race mode now
so we have no room for error.

This is where we have
to make up for it.

- Ok, I see it right there.
- See it?

Phil: Blind date couple Jelani
and Jenny are the first team

who have an opportunity to choose
between two Japanese traditions

that have focused on
discipline and precision.

Syncing Steps or Samurai Sake.

Learning choreographed movement
is deeply embedded in Japan's culture,

and the latest choreographed
craze here is "Syncing Steps".

Teams have a chance to join

the renowned Japanese techno-pop
music group World Order.

If they can master the robotic
slow-motion choreography

to the satisfaction of the team leader

he'll hand them their next clue.

"Samurai Sake" requires teams to
memorize the names of 10 sakes,

take a drink order
from a table of Samurai

and relay that order
to their partner at the bar.

If they get the order correct
and the samurai accepts the bottle,

they'll receive a toast
and their next clue.

We're going to do the "Syncing Steps".

This looks right.

- Look for a clue box.
- Right there.


- We'll do "Samurai Sake".
- We're doing "Samurai Sake".

Let's get in the cab.

We've been dating for eight months
and Mike hasn't met my son yet.

I'm a single mom.
I have a 7-year-old son.

I've been through a few relationships

where I saw the effect that it had
on my son when it didn't work out.

I'm using this as a fast-forward
for our relationship.

The weight of the world
on my shoulders.

So far it's pretty cool.

I'm enjoying looking at all the
different buildings.

Being on the other side of the world
is really crazy to me.

- It's nothing like Tuskegee.
- Not at all.

Is this it?

- Let's do this.
- Yes!

Welcome to "Samurai Sake"
training temple.

- What's up?
- Hi.

I will show you 10 ancient
famous sake.

You must train your mind,
concentrate and listen carefully.

- Are you ready?
- Yes.

- Let's do it.
- This is tōkō.

- Tōkō.
- Tōkō.

It means east light.

This is nanbubijin.


Kanbe. This is an ancient
samurai warrior's name.



- Yoshinogawa.
- Yoshinogawa.

Michisakari, tsukasabotan.

This is a traditional
Japanese flower sake.

- Zaou.
- Zaou.

Momokawa, and the last shōchikubai.

- Shōchikubai.
- You must go inside and drink!



Ok, we have to take the order.

- Which order would you like?
- Kanbe.


- This way.
- So you have to find it.

Oh, my gosh.

You see that one right there
on the second row over there?

- In the corner?
- Hold on.

Jeff, it was Kanbe so it's two.

Remember, I just saw two symbols
so it might be there on the corner.

No, no, no. On the last one.

Nope. I don't know.

- We just have to do this.
- You trust me on that?

- I'm just going to go with it.
- Well, if not I'll come back.

Oh! Ok, ok.

Shinjuku Chuo Park.

- Yeah, we're here.
- Over here.

- Oh, wow.
- Awesome.

This is so cool. So cool.

Hi, can you help us? Ok.

For the "Syncing Steps",
we have to learn a dance routine

and then we have to perform it
with music with the dance group.

The timing and the execution
of each movement,

like not going too fast
and not too slow.

That was like the key.

Like robot.

One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight.

You see right there? Perfect.
Found the clue box.

- Awesome.
- Detour.

So we're going to do the
"Syncing Steps".

First clue box.

Look, they're right there.
They got a clue.

Which ones are you guys
going to do?

"Syncing Steps".

We have to figure where that is.

Oh, lord. Help us.

We're going to do the
"Samurai Sake".

- We chose sake, no dancing.
- The irony, though.

It's ironic.

Dancing to me is very challenging.

And I know even in dance
rehearsals with the group,

it usually takes me a good week
to learn a routine.

I think you would have gotten
way too nervous to do that.

But I'm still nervous about
trying to remember.

- Kanda Myojin.
- We're going to Kanda Myojin.

- Trying.
- Straight ahead.

We need to go up, up.

Will you wait? We're in left.

No, we came out another side.

We just go straight.

- So right down here, right?
- No, no.

- Are you sure?
- I'm fairly positive.

Just go straight?
I hope you're right.

- I think you have to go back.
- You want me to find another one?

- Ok.
- So...

My brain is not as strong
as most people

and that's ok because
I have everything else and I get by.

- Zaou.
- Zaou.

- Zaou.
- All right.

- Damn! Are you serious?
- I don't know.

- This is it. This is it.
- Yep?

- This is it.
- Ok.

- This is it.
- Ok.

This should be good. This is it.


- Wonderful!
- Yeah!

Yes! Yes! Whoo!

Thank you. That was awesome.

Make your way to Wakaba
Higashi Kouen near Geihinkan.

- Whoo!

It's amazing to share this experience
with somebody you literally just met

and I want to continue on in the race.

Let's keep it going.

And have as many experiences
as possible.

There's no way we could have
done the dance that fast.

Five, six, seven eight.
One, two, three, four.

Stop, seven, eight.

Seven... oh, and then this
one you don't go down.

- Here, come.
- Come on.

One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight.

Who wants to dance?
You look like a dancing man.

- Who's really good?
- Who's the best?

How about you? You're talking
the most so come with us.

I think we practiced a lot.
We're going to go and try it.

We want that Express Pass.
We got rhythm, we can move.

We're very good at remembering,
so we have that down.

here and on to the next.

Make sure you do it slow.
Five, six, seven, eight.

One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight.

One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight.

- One, two, three, four.
- Oh, they got stuck. Let's go.

- I'm struggling.
- Make sure it's the fourth count.

Make sure you hit it on the four.

One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight.

One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight.

- One, two, three, four...
- Slow down.

One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight.

One, two, three, four...

No. Try again.

Let them go again. We don't have
to practice anymore. We got it.

- One, two, three, four...
- Taxi, no!

Why are they all packed?

How many taxis are going to
have people in them?

I'm about to take the damn bus.

We're going to go with
"Syncing Steps" today.

- "Syncing Steps".
- God, they're already here.

They caught up so we have to
hightail it.

"Syncing Steps".

- Let's go.
- Do we get a cab?

- Which do you wanna do?
- "Syncing Steps".

- Anybody speak English?
- English?

- You want to get married today?
- Nope.

I think that's an omen.

All the way to Tokyo,
who are the odds?

- We can think about marriage later.
- I'm just saying.

Excuse me, sir? Kanda Myojin.

The shrine?

- Ok, I actually had it wrong.
- I told you!

So... ok.

The dumb blonde girl actually
knows what she's talking about

when it comes to directions.

I'm sorry, Hayley was right,
I was wrong.

She's going to remind me of it forever.

Go this way, like I said.

- Is this it?
- Yeah.

Great way to start a relationship.
Not listen to the one that knows?

- We're going to do "Syncing Steps".
- "Syncing Steps".

Oh, it's right here.

Welcome to "Samurai Sake"
training temple.

Thank you.

Oh, we got... Oh, my lord.

You must remember this sake.
Are you ready?

- Yes.
- Tōkō.

Nanbubijin, okunomatsu,
kanbe, yoshinogawa

michisakari, tsukasabotan,

zaou, momokawa, shōchikubai.


You can enter and begin
drinking with my friends.

Ok, ok, ok.

Ok, you. Ok.

What would you like?

- Tōkō.
- Tōkō, ok.

And for you, sir?

What would you like?

- Tōkō.
- Tōkō, ok.

All right. Tōkō.


Here we go, Tōkō.

All right, ok.

Yes? Ok, yes.


Sake for everyone.

Ok, make your way to
Shinjuku Wakaba Higashi.

Thank you, thank you!


So now we have to get a cab back.

Let's see if he knows this.

Damn, there's another team.
We were way ahead of them.

Do you know this address?

If they get there before us,
I'm going to be pissed.

Jeff and Jackie just got in a cab.

Let's go.
We better not be U-turned.

I think somebody is going to
U-turn somebody.

So hopefully everybody is like
tripping over their two left feet

at the synchronized stepping.

Let's do it along with them.

I'm sorry, try again.

- Who screwed up?
- You did.

Yes, yes, we're going to get this.

Yeah, walking is ok,
but after that...

- We're working at it.
- We gotta get better.

It's going to take time but for sure.

He's improved so much
since the first time.

Yeah, she's being very supportive.
That helps a lot.

Down here.

There's other teams down there.


So we're out here at the park
just doing a little dancing.

- Yeah.
- All right.

These guys over here are
showing us what to do.

We have our teacher right here.
We're dancing machines.

God, the second flight just got here.

One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight.

One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight.

One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven... eight.

One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven...

I lost my balance, as simple as that.

Do they speak English?

Can you tell us where this is?
Shinjuku Park.

You can go to the train station.

- The train station?
- Yes.

- And the train.
- The train? Ok.

Ok, arigato. Here we go.

Train station.

Oh, my god, oh, my god.

There are people everywhere.

What in the world?

So many people.

- Come on, baby.
- What in the world?

It's crazy, so many people.

Are we making a mistake?

So many people.

I see it right there
on the sign, Shinjuku.

The navigation is k*lling us.
It's horrible.

So hopefully we are not in last place.

Looks like it goes fast,
so that's a good sign.

Better knock this challenge out.

I'm not really the best dancer

but I'm going to
cut a rug tonight.

Five, six, seven, eight.

One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight.

One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.

One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight.

Not yet.

It's ok.

Slow down a little bit.

They go a little bit slower.

Another team just got here.

Looks like sake wasn't so popular.

We need to find an instructor.

We get there and we're like
"oh, my gosh",

"there are people from
the first flight still here".

That was the biggest relief ever.

- Walky?
- Walky.

- One, two, three, four...
- I don't have that.

- Six, seven, eight.
- Damn.

One, two, three, four, five, six...

It reminds me of line
dancing in the 1980's.

Line dancing was invented by women
to make men look stupid.

- One more.
- Ok.

We made it. All right.

We got it, we got it, baby,
come on.

- Come on.
- We got this.

- We got this.
- We got this.

We want to get to the Blind U-turn
before anyone else gets there.

Plus, we want that Express Pass.

That's not going to happen.
I'm hoping it's not going to happen.

You should walk... like that, ok?

If somebody doesn't get it
in the next couple of times,

we're going to get it for sure.

- We got it.
- We got it.

They're about to be done.

No! Mess it up. Stop.

Oh, my God. It is so great.



- Yes!
- Yes! Yes!

- Yeah!
- No!

We're going to get it this time.

- Yeah.
- Come here.

Sweet. All right, let's go.

- Thank you, thank you.
- They will get lost.

We're doing so freaking good.

- I just love to dance.
- I was surprised.

You did a really good job.
You should be very proud.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

We work together well.

I fell like he's someone that has
what I want in a potential partner.

That was awesome.
What a great feeling.

One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven eight.

One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven eight.

One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven eight.

One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven eight.

Are they about to be done?

- Oh, they did. No.
- Good job.

- I'm acting just like that.
- Ok. Let's go to Shinjuku.

Oh, the heart rate goes up
and then back down.

Up and then back down.

Since I was a kid,
I had the worst anxiety.

I'm going to have to work hard
to reign it in,

keep control and stay focused.

Is this Shinjuku Wakaba?

Ok, it's in here.
We have to go there then...

This is a bank.

This cab driver took us to
the wrong freaking place.

- Make sure we got everything.
- Come on.

Right here, right here.

Right here.

U-turn. U-turn. U-turn.

Phil: Two teams can now slow
down two other teams with a U-turn,

forcing them to perform
both sides of the Detour.

We're not going to U-turn anybody.

All right, get the clue.

Phil is waiting for you in
one of Tokyo's rarest commodities,

a parking space.

Phil: With almost 38 million
living in greater Tokyo,

space is a at a premium

and finding a parking spot
can be an absolute nightmare,

making this the perfect
hard-to-find Pit Stop.

The last team to check in here

may be eliminated.

Search for him in the vicinity
of the UDX Building.

Oh, my God, the Pit Stop.
There's a cab right here.

All right, let's go.
Let's do this.

Five, six, seven eight. Oh, God!

I'm getting frustrated now, babe.

Five, six, seven, eight.
One, two...

- No good.
- Ok.

We're up again.

The Olympians now.

One, two, three, four...

I keep messing with my arms.
That's the problem.

Four, five, six, seven eight.

One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven eight.

We're still in the game.
It's a huge weigh on our shoulders.

Oh, wow.

- Did they get it?
- You did.

Thank you! Thank you, sir.

Oh, damn, they got it.

- Get our bags and go.
- Let's go.

EDP, Elbow dust it, punch it out.

We gotta get this on.
We gotta get this on.

Is it in here?

Do you guys know where it is?

Here it is.

- Ok.
- You guys can go first.

We're not going to U-turn anybody.

- We decline.
- We're not going to U-turn anyone.

Fast, fast, fast.

We are neck to neck
with Tyler and Laura

so we have to get there first,
we want to secure that Express Pass.

Do you know where the UDX Building is?

No? Damn it.

Holy crap.
Take it down to a slow walk.

I'm about to have a heart

I'm going to punch myself in
the face if this isn't it.

Oh, my god, are you kidding me?

We're going to get the
Express Pass. Oh, my God.

Ok, we'll see when we get there.
I can't freak out yet.

- Is this UDX right here?
- Ok.

- Let's get out of here.
- We gotta find a parking spot.

UDX. Parking, this way.

- Yeah, yeah.
- Parking.

Oh, my god this place is huge.

Like my worst nightmare.

It's really just us getting there
and finding Phil in the parking lot.

Let's read the clue again to make
sure we'll know what to do there.

Search for him in the vicinity
of the UDX Building.

So he's on the vicinity
of the building.

In the vicinity.
Does that mean outside?

- Somewhere around the building.
- Around the building. But not inside?

No, he's not inside the
building probably.

I don't know, hold on.
This doesn't look great.

All right, let's do another floor.

Oh, my God, oh, my God,
please, please.

In the vicinity, outside.

Once you're inside,
you're no longer in the vicinity.

You're in the building.

Hey, we're not the doctors here,
we're not rocket scientists.

- But we are the lawyers.
- We lawyered up to the reading.

This way, this way.

We're going to all the
parking spaces.

Any vacant parking space in
this build?

There are three floors of

It says "Search for him in
the vicinity of the UDX Building".

- Vicinity?
- Vicinity, yeah.

What if it's outside?

Ok, let's go. Hurry, come on.

We have a shot to be in
first place right now.

If this mistake cost us
the Express Pass,

it would be really devastating.

If this mistake cost us
the Express Pass,

it would be really devastating.

Thank you, thank you.
Let's go, let's go.

No. Oh, my gosh.


Yeah, it could be the vicinity
of the UDX Building.

Let's show Phil our dance.

- Welcome to Tokyo, Japan.
- Thank you.

Phil: Jelani and Jenny, you've
been dating for how long?

One very long day.

Phil: You were put together
at the starting line,

you've traveled all the way
to the capital of Japan.

- And you are team number one!
- Yes!

Phil: And I have some
great news for you.

As the winners of this
leg of the race,

you have won the Express Pass.

Thank you.

Phil: That is power in your

So what do you think of this date?

This is fantastic!

Phil: Another team coming in.

Whoo! Oh, my God.

We're in the parking garage.

We messed up big time.
We blew right past this.

Phil: You are also
on a first time date.

They are team number one and
you are team number two.

- There we go.
- That's awesome.

Phil: You've beat the couples
who have been dating.

You'd think the preexisting couples
would have an advantage,

but we're proving right now that
that's not necessarily the case.

Elbow, elbow, down, down.
Punch it...

Let's do this.

- Good vibes.
- All right.

Cross, cross, over, over.

You can get it.

Four, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.

Four, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight.

I messed up on the beginning
of the arm.

It's all good.

Five, six, seven, eight...

It's really hard for me
to memorize stuff

so I have to try to block out
everything around me

or I'm never going to get it.

Just calm, just breathe.
Have fun. We're in Tokyo.

All right, guys, listen.

Maybe if we all take a selfie
something will happen.

Here we go.

One, two, three, four...



- Congratulations.
- Yes!

- Oh, my God.
- We gotta get it.

All right, let's go.

Here they are, right here.

This is like the trickiest
parking space of all time.



Phil: Laura and Tyler,
you look happy!

I am happy. It's been fun.

Phil: You should be very happy
because you are team number three.

- Awesome.
- Yes!

Laura has been great.
We've worked together really well.

And that is surprising to meet somebody

in under this stressful situation
and be able to communicate well.

Phil: Is there a potential for love?

Yeah, we're happy to be partners.
We'll see where it goes.

We're lost. Help! Help!

Oh, I think there's a park back here.

Oh, my God, there it is.

It's a U-turn.

We are not going to U-turn
anyone at all.

Go, rip it, rip it.

Here comes more teams.

Ok, come on. Go, go.

- Who is that?
- It's the Olympians.

- Ok.
- We are here.

We choose not to U-turn anybody.

Rarest commodities,
a parking space.


One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight.

I messed it up.

I just was focused and
then I forgot my arms.

I'm sorry.

One, two, four, five, six,
seven, eight.

Two, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight.

We gotta get this done.

- Seriously get this done, like now.
- We gotta get out of here.

Seriously, it's annoying now.
So let's get this done.

Just keep going.
This is really annoying.

Five, six, seven, eight.
One, two, three, four, five, six.

- They're going to get it.
- Congratulations.

Whoo! Oh, wow.

The line just got a little shorter.

Five, six, seven, eight.

One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight.

One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.

One of the teams that was actually
on the first flight is still here.

For us to catch up and be here,
we didn't think that was a possibility,

so we did it once,
we can do it again.


One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.

One, two, three, four.

They gotta get on that one.

- Congratulations.
- Yeah!

They did a good job.

Make your way to
Shinjuku Wakaba.

There's no need to be

She's doing great.
We're both doing great.

It's definitely a task because
everybody here could probably tell you.

Whoo! Yeah, baby.

We'll get it.

If it takes all night,
we'll get this done.

Over here. Yes, over here.

- What do you think?
- I would feel bad, I don't know.

Ok, no. No?

Ok, let's get our clue.



Phil: There they are.

Nice to see you guys.

Aly and Steve, you are the
first Olympians to arrive.


Phil: And on this race,
team number four.

Ok, we'll take it.

Look, there he is. There he is.

Phil: Harley and Jonathan,
you are team number five!

- Oh, my God.
- Holy crap.

Phil: Is it what you imagined or
is it sort of completely different?

It's harder then I imagined.

This has been the most
strenuous 24 hours of my life.

Going on stage after fifteen years
and being in front of a crowed

was less scary to me than this.

One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight.

One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.

One, two, three, four, five, six...

Well, we're going to do this,
we are going to get this.

Closer and closer every
single time. We'll get it.

Five, six, seven, eight. Two...

One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight.

One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.

Two, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.

One, two, three, four.

I dance all the time.
He says I dance randomly all the time.

I'm not a big dancer but I
can keep the beat.

One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight.

Four, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight.

One, two, three, four, five, six.

- Good job.
- Whoo!

All right. It's down to the wire here.

She's a little frustrated but think
about them going right now.

- I need to be alone for a second.
- All right.

This is brutal.

It's just definitely the stress

and how long we've been
here is getting to her.

I'm just trying not
to let it get to me,

trying to calm her down
and talk about it.

Ok. All right, let's do this.

Five, six, seven, eight.

One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight.

One, two, three, four, five.

I was having a hard time.

Starting to get frustrated
and emotional.

He kept his cool
and just encouraged me, positive.

He's like, the best teammate
I think I could ask for.

Elbow, elbow, slap, slap.
Punch it, punch it, up and down.

You did it.

- Did they make it?
- Yes.

- Let's go.
- Let's find a cab.

We have to get this,
we're the last ones.

- Will you come here with me?
- We've not made any progress.

We need to figure something out.
We need to do it quickly.

We have to do something.

We need to just get a taxi.

We need to go right there. Yeah.

Yeah. Thank goodness.


You know where that is?
Ok, he's got it.

All right.

We're probably in second to
last place right now.

Fingers crossed we can get there
and we're not on that board.

Look at me,
we're both struggling.

Calm down.
You have to calm down, all right?

Oh, my God, this is crazy.

We don't want to get eliminated,
so we gotta move.

Phil: Good lord.

There's a lot of screaming
going on.

Let's talk about this blind date
that you're on.


Phil: Is there like a chance that
you could maybe like each other?

I think it's early to determine that.

If this doesn't work out as a dating,
we're going to be good friends.

Two, three, four, five, six,
seven, eight...

I don't know why
I keep screwing it up.

Do you think you can
remember 10 sakes?

We're too tired to even
remember 10 sakes. I think.

Yeah, let's try this one.

This has been the worst part,

just trying to figure out where
to go has been the hardest.

It looks abandoned.

Oh, God.

Super abandoned.

Ok. Oh, God.

We screwed up yet again.

- Are we in the right spot?
- I have no idea.

There it is, there it is.

No one used the U-turn.
Should we use it on them?

We have to.

This breaks our heart.

They're the only team we know
that's behind us for sure...

Jeff and Lyda.

- We're sorry.
- We have to U-turn you.

Love you guys, you're the sweetest.

We need to get there before them.

This is not about making friends,
it's about winning $1 million.

I'm here to make a difference
in me and my son's life

and you have to play cutthroat
when it comes down to it

and I would expect the other
teams to do so in our situation.

Is it in a park or something?

Oh, my God, look.

No way. Oh, my God.

We are not going to U-turn

We decided not to.

- I see it.
- Yes, baby!

Oh, they got U-turned.
Look at that.

We choose not to U-turn anyone, ok?

Phil is waiting for you... yes.

I can't believe
they got U-turned.


This is not easy but
I don't want to give up.

That's not my thing.

So we're going to be out
here all night.

That's the end of it.

We don't give up.
We never give up hope.

We don't give up hope ever,
so let's get this.

We don't give up.

- We're not giving up, so get it.
- What are you crying for?

We're not giving up,
so let's just do this.

- All right.
- Get your head in the game.

- Get your head in the game.
- Ok.

Crunch it and fold it.

Crunch it.


Last one. Four.

We each had to coach each other
so that's what you call teamwork.

He coached me through the mud run,
I coached him through dancing.

Punch, punch. Down, bird.

Great job.

We need to take a bow for
these people.

Sorry I'm such a clutch.

- Thank you, guys.
- Thank y'all, sorry.

- Let's go fast.
- All right, babe.

Let's go get a taxi.


Phil: Mike and Rochelle,
you are the seventh team to arrive

and you are team number seven!

Oh, yes. Oh, that means so much.

So I understand that you
decided to use the Blind U-turn

to U-turn another team?

We thought we were in second
to last place

so it felt like it was do
or die at that point.

A million dollars might not mean

the same to the other couples
as it would mean to us.

This mean...

- Security for me and my son.
- It would mean a lot.

I see it. I see the clue box.

- They U-turned us, baby.
- You're kidding?

Who U-turned us?
Now we get to go do sake.

There's two clues in here.

- Who we didn't see?
- Jeff and Jackie?

One of them might not have
passed the test with sake yet.

- Pick one.
- I don't know.

Right here.

I hope we picked the right one.

We're still in it.

There's one place behind us,
we still have a chance.

- Hey.
- You speak English?

- No.
- Yes, you do.

We're looking for this place.

It's supposed to be right over here.

- Map?
- No map.

No map.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

Oh, God.

- Oh, my God.
- Oh, God.

Oh, my God.

Phil: A lot of squealing
going on there.

- It was him.
- It was him?

Yeah, I've done that all day.

- There he is.
- I found him.

Phil: Look at that, another team.

So happy to see you, Phil.

Phil: The good news is you're
all still in the race.

That's awesome.

Phil: You guys know what love
looks like?

We know what it looks like.

I see it, I see it.

Welcome to "Samurai Sake"
training temple!

You must use your mind and

We'll see you in half an hour.

Hi, guys.

I'll take the order. Go, fast.

- Nanbubijin.
- Nanbubijin.

Just one minute, guys.
We're going to have you drinking.

If I get this right, I want a shot.

They picked the one bottle
they kind of remembered.

I got it.

I got it. It's right here.

Is it?

- Arigato.
- Thank you.

Boy do I wish I'd done this one first.

Thank you. Thank you.

Hi, sir. Do you know this?

I cannot believe we spent four hours

in that park trying to
get you to dance.

Only been about an hour that
we've been looking for it.

- It's way too long.
- Is this that same man?

Do you speak English?


You figured it out?
You know where?

I'm getting tired of this.
He knows where it is.

- How much is it to get there?
- Give me the hundred.

He must be out of his mind.
What'd he say, 100 yen?

Is he crazy?

Are you pretty fried?

Still motivated.

- That's good, baby.
- I'm not giving up.

There's somebody behind us still.
As far as we know,

there's still somebody there,
so we go with that.

Nobody knows where this is.

Maybe we underestimated it.

We're just lost.
We just... nobody...

Everybody we ask
they don't know where it is.

The taxi drivers don't even
know where it is.

There's a taxi driver.

- Is that the same one?
- Is that the same one?

Is that the same one? Oh, God.

You're about to make me say
some ungodly words to you.

Do you know where you're going?
Do you know where it is?

You know where you're going?

I don't think so. Let's go.

- You want to go?
- Yeah.

God, he got laundry in the back.

He's the only person who
seems to know

but he seems really sketchy.

We just put in the hands of God.

- Wait and see.
- Yeah.

- Hope Springs eternal.
- Yeah.

- Love you.
- I love you too.

Thank you.

Oh, my God.

Oh, here we go.

Oh, my God!

Not us.

- Not us.
- Not us. Thank god.

Oh, God, maybe we got a chance.


Warning, the last team
to check in may be eliminated.

We are finally on our way
to the Pit Stop.

We'll be right back.
We're coming back.

Just one minute.

Phil is waiting for you.

Let's go. This is so painful.

You know that? Akihabara?

Oh, yes, yes, go fast, fast, fast.

I guess we got to go. Arigato.

All right.

- Straight this way?

You see him?

- Parking lot down here.
- Down there?

Ok, right here.

Parking space.

Phil, where are you?

Fast, fast, fast.

I think we're getting close.

Look for UDX. That's what
we need to look for.

It's saying in the vicinity.

Ok, where do you think we
should go?

I notice on the clue it says
in the vicinity.

We're actually inside the

so in the vicinity,
inside, we'll see.

I bet we passed like right back him.

Head back up to the first floor

and we'll look around the
building for a parking spot.

Is this it? Is this it?

- This is it? Yeah?
- Here?

Ok, thank you.

Let's go.

Where do you think we should go?

We're here.

I mean, just walk
around the building.

It said the vicinity.

Oh, my God.

This is the UDX Building.
Look around us.

- What's that up there?
- There's something.

There's something up there.

Up here?

Oh, lord, oh, God! Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!

Phil: Libby and CJ,

you're still in "The Amazing Race".

You are team number ten!

Oh, my God,
are you serious right now?

Phil: I'm serious right now.

- Come on, Jeff.
- Ok, baby.

Phil: Jeff and Lyda, you are
the last team to arrive.

I know it's been a tough day

and I'm sorry to tell you that you
have been eliminated from this race.

Oh, sorry baby, my bad.

It was very short but,
you know, we're best friends.

We did the best we could.
We never gave up.

I have to hand it to Lyda.

She persevered through
my misstepping

all the way through the dance.

It shows what a great partner she is.

Our relationship is as strong
as ever.

We're very happy
and we love each other.

No regrets.
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