16x02 - When the Cow Kicked Me in the Head

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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16x02 - When the Cow Kicked Me in the Head

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "the Amazing race" --

race around the world.


At the airport, brothers dan

And jordan got catty about Caite.

in iraq --

Caite had the last
line on The cable.

this is fun.

But on the map

brent and Caite were penalized

for Breaking a race rule,

dropping Them to the
bottom of the pack.

Big brother team jordan and Jeff

painted Their way to
a First-place finish.

Jordan and jeff,
you are team Number one!


Adrian struggled at the Roadblock.


Then tried to hang tough.

I'll give it a try again.

please, baby, please.

But when he couldn't Muster
the strength to finish

I Tried.

-- Foip the high school
Sweethearts were the first team

Forced out of the race.

I'm very sorry to tell you that

You have been eliminated
from The Race.

Who will be eliminated next?


It is known as
little san Francisco.

Not just for Its steep streets,

But Cultural institutions
like This one.

This Preeminent art museum

was The first pit stop in
a race Around the world.

Teams arrived at the
end of the Last leg

For a mandatory rest Period.

And the 10 teams waiting
here Have no idea

where they'll be Going to next.

You are team number one!

Jordan and jeff,
who was the First to arrive,

will depart at 3 :21 a.M.

make your way to -- chile.

Teams Must now travel
by Bus back to santiago

and board Another bus

for the journey

Then drive themselves to this Lake

by a hotel.

Take a both to margarita

and Climb to a Place
called Mirador,

where they'll find Their next clue.

you have $ 7 for
this leg of The race.

- Ok.
- Ok.


Let's go.

a bus -- take us there?

from valparaiso?


which one we have to go, you See?

You know where we're going?

ok, let's go.

I think we're definitely

Growing as a couple doing the Race.

It's been only two legs --but

I was just on a roll and
Then you cut it off.

Maybe it's not so good.

no, I was just joking.

what time does this open?

All the teams Are going to be Here.

At the first bus we're
all Going to get on.

ah, first bus to santiago?

two Tickets, please.

gracias, amigo.

given that jeff and jordan Finished

first on the first leg

We were calling them bar by and

Ken and Saying is they went -
Weren't so bright.

I totally recant that Statement.

They're a team to Beat, Definitely.

it's weird That dogs speak Spanish.

- shut Up.
- Shut up.

what do you mean?
It doesn't speak english.

Come here.

It only speaks spanish.

we really like the cowboys.

they do their own thing.

they're very, very Independent.

I'd be surprised if they
Were around for much longer.

I think the teams
definitely Underestimate us.

They see the Hat, they think

The guy's from the country and

Hopefully he got out
of the Eighth Grade.

for Me, it's an
honor to Wear a Hat.

the first leg of the race,

The lesbians said
something About caite

and where her tiara Is.

where's your Tira -- tiara?

of course that strikes
a Nerve with us

And makes us Think well,
they don't like us.

I say joe and heidi.

he's A really strong Competitor.


Youant to work together on This?

We Decided to make an
alliance With heidi and joe.

They're strong.

We're strong.

We're in it to win it.

Both teams are now making Their way

to santiago, chile.

stay Close.

I know, I'm right here.

come on.

Let's pick it up a notch.

let's go, hurry.

We're going to the terminal.

yeah, which one?

next One, next one.

right here?


hold your spot.

we're with them.

we Can't be holding spots.
Come on, Now.

Come on now,

You can't be holding spots.
You can't do that.

they gave us Money.

I understand that but
There's a line there.

get in line.

what's the deal?

They're trying to save Spots.

they're all working Together.

I'm sorry, you can't
be Holding spots.

holding people in line.

What are we, back in grade School?

As soon as possible.

what time did we arrive?

At 7:00 a.M.?

which one arrives the Earliest?


I need four.

Four seats.

there are No more seats Left.

there are No more
seats on This Bus.

There's one that's an hour Later.

that little bastard squeaked
His way right in there.

He's a sneak.

we Need two tickets for the 7:45.

same as them?

I think we got The last few Seats.

we feel great.

We were fortunate to
get on the First bus

to arrive direct from Santiago

with no Connectionings,

which is Scheduled to arrive at 7:

Everything so far
leaves this evening.

I wonder if we ought to go

See if there's an earlier bus.

it's us against the world.

Let's get out of here.

Whatever, I'm going to walk.

They're going to
buy all the Ticket.

I'm not going to Sit around for

It leaves direct at 8:30 PM.

arrives tomorrow,

So that would put us 45
Minutes behind other teams.

Just keeping optimistic.

That's my job.


We can't lose hope at
any point On the race.

let me see that clue.

can't we take a bus

from Here to somewhere else....?

No one thought of Connecting
Through another city.

I don't know why.

Hola. You speak english?

Who speak english?

English, Who speak English?

We're trying to get to --

that guy gave us the
best Piece of information

when he Said you need to
catch a bus to Tamuco,

you switch pus be -- Buses

and then go on to porto Veras.

go to

some place else first?

Maybe from Temuco.

go to Tomuco.

You have change?

Yes. -

You go now 9:00AM

every other Direct bus.

We'd end up getting there at 11:

We'll end up getting
there at 8:00 Tonight.

we're Like eight
hours ahead Of Them.

out of anybody on this race,

Like the big brother team the Most.

They seem like smart people.

They seem more like us.

what's up, Fellows?

we're rolling the dice

Because we are doing
sort of a Connecting bus.

that's Good.

Heck yeah.

double decker?


we've been nine hours In Santiago

waiting for this bus.

Heidi and joe and the two of us

Are the only two
teams on this Bulls

and then everybody
else Is behind us.

It's pretty cool.

when we get to tumoco,

he Said what time
does your bus Leave?

We told him 7:00.

He said ours is at :30.

we want To see if we
can get On their Bus.

that's only 20 minutes.

this bus?

Other terminal.

Not Here.

not here?

other terminal in the Center.

oh, how far?

Taxi, 10 minutes.

I wonder if they know

their Bus is leaving from
a different Terminal.

If they miss their bus
it's Only 10 minutes.

If they wait right here --

how weet sweet is that?

it's :30 now.

it just turned :

now They can't figure
out What's going on.

I think they're starting
to Panic just a bit.

I'm keeping this all under My hat.

Somebody is watching out for Us.

I cannot believe -- Guarantee it.

where's that?

It's not here.

I'm going to be so pumped.

how Far?

We got to stop the bus.

Just cowboys, man,
just Traveling around.

they're going to think that We Like

outmaneuvered them

and I'm not going to
tell them any Different.

we need a Taxi.

let's go.

the actual bus we need to

Get to porto varas is just the

just the Terminal down the street.

what time do you have?

the bus to --

it gone?

Oh, god.

oh, my god.

now what?

we could hop on that other
Bus the cowboys are on.

it's so stupid why
we did Not check.

The cowboys are
supposed to be On a bus.

It better Work.

Otherwise we're in big trouble.

I see it.

Let's go.

Saddle up.

if we don't get on this
bus We're stranded.

oh, My god.

go, go!



Oh, my godness.

oh, my gravy.

go, go.

yeah, they're going to have
To catch the next bugs.

they missed both buses.

you see them?

The cowboys?

I didn't see them.

this is nightmare.

you got the tickets, right?

it's been a long day
in the Bus station.

no mas to porto varas?

that's crap

no bus anywhere tonight.


oh, my god.

this is this is ridiculous.

our bus to puerto varas was At 6:30

but we're at the wrong Terminal.

No Mas?

That's Crap.

we need to get there,
puerto Varas, fast.

Four seats?

I'll take them.

I'll tell you what,

the Cowboys are the most
magical People ever.

all right. We're not doing too bad.

kind of the lone rangers.

there are a bunch of cars.

we're headed to the hotel.

right now Our bus just Arrived.

We're going to puerto varas.

It will be about 6:45,

Just keeping hope alive.

I do think I'm going
to see Juan Valdez

and his burrow at Any time.

All we need to do know is
Follow the path, right?

opens At :30 a.M.

We kind of got comfortable,

Snuggled down in our little Car.

snuggled might be a stretch.

Cool nap.

it's really beautiful.

We're the first ones here, I Think.

these Have to be the cars.

they look huge.

holy chikey, mikey,

this is Amazing.


looks like it's
probably Right up here.

all these cars.

Let's go.

brent doesn't know how
to Drive a five speed the

I like my women to drive me Around.

for now we're gng to
Follow them to this town

and See if there's the hotel there

That we're Looking for.

we're still the only team Here.

I brought my hat cover.

I made mine this morning.

I borrowed a little trash bag

And made it work.

we -- the rain will cover up

Our foot tracks so the
other Teams won't know.

Supposed to go to that Island?

I'm just hoping we Don't
have To go Swimming today.

I didn't bring any trunks.

I've been skinny
dipping once Or twice.

I'm ready to go.

I'm Excited.

We're going to a lake
that's Vounled by volcanoes.

It's Just gorgeous.

you guys ready?

you guys go ahead.
We'll follow you.

follow the marked trail. Let's go.

big Brother is right behind Us.

hurry up.

let's book it, then.

Will you carry my bags?

I'm not a runner.

she's got to get in a
little Better shame.

I'm a walker.

come on, hurry up.

We'll see you on isla.


if you throw up you're
going To Throw up.

that boat ride was brutal.

The waves were like --

and I Sat outside

because I didn't Want to Run
the risk of getting Seasick.

let's go, let's go!

let's hurry.

come on.

Let's go.

is someone behind us?

I think they're all
kind of Following us.


now we are at the petro Hotel.

last time I drove a stick
Was over 10 years ago.

Hopefully there are other teams

That don't know how
to drive a Stick.

nice and easy.

Oh, god, daniel.

that's all right.

Foot on the clutch.

we had The understanding

That jordan was going to
Be the Stick shift driver.

that Is obviously a fallacy.

you Used the word
"fallacy" The other day.

jordan, I don't know that Word.

Ok, that's probably true.

we have to put the e brake Down.

we're A little behind them Still

but we have a chance.

we can only hope.

we're just coming up on --



We might as well go ahead

and See if we can spread
that lead A little bit.

There's a clue box.

sweet dude!


I love that.

In the lake region

the Chilean people have a deep
Connection with the animals.

Teams have to choose between

Two creatures revered
by the Locals.

In Llama adoration,

teams enter This field
of grazing llamas

Then they must choose one and Dress
it for a traditional Festival

but putting a blanket And a scarf

on the sometimes Structure
born and unruly Animal.

When the llama is properly Adorned,

they'll receive their Last clue.

In con doir consternation,

Teams must dress as birds,

Putting on feet and a

They must then take flight and

Attempt to soar to this target,

Which contains their next clue.

you want To dress a llama?

yeah, let's go dress a Lamba.

You have 10 more teams
already Coming this way.

we didn't have much of a Lead.


I think we have to go up This path.

All righty.

Let's go.

you saw That boat, right?

ok, there's one
team in Front of Us.

wow, gorgeous.


we're doing lamba.


I don't Want to go in
the Water right now.

I see Arrows.

That's good.

a llama or a con doir
con Stern nation.

let's fly.


We need to go llama.

so we're going to
the Llamas, right?

ok, We're going to have to Start
hooking it from here on Out,

now that we know
they're Right on us.

that was a burro.

I thought it was a donkey
Braying up the hill.

I was like what have
they got Up there?

That horn.

I was like, don't scare the Llamas.

This one Right here.

None of them act likely
want to Be jacked with.

first two We walked up to Acted
like they wanted to be Problematic.

Two seconds later another one

Came up, stuck his nose out

Like hey, I want to be your Friend.

He's the One.

Llama whisperer.

you are.

Teams will now drive Themselves

to the onces bella Vista Farm

where they'll serve
For their next clue.

I wonder if anybody knows
Who's in the lead yet?

I don't think they
know that it Was us.

We're going to adorn the Llama.


gracias, senor.

lamba corral.

we're here.

My goodness.


It's just a scarf and a Blanket.

Hi, you want some food?

Look at Those eyelashes.

You're going to spit on me,
Aren't you?

let's pick this one.

This one likes me.

don't throw it.

this one will come to me Now.

food? Hi.

Hi. It's ok. It's ok.

do they kick?

ooh, be careful.

Oh, Someone's going to get Kicked.

Ok, maybe not that one.

This one.

That one right there.

Hurry up.




uphill sucks!

oh, my god.

I want to fly over the lake.

How are We going to fly there?
What's that?

I don't know.

oh, that's so cool!

It's like an actual con doir.

That's hilarious.

we're going to have to
run And fly into a bowie.

I'm Like, oh, my god,

what Did we get Ourselves in to?

oh, This is awesome!

I'm so Excited.

Yeah, I never thought
I'd Dress like a bird

and act like I was flying.

Ok, let's run together.

of course.

We'll get Some air under us.


We're going to run
as fast as We can

and then jump up and Out.

don't run too fast.

one, two, three.

Go. Go.


Now Get up!


We just hit the water
like hard Core.

It was ice Cold.

it took our breath away.

my breath Was gone.

hey look how beautiful.

oh, my gosh.

holy mackerel.

We're going to be flying.

come on.

I'm really good with Animals.

you go to a Houseith a pit
Bull he calms it down.

He's not aaid of it.

We'll be fine.

you look like a llama.

I Don't want this one, man.

don't take it off!

hey, This one.

I found another llama.

that took a rest.

we threw the blanket on the Bag

and we tied the scarf on.

slowly, slowly.

All right. Now.

Good job, honey.



drive Yourselves and
search For your next clue.

that was so much fun.

We fell hard.

hey, Guys.

she was showing us the --

Sheep are showing us the way to Go.


ok, come On.

So we Have to go back to the Boat.

this is Going to be awesome!

and when we jump,
we'll just Put it up there.

This is going to be awesome.

I know, I'm excited.

sit possible to
make It to The buoy?

maybe if you know
what You're Doing.

I thought at least we can go
Out with some Dignity, right?

that was a joke.

I think we were just like Off --

Holy cow.

we need petrohue hotel.

We haven't seen any teams Lately.

we didn't pass anybody, did We?

I'm driving.

You should be looking.

All right.

Does he really think this is It?

It is. Left.

And then go straight
down This Road.

ah, I see it, right here.

Ok, excellent.

My gut feeling is that we're

Still running last but we're

Hanging in there so far.

I'm hoping that maybe
one of The other teams

doesn't know How to
drive a standard.

That would be pretty sweet.

this Does not feel right.

I will be impressed if this is It.

it's Ok, it's ok.

Just keep going.

I feel confident that
it's Still down here.

I'm going to drive into
the Freaking water.

This is not it.

where the hell are we?

now I got to go in reverse.

all right, here.

Get out and push.

we're not the best at Driving stick

so we're just Going
to do it That way.

here goes.

Good job, good job.

That's fine.

you didn't know where
you Were going.

you didn't Know where the
Hell You were going either.

And then I pushed the car.

I'm sorry I made
the wrong Decision.

and you pushed the Car?

you are such a punk.

Just shut up and drive.

hotel Petrohue.

All right, we got it.

my energy is high.

My hopes are high.

I'm just having an amazing Time.

I think shannon is doing
buste Fully with the driving.

I'm ecstatic to spend
this time With Shannon.

Of all My grandchildren she's
The one I know most closely

and Definitely the one
I admire the Most.

she taught me how
to drive Standard.

you're doing bustefully.

This is it.

Good job.

Looks like we're ninth.

No, we're going to be good.

another team is coming.

hi, llama!

walk slow to it.

ok, Ok, you got him.

we got To hurry up, honey.

This is t*rture.

get him.

How do you do this?

move slow. Don't move fast.

You got it. You got It.

That's it!

how come -- get yourself
to higher Ground.

I can't believe there's just
A Freaking guy ahead of us.

we'll corral It.

Come here.


All right.

the Llama came with a stick.

He Bounced off that corner
the -- Of the stick.

keep him right there, hold On.

Watch this. This works.

A man Rope.

it was like so stupid.

I was Like, why didn't
we think Of this earlier?


Drive yourselves and
search For your next clue.

all right now we have
to Pick up some ground.


Let's go.


It smells lining food!

Get all the clues.

This part of chile
has Been the home

of a flourishing Community
of german immigrants To --

who Still practice the Art of
Baking a traditional Pastry.

In this roadblock teams
must Race Around a farm

collecting The five
Fresh ingents Essential

to this delicious Cake.

Flour, a plate of butter,

a Baker's dozen of eggs and milk

Straight from the cow.

If they can gather the
right Amount of each item,

the baker Will give them The clue.

he's hoping there's
Something to eat.

all right, let's find the Cow.

Oh, that's a little
bit over The edge.

Not the first cow I've ever Milked.

those Are the teams that
are Just minutes behind us

so I Hope we don't spill the milk.

going to lose my
hat Protector here.

That's a baker's dozen.

We need A plate of
butter from The pantry,

a bowl of sugar From the pantry

and a bag of Flour from the pantry.

So Everything else
is from the Pantry.

Oh, I found the Pantry.

A bag Of butter and flour and

There's the sugar.

Ok, now we got to find the Kitchen.


See it.

Ooh, sugar.



Gracias, gracias.

Drive yourself To
the next pit Stop.

Teams must drive Themselves
back to puerto varas

And find This park. Flamed

For the virgin mayor --

Mary, this is the pit
stop this Leg of the race.

The last team to check in here

May be eliminated.

oh, gracias.

Don't Tell jet I
got a bite of This.

Oh, Good.

was it hard?

you'd never been able to Handle it.

what is kuchen?

oh, my gravy.

I'll never be able to tell you.

what is it?

I think it's pie, I'm not Sure.

There's the clue box.

I'm doing it.

all right, there you go.

I have to milk a cow!

carol, you want to
do this Together?

all right, what do you
Want To get first?


have you ever milked a cow?

I haven't.

ok, there's a line.

Oh,y gosh.

Which one has a nice big utter?

That One looks pretty good.

Give me the nice hotel with

The nice restaurants
and the Clean Sheets.

I'm sorry.

Oh, My god!


did you drop your cup?

no, I Got kicked in the Hand.

- did you really?
- yeah.



Oh, my gosh!

is that when -- what I think It is?

I'm almost to the Line.

I think I'm good.

we should find the eggs.

It's time to make the Kuchen.

you got It, baby.

eight, 10, 12, 13.

this is 13, si?


Thank you very much.

come on, Let's go. Hurry!

So what Are we doing?

we have to drive to puerto Varas.

I don't know why but it
Would be a moral victory

to Beat brent and caite today.

brent and caite?

the one in the -- and the Iraq --

you smell like ass.

That smells so bad.

time to make kuchen.

A baker's dozen of eggs?

How many eggs are
in a bicker's Dozen?

jeff, you do It.

I'm out Of here.

Oh, thank you, ladies.

good job, baby!

I love you!

drive yourselves to
the next Pit Stop.

Oh, mama.

Sorry, buddy.

I'm almost done.
I don't like you either.

Don't freak out.



That is super cool.

We're dressing a llama.

I know I'm going to
be Allergic to llamas.

Grandma is here.

Just focus on being positive

And taking in all the sights

And Enjoying the dickens out of It.

Look How beautiful.

- You go?
- yeah.


drive yourself to
the next Pit stop.

let's go. Hurry.

all right, lady, Come on.

you doing it?

I'm going to do it. Ok.

we're going to --

is that it?

I don't know if it's
the Same thing or not.

you want to keep going?

so keep our eyes
peeled for The Signage.

ok, nice cow.

I hope I don't grab
the Wrong thing.

I've always wanted to milk
a Cow and say I've done it.

But I didn't realize
it could Be Dangerous!

sorry for Laughing.

you wouldt have laughed
if You were there.

are you all right?

I'm ok.

I think I got a
splinter in My butt.

I smell a llama.

let me take my jacket off.

if only they knew.

if Only.

Grandma is coming.

When Grandma and granddaughter
Showed up it was like,

all Right, fun is over.

Let's get down to business.

Yes! Come on.

Get yourselves to higher Ground.

shannon was able to lasso Him.

And I'm not even a cowboy.

Get yourselves to higher Ground.

we're Good.

Let's do this.

We're going to the finish line.

come on.

what's up, phil?



Jet and cord, you might Need
another buckle fp your Belt

Because you are team Number one.


good stuff.

As the winners of
this Leg of the race

you have each Won a sailboat.


That sound good?

sounds good to me.

we kind of went lone
ranger Doing our own thing.

this morning it just
worked Out Right.

We just happened to
get on the Right bus.

Don't let the cowboy hat fool You.

that's it right there. The church.

There's the pit stop right There.

- can you cut through there?
- Yeah.

we're here.

Let's go.


Joe and heidi,
you are Team number two.

And carol and brandy,

that Happened make you
team number Three.


I have 13.


Thank you, gracias.


All right!

thank you, gracias.

drive yourselves to
the next Pit stop.

if we don't see it right Away

From puerto varas we'll Get
some better directions.

I'm feeling good.

I think there's a couple of
Teams that are still behind us.


Is that it?


I'll do it.

brent and caite,
you are Team number four.



I'm proud of myself

and I Think we did a great job.

I just hope that all the teams

See I am an intelligence Person.

You need to stop Making fun of Me.

what are we on right now? San juan?


San jose.

San juan?

san jose?

want a couple of pinches?

oh, yeah.

You're a little bit foamy
at The end there, bess.

Oh, my god, bessie,

had you Done that
when I was milking You

We would not be friends.

we are in puerto varas now.



Good eyes there.

I'll do the cake.



Warning, last team to check in

May be Eliminated.

Information, let's go.

you run out.

Stop Messing around here.

we have to Go where?

I'm guessing a statue or Something.

you want To ask in here?

oh, there's those guys.

who are you looking for?

the statue.

who you Guys looking for?


that way.

are you kidding me?

I'm a little aggravated Right now.

We went all the way
Into puerto Varas

and we're not too far Behind.

Hopefully whatever we can to

Get done here we
can get done Quick.

where are we going?

right there.

Phil's right there.

Monique and shawne,

you Are team number five.

this is Harder than anything

I ever Imagined.

there's a big church right There.

That's it.

Jordan and jeff,

are you Team number Six.

we made it, Huh?

here it is.

oh, here's another team. Whoa.

Are you kidding Me?

I'll do Whatever it is.

plate of butter. In the Pantry.

This is butter.


that's good.

That's a sweetheart.

where the hell could the Pantry Be?


That's It.


Oh, god.

I was almost up to
the line in The cup

when the cow kicked me In the head

and I thought I Think I'll be ok.

I can do this.

So I just got right back down

And started Milking again.

A different cow this time.

I'm not in the mood. Scram.




Got To find this freakin' Pantry.

Steve and allie,

you are Team number seven.



sounds like cows would be Here.

Hello, cow.

Here you go.

come on, now.

This feels good.

Come on.

good job.

I got a lot of milk.

I got to know that cow
pretty Intimately.

You're the best.


Where the hell is the pantry?

Good job.

Oh, that's not quite enough.

Dan and jordan,
you're Team number eight.

You're still in the race.


that's not the pantries I
See in my neighborhood.

Plate Of butter.

Oh, that's easy.


All right.

go on.

Let's Go. You can do this.

Let's get it done!


Oh,-year the best.

Thank you so much.

Thank you very much.

Look what I made you?

you made Me some? You're the best.

the last team to check
in May be Eliminated.

let's drive it like we stole It,
buddy, come on!


come on, grandma!

the last team to check
in May be eliminated.

we're Assuming right
now We're next to last.

we're trailing right now
but I'm still optimistic.

You just never can tell.

come on, come on.

it's got to be right here, Buddy.


I see a cathedral.

I think the next right we can Go.

- All right, let's find this.
- ok.

it's this way here.

Come on, buddy.

Louie and michael,

you're The ninth team to arrive.

Thank you. Thank you, mother.


Jody and shannon,

you are The last time -
team to Arrive.


I'm sorry to tell you

you Have been eliminated
from the Race.

that's all right.

That's all right, honey.

I'm so proud of my grandma

For everything she's done.

Carrying that big bag of flour

And the Eggs and getting kicked

In the Head by the cow.

I Proved to myself they
can Do physical Things

and I'll Keep doing them.

I'll go anywhere with you.

Next week on "the amazing Race" --

what does did you guys Catch?

Karl and brandy
Interrogate the cowboys

about Their Success.

I didn't get that
warm fuzzy Feeling.

And later --

I'm just so tired of
you not Trusting me!

The dating couple goes
at Each other's quotes.

I am going to sit down and Quit.

that's a nice temper Tantrum.
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