17x03 - In Phil We Trust

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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17x03 - In Phil We Trust

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The Amazing Race," 10
teams raced from England to Accra Ghana.

This is crazy.

A million people here.

Is this a joke?

In a crowded marketplace
they tried to make the deal.

Gorgeous, darling.

Dewpoint to buy that?

Please, I'm asking you.

Stop, what?

I think I got jacked
for some sunglasses.

At the detour, Brook and Claire hammered
home their lead and finished in first.

You are team number one!

While birth mom and daughter Andie
and Jenna bid a tearful good-bye.

I'm sorry to tell you, you have
been eliminated from the race.

Nine teams remain.

Nine teams remain. Who will be eliminated next?

This is Accra, capital city
of Ghana, and in the heart

of Accra, Kaneshie market.

Comprised of more than 2,000
vendors, it's one of the

largest markets in west Africa
and was the sec pit stop in a

base around the... the second pit
stop in a race around the world.

Brook and Claire, the first to arrive,
will be first to depart 34 A.M.

Make your way to the academy.

They must find this area and
the Akotoku boxing academy.


It's a place where they box.


Akotoku academy.

Here we go.

Tax keasey!


Find the Atoku academy.

Physically it's hard for us to
match up with these other teams

in their 20's or 30's, you
know, and he's... and he's 59.


I know Jamestown.

We have to play smart.

To us, this is worth more than the
$1 million we're competing for.

We want to stay in each leg to
experience these different countries.

We're here?

Boxing, Claire, it's boxing!

We've got a bunch of burly men.


You've got a rocky road ahead.

Here in Ghana, boxing is the
most popular sport after

soccer and boxing gyms like
this appear in neighborhoods

throughout the couldn't arery.

In a place that has produced
several world champions, one

team member must learn to
properly wrap their hands

before suiting up in training gear.

Next, they must work then speed
bag for 60 seconds and jump

rope for 60 seconds.

When they master both
exercises... it's good.

The trainer will give
them their next clue.

Can I do it?


Claire and I train at
a boxing facility.

I'm like, I've got this one.

Come on.

He looks mean.

Come on.

If Brook gets in the ring with the other
guys, I'm scared for the other guy.

He's going so fast, Claire.

You got this, Brook.

Wrast the Akotoku academy?

Over there.

Why didn't he say he
didn't know where it was?

I don't know.

You've $146 for this leg of the race.

Do you know where that is?


Thank you.

Here we go.

Find the Akotoku academy.


Thank you, sir.

You have $146 for
this leg of the race.

Let's go.

As fast as you can.

What's your name?


Nice to meet you.

I'm Jonathan.

I'm Connor.

Follow him.

Watch your fingers.

There you go.

Good job.

I think you got this.

Good job.

Good job.

That's a good luck kiss.

Sweet talk the boxer.

Show 'em what you're made of.

Thank you, coach.

I like you.

Come on, Chad.

Here comes another team.

You can do it.



There it is.


There's the clue box.

You've got a rocky road ahead.

I'll do it.

Trainer, trainer.


What's ex?

Rope, rope, rope.

That hat looks really good on you.

This is the chance
for you go get ahead.

Maybe someday we can box in the ring.

Good job.

Thank you, coach.

Drive by taxi to the Dadu district.

Teams must travel by taxi and locate
this supply depot where they find their

next clue.

We're in a big hurry again.

You knocked that one
out, no pun intended.

Looks good.

Yeah, let's go.

This guy is asking where
Akotoku academy is.

Chop chop.

We good?

Back over there.

Better that you do it now.

Thank you for asking.

Samson, can you pass these people?

Please drive faster.

* Please drive faster *

Those are our friends.

Don't let them beat us.

* We love Samson *

I love you too.

Find the Akotoku academy.

We knew there would be times
when we're at the bottom.

We have a strategy to never give up.

Part of the things we learned
through what we do for a living

is, when things get bad,
you have to work harder.

That's not when you give up.

I hope we don't get loss.

You can make up time with a
good driver but with a bad one,

you can lose the game.

Find the academy.

Our strategy is still
to... communicate.

Communication is huge.

Cut without communication,
you have no race.

How far away is it, do you think?

Akotoku academy.

Let's go.

We're starting in last place but we
said today, we're going to move up.

We had all our bad luck out of
our system with the flat tire

and broken down cab, wear
ready to have a good day.


We got a driver.

I like to think I'm pretty
good at jump roping.

He is.

Let me show the tricks here.

I was bouncing around.

Showing off caused him to
trip up on the jump rope.

When he tripped up, he
had to start over again.


Thank you.

Chad keep going.

She didn't look as
good as I did though.

That's all he cares about.

Travel by taxi to the Dadu district.

Come on!

The Oadu district.


Stop, Samson.

The girls are right there.

Come on.

What's going on?


Over there.

Clue box.

Come on.


Looks like boxing.

I'll do it.

I got this.

I decided to do the roadblock because
I thought it would be very physical.

You'll be my trainer?

Let's do it.

My dad probably would have been
tire after, it's 98 degrees.

Go, go, go.

Now we're going to the
dombings dau district.

Start over?


I got it.

That's it.

I'm going to do this one.

Go for it, Connor.



I got it.

There's Atoku academy.

I can jump rope.

You do it.

Way to go!

I got it.

Let's go.


Just do it normally.

I thought I could do the double Dutch.

You know Muhammad?

Yes, I know.

Good job.

Thank you.


Travel by taxi to the daodau district.

We're lost.

We're in last place.

It's the doctors they
missed it, they passed it.

We want to get around them.

Get around them.

Behind us in the taxi is Katie and
Rachel and Chad and Stephanie.

Stop, stop, stop.

Let me ask them.

We've got to go.

Lose them, move.

The blue team they're lost and
blocking us from leaving.

Have you gotten your second clue?

Turn around.

It's back there.

Sit down, I will drive.

You dumb doctor.

Please can we turn around right now.

This way.

Can we turn around here.



Please can we turn around right now.


Sir, can we turn around
and go that way.

This way.

No, back where we were.


This is hurting us, exactly.


You give me the clue.

Good luck.


Good job.

Good job, dad.

Please say that's good.

It's good.

Nice, nice, nice.


We caught them.

You have to turn, then go straight.

You know where now?


Good job, good job.


Good job, dad.

We have one team ahead of
us that was behind us.


Dodau district.

You're good.

It's ok.

Come on, baby.

Rip it open.

Find the supply.

They're here.

Is this our taxi?

Good job, dude.

You k*lled that.

We're in a race.

You've got a rocky road ahead.

Let's do it.

Oh, man.

A herd of very large beasts.

Look at those yaks.

Can you pass, Samson?

We have to go faster.


That made my heart drop.

That's what we need.

That's music to our ears.


Nice job, Nat.

Travel to the dodoa district.

We've had bad cab mojo so far today.

Hopefully it's turning around now.

We're looking for the supply depot.

Right there.


Let's go, let's go.

Here's the clue box.

Route info.

Teams must choose a pair of
wheelbarrows and load them

with construction supplies.

Then they'll take them to this
primary school and deliver it

to the to the foreman.

If they deliver the right
supplies, they get a clue.

I'm going to put bricks in this one.

Two shovels, two brooms.

Two trowels two scrapers.

Now to the primary school.

Not a big wheelbarrow guy.

We have been really slow getting here.

We've got to hurry.


You ok, Johnny?

It's tough.

This is really hard.

It's hot.

We've got bikes in our
wheelbarrows, dirt road.

We've got to go to this guy.

We have your supplies.

Thank you.

Time for a pop quick.

Covering more than 11 million
square miles, Africa is

the second largest continent on earth.

In a place this big, our team's
greatest challenge could be

figuring out exactly where they are.

Entering a village classroom,
teams will be tested on their

knowledge of African geography.

When they come up with the
correct answers, the class

monitor will hand
them their next clue.

Come on, push it.

Hi, guys.

Sorry we're late.



Very good, give it to him.

Another person show us Ghana.

Please to do that for us.

No, no, no.

African geography is either of...
neither of our strong points.

It wasn't our major.

No, no, no.

It was pretty embarrassing that we're in
a country we can't pick out on a map.

This is so hard.

Our friends at Princeton are
probably going to grill us for that.

It's south more.

Supply depot.

Choose a pair of wheelbarrows and
load them with construction supplies.

You got that?

I've got it.

Ghana once more.

Process of elimination.

Very good.


We knew it!

Thank you very much.

Princeton is a good school, I swear.

There's an African studies major.

Detour bicycle parts or language arts.

After a long day of school
or work, villagers take

part in the past times
passed down by their elders.

To fit in, teams must educate
themselves on one of two

things, bicycle parts
or language arts.

In bicycle part they plern to...
learn to play a children's

game seen throughout Africa.

They must use a stick to roll a
bicycle rim on the uneven terrain.

If they roll it all the way
down the soccer field and back

without letting it fall, the schoolchildren
will give them their next clue.

In language arts, teams choose a proverb
containing eight highlights phrases.

Each phrase has a corresponding symbol
in a native visual alphabet.

Teams then go to this decorative cloth
and like a word search game find all the

symbols appearing in the correct
quens in order to receive the clue.

We'll try toe decoder.

Come on.

Right there, duh.

We pick one.

In Phil we trust.

Let's look over here.

Right here.

Here we go.

Kidney beans first.

We found the decoder, wrote on
our eight symbol system and

started to search on this giant map.

Now we have to find them.

The first three are what?

Kidney bean, ladder, crazy.

What we did first was looked
for the second symbol in our

system, a ladder, we thought
that was easy to spot, kind of

stuck out in the eye, we said look
for ladders, then other ones.


It's ok, we're good.

We got this.

Ready team?

Here we go.


Brook, we need another wheelbarrow.

Are you sure?

Got to take it back?

Oh, this is really going to suck.

Get the clue, get the clue.

Let's get the supplies.

This is it.

Choose a pair of wheelbarrows.

I don't think we need two.

It says a pair.

They have one.

Well they're idiots.

They only have one wheelbarrow,
don't say anything to them.

Forgot something?


Here you go, Bammer.

They did one.

They took one.

We don't know if the car is
overheating or what the problem is.

Should we get another taxi?

We can go.

You're ok?

It's been an eventful taxi day.

So we have three behind us.

There's the Jersey girls.

That's another team.

Run them over.

Just kidding.

You're way stronger than that.

Keep focused.

They were first.

We going to do the wheelbarrows?


We need to give it to the foreman.

Please check our stuff.

Two trucks.

We'll go get the other truck.

The girls didn't tell us.

Let's go.

Clue box.

Choose a pair of wheelbarrows and load
them up with construction supplies.

Two wheelbarrows?


Get two brooms.

One bag of cement.

Two shovels.

Two bags of concrete, one each.

Turn here.


Two trowels.

Did you read the two trowels?

You have to be mentally
tough right now.

Being volleyball teammates
we know how to talk to each

other in a stressful situation,
she's not afraid to be like,

Rachel, move, because I
know it's not an attack.

Let's run, ok.

Connor, I think I have it.

Kidney bean, ladder.

Crazy Chinese.


Can I give you a hug?

Make your way to the house...
teams must make rare they

out they have school and search
for the home of Awusa Nitso,

it's the pit stop for
this leg of the race.

The last team to check in
here may be eliminated.

Come on, Connor.



Welcome to Ghana.

Thank you so much.

Connor and Jonathan.

Yes, Phil?

You are team number one.

I do have some good news, you
have won $5,000 each, which you

can use to spend after the race.

So we can buy maps of Africa
and know where we're going.

We did it!

Everyone is behind us.

I know.

Thanks for telling us.

Breathe through the process.

Thank you.

Let's go.

Hi, how are you?

I like sitting with the kids.

Growing up in the states we
aren't given to the opportunity

to... we are given to beautiful
schools and have nice paint on

the walls and things we take for granted
and they go to school in a shack.


Oh, Ghana is down below,
I think it's in here.

It's not correct.


Hopefully when we actually get
there, we'll see how many

people if there is anyone still there.

Fingers crossed.

Come on, honey.

Good job reading it.

It's fifth grade reading.

That's a joke.


Go to the new schoolhouse.

All right.

Go, I'm sorry, babe.

I don't give a... about your
sorries bs to be honest with you.

Let's go.

We had it in the bag.

You have no common sense in you have
no common sense in your whole body.

Hurry up.

Let's go.

I'm trying.

I'm pissed.

I know you are, get over it.

I ain't getting over it until we see
Phil and he says we're not last.

I'm sorry.

Is that going to keep
us from losing now.

Hello, we're ready for our pop quiz.

Have a seat.

In the school-yard today, the
kids all have a smile on

their face they look so happy.


I know.

When you get to a place like
this, you see these people and

I feel so bad for them, and you
think to yourself, this is

their way of life and they
don't know any different.

We don't know any different except
freedom an justice and luxury.


Ok, give it to them.

Good job.

Let's do bicycle.

Bye, guys, have fun.

Let's find the classroom.

Right here.

Can I stop here?

We're good.

Let's go.

Thank you so much.

It's time for a pop quiz.

Let's go.

See how they're doing it.

Hey, guys.

There's the rim, here's the stick.

Come on.

Keep it up dad, come on.

Keep it up.

Jesus, I need your help.

Did you get yours?

I got it.

Let's go.

I'm trying.

Trying putting it inside.

Those litting boys just
sailing along with it.

I was like, Jesus, you've
got to help me right now.

Let's go.

Can we have our clue?

Time for a pop quiz.

Let's go the supply depot.

Thank you.

There's the clue box.

One two three.

Does this look easy, it's really easy.

One of you show us Ghana.

Come on.

Go, Katie.

You got this, Bam.

Very good.

Very good.

Give it to him.

Let's go.

It's correct.



Here you go, Bammer.

I say we do the word one.

Bicycle parts or language arts.

We're good at word searches.

Bicycle parts or language arts.

Let's do language arts.

Doe tour.

Thank you.

Pop quiz.

Let's go, come on.

I'm trying.

Ok, right here.

Get away from them so
we can concentrate.

Come on, come on.

How do we figure this out?

We get a poem and it has
eight bold word phrases.

Then you have all these little
African children playing little

games and I see there's a group
of eight of them so I'm like,

oh my gosh, I think we have to
circle small African children.

And then for no rhyme or reason, the
other teams are like, circle, circle.

It's utter chaos.

They're looking at me like... why
are you circling us with chalk.

What is this over here?

And we look to our right and see
we see a map a huge symbol map.

We're like, oh, maybe the small
African children don't have

anything to do with it.

I thought it was going to be
like a cross word puzzle.

I don't understand this at all.

A decoder key is
provided for reference.

Did you find the decoder key?

They're not going to tell
you, they're against us.

We are trying to find the decoder.

Do you know what a decoder key is?


I kept picking up children's
textbooks, this is their

homework, I picked up other maps,
I didn't find anything anywhere.

Have you found the decoder key?

Deep your eyes peeled.

I don't know.

I have no idea.

All right, dewpoint to
try the other thing.

Let's go over there, come on.



Thank you.


We're going to do language arts.

Are you sure?


Good job, dad.

Right here.

Stay behind.

Come on.

Come on.

Good job.

You kicked butt, Mel.

Make your way to the next pit stop.

Let's walk.

We're tire bud not giving up.

We're almost there.

I really hope you say we
did what you wanted.



It's time for a pop quiz.

Dad, come here.

This is the dumbest
freaking crap ever.

We have no clue what we're looking for
and what to even circle with our chalk.

Do you think we should go?


Come on, come on.


I'll try.

Think before you put that thing down.

It's on the Western, on the left.

There I think.

No, please.

How do we not know where Ghana is?

Are we that stupid?

We couldn't low gate Ghana on the map.

It's the far left.

We're the dumbest people
on earth, literally.

It's like no, no, no.

All these little kids
are laughing at us.

No, no, no.

I felt like so stupid.

We can't be this stupid.

I think it's more down, baby.

We'll do bicycle parts.

Hello, teacher.

Hi, guys.

Would you like gaw
nafment ok, we're good.



I think I'm leaning toward
language arts, we can figure

things out a little bit easier.

Thank you guys, bye.

Gary and Mallory,
you're team number two.

Great, nothing broke down today.

I got it.

Go, go, go.

Look what they're doing.

Grab a stick.

But hold on.

I don't care what that says.

Let's watch the kids.

Look at that little kid.

Being around those kids, watching them
play, it's comforting to have that,

children are just amazing.

Around the world, regardless of where
you are, children are children.

They are so pure and they see
the world in such an honest way

and that nothing is bad out there.

You can do this.


Doing good.

You're almost halfway.

Stephanie, get a bigger stick.

Get a bigger stick, babe.

Why are you going to
give me directions?

Just do it.

Keep going, Chad,
you're going awesome.

Good job.

Gouff got to be kidding me,
something so stupid like this.

Don't throw.

Shut up.

Why don't you hurry up.

Why are you being so rude?

You need to do it, go.

Don't discourage me.

Keep going Stephanie,
you're doing awesome.

Awesome, I love it.

It's ok.

What's ok about this.

It's ok to you, but it's not ok
to me, so that makes it not ok.

Keep the speed, Stephanie,
keep pushing it.

Good job.

Keep going.

Keep going.



What did I tell you?

Let's go, let's go.

Make your way on foot
to the next pit stop.

Good job, Stephanie.

We're going good.

Where's the decoder key.

Let's watch the other
team for a minute.

I don't think we're getting
the symbols right.

That's why I wonder if we
should do the other one.

Let's go try.

This is horrible.

Let's not panic.

Let's be really calm and
let's figure this out.

Chad and Stephanie.

You are team number three.

Good job, babe.

Good job, Katie.

Good job.

Thank God.

You did so haw Ahh sm.

Yeah, babe.

Now back.

Let's watch and learn.

Do we give up, switch challenges?

We've been doing this
for a little while.

If we can do that one
relatively quickly.

They went to do the other one.

We have to figure this out.

Come on, you got this.

Speak softly and carry a big stick.

There's little kids everywhere,
they're all really nice and

they look excited to be meeting us.

The kids are awesome, they're
the best part of the day.


Rachel yes!


We're the last team.

Let's go, let's go.

This is ridiculous.

Hurry up!

I can't breathe.

My asthma kicked in super bad,
my adrenaline was going, I

had to go back and forth and I
was frustrated on top of that.

It's all right, take
a break, you're ok.

Arms above your head,
open up your lungs.

Once I saw that, I tried to calm myself
down to where I could be there for her.

You need to hydrate yourself.

I'm starting to lose it.

I know, I'm losing my mind here.

Should we go?

I say we just try it.

Our eyes are deceiving us.

Dewpoint to give up on this one?

I can do that, I don't
know if you can do that?

We can try.

Dad you have to think you can
do this if you want to do this.

Katie and Rachel, you
are team number four.

You got this, honey.

I know, I got it.

You got it.

Take your time.

You're good, you're fine.

Now just pace yourself.

You got this, Bam.

I got this.

Keep going.

Keep going.


That's my girl, let's
low thank the lord.

What's up, buddy.

Good job.

Did I make it?

You made it.

I think the key is to move fast.

Got it.

You're already there.

You're already there.

Come on, babe, you're doing good.

Go, Brook, go.

Come on dad.

Stay consistent.

That's my girl.

That's my girl.


I'm so excited.

I felt kind of crappy for treating her
the way I did, she didn't deserve it.

Make your way on foot
to the next pit stop.

Hurry, Brook.

Here you go, Bammer.

Claire, you got this.

Good job, Thomas,
you're doing awesome.

I'm so proud of you.


We got to hurry.

Nice work, keep it moving.

Thomas got it.

Come on, honey, run it down.

Nick and Vickie, you
are team number five.

Brook and Claire, that means
you are team number six.

So tomorrow, you guys come back
to the school work the other

teams and the area where you
were doing the puzzle challenge

and do some remodeling of the classrooms
and give back to the community.

Are you all right with that?

We would be honored.

That's awesome.

All right, Nat.

Nice job.

Come on in.

Give me a big hug.

Make your way... honey, let's go.

All right.

Stay focused.

Come on, dad.

You're doing such a good job.

Keep going, dad, don't worry about it.

Come on, Kat.

Keep going, dad.

I can't.

Don't worry about it.

Just do your thing.

You got it.

I can't Kevin.

Can't give up, dad.

Good job, Kat.

Thank you very much.

Make your way on foot
to the next pit stop.

We need to follow a marked footpath.

Don't quit dad, just finish.

The girls aren't at the pit stop.

Take a break.

I don't think I can go back.

You have to at least try.

Take it slow.

If it takes you 30 minutes,
it takes you 30 minutes.

You can do it.

If you fin irn now, we might
be able to catch them.

Come on, let's finish this.

Sorry, Kevin.

I don't think I can go back.

You have to at least try.

Just take it slow.

I can't.

For my dad, it was very tough
and it was painful to watch.

It's 9... it's 98 degrees, he
can't breathe, he started to

feel dizzy from the sun and being'
de-hydrated, he had to get medical help.

Take whatever time you need.

I'm disappointed.

I am the one to cause
us to be in last place.

I didn't do it.

It's ok, dad.

It's all right.


It's all right.

I'm sorry Kevin.

I feel so bad.

It's not your fault.

Why don't you guys
complete my sentence.

We're team 7.

Hey, we're happy.

There's a bicycle that
just went that way.

I don't know, there should be
a marked path here, right?

There should be a marker
at one of the turnoffs.

Ok, let's go.


I want to show my son
that we are a team.

I think this race is
really about that.

I mean no matter how difficult,
you should finish what you start.

I can show my son to
go to the finish line.

You'll stay?

I'll stay with you.

Go slow, you're doing great.

Can I ask you a question?

Any question.

The ohm orb... this way here.

Over here?

Across the street?


Thank you.

Look for a marker.

The stand is too slippery.

It's ok, take your
time, just finish it.

Take your time.

I don't see any markers.

There's a goat marker.

The mark of the goat.

Just a little bit more.

Good, dad.

Get a drink you did it.

There's the clue.

Make your way on foot
to the next pit stop.

You ready?

I'm ready to be eliminated.

It's ok.

Let's go behind here.

There's a path back there
we wasted so much time.

Let's go, dad.

Let's go.

Wait for me.

Good job, good job, keep up.

Oh, my God.

Finally, one marker.

Let's go, dad.

Dad, we're almost there.

Let's go.

Nat and Kat, you are
team number eight.

You are still in the race.

Guys, tomorrow, when you're at
the pit stop, you're going to

come back to this school and do a
little renovation at this school.


Get a chance to give back
to the community here.

That would be awesome.

Looking forward to it.

Good job, dad.

Welcome to Ghana.

Thank you.

Michael and Kevin.

I'm sorry to tell you that you
are the last team to arrive.

We know.

You have been eliminate ched.

It was my fault my body gave out.

I wanted to travel to as many
places as I could with my son.

Guys, there is actually some
good news for coming in last.

No way.

This is a nonelimination leg,
you are still in the race.

See, that's why you don't give up.

Kevin, I'm sorry.

It's ok.

Ok, let's go.

Good news.

Thank you, Phil.

Because you're the last team
to arrive, you do have a

speed bump you have to complete
in the next leg of the race.

It's a challenge only
you have to complete.

I'm proud of my dad, for him
to finish and us to be in a

nonelimination leg,
was very important.

I'm motivated even more now.

I feel like we shouldn't have
lost this leg and there's still

a will the of room for us to a
will the of room for us to grow.

Next week on "the amazing
race," teams move from Africa

to the arctic where they experience
thrills... I'm having fun.

Oh, God.

And spills.

Stephanie, let's go!

I'm done.
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