17x04 - We Should Have Brought Gloves and Butt Pads

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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17x04 - We Should Have Brought Gloves and Butt Pads

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "the
amazing race."

Nine teams continue their race through
the west African nation of Ghana.

And a rural primary school, Ivy leaguers
Connor and Jonathan failed a pop quiz.

No, no, no, no.

Our friends are probably
going to grill us for that.

But eventually passed.

And won the leg.

You are team number one.

At the detour, teams tried
to mast ar children's game.

Giving Chad inspiration.

Being around those kids and watching
them play, children are amazing.

Michael wilted under the
hot sun but he found the

strength to finish and received
some welcome news with his son.

This is a nonelimination leg
and you are still in the race.

That's why you don't give up.

Nine teams remain.

Who will be elimbed in a...
nine teams remain.

Nine teams remain. Who will be eliminated next?

This is a farming community in the
west African nation of Ghana.

Here, where people live and
work much the same as they have

for generations, teams found
this rural homestead, the third

pit stop in a race around the world.

At the pit stop, the nine
remaining teams returned to the

primary school to help
with renovations.

We are helping to paint
the new school here.

It's amazing, actually.

It's nice to be able to
do something for them.

This experience definitely
puts things in perspective.

We are so fortunate and we
should appreciate everything.

We love our school.



Connor and Jonathan moved
apart first at 10:15 A.M.

You're headed to the arctic circle.

Teams must now fly 4,500 miles
from the furnace to the freezer.

The city of kiruna.

Teams have been given tickets
on the same flight but are

under no obligation to use them.

Landing inside the arctic
circle, teams will have to

drive to the nearby town, home
to the world famous ice hotel.

In winter this math om...
mammoth structure offers a not

even close to warm
reception to its guests.

In summer the 10,000 tons of
ice used to make up this hotel

are kept frozen in
this nearby warehouse.

It is here that teams will
find their next clue.

Let's go.

Oh, my God.

Arctic circle.


Our graduation is going to
take place during this leg of

the race which is a really
difficult thing to miss.

I think the fact that we're
missing our college grgs is a

testament to how dedication...
graduation is a testament to

how dedicated we are.

Can we go faster?

We can't take our time.

We're in a race.

The arctic circle.

Oh, my God.

Thank you, Jesus.

We're going to ice.

We're going to go from 100 to zero.

You're headed to the arctic circle.

Let's go.

Did I mention that I hate snow?

Let's go.

We're here.


I'm half Swedish so it's kind of
cool that we get to go to Sweden.

I do not speak Swedish at all.

I can say dumb girl, dumb boy
and dumb monkey in Romanian.

Arctic circle.

That's where we're headed.

We need to go to the airport.

You're headed to the arctic circle.

Oh, my God.

That's going to be raisey.

... Crazy.

We came in sixth and we are down.

So we went through our clothes
and we were like, let's just be

who we really are.

She's very bright and I got my zebra
pink shorts on and we're ready to go.

And take charge.

I'm ready to go into some ice.

Guess it's time to
put on some clothes.


Here's where we check
in with our tickets.

Checkin time, 4:30.

So let's camp here.

Let's go.

All right.

We have the express pass but I'm
not going to panic and just

use it until I have to.

Because then it's a waste.

Fly to the city of kiruna.

My homeland.

My people.

Let's do this.

We know we have a
speed bump coming up.

We're fighting for our lives and we're
both very mentally focused right now.

I want to know the quickest
possible flight to kiruna.

There's a flight departing
from Frankfurt at 7:35.

Hopefully we can try and
switch our flights because it

leaves about two hours earlier.

Stop here.

Stop here.

Thank you.

Is this a ticketing office?

Teams that arrived at the
airport earlier didn't find out

about the earlier flights.

Should we tell them our plan?

Yeah, we should.

We should?

We decided to confide in
Gary and mallory because

they're a father-daughter
team like we're father-son.

So we can relate to them.

There's an earlier flight
from Frankfurt to kiruna.

If we get this right flight we're
going to get there two hours earlier.

You got speed bump.

You got to get this.

Do we have enough time between
tween connections to make it?

We only have an hour.

We're going to have to run.

Teams might start to get suspicious.

We need to talk to a ticket office.

We'll talk to these people.

You can't help us get a
flight, you can yet?


You can check and see if
there are any tickets?

Let's see.

Thank you.

Wow, this is brilliant right here.

See, you got to have a girl.


Let's try to find an earlier flight.

Where are the doctors?

I know nat and Kat are making a plan
and that's what we always want to do.

There's an Internet cafe.

They're probably looking at flights.

That's probably where they're at.

Doing research.

How stupid are we?

Here comes your biofriend.

This is it.


For sure.

We found a flight.

On 3,000?


No problem.

You're happy.


Thank you.

Thank you.

Oh, he's my best friend
in the whole world.

I'm so glad I got blond hair.

We think mallory and Kevin
scheduled something.

We think there's an earlier flight.

They're really happy about it.

There's an information desk there.

Let's go check.

I say we book it.

We went ahead and purchased
tickets on some earlier flights.

We'll be getting in two hours
before the later flight.

Here they are.

Did you find any quicker flights?

Nat and I are feeling
closer to Brook and Claire.

They're giving us positive energy.

Right now we're on the 9:50
there's a 7:30 or 7:00 something.

We decided to share the information.

We have to run, run, run,
because we only have an hour.

Hello, sir.

We have a flight already.

We're wondering if there are any
quicker flights to get to kiruna?

All the flights are fully booked.

No standby, no nothings?


We think they got something better
but we couldn't get it booked.

We're stuck with our normal seats.

This is the worst graduation.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

All the teams were together
on the first flight but if we

can get on the connecting
flight, we should be able to

not get last place again
and stay in this race.

It's everything to us right now.

We've got to run between gates.

It's going to be tight.

All teams are now traveling to Frankfurt,
Germany, en route to kiruna, Sweden.

Excuse us.

Thank you.

Trying to catch a flight.



We're in a big hurry.

Let's go, dad.

We'll be two hours ahead.

We have to run.

I'm right behind you.

What's going on?

Do you see everybody?

Excuse us.

Excuse us.

We're trying to catch a flight.


Come on.

Shortcut, I think.

Hold the elevator, sir.

It's going to be at
the very end, right?

Good thing we've been jogging.

Come on, dad.

I got you.

This is the run of our lives.

We made it.

We did it.

Awesome job.

We barely made it after a sprint.

We have tickets.

We have a speed bump this leg.

We can't miss it.

Thank you so much.

We made it.

We got to get there.

That was a bad idea.

This is so bad right now.

This is so bad right now. This sucks.

We can't miss it.

Pink ran for it.

We think nat and Kat got through.

And the asians.

We made it.

We made it.

We were running.

We didn't think we
were going to make it.

Sprinted here.

It took forever.

So scary.

We're in the bottom chunk.

We found out that the other teams
did get on the other flight.

We're now in a five-way
sprint to not get last.

Welcome to Sweden.

Look at these cars.

I like these cars better
than the cabs in Ghana.

The game begins.

This is the coolest place.

We are finally at the arctic circle.

We're going to an ice hotel.

I see ice hotel.

We had to find a way to get an advantage
and so we got the first flight in.

I'm so excited to see the ice hotel.

I think it's right here.


No, it's right there.

Ice hotel, right?


There it is.

Ice hotel.

I told you.

Turn around quick.

Told you, told you, told you.

We're just going to
follow Gary and mallory.

Come on, girls.

Ice storage.

Yes, good girl.

Oh, my God.

Oh, wow.

Oh, my gosh, you guys.

This is amazing.

This is incredible.

My fiance calls me an ice princess.

I might have to borrow that later.

It's quite pretty.

This is a clue?

Teams must now figure out
that the clue etched in the

block of ice is leading them to this lodge,
where they'll find their next clue.


It's not that heavy.

Let's go.

I bet it's in here.

Oh, my gosh.

Here's a clue.

We got a speed bump, dad.

Having been safe from
elimination, Michael and Kevin

have now hit a speed bump, an extra
task that only they must complete.

In this speed bump, Michael
and Kevin must sit on this

furniture made from blocks of ice for 10
minutes before continuing on the race.

Oh, man.

I'm wear wearing soccer shorts
... I'm wearing soccer shorts.

I wish in Ghana we had this chair.


Do you know what this means?

It's a camp by lake.

Thank you so much.

Let's go.

Got it.

Let's get in our car.

Let's follow them.

This is starting to hurt.

Feels like needles are like
sticking into my butt cheeks.

This is hard.

Harder than I thought.

It's ok because I'm used to technique.

One side of my behind,
try to shift it.

Your time is up.


Thank you.

Let's get our clue.

We should have brought
gloves and butt pads.

Hello, sir.

Left, then left.

Thank you, sir.

The trail that we're supposed
to take is apparently unmarked.

Maybe this is the dirt road.

Four girls in the middle of the
woods on the... woods, all

of a sudden their car stalls and that's
when the axe murderers come out.

We're in the woods.

There's a clue box.

Park here.

All right.

Let's see it.

It's a road block.

Who is feeling kind of mushy?

The ground in kiruna is covered
with snow eight months of the year.

Making dog sleds the fastest
form of transportation.

But these snow dogs can't be allowed
to lose their muscle in the offseason.

Teams will now find out exactly
what it takes to keep these

animals in shape during
the dog days of summer.

Using a summer training sled, teams
mush their dogs down this forest trail.

Along the way snatching five
different flags they can trade

for a shipment of fur pelts.

For every flag they miss, teams perform
a penalty lap around the hunter's camp.

Then they must lead their dogs
back to the start of the course

where they can exchange the
pelts for their next clue.

Ok, you can do it.

It's this way.

You're going to mush dogs, dude.

That's awesome.

Good, doggy.

Good, doggy.

We're the first team here.

Ready, dad?

Go, dad!

You got it, dad!

All right.

All right.

Good doggy, good doggy, slow,
steady, steady, steady.

All right, good doggy.

Slow, slow, slow, slow.

Ok, doggy.

Good job.

I'm enjoying.

Don't fight, don't fight.

That's a bear.

I guess it's a fake bear.


I'll do it.

You got this.


All right, come on.

Full speed, doggy.

Go, go, go.

All right.


Good job, doggies.

This is awesome.


Mush, mush.

Go get them, Claire, you got this.

I grew up on a ranch working with
animals and we do the whole slay thing.

I was like, I can do this.

I felt like really rough and rustic.

Come on, doggies, you
can do it, let's go!

There's a hunter's camp right there.


Don't bite.


Thank you, thank you.

Thank you, sir.

Go, go, go.

All right, parking.

Let's go.

Head northeast toward...

they're all behind us.

We're fourth out of five?


We're in the back of the pack.

We're truly the caboose
of this train right now.

This is so much fun.

Slow down, doggies.

Oh, sh**t.

I missed one back there.

I have to stand up on the rims
because I'm so short, like this.

How cool is this, mallory?

I'm going to hook up our great dains
and pug at our house and do this.

Go, go, go, dogies.

Let's pass.

Let's go guys.

Good job, dogs.

I got the best dogs.

These are my dogs.


Let's pass them, let's pass them.

Oh, no.

To the left, to the left.

Go, go, go, go!

Good dogies.

Come on, doggies.

Damage it.

I have four.

I feel like a magician.

I ran a penalty lap because
I missed the first flag.

Thank you so much.

I can give you a kiss?

We have this kiss count going.

Claire kissed number six today.

He was like a Swedish chief.

Now ok?

Thank you, sir.

Hi, there.

How are you?

Ice hotel.


Let's go.

Let's go.

Let's go.

Ice storage.

What do we do?

Read that.

This is it.

We got to find this place.


Let's go.

Let's go.


You can tell us what this means?

Excuse me, miss, could you
tell us what this means?

I can show you at the beginning.

Then you just continue.

Do you have the directions?


Come on, sweetheart.

Don't let them get away.

Come on, Stephanie.

I can't.

I need your jacket.

Ok, here.


It's so slippery.

I don't see anybody.

Doggy, go.

We're almost home.

Good job, dad, let's go.

You're in the lead.

Here are the pelts.

How fun was that?

So much fun.

Drive yourselves to the train station.

Teams must now drive through
the Swedish countryside to the

train station where they'll
find their next clue.

We got here first.

I told you.


Let's go, let's go.

We missed it.

Way to go, Claire.

Thank you.

That was so much fun.

Good job, mal.

Thank you.

That was awesome, natty.

This is for you.

Good job, Katrina.

It looks like we are all
neck in neck and Jill and

Thomas are nowhere to be found.

Park here.

Let's go.

Come on, Stephanie.

Come on.

It's right here, babe.

I'll do it.


Should I do it?


I am doing this road block.

You are.

Come on, baby girl.


We're the last.

I'll do it.


Let's go.

Are you sure it's this way?

Go, we're in last place.

Do you know that?

Yes, I hear you.

Are we good to go?

Yeah, Connor!

Come on, guys.

Good puppies.

This is awesome.

Go, baby, go, baby, go, yeah.


Go, puppy, go!

Come on, babe.

Jill, honey.


Let's go.

What do you think I'm doing?

Did we miss an arrow?

I don't think this is right.

It's like we're running into nowhere.

Good job, Katie!

Let's go, guys.

Quicker, quicker, quicker.

Go, city of, go.

I love animals... go, stev, go!

I love an malice.

I've been wanting a
huskey forever, forever.

These dogs are amazing.

So happy I got to do this road block.

This can't be right.

We're going to the lodge, right?

Does it say which direction?


So where do we go?

I don't know.

So we're screwed here.

Do you see a lodge?

Did we miss an arrow?

We're way too far off.

Let's go back.

Let's go back.

We just totally ruined ourselves.

We just ran a mile for no reason.

If you want to use the express pass?

We don't need to panic yet.

Come on, dogs.

You got it.

Come on, puppies.

Go, puppies, yeah.

Good dogs, good dogs.

Get them, get them.

I'm coming, Connor, I'm coming, baby.

I'm going to get you.

Let's go, let's move.

Pick up speed.

Good puppies, I love you.

I want to take them home with me.

They're working so hard.

They're doing way more of
a race than me right now.

Just hit it.

Hit it, go.

You got it, babe.

Oh, my God.

Mush, mush, mush, mush.

Go baby, you got it.

We're pretty confident that
we're in first place right now.

We're doing good, dad.

Ok, I see a train station.

Clue box, clue box.

Let's go.

Man, it's cold.

It is cold.


The unspoiled wilderness in
this part of the world is

not only a haven for people who
love extreme sports, but also a

refuge for people who follow the
customs of their ancestors.

Now teams must decide exactly how
they want to experience this land.

Their choice... sleds or beds?

In sleds teams make their way
to the top of this mountain and

then using an extremes sports
gadget called a tech sled, they

must speed down the difficult
course and both reach the

finish line in less than
one minute and 58 seconds.

If they succeed teams will
receive the next clue.

If they don't make it to the
finish line in the allotted

time, they must make their way
back to the top and try again.

In beds teams make their way to
this encampment of people who

are descendants of the
earliest Scandinavian nomads.

Then using traditional
materials, teams must build a

tent-like dwelling known as a gorti.

I wish I could do the sled but
I'm scared you can't do, it dad.

There it is.

Clue box.

It is cold.

We're not in Ghana anymore.

I think the sled.

That sounds awesome.

The sled's right here.

We got to get up here.

Dad this might take hours.

That's fine.

Let's not get fluftered.

Oh, jeez.

It's falling all over.

Oh, God, man.

Come on, guys.

Yeah, Connor.

Nice job, Connor.

Thank you very much.

Thank you.

Come on, babe.

Your dogs are awesome.

Thank you very much.

Let's do it.

Yeah, Katie!

Thank you.

Let's get there and figure it out.

Right here.

Let's go.

Jill and Thomas do
have an express pass.

That's why Stephanie and I have
to keep in the back of our

heads that we are in last place.

Thank you.

There's a very good chance
that we may have to pull out

our express pass to bypass people.

Starting to look more like
what theirs looks like.

We have camped before.

We thought we were building
a bed, not a tent.

It's a little different
than what we expected.

Dad, focus.

All right.

Is that the train station?


Let's do the sleds.


I bet that the sled will be
easier for us and we can

definitely stand the danger.

Let's go sledding.

Is this going to be fun
to go sleder or what?

... Sledding or what?

It's going to be scary.

Oh, wow.

Look at this.

Our own private ski resort right now.

It was just calm and we were
surrounded by this very intense

dramatic landscape.

It was just breath taking.

There's the course.

This is crazy.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

This is so cool.

They're like little bikes.

Are you nervous?


I'm excited.

You have to beat one
minute and 58 seconds.




This is awesome.

It's like skiing.

It's fast.

It was so fast and so icy
and the turns were so sharp

that pulling on the brakes
didn't do much at all.

Come on, Kat.

I don't know where Kat is.

Is she ok?



I'm stuck.

You want help?

Let's get it.

Ready go.

Let's go.

Whoa, whoa.

Oh, my gosh.




Thank you.

Here she comes.

Here she comes.

What happened?

I crashed, went over the edge.

Oh, my gosh.

We have to find chair lifts.

There's a chair lift.


Good eyes, Claire.

Let's go, mal.

Let's go, mal.

One second, all right.

We got it.


Wait, we didn't get that?

We have to beat it.

Are you serious?

Let's go.

One second.

It's starting to look good.

This was the hard part,
to get this tent up.


We need to get beds.

You get twigs.

My feet are like so
frost-bitten right now.

I'm wearing ankle socks.

Come on, Kat.

Come on.

Drive yourself to the pit stop.

Teams must now drive themselves across
the frigid landscape to this line in the


The Norwegian border.

The last team to check in
here may be eliminated.

This is awesome.

So much fun.

We are going to go left.

Take it on the wider edge.

Go, go, go, go.

We're doing good.

Go, go, go, go.

There we go, good job.

You're going around this
course, you're like... rrr...

and I'm trying, I just know my
face is like... oh, my God.

That was so fun.


We're almost there.


Oh, my God, that was fun.

That was awesome.

That was stellar.

Go, dad, go.


That's what you call sad saddle right
there... side saddle right there.

Good job, guys.

Thank you.

Here's the clue.

Here we go.



We're doing the sleds.

I'm confident we can both beat
the time on the first try.

I was pumped when I saw our choices.

I was not.

I've never even ridden
anything like that before.

A snowmobile, nothing like.

That but I know Chad enjoys
being on the mountain so I

wanted to hack it for him.

Oh, lord have mercy.

This looks like it's the border.

Let's go.

Over there.

I see it.

There's Phil.



Thank you.

Nat and Kat, you are team number one.

Now, as you know, when you come into
the pit stop first, there is a prize.

And you guys have won a trip for two and
you will be going to beautiful beliz.

You'll spend five nights at the windy
hill resort in the foothills of the myian

mountains where you'll be cave
tubing, zip lining and riding

on horseback through the jungle trail.

We're so happy.

We are a team to be beckoned with.

We want to be the first women
to win "The Amazing Race."

If we could keep on playing our own game
and staying focused, we'd be happy.

That's the train station right there.

There's one left.

Let's do sleds.


Let's do that.

Ok, come on.

Let's finish this.

Spread the trees out.


Welcome to our home.

Very good.


Thank you, thank you.

All right, ladies, thank you.


Is that it up there?

Claire, come on.

Good job, guys.

Gary and mallory, you
are team number two.

Brooke, that would mean that
you're team number three.

... Brook and Claire, that would
mean you're team number three.

We could easily bypass
this and k*ll everybody.


Brake, brake.

I'm trying.

Get up, get up, get up.

Oh, God.

Keep going.



Oh, damage.

This is a really fast track.

Don't tell me.

That brake before you
go into the turn.


Are you ready to go?


When I saw the course,
my heart dropped.

I've never been more scared,
honestly in my entire life.

Chad, are you going to go first?

I'll go ahead of you.

I want you to go ahead of me.


Oh, my God.

Take it easy.

Oh, my God.

From the second I started on the
course I was shaking from head to toe.

I just don't like going
down the steep hills.

Chad, I'm right behind you, go faster.



Come on.

Get back on.

I couldn't slow down.

I was going so fast.

I lost control and I didn't
know how to stop it.

Oh, God.


Brake as much as you can.

Chad, I'm so scared.

Don't even try or anything.

You got to do it again.

That was so hard.

Ok, let's go, let's go, let's go.

There is the lift.

Rachel, come on.

Get up on your knee, Stephanie.

Oh, my God.

Chad, I cannot do this.

Oh, my God.


It's not that bad.

She's letting her head get to her.

Rachel, come on.

Get in front of her.



Stephanie, let's go.

There's two other teams here now.

Let's go.

All right.

Are we by ourselves here?

Looks like it.

This thing looks like it
could take some time.

I don't know if this is the best idea.

We just totally lost our lead.

We're in last place right now.

Should we use our express pass?

We don't want to get eliminated
and not use our express pass.

Come on, we got to go back down.

Get off the lift.

I'm done.

I'm done.

I don't think this is a
good idea for us to do.

All right.

Screw it.

Ok, let's go.

Let's go.

I think we're going to
give you our express pass.

Here you go.

Thank you.

Drive yourselves to the next pit stop.

We would have been done.

This is definitely the best choice.

Did you see me fall?

I mean, I literally... the whole
thing landed on top of me.

You don't want to try it again?

I'm sorry, I can't.

It scared the out of me.

I crashed three times.

And the thing landed on top of me.

I almost went over the entire gate.

Gate. I'm sorry.

Chad, I'm done.

I'm sorry.

All right, come on.

I'm sorry.

I gave it a shot.

I tried.

We're giving up.

Let's go.

Michael and Kevin,
you're team number four.

Very proud of yourself it's.

We just concentrate, this
may be our last test.


Please, please.

Saying that Connor is better
at the sledding than I am is a

gross understatement.

Connor can sled, I cannot.

I was actually scared that I was
gallon to really hurt myself.

The... I was really scared that
I was going to hurt myself.

I thought I'd end up in Norway.

All right.

This is not my cup of tea.

Johnny isn't doing too great.

But he's doing his best and
that's all I can ask for.

Ok, gleas again.

This is k*lling me.

You're ok.

I feel like my ankle is broken.

Damn it, Stephanie, this
is going to be a bitch.

We got to hustle.

I'm sorry.

I was in the boy scouts, thank God.

Follow me.

Focus, focus.

This is easy.

This is simple.

That's my girl.

We're more a physical
couple than mental.

We like to snowboard, we love
to ride motorcycles, it went

hand in hand with our skills.

That's my girl, you did.

It I told you it was easy.

Thank you.

They got it?

This isn't good.


Here we go, Katie.


I feel like my brakes don't work well.

Brake hard.

Brake hard.

Are you ok?



This is too much.

I can't control it.

I hate flying down mountains on ice
at fast speeds and suddenly...

Katie, Katie, Katie.

Oh, God.

I guess we're going to go
switch and do the other detour.

Just don't give up.

We have to stay positive.

Oh, my God.

Please brake.

Please brake.

Oh, God.

Oh, God.


Are you ok?

The sled and I did not agree.

It was becoming, like, truly painful.

Who wants to make a bed?

We surrender.

I was the worst sledding experience...
that was the worst sledding experience.


You are team number five.

All right.

Sounds like you had to make a
very important move today.

You had to use your express pass.

We just got ourselves behind.

So we had to make a decision.

I think we made the right one.

There's the thing up there.

They're almost done.

The volleyball team just came up here.

We're still in it.

This sucks.


You build the beds and I'll
start building the fire.

Nick and Vicki, are
you team number six.

Oh, my God!

Bed, here we go.

This is like sledding all over again.


They're just getting here.

They didn't do it.


Come in and get it.

Shut up.

Hopefully they're not frickin
boy scouts or something.

We're not out of it yet.

Once we got to the tent making we saw
Chad and Stephanie and Katie and Rachel

and we were thrilled that
we still had a chance.

Pitching a tent.

Come on, Stephanie, we got it.


We're done.

This sucks.

Please say no.

Is that all right?


Thank you so much.

Oh, God.

Damn it.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

Let's go.

I'm sorry I disappointed you.

You didn't disappoint me.

Get the matches.

I don't know if this is going
to be nufe nice enough.

Damn it.

We saw that the other team had to
keep on going back to the judge.

We were really fast with
getting that thing up.

I think we're good.

Just have to move the pelts and stuff.

Chad and Stephanie, you are team
number seven and you're still racing.

I'm so happy.

You seem to be in good spirits.

It was really scary that he
was disappointed in me and I

was going to lose it for us.

I shouldn't have pushed
Stephanie so much but we did it

and here we are still in the race.

That's it.

Let's go.

Let's try to get this.

We beat them.

You're doing great, Johnny.

You too, Connor.

This is good?

Yeah, it's perfect.

It is?


Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Oh, crap.

Don't give up.


Let's go.

We have to take the e-10 west.


What do you think?



The last ones to check
in may be eliminated.

To the pit stop.

We thought wemp really in last today.

Thought we were very screwed.

We did our best.

It's not over yet.

It's not over yet.

Oh, God.

We're cutting this close.

We never gave up.

Anything can happen.

Oh, my God.

Is this it?

Oh, my God!


That tent.

There it is.

Oh, my gosh!

Katie and Rachel, by the skin of your
theeth, you are still in this race.

You are team number eight.

You played it real close.

Thank you very much.

Connor and Jonathan, you are
the last team to arrive.

Yeah, we figured.

I'm sorry to tell you that you have
been eliminated from the race.

We graduated today so it's fun.

It's like we graduated from
Princeton and the race.

All in one day.

This was one of the most
incredible experiences of our

lives and I couldn't think of
anyone better to share it with.

It was a really nice ending
to an unbelievable adventure.

Road blocks and legs we are the last team
to arrive and Phil will send us home

next week on "the amazing
race," nat and Kat celebrate

Christmas Norwegian style.

Texture of it is grossing me out.

Oh, God.

And Claire is left hanging.

I can't do this.

You got to fight through it.
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