17x08 - Ali Baba in a Suit

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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17x08 - Ali Baba in a Suit

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The Amazing Race"...
Seven teams

race through St.
Petersburg, Russia.

A detour under the big top sent
Chad and Stephanie spinning,

while Michael and Kevin's
mistake had teams talking.

Mike and Kevin took a taxi here.

At the roadblock, Kat swung
into the lead as the

doctors won their third
leg of the race.

You are, in fact, team number one!

Stephanie, please!

Stephanie lost a showdown
against Michael.

But she and Chad call
it a break at the mat.

Mike and Kevin, they're baiting
out a one-hour penalty which

means you are item number six.

Sending the father and
son out of the race.

Michael and Kevin, I'm sorry to
tell you that you've both been

eliminated from the race.

Six teams remain.

Who will will... be eliminated

this is St.
Petersburg, Russia.

Founden as a military
stronghold by Peter the great,

this imperial city is renowned
for its majestic architecture

and massive seaport and the
fortress, which is also the

seventh pit stop in a
race around the world.

Nat and Kat, the first to arrive,
will depart at 1:06 A.M.

Teams will fly more than 4,000 miles
to the city of muscat in Oman.

They must make their way to
this man, who will give them

an ingold with their inscribed
time, where they'll go to this

port and receive their next clue.

I knew that running the race as
a diabetic was going to be a


But I've kind of gotten crafty
at running our schedule where

I'm safe.

We're going to get our tickets
and then head to the airport.


Let's go.

Travel agency?

I know I'm never going
to be as fast as Brook.

I think the only reason why I'm
pushing myself this hard is

because I don't want
to disappoint her.

As I see her on backpack.


Fly to the city of muscat.

I'm constantly like
stressed out of my mind.

Address to the hotel?

Me, I don't really like
to make new friend.

Watch yourself.

I'm fine with that.


We need to go to muscat, Oman.

You'll get there at 8:55 P.M.

This is the one with the
earliest arrival, correct?


Ok, wonderful.

Let's go!

These last few legs we've
had such a wonderful time.

I have three brothers and
sisters and it's very rare I

get to spend time with my dad.

We hope the travel
agent is still open.

Come on, baby.

Go in there.

We need the quickest
flight out of here.

What can you do for us?

Let's do it.

We're starting off in
the back of the pack.

That's not a good place for us
to be so we definitely need to

make less mistakes.

I'm ready to get back
into first place again.

Has anybody seen Chad or Stephanie?

Nobody's seen them yet.

Arrive at 8:55.

Thank you very much.

Arrive at muscat, 8:55.

No seats, unfortunately.


You will be there at 10:35.

That's two hours later
then to Amsterdam.

Thank you.

We just got the last seats on
this flight with Thomas and Jill.

They'll be lucky to even get on.

Hey, have you seen Chad and Stephanie?

I wonder if they overslept.

Have you guys seen Chad and Stephanie?

I think they slept in.

Like our worst nightmare.

Don't even talk about that.

That would be horrible.

Oh, my God, Chad.

He just woke up.

First time this has ever happened.

We were two hours late to our
release because we just zonked out.

This would be such a lame
excuse to be out of the race.

We were frantic.

Like what are we doing?

Find the city of muscat.

Let's not talk about this.

This experience in the race has
taken a toll on our relationship.

I'm trying to be on your team!

Late rally, the whole
thing laid on top of me.

I'm sorry.

We're giving up.

We got taken out mentally
out of the game.

I want to work this without together!

No seats.

No one has outright beat us.

It really has been us being
careless that has not allowed

tougs finish where we
potentially could.

We got on the first flight along
with Brook and Claire and

traveling ahead of the other
teams is always a little bit

more relaxing.

So if I run this flight with Nick
and vick and mallory and Gary.

We don't know about
Chad and Stephanie yet.

So muscat at 10:45.

Luckily we were able to get a
flight 10 minutes after the

majority of the teams.


You're welcome.

Hopefully we're going to
gain some time and catch up

with them a little bit.

All teams are flying to muscat, ohman.

... Oman.

First cab.

First cab.

Go fast, go fast.

Berg... this is definitely
different than where we've been.

It's 90-plus degrees
and very, very humid.

I can just imagine what
it's like in the daytime.

It's hot out.

We still don't know if Stephanie
and Chad are going to be here.

We landed early, which is awesome.

Do you see anybody yet?

I see everybody over there.

Oh, my God!

How'd they get here?

They arrived at the same time.

That's crazy.

We were surprised to see them
but they were definitely

more surprised to see us.

Ok, that's where we have to go.

It's got to be around
here somewhere, you guys.

Yes, right here.



Ok, the first one... thank you.

The time engraved on your ingot.

We have some time.

All right, my man, speed racer, right?



Thank you very much.

Kim, we got to get there really fast.

Chad and Stephanie are
minutes behind us.

It was such a huge shock
to see Stephanie and Chad.

We're in a big race.

And we're last right now so
we have to catch... catch up.

Where is it?

That's where we have to go.

Go, go!

Where you at, mal?

Right here.

Hurry, hurry.



Thank you.

We were next.

Dang it!

We were very behind this morning
and very lucky to catch a flight.

Chad and I made a mistake and
we're moving on from it.

We just need to wipe the slate

we just need to wipe the slate clean and move forward.


Walk over here.

I decided about a month ago that I
wanted to propose to Stephanie.

She is the one for me and I think
I'm ready to make that commitment.

My mother passed away my
freshman year of college.

My stepdad gave me my mom's
ring and I have basically been

carrying it with me in each country
until I ask her to marry me.

You've come into my life and
done so many amazing things.

You've taught me so much.

I couldn't see spending my life
with anybody else other than

with anybody else other than you.

I couldn't see spending my life
with anybody else other than you.

Stephanie oh, my God!

Will you spend the rest of your
life with me and marry me?

I will.




I love you.

I love you too.

I really wasn't expecting it.

It was awesome.

It was ominutic.

Perfect, really.

Yay, way to go!



I think it's his mom's.

This is your mom's?


Oh, it's so pretty.

It's beautiful.

My mom, wherever she is, if
she's looking down, I think she

would be very happy that I asked
Stephanie to marry me with her ring.

Ready to go.

Thank you.

There's the box.



Drive yourselves to...
teams must now drive

themselves to jebel shams, the
tallest mountain in Oman.

At the base of the mountain a
safety driver will take them to

the top due to the
treacherous conditions.

Here they'll find their Knicks clue.

Let's go.

And our car.

We don't want to drive too far.

We need to ask for directions.

Where are we doing be the?

The map we have is a little vague.

Seems like a while away.

Ready to go.

Thank you.

Good job, babe.

Drive yourselves to... ok.

Look, someone's pulling
up in a car over here.

We're trying to get to jebel shams.

Back that way.

Thank you so much.

We have to figure out
where this place is.

We need to ask somebody.

Cleefrl, honey.

Where's the attitude?

I don't know, I don't live here.

Do you know how to get to jebel shams?

Thank you.

These people are extremely nice
even though we're right up in

their face like... I know.

Drive yourselves to...
search for your next clue.

Find a road.

I'm looking at a map.


They have a map.

It takes just as long to look
at the map and try to get

an understanding of it as it is
to and a local that for sure

knows where to tell to you go.

Excuse me.

We need to find jebel shams.

Check the shell station.

Just keep going this way, right?



He said going that way.

We're going the right way.

Hey, shut up.


I'm so serious about that.

Shut up.

Ok, sorry.

You have no common sense in your body.

I'm going to go home the next
time you give anybody any advice.

He's probably laughing at
your dumb ass right now.

This it?



Are we the first team?



You'll get us up there
nice and quick and safe?

You think this is right?

It's right.

Why are you questioning it.

It's on our map?

I see what you're saying.

It is right.

This has been a bad, bad move.

It's exciting.

We were going up and away.

I'm definitely glad he's driving.

Look how high we are.

Oh, we're doing something cool.

Come on.

Yeah, there we go.

Who wants to add a little
magic to their life?

Rising 10,000 feet above the
desert floor, jebel shams

is the tallest mountain in Oman.

Teams must rappel 500 feet onto
the side of the mountain, where

they'll have to search for magic
lamps containing one with a ring.

Once they get here, he'll
give them their next clue.

What do you want to do?

I don't want to do it.

Ok, I'll do it.

Good luck.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

I normally don't have any
issues with heights but...

it was the grand canyon
of Oman, though.

It really was.



Holy could you.

... Holy cow.


This is freaking crazy.

Holy cow.


Oh, my God.

This is freaking gorgeous.

Right there.

Who wants to add a little
magic to their life?

Go ahead.


Rapple into a... rappel.

I'm going to rapple down.

Rappel, rappel.


Oh, my God.

This is incredible.

Look at that.

That is amazing.

I definitely do have a fear of
heights just in a really high area.

My stomach starts dropping,
my heart starts racing.

Ok, I'm not looking down.

Good God.

Holy cow.

I'm looking for a ring in
one of these lanterns.

Holy cow.

Ovepblgt this is insane.

Oh, my God!

My feet.


Ah, there's so far to go.


Down, down.

Should we stop and ask one?

I don't see any towns up here.

I feel like we're in
the middle of nowhere.

This isn't right, mal.

I think we made a fatal mistake
by coming to the north side.

We came straight what
it said on the map.

I don't really know
what to do from here.

I can't believe I just did that.

Wow, that was pretty insane.


We have to find a ring.

The jeweler's got here.

There we go.

Got it.

Got it.

Holy cow.

Thank you.

Here you go.

Drive yourselves to the town
of... teams must now drive

themselves to this giant stack
of books where they'll find

their next clue.

We're number one.

We just have to keep it right now.

Found it!

Found it.

Sir, I found it.

Thank you.



Drive yourselves to the
town of... ok, let's do it.

Right there, sir.

Oh, they're just getting there.

Hey, good luck, guys.

Good job.

I found the ring like
five minutes after him.


Rappel into Oman's grand canyon.

Search for a magic lantern
containing the ring that will

marry you... excuse me, mister.

I can't stand heights.

I'll do the road block.

I'm honestly not scared
of anything but bugs.

I'm really excited.

Oh, my God.

They're just getting to the roadblock
and we're already finished.

Who wants to add a little
magic to their life.

Do you want me to do it?

Claire comes out of nowhere.

Oh, it's rappelling, I have this.


We're lost.

We're trying to get to jebel shams.

Go right and go straight.

Thank you.

I don't think anybody could
be more lost than us.

You follow that road?


It's not good.

Hail Mary, full of grace,
please help us to find this

place and to get there.

Thank you.

We need to give up on this damn map.


And go by their directions.

This is frustrating.

You hate to go out of the race
with something like this.

I have to keep thinking that
maybe there's still a chance.

It's way cool.

That's a big ol' canyon right there.

I feel like spider man.

Or spider woman, whatever.


That was really fun.

I have to find a lantern that
has a ring inside of it.

So I have to look for a lamp.

R I said to myself just don't
look, just don't look.

I opened my eyes and the canyon
was right in front of me and my

heart justified many
... In my throat this.

Is insane.

We're in first right now.

This is exciting.

There's a stack of books.

There it is.


It's right on top, Stephanie.

Good job.

Good job.

A stack of booms... books.

Boom, they're right up there.


Te dour.

... Detour.

Life in the desert can seem
impossible but since the

days of anticty this harsh
world has sustained them

physically and spiritually.

Teams will explore water
table or wedding table.

In water table, teams pump water
from an ancient well deep

beneath the earth's surface.

Once their water t*nk is
fill they must navigate the

confusing streets searching for
the house where they'll get

their next clue in.

Wedding table, teams make their
way to this arab market, where

themselves purchase the
ingredients for a tranl ever

traditional wedding soup meant
to bring health and virility.

When they present the soup,
teams will get their next clue.

Come on, babe, run.

Get down.

I don't want them to see us.

Who is it?

It's got to be Jill and Thomas.


Cooking can be time consuming.

He is clueless in the kitchen.

This is so bizarre.

There's a bazillion lamps.

Oh, yeah.


Got it.


Thank you so much.

Thank you.

She's coming back.

They both are.

Come on, Claire, let's go!

Drive yourself to the town of...
That's where we just were.

Let's go!

Come on, baby cakes.

Air is going out of our
back left fire... tire.

No way.

We have a flat.

One of their tires is leaking.

Let's go.

I guess one of their tires is leaking.

This is a joke, man.

Are you kidding me?

How do I do this?

Good luck.

It sucks.

It sucks. Damn.

Babe, just calm down.

Don't get pissed off.

This is... dude.

Hurry up, we have to hurry.

Where's the Jack?

Just please calm down.


We were doing so good.

We were in front of the girls.

We can't afford to get lost because
everyone's right on our tail.

That's good.

Go ahead, get in.

I can't believe that happened to us.

And we could have freakin'

beat Claire and Brook today.

We will.

I'm hoping we can make
up the time we lost.

I don't know what to say, dad.

I just want to be in
this race, that's all.

They're still behind us.

Keep your eyes peeled.

It's pretty cool, race
for first right now.

Oh, water trucks.

This is it.

We have to find a truck, choose a
marked water truck with a driver.

Stephanie, who do you want to pick?

Hello, how's it going?

We want to pull some water
from the watering hole.

Look, there's the blue
truck right there.


Careful what?

I'm driving.

Jill and Thomas are here.

Marked water truck with driver.

All right, let's do this.

Here we go.

We have to fill it all the way up?

To the top.

It just happened to be an old
pump that you had to start

with a motor with a string
that was attached to it.


Hole ere when.

All right.

... Holler when.

All right.


Almost there.

Tell me when.

All right, go, go, go.

Good job.


Come on.

Ok, you have to deliver your water
in a neighborhood known as...

they're going already.

Are you allowed to help us?


Do you want to stop somewhere?



We good?

All right.

All right, let's do it.

Let's do this.

We gotten a address to
an individual's name.

We know we're in a head-to-head
race with Chad and Stephanie.

They had to go to a different address.

There's a gas station and
it's at the top of the road

that I would like you to go to.

All right, man, as
fast as you can drive.

Oh, my gosh.

There's the clue.

The big books.

This is so cool.

Water table or wedding table.

You would think girls like
ourselves would cook.

We don't.

Who wants to add a little
magic to their lives?

We're terrified of heights.

We made a deal at the beginning
that if there was a roadblock

that involved heights
it would be all me.

A mountain goat.

The whole race so far
we've not had a map.

I'm a pilot, I like maps.

I like navigating with maps
and it ended up costing us.

I'm sorry, mal.

It's not your fault at all.

I'm disappointed.

I wouldn't have gotten this
far if it weren't for you.

We have to go into the
neighborhood known as... go to

the gas station.

Can you help us?

We're trying to find
this neighborhood.

No, I don't know.

Turn it around.

Let's go ask somebody else.

Can we ask this guy?


Excuse me.


We need to maybe a delivery.


Yeah, you will?

Thank you.

Thank you.

All right, we're in a race.

As fast as possible.

Yeah, follow, follow, please.

Thank goodness for these
nice people in Oman.

Whoa, stack of books right there.

Water table or wedding table?


Water truck.

We went and got there quick.

You veer off in the wrong
direction you're done.

I know we made up time right there.

Water truck.

Now we know exactly where we're
going because he's going there now.

I really wonder how far
behind we are now.

Oh, my gosh!


I'm trying not to look down.

Oh, wow.

Oh, my gosh.

This is crazy.

Oh, my gosh.

I think I'll enjoy the view
when I get to the bottom.

Wow, there is pretty great, though.

I'm so glad I did it.

I'd never really known much
about Oman before a couple of

days ago and it's absolutely
taken my breath away.

Will they be outside, you think?


This sit?

This is the house?

Let me get out and ask him.

Do we go to a house somewhere?


Wait here.

I hear somebody.

How's it going?

I'm Chad.

We're trying to deliver water.

We're lost.

Could you lead us to the way?

I just hope Jill and Thomas are
having as hard a time as we are.

This house is my cousin.

This is your cousin?


No way!

My goodness.

We're going to follow him.

He knows where to go.

Yeah, follow him.

We're following you.

We're here to deliver your water.

How do we do this.

Can you show us?

Do I tighten this?

Is that good?

All right, come on, Thomas.


Come on.


They're about to get their clue.


Hey, hey!

My man, my man!

That pisses me off like no other.

It really does.

It was just frustrating because
somehow, some way no matter

what we do, if we're in front
we find a way to weasel in.

We beat them.

Drive yourselves to...
teams will make their way

to the muttrah suhq, a
renowned market in muscat.

They must find this vendor, who
will give them franken sense

then must find the
famous alla harvings.


Then they'll get their next clue.

This is it?


So we have to come here.

What do we do?

We have do... to put this hose.

And clamp it.

Motor starting.


Thank you so much.

Drive yourselves to... muttrah suhq.

Bye, thank you!

We have to catch up.



Let's pump some water in
... And get this over with.

Oh, my God!

Holy cow.

The punt rockers are down there.

They are?


Pick one of those guys over there.

Let's go.

This is full.

Now I'm soaking welt.

Who cares?

They just went so we have to
get this water in here asap.

As soon as possible.

We have to have somebody
in the neighborhood.

We have to beat them, honey.

Let's go, let's go!


A little bit of the
needle in the haystack.

You can do it!

I finally found it.


Nice to see you.

Good to see you.

Sorry it took us so long.

We have been driving
for almost nine ours.

... Hours.

This is good.

This is good.

Thank you!


This is us.

All right.

Let's do it.

Dude is that them?

There they are right there.

They're done already?

We have to catch them.

We want to be number one.

How'd that happen so quickly?

Thank you.

There we go.

We just got passed by Jill
and Thomas in the detour.

We'll definitely be behind them.

There are a lot of lanterns here.

It's getting crazy.

If I get there and there are
other people trying to complete

the task I'll be pumped up.

We're going to tackle the challenge
like someone's right behind us.


Now I'm definitely getting
confused on the ones that I did

before and the ones that
I might not have done.

I feel like I've gone through
hundreds of them already.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God. This is so crazy.

Did I do this?

I don't remember.




Good job, girl!

Drive to the town of...
That was crazy.

Mal, we're still in this thing.

I know.

Who wants to add a little
magic to their life?


It's going to be a fun one.

So it's inside the muttrah suhq.

This sit.

All right, let's go.

Oh, my gosh.

Man, this is crazy.

Holy cow.

Stephanie, this is it.

Right here, Stephanie.

Through here.

Let's go.

There's a million of these.


Oh, my gosh.

How are you?

Franken sense?

Take this to Ali babba.

Ali babba?

It's right there.

Who's the owner.

I wish my dad could see it.



Other side.

He will go with you.

Oh, thank you.

You saved us.

Thank you.

Is that it?


We have to deliver water.

Ok, come.

Thank you, sir.

Oh, no problem.


Come on.

Give me one lucky break today.

Water table or wedding table?

I kind of think that's easier.

Water table.



We're getting water.


Water, water, water!

Hit the road.

Drive yourselves to muttrah suhq.

Just go.

They already did theirs.

We're racing.

Drive yourselves to the muttrah suhq.

Let's go.

Where is it?

I just want to find this
and get on with this.

This leg has been so long.

Oh, my gosh.

Found it.


There you go.

Thank you.

Let's go, mal.

Good job.

Find a stack of books
piled in a round about.

Finding that ring was hard.

Is this Ali babba?

Thank you very much.

Teams must now make their
way to al alem palace.

This stately pals is the...
palace is the pit stop for this

leg of the race.

The last team to check in
here may be eliminated.

Thank you.

Let's do it.

Ali, babba?

Thank you.

You drive, we follow.

I pay.

Yeah, there we go.

The al alem palace.


Cut it off!

How fun was that?

I think we're in first place.

I off-season... mean, I sure hope so.

Catch up with him.

Thank you very much.

Welcome to al alem.

Thank youle Jill and Thomas, you
are the first team to arrive.


However... I'm afraid to tell
you that you have incurred

the 30-minute penalty.

The rules categorically state
that you cannot pay a taxi

driver to lead you to a location.

You drive, we follow.

I pay.

You've incurred a 30-minute
penalty and I'm going

to need to you wait out that
penalty before I can check you in.

Man, that was a mistake.

That was my fault.

If I can get you guys to sit
actually on the steps over there.

Damn it.

Stupid mistake.

Stupid mistake.

Good lord.

We just lost first place.

Chad and Stephanie, quite
an emotional day, right?

Well, I want to end with some joy,
because you are team number one.



Oh, my gosh.

Damn it.


Oh, my God.

Guys, as the winners of this
leg of the race you have

won a trip for two from travelocity
and you are going to Belize.

Oh, my God!

You'll spend five nights at the
exclusive Victoria house hotel.

You'll enjoy snorkeling, and an
historical zip line for two.

And you dropped down
on your knee today.

Honestly I don't think it
could have gotten any better.

I got engaged.

I was traveling around with my
fiance and then I won a trip to


Yeah, it was pretty
much a perfect day.

Jill and Thomas?

So Jill and Thomas,
you're team number two.

Where are you?

Straight, turn?

Oh, wow, Claire.

This is one way.

Turn around.

Oh, son of a bitch!

The police came over us.

We're two little white
girls causing a backup.

Do you understand how
to get there, Claire?

No, not at all.

Is this straight?


Is that it?

Yeah, yeah.

Can you take us?

Thank you so much.

Take this to Ali baba in a suit.

Ali baba in a suit?

Come on, dad.

Let's do it.

We're going to do the water table.

It took me three years to win
miss Kentucky and I won on

my last year.

You have to keep going.

You just can never give up.

Here we are.

Take this to Ali baba in a suit.

This one?

Oh, my gosh, you don't know
how happy we are to see you.

Open it up.

Make your way to the next pit stop.

Thank you so much.

Make your way to the next pit stop.

Thank you.

Come on, Brook!

There goes Brook and Claire again.

Down here, dad.

Here's the water truck.

Come on.


Tell me when to turn it off.

When it fills up it's
going to drench you.

All right.

Now we need to go fast.

I thought it was over there.

Go right.

Isn't there a palace up there?

Over there.


Where the heck are you taking us?

What do we have here?

It's right there.


Told you.

Nick and Vicki, you are
team number three.


Oh, my God!

Is that a huge relief?


You have no idea.

Let's go.

Oh, man.

Brook and Claire, you're
team number four and you're

still in the race.

Still in the race.

That's the best shower I've
had in a couple of days.

Thank you.

Hit the road.

Drive yourselves to muttrah suhq.

Very fast, ok?

What a day today.

Can you show us?


Thank you.

There's a water truck, dad.

Oh, my gosh, is that...
there's nat and Kat.

There's Gary and mallory.

When we saw Gary and mallory
doing the water t*nk challenge,

that was... very scary.

We're still in it.

You ready for some water?

That good?


That good?

Thank you.

Hit the road.

Dad, we did it!

Here we go.


Take this to Ali baba.

In a suit?

Looking for you.

Look, this is it.

We're in the spot.

I smell it, dad.

Smells like our church.


Take this to Ali baba.

We have a present for you.

Pit stop.

Ali baba!

You're him!

Make your way to the pit stop.

Elalem palace.

You'll keep going... which
sort of brings us there.

Let's hope.

Keep going straight.

You think that's the palace?

No, this is the fort up here.

That the a team.

Who was that?

I don't know but it was a team.

Oh, my gosh.

Oh, yeah!

Right here?

I'm not feeling great
about where we are.

Is this is palace?

This is it.

The palace, yep.

Right here.

Oh, here's something.

Nat and Kat, you're still in the race.

Are you team number five.

We were hoping.

We were hoping you would say that.


Thank you.

Thank you.

Gary and mallory.

I'm sorry to tell you that you've
been eliminated from the race.

That's all right.

You really wanted to
do, this didn't you?

This is one of the best
experiences I'll have, I know

and because I got to
have it with my dad.

It's really special.

He's really special.

We share a special bond
since she was my oldest.

The boy I'd never had.

I'm just proud to have
done it with her.

I wouldn't have rather
done it with anyone else.

I wouldn't have competed in
miss America, I wouldn't have

been on "The Amazing Race" if
it weren't for the things that

my dad's taught me.

Keep going after your dreams.

You have one life and
you have to live it.

Live it full out like it's a live
it full out like it's a race.

Next week on "The Amazing Race,"
in densely populated danger la....

It doesn't smell very good.

An "The Amazing Race"

first, the double u-turn.

It's going to make or break
this leg of the face.

We need a u-turn and
they're behind us.
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