19x06 - We Love Your Country Already - It Is Very Spacious (Malawi)

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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19x06 - We Love Your Country Already - It Is Very Spacious (Malawi)

Post by bunniefuu »

In a wild race to the

Finish -- you are team number


Married couple amani and marcus

Came out on top, while liz and

Marie fell short.

You have both been

Eliminated from the race.

we just wanted to do this for

Our dad.

He passed away in December.

Seven teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

This is the kingdom of


Its diverse regions offer

Stunning tropical islands and

Ancient temples that have stood

For centuries.

And in the bustling city of

Bangkok, the serene and secret


This is the start of the sixth

Leg, as teams continue to race

Around the world.

Amani and marcus, who won the

Last leg of the race -- you are

Team number one -- will depart

First at 7:22 a.M.

fly to the -- yes!

Teams will jet their way

Across the indian ocean,

Traveling more than 5,000 miles

To the continent of africa.

Once they land in malawi, they

Must make their way to this

Tobacco warehouse to find their

Next clue.

we have four kids.

Our baby is a special needs


I have to tell myself you have

To be patient, you have to keep

Working with her.

let's get a taxi, baby.

with her, we've learned to

Appreciate the smallest


we have to show her you can't

Ever give up.

need a ride to the airport.

we've never been to africa

Before, so we're very, very


fly to malawi.

We're good to go.


Airport, please.

Thank you so much.

Africa is just fabulous.



Taxi, taxi.

We basically made a mistake in

Every single leg except for the

First one.

mistakes are inevitable in

This race.

But we can try to minimize them.

ok, fast.



I am a teacher and I teach

Special ed now.

I would do anything for my

Special ed kids.

That's how I feel about this


It is my special baby and I'm

Going to do what it takes to


we're going to africa!

I'm excited.

oh, my gosh.


Let's do this.

this guy's crazy.

We'll take him.

enough pro pain to make it to

The airport?

this guy already almost got

In an accident just picking us


you have $365 for this leg of

The race.

all right, let's go.


Here's a taxi.

Going to the bangkok airport.

bit winded, dad?

no, I'm a little bit warm.

fly to the warm heart of



all right, we're going to


let's go.

jeremy and I have been dating

For about eight months now, but

We had a pretty strong

Friendship before.

I think it's hard to

Transition from friends to


This race, we really have to

Figure out what our relationship

Really is about.

let's do this.

A new day, a new day.

All right, here's the airport.

thank you, thank you.

right here?


Can we get seats to malawi?

there's only one flight.

everyone is on this flight.

all right, thank you.

we are all on the same flight

Headed to malawi, and it's

Everyone for themselves.

we'll all be together, one

Big happy racing family.

All teams are now making

their way to lolongwe, malawi.


Does anyone know the tobacco


now we are on our way to the

Tobacco company.

we need to go to the tobacco

Warehouse in gait number seven.

We're in a race.

we've never been to africa

Before, so there's a lot to

Appreciate visually.

We're going to try to do our

Best to take it all in.

is this a taxi?

tobacco warehouse at gate


Please drive very fast, it's a


We learned that over0% of the

Country's income comes from the

Sale of tobacco leaves.

So I'm guessing that's why we

Are going to the tobacco

Warehouse now.

airport taxi.

you know this?

Tobacco warehouse, gate number


we're in a race!

this is africa.

So sick.

I've never been to africa


I've never been to africa.

There's no snow in africa.


gate seven.

we're here in malawi.

we need to go to the tobacco


We're in a race.

Hello, africa!

I'm really excited about being


This is one of the places we

Were really hoping we would get

A chance to go.

billy and cathi are still

Behind us.

We're still in good shape.

we can get a taxi.

yeah, that would be easier

Than running.

tobacco warehouse.

We love your country already.

It's very spacious.

Yes, it is.

We are farmers from the united



so we like that.

now we are on our way to

Tobacco warehouse.

this is it, this is it.

Pull up to that thing right


can you wait for us, please?


Who's ready to put up bail?

Teams will now take part

In the production of malawi's

Biggest cash crop, tobacco.

Wearing a workman's uniform,

Teams must steer massive bails

Of tobacco through this bustling

Maze-like warehouse using only a

Short-handled doll lee.

Once they're picked up and

Transported 10 200-pound bails

To the drop-off zone, the

Foreman will hand them their

Next clue.

you're doing it.

It's heavy.

I'll do it.

you got this, babe.

it's chaos.

Complete chaos.

It looks really hard.

you got it, babe!

pick up the bails from the

Grating area.

straight ahead.

It's justin and jennifer.

gate number seven.

here to the right.

go for it.

who's ready to put up bail?

I'll do it.

that's you.

those bails must have weighed

So it was a rush.

It was hard work.

holding area.

jeremy does not know what

He's doing.


go, you can do it.

come on, justin.

go, baby, go.

these bails are ridiculous.

Oh, my gosh!

excuse me!

Come on.

come on, justin!

You got it!

No, no, no.

oh, my god, they're crazy.

get out of the way!

go, justin, go!

Go, go, you got it.

we are in a mad house in a

Warehouse and their workers are

Trying to get in our way.

I was loving the roadblock.

A lot of fun.

Guys distracting, yelling


To experience what goes on here

Was incredible.

It was awesome.

go, ernie!

you got it, you got it!

is this my line?

we had to doll lee 10 of

Those bails into a line to get

Your next clue.

right here, that's my lane.

we've got a roadblock.

who is ready to put up a


I am.

all right.

yeah, right here, number


It must be in there.

there it is over there.


Who's ready to put up bail.

You want to do it?


go for it.

my dad is doing this


He's doing great.

He's owning the jump suit, he's

Doing well.

good lord, we've got traffic.

Is this a parade?

it's like we're in a parade.

What are they doing?


oh, brother.

we got bill and cathi still

Behind us and the rest of the

Guys are already gone.

we'll make it up somewhere.

yeah, we hope so.

all right, you look good,


Yeah, tommy!

it's difficult.

don't let them mess with you.

Yeah, bumper cars!



they're crazy, man.

we're stuck kind of in

Slow-moving traffic.

marcus and amani are just

Ahead of us.

We were seated at the back of

The plane.

we're really frustrated right

Now because our cab is stopped.

it's not good.

here we go.

we've got bill and cathi

Still behind us.

The rest of the guys are already


But hopefully we can catch them.

now we're moving a little


we're back on the road.

It's better than being on a


you got it, justin.

You got it.

oh, my god, they're crazy.


this is a heavy one here.

let's keep this going!

We're rolling.

doing good, dad!

moving the bails from one

Place to the other was extremely


And being an old guy, if I'm

Going to go flat-out, I'm going

To die by the end of it.

I've got to keep breathing, I've

Got to pace myself.

there's so much energy here

In malawi.

It's just all the people are so

Happy and vibrant and singing

And dancing, and it's just


I've never been to a tobacco


I'll come hang out any time.

Got to dance.

You're in africa.

you know where it is?

are you sure this is it?

do you see anything?

I don't see anything.

seven, right here, right


I hope we didn't jeopardize

Ourselves right there.

right here, right here.

who's ready to put up bale?

Bill is.

We came in in sixth position

With marcus behind us.

There's no way I'm going to make

Up time.

I spent a couple years behind

Hand trucks.

When it's time to cut the hay,

It's time to cut the hay.

seven, down there.

right here?

whose ready to put up bale?

I'll do it.

all right, baby.

wait until y'all see marcus

In that uniform.

I was trying not to laugh.

don't be laughing at my


you look cute, babe sflfment

come on, ernie!

Yeah, babe!

oh, man.

what's so funny?

this is going to be my


So we're almost there.

there's tobacco everywhere.

So really quickly, it became

Really hard to breathe.

it smelled like my dad.

My dad has been smoking as long

As I've been born.

That smell was kind of like a

Piece of home.

a nice, light one.

yeah, bud.

Run this!

my dad's doing great.

Looks a little tired, but he's

Moving some bails.

He's moving real fast.

all right, you got it.

I'm glad you did this one,


it was total chaos.

I felt like a rookie all over


The low man on the totem pole.

this is our last one.

go, ernie.

Straight shot!

Yeah, babe!

come on, justin!

You got it, you got it.

got to stay in the game here.

thank you!

let's go, babe.

make your way to memorial

Tower and search the area for

Yo next clue.

let's go.

memorial tower, sir.

that was a workout.

go, ernie!


make your way to memorial

Tower and search the area for

Your next clue.

it was hard to breathe in

There without doing anything.

thank you very much.

make your way to the memorial



Memorial tower?

Fast, fast.

marcus was struggling getting

Used to carrying the bales.

That's something none of us

Really have done.

Maybe bill on the farm, he's

Been carrying around heavy sacks

Of feed or whatever.

But to have to pick up those

Heavy-ass bales, it's crazy.

go, go, go!

thank you.


good hustle, brother.

Make your way to memorial tower.

We go fast.

We're racing, brother!

yeah, we're racing.

That was definitely a physical


memorial tower?

I think that might be it.

there's something red up


I think I see it.

come on.

Let's go.


All sewn up.

The people of malawi pride

Themselves in being resourceful.

Now teams will make use of their

Creativity by choosing all sewn

Up or not grown up.

All sewn up requires teams to

Make their way to the white

Horse designs tailor shop.

They will choose a customer who

Will lead them to a pair of

Manual sewing machines, where

They must stitch the unfinished

Seams of his pant jacket and

Suit legs.

When he is satisfied with the

Fit, he will hand over the next


Not grown up requires teams to

Visit lilongwe lea school.

Working with scrap materials,

They must build two traditional

Children's toy trucks.

When the head misstress feels it

Is ready to roll, it will be

Test-driven by the children, who

Will hand over the next clue.

we're going to choose not

Grown up.

I cannot sew to save my life.

I don't know if I can hem a pair

Of pants.

last one.

rip it off.

awesome job on that.

Make your way to the memorial



that was a k*ller.

That was a young man's deal.

memorial tower.

there it is.

babe, stay right here.



all sewn up or not grown up.

let's do all sewn up.

Can you sew?

I think we can.

I can sew.

sewing machines are difficult

And they get tricky all the


Let's go with trucks.

we'll go to the white horse

Design tailor shop in old


Do you know that one?

I don't know.

you don't know where that is?

I will ask.

we're going to do not grown

Up and build some toys for the


Teaching and kids, that's my

Whole life.

We'll build us a truck and see

Some cute kids, too.

memorial tower.



trucks, here we come.

we're choosing not grown up

Because we ain't quite grown up


yeah, dude.

Straight up.

andy and tommy are ahead of


We're right on their tail.

there's zac and laurence.

all sewn up or not grown up.

Which one is faster?

let's build a truck.

this is where the ladies

Whipped us.

Just like animals with that


bill and marcus are at the

Tail end.

We're the only ones here.

They're working hard.

All right, babe!

You got it!

Marcus and amani are good

People, but every leg is

Survival, so it's every man for


Every woman for herself.

All right, bill, you got it!

thank you, captain.

great job.

Make your way to memorial tower.

that reminds me of hauling


Oh, dog.

bill just finished and we're

The last men standing.

Seeing all the other teams

Leave, it was kind of


Disheartening. This really stinks.

all right, rock it, baby,

Rock it.

I'm proud of you.

You got it, baby.

I know you hear them chanting.

You like that.

We've been in the last position

Before and we've gone from last

To first.

So he enjoys hard work.

He appreciates what these men do

For a living.

come on!


All right, babe!

I was heading back with the


Before I knew it, like every guy

-- It was like 30 or 40 guys

Right in behind me chanting,


At that moment, it just made me

Feel so good to have all those

Guys push me, encourage me to


To have that moment, it was very

Special for me.

let's go.

Good job, baby.

We need to go to memorial tower.

Fast, fast, because we're last,


We've got to catch up.

I hope we get some big people


here, this is it.

how are you?


They're adorable.


oh, wow.

this is great.

there it is.

I see it.

there's nails for the wheels.

I have a 6-year-old son.

Going to the school really made

Me miss him like crazy.

It was great to see the little

Kids, but I wish I could have

Seen him today.

you guys have a good day at


they're adorable.

it's important we have to get

There very fast.

you know?

no, I don't know.

Let me ask here.

ok, please hurry.

this is not good.


right there.

all sewn up or not grown up.

I don't know, what do you think?

I'm a really good seam stress.

I've made suits for my father,

Suits for bill.

I love to sew.

I don't think this will be

Difficult at all.

what was the name of the

School again?

the lilongwe lea school.


Let's see where they need to go.

there's that part.


hey, guys.

is that the truck?

that's the truck.

these kids are adorable.

how many bottle caps?

two on ea one.

we need 20 bottle caps.

I'm a physician, and at the root

Of surgery, all we do is break

Down and build things rights

Back up.

It was the same thing with the


Jennifer, how you doing over



I want to go play soccer with

Those boys.


all sewn up or not grown up.

let's sew.



all right, let's go.

my grandmother is a sewer, my

Mom is a sewer, so I've seen it


Hopefully we choose the one that

Will give us an advantage to

Catch up with the rest of the


a little traffic, huh?

Make a hole, punch through.

let's go.

Let's get around this guy.

we are creating our own lane.


zac and laurence, they got


have you ever starred in a

James bond movie?

here we are.

all right.

dude, come on!

Yeah, boys, what's up?

ok, we've got some hammers,

Some bottle caps, milk


I thought you would have gone

To the sewing machines, my dear.

I can't sew.

You kidding me?

what do you mean you don't

Know how to sew?

Isn't that what you do in the


I sew a different way than a

Sewing machine.

I am a nurse practitioner.

I sew bodies at work.

I do not sew clothing, though.

you want to be careful if you

Get married, she can't sew.

I can sew a body, but I can't

Sew a shirt.


I cut myself with the scissors.

we just lost a lot of time.

this is the old market.

the whites or designs tailor


Do you know that?

there's cathi and bill.

Ernie, come on.

honey, they were way ahead of


it's just crazy winding roads

And chickens, people everywhere.

Oh, my gosh, ok.

What the heck.

right here.


You will help us?

I like you.

Come on.

ok, thank you.

oh boy.

yeah, honey, help me with it.

Ok, you do that.

is my thread on?

yeah, your thread is on.

keep going, keep going.

justin, you're --


this goes like this.

All right?

I actually can't wait to do

This in my own classroom.

we're very fortunate to be

Able to go to the store and buy


It would give them a little

Appreciation of what it's like

To not always have what you want

And have to make it.

I think I did that wrong.

I'm going to keep making


building these trucks, it was

Really cool.

I'm going to try to build one

For my son owen.

I've just got to remember how to

Do it.

it's pretty tedious.

we've got to do some sewing.

the market.

what's the name of the place?

white horse de-sign tailor


gosh, these are ricketty old


there's something not quite


you are not sewing.

we sewed an entire leg with

No thread.

It broke the thread.

We should have switched

Machines, but we didn't.

you're good.


in the first leg, we won the

Express pass.

we haven't felt we needed to

Use it yet.

hopefully we'll use it as

Late in the game as possible

Because I think that will be

More critical for us.

I think that's a pretty good


that's much better.



Pretty good, huh?

cathi was k*lling it.


Now we'll do your jacket.

we've got to pick somebody,


I'll do the pants, you do the



my grandma is a great

Seamstress, so I'm fixing to

Rock this.

Watch me, granny, about to go to

why did you give me the


we're almost done.

I think we're almost done.

Pick that one up.


you take it to a teacher,


careful, be very careful.

thank you!

thank you so much.

find the furniture shop.

Teams must now make their

Way to this road-side market

Where the people of malawi

Proudly sell their hand-crafted

Wooden furniture.

do you play?

You have to enjoy some of this.

I am enjoying it.

have fun.

Thank you.

High five.

find the r-k furniture shop.

that was awesome.

give them a tug.

Look at those cool trucks.

Rock 'n' roll.


Look at those.

find the r-k furniture shop

To receive your next clue.

all right, here we go.

bye, guys!

in the states, everyone just

Goes and buys toys.

Kids don't need much.

They don't need the fancy toys.

Just build something and have

Fun with it.

Those kids were stoked.

cindy holds the pants

Normally in our relationship.

But when she's running the show,

It seems like everything is

Running efficiently.

it came unthreaded.


yeah, all right.

We're done.

pretty stylish.

looks good!


Thank you.


Thank you.

find the r-k furniture shop

To receive your next clue.

Got through it pretty quickly.

Let's just hope the other detour

Task was tougher.

jennifer and justin are right

On our tails, so they're really,

Really close behind us.

we're heading to r-k


Which should be around here


r-k furniture?

it's somewhere around here.

we don't see it.

should we get out?

is this it right here?

this one.

it's right here.

ok, wait.

We'll cross the street.

let's go, come on.

oh, man.

There they are.




be careful.

thank you.


take two beds to fill.

In malawi, it's common

Practice for its people to carry

Virtually everything.

Now teams must transport and

Carry two locally hand-crafted

Beds to the village.

Established in an isolated

Forest reserve, this remote

Village is the next pit stop.

And where teams will find out

They need their beds for an

Overnight stay.

The next team to check in here

May be elum nated.

ask the shop owner to call a

Driver to help you transport.

call a driver for us.

can you call a driver for us?

you ok?


you want to get the ones on

The end?

yeah, let's just follow him.

here we are.

just right across the street.

is there another truck coming

For us?

our driver.

You got food for us?

Thank you, brother.

take two beds to fill at the

Next pit stop.

we kind of worked well

Together and knocked it out.

I would have liked to have spent

A little time with the kids.

I just love those kids.

thank you very much.

R-k furniture shop to receive

Your next clue.


put it on, let me see how


I will hold.

Very nice, very nice.

I can't lie to a brother when

He puts it on.

thank you so much.

thank you!

find the r-k furniture shop

To receive your next clue.

We are still moving.

put it on top of you.

We're going to kumbali village.



there's another truck.

Can you tell him?

Are you for us?

that wasn't our guy.

r-k furniture shop.

the last one to arrive may be


this one.

the gray one?

isn't that our truck?

We came second.

let's cross.

thank you.

they took our truck.

we got here second.

Why don't we get a truck?

Babe, we're getting passed.

What are you doing?

obviously they took our


you can't cry about it.

We've just got to get a new one.

that guy took the green truck

So we ran over.

This could have been their

Truck, so who knows?

it's right here.

Let's go across.

Take two beds to fill at the

Next pit stop.

I'm going to jump.


you're going to jump?

hi, we are here to help.

Thank you.

take two beds to fill at the

Next pit stop.

you all right?

You're done?

Babe, my jacket could look like


Lord, have mercy.

you know that's good.

My grandma would be proud.

Come on with that clue.

find the r-k furniture shop.

come on, people, let's move.

I'm on a high-speed chase and

This is the opposite of a

High-speed chase.

can we put two beds in here?

we need to put those beds on

Here somewhere.

the beds cannot fit.

can we open the passenger

Doors and put the beds through

The middle?

sandy, get over here.

you tell him how to get


zoom, zoom.

ok, we're going.

get down.

call a driver to help

Transport the beds.


the green one.

this is insane.

throw it right in.

come on up here.

is this one ours?

now we're cooking!

can you take some beds?

We're not doing very well here.

I've never felt less safe in

My life than right now.

hey, excuse me.

We need to transport some beds.

Can you do that for us?

Put the beds in.

thank you very much, sir.



you better sit down before

You fall down.

hop in the back.

We're in a race.

If those guys get there before

Us, we're done, we go home

it can't end like this, man.

thank you.

we're in last place again.

take two beds to fill.

we have to follow these two


Stay with that truck.

Please don't let us get


bill, where are you?

We're going to have to go on


You got the front, justin?


just carry it over your


it's not balanced, be I


I hear the drum beats.

where are we going?

See any lions out there?

get these packs out.

How much for the rides?

we can catch someone with

This distance.

this is the village.

did you pay them?


ok, well, what are you doing?

Let's roll.

don't drop it.

you've got to --

I'm trying!

Stop yelling at me.

That doesn't help.

please, lord, don't let this

Taxicab break down.

not good.

are we going to make it?

cab broke down.


My engine's busted, man.

dang it.

how much?

We're going to get in the car

With them.

How much do we owe you right


This is not a great day for us.


the cab broke down.


you know where we're going?


can you get there fast?


who would have thought we

Traveled all the way around the

World, and when it's the most

Important leg of the race for

Us, our cab breaks down.

That is unbelievable.

there he is.

Come on.

Bring it on home.

welcome to malawi.

thank you.

thank you, thank you.

We've got another team coming



You may have noticed here

In africa, the people of africa

Carry everything.


And today you got to

Experience a little bit of

Carrying everything, including

Your beds, which you will be

Sleeping on tonight.


Here at the pit stop.

I can do that.

Justin and jennifer,

You're the first team to arrive.

However, I understand that you

Did not pay your truck driver.

So you need to go back and fix

Him up before I can check you


let's go.

Because justin and

Jennifer did not pay their truck

Driver, you are now the first

Team to arrive.


And I have some good news for


As the winners of this leg of

The race, you have won a trip

For two from travelocity and you

Are going to a private island in

The british virgin islands.

sounds lovely.

You're going to stay five

Nights in an oceanview suite.

And you can enjoy a relaxing

Massage, go snorkeling, and

Experience a sunset cruise.

our goal is just to make it

Through to the final.

But a win is even better, huh?

it's crazy, man.


Everyone is so friendly here.

We love you guys, you're


Stoked to be in africa.

ok, let's go.

thank you.

did you pay him?

I paid him.

I assume we have to pay the


only if he asks.

go by them.

we got passed by four people

And that sucks.

you're not carrying it


baby, I don't have a choice.

This is what I got.

you want it on your back?


ok, I'm good.

living on a farming we really

Understand manual labor.

My back may be sore from the

Bed, but the job has to be done.

I have to get this up on top

Of me.

I was hoping for a day

Without bruises.

I don't think that's going to


I'm letting go.


oh boy.

just balance it.

this is ridiculous.

I'm going to drop it!

Please help me, ernie!

you're in the african jail.

I'm in jail.

Oh, that didn't hurt.


at least we're not carrying


this is the pit stop.

Just hurry up.

If you don't hurry, we're going

To get passed right here.

I'm trying my best.

are you guys done?

this sucks.

big hole.

stay to the right.

what's going on?

whave to pay our guy.

Come on, jennifer.

I'm coming!

I'm just saying.

oh, sh**t.

we're in a real rush.

how much?


what is that?

here you go.

that's 40 u.S.

you didn't get paid either?

Ok, you need to holler at your


Are you good?

Whoever else didn't pay has to

Come back, too.

Son of a biscuit.

they're right behind you.

they pass me, good for

I'm trying.

bill and cathi passed us.

you're almost there.

who's behind me, cindy?

I'm dying.

laurence and zac.

it's just rubbing it raw.

don't think about the pain.

Just go.

they passed us.


that is gnarly.

come on!


Justin and jennifer, you

Are now team number two.

Bill and cathi, stay where you


Jeremy and sandy, come over to

This side.

Jeremy and sandy, you're team

Number three.


Bill and cathi, unfortunately,

You did not settle up with your

Truck driver, you'll need to do

That before I can check you in.

so we've got to go back and

Pay our truck driver.

thank you.

come on, let's go.

sorry, baby.

we got dealt a bad hand


please, lord, don't let us be

The last team.

Get on the mat here, you


welcome to malawi.

Laurence and zac, you're

Team number four.

oh, yes!

Ernie and cindy, you're

Team number five.


we'll take it.

I don't want to slow down, I

Don't want to talk.

bill and cathi just passed


bill and cathi are behind us


come on, baby.

Keep working.

how much do we owe you?

come on, baby, keep working.

there's five.

can't be that far.


Thank you.

if we don't beat them, we are


is that you, phil?

we're not far.

Bill and cathi, you're

Team number six.


Amani and marcus, you're

The last team to arrive.

How are you feeling right now?

I'm not ready for it to be


You want to stay in the


Well, you're going to need those

Beds, because you guys are still

In "the amazing race."

This is a non-elimination leg.

You still have a chance to win

This race.

So sometime on the next leg of

The race, you will encounter a

Speed bump.

And you'll need to complete that

Before you can continue on the


thank you.

We have a daughter who's got

Special needs.

We don't want her to quit.

You know, keep trying.

If we can just show them mom and

Dad never quit.

Just to hang in there together

And to show them what team work

Is, I think this is a great

Example for not just our kids,

but a lot of kids.

Stay tuped for scenes from

our next episode.

Next week on "the amazing

Race," teams work as taxi


excuse me, beep beep.


I'm going to get k*lled.

And on lake malawi, jerry

And sandy battle it out.

we've got to turn this boat.

While amani and marcus

haul it in.
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