19x10 - Release the Brake! (Brussels, Belgium)

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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19x10 - Release the Brake! (Brussels, Belgium)

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "the amazing race," five
teams raced from copenhagen to brussels.

At the roadblock,
Tommy got fired up.

Gain all while you give.

At legoland Sandy
got spun around.

I'm going to throw up.

Once in brussels, teams flexed
their muscles, while Amy

and Tommy and bill
and cathi struggled.

Try to smile.

Amani and Marcus
struck a winning pose.

However, the married couple's victory
celebration -- you are team number one!

And the next leg of the race
starts -- -- was cut short.

The next leg of the
race starts right now.

Through Belgium and one of these
teams will be eliminated tonight.

Amani and Marcus, you
are team number one!


Now, you know what that means.

You'll be the first team
leaving on the next leg of the

race, and the next leg of
the race starts right now.

Oh, brother.


That's your clue.

Drive yourselves to the
proving grounds in Belgium.

Teams must drive to the Ford proving
grounds in Belgium, where they'll find

their next clue.

Thank you.

All right.


Being at the front of the pack
we have to work twice as hard.

Everybody wants to
take the champ out.

Obviously we knew that going in, so
we're going to fight to the end.

team number two.


However, the next leg of the
race has already begun.

Oh, my gosh!

Here's your next clue.

Drive yourselves to the
Ford proving ground.


All right.

Good luck.

These are the cars.

Get in the car.

I'm trying to find a hotel right
now in order to get directions.

There's a hotel.


Right there, on the left.


We're looking for the
Ford proving ground.

You will have to take the 60."

Thank you very much.

Hurry -- the e-40.

Thank you very much.

Hurry, hurry.

Jeremy and Sandy, you're
the third team to arrive.

The next leg of the
race has already begun.

This is your next clue.

Drive yourselves to the Ford proving
ground in search of the next clue.

Good luck.

The presentation was a lot
better than the first time and

the choreography was
there so well done.

All right, you guys.

Thank you.

Make your way to
the next pit stop.

The gazebo at park sbeths.

All right.

I'm looking for Ford proving
grounds, lammel, Belgium.

Two m's.

Can we print that?

No print.

We lost a little bit of time but
because we couldn't get the

map we had to write it out and
then they didn't really speak

English but hopefully we can kind
of figure out where we're going.

Choreography for
me was very good.

Don't forget this.

No never.

Are you working out?


I see.

I'm impressed.

Public your way to
the next pit stop.


Thank you!

We are in a stationery store trying to
find directions to this Ford place.

We have a great map.


Oh, my God.

Oh, dear.

Oh, my got.

There's a clue, baby.

Full speed ahead.

Who wants to play
with the ponies?

Since opening in 1965, the
lommel proving grouged has

provided a controlled and safe
testing environment for some of

Ford's most popular vehicles,
and now this roadblock gives

teams the opportunity to get
behind the wheel of an American

icon, the Ford mustang.

This powerful machine was first
released almost 50 years ago

and continues to be developed
on tracks like this.

Once they've suited up, teams
will put the latest mustangs

through a series of
performance maneuvers.

First, they must reach a speed
of 100 miles per hour and break

hard that designated spot.

Then they'll have to navigate a
slalom course and then a double

victory doughnut will
complete the test.

When a professional driver
feels they have mastered their

mustang, he'll hand
them their next clue.

I guess I'll do it.

Oh, my God.


I'm so cool.

I'm actually surprised to not
see Marcus and amani because I

know they left before us.

I think we're the
first team here.

It was worth it to stop
and get direction.

Come on, Ernie!

Before you did the roadblock, a driver
took you around this track they had


This thing has got some power.

I thought he was going
to take my life.

This guy was fish tailing
at every corner.

He was flying off these bumps.

I think we left the
ground a few times.

It was cool.

I think my face was like
this is -- the whole time.


Let's go.

Andy and Tommy, you're
team number four.

The next leg of the
race has already begun.

You're still racing.

Here's your next clue.

Drive yourself to the Ford proving
grounds and search for your next clue.

Good luck.

Race hard.

Here we go.


Let's go.

We're psyched to
still be racing.

We just had a really humbling
experience in the bodybuilding contest.

We have to eliminate two more
teams before the final three.

Our goal is to make the final.

The first thing to do is
actual now go 100 miles per

hour and make a complete stop.

You will see at a certain
moment two green flags.

That's where you hammer
the brake pedal.


I'm going to do it.


Keep braking.

Very good.

It's likely that we'll be
last and we'll be eliminated.

We've had a good go.

It's been exceedingly fun.

Phil and -- bill and cathi?

You're the last team to arrive.

However no -- you
are still racing.



Here's your next clue.

Thank you.

Read it right there.

Drive yourselves to the Ford
proving grounds in Belgium in

search for your next clue.

All right, get going.

We're in very high spirits.

Actually, it wasn't elimination
so we're going to have to put a

little pedal to the metal as
safely and legally as we can.

This is the slalom.

Your time will be measured
from now till the end.


Not too fast.

Stop in the box without
hitting anything.


Too slow.

I don't think this is right,
to be honest with you.

We are so lost.

Kind of a crazy gas station.

Let's see what they have.

We're trying to get
to lommel, Belgium.

You go that way then right.

Where do we turn right?

At the next light?


Ok, we'll try it.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

I see mustangs.


Ok, we have to park.

There's the clue.

Let's go.


Who wants to play
with the ponies?

That's me.

Oh, geez.

All right.

Good luck.

Be safe, please.

Here you lose.



I'm not a big car guy.


I must have done the
challenge probably 15 times.



It was pretty upsetting.

Watch out for the box.



I've never been in a
car going that fast.

The car had a ton of power.

It was insane, awesome.

Hit it.

Now steer to the right.


That was perfect.

Ok, now we go.

We're going to queue up behind that
car and we're doing the exercise.

You have to go up again.

It was very frustrating.

Jeremy was right on my tail and
after being ahead so far to

just drop back like
that, it was sickening.

Damn it.

Jer mirror was right at my tail
and he's like this big car

guy, so I became very nervous.

Damn it.

Hit it.

Perfect, but not too fast.


Go, go, go.

Brake, brake.

Oh, I hit that thing.

Brake, brake, brake.



Well done.

Now, the next exercise.

You make two doughnuts.



Well done.

A little bit further.


Ok, now we go back and
go to victory Lane.

Now we're going to do
some victory doughnuts.

Full throttle.

Release the brakes.

Keep the throttle.

Throttle, throttle.

Keep it on.

Let's go!

Yeah, yeah.

Ok, stop.


You did it now.

That was awesome.

I'm take over for you
and bring you back.


Great job!

Thank you, sir.

Have a good day.

Jeremy is right behind me.

I know.

Drive yourselves to
the city of gent.

Teams must drive to the city of gent
and search for their next clue.

Thank you so much.

See you later, man.

Good job, baby.

Search for your next clue.

Great babe.

It was crazy nuts.

I never felt so
scared in my life.


You k*lled that.

I've never felt power
like that before.

I hope there's the
clue in those tires.


Who wants to play with ponies?

I'll play.

We get to drive a
mustang or something.

Oh, you dirty, freaking, dog.

What are you doing here,
you little bodybuilder?

Who wants to play
with bone ponyies?

Oh, my gosh.

Go get it.

I'm about to nail this thing.

It's about to go down
like four flat tires!

I'm feeling very, very jealous right now
because I have a passion for driving,

probably more than snowboarden but Tommy
had a really hard time on the poem.

To travel is to live.

More drama, please.

I can do the minor ones better.

And he wants to do
the other stuff.

If a minor one does come
up then I'll do it.

Snfment engine revving.


It was absolutely a blast
to be in that mustang.

Driving that fast,

That was right up my alley.

Three, two, one, go.

It was hard for me waiting on the
roadblock because I love the rally cars.

I had some jealousy
in my heart today.

Well done.

That's good.

Turn around and the first to
the right, then to the left.

We are in the -- in gent.

Bergstrat, right here.



You have to do it again.

So we back up.

I got it.


It was the coolest thing to be
able to drive that Ford mustang

just as hard as you wanted.

The box is good but
you hit a cone.

Do that again.

I-know how fast I got to do --
go and I know where I got to

brake so this time it's
going to happen for me.

That was such an adrenaline
rush and so different a level

of any adrenaline
rush I've ever had.

Birthing kids, playing football,
catching touchdown passes.

It was amazing.


Very good.

And here we're going to make a
couple of victory doughnuts.

Release the brakes.

Full throttle.


Very nice.

Ok, ok.



That's what I'm talking about!

I'm going to drive
in nascar, yeah!

Oh, it's right in front of us.


Uh-oh, this is a roadblock.

Who wants to play
with the ponies.

I think that's you.

Have such a great time.

God, this thing is nice.

How'd it go, baby?

Now that's how you drive!

From now on, that's
how you drive.

Drive yourselves to
the city of gent.

You got to take this off.


There we go.


I think you'll be
good at the next one.

There we go.

Stay in it, stay in it.


Very nice.

Rip that off, dude.

Drive yourselves to
the city of gent.

Rip that off.

Over here?


How fun was that?

So fun.

You just rip around.

Ok, don't tell me anymore.

You jt floor it
right out of the.

Sounds like a lot of fun, dude.

When Tommy came back from
driving and he was jazzed and I

started almost bickering with
Tommy a little bit because of

the sin I had in my heart and
I had to ask for forgiveness

through Christ and Christ just took
that from me and the burden was lifted.

Glad you had a good
time, brother.

Is this burgstaas
in ok, right here.



This detour requires teams
to choose two things that

Belgium is in no
short supply of.

Water or waffles.

Water requires teams to use
these materials to build a

floatable raft and then search
the waterways for two pieces of

a clue that will reveal
their flexion destination.

Waffle requires teams to
assemble a waffle stand.

Working together, they must
bake and decorate 18 perfectly

formed waffles to the
chef's satisfaction.

If they do, he'll hand
over the next clue.



We don't do well on water tasks.


A dog was here.



Cindy and Ernie beat us.

We've got it.

Waffle sounds good.

That's what we call a
doughnut here in Belgium.

I love it!

How are we supposed
to get this up there?

How high do your arms reach?

Ok, here's what
we're going to do.

Get those boards in there.


Just take your time.

I'm trying not to.

I'm too short.

Climb up.

Damn it.




It's not lining up.

I got it.


Let's go watch the


I see Cindy.

-- Sandy.

Oh, my gosh.

We have to make all
these waffles.

They're all different
on top too.

This looks really harlt.

Looks good.

Just put this together.

I think I should be able to do
this quite effectively, but

you never can tell once you get
into the booth with Cindy.

Cindy, hold on a second.

Do you have a description?


Why don't you start with this?


Why aren't you mixing?

Because he did it
manually first.

Why aren't you using the ladle?

Because the chefs
didn't use the ladle.

How'd they put that
together so fast?

I don't know, because
they're tall.

We're not.

Come on, let's go.

Rip and read.

Rip and reeled.

Search for your next clue.

Rip it off.

Let's go.

I bet it's right
here in this box.



All right.

Yo, yo!

Let's do the water.

We love water.


You made kind of a mess.

Oh, well.

So did that guy.

He made a mess.


It looks way too thick, babe.

I've never done waffles before.

It's kind of embarrassing.

I'm more of a pain
cake maker myself.

That's too thick.

Put that back in and add water.

I can't make waffles that good.

It started getting
into my head too much.

Chill out.

Just enjoy it.

Hi, guys.

How you doing?

Y'all getting burnt up?

It's hard.

You want to do this?

We decided to skip
making waffles.

There were some guys there and say seemed
like they were having a hard time.

Babe, we have to take all this
wood and wrap it with the

string then take the barrels and
lace them underneath the raft.

Right here.

Ok, so we need pontoons?

There's barrels, there's rope.

We put the long logs to the outside
and use the short one is to brace it?

Where's Laurence
where you need him?

Laurence, where you at?

That is spitting like a monster.

We'll call that waffle Ernie.

He farts.

Ok, time.

We like building stuff.

So here we are building something
that we have no clue about.

Are you good with this?

Let's do this.

You guys are going
to get creamed!

Y'all going in, brother?

Marcus, we like water, though.

You're going in and
you don't like water.

I bet you're going in the water!

We need teamwork.

Nice and easy.

Don't like dump it.

Don't fall in that
would break my heart.

Oh, yeah, she's float.

We're floating.

What do you think, dude?

See that ring over there?

I bet that's the one.

This is awesome.

How do you like a raft now?

We can make one of these
when I get home too.

I'm going to stay
on while you go up.


Dude, we're good.

Yeah, buddy.

This is so all right.


This is awesome.

Throw the barrels on it and go.

They got two on
each barrel, baby.

You see how they had it?





That will do.

We just nailed it.

They're going to get a clue.

Don't pay attention.


The strawberry fell.

You think that was it?


I like what I'm seeing.


Thank you.

Drive yourselves to -- teams must
drive to find their next clue.

Let's get out of this joint.

Come on.

Ooh, that was awesome.

Good job, guys.

That was a good workout.

Drive yourselves to d
-- what have you got?

Muir van -- let's see if
anyone wes heard of this.

One, two, three.

Good job.


And y'all didn't fall apart.

No we're good.


Good luck, guys.

We going to be all right?

Yeah, we're good.

Let's do this.

I think we nail it would raft.

I think it was really good.


Oh, baby.

Balance your weight, baby.

I'm trying.

I'm so much heavier that the
back of the raft was sitting

down so it made it hard for
her to reach the water.

I'll try not to reach your
big size 15 feet too.

Let's try the waffle thing.


Let's go get him.

Will you please check our work?

It's not quite right.

Please go check the


Pedal to the metal.

We have to go to the
other end, I believe.

This one with straw buries
needs powdered sugar on it.


Let's go.

Is that the stand?

Hi, guys.

How was it?

It's hard.

What do you think?

Let's go build a raft.

To hell with it.

Come on, baby.

Scoot up.

We are in good shape if we can hurry
up and get to the freaking dock.

Let's go.

This is what we're
talking about.

Ok, so four barrels?


We're here now.

They're already done.

We're in last again.


You know where bill
and cathi are?

No they went to
do the other one.

Muur van --

good luck, guys.


Just keep that together.

That ain't going to move.

Just snug the barrels
and you're good.

This is perfect.

I'm so sorry.

It's still incorrect.

Do you want to
switch challenges?

Because I don't know what to do.

Do you want to do the other one?

No we can't.

There's nothing I see
that's different.

Different. We're never going to get it.

This is perfect.

I'm so sorry.

It's still incorrect.

Do you want to
switch challenges?

Because I don't know what to do.

Do we need more whipped
cream in the middle?

I don't know.

I don't know what to do.

I don't know, let's
keep checking.

This is not good.


Let's start looking
for something.

No, it's still incorrect.

Oh, we're so screwed.


These are mixed up.


Are you serious?

No, no, we switched those.


Sir, will you please
check one more time?

I'm glad to see you
finally found it.

Oh, my gosh.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Search for your next clue.

Let's go.

We have a lot of
making up to do.

This is our first date.

Is it?

Yeah, I'm taking her
out on the canal.

Cool, huh?

You should try this.

Bill and cathi are rolling
down the river already?

Let's go.

We were first.

We got passed by three.


Get back up this silly river.

So we need to find the de
muur van -- something.

Did we just leave those
waffles burning in there?


Up to the hill and on the
hill go to the left.


Thank you.

Muur van -- let's head back.

That's where we're going.


Making my way?

If not here, you're
making your way home.

The e-40, let's take it.

It's faster.

I promise you, I'm
looking at the map.

There it is, right there.

Here we go.

Help release a flock
of homing pigeons.

Working with a pigeon
trainer, teams will release

hundreds of homing pigeons then
they'll race to meet up with

the pigeons and pick
up their next clue.

Oh, to learn the location
of the next pit stop.

Do I have to touch them?

Pigeons grows me out.

They just fly away and
they go to an address.

We have to find this address.

I thought I had
to touch pigeons.


We don't know where this is.

We need directions.

What does t sign say?

Yeah, this is it.

Help the pigeon trainer release
a flock of homing pigeons.

Do you have some pidge
sentence oh, my gosh.

Look at them go.


All right.

Thank you very much, sir.


Do you know this place?

Thank you, guys.

We're going to find our pigeons.

E-40, right here.

Look at the hot
airplane balloon.

I see that.


Is that right?


What's the clue?

There's the flag up there.

We can go up this hill.

Oh, is that thing up there?

Is this it?

I didn't see anything.


Let's go.

It's got to be close.

Sandy and Jeremy just got here.

Here's Marcus and amani.

You guys find it?

We're looking.

Right there, right there!

We walked right past it.

Yeah, ditto.

Once all the pigeons are in the air
the trainer will hand you an address.

Drive to that address to meet up with
one of the pigeons you just released.

Look at that.

Thank you.

See these guys go.

Oh, that was so cool.

They'll fly there.

Ok, thank you.

What address are y'all going to?

It's different for us.

We got a 75.

Do you see where we're at?

Ok yeah, cool.

Hopefully those
went our pigeons.

I know that's why.


We're going to beersel?

Sound like go to the
roundabout and turn right.

Oh, my God, I don't know.

Oh, stoof staat.

This is it.

Here he is.


You got a pigeon for us?


All right!


Take the rubber?

That's the message?


What the heck?

So tiny.

Ok, what is this?

This is the model of the
atomic structure of iron blown

up 165 billion times this
popular Belgian attraction is

now the pit stop at
this leg of the race.

This last team to check in
here will be eliminated.

Thank you.

All right, dude.

Without someone telling
us what this is.

We have no direction.

You think these kids know?

Do you speak English?

Do you know what that is?

Yes, it's in brussels.

What is it called?

Thank you.

Right now where we're going
is to meet a pidgeen and that

pigeon is going to
tell us where to go.

Right here.

Pull in.


Here comes our bird.

It made it back.

Yeah, he beat us.

Oh, I don't want to hurt him.

That is amazing.

Oh, we saw that thing.

That's in brussels.

We saw that we just have
to head back to brussels.


I don't know, not good.

I'm guessing we missed
a turn or something.

We need to get in somewhere.

That restaurant is open.

Can you please
pull in somewhere?

Why did you just pass it?

I couldn't park there because
people are on my ass.

Chill the hell out.

Bon jour.

We need to do to buursel.

The highway?

This is bad.

He said that it's 30 minutes
away, which is not good,

because it was only 45 minutes
away from the first place we

left 45 minutes ago.

I'm hoping we don't
come in last.

Getting lost on this part definitely
could have cost us first place.

I'm hoping that we're
still in the game.

There it is.

See it?

We got a visual.

Got it on the radar.

There they are right there.

Hello, and welcome to brussels.

Thank you.

Andy and Tommy, you
are team number one!

And I have some
great news for you.

As the winners of this leg of
the race, Ford is awarding each

of you a brand-new Ford
mustang -- mustang.


And it gets better.

Since mustang is one of the
most personalized vehicles in

the world, we're giving you the
chance to go online and you can

customize your mustang to fit
your taste and sometime.

You'll be getting those cars after
you get home from the race.

Hot dignity dog!

What a day.

It was a big blessing to
win those mustangs today.

That roadblock, it
was very tough.

I've gotten over it.

You can rub it in all the want.


We're looking for the -- yeah.


You follow, go left, go right.

Go up, left, and then right.

Then you up -- thank you.

Did you get that?

It's not beersel.

Dang it!

Hopefully everyone is
struggling trying to find where

the pigeon is because
this is ridiculous.

Can you please help us?

We're trying to get
to a pigeon place.

It's here.

Right here?

Where are the pigeons?

Oh, that's you.

Oh, my God, this is so tiny.

What the heck is that?

Let's go.

We need directions.

We're looking for this.

Take the highway and
-- go to brussels.

Thank you.

You're not even going
the speed limit.

Well, I'm being careful
that I don't miss it.



Looking for a pidge -- pigeon?

Looking for a pigeon.

Do you know what this is?


I'm tired!

Let's go.


Rally time, baby.

Rally time.

Let's go.

You ain't tired.

Suck it up, boy.

Let's go.

Never let them see you sweat.

There's no signage.

This is a lot of fun.

Come on.

Jeremy and Sandy?

You are team number two.


Hi, Phil.

Ernie and Cindy?

You guys should be a little
happier than you are right now

because you are
team number three.

This is another leg where we were
out in front and just blew it.

Is this the place?

The atomion something
right there.

I told you I was
going to get here.

I had to pump myself up.

None of this crybaby.

We're almost there.

Amani and Marcus, you guys
are still in the race.

You are team number four.

Oh, my God!

This next leg would be a conference
championship in football terms in the NFL.

The plan is knock out the
conference championship and

it's on to the super bowl.

I'm not at all ashamed
of how we've done.

I think we're both startled at how
long we have managed to stay with it.


We love your country already.

It's very spacious.


I'm ok.

I was so hoping for a
day without bruises.

Like the view itch.


You old lady.


It's been a hoot and, if anything, it's
proved cathi -- improved cathi's and my

relationship, totally.

Hello, and welcome to the
atomion here in brussels.

Thank you very much.


Bill and cathi, you are the
last team to arrive and I'm

sorry to tell you that you've
been eliminated from the race.

It's been wonderful and we've
enjoyed every minute of it.

You've proved that age is
nothing that will stop you in

doing well in "the
amazing race."

That's one of the reasons we
wanted to do race release.

Lots of time older
Americans are overlooked.

We can make a contribution
and be competitive.

And I think we were.

We definitely were.

Nevertheless, win, lose, or draw, there's
no reason for us to ever fall apart.

This was one more chance to be
with my best friend and do some

really, really special things in the
world and I would do it all over again.

Same person, same way.

race," with a spot in the
final three up for grabs --

go, go.

Sandy faces her biggest fear.

Scared of heights, guys.

Oh, God.

And a cryptic clue -- it has
something to do with him.

I'm looking.

Leaves teamings
paniced in Panama.

We're not sure we're going
to the right place.

The semifinals are tough.

We're last.
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