03x01 - What If Our Parachute Doesn't Open?

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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03x01 - What If Our Parachute Doesn't Open?

Post by bunniefuu »

Phil: I'm standing on a tiny island

in the Everglades,

sacred ground to the Native Americans

of South Florida.

From this remote, marshy wetland,

teams will embark on a race around the world

for $ million.

Airboats are now transporting the teams

to an isolated location.

Each team is made up of people

with an existing relationship.

The teams are--

Heather and Eve,

roommates and recent graduates

of Harvard Law school.

Heather: All of our lives, we've been underestimated.

People see attractive females, and they're like,

"Oh, they must be ditzes."

we're both very intelligent,

but we plan to play into the whole dumb female,

helpless, you know.

Just to get guys to help us.

Phil: Michael and Kathy--

she lives in Detroit. He lives in San Diego.

Recently dating, they have never been together

longer than days.

Kathy: I'm going to make mistakes,

and he's going to see me in lights

that he may not want to see me in.

By day , she might be clawing my eyes out,

or who knows?

Phil: Dennis and Andrew,

father and son from Richmond, Kentucky.

My dad is a very strict Southern Baptist.

One conflict we have is his sexuality.

I'm gay and a male cheerleader

and my dad doesn't agree with it.

We're either going to come back

and be best friends

or I'm gonna come back

and file a restraining order.

Phil: Flo and Zach,

friends who met their first day at Vassar college.

This is the first time that Flo and I

have been together

where we're not committed to someone else.

Flo: There has been a romantic tension there.

I guess this is sort of a test.

And it's a test to see, like, how compatible we are.

Phil: Derek and Drew, identical twins and models

from Southern California.

Drew likes to be friends with everybody,

especially if they're female.

Flirting is a great strategy.

I'm going to try to exploit

any kind of relationships

between guys and girls.

We'll be cut-throat with a smile.

Phil: Gina and Sylvia,

mothers from South Carolina.

We are the soccer mom team.

We represent all those stay-home moms out there.

Being a stay-home mom

is the toughest job in America.

Fear no man.

Be terrified of a soccer mom.

Phil: Tramel and Talicia,

brother and sister born and raised in Gary, Indiana.

Talicia: My brother is a genius,

which makes me so frustrated

because he doesn't put any effort

into anything.

Tramel: The way I make up for that laziness

is I can think on the fly,

and when the rubber hits the road,

I can really go.

Phil: Aaron and Arianne,

best friends since early childhood.

Arianne: I think we're, like,

alternative people.

Aaron: We're colorful characters.

Yeah, we think outside the box.

Phil: Teri and Ian, married parents

from Palm City, Florida, together for years.

With age, we have experience and knowledge,

and therefore, it's working in our favor,

not against us.

We're the leaders, not the followers.

Phil: Andre and Damon,

cop and fireman,

and friends, from Los Angeles.

Andre: We served in Desert Storm,

so, in the military we're taught

to ignore pain, weather, sleep, food.

A mission like this,

this is right up our alley.

Phil: Ken and Gerard, brothers from the Northeast.

Gerard: Kenny and I are very different.

I'm conservative.

And I'm very liberal.

I'm a Republican.

And I'm a Democrat.

I'm straight, with kids.

I'm gay, without.

We're both from very different worlds.

Phil: John Vito and Jill,

both from Staten Island, New York,

and recently dating.

Jill: There are many reasons why

we wanted to be on "The Race,"

and there's one very close

to my heart for me.

I had applied to the first season

with my brother,

and, um, I lost him on -

in the Trade Center.

Shortly after that

is when John Vito and I started dating.

And John Vito's also

one of my brother's best friends.

We're actually a team of ,

except the third teammate is my brother.

Phil: Can these people stand up to the stress

of traveling together

across more than , miles?

Will the competing teams become friends or enemies?

Who will come up with the right strategy,

the right combination of brains, brawn,

and teamwork to win the $ million?

These are the questions waiting to be answered

as we get ready to begin "The Amazing Race."

Phil: In just a few minutes,

you will be leaving on a race around the world.

There are legs in this race,

and as you travel,

you will have to complete various tasks.

At the end of each leg of the race,

there is a pit stop.

of these pit stops are elimination points,

so you need to get to them as fast as you can,

because if you are last, you will be eliminated.

At the start of each leg,

you will receive a small amount of cash

that has to cover all expenses

except airline tickets,

which you won't need to pay for.

Your first clue is waiting inside the envelope

on top of the luggage you brought with you.

When I give you the word,

you can run over to your baggage, read the clue,

and hop into one of the cars over there.

What you do after that is completely up to you.

Is everybody ready?


The world is waiting for you.

Good luck.

Travel safe.


Get yourself to the Angel of Independence

in Mexico City.

The Angel of Independence in Mexico City.

You may only travel

on one of these flights.

Hurry. The seats are first come, first serve.

You have $ for this leg of the race.

, , , . Ok.

Grab your gear. Let's go.

Tramel: Let's go, let's go!

Oh, jeez!

Go, Zach, go! Follow those twins!

Go, go, go.


Get yourselves to the Angel of Independence.

In Mexico City. Ok, that's the landmark.

American Airlines, flight

is the earliest flight at : P.M.

American Airlines is the first one.

Should we go to that gate?

I don't know. I'm wondering

if AeroMexico takes more flights.

I know, but American Airlines is at :.

AeroMexico is at :.

Well, you need to drive a little less like Mommy

and a little bit more like Daddy.

We have the same parents,

so we have the same genes.

So, I'm sure some of my perfection

is inside of her somewhere.

It just takes a little longer to come out.

Man, I tell you, this team's so lucky to have me.


I'm nervous.

John Vito: We're stressing out about

finding Miami Airport.

Where do we have to go in Mexico City?

We have no idea.

Jill: John Vito and I were friends

for quite a number of years,

and after I lost my brother on /

in the Trade Center,

and he comforted me and I could talk to him

and it started evolving from more

than just a friendship.

And we were convinced then

and we're even more convinced now

that we were meant to be,

and I think my brother is the reason

we were brought together.

Keep going past all of these cars.

Close up the space so that they can't get in.

I just want to pass this guy, yeah.

Keep going. Go straight. Go straight.

All right.

Oh, what the ... is this?

Oh, God. Oh, God. Zach!

Go! Follow--go as fast as they're going.

Pull in back of this car.

All right.

[honks horn]

Zach: I mean, that is absolutely ridiculous.

Heather: You have to be an aggressive driver.

Use the turnpike--

so do you turn--

The turnpike?

Oh, they totally--

Oh, my God. They just ran the red so bad.

Don't k*ll me, dude.

Nah, you're good, dude. You moved ahead.

They're gonna take the turnpike north.

Screw it, right? Go ahead, yeah.

Or get on it. No, no, no.

Take it? No.

Just go straight. Let them take it.

They're missing it.

Doublemint twins are gone, dude.

The sign clearly says, "Airport, turn right."


Change for a ?

Dad gummit, we're stuck!


Go, go, go.

Go! Aah!

Gina: We have been trying to tell our kids,

"You can do anything you want to do,

you can be anything you want to be,"

and I want to teach them that by doing.

Ian: Since we're going to have time at the airport,

prepare my backpack to throw on my back.

I'm a bit over-controlling,

and I know that.

I am tenacious. I'm not a quitter.

Don't ever throw in the towel.

I don't think AeroMexico

is going to make a stop coming out of Miami.

When we went on our honeymoon, we flew direct.

That was so long ago, honey, who can remember?

This is not looking good here.

Very concerned right now.

All right, let's go.

Got my bag, right, baby?

Kathy: Yes, I do.

John Vito: Let's go!

Here's yours.

Come on. Let's go, let's go.

Eve, come on.

Phil: There are enough seats

on the American Airlines flight for only teams.

The last teams will have to take a second flight

that departs nearly an hour later.

It's down here.

It's American? Let's go.

I don't know how they caught up to us that fast.

Excuse me, ma'am.

Can we check in for Mexico City?

Woman: No.

Ah, come on.

We're together, we're together.

Woman: Are you together? Yes.

I just need your passport.

-f and -d.

Yay! Heather: Good.

We lucked out.

We need tickets to Mexico City. Thank you so much.

Thank you.Woo-hoo!

Aaron: Ari, let's go.

We need to get on this before

these other people, Nida.

They just slid right under here

and like bypassed the whole line.

Yes! Yes!

Thank you, Nida.

Him as a police officer,

me as a firefighter.

We both have to make decisions

at the split second.

Competition is really getting serious.

And it's not time to be friends with anybody.

We want to sit as close to the front

as you can get us, too.

Thank you so much.

We're going to start off that way.

Then we're going to start off that way.

What goes around, comes around.

I have no idea where I'm going.

I say we go AeroMexico,

because everybody else is ahead of us.

Oh, God!

I mean, it wouldn't be so bad

if it wasn't for all this traffic.

All this traffic.

But look at this. Look at this.

That's ok. I don't even like her.

Kathy: The one thing I have to get used to

is Michael's laid-backness.

I'm a little more assertive when I need to be,

and I think we're going to need both for this race.

Well, it's a flip. It's a choice.

It's a flip between American and AeroMexico.

Which is closer,

American airlines or AeroMexico?

Let's go to AeroMexico.

Ariba. Arriba! Vámonos.

Teri: Flight to Mexico City.


You're sure you don't want to try

to go to American Airlines?

Let's just go.

Let's go.

There's a flag.

Oh, my gosh. That is so awesome.

Zach: Thank you very much for your help.

I love you.

Hi. How are you?

We need tickets to Mexico City.

Andrew: Oh, my gosh, that is so awesome.

Thank you. Whoo!

Males. We need young men.

We need young men, young male demographic.

I have a strange question to ask you.


We're racing around the world--

We have to get the whole way around the world.

And we've been asking people for donations.

Like, a dollar, $..


Anything you have would be wonderful.

Do you have any singles on you, Sal?

Oh, thank you so much!

That would be wonderful.

Thank you so much.

Thank you so much.

He is such a nice guy

What's your name? Thank you so much.

Good luck, ladies.

Thank you so much!

Oh, my gosh. Are you sure?

Thank you so much.

Thank you!

, .

Here's the ones.

Is this boarding?

Michael: We're on the first flight out.

We felt real good about that.

So we had at least an hour

on the rest of the teams

who didn't make it, which is real cool.

There's teams behind us.

It's my first time out of the country.

All right. Here we go.

Gina: of us got on AeroMexico.

Ken: There was so much anxiety on the plane.

Everyone was noticeably very stressed.

Drew: We're all just freaking out

because no one wants to be the first one eliminated.

Phil: All teams are approaching Mexico City.

of the teams are in the lead plane.

When they arrive, they will have to figure out

how to get to this statue-- the Angel of Independence.

Will the teams nearly an hour behind

figure out how to leap ahead?

And who will be the first team

to be eliminated?

Let's go.


Muy rápido.

Angel of Independence.

Ok, do you know where that is?


The Angel of Independence?

You know this statue?

Aaron: Our strategy involves our sense of humor

and our wit and our charm,

and we'll use our sex appeal to get what we need.

This guy knows the back roads, baby.

Because, then he's going to not take us.

My main concern about Flo

is that she won't be able to cut it.

I think she's a high-maintenance girl.

That could be trouble on the road.

Pronto, por favor.

ándele. Arriba!


Rápido. Enrique, zoom, zoom.

[gasps] The Angel of Independence.

Flag. We have to go around it and find the flag.

Here we are.

The Angel of Independence.

Come on!

Aaron: Right here.

Oh, my God. Ok.

Route info.

There are million people in Mexico City

but you need to find only one.

His name is Pablo

and we enclosed his picture.

Happy hunting.

Phil: Teams now must make their way

through the crowded streets of Mexico City

and search among millions of people

for a man named Pablo,

using only this picture for reference.

Hi, Pablo. Hola.


Oh, no, it's another team. We've gotta go.

It's right there.

That's it right there. It's in the green box.

Ok, there it is, yeah.

His name is Pablo, and we've enclosed his picture.

How are we going to find Pablo?

His name is Pablo

and we've enclosed his picture.

This is in downtown.


Zocalo. Zocalo?

Zocalo. Ok. Taxi!

Do you realize the other plane just got in?

Ian: Taxi!

We are in a very, very, very big hurry.


Get the map out.

Tramel: Drop your gear. Let's go.

For a ta--for a cab, I should get it here?

We've got heat on our tail. Let's move it.

Winning is everything.

Winning is fun.

Come on. Are you ready? Let's go.

This is the side, I mean,

that it suggests that he's on.

Look. It is. 'cause it's all red brick.

This is it.

Ok. Let's do it.

He might be on this side.

Let me see the picture.

This is definitely it.

It's somewhere around here.



Aaron: Hola.

Check in with the Mexi-mini Charters

at Hotel de Cortes.

Phil: Teams must now make their way across town

to the Hotel de Cortes,

find this desk,

and sign up for seats on one of charter buses

leaving the next morning, hours apart.

Each bus can take no more than teams,

so signing up early is critical.

Four blocks.

That's it, right there! Right there.

Let's move away.

All right, thanks.

You've got to go that way,

uh, blocks.


Check in with Mexi-mini Charters

at Hotel de Cortes.

Ok. This is it.



Are we first?


Team number one.

Aaron: Basically, our strategy is be a leader,

not a follower. We're not following.

Check in with Mexi-mini Charters

at Hotel de Cortes.

Anybody speak English?

English? Anybody?

Gracias, sénor.

Hi. How you doing?

Hi. Woman: Hi, welcome.

Oh, what are you guys doing here?

:, :.

Hotel de Cortes...

[speaking indistinctly]

Cuatro blocks.

Oh, we got the last one. Yeah.


Oh, we just missed it.

Yeah, we were the fifth one,

we just missed it, huh?

Woman: Yeah.

Let's go. Let's go.

Thank you so much.

Welcome to Mexico.

Thank you.

Would you sign in, please?


Mexi-mini tours, right here. Here we go.

You're on the : am.

Let's do it. Get us on there.

To Pablo.

Can we leave that here?

[speaking indistinctly]


We will wait for you right here.

[speaking Spanish]

Oh, Kenny, look. Right here, look!

I'm looking for Pablo. All right.

Pablo! Pablo!

Thank you.

Check in with Mexi-mini tours

at Hotel de Cortes...

...and sign up for seats on their charter buses.

Hurry. Seats are first-come, first-serve.

Cab. Ok.

Let's go.

Let's go, quick! Taxi!

Taxi! Right here.

Taxi! Hey.

We've got to wait for our cab now.

Where is he?

He's got our bags.

We left our bags in the cab,

which probably wasn't the wisest choice.

We could have made a fatal mistake right there.

Not only are we going to be last,

but we may not even have our bags.

Dude, we may be through.

Where is he?

Oh, my God. I can't believe it.

Is he over here?


Dude, we may be through.

We may be done.

Teri: Mexi-Mex.

The last for : AM? Yes.


We just missed :!

The second bus.

Oh, no!

He's not over there, is he?

He's going to come.

Where--oh, there he is. There he is.

Let's go.

Hotel de Cortes.

We're going on that noon bus tomorrow.

So we left the courtyard

because we were going to go get some food.

Yeah. There we go.

There it is right there.



This little girl, she comes running up

and she grabs my legs and hugs me.

Aw, she's adorable!

She was such a cute little girl.

Do you want me to take you home?

She weighs the same thing

that my little girl weighs.

That makes me miss mine so much.

I have been so affected by the fact

that I'm leaving the kids.

For us to win,

it would validate why we did this.

We have to win.

We have no choice.

It's : in the morning.

We got a lot of sleep

and we're ready to go kick ass.

Flo: We are on the first charter bus

at : this morning.

Right now,

we're on a : bus out of here,

which is, uh, the last bus.

We know that we were in that loser group.

So, I immediately said that I wanted the fast forward.


...hours of operation are : AM to :.

Phil: There's only one fast forward

on each leg of the race.

The first team that finds it,

can skip all tasks

and go directly to the pit stop.

However, once a team uses the fast forward,

that team can never use another one

for the rest of the race,

so teams need to decide

when it's most advantageous to go for it.

In this fast forward,

teams have to find Santo Domingo Plaza,

an area filled with street typists and printers

who type and print letters

for people who cannot read and write.

To claim the fast forward,

a team has to figure out

which one of these workers

has a special message for them--

This case, the "fast forward" award.

I was so scared about losing this race.

So we made our minds up to go for the "fast forward."

Ah, we're going for it.

Hey, good luck.

All right. Thanks, guys.

The twins, they're going to be our competition

as far as this fast forward.

Just, if you get it, scream something really loud

so we're not sitting there for another hour.

And we'll do the same.

We can do that.

We're all at the hotel at the same time at :.

It's going to be a nice morning run for us.

Do you guys run?


We're sitting with the backpack

waiting for a taxi.

We ain't walking. They're in their running shorts,

their beautiful legs, their arms,

ready to start moving.

We haven't had such good luck with cabs.

We're just going to stick to ourselves.

Wonder twins. You know, they're like, wonderful.

They're like,

I think it's great weather for a run.


Hey, they already started.

We're gonna go. They're getting a cab.

Let's go. Just go, just go, just go.

This is not cool. Come on.

We've got to be coming up on it.

We still could beat them there.

Oh, there it is. A la derecha.

Come on. There it is.


To Venezuela,

and let's go up one more block.

No, no, no.

Muchas gracias.

Come over here, over here.

There it is right there.

We were right at it.

Congratulations. You won the fast forward.

Oh, we won it!

Go directly to the next pit stop.

Yeah! All right.

Phil: Having won the fast forward,

Ken and Gerard can now skip all tasks

and go directly to the pit stop--

the Hacienda San Gabriel de las Palmas.

To get there, they will use this vehicle

and drive themselves to the pit stop.

The last team to check in will be eliminated.

We gotta move.

We gotta tell those guys, though.

We've got to wait a few minutes

and just tell those guys.

Why do we have to wait?

Because we told them we would.

This is it!

Did they get it? We got it.

The twins came running in,

and I actually think I saw

some sweat on their head.

I was shocked!

Like, oh, my God,

they even sweat, those gods.


All right, thanks. Remember,

you're still in it.

Ha ha!

Yeah. Right.

They were shocked.

They were like, "Oh, my God,

the fat bald guys beat us."

[tauntingly] We got it, we got it!

They've got a shot in hell.

They ain't gonna win.

Those pretty boys are going down.

We're gonna have to regroup big-time.

We didn't get the fast forward.

We're basically back to where we were.

Yeah, we just have to get on our bus at :.

No, don't worry. Don't worry, man.

You're fine.

I don't think I have it in me

to do this any more...

Phil: Having won the fast forward,

Ken and Gerard may now drive themselves

directly to the pit stop.

The other teams must take buses

to Tequesquitengo Air Field.

The first bus carries Aaron and Arianne,

Flo and Zach,

John Vito and Jill, and Michael and Kathy.

The second bus, hours behind the first,

carries Heather and Eve,

Dennis and Andrew,

Andre and Damon, and Teri and Ian.

And on-board the last bus,

which departs hours after the first,

are Tramel and Talicia, Gina and Sylvia,

and Derek and Drew.

That's us.

That's us.

Please go.

Detour, wings or wheels.

Phil: A detour is a choice between tasks,

each with its own pros and cons.

In this detour, teams need to choose

between wings and wheels.

In wings, teams need to board this plane

and climb to an altitude of over , feet.

Then each team member has to skydive in tandem

with a jump master.

It's a scary task,

but teams will be at their next route marker

in practically no time at all.

In wheels, teams will need to choose

one of these donkey carts

and using a map supplied to them,

they must direct their driver through

a -mile course to the next route marker.

There is nothing scary about the task,

but between the pace of the donkey

and having to communicate with the driver

who speaks no English,

teams might not get to their route marker

for a long time.

Aaron: Come on! Are we skydiving?


Am I jumping out of a plane? Yes, you are!

If we go right now and jump out of the plane,

it's faster.

But it takes long.

I want to go on the donkey.

We're going burros. I can't skydive.

My stomach ain't built for it.

You direct him with the map.


miles, it says? Yeah.

We're not doing it.

We're not going to die.


Waiting all... Whatever.


Michael: Beat the plane.

I think that's the plane.

Kathy: It is them.


I made the wrong choice because I'm a coward.

Didn't want to jump out of a plane.


You're out, Jill.


Yeah! Whoo!

Oh, my--this is unbelievable.

Jill: Whoo!

All right!


Yeah, baby!

Jill: Route info.

Choose a marked van

and drive yourself to the pit stop,

the Hacienda San Gabriel de las Palmas.

Near Puente de Ixtla.

Phil: Teams must now travel miles

to the town of Puenta de Ixtla

and find the nearby hacienda,

San Gabriel de las Palmas.

This -year-old former monastery

is the pit stop for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in here will be eliminated.

Come on. Let's go, babe. Gotta get a van.

Make a right here.

Because that's where we came from before.


Oh, my God. I'm k*lling this engine.

Let's go! [laughing]


Let's go.


Welcome to Puenta Ixtla.


Ken and Gerard,

you're team number one.


Now, I've got some good news for you guys.

As winners of this first leg of the race,

you have won a -night Caribbean vacation

on Royal Caribbean's Voyager of the Seas,

which you may enjoy after the race.

Whoo! I love it, I love it.

Awesome! All right!


Flo: I was overwhelmed with emotions.

I just couldn't believe I was doing it.

I'm thinking the whole time,

My parents are going to k*ll me.

They're going to k*ll Zach.


I'm fine.


Man: Pull down, feet out, feet out, stand up.


Where the hell is Arianne?


You did it.

I'm not going to forgive you just yet--

Come on!

But that was pretty ... cool.

We did it. We did it.

Pick your feet up.

[gasps] Oh, my God.

I did not handle that very well.

You're just a little overwhelmed

from the adrenaline.

Choose a marked van

and drive yourself to the pit stop.

Let's go, Dre.

Oh, my gosh.

Teri: Cart? Ian: Yeah.

Let's do the cart. Take this one.

Have the driver take you

approximately miles to your next clue.

Come on, burro.

Burro, come on!

I wanna skydive.


Eve, I want to think about skydiving.

[car sputtering]

It's really smoking under here.

Is that the way we're going?

You ok? Let's go.

"Ben Hur" ain't got nothing on this.

Ha ha! "Ben Hur."

There you go.

See, Eve,

I mean, we could lose to other teams this way.

We can.

They're not going much faster.

They are.


Oh, gosh.

This is a nightmare.

I think we need to go skydiving.

Can you skydive, or no?

I don't know. Can I do it?

Yes, you can do it.

You can skydive.

I don't know if I can do this.

You're gonna be awesome.

We want to do it.

This is my nightmare.

Have you had people die?


Ever? No.

We're going to get on the aircraft.

The aircraft's going to go up

to about , feet.


I can't do this.

I don't know if I can do this.

He's the instructor.

We're going to go up and try it.

This is my biggest fear in life.

I don't know if I can do this.

What if our parachute doesn't open?

There is a backup parachute, right?

Of course.

What if both of our parachutes don't open?

It'll be amazing if you do it.

Ok, I'll try.

It'll be so amazing.

If you don't do it,

we'll come back down and take the donkey.

Eve: I hate flying, I hate being in the air.

To me, it's like so unnatural.

I don't know if I will be able to do this.

Come on, boy. Come on.

Come on, honey. Come on.

Come on, donkey.

It's a jackass, I think.


Ah, ah, ah!

Ah, ah, ah, ah! Ah, ah...

Ah, ah, ah!


Don't--no, no, no. Not yet, not yet. Stand up.

Incredible, incredible.

How amazing.

That was the worst thing I've ever done in my life.

That was horrendous.

I can't believe I did that.

She's incredible, incredible.

Her biggest fear she just totally conquered.

When I hit the ground, I was very excited.

I conquered a fear, so, that's good.

Very good.

Oh, there! There.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

San Gabriel...las Palmas. There.

Wait for me!

Flo and Zach,

you're team number .


Aaron and Arianne,

you're team number .

Michael and Kathy,

you're team number .

Ah. All right.

Thank God.

Oh, Phil!

John Vito and Jill, you're team number .




We're skydiving. Where we going?

Skydive. Yeah.

Heather and Eve, you're team number .


That's awesome.


Andre and Damon--

Yes, sir?

You're team number .

That's cool.

Come on, sweetie. Go.

Choose a marked van

and drive yourself to the pit stop.

Derek, come on, come on.

Sis, we've got to grab a van,

we've got to grab a van.

I got it. Go, go, go, go, go!

Damn it!


Ok, your route info.

Choose a marked van.

Sis, you drive, you drive.

Last team will be eliminated.

Ok, let's go. There's our van.

The stick is where we've got to go.

Where are we going?

We're going to the Hacienda San Gabriel.

Just follow them.

Follow them. That's our advantage right now.

Dennis and Andrew,

you're team number .

All right. Good.

Oh, man.

Tramel, we've got to figure out

where we're going.

We could be going the wrong way.

Just keep going.

We've got the twins behind us.

Where are we?

Do you wanna ask?

Just follow them for now, Drew.

I've got a map.

Let me do some reading here for a second.

Just follow them while I read.

Por favor, dónde esta Puente de Ixtla?

It's Puente de Ixtla.

They're just stopped,

They're both asking directions.

You watch them, I'll read the map.

I can't see anywhere that we are going.

Just wait, wait on them.

Where the hell are we going?


Teri and Ian,

you're team number .


Oh, my God!

We gotta get in front of these girls.

All right. That's cool.


I can't drive this damn thing like she can.

Talicia: Hold on.

Wait, wait.

What's this dude telling you to do, Talicia?

I don't know, but he ain't telling nothing nobody can--

They just paved this road!


Oh! And we just got passed,

and they're telling us to stop.

Now, which way?

I think the clutch

just freakin' fell out of the car!

Watch it. We don't want to break down.

Be careful!

Ah, gah!

Talicia: Good. Thank you.

Tramel: We are so last place,

it's not even funny.

And we are in the middle of nowhere.

Can we follow you?

If you drive, we pay you $?

Hacienda San Gabriel de las Palmas.

Sí, we can follow?

After the gas station.Yeah.

Ok, uno, dos, tres!



Can you drive us?

Yeah. Ok.

Hacienda San Gabriel.

Just follow him.


The walk of shame is almost over.

So close.

Tramel and Talicia,

you are team number .


[both shouting at once]

Whoa! We're number !

We're number !


Thank you! Ohh!

Ah, yeah.

Ok, this doesn't look good now.

We're last, we're last.

We definitely weren't meant to win this thing,

for God's sakes.

We're not good at this game,

that's for sure.

Not good at all.

Cut us a break here, Mister.

No, the real break is if somebody else

is more lost than we got.

Let's run it. Come on.

Oh, no. There's Phil. Come on.

The moment of truth. Ok.

Derek and Drew,

you're team number .


Oh, my God.

You must be kidding me.

Oh, my God.

And you guys thought you were out?

Oh, without a doubt.

We're by far the worst at this game

amongst all these people.

Gina and Sylvia...

you are the last team to arrive.


I'm sorry to tell you, you have both

been eliminated from the race.

It's ok.

All right.

It's ok.

We did good.

You did good.

Gina: I'm proud of what we did.

We got here.

We ran that race.

And we gave it our best.


We wanted to run this race.

It's been a great experience,

but we would have liked to have gone farther.

Oh, gosh, yeah.

We were here to compete.

We wanted just to prove

that we could do something outside

of just what we do at our house.

And we did it.

Win or lose, go all out.

I tell my son-- he's --I go,

"You can be anything you want to be.

You can do anything you want to do."

So now he sees Mommy--

Try it.

I set a goal, and I went for it.

You know? It was an accomplishment,

no matter where we finished.

We're blessed.

We have families who love us, good friends.

We tried.

It's all right. It's ok.

We'll be fine.

Phil: Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.

Phil: On the next episode of "The Amazing Race,"

the frustrations of navigating Mexico

cause some team members to unravel...

Drew, instead of arguing with me,

tell me what to do.

while others simply loosen up.

Girls gone wild. Ha ha.

Phil: And for some, water is an enemy to the reckoned with.
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