03x02 - This Seems Like the Path Straight to Hell

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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03x02 - This Seems Like the Path Straight to Hell

Post by bunniefuu »

Phil: Previously on "The Amazing Race"...


teams set out from the Florida Everglades

on a race around the world for $ million.

Each team is made up of people

with a special relationship.

Some are family,

some friends,

and some dating.

Testing themselves...

and each other.

Zach? Go as fast as they're going.

Phil: Their first stop was Mexico City,

the most populated city in the world.

English, anybody?

Brothers Ken and Gerard

and the twins had trouble early on...

We got on the last bus.

and raced each other for the fast forward.

This is not cool. Come on.

Phil: Some teams braved a ,-foot skydive.

This is unbelievable!

We need to go skydiving.

Phil: And many of them struggled.

This is my biggest fear in life.

Phil: The final race to the finish required desperate measures...

It's really smoking under here.

to avoid elimination.

Ken and Gerard, who won the fast forward,

finished first.

After some close calls--

We're not good at this game. That's for sure.

Not good at all.

Phil: Derek and Drew stayed alive

with a second-to-last-place finish.

And soccer moms Gina and Sylvia

were the first team to be eliminated.

We did good.

teams are still in the race.

Who will be eliminated tonight?

Phil: This is the Hacienda San Gabriel de las Palmas,

a -year-old former monastery in central Mexico,

and the first pit stop in a race around the world.

Teams arrived here at the end of the last leg for a mandatory rest period

that allows them to eat, sleep,

and mingle with the other teams.

The teams waiting here

have no idea what's in store for them.

They have to figure out for themselves

how to get to the next yellow and red route marker

by solving clues they'll find

in sealed envelopes.

Now that the teams have had a chance

to size each other up in the first leg,

what rivalries will emerge?

And will the twins Derek and Drew,

currently in last place,

stay in the game or be eliminated?

Ken and Gerard,

who were the first to arrive at : A.M.,

will depart at : P.M.

Drive yourselves to Teotihuacan,

Find the Avenue of the Dead,

and you'll find your next clue

at the top of the Pyramid of the Sun.

Phil: Teams have to drive themselves miles

to the ancient city of Teotihuacan,

find the Pyramid of the Sun,

and climb steps to this route marker

at the top of the -story pyramid.

Let's go. We got the map.


We named our team Oh, brother,

so other people can say,

"Oh, brother, there they go again, they're passing us."

You have $ for this leg of the race.

Zach is a great, great navigator.

He's a great driver.

Zach is the perfect companion for this kind of journey.

Let's rock 'n' roll.

We're waiting for Arianne and Aaron,

who are the team behind us,

because hopefully with people

working with a map,

we can get there quicker.

Does it give us a city?


Aaron: There they are. I'm gonna go talk to them for a second.

Zach and Flo?

They're like really hardcore.

He's got the head flashlight on,

got the map all worked out.

You know, with pair of underwear in tow.

They're heterosexual platonic friends.

I guess there's a sense of sexual tension between them.

Like, why haven't they just done it?

Arianne: My thing is, then why haven't they just done it?

You want to follow us out to the highway?

Aaron: We'll follow you. Ok.

The teams behind us are going to do the same thing.

Michael: We've been long-distance dating

for a year and a half now.

Let's go.

Kathy: We've got a few options.

We either continue

the long-distance relationship,

one of us move, or we break up.

Hours of operation, A.M. To P.M.

John Vito and I have talked

about how the race

could change our relationship,

and we think that this is going to test us,

but we feel that it's only going to make us stronger.

If you think we're going wrong,

beep us or flash us.

I'll give you the high beams.

Good work, teammates!


Eve: Heather and I just graduated

from Harvard Law school.

We've lived together for the past years.

We've been roommates.

Heather: Down more.

There we go.

Aaron: It's all for one and one for all right now.

We're trusting Zach to lead us.

Kathy and what's-his-name

are behind us.

Kathy and Michael?


Kind of cool we just made up a half-hour,


which exemplifies my driving skills

are way above these fools'.

There's another van behind them.

We caught up with them.

I'm happy we're all together now,

and we're following each other.

Flo: They're totally lining up

because they figure we know where we're going.

Zach: 'cause we're faster,

smarter, and much, much better.

Is that it?

I think this is it.

Just saw the signs for the Pyramid of the Sun.

It doesn't open till : in the morning,

so we have to wait a little while.

This is a father's dream,

to do something like this with his son.

We're going to talk about this when I'm .

I found where the pyramid is.

I want to get out of the way here

so the other team doesn't follow us.

Let's go.

Teri: These boy teams, they don't have anything on us.

We want to show that being -ish

is not a terrible thing.


I found it on the map. All right!

We overslept, dude.

Phil: Andre and Damon, who had arrived in seventh place,

are now leaving the pit stop in ninth place due to a penalty.

In the previous leg,

all teams who chose the donkey cart detour option

were required to navigate a predetermined course

using a provided map.

Andre and Damon unwittingly

did not follow the map correctly,

resulting in a time advantage over other teams.

Andre and Damon have been penalized minutes for the time gained,

plus the standard

minimal punitive penalty of minutes

for a total penalty of minutes.

Let's go, dude.

Andre's stomach has been hurting.

It looks like he's coming down

with that Montezuma's revenge type symptoms.

I didn't get a chance to brush my teeth this morning.

T 'n' T coming through.

T 'n' T, all we need is a spark, baby!

We'll blow the house down.

Blow the house down.

We had tremendous bad luck in the first leg.

If my sister and I can overcome

that bad luck that we had,

I think we'll do all right.

Oh, God, Where are you going, people?

In this caravan,

it's Kathy and Michael and Jill and John Vito.

In front of us, we got Zach and Flo.

I don't know

if it's an official alliance yet,

but we certainly have bonded together

to edge out the twins, the Doublemints.

We're forming an alliance of everyone against the twins.

Aaron: 'Cause they're just too damn pretty.

Arianne: They seem to pose something of a physical threat.

Aaron: They don't need to win this race.

Look at us. We need to win this race,

and we're going to win this race.

Let's do it.

Other teams are probably a little soft

at the front of the pack.

All those couples up there.

We're going to try to get up there

and stay up there.

You want to read the fast forward here too?

Fast forward: To claim the fast forward, fly with the Voladores.

Phil: There's only one fast forward

on each leg of the race.

The first team that finds it

can skip all tasks and go directly to the pit stop.

However, once a team uses the fast forward,

that team can never use another one

for the rest of the race.

So they need to decide

when it's most advantageous to go for it.

In this fast forward, teams have to make their way

to the Museum of Anthropology

in Mexico City

and find a group of performers,

called the Voladores.

These Mexican daredevils are famous for a traditional local stunt

of climbing to the top of a -foot pole,

hanging by their feet,

and flying around the pole until they reach the ground.

The first team to climb the pole

and fly with the Voladores

will be able to claim the fast forward.

The pyramids are so far away.

There's no way we're going to get there by :.

Ok, so that's it. We're doing the fast forward.

Let's go.Yeah.

There wouldn't be a better end to this story

than to finish last

and then come back from behind.

Aaron: We felt like we were a lot closer minutes ago

to where we were supposed to be.

Now, we are out in bum ...

Where are we, dude?

Ken: The legal eagles just got here.

Hi. How are you guys?

Been driving for painful hours.

I'm disappointed.

I really thought he was some sort of, like,

uber-navigator, hardcore person.

Arianne: This does not seem like the way to--

anywhere. Anywhere.

This seems like the path straight to hell.

Aaron: We're stuck behind a lumber truck.

God bless it all!

You got to be kidding me.

Can this truck just let us go?

This is just scary.

Arianne: Come on, truck.

Is that a hotel?Yeah.

Go up in the hotel.

There should be somebody in there

that speaks some English.

I made the wrong turn.

My navigator was right. I was wrong.

Should have listened to him.

Signs coming up.

I don't know how we took a wrong turn, though.

Somebody else is here, too.

Want to just follow them?

You want to try to get there together?

It doesn't open till :.

Ok, let's get going.

The teams behind us are going to kick our ass.

Ok, come with us.

Sit in the middle. All right? Thanks, man.

So, I have to go that way, that way, that way?

Yeah. Gracias.

You seem to be communicating so well.

I just took it back to caveman times, you know.

Point, grunt, smile.

Let's not lead all these people to the wrong way.

Pirámide del sol. It's right there.

That way.

See you later, dude. We're taking the lead.

Here come some other people now, too.

Another van.

Look at all of these vans.

Jill: The girls are here? The freaking girls are here.

Tell me you're not annoyed.

Ken: It opens at :.

Look. What's up?

The pyramids. Where?

Oh, man.

Gerard: As we were running

up the Pyramid of the Sun,

John Vito and Rambette was on our tail.

And she passed us.

She looked like a spider walking up that pyramid.

She was like...

She was going like this.

Right there.

Time to hit the road. Next clue's far away.

San Marino Marina, Cancun.

Phil: Teams must travel more than , miles by bus

to the city of Cancun.

When they get there,

they'll have to find the San Marino Marina

and search for this route marker.

Travel from Mexico City to Cancun.

We cannot find the pyramids.

The signage here is pitiful.

These guys drive slow.

We should have been there an hour ago.

The fast forward says fly with the Voladores.

Quicker, Derek. Come on.

Right up there.

You must catch a bus at the T-a-p-o bus station.

Rambette and the Rock are ahead of us.

To the right, to the right!

Are they behind us?

Yep. Aaron and Arianne,

Flo and Zach, Kathy and Michael,

straight ahead.

Mexico libre?

No, I don't think so.

No, you're right, libre. I don't know, go libre.

I don't know.

Aaron: That's the free road.

Take this one. Take the pay.

Arianne: Take the pay?

Take the pay.

Take the pay. Zach did, too.

Heather: We went the wrong way.

We need to turn around.


All right, baby.

Way to tough it out.

Teri, you with me? Come on.

Another team coming out.

Let's see who's coming out.

Oh, it's teams.Yeah, baby.

All right. Good luck, fellows.

Good luck, teams.

They couldn't even look at us,

No eye contact was made or anything like that.

To see the dejection on their faces

as we're passing them-- Ian was hot.

I just gained energy out of seeing him look like that.

Dude, we caught them.Yeah!

They had hours on us. !

hours. Caught them!

Caught them and passed them!

Dennis: Can you believe those guys? They beat us here.

Damon: You're an angel, dude.

Thanks for your time, man.

This is good.

Derek: Is this it?

Drew: Yeah, yeah. Let's get out.

Buenos días.

This might be worse than skydiving.

Way worse. Oh, my God.

Imagine, going down is going to be

so much easier.

Get to the top. There's the clue box right there.

Looks good. I can go?

We had to climb up this metal pole

to fly with the Voladores.

It was at least feet.

But at this point, we're willing to do anything

to get out of the back.

Trying to get in first place

for tomorrow.

Don't look down.

Thank God I haven't had breakfast.

Keep breathing.

There it is, right over there. Tapo.

Right there is the T-a-p-o, the bus station.

, , .

Oh, my God.

Dude--upside down?

Man: Yes, upside down.

These guys are crazy!

Oh, my God.

The swinging part down was actually kind of fun. It was great.

Let's go, let's go!

Muchas gracias, señor.


You've won the fast forward.

Go directly to the next pit stop,

the Diamante "K" Bungalows in Tulum.

Phil: Having won the fast forward,

Derek and Drew can now skip all tasks

and go directly to the pit stop, the Diamante "K" Bungalows

in the town of Tulum.

How long back to the bus station?

minutes. I'll take you the fast way.

We need we need tickets to get on the bus.

Jill: Do you want to go to a ticket counter?

There's a counter right there.

Rambette! Rambette!

Find out what time the next bus leaves for Cancun.

Jill: :.

John Vito: He wants my identification.

Ah, bienvenidos. Tapo.

Aaron: We found the bus station.

John Vito: We got the tickets. Let's go.

We're on, we're on.

Gracias. Gracias.

Ken: We made it on the : bus.

We have a -hour ride.

Flo: Hold it.

Arianne: Over there, over there.

Flo: Departures.

Zach: You need tickets, though.

Departures is tickets, isn't it?

Michael: We got to ask them.

Dude, you ditched the girls.

Heather: We're going in.

Man: This is the place.

Look at this bus terminal.

Damon: He's the man.

That was huge, Gustavo.

Make sure you get us on the :, ok?

Yeah, I'm going for it.

Zach, you got it?

We found out we can get on the : bus.

You have our tickets?

I have our tickets.

We need to board. Which gate? Which gate?

We got there at minutes to :.

and the bus was leaving at :.

Damon: Here's the bus station.

Look at these buses, dog.

One of those is ours.

We're on a A.M. bus. We're out of here.

¿Qué número que board Cancun?

Heather and Eve are over there.

I don't know, but I need him to hurry.

I'm just so frustrated.

I went up to the guy and started hysterically crying,

trying to really work it so we got on that bus.

Please don't let the bus leave...

Let's go.

We got to get on that bus.

. Here's dos. Eve, Eve, dos.

tickets to Cancun.

This is emergencia.

We just missed getting on the first bus

by, like, minutes.

Not to make the bus, it hurt. It really did.

So :, right? Gate ?

Just go over here to the tickets.

Another team just came in.

The little gap that we had

between the teams behind us,

they caught up.

We get behind, and we catch up.

Now imagine what happens when we're even.

It's a new race all over again.

We did the fast forward.

You did the fast forward?

You got teams ahead of you.

You'll be in the top .

Ian was trying to tell us

you guys will probably get around

fourth or fifth.

I think we should get first.

Isn't that what the fast forward's all about?

Ian: The twins went for the fast forward.

They get to Cancun, they go right to the pit stop.

There's other teams that are on that bus that have to compete.

One's going to be eliminated. We're hoping it's not us.

Phil: Teams are on a -hour bus ride

from Mexico City to Cancun,

but they'll have to find the San Marino Marina

and their next route marker.

The first bus carries Ken and Gerard,

John Vito and Jill,

Aaron and Arianne,

Flo and Zach,

Michael and Kathy,

and Heather and Eve.

On the second bus,

/ hours behind the first,

are Andre and Damon,

Dennis and Andrew,

Teri and Ian,

Tramel and Talicia,

and Derek and Drew,

who will go directly to the pit stop,

having won the fast forward.

[tires screech]

What was that? Where are we?

I don't know, dude.

Somebody get on the phone!

Teri: We were just driving along,

and I had just woken up,

and all of a sudden, there was this crash.

The car hit us on the right side,

and the door doesn't open.

Hopefully, this doesn't delay us too much.

This whole fast forward's

going to just be worthless.

Fortunately, he had airbags.

We're ok and they're ok.

So, what's going to happen now?

Are we going to get a new bus?

Woman: It's about , minutes...

we're going to change it.

This is ridiculous, man.

Derek: I think everyone was freaking out.

Drew: Oh, yeah, how much farther behind

are we going to get from that lead pack?

Peanut butter and jelly!

Teri: We're changing buses.

Tramel: I guess this is good for the other teams

because they're going to get a good jump on us,

but we don't care about that.

Talicia: We don't care about that. Why?

This is team T 'n' T.

We only need a spark, and we'll blow the house down.

Blow the house down. Team T 'n' T.

It's been a long ride, but we're ready to go.

Aaron: Let's go, let's go.

Just run. Let's go.

Our taxi?

Where are the taxis?

Outside. Uh-huh.

Over there? Gracias.

San Marino Marina?

San Marino Marina? Sí.


We're not sure if we're going to need our bathing suits not today,

and we don't want to waste the time later to have to change into our bathing suits.

Ok. Ha ha! Whoo!

I actually enjoy being naked.

This is Cancun, people.

Everyone's topless, right?

Girls gone wild!

San Marino Marina.

Arianne: This is the marina?

Aaron: This is it!


Phil: A detour is a choice between tasks,

each with its own pros and cons.

In this detour, teams need to search

for one of route markers hidden in the water.

Their transportation choice: manpower or horsepower.

In manpower,

teams use a kayak to search a specific area for the clue.

Paddling the boat is physically demanding,

but the area they'll search is fairly small.

In horsepower, teams use a wave runner

to search a different area for the clue.

Riding the wave runner won't take much effort,

but the area they'll have to search is very large.

Where do we get the jet skis?

And search the area for the next clue.

Let's do the wave runner.

Let's team up because we can find stuff so much faster.

Let's go. I say we do the jet skis

and stick together.

I'll do the kayak. Why not?

Ok, do the kayak.

Michael and Kathy didn't do the skydive.

They did the donkey, and they picked the kayak.

So they always kind of take like the slow road.

I don't know if his cowardice

is going to get in the way

of her needing a big, strong man around.

Let's take two bags. Let's go, let's go.

It's up to you. Do you feel like you can paddle?

I can paddle. Let's go. Let's do the kayak.

I feel good with the kayaking.

Ready?No, no.

Can we get like bigger vests here for God's sake?

Where's big vests for fat guys?

Muy grande.

Come on! Let's go.

Arianne: That lagoon was so massive.

[engine stalls]

Go over there. Go.

Flo: Keep going. There's a thing over there.

Zach: There's a clue.

Flo: We've never been happier.

Zach: It was so awesome.

Phil: Teams must now land their water craft

at the Las Vilas Beach Club

and drive one of these vehicles miles to this ferry

which they'll have to take to the island of Cozumel

and get to Chankanaab Park

where they'll find the next route marker.

Zach: Let's go.

Wait. Hello! Can you take this?


Got to move! Let's go!

Which one you want?

Red. We like red, right?

This where we're going?


Who's that?

Aaron: We thought we were lost.

Arianne: I'm so glad we're back together.

Heather: Luckily, we found Arianne and Aaron.

We felt like so happy to see another team.

Ken: I felt like the queen of the Nile

in the back of the kayak.

The teams that were on the kayak were John Vito and Rambette,

ourselves, and Kathy and Mike.

Gerard: I think this is it. Yeah, yes. Forward.

Get yourselves to Chankanaab on the island of Cozumel.

Over there.

Eve: Right there.

Arianne: Yay!

John Vito: We just said let's get these kayaks back,

we'll get on the wave runners, and hopefully find the clue.

Aaron: You guys, thank God for you.

Eve: Yay!

We're gonna have to really pack it tight.

Isn't it awesome we're in first?

An hour and minutes we wasted.

We have to buy tickets on a ferry to Cozumel.



Whoo-hoo! Yay!

Flo: Let's go. Go to the ferry.

Cozumel. Ferry to Cozumel. :.

There it is. There it is.

To Cozumel?

You got to pay right here.

Let's go.

We're going to catch a ferry.


Eve: You pay. I'm gonna talk...

[Speaking Spanish]

Look at you.

What, are you taking a Sunday stroll? Let's move it.

We're trying to catch a ferry.

Ari, just come right around.

We're right here.

Let's just see if we can get on it.

Aaron: Oh, my God!

Cozumel, here we come, baby!

Arianne: Whoo!

Just missed that boat by--

a minute or two.

A minute or two.

Right there. Jeep.

We got the fast forward.

We just have to find a car with the marker on it

and proceed to the pit stop.

San Marino Marina.

Do you know where it is?

Yes. You better know where it is.

Muy rápido. Muy fast.

pesos? Ok.

Talicia: We're right now in a -way race...

not to be last.

Both: San Marino Marina.

Rip it open.

Go, go, go!


Manpower, horsepower?

We're going horsepower. Yup.

I think we do the wave runner.

Wave runner.

Wave runner.

How do I get it in gear?

Dennis: Here, Andrew, out here.

Kayaks or the wave runners. What do you want?

Wave runner. Ok.


Here's a van. Here's a van. Where?

Tramel: We're just spurting around.

Let's go!

You want to put a little bit

of the throttle into it?

I see it! You see it?

Yeah. That's it there.

There it is.

My big sis here carries

my fragile world on her back

because as soon as I start to get frustrated,

she's like, "Just calm down, Tramel. Just calm down."


Got to get on, girl.

Need to get to Chankanaab

on the island of Cozumel.

Got to get on, girl.

Let's go, dude.

Cozumel, here we come, baby.

Ian: Wait a minute. Wait a minute!

Ah! Finally.

Roadblock. Roadblock.

A roadblock is a task that only one person can perform.

In this roadblock,

that person has to put on a mask,

jump into this lagoon,

and swim among a family of dolphins

as they search for clues hidden in the water.

That person should be ready for the swim of a lifetime.

That's me.


Get yourself to Chankanaab on the island of Cozumel.

All right, ready?

Let me know when you're ready.

All right. I'm ready.

I was born ready.

Come on, girl.

I'm afraid we're out of it, Teri,

but we got to hang in there and keep fighting.

All right. Come on!


That person should be ready for the swim of a lifetime.

I'll do it.

Search for a clue hidden under the water.

Swim of a lifetime.

You want me to swim?

You want to swim?I'll swim.

I say, yeah, I'll go swim.

I forget I can't swim.

Heather: I'm going to do it.

Eve: Heather is doing the roadblock.

Come on, baby.

Look at this - swimming with the dolphins.

Heather, here. Aqui or no?

Arianne: I don't see it.

Aaron: You got this whole area.

You just got to move.

Eve: Go, Heather!

Flo: Go, "Z," go!


That way, that way!

Enter the dolphin pen from the marked platform

and search for a clue hidden underwater.

Flo: Oh, wow!

Kathy: Michael, go towards Zach.

Aaron: Arianne,

the dolphins might be close to the clue.


Return to your cars and drive yourself to the next pit stop,

the Diamante "K" Bungalows in Tulum.

Warning: the last team to check in will be eliminated. Let's go.

Phil: Teams must now drive miles to the town of Tulum

and find this place, the Diamante "K" Bungalows.

This Caribbean paradise

on the East coast of Mexico

is the pit stop for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in here will be eliminated.


Flo: Let's go, Zach! Way to go! Yeah!

Michael: I'm out of breath,

and I'm drinking saltwater

and I realize I might not be able to do this.


Flo: Hurry.

Tulum, Mexico, baby.

Eve: Go, Heather!

Return to your cars

and drive yourself to the next pit stop.

I can't quit, so I sucked it up.

Good job. Tough job.

Come on.

You did good.

I can't kayak. I can't skydive. I can't swim.

I can cook, though.

You can because you did it.

I'm in the best mood ever

because we are going to start whupping some butt.

Playa del Carmen, here we come.

Catch the ferry across the bay to Cozumel.

We're back in it, dude. I'm feeling good.

Gerard: All right!

Let's go.

Damon: Let's go, dude. We got to run.

The plan is to get into our car and drive ourselves to Tulum

as quickly as possible.

You got to get to the ferry?

Flo: Yeah. We're back already.

When I saw Damon and Andre running past us,

asking us if we were getting on the ferry,

I wanted to, like, jump for joy

because I realized they're fully hours behind us.

We need tickets for the ferry.

. American?

Close your pack. Close your pack.

Andrew, you're going to lose it again.

Please close it.

The dad in me wants to watch out for him,

but I hope we also kind of hit another level of relationship

to where we're friends and teammates.

Dos, por favor.

Dennis: We got the money. We got to get tickets.

Andre: This boat to Cozumel? ¿Sí?

Talicia and Tramel,

I guess they're not going to make this ferry.

Tramel: We got to go to Chaka Khan?


Why can't nothing be called Detroit?

That's the one where the Diamante cave.

Right now, we're just hoping

that we can just get straight

to the pit stop

as quickly as possible

and, hopefully, arrive first.

Who knows what's going on?

We have the fear of elimination

kind of the whole time so far.

Our whole thing now is

just don't make any mistakes.

Los bungalows Diamante "K."

[speaking Spanish]

Go straight, then to the left?

Every momentito counts at this point.

Aaron: Where are the girls?

[honks horn]

Arianne: They're behind us, yeah.

Drew: Are you sure you understood what he said?


Better get this, Derek.

Look at this road.

So you think, go back there,

go towards the--

What did you hear from them?

I heard that a sign on the fricking street.

Oh, God. Just shut up!

I'm saying, I didn't hear anything like this.

I heard we should take a left and go kilometers.

It seemed close to me.

So, Drew, instead of arguing with me,

tell me what to do.

Turn around? Yes, yes.


He say a left?

Yeah, right there,

bungalows, . kilometers.

All right. Let's go.

There's no guarantee of being first one in now.

I want to take the lead.

I want to get to the pit stop.

I want Arianne and I to hit that mat first.

Welcome to Tulum.

Thank you.

Derek and Drew, you're team number one.

Whoo! Yes!

We started this leg dead last.

We took a risk, and we went for the fast forward,

and it paid off.

The other teams are going to be really scared

to see us up front now, I hope.


We're going to Chankanaab.

You know where Chankanaab is? Taxi?

Fastest way you can go. Rápido.

Come on.

Aaron and Arianne, you're team number .

Both: Whoo!

We wanted to be first on the mat.

We are hell-bent on getting the Doublemints out of here.

They're an Abercrombie & Fitch campaign gone wrong.

Heather and Eve, you're team number .

Both: Oh!

Michael and Kathy, you're team number .

All right.

Flo and Zach, you're team number .

All right.

We got people behind us.

We're all neck-and neck.

It's making it very stressful.


We need to be in front of those cars.

Good job. Good job, senor.

Now we got passed.

It's competition, man.

Ken and Gerard, you're team number .

Both: Yeah.


All right. I'm doing it.

You go. Ok. You sure?

You got shorts.

You're going to dive with the dolphins.

Read that stuff.

Ian: Have to look for my clue.

I have to look for my clue.

Keep going. Keep going.

Come on. You ain't got time to play with the fish.

Good job.

Come on. Let's get the fins off.

Warning, last team to check in

will be eliminated!

Wherever they went, they got it.


John Vito and Jill, you're team number .

Yes. All right.


We have to drive like a bat out of hell

to beat those other groups.

Andrew: It's there. I see it.

Dennis: Ok.

We're getting to our car as quick as we can.

Ian: We're not going to quit.

Teri: Let's go.

Hopefully, it will be on the left side and we'll see signs here.

Andrew: Doesn't have a street name,

if that's what you're looking for.

Teri: Just drive.

Ian: I'm looking all the time now.

Did you see any markers or anything right there?

No, I didn't.

Dennis: We're just trying to get there.

Andrew: Watch left and right.

Watch for flags.

Andre and Damon, you're team number .

Yes. Yes. We did it.

Been a long journey, dog.

Long journey.

Andrew: Come on, Dad.

Dennis and Andrew, you're team number .


Good, good, good!

We're just hoping that we made the right turn.

Teri: Oh, I don't see which way the arrow goes.

Look at it.

I can't see.

Teri: You want to make sure we're going right.

Ian: I can't see.

Tramel: That's it.

Teri and Ian...

you're team number .



Phil: You are one of the last teams to arrive.

You think you can stay in this race right to the end?

I hope so. I'm gonna give it my best.

Never going to throw in the towel.

Well, we've been here before, Phil.

Let us have it.

Tramel and Talicia...

you're the last team to arrive.

You've both been eliminated from the race.

That's cool.

I wasn't even listening.

Tell us at the next pit stop.

You win some, you lose some,

some get rained out.

The victory isn't always in the win.

I'm proud of my sister

because we were able to do this together,

and even though we didn't persevere to the end,

we persevered to our end.

I hate to lose,

but you know I had a great time

while I was here.

I met great people.

I wish I could stay with them longer.

We had a blast. We had a blast.

Team T 'n' T,

we're all wet, no longer expl*sive.

And we're signing out.

Phil: Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.

Phil: On the next episode of "The Amazing Race"...

Derek and Drew unwind while other teams chase them down.

Aaron: It's a twin hunt.

Phil: Ken and Gerard find themselves up a creek

without a paddle.

And others take extreme measures to get to the pit stop.
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