03x03 - You Always Just Forget About Me!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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03x03 - You Always Just Forget About Me!

Post by bunniefuu »

Phil: Previously on "The Amazing Race"...

teams took off from this former monastery

and found themselves lost in Mexico.

So I have to go that way, that way, that way.

Phil: Tensions rose as Flo and Zach

led a group of teams down the wrong path.

Where are we, dude?

You've got to be kidding me.

This seems like the path straight to hell.

Phil: At the ancient Pyramid of the Sun,

a -story climb to the top took its toll.

Way to tough it out.

Phil: Twins Derek and Drew faced dangerous heights.

This might be worse than skydiving.

I know. It's way worse.

Phil: And claimed the fast forward...

Oh, my God! These guys are crazy!

Phil: but lost valuable time along with other teams

on a frustrating thousand-mile bus journey.

After some thrills...

Girls gone wild!

Phil: and some spills...

teams had to brave the deep to reach their next clue.

And some struggled.

You want me to swim?

I realized I might not be able to do this.

You did it.

Phil: Having won the fast forward,

Derek and Drew finished first

and Tramel and Talicia were eliminated.

You win some, you lose some.

Some get rained out.

Phil: Now teams remain.

Who will be eliminated tonight?

Phil: This is Tulum, a Caribbean paradise on the east coast of Mexico,

and at the edge of the Atlantic Ocean, the Diamante K bungalows,

the second pit stop in the race around the world.

Teams arrived here at the end of the last leg for a mandatory rest period

that allows them to eat, sleep, and mingle with the other teams.

The teams waiting here have no idea what's in store for them.

They have to figure out for themselves

how to get to the next yellow and red route marker

by solving clues they will find in sealed envelopes.

Will Aaron and Arianne gain support from other teams

in their campaign to get rid of the athletic twins?

And will Teri and Ian, currently in last place, be eliminated next?

Derek and Drew, who were the first to arrive

at : P.M., will depart at : A.M.

"Tally-ho, it's time to cross the pond.

"So fly to England."

Phil: Teams must now travel more than , miles to London, England.

When they arrive, they will have to make their way

to the city of Cambridge and find this route marker

in front of a local business name Scudamore's.

"You have $ for this leg of the race."

The greatest thing about being twins is we think very much alike.

, . Let's go.

All rightie. Let's hit it.

We have our own language. You don't have to verbally communicate.

And you can tell what each other is thinking.

"As you fly to England,

"make your final exit out of Mexico from Mexico City."

Take that.

Start counting it.

We sort of took on a little bit of like a leadership role.

Now, we're kind of looked at as being leaders, being strong.

Arianne: We are going to chase those twins down and tell them who is boss.

We always seem to be in the first pack.

It breaks down into Zach and Flo and Eve and I

and Aaron and Arianne and Michael and Kathy.

And we all sort of want to get the twins out of the way.

Route info.

Being in Mexico is great because it symbolizes

where Michael and I met, which was in Cancun.

It's a little bit different obviously

because we're here for a different reason.

But, you know, we're too tired to get all romantic.

It was still kind of cool going back to the scene of the crime where it all began.

I feel like Zach is the kind of guy that, like,

if I'm gonna be with him, it would be, like, for a long time.

He's, like, marrying material.

I don't want to get involved with him

and have it just be, like, some silly little fling.

He's like a really good person and a good guy,

and he could be great in the long run.

Best-case scenario, we're the only ones

on the first flight out of here.

A lot less stressful when you're in front.

That's not a stop sign.

Ok. We should just park all in airport parking.

When you're stuck in a race like this,

you kind of bond, like being in a w*r.

Outside the w*r, maybe I don't click with these people.

Inside the w*r, I'm clicking

so might as well go with it until they get on my nerves,

then I'll just shut them out.

Our competition, I think, it has to be the couples that are out in front.

Strong, they're beautiful, and they're in the lead.

We're a little bit behind.

We're not as good-looking.

We're not as physical.

But we've got spunk.

We've got spunk.

Flight . Mexicana. .


Should we do that first?

Where is Mexicana?

I don't know.

Well, maybe the twins are here.

You guys, it's all about lying to the twins all day.

Twin hunt starts now.

Twin hunt, twin hunt.

It's a twin hunt!

Whoever captures a twin gets a prize.

Everybody in that alliance is against the wonder twins.

They're not even talking to them.

Everyone is against the wonder twins.

They think they're a big threat to them, so it's like,

Oh, and we're not a big threat? So, screw them. Let's go, Gerard!

Whoo! Yeah.

Jill isn't your typical girl.

She's a little ballsy.

Jill: We need to get to London,

and we have to connect out of Mexico City.

We're gonna try to just get to Mexico City

and then hopefully get on--British Air

or bigger carriers out of Mexico City.

We're all looking for the fastest flight to Mexico City.

Can I ask you a question?

No more space? Let's go.

It's really difficult to book tickets.

The earliest flight possible.

This one leaves at :.

Too many cooks in the kitchen.

Go out that way.

We need to book a flight to Mexico City.

Do you have anything available?

Do you fly to Mexico City?


Let's go, dude.

We need to improve in order to move forward.

We're not making any emotional, impromptu decisions anymore.

The fact that I'm gay, I think, has always sort of been a problem

in our relationship, but now, racing around the world together,

I think he really has realized that Andrew's pretty tough.

He can take care of himself.

Any ideas how to get to Mexico City?

Once we get to Cancun, try to find the quickest route.

Ask several different airline carriers.

All right. Let's get this going.

There was a couple times

I felt that we were going to be out of it.

We're just not going to quit.

We're going to go the distance.

I hope we catch up with the other teams there

and it's a level playing field.

We have to set that good example for our children that you never give up.

The most important thing is booking tickets.

Before we get on a plane, I want to have something booked.

Going all the way to Heathrow.

If we don't book the tickets,

then the people getting here after us

are gonna book them while we're in the air.

We had a big dilemma in the Cancun airport because

we had to decide whether to catch an earlier flight that would get us into Mexico City,

a bigger airport, where we could, perhaps, book more flights,

or stay in the Cancun airport and try to book the whole way through to London.

Then right as we're about to get on the plane,

of the teams, us, and Heather and Eve,

decide to stay in Cancun and book a flight all the way through to London.

Aaron: All the other teams are gonna book.

Michael: So you want to wait here?

Heather and Eve--I don't like chicken heads

barking in my ear.

We're gonna book you guys tickets.

We were so relieved when we dumped of the teams

and it's just us and Aaron and Arianne, like dumping baggage.

It's available.

I have two seats.

Perfect. Let's book it.

Flights to Mexico City.


Ok. And what time--

can we get tickets for that, please?

We were in the back of the pack,

but we caught up at the front with the groups.

We need tickets to Mexico, to Paris, then Paris to London.

Ok. Let's go ahead and reserve it.

That's it. We've got the plane.

We're gloating.

We shouldn't be gloating yet.

We need to get on a British Airways flight,

there is one that arrives in Paris at :

that Ken and his brother Gerard got the last tickets on it,

so it sucks because we're losing time.

And we could have booked it this morning.

Phil: Ken and Gerard, John Vito and Jill,

and Andre and Damon are flying to Mexico City.

Only Ken and Gerard have confirmed tickets all the way to London via Paris.

Yes. We need tickets to Mexico City,

and then we need to go from Mexico City to Heathrow.

You don't go to Mexico City?

We need to get to Mexico City as quick as we can.

Do you have the one through Paris?

Can we book on that one?


Yeah, we're going through Paris.

We are back in Mexico City.

Aaron: We are getting to England

because I don't want those twins

to have that much of a lead on us.

London. We need to go to London.

We need to go to London.

Can we get on a Miami flight?

Yeah. Oh, good.

Hurry up.I don't see anybody.


Is that the absolute best we can do?

Thank you very much, senorita.

God bless you.

I'm years old. I'm the oldest guy in this race,

and I want to be there at the end.

I really want to compete.

I don't want to throw in the towel.

I'm really starting to have a lot of fun.

The : is full?

Yes. Oh, no.

Oh, God. Please let it be open.

Please let there be flights available.

Please help me.

My mother's very, very sick.

I'm trying to get home to her as soon as possible.

I was real proud of Andrew.

He jumped on the phone and started calling.

I thought that would be something he'd kind of relegate to myself,

but he jumped right in there and started doing it himself,

even though he hadn't had the experience.

There is one that leaves tonight from Miami.

Goes to Paris and arrives in London.

Andrew: I'm asking for help.

Andrew, Andrew.

I don't know what to do.

If he wants to be a jerk, he can be one, ok?

We don't have to be.

Andrew: When you're a cheerleader, you really learn that,

even when your team is down by points,

you've got to keep going no matter what.

The game is not over yet.

I'm going to jump higher, scream louder, and keep this game going.

Thank you very much, Margarita.

You have been very, very helpful.

We're still hanging in there.

We still have hope. We still got some options.

If we can still get to Heathrow

and pick up the fast forward, we could still be in this race.

Michael: Oh, there's no seats.

What the hell we gonna do?

Aaron: We got to the airport in Miami,

but, "Sorry, the plane is full.

You don't have boarding passes."

We couldn't get on the flight.

Aaron: We had tickets for economy class,

but they were nice enough to pull some strings

and get us into business class.

Business class.Club world, baby.

Thank you so much.

Phil: Teams must make their way to the city of Cambridge

and find this route marker

in front of a local business named Scudamore's.

We've got to go all the way to the front, he said.

That's Cambridge, right there.

Derek, there's the flag. There it is.

Ok. Detour.

Punt or bike.

Phil: A detour is a choice between tasks,

each with its own pros and cons.

In this detour, teams need to choose between ways

of getting to the clues dangling beneath Magdalene Bridge.

The transportation choice, punt or bike.

In punt, teams travel along the river cam

in a traditional English boat known as a punt.

With only a pole and a paddle to navigate the boat,

teams will travel slowly, but the ride to the bridge is only one mile.

In bike, teams travel along a marked course

through the city of Cambridge on tandem bicycles.

Teams are likely to go much faster than the boats

but the ride to the bridge will be nearly miles.

Want to punt?

Yeah. Look at how they do that.

You want to do that?

That looks like more fun.

I think it's a lot easier to keep going straight down a river.

Drew, you better start making better use of that pole.

The pole's the hard part.

Drew, Drew, you gotta get on the side,

you got to learn how to steer.

Come here.

I got it, Derek. Just sit there, ok?

We've got to get out of here.

Cambridge. There it is. .

That's the one.

Stop it.

We have been having a lot of fun with each other now.

I think being pushed to the top of the heap

really gave us a boost that we needed badly.

See? Oh, boy, there's clues hanging there.

"Make your way to Cambridge and catch charter buses

to Aberdeen, Scotland."

Phil: Teams must travel more than miles

by charter bus to the city of Aberdeen, Scotland.

The first bus departs at : P.M.,

the second bus leaves / hours later,

and the third bus departs hours after the first.

So getting on the first bus is critical.

Once in Aberdeen, teams will have to get

to the route marker in this field in the highlands of Scotland.

How many hours do we have?

hours to catch the bus?

We might as well have lunch.

There it is.

Detour, detour.

Oh, damn. We've both got to do it.

Punt or bike?

We're tired. We don't want to do either.

Let's do the punt.

Ok. We're going to punt.

That's it.

First bus to Aberdeen.

It's everyone against the twins.

Excuse me. Oh, sorry, sorry.

Do you know what you're doing?

I think so. You've just got to steer us.

No. You're doing the steering.

That's what you do.

Watch, watch.

We're not very good at this.


Punt or bike."

I don't want to do a tandem bike.


It's way too corny.

And I ain't the corny type.

You are corny.

I live by rules,

and I don't ever want to be seen on a tandem bike.

That's a poor excuse not to do it.

What do you want to do? Bike.

You want to bike? Yeah.

Let's do it. Bon voyage!

Yeah, we're going to bike.

Good choice. Have fun.

Mike, this is not working.

What do you mean, "Don't worry"?

No, I don't want to just lay down.

I think this is a good choice.


We're making good time.

[cheers and applause]

Ken: Oh, man! Oh, that made my day.

I think we go that way.

It looks like we go the opposite way

from where the water starts.

Oh, they're riding the bike--Arianne and Aaron.

We caught them?

Come on, come on.

There is a clue. There's the clue box.

"Detour. Punt or bike."

Let's go.

Punting together.

Sorry, sir.

I'm not actually aiming for you.

This was a bad idea.

Maybe we should bike.

What do you mean?

We haven't made it very far at this point.

So let's get out of here, then.

Swim, fella! Swim!

Get your fat ass up and work. I'm tired.

Kathy: We gotta quit bumping 'cause it's starting to bug me.


I'm in so much pain on this thing.

I just need you to not complain and help me if you can.

Eve: Heather and my relationship right now is very interesting.

We fight about everything.

We just bicker. It seems that

every time I say something, Heather doesn't hear me.

"...catch charter buses to Aberdeen, Scotland."

Where is it?

This is it?

Flo: This might be it. We've arrived.

Kathy: Ok, start turning it.

I'm just going to grab one.

Mike and Kathy. There they are.

What's up, y'all?

Hello, hello.

All right, fine. Can we go down on a boat?

Come on.

Do you want to get this for us or no?

"Aberdeen, Scotland."

The charter buses will leave at : P.M. And P.M.

We've got to make the :.

You guys, we're gonna run because we want to catch the...

I'm in pain, damn it.

I'm sitting on this horrible wooden thing.

Do you want me to stand up?

Yeah, you have to.

Heather, I can't really run.

Eve: Heather and I are carrying so much crap in our bags.

It's a lot of weight on my back, and it ends up I have a pulled muscle.

I just don't think we need half of it.

What I'm saying is I can't run this way.

If you want to carry some more of my stuff,

then, I tell you, I can run.

We're taking a cab right now. Taxi, sir.

What I'm saying is, What can you carry

from my bag that can help me run?

Honestly I can't carry anything.

I'm carrying more of my stuff.

My bag is twice as heavy as yours right now. Do you agree?

What I'm saying is it's hard for me, too, and my back is hurting.

I'm just trying not to complain.

Just don't ask me to run.

I'll go as fast as I can.

Ken: We feel like the twins. They're outsiders.

I think a lot of the teams saw the twins

as just some pretty boys that really didn't have a lot of brains.

Gerard: These guys are bright and they're fast.

And let's face it,

twins have a thing going on.

They have a connection.

It would be so great

if we just had a few teams on the first bus.

That would be awesome.

I see it!

All right.

Zach, I can't.

Zach: All right. I'm gonna go get it from the other side.

We're gonna get it from the top.

Wait! Dude, help me, please! Help me!

Here you go. Ready?

Flo: Oh, good idea.


Sorry I yelled at you,

but you really left me on a boat after I crawled out there.

You just forget about me. You always just forget about me.

"Charter bus will leave at : P.M."

We've got to get on the :.

This is the : one, right?

This is the :.


Gerard: That's Arianne and Aaron.

They made it. We were hoping

they would be stuck in Miami for a couple of hours.

Hello! Ha ha!

How's it going, buddy?

You did it. You made it.

Aaron: Did you guys run a little bit?

We need to catch a train to Cambridge.

John Vito: We don't know where anyone is. There are some teams--

we have no idea if they're ahead of us or behind us.

We need to get on a train to go to Cambridge.

I had a feeling we'd never see each other again.


[teams greeting each other]

I think we're the last team at this point.

I'm telling you, this is an exercise in futility.

Derek: It was so quiet, it lasted for--

Oh, God. The whole group's back.

It's time to get back to work, I guess.

Relaxing is over.

This is going to be a long, long bus ride.


That is a good feeling, people.

We're all caught up now, and all that hard work has been erased.

Our objective on this leg of the race

was to pursue the twins.

And here we are.

And here we are. No more advantage.

They've got nothing but good looks and straight teeth.

Derek: There's a lot of strategy being talked about with all these teams now.

It's kind of crazy.

I just love hearing what they're all saying,

with alliances and whatnot.

So we hope to God they all stick together.

I think that they will all end up looking

pretty foolish in the end about that.

I think we should punt.

For one mile.

Jill: Going a little left, babe. All right...

I see clues hanging under the bridge, on the right.

You see?

Don't fall out of the boat.

Got it.

"The charter buses will leave at :, :, and :."

You know where Parker's Piece is?

John Vito: We knew we only had minutes to make that : bus.

You guys know where Parker's Piece is?

Is Parker's Piece this way?

Parker's Piece?

Jill: Is Parker's Piece up here?

Do you know where Parker's Piece is, ma'am.

Excuse me. Do you know where Parker's Piece is?

Does anyone know?

Is Parker's Piece this way or how far?

John Vito: I'm so tired with that pack on my back.

I just wanted to give up, and she was awesome.

Jill: This way, this way, this way!

This way? Ok?

That's it. Baby, we did it.

We ran our hearts out to make that : bus.

That was the break that we needed.

Just to get ahead of the teams that were behind us.

Punting it is.

Ok, go.

Straight ahead, straight ahead.

Where is the box? The box is up here. Let's go.

Detour. Open it up.

What do you think? Do you want to punt?

Let's punt.Ok. Let's punt.

Which street is that right there?

Can anybody help me?

Dude, we're going to be out here all night.

Ian: Turn around.

Teri: Turn around, how?

Face me and paddle.

It doesn't say how you got to do it. It just said, Do it.

Don't you know how to paddle a canoe?

Andre: Whoo-hoo! We're not last.

"Catch the charter buses to Aberdeen, Scotland."

Teri: Why are we pulling up here?

Ian: 'cause this is probably the bridge.

There is no sign.

I can't see, Teri.

But there's no sign.

Teri, I need to look at the map again.

How are you going to see it?

There are the clues, Teri, hanging down from the bridge.

I see them. Let me drift another second.

I got it.

Here is one flag, dude.

We're on the bus on our way to Aberdeen,

and we are so psyched--Scotland.

We're the only team on the bus,

and the next bus is hours behind us.

I feel much better now.

We're pretty happy about it.

We're psyched.

Hey! Ian.

We caught you.

When we got to the transit stop for the charter bus,

we ran into Andre and Damon, which means we are not last, we are tied for last.

It's beautiful.

Andrew: When we got to London, there was no question.

We went straight for the fast forward.

Phil: There is only one fast forward on each leg of the race.

The first team that finds it can skip all tasks and go directly to the pit stop.

To claim this fast forward,

teams have to find

the Duxford Imperial Memorial w*r Museum in Cambridge

and drive a w*r t*nk through a b*ttlefield obstacle course.

The first team to complete the course

in seconds or less will win the fast forward.

Andrew: We have no idea where the other teams are,

so we're crossing our fingers.

Our only chance is the fast forward.


Phil: Teams must now hire a taxi to the town of Stonehaven

and find the route marker in this field in the highlands of Scotland.

We need to go to Stonehaven.

Do you know where Stonehaven is?

We got to go fast down to Stonehaven.

As fast as you can.

Sorry to be in such a hurry.

We're trying to beat all these other teams.

Attaboy! Good going!

Flo, Flo, Flo! This one.


Yeah, right near the harbor, near the castle.


We're in a big hurry.

Arianne: I really have it out for the twins right in front of us.

Aaron: We don't want them to get any ground on us.

They're cocky.

This leg's really just about

chasing the twins down and surpassing them.

Perfect, like we're doing right now.

Ha ha! We love it.

Let's see if we beat them.

Oh. See you.

See those little twins in there? Beat these rats.

These cabs are passing us. Stay up on these guys.

We're slowly getting into last place.

Tell me when we're on David Street.

Uh-oh. Aaron is getting away from us.

Why is he going a different way?

Oh, god. Everyone took another way than we did.

You're sure we're going the right way, right?

Another team just went the wrong way. Good.

Ken: Flo and Zach.

Someone's behind us. I can't tell who it is.

Gerard: That's the twins, Derek and Drew.

And this is the legal eagles ahead of us.

Gerard: See the yellow flag? Yellow and red flag?

There it is. It's right down there.

Heather: Take a right.

Eve: Don't let us get out until we see flags.

Straight ahead. Drive straight.

Straight, straight.


Eve: They're in back of us, I think.

Can you back up into that big field?

Derek: Go straight, straight.

Through the field right there.

I see the flags.

There are some people down there.

Where is the clue box?

Gerard: We missed the clue boxes right in front of the car.

Our cabbie blocked the clue box.

Heather. Right there. It's right here.

Heather: Eve, where are you?

Right here.

Oh, it's a road block.

Road block.

Road block.

Phil: A road block is a task that only one person may perform.

In this road block, that person has to complete

three traditional Scottish events played in what's called the highland games.

In the caber toss, they will have to throw

a pole called a caber, making it

topple end over end

and land within the designated lines.

In the hammer throw, they'll have to throw

a heavy, traditional bowl-shaped hammer

and have it land inside the box marked on the ground.

In the shot put, they will have to toss

a heavy rock forward as many times as it takes

to reach the finish line of the event,

at which point the team will get their next clue.

"...only one person to perform.

"That person should be feeling a bit gamey."

I can do it.

You go, you go. Ok, I'll go.

I guess I'll do it.

Ok. That's fine.

Come on. Up here. Go up there!

Go, go, go, go!

All right. So here we are.

Who's doing it? You do it.

All right. I'm ready.

Up and over, Ken.



Look for a box.

All right. Right here is good.

Thank you.

Are you feeling gamey?

I'll do it. Let's go, let's go!

"...person should be feeling a bit gamey."

It's gonna be some kind of a game of some sort.

You do it.

Drew: Don't worry. Take your time, Derek. Come on.

Just go do it, where Heather is.

It has to get between the lines,

the whole thing?

Whoo! Whoo!

Let's go! What's the next one?

Whoo! Whoo!

Good. All right!


From this? Yep. Top...

has to land on the yellow?

Yes, yes!

Go, go, go. Go!

Drew: Come on, Derek.

Yes, yes!Go.

This is the actual put?

Yes, go, go. Just pick it up.

Drew: Get it! Get it! Derek, come on.

Read it, Derek. Come on. Let's do it.

"Route info."


"Check in at the next pit stop, the chapel at Dunnottar Castle."

Go, go, go, go, go!

"You must exit this field at the marked fence post.

Warning: The last team to check in will be eliminated."

Come on. Hurry up, man.

Phil: Teams must now race on foot to Dunnottar Castle.

Rising hundreds of feet above the crashing waves of the North Sea,

this -year-old fortress is the pit stop for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in here will be eliminated.

The castle? What is it?

It's got to be down there.

I think we're going too far now.

You think so...Yeah...


Andrew: The fast forward is basically our last chance to get back in the race.

Dennis: So, we're doing a figure , effectively.

You will be against the clock

and you're looking at / minutes or less.


Dennis: Now, you've only got one chance.

You've got to gamble big to win big.

We gambled big 'cause we knew it was do-or-die.

Andrew: I'm so proud of my dad for driving that t*nk so quick.

All right! Yeah!

He flew through that obstacle course.

I don't think anybody could have done it that easily on the first try.

"Congratulations. You've won a fast forward.

"Go directly to the next pit stop,

"the chapel at Dunnottar Castle in Stonehaven, Scotland.

The last team to check in will be eliminated."

Let's go! Ha ha!

Phil: Having won the fast forward, Dennis and Andrew can now skip all tasks

and go directly to the pit stop in a chauffeur-driven limousine

to celebrate their b*ttlefield victory.

Can we open the trunk?

We get to ride in a limo and just relax.

And we've got a bottle of wine!

For the ride! Wine!


Now it's just chill time.

No matter what happens, we're chilling.

We've got the fast forward,

we're in a limo, and we're driving to a castle.


Aaron, this is hard.

Oh, man.

Come on.

We've got to come in second.


Shot put, shot put shot put.


This thing - why is it taking him so long?

It's hard. I think I'm a little bit too strong.

Whoa, ho!

Flo: Ok. Do the next thing.

Heather: Yes!

This is the shot put, the stone?


You have to throw it overhand.

Welcome to Stonehaven, Scotland.

Thank you.

Derek and Drew, you're team number one.

Whoo! Whoo!

No fast forward.

The fact that there is an alliance

is definitely making it more fun and interesting.

It's great. Now, it's like this force that you have to beat.

It's fantastic.

Now we have, like, an opponent.

Whoo! Go, quick, quick.

Give me all this.

Arianne: "Check in at the next pit stop.

The chapel at Dunnottar Castle."

Yeah, that's it. See those big flags?


Flo: Yeah!

Good job, Z.

Just go, Ari. Go.

This is "Enter," Eve. Eve, we have to go this way.

Over here.Over there.

Surprised to see us, Phil?

Ken and Gerard, you're team number .

Yeah. We did it!

Thank you much.

"That person should be feeling a bit gamey."

You want me to do it?

I'm really winded. That was hard.

Michael: Yay! Kathy: Thank you.

Phil: Flo and Zach, you're team number .

All right.

All right. Shot put?

Phil: Aaron and Arianne, you're team number .



Michael: We go to the castle.

I think the other teams only got minutes on us.

It's ok.

Phil: Heather and Eve, you're team number .


Phil: Michael and Kathy, you're team number .

It's good enough.

Thank you.

Andrew: Kentucky boys never quit. We're gonna do very well.

Dennis and Angel are really fast.

We drove that t*nk across a lot of grass.

We're so fast, we're going to kick your...

beep. Heh heh.

I can't say, "ass" in front of my dad. Ow!

All right. How do you feel? Ok?

I'm nervous.

Road block. Road block.

Do you want to do it?I'll do it.

Do I need a lot of muscles for this?

John Vito: You've got that right.

Probably would have been smarter

if he had done it.

All right. Hold that a sec. Whoa!

Watching Jill hold that pole--

the pole was, like, times longer than she was

and she was hoisting it over her shoulder.

John Vito: Yeah, baby, good job. All right.

John Vito: Baby. Hoo-ah!


"Last team to check in will be eliminated."

Let's go!

John Vito and Jill, you're team number .

Yes! All right.

Ian: I'm still hoping that we're not totally back of the pack

but accepting the fact that we probably are.


This one's hers.On your back, girl.

Road block.Road block.

"Only one person.

That person should feel a bit gamey."


Ian: Try it again. Come back to it.

Teri: I can't.

Don't give me instructions.


It was your choice not to do it.


I thought you were going to do the road block.

Road block.

Ian: Come on, Ter, they're on our butt.

I'm trying, dear.

Do you want me to play?

Yeah, why don't you go?

Ian: There you go!


All right, Teri! All right.

One time, baby.


Andre: There you go. There you go.

Good job. Go get it.

Ian: Way to go, Ter! Go! Go! Go!

Andre: Good job, baby.

Pick it up again. Throw it again.

Go. Go get it! Go get it. Go get it!

"Last team to enter will be eliminated."

Ian: Well, we gave it our best shot, dear.

Phil: Andre and Damon, you're team number .

All right. We maintain our spot.

Phil: Teri and Ian...

you're team number .

Oh, we're team number !

We made it, we made it.

Scotty, beam me up. All right!

What a pleasure, sir.

There it is. Dunnottar Castle, left.

Yes, yes.

Welcome to Stonehaven, Scotland.

Thank you.

Phil: Dennis and Andrew...

you're the last team to arrive.

I'm sorry to tell you that you have both been eliminated from the race.

Good job, Dad.

Andrew: Throughout the race,

the biggest thing I wanted to change

was I wanted my dad to see me as an adult.

I have always been his little boy and his child,

and I just turned , you know?

I'm stepping out on my own.

I'm my own individual now.

Andrew, buddy, you know I love you,

and I'm so glad you came to me that one night

and said, "Dad, we've got to do this race."

And we've done it. We made the race.

Gosh! If you ever come up with another adventure,

remember dear old dad. I'm game.

Andrew: I appreciate that.

Ok. Sure. Good job.

I love you, Son.

Phil: Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.

On the next episode of "The Amazing Race"...

The gloves are off now, the race is on.

Ian defines ugly American.

Phil: Teams invade the streets of Portugal.

Everybody, watch out! American driver.

Phil: And every moment counts in the final sprint to avoid elimination.

You've got to do this now.

This is where we suck it up. Hoo-ah!
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